Does anybody else get legitimately worried when a fanfic author who was updating regularly just suddenly disappears with no warning? Like, is it a serious case of writers block or are they in a coma? Did they just up and quit? Was it me? Were my reviews not good enough?! Did they die 😳?! Were they kidnapped? Do I need to file a missing persons report? Excuse me officer, there’s been 13 weekly updates and now nothing for months! Find them! What’s their name?! Name!? I don’t know their name but they write 3k+ chapters and I need them safe and back in my life!
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Our favorite redhead, Rupert Grint, turns 35 today!
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Book Ron Weasley
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i can tolerate a lot of fandom bullshit
but i cannot
tolerate people saying ron wasn’t good enough for hermione
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Seven Things The Movies Forgot About Ron
Book Ron was an interesting, attractive and relatable character, and I feel that the movies really unfairly relegated him to the position of comic relief. The dynamics of the trio had to be simplified into hero + heroine + mascot, and that robbed us of a truly fascinating character. So here are a few things you should remember:
1. He really is poor and it matters. HP may have huge issues when it comes to representations of race and sexuality, but deserves a round of applause for having a character come from a low-income background, with the fact of their poverty not glossed over but made into a plot point. JKR is really consistent about this – about the things Ron eats and wears and buys and doesn’t buy, the way he reacts when Harry unwittingly flaunts his own wealth. Poorer kids who have to go without brand name clothes will see themselves in Ron, and richer kids will learn that poverty isn’t something you deserve. Kids who empathize with Ron because he can’t afford to replace a broken wand are less likely to grow up to be assholes who complain about the extravagant lifestyle of people on welfare.
2. He has knowledge about the world. Out of the trio, he is the only real insider in wizarding society. Hermione is the one who knows magical theory and basically everything that can be found in a library. But when it comes to wizarding society and all of its habits, rules and unspoken assumptions, he is the one who can fill the other two in. Throughout the course of the septology, he does almost as much exposition as Hermione.
3. He is actually quite intelligent. Despite what the movies would have you believe, he is not dumb. He is mediocre in most of his schoolwork, and lacks Hermione’s booksmarts, but he is an excellent chess player, meaning he possesses good strategic abilities. He is the one who keeps a calm head while throttled by Devil’s Snare, and he talks Hermione through saving both their lives. He has decent observational skills, after all he was to one to spot inconsistencies in Hermione’s third-year time table. Seeing his common sense and social insight as less valuable than Hermione’s academic knowledge betrays an inherently flawed definition of intelligence. (Especially since academic knowledge tends to be gendered as male, and social knowledge as female, think of Poirot and Miss Marple.)
4. He is loyal. He is the embodiment of loyalty. The movies erase some of the most poignant moments proving this, and hand some of them over to Hermione. But it is Ron who stands in front of Harry, daring Sirius Black to kill them both, despite his broken leg. It is Ron who repeatedly defies Malfoy and even Snape to protect Hermione from verbal abuse. When his mother believes tabloid lies about Hermione, he takes Hermione’s side. When his brother tells him to stop being friends with Harry because of the political risk, he is so furious at the suggestion that he tears up the letter. He is unthinkingly loyal to his friends, this is why it is such a big deal that he leaves in the seventh book – because it contradicts who he really is.
5. He is genuinely funny. In the movies we are more likely to laugh at Ron than laugh with him, and the jokes he makes tend to be somewhat juvenile. But in the books his sense of humour evolves with him and with the reader, leading to this dry, snarky, irreverent tone that is genuinely very enjoyable. Ron is fun to read, and he sounds like someone who would be lots of fun to be around. He jokes a lot, but it is rarely spiteful, and often meant to comfort or distract someone – a proof of emotional intelligence.
6. He is kind. I don’t really how to put this, other than the fact that if Ron was a girl, he would be immediately defined as a caretaker. He stays in Hogwarts over Christmas so that Harry doesn’t have to be alone. He often acts oblivious and selfish on the surface, but ultimately he really obviously pays attention to the wellbeing of his friends. From his words and actions and body-language we can piece together the sort of person who can make life suck less just by showing up, who is always there for his friends even if he cannot do anything specific to help.
