strvng2death · 25 minutes
New plan… walk like crazy to burn off cals.
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strvng2death · 15 hours
Need to be so thin another thigh fits in my thigh gap.
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strvng2death · 16 hours
Anyone have any diets that are extreme restrictive? Under 400 cals for the days w cals if that makes sense.
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strvng2death · 1 day
No calorie update for today because i kept binging and already had enough breakdowns…
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strvng2death · 1 day
B/ping anything I eat today and then restrict tomorrow hopefully. I dont eanna get sucked into a b/p cycle again I already have so many cavities and rotting teeth.
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strvng2death · 2 days
I’m too far gone to recover. I’m telling my friend. I feel so sad. I think ill just not eat for the next few days… or minimally. Only one small meal, less than 200 cals. I wish i would die from this disorder already. Im too sick to recover anyway. There is no point
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strvng2death · 2 days
Binged today because of my stupid fucking mum. I’m gonna start denying fast food, say it makes me sick. I’m not eating that stupid high calorie dogshit
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strvng2death · 3 days
Staritng a fast cuz i feel like shittt
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strvng2death · 3 days
Why the fuck would you ever think it’s okay to call a meal I ate grosspo? Wtf is wrong with you.
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strvng2death · 3 days
My mum got me McDonald’s. Im going to kill myself
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strvng2death · 3 days
My wrist looks so small rn (o hate images im so triggered it looks bigger in the image)
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strvng2death · 3 days
I promise the disc is almost done, then I’ll send everyone the link to the actual ed gc. I just need to figure out how to sort out the channels with bots 8ts a bit annoying </3
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strvng2death · 3 days
My ed has gotten so bad im trying to convince myself im not fat for eating a 16 cal snack
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strvng2death · 3 days
My ed rules (as someone with a strict parent who is a doctor)
- no carb heavy, processed foods. (I.e, those types of cheese, crisps, bread, etc.)
- wait over 3.5 hours between eating. It takes around 3-4 hours to digest food, can’t eat until the food is digested but should still wait for a little longer afterwards to balance it.
- no fasting when on low cal intake, will just binge and hunger wont be satisfied because meal wont fit into limit.
- eat vegetables with EVERY meal. Filling and low cal.
- don’t fast more than twice a week, parents will get suspicious.
- hungry? No you’re not, drink some water or a low cal drink to fill yourself up for a little longer.
- you don’t need the food, you want it. There are other alternatives that taste good too.
- go a walk every day, even if it’s short. Routine is important.
- ask for meals you want an hour-half an hour before meal time, that way parents won’t suspect you are undereating or trying to avoid food.
- bring snacky, non refrigerated foods up to your room and hide them when fasting. When parents ask what you’ve eaten, you now have an excuse instead of having to make one off the top of your head. Plus, if they look to see what foods are left and notice the thing you said you ate isn’t missing, they’ll know you didn’t eat.
- watch videos, play games, keep your attention focused on something else. Zone into it.
- if they offer fast food, just say it made you feel unwell the last couple times you’ve eaten it so you’re put off. (For me my body just can’t handle lots of grease and fat in general, so this is true.)
- eat half of a meal if it’s higher in cals/won’t fit into your limit.
- (for one before) think of vomit or standing in shit everytime you think of eating the rest of it.
- when out eating and you’re unsure of the calories in it, eat the things you know are lower in cals.
- don’t engage in food videos or anything to do with ‘how to avoid binging/giving into cravings’. For me, this just makes the cravings and urges to do it stronger.
- don’t complain. Good things will come as long as you have the right attitude. What you put out comes back to you. Complaining about not losing weight? You won’t lose it.
That’s some! Tell me if you want any more :)) I like doing things like this.
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strvng2death · 4 days
Anytime I’m really hungry I watch scat videos
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strvng2death · 4 days
My ed rules (as someone with a strict parent who is a doctor)
- no carb heavy, processed foods. (I.e, those types of cheese, crisps, bread, etc.)
- wait over 3.5 hours between eating. It takes around 3-4 hours to digest food, can’t eat until the food is digested but should still wait for a little longer afterwards to balance it.
- no fasting when on low cal intake, will just binge and hunger wont be satisfied because meal wont fit into limit.
- eat vegetables with EVERY meal. Filling and low cal.
- don’t fast more than twice a week, parents will get suspicious.
- hungry? No you’re not, drink some water or a low cal drink to fill yourself up for a little longer.
- you don’t need the food, you want it. There are other alternatives that taste good too.
- go a walk every day, even if it’s short. Routine is important.
- ask for meals you want an hour-half an hour before meal time, that way parents won’t suspect you are undereating or trying to avoid food.
- bring snacky, non refrigerated foods up to your room and hide them when fasting. When parents ask what you’ve eaten, you now have an excuse instead of having to make one off the top of your head. Plus, if they look to see what foods are left and notice the thing you said you ate isn’t missing, they’ll know you didn’t eat.
- watch videos, play games, keep your attention focused on something else. Zone into it.
- if they offer fast food, just say it made you feel unwell the last couple times you’ve eaten it so you’re put off. (For me my body just can’t handle lots of grease and fat in general, so this is true.)
- eat half of a meal if it’s higher in cals/won’t fit into your limit.
- (for one before) think of vomit or standing in shit everytime you think of eating the rest of it.
- when out eating and you’re unsure of the calories in it, eat the things you know are lower in cals.
- don’t engage in food videos or anything to do with ‘how to avoid binging/giving into cravings’. For me, this just makes the cravings and urges to do it stronger.
- don’t complain. Good things will come as long as you have the right attitude. What you put out comes back to you. Complaining about not losing weight? You won’t lose it.
That’s some! Tell me if you want any more :)) I like doing things like this.
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strvng2death · 4 days
I need this to be me.
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