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unusual art by an unusual artists
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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Sometimes I burn at the beach •••• Saying goodbye to sum sum summertime •••• • • #summer #summertimeandthelivingiseasy #🎶 #janisjoplin #welcomefall #seasons #honortheseasons #changeisintheair #changeisinmyhair #art #artist #drawing #sketch #sketchbook #coloredpencils #foot #magenta #pghart #pghartist #steelcity #theburgh #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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___Under___ 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" • • • An older intaglio print I made when I had access to a print studio. I love the forced patience, focus & mindfulness the intaglio process demands! 🎨 • • • #art #artist #printmaking #printmaker #intaglio #printingink #patience #focus #planning #inthemoment #ocean #series #fish #mindfulness #printmakingprocess #pghart #pghartist #steelcity #theburgh #sticksstonesfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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__Quiet Mind, Open Heart__ • • SATURDAY Rhythm and Brews music and art festival!!!! An @rivertownebrewing & @redfishbowl event. 11:00 a.m. - 9:00p.m. 2447 Tilbrook Rd. Monroville Park • • #noodledoodle #drawing #penandink #micronpen #micron05 #abstractart #drawingoftheday #calminthestorm #breathe #om #lettinggo #bekind #be #everydayisanewchance #reachin #reachout #loveyourselffirst #quietthemonkeymind #pghart #pghartist #theburgh #steelcity #ssfeathersbones (at Tall Trees Amphitheater)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
Heavy Chest at last nights American Heart Association Benefit at James Street Gastro Pub. Event by #redfishbowl. Musicians and visual artists coming together for a great cause.
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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__Unearthed__ Altered Barbie Doll (from series one) • • barbie parts, paper clay, medical tape, found ivy branch, waxed linen, shoe polish, acrylic paint, found wood substrate • • One of my pieces hanging at James Street Gastro Pub TONIGHT. Come check out the art, music a Benefit for the American Heart Disease Association. A @redfishbowl event! • • #artdoll #mixedmedia #alteredperceptions #paperclay #dollparts #medicaltape #shoepolish #acrylicpaint #waxedlinen #ivybranch #sticks #evolution #overtime #mentalpurge #pieceofme #laboroflove #art #artist #artlife #mylife #3dart #pghartist #theburgh #sticksstonesfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
I was leaving a friends when I heard music. I just started following it. After being slightly stalky I ended up meeting •Kevin Dormont Pyper• . . Thank you Kevin Pyper for spreading peace and love by just doing what you do! . . If we all do what we do with love and kindness it makes hard times like these softer and spreads love and hope ✌🏼& 💙 . . CHECK OUT MORE IN STORY MODE (bear through the first stalky part, it's worth it) ✌🏼💙 . . #music #piedpiper #randomactsofkindness #spredlove #fighthatewithlove #kevindormontpyper #lifeisrandom #walktall #dowhatyoulove #kindnessovercruelty #artinthestreet #musicman #artandmusic #musician #citywalk #mademyday #spreadpeace but also #standupforwhatyoubelieve #pittsburghpa #theburgh #lovemycity
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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°Popsicle People $2 dollars and 50 cents"° . . #popsicle #people #drawing #warmcolors #coolcolors #summerinthecity #august #sumertimeandthelivingseasy #janisjoplin #🎶 #hotdays #musicofthemoment #art #abstraction #anthropomorphic #graphitestick #micronpen #prismacoloredpencils #art #pghart #pghartist #supportlocal #inthestudio #studiotime #theburg #steelcity #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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•Something new is emerging• . . #drawing #sketchbook #graphite #staedtlerpencils #graphitestick #graphitedrawing #saturdaysketch #wip #goingwiththeflow #stayinginthemoment #art #studiotime #inthestudio #werking #pghart #pghartist #steelcity #cityofbridges #theburgh #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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YOU are not Alice and this is NOT Wonderland . . Response to a Pittsburgh photographer's work and the model that posed for him combined with a personal experience. Photographer @non.extant model @laurenxhiner . . . #wip @non.extant @laurenxhiner #alice #wonderland #rabbithole #mask #watercolor #graphitestick #charcoal #contecrayon #prismacoloredpencils #sharpieoilmarkers #drawing #woman #mask #inspiration #pghart #pghartist #pghartists #theburg #steelcity #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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Throw Back to the days I would wake up before my morning shift and draw huge mandalas in the sand, sit on the jetty and watch them begin to disappear into the sea or observe people walking around through it . . #tbt #sand #mandala #drawing #drawinginthesand #thesea #oceanlife #barefeet #mandalas #saltwaterhair #makesmesmile #draw #peaceandlove #peaceful #meltsintotheseaeventually #castlesmadeofsand #everythingistemporary #theonlyconstantischange #observation #lifeisacanvas #mindfulness #justbe #oceanlove (at Planet Earth)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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____Lessons______ °Work in progress° (pun intended) . . Acrylic paint on reclaimed wood substrate painted primarily with my hands and a drinking straw . . #wip #lessons #life #rollwithit #theonlyconstantischange #begreatful #face #abstract #abstraction #acrylicpainting #layers #acrylicpaint #art #abstractart #studiotime #reclaimedwood #reuse #repurpose #green #blue #pghart #pittsburghartist #steelcity #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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°Sketch for a multimedia piece° ........ One of several works in progress..... 🎨, 🎶 and ☕!!! ........ #artandcoffee #🎨 #☕ #drawing #draw #sketch #sketchbook #graphite #study #abstraction #lines #face #mouth #smile #studiotime #werking #art #pghart #pghartist #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh "Mt. Lebanon" PA)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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I hope your SUNday is something like this, gratitude and genuine smiles ..... Step one in abstract piece ..... #sunday #abiding #weekendmandate #terxcom #draw #keeponkeepingon #drawing #wip #graphite #face #abstraction #smile #werking #makersgonnamake #grateful #livebythesun #lovebythemoon #pghart #pghartist #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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"Full Intent and Purpose" .... TB to an anthropomorphic soft sculpture I had in an exhibit at Society for Contemporary Crafts .... #tbt #artexhibition #societyforcontemporarycraft #juriedartshow #gallery #softsculpture #soulwarrior #leatherhead #bonebuttons #fabric #vintagescissors #tedioussewing #vintagerecieptholder #workinglock #marble #marbleinhermouth #breakthestigma #communityvoices #pittsburghartist #greatfourmonths (at Contemporary Craft)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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Sun, breeze, pencil and sketchbook..... Enjoying every minute! .... 🌞✏🌕 .... #saturday #drawing #outside #enjoyingtheweather #drawdrawdraw #sketch #sketchbook #grateful #weekendvibes #summerinthecity #fullbuckmoon #tonight #🌕#abiding #weekendmandate #😎 #art #pghart #pghartist #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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Self Portrait in Red ........ #visceral #reaction #red #redpaint #paint #painting #newwip #grayarea #letitgo #release #flow #artsanity #art #artistlife #dailylife #processoverproduct #pghartist #pghcreative #human (at Planet Earth)
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ssfeathersbones · 8 years ago
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______Summer Time_______ °Blue skies and warm sun° .... #summertime #summer #summerinthecity #urbansummerlife #bluesky #sunshine #bhudda #bhuddisttemple #walkingaround #lovingtheweather #enjoyinglife #beingmindful #seeingbeauty #beautyintheordinary #lucky #grateful #peaceandlove #ssfeathersbones (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
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