#interactions     :     ricky & rhys.
bobsyourdylan · 11 months
Okay, so – a few thoughts on Izzy’s death. I’m sure other people have also laid this out, but I haven’t stumbled across it yet, so this is partially for me to get my thoughts organized. For the record, I love Izzy – he fascinated me (in a horrified sort of way) in season 1, and then he grew on me significantly in season 2. What a weird little guy. But also – I’m fine with them killing him off, and also with how they did it, because I think it makes sense for the story. But I know that a lot of people are super upset about his death, and also about the way he died. So, a few semi-coherent thoughts on that: 
Why not a sacrifice play?
This writer’s room is so self-aware, so deliberate about engaging with tropes – there is no possible way that they sat around breaking the story of Izzy’s death and no one said “woah, wouldn’t it be symbolic and gut-wrenching if he sacrificed himself for Ed? Or Stede?” No way. So why didn’t they go that route? 
Izzy’s arc in season 2 has been all about becoming his own man, separate from Ed/Blackbeard. Like – that’s what he’s worked towards, this whole season. That is his growth. It would be insulting to take that away from him at the last minute, and make his death purely about Ed and Stede.
Listen, I love a sacrifice arc as much as the next person. But Izzy’s life isn’t about sacrifice anymore – that’s the whole point of his season 2 arc. He has spent decades sacrificing both himself and Ed to the altar of Blackbeard. No more. 
It also means that Ed and Stede’s mourning doesn’t have to be tinged with the guilt of “he sacrificed himself to save me/my partner.” They can mourn Izzy purely for himself, because he is worth mourning. This, I would argue, is the send-off that Izzy’s character deserves.
Izzy’s death wasn’t accidental on Ricky’s part – it wasn’t a stray bullet.
We see from the scene when the crew is locked up in Spanish Jackie’s that Ricky recognizes Izzy. We know from their conversation that, for Ricky, Izzy is the epitome of piracy – Izzy, not Blackbeard, is the legend.
The thing is – Ed and Stede are both in the scene where Izzy dies (I’m not sure if you can see Stede on screen, but the bts photos show Rhys’ position, on what would be the far right of the shot). Arguably, Stede would have been the easier shot – Ricky wouldn’t have had to complete a full 180-degree turn before he could pull the trigger. So why doesn’t he go for Stede, who abandoned him to the tender mercies of Spanish Jackie in the first place? Or Blackbeard, arguably the greatest/most famous pirate alive, with the possible exception of Zheng, who he’s already targeted? Sure, you could argue that he’d going for Ed here… but I don’t think he is. The shot’s too low to be accidentally aimed for Izzy – it would hit Ed’s knee or something, probably. I think that yes, it’s a panicked shot, not well-aimed at all. But if it’s aimed at anyone, I think it has to be Izzy. And at the very least, the symbolism of it is very much not accidental.
For probably the first time since they created Blackbeard, Izzy isn’t just a stand-in for Ed. His significance is his own in this scene – in all of his interactions with Ricky. He’s not targeted because he’s Blackbeard’s first mate (why go for the first mate when you could go for Blackbeard?). He’s targeted because he’s Izzy Hands – because he is significant, powerful, famous, respected in and of himself.
And more than that – this is an arc about the end of piracy. And Izzy Hands is piracy – the show has been telling us from the beginning that piracy is a mixed bag, full of the good and the bad, and Izzy represents that  – represents both the toxic, violent side of piracy, and the side of piracy that he grows into, that he explains to Ricky – piracy as family, home, belonging. Izzy dies, and it hurts, because not only is he a great character, but he represents in one person all of the complicated, hilarious, heartbreakin, violent, loving aspects of piracy – and of the show. But it is so, so important that Izzy dies as himself – not as a symbol or shield of Ed, or Stede, or Blackbeard. Not even as a symbol of piracy, but instead as the active embodiment of piracy – as something/someone who grows, changes, ends. Not as static or passive, but as better than when we first met him, as transformed as Buttons in his own way. 
Izzy’s death sets up a possible revenge arc:
We know that everything in this show ties back to the main relationship between Ed and Stede. Izzy’s death is, I think, significant on its own, for him as a character – but it is also, by necessity, significant to Ed and Stede’s relationship. Namely – it sets up an interesting conflict for season 3 re: a potential revenge arc for Ed. 
