starswepts · 5 years
bailey strong / ahleeins.
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“so,” bailey is the only one with the customer in the store, and he’s idly flipping through a magazine, “you think that lee harvey oswald acted alone?”
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Daisy frowns deeply, placing her bouquet on the counter as he speaks, switching her hands instead to twisting bleach blonde hair around pointer finger.  “ Who’s Harvey? ”
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starswepts · 5 years
rhys mckay / spaycejunk.
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it wasn’t really a joke - rhys felt like a moron every time he looked at the ceramic pot and dry soil he’d bought for his garden escapades - but the man’s laugh took the tension out of his shoulders anyway. clearly the guy knew how to grow something if he was willingly looking at the supplies, so maybe rhys wasn’t as alone ( or as stupid ) as he thought he was. at his question, rhys looks hopelessly between the seed packet and the kind face before him. “ um. with dirt ? ” which - yeah. rhys feels the color flare in his cheeks and looks back at the shelves. idiot. 
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It isn’t mean when he laughs, instead light-hearted. But he still stops himself as quickly as the short burst of amusement began — “ well, yeah, dirt. ” He said, with a gentle grin. “ But not exactly outside in this climate. I ... ” He waves the radish seeds in the air. “ Grow ‘em in my bathtub. I took off part of the ceiling, and have a sunroof, so they can all get the proper sunlight, and I water them as they need to be. ” Then, after a pause. “ I still shower, though, promise. Got one outside, hooked up to the same tank. ”
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starswepts · 5 years
emira connors / spaycejunk.
open for ANYONE;
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“ yeah but like… why would people be upset about it ? it’s a little lipstick on your cheek, baby; that’s a good thing. ” peaches blows a bubble with her gum, red-stained lips around the pink before it bursts. “ it just means they’ve got a lady somewhere who likes giving them kisses and who wouldn’t want to brag about that ? ” she pauses, her gum snapping between her teeth as she brings it back. “ or man, you know. you never know. ”
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She carefully adds another stripe of pink polish atop her nail — she really shouldn’t be doing this on the bartop, but business has slowed considerably in the last hour — brows furrowing in confusion at the other’s words. Drawl is thick and as sweet as her already syrupy tone, eight years in Eureka and she hasn’t managed to forgo the twang of south eastern diction. “ Some of them got wives, ” Heaven tells her solemnly. “ They don’ even take off their wedding rings. Or they got the little tan lines. ” That’s punctuated with a giggle, though it really isn’t funny, however, it does act as one of the only astute observations Daisy Hernandez has ever made in her life. “ I think secrets make life more fun though. Like you’re a Bond Girl, or somethin’ ... ” She had always wanted to be a Bond Girl. 
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starswepts · 5 years
wolfgang baek / spacelys.
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     another laugh erupts, and he sets his cup down.   “   the back ? HELL NAH, front and centre. wouldn’t want anybody to be missing the CO - GENIUS behind …   ”   silent contemplation, lips purse.   “   i wanna say   –   GO FUCK YOURSELF ?   ”   he speaks, amusement made clear by a growing grin.   “   nah, too obvious. how about an arctic themed piece titled snowclones ?   ”   smile soon is replaced by a grimace, and a nose scrunched in response to his own suggestion.   “   sounding pretty shit, don’t it.   ”
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Ricky has to think for a moment, because Wolfgang’s suggestions are probably miles better than anything he could come up with. Coffee is pressed to his lips in thought, and after a long sip, he decides. “ Seeing Double? ” A pause. “ ... D’s? I dunno. Half of the appeal in these things is the clever titles. ” He would consider it more than half, as anything that had titles like that didn’t exactly pique his interest when making more subtle purchases at the video rental. 
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starswepts · 5 years
norman lowe / normanhqs.