7. He has a huge inferiority complex. The movies hardly touch on it but in the books it is his main character arc. He feels inferior to his brothers’ achievements, to Harry’s chosen status, to Hermione’s intelligence. It is explicitly stated in book four that he doesn’t understand how can someone not want to be chosen. The books are far more clear in implying that he gets together with Lavander because he’s insecure about romance. The Horcrux doesn’t get to him through his love for Hermione like it does in the movie, it gets to him through the nagging suspicion that he has never been good enough for anything or anyone ever, including Hermione. And the movie laughed off the scene after the destruction of the Horcrux, when Harry finally gets how much Ron suffered of this fear of being second best and Ron gets that Harry never chose to be chosen. But fear of being inadequate is the primary driving force of Ron throughout the septology, and the movie fails to see value in Ron just as Ron fails to see value in himself: his caring, his loyalty, his wealth of non-academic knowledge and his awesome sense of humour are not tangible achievements, and they are not something somebody notices about themselves.
Movie Ron is the person book Ron is afraid of being in his lowest moments, an incompetent oaf who makes rude jokes and chews with his mouth open, somebody their friends only keep around out of pity and habit, somebody Hermione would have to settle for out of a lack of better options. But book Ron, for all his flaws, is a loyal, funny and warm person with many valuable practical skills.  Also: I can imagine Hermione regularly thanking her lucky stars for ending up with someone as amazing as him.
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the number one argument i hear being used against romione is ‘they’re not intellectually compatible and hermione wouldn’t be satisfied with ron’s mediocrity’ like ?????????? what books have you read????? where are you getting these ideas?????? why are you dismissing someone’s intelligence just because it’s shown in a different way??????? why are you acting like the only way to be intelligent is academically??????? why?????
like there are so many different ways to be intelligent, just because it’s not shown in an academic sense doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. please stop.
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My favorite kind of duo: Partner in crime who got their endgame!
Aka THE cops + THEIR consultants ❤️
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
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Rupert Grint for GQ (January 30, 2023)
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
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Rupert Grint + kisses
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
if I were to rate HP character stans from most loveable to most annoying (w/o any context) [based on my experience with them] (saw a similar post in the ron tag so making my own version)
Ron stans- most welcoming ppl in the fandom.
Dumbledore stans: poor guy doesn't have many stans but they are nice ppl. They defend the most bashed character
Tertiary character stans(Cho, lav, Percy): They also defend overly hated characters. They are also nice.
Snape stans: ik this might surprise you bcz I don't like snape. But they use book quotes to defend him. Even though their interpretation is totally different from mine. They aren't edgy much.
A big gap
Ginny stans: some of them bash Ron. Also I didn't have a good experience with Ginny stans on insta.
Molly stans: they defend a grown woman by condemning a child.
Marauder stans: make up HCs to hate on Snape. Insist their non canon ship is canon. Use HC to woobify the marauders. EXTREMELY rude when someone doesn't ship wolfstar.
Another hugeee gap
Twins stans: insist Ron and Percy should have died instead of Fred. Excuse their sociopathic behaviour. Shallow. Rude to you if you say they aren't angels.
Another hugeeee gap
Draco stans: annoying, shallow, rude, overbearing. Call you names if you hate the ferret and don't ship their porn based ships.
The hugest gap
Harry stans: here a 19763224578 ft analysis why Ron is the reason covid, tsunami, WW1, WW2, the attack on WTC happened. And why Harry was better off without Ron.
Hermione stans: here a 3212345689985321234577754 ft essay why she is the main hero, doesn't have a single flaw, Ron and Harry can't breathe without her, voldy would have kissed her feet if she were the chosen one, she is more intelligent than Einstein, Newton, Archimedes combined, every character sucks who isn't Hermione... And here a 234567995 ft essay why Ron's dick isn't worthy enough for her 🐈
Yeah that's gonna be a no from me chief.
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
Some of the best Post-War Romione Stories
Australia by MsBinns.
Questions by TMBlue.
7 Years 6 Months 4 Days by TMBlue.
Thieves by TMBlue.
I Would Die For You by TMBlue.