Now, clearly they’ve carefully ended season 2 on a relatively high note in case we don’t get a season 3. But we know they’re gonna be terrible at running an inn, and we know there’s unfinished business with Ricky. Ed’s current strategy of dealing with everything that’s happened seems to be “I don’t want to be a pirate, get me out of here” – which, while fair enough, won’t last, because that’s the nature of unfinished business. So, at some point, Ed and Stede are going to need to confront Ricky again. And, if the writers decide to lean into the revenge arc, I’d say the odds are pretty high that, when Ed lays eyes on Ricky again, we get a flashback to Izzy’s death. 
And this sets us up for a pivotal, and necessary, moment in Ed’s character arc: when confronted with pain, loss, negative emotion in general – can Ed deal with it without losing himself? Ed needs a balance between the Kraken, Blackbeard, and Edward, and we see at the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2 how challenging that balance is for him to find, especially when confronted with loss or pain. We can see Ed working towards that balance when he’s interacting with Low – Low’s taunts don’t push Ed to violence, but instead get to Stede. But comparatively, Izzy’s loss is a much greater blow, and at some point, Ed is going to need to confront that.
Plus – we know the writing team are thinking of Izzy’s death at least partially in terms of the mentor/mentee arc, which often confronts the question of revenge – after the mentor’s death, the mentee is required to choose on their own how to go on, what kind of person they want to be. And this often requires a confrontation with both the mentor’s loss and a decision about how far they want to take their desire for revenge.
Why not a cooler death?
Okay — I get this criticism. I do. Izzy is an amazing fighter, we all love that about him. And you can keep most of the above symbolism and still have him die fighting two dozen British soldiers. 
But — again — we are back to the root of this show: Ed and Stede. 
Izzy has two deaths this season: one in the premiere, one in the finale. The first is Stede’s fantasy. Cool swordfight, and Stede triumphs, obviously — but the premise of the fight is that Izzy’s a great swordsman and Stede bests him because now Stede’s a great pirate. This is Stede’s ideal pirate fantasy. 
But Izzy’s actual death is not like this. It is messy and inelegant and painful and no one gets any glory from it at all and Ed is crying with Izzy dying in his arms, and Stede wants to help, goes for bandages, but he doesn’t know what to do and it’s not enough anyways — And this is not a fantasy anymore. This is piracy, and this is the piracy that Ed wants to escape. And it’s important that Stede sees this, sees what Ed is done with. 
And it’s also important that Stede tries to save Izzy. Izzy isn’t just a symbolic barrier between Stede and Ed anymore, to be sacrificed to Stede’s reunion fantasy. He’s his own person, with his own death, and Izzy has grown, yes, but so has Stede.
And by using Izzy’s death to make this point, we both get Stede learning the reality of piracy and growing beyond his fantasy, and the glorious fantasy fight kiss i love you reunion between Ed and Stede (if Ed and Stede had reunited by fighting off dozens of British soldiers, but Izzy had died doing the same, the dissonance would have messed with both the death and the reunion, because we the audience wouldn’t be able to distinguish between the fantasy and reality worlds). And getting both of these is the premise of the show — fantasy and reality both. 
And sure — you can be mad that the show used Izzy in this way. But that is the show’s premise — everything is in service of the protagonists and their relationship. This is not a surprise— it’s been openly talked about since day 1. 
You don’t have to like what the writers did. You don’t have to agree that it was the correct choice. But they have proven to us, time and time again over the last year, that they are self-aware and careful with this show that they know we love so much. So we absolutely owe it, to them and to ourselves, to ask why they made a choice that not everyone may agree with. What is the payoff? Why did they decide to do this thing that they knew would upset fans? Because we know it’s not that they hate us. So what is it? You don’t have to agree that the payoff is worth it. But do the writers, and the show, and yourself the favor of recognizing that there is a payoff here.
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dickfuckk · 1 year
A list of season 2 cast and crew members, confirmed and speculated
I will try and keep this updated
Not counting the obvious ones
Please note that this is a list of both cast and crew members, so PAs and such are also included and not just actors
Also if you're interested: on my bts instagram I only follow people who have worked on season 1, and people I suspect worked on season 2. So feel free to go through the list of people I follow if you're into that
Aaron Morton (Camera) - he’s listed on the very last picture as the camera-man
Adam Stein(Writer)
Alan F. (English solider)
Alexandria S.