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Ever since he was a kid, the walls in his room were covered in movie posters. It always pained him when he needed to give up on any of them to make some space for a new one. Although he was no parent, he imagined being forced to choose between your own children would feel exactly like that. Those posters were also the main reason why he never opened the curtains. At a certain point his mother just hung it up and stopped asking him to let some sunshine in; he surely didn’t want the light to damage the paper. Usually he was opting for horrors and thrillers. In fact, Norman was most proud of earning that brilliant Rosemary’s Baby affiche. The Main Street Cinema was his go-to and again he had hope for laying his hands on another gem. “Well, that’s not what I’m interested in,” leaning in, Norman puts on a meek smile which doesn’t match his empty gaze. “D’you know if the theater has a spare poster of The Omen sequel laying around?”
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Claudia knew that people sometimes came to the movie theatre to ask for posters — presents or home decorations or ... firewood, as far she knew ( or gave a shit. ) But mostly they asked after they bought a ticket and saw a movie, hands sticky from dripped cola and buttery popcorn as they gratefully took the rolled up depiction of whatever they saw a month prior. The man in front of her leans up towards the glass, smiling politely; they’re outside the theatre, so she grimaces. “ Ticket purchase is required, actually. ” She tells him matter-of-factly, even though that was pulled entirely out of her ass — which she didn’t want to get off of to check, which was the whole point of this. “ My apologies. ” A beat. “ Sir. ”
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starswepts · 5 years
lou holstad / traditionale.
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        his forearms bare all the weight of his slumped body, plank-like against the counter as she performs her mandatory spiel, perfectly rehearsed. ‘   i wanna talk to your manager.   ’ he says in jest, his face exaggeratedly scrunched in mock scorn. ‘   was really hoping you’d have the new beatles movie showing.    ’ he says wistfully, eyes trailing past her shoulders, witnessing what he feels like is the ultimate defeat of culture national lampoon and bad new’s bears blaring white with menace against the black letter board. ‘   shouldn’t you have some say in what plays ?   ’
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God, she’s so glad he’s joking, and she doesn’t have to drag her feet back to tiny broom-closet sized office that smelled like stale popcorn and piss just to announce sheepishly that someone wanted to see a manager. “ Yeah, you and me both. But we have the death of art instead of Lennon, so ... ” Her nose scrunches together at his second thought. Really, she should, if you asked Claudia, and she wants to tell him this because she had better taste than anyone else in this fucking theatre combined, but she just picks at a hangnail instead. “ We have to pick what people think is gonna do the best. On account of, you know, ” A glance up. “ Needing to stay open. ”
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starswepts · 5 years
beckett graves / spaycejunk.
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there was a time before bucket sold drugs - a time before he used them too, but that’s unimportant. it was a time where bucket never worried about how much money he had, and if he could pay the rent, because he didn’t even fucking have rent. if he’d wanted to - if he’d had the chance - he could’ve gone anywhere. now, he knew what it was like in claudia’s shoes. it fucking blew. and even if he could leave, where would he go ? he thinks if he asks claudia she’d just say ‘ anywhere but here. ’ he doesn’t ask. “ sell drugs. ” he jokes, but not really, because even if it was illegal and kind of terrible, the cash was incredible. bucket finishes off his fries and sits back in his seat, a hand on his stomach. “ you ever thought about robbing a place ? ”
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She hadn’t. Prior to her stint of rebelliousness in Eureka, Claudia had been more of a hands folded, smile politely type. Robbing — that was wholly out of the question, even sips of a beer and passing of a joint had been then. So, instead, she smiles tightly. “ Yeah, ” She concedes, lying through her teeth. “ But not seriously. Like some fantasy fucking Bonnie and Clyde thing, but just with Faye Dunaway. ” Claudia always did prefer to fly solo. Though now, she was a little warmer to the idea of putting down roots in Eureka. To an extent. She’d consider Bucket a friend, sure, and there were other people she tolerated. But Claudia was still perpetually ready to flee, to self-serve and do whatever she had to do dig herself out of a hole. 
