starswordsovereign · 6 years
“ …… “
No doubt nervewracking silence follows as Ogata won’t say a word. Gauging his reaction is never easy when his face shows no sign of emotion to one way or another. 
At first he think Nikkari has claimed another victim but it doesn’t seem like the guy’s aware of where he is…..
“ Golden Ward. City of Spirale. “ 
Unsure of which he means Ogata includes both.
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“ If you have money you can just go to a store at the mall but…. “
A pause as Ogata carefully scans him from head to the toes.
“ Hmm. I guess you wouldn’t…  “
There was nothing wrong!
There was nothing wrong with Seofon’s attire, not at all. Not when there was a festival, and not when there was a beach nearby. He just wanted pants because it was getting cold. That was all. Disregard that he had no idea where he was, really, or where he was going to sleep tonight.
He blinks in response to the man’s words, none of it sounding...even remotely familiar. He’d never heard of a golden ward, or a city named Spirale in his sky realm...so where was he. And a store? Well, he knew what a store was but what’s a mall?
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“Er...you’ll have to excuse me, fine sir but what, pray tell, is a mall?”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
As the night came through, so did the chilly breeze, and Seofon was starting to feel awfully exposed in his swimsuit. He needed to look for something else to wear, a jacket perhaps, or more importantly, some goddamn pants.
He looks for someone, and approaches the first person he sees, tapping them on the back, his hands rubbing at his arms, trying not to visibly shiver.
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“Excuse me, might you know where I can get some pants?”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
“Now then, you’re a familiar creature.”
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“Are you from the Sky Realm as well?”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
The last thing Seofon had expected to find here was a Primal. He felt terribly ill-prepared for this situation, no worthwhile weapons at hand, no real magic, and no armor. He stood before the primal, clad in only his tiny swimsuit and that shirt, empty scabbards at his hips, and he swallows hard, narrowing his eyes as he crosses his arms over his chest, and looks over at the Primal.
If he had been weakened, then surely the Primal had as well.
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“Fearsome Azazel, I did not expect to find you here.”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
Ah, wonderful.
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Seofon’s wanderings about the area had taken him right to a beautiful woman’s side, still hardly dressed, in his open shirt and speedo. He had accidentally bumped into her too, and now he was trying to tiptoe away, hopefully not caught, as he would hate for this situation to be misunderstood.
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
Most people would perhaps be put off when approached by a man wearing only a speedo, but it was the sunset festa, and many people around were wearing swimsuits, so Seofon wasn’t terribly out of place. The Eternal waves to the man before him, tipping his head a bit so he can get into his line of vision.
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“Hello hello. It seems there’s a festival going on here! Might you be able to help me out? I’m afraid I’ve just arrived here, and I am just famished, but don’t seem to have any money. Would you be able to help me out? I will make it worth your while.”
He wasn’t terribly aware that he likely looked like a homeless pervert.
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
Seofon’s eyes widen as he looks around him, to what seems like buildings, and civilians, and no place to be dressed like this. He never felt ashamed to wear this when other people were around, but having been dropped into a strange place, he wasn’t terribly comfortable.
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He looked. Panicked. Perhaps someone would be able to help...
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
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So, this was a new place. Close enough to the beach that Seofon’s attire wasn’t terribly out of place, but he had still been dropped in the middle of what appeared to be a city, and Seofon’s eyes go wide, his hands moving to cover his crotch. His swimsuit was perfect for the beach, but a good distance away from it? It was just...embarrassing.
His eyes dart from side to side, trying to find someone to ask...what’s going on. His eyes fall on a man nearby, and he stumbles up to him, hoping to every Primal he knows that he doesn’t look like some crazed pervert.
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“Pardon me, good sir, can you ah...tell me where we are? And perhaps...point me in the direction of where I might be able to get some pants?”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
Gives you more cookies.
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thank u for my life
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
          WITHOUT OBSERVATION HAKI, IT HAD been more of a challenge to hear the approach of the other until he speaks. not that he couldn’t handle himself, though nothing seems too hostile about the other. not that anything could feel hostile coming from a man wearing a speedo and not much else. really, was this franky’s long lost soulmate? he could only presume that much with how he exhibits himself. ❝ Eh? Never heard of it. ❞ simple as that, though not that it matters with the phone happily sinking to the bottom of the ocean after he had tossed it moments earlier. ❝ Besides, my weapons are fine as they a— ❞ instinctively does a hand rest on the hilt of his sword, alerting the swordsman to the difference immediately as he goes to unsheath it to reveal a toy sword titled nerf.