Love Me Forever by Aloemilk.
To Bring You Back by Aloemilk.
Firsts and Lasts by wazlib88.
Take My Hand by wazlib88.
A Quiet Mind by Coyote Laughing Softly.
Sleepless by writergirl8.
In Love and War by keeptheotherone.
Anxious by jesrod82.
Right Here by R.W. plus me.
Everyday From Right Now by pacifickay.
I Saw The Light by holly1492.
All’s Fair in Love After War by magicalgold.
June by NotSoAwry.
Crossing Paths by Athenais777.
When I Have You by Fire The Canon.
All That Remains by wordsmithsonian.
A Family Comes in Different Forms by YoAngel4E.
The Time In Between by kjc1123.
Lost Memories by writemealetter.
The Ballad of Ron & Hermione by TheHalfBloodPrincess93.
An Unconventional Fairytale by ozzel1.
Australian R & R by HeRonFan.
Three Years Later by ScarletProphecy14.
A Stricken Lament by Muffliato.
Eternal Fight by oscarpaz00.
Missing Pieces by GingerWitchWriter.
The Ancient and Most Noble House of Prewett by SimplySwooningK. [In-Progress].
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
The Long Road to Rose
Title: The long road to Rose Author: @lovelittlelives Prompt: Sunday morning at home Description: after an awakening in the early morning Ron and Hermione await their baby girl Rating:  SFW Warnings none
Ron sprung up from the table, realising he had been almost asleep, standing up he began to head for the living room, pausing and lunging back to the table to grab the stopwatch and press start. The clock began to tick and he continued his dash from the room.
Hermione was lying on the sofa on her side, her eyes were closed and he could see she was trying her best to concentrate on her breathing. In and out, in and out. Her hand was resting firmly on her stomach, clutching and twisting the edge of the t-shirt that just about covered her large belly.
She opened her eyes, looked up at him calmly and giving a brief nod. He clicked the watch.
“45 seconds,” he stated.
She sighed and seemed to slump even further into the sofa, letting out a small groan as she did so.
The pains had started around two in the morning, it was now ten. They had been awake half the night and things were progressing very slowly. The contractions seemed to be getting stronger but they were not becoming closer together. Ron had been told they had to wait until they were very strong and as close as three minutes apart before they moved to the hospital.
He sat on the floor beside the old, but comfy, sofa and began picking bits of Hermione’s hair away from her face. She held out her hand for him to take it and he squeezed it fondly, still to the day amazed every time he felt her wedding ring against his fingers. She was his wife, and soon, as soon as a few hours, they could have a baby. They had made this baby inside her, and soon it would be here. They would have their little girl.
Hermione had grown paler over the course of the hours, as the pain had begun to take hold of her. It felt wrong to be excited when she was suffering so much but it was hard not to. The baby they had waited so long for was finally going to be here.
Yes, there had been sad moments when he thought of Fred, never getting to meet his niece, of all the little angels who sheltered under Fred’s tree. There had been so much loss in the last seven years but now their little girl was on her way into the world, and she would help to heal a lot of wounds.
Hemione’s grip was loosening a little on his hand, he glanced back at her to see her eyes were vacant with tiredness.
“Hermione?” he prompted gently, getting her eyes back to him.
“Sorry,” she said lightly, “I’m just tired,” She took her hand out his grasp and began to gently rub circles into her belly.
A sudden thought crossed Ron’s mind and he quickly leaned forwards, softly kissing the exposed and marked skin edging its way out from under her pyjama top.
“What was that for?” Hermione asked him, bemused.
“I won’t get to do that again – for a while.”
She smiled at him lovingly, leaning forward but letting him fill the gap for a sweet and gentle kiss.
“For a while?” She asked, pulling back to look at him, “So we’re having more are we?”
Ron faltered, they had never talked about having more children, never decided whether they would stick with their little girl only. He supposed he had presumed there would be more, he had been from such a large family that one child didn’t quite seem complete, besides he quite enjoyed making them.
Hermione tensed, another pain taking over her body. On with the stopwatch. Ron took her hand again, massaging the palm and her long fingers, trying to keep her focussing on anything other than the pain.