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starswepts · 5 years
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an AMUSED smirk curls upon his brims as soon as claudia takes interest in the book in his possession, taking a step back as she exits the ticket booth. he lifts the book upwards towards his head as she expectantly extends her hand out for the novel. the mechanic is already pushing his comfort-zone by letting this particular book even leave his bookshelf. ❛ i ALSO haven’t decided whether to let you BORROW this one after what i just witnessed, ❜ eliseo retorts with a raised brow and a tilt of his head. ❛ tsk — bad customer service. ❜
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Claudia’s brows furrow in offense, and a faint pout settles on her lips. She’s certainly not short — but she’s nowhere near tall either, and attempts to reach up and grab the book would be futile. So instead, she crosses her arms and keeps the sour expression on her face. “ Right, so you just came here to maybe give me a book, and taunt me. ” There’s a beat. “ Actually, Eliseo, that’s right on brand for you. I’m not surprised you’re being a little shit. ”
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starswepts · 5 years
honey yang / spaycejunk.
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green eyes slide down the counter to the popcorn bucket, the sugar babie still rolling around in its cheaply made basket. though honey had avoided the traditional menial jobs growing up, she can remember how mind-numbingly boring it was when her father’s store was empty and the only thing to keep her occupied was counting the number of yellow cars that passed out the glass storefront. still, the girl’s tone had honey’s mouth turning down - a little rude, but honey bit her tongue as a switch flipped and a seemingly brand new person stood in front of her. “ seems like you’re wasting more food by not buttering when most people toss it at the end of the movie because it was so bland. ” she tilts her head and offers her own sickly-sweet smile, a short-nailed hand pushing the tub of popcorn on the counter closer to the girl. “ well i would just love that. aren’t you the sweetest ? ” maybe a little overboard, but honey dealt with dead people all day, not ones who met casual conversation with annoyance. 
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Claudia could clearly see that Honey was not interested in surrendering herself to playing Claudia’s game, and though there’s a quick flash of annoyance that this woman probably won’t be as easy to get rid of of just putting more butter on her popcorn and saying goodbye. So — she ups the ante. “ Oh, don’t worry, we feed the popcorn that gets thrown out to the rats in theatre two. ” The same sweetness is applied, though now she adds in a dazzling smile. She snatches the popcorn bucket, and presses the button that dispenses the butter, not yielding until she looks at Honey again. The popcorn is absolutely drenched. “ Sweetest? Oh, bless your heart, ma’am. My mama always used to tell me I was the sweetest before she got a one way ticket through our windshield. ” It’s a sore spot still, and she feels sick to her stomach even saying it, but it’s worth it in order to make the other woman uncomfortable enough to leave her alone. 
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starswepts · 5 years
astrid bones / ofkalopsia.
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not one to keep up with films, the title previously mentioned has astrid furrowing their brows. with it being sold out, it was safe to say if was a popular movie.  arms cross over a lean chest, fingers tapping at the flesh just above his left elbow.  “is it any good? would you recommend it?”
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Claudia looks up at Astrid, annoyed that he was interrupting her — even if he was merely asking her to do her job. That annoyance is present on her face as she speaks, so falsely saccharine that it sounds halfway to sarcastic. “ Gee, I dunno. If only there was some kind of daily published paper that had movie reviews in it. ” She feels bad, a little then, because he isn’t being an unforgivable shit like most of the people that arrive at the box office to a canned message, so she brushes her last response off as a joke. “ But seriously, man, I dunno. I got my free movie ticket privileges taken away because you, ” Fingers move adeptly to make sarcastic air quotes. “ ‘ Aren’t supposed to fall asleep in the theatre. ’ ”
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starswepts · 5 years
asher li / ahleeins.
asher only understood about half of it – ricky was excited and spoke quickly, meaning some of it was lost on the man trying to lip read. still, he beamed,  ‘ ‘ sort of! ‘ ‘ he gestures with his hands, ‘ ‘ i bet it’s exciting! it seems really cool! ‘ ‘ he rocks on his heels, wanting to ask to see it, but not wanting to push or pry.