Alison Telford (Casting)
Alistair Gregory - from this tweet so uncertain, but followed me back on my bts instagram account so seems to have some interest in ofmd
Amy Barber (Sound department)
Amy Tunnicliffe
Amanda Grace Leo
Amanda M. (Wedding guest)
Andrea Basile (Costume)
Andres Gomez Zamora (Visual effects)
Andrew DeYoung (Director) - I don’t remember if there was any other reason than the fact that he was in Aotearoa during filming
Andy McLaren (senior art director)
Andy Rydzewksi (Cinematographer)
Angelina Faulkner (Sound department)
Blair Nicholson (Camera)
Blair Teesdale (Camera)
Brad Coleman (Visual effects)
Brad McLeod (Special effects)
Brian Badie (Hairstylist)
Bronson Pinchot (“Torturer”)
Bryn Seager - I don’t remember why but I follow him
Bryony Matthew (Food stylist)
Caleb Staines (Camera)
Chantel Partamian (Visual effects)
Colin Elms (Art department)
Colin Rogers (Sound department)
Cora Montalban (Makeup and/or hairstylist) - I believe she was tagged in an instagram story once, and she’s followed by a ton of cast and crew members
Corrin Ellingford (Sound department)
Corey Moana (Camera)
Corry Greig (Art department)
Coti Herrera (Prosthetics/Makeup)
Damian Del Borrello (Sound department)
Daniel Fernandez (Spanish priest)
Danica Duan (Assistan accountant)
David Boden (production manager)
David G. (Stand in)
David Rowell (Financial controller)
David Van Dyke (Visual effects)
Dennis Bailey (Hairstylist)- Leslie revealed that he’s there.
Dion Anderson (Rescue diver)
Don A. (Swampy Town folk)
Donna Pearman (Assistant accountant)
Donna Marinkovich (set decorator)
Doug McFarlene (Pirate)
Duncan Nairn (Visual effects)
Eliza Cossio (Writer)
Erroll Shand (Prince Ricky)
Esther Mitchell (Camera)
Fernando Frias (Director)
Gareth Van Niekerk (Sound department)
Gary Archer (dental prosthetics)
Gemma Campbell (Visual effects)
Grant Lobban
Greg Sager (Safety manager)
Gregor Harris (Camera)
Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. (AD)
Gypsy Taylor (Costume designer)
Haroun Barazanchi (Set designer)
Harry Ashby (AD)
Helene Wong (Voice work)
Jacob Tomuri (Stunts)
Jaden McLeod
James Crosthwaite (Set decorator)
Jamie Couper (Camera)
Jason Samoa, possibly spotted on location
Jemaine Clement, pretty sure this is only based on his friendship with Rhys and Taika tbh
Jes Tom (Writer)
Jessica Lee Hunt (Makeup artist) - followed by a ton of crew and cast members and I believe she’s been tagged in instagram stories and such
John Mahone (Writer)
Jonathan Bruce (Sound department)
Jono Capel-Baker (Groom)
Jonno Roberts didn’t get the role from his audition, but could still have gotten a different role - hung out with Ruibo
Judah Getz (Sound department)
Julia Huberman (Sound department)
Julia Thompson (Costume)
Justin Benn (Republic of Pirates Town)
Karl L. (Action extra)
Kate Fu
Kate Leonard (Casting)
Kathleen Zyka Smith (“Red Flag”)
Kosuke Iijima (Fabricator/Sculptor?) - due to interaction on this post
Kris Gillan (Fabricator/Sculptor)
Kura Forrester - followed by quite a few cast and crew members, but I don’t remember if there was anything else to it
Laura Stables (SFX makeup artist)
Leanne Evans (Art department)
Lee Tuson
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie) - she’s spoiled this so many times, but gjfhdks
Leyla - followed by a lot of cast and crew members, don’t remember if there was more to it than that
Lindsey Cantrell (Set decorator)
Louis Flavell Birch (Blue coat)
Luke V. (Stand in)
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lotrewrite · 7 years
LOT Chat Summaries (Sep-Oct)
Sorry this took so long! Find below the LOT Chat Summaries for the chats held on 16 September and 1 October. Includes the song recs and fanfic/fanart etc moments we’d like to see, as mentioned in the chats :-)
Episode 1
A gifset of Kendra flying, a flashback to a sepia-toned image, and then her saying “not another flashback
Gifset of Kendra saying she dumped Carter
One with Mick and Nate, with nate realising he’s travelling on his own
Something of Nate waving his pencil in Oliver’s face and complaining about his thesis
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Don’t Let ‘Em Grind You Down by motörhead for Nate
Dust in the Wind by Kansas for Mick
Centuries by FOB just in general
Do it like a Dude for Queen Bee
Europa - Globus should be for WWII
