Light of Apollo
16 posts
A blog discussing music, arts and letters, politics, religion, comic books, movies and more, while promoting strong conservative values and western culture *Based in Halifax, Canada * Composer/Musician * Avid Learner * Lover of humor and all kinds of comedy!*
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
The NDP is cancerous communist trash but Nikki Ashton has a point.
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Niki Ashton is killing it this debate. 👏
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
One of the most beautiful and affirming pieces of art ever brought into the world by such a visionary
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Abortion is ONLY acceptable if the baby is putting the mother in serious medical harm. Under no other circumstances killing a child "ok" or "your choice"
Abortion is a good thing, if that’s what they want
Pregnancy is a good thing, if that what they want
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Liberalsarecool is ran by gibbering, born-to-drug-addicted-parents, brick chewing imbeciles. DEMOCRATS were the party of the KKK and slavery, and still are, crippling the black communities with welfare slavery, public schools and government handouts. Crack a fucking book
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Conservatives are on the wrong side of the entirety of history. Own it.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
We should withdraw all money and support, and forever cease dealings with that vile, backwards despotic tyrannical hellhole. Either that, or risk becoming it by the end of the century
The rulers of Saudi Arabia appear to be deploying Canadian-made armoured vehicles against its own citizens in an escalating conflict that has already elicited public criticism from the Trudeau government.
This is the first time that video footage has surfaced on various social media websites, allegedly showing the Islamic kingdom using Canadian weaponized equipment against its Saudi civilians – a development that spurred calls Friday for the Liberal government to halt defence exports to the oil-rich nation.
The House of Saud’s use of combat machines against its Shia population in eastern Saudi Arabia goes to the very heart of the controversy over whether the Trudeau government is violating Canada’s weapons export-control rules.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Cause that's what Canada needs - MORE baby killing!
Every woman living in Alberta will have universal access to a new medical abortion therapy regardless of whether she has provincial health insurance, Alberta’s health minister says.
An announcement about how the Alberta government will cover the cost of mifegymiso — a pill-based alternative for early-stage abortions — is coming “very soon,” Health Minister Sarah Hoffman said Tuesday evening — possibly within weeks.
“Any women who live in Alberta — I don’t care where you live, I don’t actually care whether you’re yet a citizen — they have the right to access this,” Hoffman said during a panel discussion at the Chateau Lacombe Hotel about mifegymiso.
Refugees, university students covered by other provincial health plans, and other women should all have free access in the province, she said.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Very Simply: Pro Life
So I'm more than certain everyone is sick and tired of the abortion debate. Pro-lifers think babies are alive in the womb and just as valid inside and out, and the majority of Pro-choicers believe life is validated only once out of the womb. Of course, some only support it in extreme cases or feel it's not the government's place to dictate something like that, but to me, murder against a baby is just as bad and punishable as the murder of anyone else. That being said, here is a primarily moral argument as to the immorality of abortion. I'd like anyone who believe that abortion is ok at any stage of fetal development to go look in the mirror. Look at yourself, watch your limbs move and your eyes blink and get a good sense of being active. Then go outside. Preferably at night. Look at the stars and feel the wind on your skin. Feel at one with the world. Lastly, hang out with family or friends who have a little baby. Hold the baby and think about being outside under the stars. Would you deny that innocent child that kind of profound spiritual experience? Imagine if that baby you were holding was 6 months into fetal development in the womb, and you could encourage the mother to go through with an abortion or to let that little person live. I'd imagine most of you would plead with the mother, implore her to keep the child that you know will emerge bright eyed and beautiful. We have a duty to be Pro-life because we are all ALIVE. Our parents all decided to let us live, and we owe the next generation a CHANCE, if nothing else. Unless that baby is gonna kill the mother in birth, there is virtually no reason to abort. Nothing that happened to that child is it's fault, and it is profoundly monstrous to deny your child the CHANCE to live. Like you as a baby, it did nothing wrong, and like you now, it will be eternally grateful for the chance to look in the mirror, feel the night wind, and hold a baby of their own.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
You know you're a paste-swilling ignoramus when your only argument is either "you're racist!" or "You DEFINITELY don't understand economics"
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All three plus they don’t understand economics, taxation, and deficits.
They knew Trump was a babbling ignoramus. He was beyond rude to Hillary during the debates. His birtherism was his main connection to the conservative base.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
More for our cultureless friends who believe that western art and music was only great in the past
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
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Abortion robs unborn children of their right to life and liberty.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
These shows better be good. Daredevil was easily one of the best tv shows ever made
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Going to SDCC? Swing by the #MarvelSDCC booth to get exclusive “Marvel’s The Defenders” and “Marvel’s The Punisher” posters by Joshua James Shaw and Joe Quesada!
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Fucking awesome
From Blackshirts to Black Hoodies:
My rant on the Sacking of Hamburg.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
If atheists are so certain of their position why do they INSIST on saying it to everyone all the fucking time? Same thing for religious people who preface everything with "I'm a Christian/ Muslim/ Buddhist/ Hindu etc.
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#atheist #atheists #atheism #atheistrollcall #atheistsofinstagram #atheistcommunity #antitheist #religionpoisonseverything #freedomfromreligion #heathens #nonbeliever #militantatheist #godless #nogod #agnostic #freethinker #noreligion #goodwithoutgod #secular #secularism #humanist #antireligion #religionfree #religionkills #skeptic #science #logic #reason #evolution
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
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The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah, 1852, by John Martin (1789-1854)
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Snowforms by R. Murray Schafer, performed by the brilliant Vancouver Chamber Choir. For all the idiots who treat western tradition and history like a fad to show their western brownie points while bloviating about how "everything post-modern/modern is degenerative, communist garbage", please lock yourself in a medieval oubliette and stay there. If you truly believe that, you have ZERO appreciation for art and how it evolves.
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apollocaritas-blog · 8 years ago
Welcome !
Welcome to my page! I hope you enjoy the content I post! Please feel free to disagree and debate!
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