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          ❝ Hm?! They’re all replaced! Shusui, Ichimonji, Kitetsu… I’m missing all three!! ❞ no wonder his hip felt lighter, though when it happened was beyond him. after all, he hadn’t taken any of them off since coming to this place. one eye instantly turns to glare at the first suspect on the list. ❝ Oi, you know what the Hell’s going on here?! ❞
Seofon somehow managed to sneak up on people often. Call it a skill of the Eternals or something. He wasn’t worried about his attire - initially, he had been embarrassed by it, dropped in the middle of a city in barely anything, but when he noticed the beach and the festival going on nearby, he worried less. Other people were around in their swimsuits, so why not him?
The Eternal actually hadn’t noticed the man’s multiple scabbards at first, his eyebrows raising, focusing on that instead of the way he’d thrown his phone into the ocean. Three different swords, him? Impressive. He had to know more. Seofon was already leaning in towards him, interested, only to pull himself back, eyes wide as he brandishes a sword, that looks well. More like a toy. The man before him panics, and he can only guess the same thing that happened to Seofon has happened to him.
“Ah...unfortunately, I do. There is something about this place,” He says, flexing a hand open and closed. “Something about this place, as though our powers have been weakened and our weapons, taken from us.”
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“My own Seven Star Sword has gone missing, confiscated, I imagine, by those that brought us here. But you, to have lost three...now that is a real tragedy.”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
The mystery of why he’d been brought to this island had yet to be solved, and Seofon didn’t have any leads. 
But he was trying not to worry about it much, not until he had a better grasp on the situation. Now that he’d found Threo here, as well as a few others from the Sky Realm, he was starting to feel a little more sure that this was something affecting their entire world, and if he was going to solve it, he needed more support. If two Eternals were here, then surely, there had to be more.
But Seofon’s noble quest of finding other Eternals had gotten sidetracked fairly quickly, especially since he’d been dropped onto the island in his beach gear, in the middle of a festival. It was where he was now, partaking of the food, a stick of grilled squid in one hand, and one of steak in the other, wielding them like he would wield his swords.
So imagine his surprise when his eyes fall on a very familiar figure from behind, one that he very clearly recognized as Seox. He couldn’t even hide his excitement as he ran up to the man, the first thought in his mind that they were on the beach at a festival much like he’d tried to drag all the Eternals to every year. He couldn’t escape him here. Surely it would be shocking to see Seofon not clad in his typical armor, but in a very small swimsuit and open shirt.
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“Seox! Seox, my friend, I can’t believe this, you’re here as well!”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
She bit her lip in excitement. She didn’t even have to convince him or even tell him what she wanted to do. This was great. This was fantastic! And soon she was lifted by strong arms into the air. She tried to keep her balance as she was lifted, to stay full upright. “Awesome thanks Handsome Guy!”
Acrobatics Roll: Natural 2 + 4 = 6 total
And with a shimmy and a shake it took a couple tries and bracing herself on his shoulder with one hand she worked on pulling out her paints. It was difficult and it took longer than she wanted. 
Slight of Hand Roll: Natural 4 + 7 = 11 total
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Shaking, it didn’t quite turn out exactly how she had wanted. But it did start to come together. She had drawn several dicks in blue paint across the sign and across the bottom: ‘The Traveler Was Here’
“Okay okay okay okay! You can put me down now, but then we gotta run!” 
Seofon kept his eyes glued to the ground - the girl was wearing a skirt, and he didn’t dare to peek upwards, not even accidentally. He would hold her up as long as he needed, then set her back down, and be on his merry way. It was as simple as that.
It was because of this that Seofon was not aware of what the girl was doing with his help, and had he known, he would’ve stopped the act of vandalism immediately, but he hears that they have to run, and he blinks. 
He sets the girl down, his eyes daring to glance up to the sign she’d been trying to reach, eyes widening as he sees some words - the traveler was here - along with a number of crudely drawn penises. Ah. Ah. His voice squeaks a bit as he responds to her, a little shocked that he’d been complicit in this act.