40s music! There’s Torched Song from the L.A. Noire soundtrack and it’s so good for Mick
You Turn Me Right Round for the Lichtenstein anomaly Hello by Adele for Coldwave
Postmodern Jukebox
for the 40s in France music, there should definitely be Le Temps des Cerises
Legendary by Welshly Arms for the rewrite in general
Welshly Arms - Legendary for the whole season 
"Look What you made me do” theme for the Legion
 Our Corner of the Universe by KS Rhoads for Team Legends
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjiupe-odRQ Goldberg Variations
“Sexual Healing” for Queen Anne/Sara…
“House of Memories” by Panic at the Disco for 2 or 3
way to the future by kate herzig
Episode 2
Bambi and Ray eating together
Ratigan riding bambi at one point
Bambi meeting Ratigan
Bambi in the remains of the other raptors
Ratigan standing on Bambis head, pointing one paw: ONWARDS, Waverider in the background, Ray and Mick screaming of screen “Come back you little shits!”, “Join the Legends of Tomorrow” text above, “Save the Timeline” underneath, think like an old style Soviet propaganda poster, Waverider in the background, Ratigan and Bambi up front, “Join the Legends of Tomorrow” text above, “Save the Timeline” underneath
Coldwave song idea- Whispers by Dave Baxter)
Angel with a shotgun (for song choices)
gregorian monks chanting modern songs?
Pull the monks from Monty Python
For Ray: “I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts”
Gregorian version of “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”
“I walk a lonely road” = Ray having a moment
We are the monks from the Galavant soundtrack
I’m a different kind of princess from the galavant soundtrack for Sara
Mick telling Jax to fly because he’s already had whiskey
Jax and Stein in the infirmary
More of Kendra’s incarnation’s story
Hotblooded for Mick
arsonist’s lullaby
Sir Patrick Stewart played the Lionheart once
coldwave - fate don’t know you by desi valentine
a version of friar tuck as one of the monks 
Jurassic Park theme
Jon Bernthal’s character would be good for Peter
“Istanbul not Constantinople” by They Might Be Giants
“Jerusalem of Gold” by Ofra Haza
“Lanercost” by Steeleye Span
Episode 3
Ginnifer Goodwin as Nancy wake?
Melanie Lynskey for Nancy
Amaya and Sara’s conversations
The moment where Nate shouts “NANCY WAKE?!?”
le temps des cerises europa
fanart of that fight scene with everyone
Edith Piaf
Europa by Globus
“Le Temps des Cerises”
“La Vie En Rose” by Edith Piaf
In the Mood" by Glen Miller
la marsaillaise by edith piaf
The jukebox version of Seven Nation Army
Sentimental Journey by Doris Day for Amaya
Cover of paper planes done in a '40s style by jukebox
Hitler Has Only Got One Ball to the Colonel Bogey’s March
Nancy Wake’s song is Witness by Mindless Self Indulgence 
Episode 4
Watch Your Back by Sam Tinnesz for the second half with Eobard
Fanart of the moment Eo brings back Laurel
Sara and Laurel in the med bay
Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, possibly some ominous cover version, for the villains’ evil wall related schemes
Sara and Eobard drinking together
Every Breath You Take by Chase Holfeder. He does great minor covers of songs in major keys
99 Luftballoons by Nena
Something with Stein giving Marty his talking to, in the middle of the crowds in Berlin
Kim Weston – You hit Me Where It Hurts
The Ramones – Never Should Have Opened That Door
It’s So Easy when you’re evil
Rotten to the Core Disney movie descendants
When You’re Evil" by Voltaire for the Legion
Episode 5
Faroese Valravn or German Faun’s music
Mick Rory with the viking horns
Gunlod singing at the battle
ride of the valkyries
Looking too Closely by Fink for the end
Faun’s Walpurgisnacht would fit
fanart (gifset if possible) of Jax and Gunlod, being all flirty
Valravn has a version of Drømte mig en drøm
Jakob Oftebro for King Sweyn
Never Forget by Greta Salome
the fires
Mick headbutting the viking with his horned helmet
Paprika Steen or Hella Joof for Adisla
everybody talking to Lisa about their memories of Len, like one of those pics, with the bonfire and everyone around it, in the centre of the page, and then everyone’s memories in a circle around it
Eivør Pálsdóttir for Gunlød
“For the Love of a Princess "James Horner https://youtu.be/fckH2P0KK14
Episode 6
Uh, all of it
fancasts for our robot gangster
brent spiner
THE VOICE OF K2-SO whatshisname