“48,” he told her as the pain came to an end. Then she gasped and Ron felt as though the floor had gone from beneath him, something was wrong, something had changed and it wasn’t a good change. She must have seen the fear in his eyes, because she quickly went into a gentle smile. He thought she was going crazy, she had just gasped out loud and now she was smiling but with her next sentence he understood why.
“My water’s just broke. It’s time.”
Unfortunately for the Granger-Weasley household it was another two days before baby Rose made her entrance via emergency caesarean section, but depending on how you look at it, good or bad, that was their last easy Sunday morning for a long time to come. 
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
Simple Pleasures
Author: @idearlylovealaugh
Prompt: Diagon Alley, date night
Description: Where better to celebrate a special occasion than the fanciest restaurant in town?
Rating: T
The atmosphere at Le Cochon Peint justified its reputation as the most fashionable and hard-to-come-by reservation in Diagon Alley. On a Saturday night in June almost every table was occupied by elegantly dressed witches and wizards, and a number of those heads turned as a young, attractive couple was shown to a table in nearly the exact center of the restaurant. The man, tall and strikingly ginger, pushed in the chair of his petite, bushy-haired companion in an unobtrusive display of chivalry before taking his seat amid the buzz of interested chatter from diners seated nearby.
“Quite the place,” Ron remarked, glancing around as the napkin in front of him sailed elegantly into the air, unfolded itself from it’s complicated swan design and drifted neatly onto his lap.
“It’s lovely,” Hermione agreed, smiling at him warmly. “I’m so glad we finally made it here. I’ve been hearing about it for months!”
“Seems like the right kind of place for an anniversary dinner,” he reasoned. “These posh drinks are alright, really,” he added thoughtfully, swirling around a ruby-coloured concoction he had ordered at the swanky bar in the restaurant’s lobby.
“That bartender thought you were quite alright, too, I think,” Hermione replied slyly.
“She was just being friendly,” Ron scoffed, though his ears pinked ever-so-slightly. “And she got a lot friendlier after she heard me give my name to the bloke at the front,” he added skeptically.
“The maître d’,” Hermione supplied automatically.
Ron smiled knowingly at her as he shook his head. “Right.”
“Besides, I doubt she needed to hear your name to know who you are,” she conjectured.
“The red hair I’ll grant you, but these robes are brand-new!” he joked. His eyes glowed with warmth as he watched her laugh. “Have I told you how bloody gorgeous you look tonight?”
She flushed, feeling slightly absurd to be so pleased. “Yes, but you also told me that last week after I went twelve rounds with Crookshanks and the bath, so I’m not sure I trust your judgement.”
“Hmmmm, I stand by that statement,” he mused, regarding her appraisingly.
“You’re ridiculous - I was drenched!” Hermione cried in amusement, remembering the soaked and disheveled state she had been in.
“Exactly,” he replied, mischief in his eyes. “I….”  
“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, what a delight!”
A booming voice cut him off as a florid man in ostentatious golden robes planted himself beside their table. Hermione glanced around self-consciously as he heartily shook Ron’s hand and feigned an elaborate kiss on her own. Every head in the restaurant seemed to have swiveled in their direction and was watching the scene with interest. “I have the honor to be the proprietor of Le Cochon Peint and please allow me to say that we are so, so gratified to have you dine with us this evening, and we hope that everything is to your express liking. If either of you have a particular appetite tonight, please permit me to communicate it to the chef. He will be more than happy to cater to your every whim.”
Hermione, still caught off guard, demurred. “Oh no, I’m sure the regular menu is…”
“We want to make sure we have the pleasure of your patronage again. Perhaps we could have a quick snap for our Wall of Fame?”
A slender, nimble man appeared to materialize out of thin air by his elbow and before they were fully aware of what was happening, they were enveloped in a explosive puff of purple smoke, the cameraman deftly slipping away with what was assuredly a picture of a supremely dumbstruck Ron and Hermione.
“Fantastic,” the manager beamed. “And when you return, perhaps you would be inclined to bring a friend? A very close and well-known friend?” he finished with an insinuating smile. And with one more effusive “Fantastic!” he was gone in a swirl of shimmering fabric.
