study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Did my psychology homework today, and we did Byron in English, which I actually quite enjoyed.
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
Hiya! I noticed the Muji pens in your photos are the old version that have a shorter tip compared to how the ones they sell now look and I found the old version more comfortable for my fingers so I was wondering where you got them because I can’t find them anywhere anymore
They are just really old, I bought so many like 5 years ago cause I don’t have a muji near me, so I’m still working through them, not looking forward to having to replace them though.
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Pretty chill today, English was super chill which is always nice at the end of the week, going to spend the evening reading with a hot drink I think 🤔
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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It’s Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Did 3 hours of English today, and somehow my brain isn’t mush? I also finished a book I really enjoyed, so I think I balanced my day quite well 😊
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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I’ve actually stuck to my revision timetable today, and got quite a bit done, feeling good about this plan of action. I’m going to ace these mocks ☺️
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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My mental health got a bit worrying, but I’m good again and hopefully posting more consistently. Need to pull my socks up cause I’ve got mocks in January and I’ve barley looked over anything once I made my notes on it…
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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First day back was actually really good 😊
Day 13, 14 and 15
The most productive thing I did today was actually starting revising sociology, it’s productive cause I’ve been procrastinating it so much… woops
The reason why I decided to study my subjects is because I’m just really interested in how and why we are the way we are and also I am a huge bookworm so it felt like it made sense.
To declutter physically I need to use up all the candles I own. It’s embarrassing how many I’ve bought and never used, so this winter that’s my goal, to use up what I have before buying more.
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Taking it chill today, as I know this half term is going to be hard (I always find the darker months more challenging) but did do something so feeling happy about that!
Day 10, 11 and 12
I only created my account in September in hopes that it would motivate me to keep working, and it does help when I just need that little push to get started.
The picture above shows my study space 😂
The last person I held hands with was my best friend, her love language is physical touch, so I try to show her affection in that way (with her consent)
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Finally got my November spreads done, I know the theme is a little spring like, but I like it 😊
Day 7, 8 and 9
I think a person’s actions is what defines them, how you actually are when you have to be.
There are many facets of feminism, and there is one that almost everyone could fit into, you may not agree with some facets but others you will. (Liberal, intersectional, radical, Marxist etc.)
Right now I would be so happy if I had some Pepsi max
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Studying on my bed today, as motivation is low. Really struggling to finish this half term, I’m just so exhausted 😴
Day 3, 4, 5 and 6
(Book genres) I’m interested in anything really, except for like extreme horror (but I’m a baby so most thrillers/horrors are too scary for me)
My last life changing revelation was a quote I read which basically said ‘the world owes you nothing, and equally you owe it nothing.” Just reminds me that I can do what makes me happy, I don’t owe anyone anything.
I haven’t got a picture but I did have some melon today, and it was glorious!
I procrastinate so much, especially if I think is boring or I find it difficult… currently doing what I’ve been procrastinating, so I guess that’s a win?
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Went to meet up with a friend today, was really nice seeing her 💗 also I want to do the @tranquilstudy challenge (even though I’m a day late) so hopefully it will be fun!
1) I’m currently studying English, sociology and psychology at a-levels, I’m a mature student. After a long battle with mental illness, I’m actually in a really good place finally. I hope that this challenge will be a snapshot of my life during a pretty hectic time 😮‍💨
2) The last book I finished was Horrid, I liked it but the ending made no sense.
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Still have a headache, but managed one of my lessons today, just gotta catch up now…
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Didn’t go in today as I had a really bad headache, but I did do some English, so not totally wasted. But I’m going to chill now and hope that a break will help my head.
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Just gotta keep on grinding
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Another day, another rainbow 🌈
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study-with-lowri · 2 years
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Saw this cute little guy in our lavender today, simple magic 🪄
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