Alan Tudyk
James Spader
we should just have ALL the famous robot actors hanging out
C3PO too
R2D2 and BB8
something frank sinatra
mission impossible theme
Robot Parade
"Mr Roboto”
A mix of Mission Impossible and the LoT theme
There’s a french revolution documentary with a song called rise of robespierre that sounds very steampunk and mechanical
Mick in his fireman clothes
the song from anything goes where she’s singing about her gangsters
Lisa kneeing Ray in the balls? like, I love Ray
like, every moment of lisa
“Weird Science” for the Stein/Dr Metcalf argument by Oingo Bongo
The Last of the Real Ones by FOB
Episode 7
Cisco getting thumbs up from Felicity and Winn when Lisa winks at him as she’s walking off
X-files theme somewhere along the way
seven nation army the original version would be good there
“Space Girl” for all the girls
salute by little mix for the girls
“Science Fiction Double Feature”
Episode 8
it’s a kind of magic
Lupita Nyong'o for Queen Bee
Magic Man" by Heart
Angela Basset
Taraji P Henson
viola davis
jada pinkett smith
Constantine interacting with the Legends
Something with the legends standing outside Zatanna’s place, looking frustrated at her “I’m not here” sign
Episode 9
Mick and Georgie, anything and everything with them
Is Anybody There from 1776
One of those things that fly across your dash with Ray and his rocket boot
Battle of Yorktown
fanart of that first confrontation when they meet Rip for the first time
Fanart of Washington’s ridiculous height
Georgie and Mick towering over everyone
Sara realising she just knocked back Martha’s eggnog and is actually talking to George Washington
Joke suggestion for Rip: I knew you were trouble, Taylor Swift
For Georgie storyarc, the Too Late to Apologize cover
mama look sharp from 1776
for Mick and Len and the hallucination arc, “Drumming Song” Florence and the Machine
“White Rabbit” Jefferson Airplane for Ray’s shrinking arc
 "The Battle of New Orleans"
Episode 10
black sails intro
pirates OST
Ray’s costume trials need “Sharp dressed man”
There’s a lovely cover by Jo Dee Messina
“Yo Ho A Pirate’s Life for Me”
Wolves of the Sea by Pirates of the Sea, the Eurovision version
Assassin’s Creed Black Flag music
I’m a Modern Major General for Stein in disguise
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw for the legends at some point in some episode
Ray’s montage fanart
something from crouching tiger hidden dragon maybe
Ray dressing as blue beetle and everyone looking thoroughly unimpressed
Ray trying to be Cold, and Mick of taking back the cold gun
Mick and Ray arguing about pirates vs ninjas and Len in the back, very very frustrated
Fanart of what would happen if Len COULD change outfits at will, mick looks over and has to try not laughing if len could change outfits, Len shows up in a terrible pirate outfit, Mick spit-takes, Ray says “we have to re-shoot that”, Sara (from offscreen): “Where did you even GET that?”
Ming-Na Wen for Ching, Maggie Cheung, Michelle Yeoh, Fan Bingbing
Episode 11
Mick in shorts
“Down Under” by Men at Work, maybe for the sequence where Mick is being mistaken for an Aussie
fanart of that scene and also of everybody in their clothes
Everybody Wants To Rule the World by Tears for Fears
all the bad fashion
lost boys soundtrack
fanart of the intro scene of bby Mick and Len
people are strange by the doors; don’t cry little sister
Weird Al’s “Smells Like Nirvana” for the section that goes
we didn’t start the fire
Ngaire - Keisha Castle-Hughes
Episode 12
the alien theme
Sort of atmospheric background music
skittering noises
Space Girl
Ziggy Stardust
Lost in Space theme
Thus Spake Zarathusa
cold as ice for Len
AIDA from Agents of Shield in part inspired Grace, but she’s not the fancast
major tom 
sigourney weaver as the engineer
for fanfic, something about Mick as Chronos, or Rip and Miranda hearing the story of the Mosaic
The moment with the Captain is saving Mick
Len and Gideon
The ghost behind Sara, and of Medusa!Grace
scaredy cat Stein
Sara and Mick sharing the quiet moment next to the graves
From Space girl: “Travelled through the time warp in the Psycho Plan”
Len shouting at Mick not to go on the other ship
Episode 13
Some ironic/dark use of something from the Evita musical
Don’t cry for me, Argentina
Mercedes Sosa
Solo le pido a dios
Churros. Any pic set of this episode must include churros.