Ron and Hermione could only gape at each other for a moment, before Ron set his jaw angrily.
“That was …”
“Ridiculous,” she supplied, shielding her burning face with the leather-bound menu.
“That’s not what I was going to say,” Ron grumbled under his breath, still glaring in the direction the manager had retreated.
Keep reading
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
Shell Cottage
Hermione watched the shadows of the seashells imbedded in the ancient bleached-white plaster walls dancing in the firelight. The night outside the window was darker than usual as clouds covered any moonlight that would have illuminated the beach below. Luna had left her to go outside to collect something called “lumi-wisps” in the sand dunes. Hermione had just nodded, too tired to ask her what she was talking about. She smiled fondly, remembering the excited expression on Luna’s face as she had grabbed a basket and a jar of fig jam and headed out the door.
She gingerly lifted the delicate lacy blouse Fleur had lent her over her head. Every muscle in her body ached. Her lungs were still sore from screaming, and she never remembered feeling this utterly exhausted in her life.
“Fucking hell, Hermione!” A deep familiar voice said behind her, sounding panicked. Hermione jumped and spun around to see Ron hastily depositing a cup of hot tea on a nearby dresser, brown liquid sloshing over the rim as he hurried towards her. His pale blue eyes were etched with worry.
Hermione’s hands had instinctively shot up across her chest trying in vain to shield her bra-clad breasts, but Ron didn’t seem interested in ogling her. When he was close enough, he quickly spun her around by her shoulders, keeping one large hand there as if to hold her in place.
Hermione gasped in pain as Ron’s finger traced a deep gash on her lower back.
“Shit! Sorry!” Ron mumbled, quickly pulling his finger away. His hand left her shoulder and she felt unreasonably cold. Hermione reached out, grabbed the blouse she had just removed, and held it close to her chest as she turned around to face Ron again.
Her brown eyes found his blue as both his hands came up to gently grab her upper arms. “Why didn’t Fleur heal that? She could’ve done better examining you,” he said, sounding slightly irritated.
Ron’s hands had started sliding down her arms as he spoke, the back of his knuckles completing the circuit as they lightly grazed her arms coming back up.
“She…umm…” Hermione closed her eyes for a moment breaking the stare they had been locked in. His hands were resting again on her upper arms and his thumbs were now rubbing a path on her skin that was making it difficult for her to concentrate right now.
She was very much aware that she was shirtless in front of Ron, and his embrace, although gentle, was subtly pulling her toward him. She wondered if he was even aware that he was doing it. Ron was close enough that Hermione had to crane her head up to look him in the eyes and she smelled an unfamiliar aftershave on him, probably Bill’s. Hermione was getting lost in his worried blue eyes. He looked like he was waiting on something from her.
Wasn’t she supposed to be saying something to him?
“What?” She asked him.
He took a step closer to her and one of his large hands came up to cradle her neck as his thumb traced the edges of the cursed cut on her neck.
Hermione’s breath hitched.
“Fleur missed that cut on your back,” he explained again, his eyes darting all over her face studying her expression.
“No, she didn’t. It won’t heal. Probably cursed. Like the one on my neck,” Hermione told him, relishing being this close to him. Suddenly all the aches in her muscles didn’t seem to hurt quite as much.
Ron’s eyes snapped back to hers, his jaw clenched and he swallowed hard. He took a more determined step towards her, his one hand still resting protectively on her neck, and she could feel his tshirt brushing against her exposed stomach.
He took in a deep breath, as if bracing himself for the answer to his next question. “How did she give you that one?”
Hermione looked away from him trying to recall the painful memory.
“Well I think I had passed out and awoke again. I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but- but I remember waking up to your voice. Calling my name. And- and I told myself to fight.”
Ron let out a shaky breath and Hermione looked up to see his eyes had turned red and he was blinking hard.
She made sure to maintain eye contact with him for the next part.
“I saw a wand. In someone’s hand. I don’t know whose it was, but I just focused on it. I had to get back to you, Ron. I lunged for it, and she” - Hermione still couldn’t bear to say her name - “she cut me. I fell back down to the ground, and she hit me with cruciatus curse again.”