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“You--this is vandalism!”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
“I guess so, then again it’s why this place is not that depressing with all the ‘taken away’ stuff.”
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“Eternals… Eternals! You’re from the Skyrealm as well, then! I have only heard things from the street gossip, but to think I would meet face to face with one of them, especially their leader, Uno!” Wrong person here, Cain…
“I’ve been trying not to think of that.”
Seofon lights up the moment the man recognizes the name of the Eternals. Besides Threo, he was the only other one from his realm he had found. Excellent. He’s already opening his mouth to respond, to ask him where he was from when he mistakes him for Uno. Mistakes Uno as the leader. Well. He supposed that wasn’t entirely uncalled for.
“Ah er...see that is...where you are mistaken, my friend.”
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“I am the leader, yes, but I’m Seofon.”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
    Oh, that’s… Definitely a lot of the stranger showing. Oh dear.
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     ❝ Oh, I would hate to bother you with such a trivial matter, sir, especially when one should be enjoying themselves in an event such as this! ❞
“Oh, nonsense!”
Seofon laughs out, waving a hand before him, paying no mind to the fact that perhaps he shouldn’t have approached a woman he didn’t know, dressed the way he was, offering to teach her to swim.
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“What better way is there to enjoy myself than to help someone enjoy themselves?”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
✂ - for my muse to rescue yours from danger
You call this danger? This is nothing. It’s just like twenty three guys. Seofon should be able to handle that. He’s super strong. Seofon could do this with his eyes closed. With his hands tied behind his back. With rocks tied to his ankles.
For a time, Threo just hangs back and watches. She isn’t wrong; Seofon makes the fight look almost too easy. But the thugs ganging up on him clearly don’t get what it means to fight fair, especially when they realize just who they’re dealing with. Suddenly there are cages being rolled out from behind the trees, and Threo recognizes the smell from within. There’s monsters in there, big monsters. Hungry monsters.
Now she’s on her feet, heading towards the clearing. Didn’t Seofon notice the cage? He must, but maybe there’s simply nothing he can do about it. That must be it, why else would he just be fighting like that? The bandits didn’t let him through to do something about it, that was all. Seofon was a better fighter than that.
The cage door screeches open, and Seofon finally turns his head. Something slithers out from the confines of the steel bars, something with red eyes and long, dripping fangs. The thugs laugh, advancing on Seofon. Do they not realize monsters don’t see things in terms of friend or foe?
Can the legendary Seofon fend off so many foes at once? Maybe he can, but Threo doesn’t like to take chances like that. Raising her axe above her head, she takes a deep breath as tendrils of magic crawl through her limbs. It’s just a shielding spell, something to protect her from the full brunt of her own strength. What comes next is all her.
“Ground Zero!”
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The earth splits from the force of Threo’s swing. Shockwaves ripple out, cracking the ground under the feet of the beast, the bandits, and Seofon. But only the leader of the Eternals is quick enough to escape to solid ground.
She reaches his side as Seofon is sliding his swords back into their scabbards. “What was that?” she asks, throwing her arms wide. “Were you sleeping? You could’ve taken them all, easy!”
A smile slides onto the man’s mouth as he turns away from the scene of destruction. “I know.”
Threo trots after him, still indignant. “Then why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t want to deprive you of your moment to shine, of course.”
She glares at his back as he continues to walk, but only for a moment. She probably did look pretty cool, didn’t she?
“Hey, hey! Seofon!” she yells, tugging on his cape. “Since I saved you, buy me cake!”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
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Its not funny, really. When people can see the outline of your ###.
 “Why thank you! It took me a year and a half to perfect this recipe. Now try the double chocolate one next.”
Seofon takes the other cookie, popping it into his mouth in one bite. He lets out a satisfied mmm before swallowing.
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“Now this, this one is my favorite.”
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starswordsovereign · 6 years
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“No, like naked! With everything flappin’ around! If one person starts doing it, other people do it too!
“But it only works with dumb stuff… No one tries to copy me when I start fighting.”
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lancelot lets out a long, long sigh. ‘ mortification ’  is a huge understatement regarding this surprise. “ …i, um… i guess to see is to believe… i don’t want to see that happening though. ”
Seofon blinks a couple of times in surprise.
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“Neither do I, really. Goodness...you’d think people would have more shame.”
This coming from the man that wore basically nothing to the beach.
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