Saved the world by eurythimics
copa la vida by ricky martin, maybe for the sequence with the soccer reference
under my umbrella aka, “Bus Stop” by the Hollies
The Legion surrounded by umbrellas
when Mick and the others are in the bakery
Fanart of Len, Thawne and Dahrk replicating the Singing In The Rain poster
Episode 14
fanart of Amaya dancing while Jax looks on like a proud brother
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry
Pasttime in Good Company
Brian Blessed
Eric Bana 
Sean Astin
Mick sitting alone in the garden with his lighter while len looks at him sadly
the globe burning
Sara dancing with Henry, and amaya in the back like….oh shit
Burning Down The House
Talking Heads
Royals by Lorde
Sons of Serendip
Fanart of Sara and Amaya trying to get dressed
Natalie Dormer as Ann, Natalie Portman
prison themed music for the dungeon scene
Johnny Cash
lone blues harmonica 
Mood board for henry and anne (+sara)
Episode 15
New york new york
All the old Irish songs about New York
Streets of New York
Pogues and Flogging Molly 
Wolfe Tones
the legion in their “hq”
Queen Been in a barbershop chair
Amaya carrying Sara with spirit wings behind her.
Legion!Len being pissed at racists
Some dramatic baroque-layout style picture of the mob about to start, and the only points of colour in the pic are Sara, Amaya, and Darhk
Lily fanart
her and Rip working together to guide the team from the Waverider
Stein helping a tiny Lily make her first atom model
Episode 16
annoying game show background music
A montage set to the actual Legends of the Hidden Temple, or art with the Legends and Legion wearing those dorky outfits
Benny Hill theme song
The Chicken Dance song played in slow mo 
theme from Gremlins
Someone who does podcasts needs to do some lines from the announcers
Fanart of the renegades first appearance
Fan art of affronted Mick and Len
Those (song) in Minor Key posts, Maybe the Benny Hill theme in minor key for dramatic parts
Stephen Fry would probably be perfect for Ethelred
Some of the challenges in the labyrinth should come with really annoying early computer game sounds
Art of the game in the style of one of those old crappy text RPGs and at one point, there’s a sign off to the side that says “don’t go this way - you will be eaten by a grue”
The whole Legends in The Future, yelling at a computer
16 or 32-bit version of the characters
 in the year 2525 (song)
Episode 17
it's gotta be cassette quality 90's music
Green Day
Aqua barbie girl
drunk Legends
Spice Girls
lots of Madonna and Prince and Maria Carey
Jax and Jessica duke it out at the whack a mole
all the home alone sequences
Sound of Silence for the “Hello Darhk-ness my old friend” part
O!Len realising L!Len can see him
Jessica - Gina Rodriguez
“I put a spell on you” for the final sequence with Queen Bee
Any Jax/Jessica photoset would need their respective dolls
Episode 18
music rec: we will rock you. Nothing else will do for Sara’s gladiator appearance
the woman who played Lucilla in Gladiator for Fulvia
Marc Antony, the guy who played him in Rome did it
Is Anybody There from 1776 musical
Rome, Spartacus, The Gladiator soundtracks
Sara fighting Darhk
EVERYONE in ancient Rome outfits
Kendra and Fulvia, lounging on their seats
Legion!Len in his toga
Having scenes from this episode using dialogue from Life Of Brian.