Hermione swallowed back a lump that was forming in her own throat. “But it didn’t matter. Because I knew you were fighting to get to me. And I knew. Ron, I- I just knew you were going to make it -
In that instant Ron grabbed Hermione and pulled her into him, burying his head in the crook of her neck. He started shaking violently and Hermione held him while all the fear he had been carrying began to fall off his shoulders in waves.
When the shaking had stopped, she pulled back and looked at him. His face was streaked with tears and he was taking deep breaths to calm himself. She used her thumbs to wipe the tears away, but before she could finish, Ron leaned in quickly and kissed her. He pulled her back to him and held her close with one hand wrapped around her middle, the other tangled in her hair. His kisses were frenzied and desperate, and she matched his need with her own, giving as much as she got.
The blouse long forgotten, Hermione had wrapped her arms around Ron’s neck and clung to him as close as she could. This wasn’t enough. She needed more of him, all of him. She needed him to know how much she wanted him, needed him. How in love she was with him. How this evil that lurked outside in the darkness, waiting to destroy them could not get to them tonight. Not in this moment. In this moment, he was hers and she his. No one would take that from them.
Without warning Ron bent his knees until he was almost eye level with her and grabbed the back of her thighs, hoisting her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, and their desperate kisses continued.
“Never again,” he muttered between kisses as he sat down on the bed with Hermione still in his lap. “Never again will they take you from me, Hermione. I promise you that.”
“Ron,” Hermione said as her mouth traveled down his chin to his neck. “You can’t promise that-
“Then I’ll die trying!” He said fiercely, pulling back to make her look at him. His blue eyes stood out brightly in deep contrast to the redness around them. His jaw was set and Hermione knew he was clenching his teeth in frustration and anger. Anger, she understood, at what she had been through. He suddenly looked so much older.
She grabbed the sides of his face and sat up as tall as was possible in his lap. “You’ll do no such thing, Ronald Weasley!” She said bossily, and she watched his features relax slightly in surprise at her tone.
He pulled his bottom lip in to wet it with his tongue as he studied her face again. “I don’t rightly reckon you can stop me, Hermione.”
Hermione’s eyebrow quirked up at his challenging tone. “Ronald Weasley, if you get hurt over something stupid-
“Keeping you safe is not stupid, Hermione!” He said angrily, tracing the edges of her cut again with his thumb.
Hermione was stunned into silence. She was trying to form a rebuttal in her head, but Ron’s thumb had left the scar and had started tracing patterns on her neck. He suddenly seemed enthralled with what his thumb was doing, following it’s trail with open mouthed kisses. Hermione closed her eyes, lost in the feel of his hot, wet tongue on her skin.
She was finding it difficult to resurface for air. “Ron,”she tried weakly. “Y-you can’t say things like that to me.”
“Why not?” He replied seeming much less interested in her answer than trying to taste the pulse point on her neck. She gasped at the feeling.
“B-because saying things like that might make me fall in love with you.”
Ron froze and pulled back to look at her intently. He was searching her face, looking for answers to his unasked questions.
Hermione sucked in a sharp breath. “I-I mean if I wasn’t already-
“Oh! Excuse me! I didn’t realize- I’ll just be in the kitchen!” Luna stuttered. She had just walked in the room with a basket full of what looked like purplish colored fluffy insects that were glowing brightly.
Ron, in one fluid motion, had stood up quickly and deposited Hermione back on her feet. Taking a wide step away from her as if this new distance would somehow make Luna forget what she had just seen.
“Err I’m right behind you. Gotta talk to Harry…” Ron muttered to Luna’s retreating form.
Hermione picked up the long forgotten blouse and held it to her chest again. Ron dropped a kiss quickly on the top of her head.
“This conversation isn’t over yet, Mione,” he whispered to her before walking out the open door after Luna.
Hermione felt a new sensation in the pit of her stomach. Not one of dread or fear. No. She liked this new sensation. It made her feel hopeful and ready for anything.
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
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spy-wannabe-fangirl · 2 years
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shell cottage. 
 romione in deleted scenes: gifset [1/?]  ♡
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