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It is exciting, if Ricky does say so himself. But — that’s not admitted out of fear of sounding full of himself. “ I ... wish I could explain it better, but some of it I don’t quite understand myself, ” he concedes, though the peppy confidence in his demeanor doesn’t fade. “ But — I can show it to you if you want. It’s better understood in action. ”
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starswepts · 5 years
honey yang / spaycejunk.
MONROE, claudia / @starswepts
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every wednesday, honey took herself on a date, and every date was the same. lock up at the morgue and head to main street cinema for a flick and a large popcorn for one. sometimes she’d go a little crazy and get a large soda instead of a small water, too, but this wasn’t one of those nights. actually, tonight was one of those nights where the movie had been boring enough that rather than worry about missing part of it to go get more butter on her popcorn, honey had nearly leapt out of her seat at the chance. there was only one girl working this late, and she looked just as miserable being there as honey felt. “ you guys never butter your popcorn enough. it’s always dry halfway down. ” honey leans onto the counter, faint smile appearing on her lips. “ must be company policy or something. ”
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Claudia had become extremely occupied not with the book she brought, nor the magazine that lie splayed out atop the counter, nor her actual job — but instead, placing an empty popcorn bucket at one end of the concession stand, and seeing how many Sugar Babies she could lob in there. Another one slides into the top, and she pops one in her mouth as reward, when she hears footsteps ... and she’s already turned to face the counter again, look of droned complacency back on her face. She opens her mouth to begin the How can I help you? when the woman speaks of her own accord, and Claudia is left to respond to complaint instead. “ Company policy, yes. We’re not supposed to waste food, ” She says, boredly. Then, a dazzling customer service smile. “ But I can get you some more butter, if you need some to improve your theatre-going experience. ”
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starswepts · 5 years
malia dawson / blvevein.
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malia had been here her whole life but sometimes it felt like the town pulled her down. maybe it was history, maybe it was the things that haunted her and haunted her father. malia tried not to be superstitious but strange things have happened, there were too many unanswered questions and malia liked control. they both had a similar backstory, but they were different. malia tried not to pry into people she knew and their lives, maybe too scared of what she’d find. she worked around a lot of men, who often looked down on her and undermined her, so this delicate time to herself was everything. except her plans were foiled. she leaned against the booth and smirked a little. “guess not,” she grabbed a cigarette from her jacket pocket and lit it. “so, what’s new with you?”  
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Claudia did not get paid to stand around and chat, and she considers briefly telling Malia this — but then she reconsiders the fact that she’s also not paid to sit behind the glass and read, so book is shut. She looks through said glass at Malia, chin propped into her hands as elbows rest on the counter. “ Let’s see. I’m living with a psycho, and my only solace from said funhouse is coming to work at a movie theatre where I’m bothered all day by people who think it’s their job to loiter. ” Eyes flick over Malia. “ And some of them don’t even offer me a cig when they’re smoking right in front of me. ” A beat. “ How does that sound? ”
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starswepts · 5 years
asher li / ahleeins.
‘ ‘ oh. ‘ ‘ asher looks down, unable to help a grin curling his lips, ‘ ‘ how does it work? ‘ ‘ he tilts his heard. asher was uncertain on alien existence – skeptical to say the least. but he was curious how one could turn the lightning rod into a communication device.
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Ricky doesn’t notice the smile forming on Asher’s face — that, or he doesn’t care, because he dives into explanation fluidly and without faltering. He’s completely serious, though the glimmer in his eye shows excitement. “ Well, it might actually work better in a storm. That way I won’t pick up as many radio stations if their towers get knocked. But I use alligator clips strapped to magnet wire, which is also linked to an unused telephone. I exposed the coil in the cord, and attached both of them to the antennae ... ” He keeps going, launching into some explanation about extended radio transmissions and direct contact, before finally finishing long-winded rant with a bright grin. “ ... if that makes any sense. ” It didn’t, but it’s clear Ricky is confident in it. 
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starswepts · 5 years
beckett graves / spaycejunk.