Kendra in Rome getup
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Episode 19
Camelot from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Len’s ice ramp
Old school superhero comic style fan art of the knights
Joan (song)
everyone dressed up for dinner
Mick and Mordred
Colin Farrell for Jason Blood
Merlin - Taika Waititi
Eva Green for Morgana
Sofia Boutella for Nimue
Ivana Baquero ystina
Faun's Tanz mit mir for the party scene
Doomworld 1 & 2
crossover fan art of a certain Victor von Doom being angry with the Legion
It’s the End of the World as We Know It
Eurythmics "Sweet dreams are made of this"
Walking on the Ground
for Batman, Batfleck, Jason O’Mara
B: TAS theme
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"
Nathan Fillion - Hal
Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" by Cage the Elephant
Ted - Danny Pudi
Everyone decked out in their doomworld versions
The fight between Mick, L!Len, and then the lanterns show up
all by myself to be playing in the background at the very end when Mick is left alone
Land of Confusion by Genesis, or the Disturbia version
Uprising by Muse
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Last Episode
Fan art of Bambi leaping joyfully into Ray’s arms
A gif set of Mick and Len hugging
fanart, specifically, of Ray and Bambi skipping through a field of flowers towards each other as “So Happy Together” plays in the background
everyone hugging Len, then Len and Mick hugging
A sweet piece of Sara and Laurel talking through the inter-dimensional skype
O!Len holding the spear, with the team in the back yelling at him not to do it 
The sequence where the jump ship explodes in the middle of the time stream
we are the champions
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londontheatre · 8 years
As technology evolves, humankind continues to depend more and more on the advancement of industrial science. The Machine Stops raises the question – how far will we go with our dependency on technology before a breakdown occurs?
The world premiere of E.M. Forster’s short story, The Machine Stops dives into the theory of societal dependency on technology. Adapted by Neil Duffield, this story is an intriguing prediction of our future relationship with technology. The script’s profound writing forces us to analyse our daily interactions with all forms of technology. When Vashti (Ricky Butt) receives a call from her son Kuno (Rohan Nedd), she is asked to come visit him. This would mean that Vashti would have to leave her machine behind, thus forcing her to be independent from the mechanical box she lives in. Forster’s fascinating insight on the possibilities of humankind’s total dependency on technology shines a light onto the scary reality of modern day technological reliance.
John Foxx and Benge’s music sets the tone of this play as the Machine (Maria Gray and Adam Slynn) swoops in and out of the metal framed set designed by Rhys Jarman. Philippa Vafadari’s movement direction gave the actors room to play within a confined space as they scaled the sides of the set or swung from one bar to another. The lighting design by Tom Smith gave a full sense of sunlight on Earth, as well as an eerie sense of darkness below ground. The intricate designs of every aspect of this play – lighting, sound, video, etc – along with the intense acting made this riveting play transfixing to watch as the complexity of the story unfolded.
The time is ticking for our society as we consume more and more technology, never once looking away from our screens. The Machine Stops is an eye-opener for the possibilities of what has yet to come. It is our choice to become reliant upon technology… for now.
Review by Aly Chromy
The acclaimed production of EM Forster’s classic short story The Machine Stops, adapted for the stage by Neil Duffield and directed by Juliet Foster, now comes to Jacksons Lane. His short story masterpiece published in 1909 is astoundingly prophetic and poignant in 2017: a chilling prediction and exploration of our increasingly complex relationship with technology “You talk as if a god had made the Machine,” cried the other. “I believe that you pray to it when you are unhappy. Men made it, do not forget that.”
In a dystopian world where humans have retreated far underground, Kuno alone questions their now total dependency on technology to live and communicate with each other, but in his struggle to break out can he reach the Earth’s surface before the Machine stops?
The Machine Stops Performance Dates Tuesday 7th- Saturday 11th March 2017, 8pm Running time 1 hour 25 minutes (no interval) Jacksons Lane, 269a Archway Road, London N6 5AA Box Office Tickets are available from http://ift.tt/zTzGi5
Twitter @pilot_theatre @jacksons_lane, #MachineStops Director Juliet Forster Designer Rhys Jarman Music John Foxx and Benge Lighting designer Tom Smith Movement Direction Philippa Vafadari Kuno Rohan Nedd Vashti Ricky Butt Machine 2/Attendant Maria Gray Machine 1/Passenger Adam Slynn
http://ift.tt/2mZ9xLF LondonTheatre1.com
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dickfuckk · 2 years
A list of season 2 cast and crew members, confirmed and speculated
I will try and keep this updated
Not counting the obvious ones
Please note that this is a list of both cast and crew members, so PAs and such are also included and not just actors
sorry in advance that 90% of my sources come from instagram
Aaron Morton (Camera) - he’s listed on the very last picture as the camera-man
Adam Stein (Writer)
Alan F. (English solider)
Alexandria S.
Alistair Gregory - from this tweet so uncertain, but followed me back on my bts instagram account so seems to have some interest in ofmd
Amy Tunnicliffe
Amanda M. (Wedding guest)
Andrew DeYoung (Director) - I don't remember if there was any other reason than the fact that he was in Aotearoa during filming
Andy Rydzewksi (Cinematographer)
Brian Badie (Hairstylist)
Bronson Pinchot ("Torturer")
Bryn Seager - I don't remember why but I follow him
Bryony Matthew (Food stylist)
Cora Montalban (Makeup and/or hairstylist) - I believe she was tagged in an instagram story once, and she's followed by a ton of cast and crew members
Daniel Fernandez (Spanish priest)
David G. (Stand in)
Dennis Bailey (Hairstylist) - Leslie revealed that he's there.
Don A. (Swampy Town folk)
Eliza Cossio (Writer)
Erroll Shand (Prince Ricky)
Fernando Frias (Director)
Grant Lobban
Gypsy Taylor (Costume designer)
Haroun Barazanchi - I'm gonna be honest, I have no memory of why I suspect this guy will be working on season 2, but I follow him hgjfdks
Jaden McLeod
Jason Samoa, possibly spotted on location
Jemaine Clement, pretty sure this is only based on his friendship with Rhys and Taika tbh
Jes Tom (Writer)
Jessica Lee Hunt (Makeup artist) - followed by a ton of crew and cast members and I believe she's been tagged in instagram stories and such
John Mahone (Writer)
Jono Capel-Baker (Groom)
Jonno Roberts didn't get the role from his audition, but could still have gotten a different role - hung out with Ruibo
Karl L. (Action extra)
Kate Fu
Kathleen Zyka Smith ("Red Flag")
Kosuke Iijima (Fabricator/Sculptor?) - due to interaction on this post
Kris Gillan (Fabricator/Sculptor)
Kura Forrester - followed by quite a few cast and crew members, but I don't remember if there was anything else to it
Laura Stables (SFX makeup artist)
Leanne - followed by cast and crew
Lee Tuson
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie) - she's spoiled this so many times, but gjfhdks
Leyla - followed by a lot of cast and crew members, don't remember if there was more to it than that
Luke V. (Stand in)
Ma Christina C. ("Red Flag")
Madeleine Sami (Archie)
Maddie Roche (PA) - read the tags idk lmao
Maddy Powell - this double rainbow photo is for sure from the first day of filming and nathan commented on her post
Maggie Philips (Music supervisor)
Mark Black (Henchman)
Mark Mitchinson (Hornigold)
Martin D. (Wedding guest)
Megan Vertelle (Set decorator)
Mike Berlucchi (Cinematographer)
Nareemun S. (Stand in)
Nat Van Halle - Has been hanging out on set with crew and cast
Natalie Torres (Writer)
Nathan Foad (Lucius)
Nathaniel Goodman - listed as camera-man
Nicola Dove (Photographer) - I'm guessing she'll be the season 2 version of Aaron Epstein
Paul Murphy (Director)
Ra Vincent (Production designer) - He's the one in a white t-shirt and sunglasses or smth on his head
Rachel Forman - followed by a lot of cast and crew (including taika, nathan, madeleine, alex etc.) and Fernando made a post saying goodbye to Aoteroa, and she commented and he said he would miss her
Rachel House - Suspected due to her hanging out with cast and crew, but could be nothing
Richard B. ("Republic of Pirates")
Ringo R. ("Republic of Pirates")
Rory Davis - followed by cast and crew
Ruibo Qian
Sha M. ("Republic of Pirates")
Simone Nathan (Writer)
Tammy Davis - pretty sure it's just based off of this post which could be nothing
Tara Lauren (Makeup artist)
Tenesse Murfitt (Hairstylist) - followed by a ton of cast and crew members, and I believe she's been tagged in instagram stories
Tino L. (Stand in)
Toa Paranihi - I honestly don't remember why this was speculated or possibly confirmed, but I follow him on instagram and so do a couple of the cast and crew members
Ty Evander
Vanessa Vandy (Cinematopgrapher) - don't remember why i suspect her, but i follow her
Will Giles (Set designer)
Zach Douglas
Zackery Alexander Stephans (Writer)
Zak Enayat - he has just been very openly working on the show, and is followed by cast and crew members
Zayre Ferrer (Writer)
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