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on the list of all the things bucket was great at, comfort wasn’t exactly at the top. listening, yeah, but advice - not really. so he sat there and listened: took in how the frustration drew together slim shoulders and vibrated through her frame. he knew crazy parents - not that strain of crazy specifically, but they all had their burdens to bear. he downed five more fries, all in one bite. “ mrs. derry was sent somewhere. she just found her way back. ” absently, bucket stirred his straw through the thick shake, scooping it up and letting it plop back in. somewhere, brenda graves was rolling at the fact her twenty-three year old son still played with his food. “ damn. you need a joint, clauds. ” he offered half a smile. “ i mean - you could always run away, right ? just.. get the hell out and never look back ? ”
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She did need a joint. And she’d smoked plenty with Bucket, sitting on a curb somewhere, knees skinned and eyes bloodshot, exhausted from running away from whatever they’d gotten themselves into, and breathing in smoke. But now, annoyance held her in a grip too vicelike to even think about relaxation. She just needed to bitch and complain and be mean, and Beckett Graves was a better person than most to offer a listening ear and running commentary. She didn’t need I’m so sorry, Claudia, or that really sucks. She needed someone else just as frustrated with Mrs. Derry. Okay — maybe no one was just as. “ Yeah, me and my fucking multimillions I make at the theatre. I could rob that place blind and not have enough cash in my pocket to get me out of the state. ” She says, glumly. 
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starswepts · 5 years
wolfgang baek / spacelys.
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     it’s an answer he could get behind, and it’s made clear with the laugh that bubbles out of him. he’d known a handful of guys who fit the descriptor ricky puts down, though he fails to imagine them bent over a clone of themselves. the same group was among those most apprehensive of homosexuality. and ironically, so.   “   nah, i’m too high maintenance.   ”   he admits.   “    i like your answer more, though. i ever get around to writing a sci - fi porno starring clones … mind if i quote you ? it’ll be real fuckin’ elegant, swear.   ”
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Ricky has to think about this for a bit longer than he did the clone answer, which could very well be a cause for concern, or a good indicator of his personality — depending on how one looked at it. Then, after another moment, he nods. “ Yeah, I’ll take a guest writing credit. Tack RICKY DAVIS on the back of the Betamax. I might need the promotion. ” Of course, the audience of people who would watch clone pornography and those who would read heavily researched works about the possibility of extraterrestrials ... he couldn’t exactly decide if they were mutually exclusive, or if the venn diagram was a circle. 
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starswepts · 5 years
rhys mckay / spaycejunk.
DAVIS, ricky // @starswepts
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the decrepit excuse for a ‘gardening’ section of billy’s hardware is a barren wasteland. rhys is the only one there, trying to decide between the two packets of seeds they carried: radishes and carrots. blegh. why’d it have to be fucking gardening ? rhys’ therapist must think she’s so funny, telling him to channel his anger into vegetables. fucking ruth. a thin hand plucked the radish packet off the shelf. maybe his grandma would eat a radish - if it ever even grew. rhys was getting increasingly frustrated ( and his eyebrows were furrowing further and further together ) as he stared at the 50 cent packet: he stared so intensely, he didn’t realize that someone was behind him, let alone that he was completely blocking the way. belatedly, he swore under his breath and stepped aside. “ sorry, sorry, didn’t know anyone else was stupid enough to be back here. ”
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Admittedly, Billy’s wasn’t Ricky’s first stop for anything relating to his garden. First of all — the decrepit nature of the selection of vegetables and supplies ... and well, there was no second of all. He would have loved to support the local business, but unfortunately for him ... Target was the better option, even in spite of the lack of customer service. He always paid anyway. But there’s a specific need for carrot seeds now, because he finally got a basin deep enough to account for underground vegetables. As he walks down the aisle however, basket swinging loosely on his wrist, he discovers he has to wait patiently as the aisle is occupied — already an anomaly, but he can’t help but let out a laugh when the other makes a remark about either the climate or the selection. Or both. “ I wouldn’t say stupid, ” He says, reaching out to grab two packets of carrot seeds. “ Just ... dangerously optimistic. How are you planning on growing those? ” He gestures to the radish packets. 
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