Understanding Parathyroid Disorders - Signs, Cause & Treatments
Parathyroid disorders can affect your quality of life by making it hard to stay awake during the day and tired all the time. So, consult an endocrinologist immediately to get cured.
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What is the parathyroid gland?
Parathyroid glands are two pairs of small, oval-shaped glands located near the thyroid gland on the posterior side. Parathyroid glands are just pea size and are part of the endocrine system of your body. Parathyroid glands secrete a parathyroid hormone that controls calcium levels in your bloodstream. 
Why is the parathyroid gland necessary?
The parathyroid gland controls the calcium and phosphate levels in the body. Controls calcium levels by increasing the release of calcium from bones, kidneys, and small intestines. Other functions of the parathyroid gland include:
Releases parathyroid hormone that controls calcium and phosphate homeostasis.
Control absorption of calcium from the food through the intestines
Release of calcium from the kidneys
Stimulates kidney cells to transform weak forms of vitamin D into stronger forms to increase calcium absorption
Promotes proper functioning of nervous and muscular systems
How do thyroid and parathyroid glands differ?
Thyroid gland
Thyroid is an endocrine gland located near both sides of the trachea 
One thyroid gland is present with two lobes joined by isthmus 
Follicular cells release thyroxine and triiodothyronine
Secretion is controlled by pituitary gland
Regulates the carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism
Parathyroid gland
Parathyroid gland is the part of endocrine gland located on the backside of thyroid plan
Four parathyroid glands are present two on each side of thyroid gland 
The chief cells produce and release parathormone (PTH)
Secretion is controlled by circulating calcium levels
Regulates calcium levels in the body
What are some disorders of the parathyroid glands?
Hyperparathyroidism – The overactivity of one or all the glands leads to the excess synthesis of parathyroid hormone. An increase in the levels of PTH will cause a serious imbalance of calcium in your body. High levels of PTH will lead to hypercalcemia, kidney stones, osteoporosis, heart disease, pancreatitis, high acid secretion in the stomach, and other issues. 
Hyperparathyroidism is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary hyperparathyroidism. 
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Primary Hyperparathyroidism is related to the secreting of tumors caused by the benign proliferation of chief cells. More common in women than in men. 
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism is a renal disorder leading to hyperparathyroidism. During the heavy loss of calcium, the gland synthesizes more calcium to compensate for the loss causing this condition. 
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism is an unresponsive parathyroid tissue caused as a result of prolonged secondary hyperparathyroidism. This results in an autonomous release of parathyroid hormone.
Hypoparathyroidism – Decreased parathyroid activity is referred to as hypoparathyroidism. This is most commonly seen due to damage to glands or blood supply to the glands while doing surgery. 
What causes disorders of the parathyroid gland?
The most common cause of parathyroid disorders can be non-cancerous growth of the gland called adenoma or enlargement of two or all of the parathyroid glands called hyperplasia. 
What are the symptoms of parathyroid disorders?
The symptoms of parathyroid disorders include a lump in the neck, difficulty speaking or swallowing, muscle weakness, sudden raise in blood calcium levels, fatigue, drowsiness, bone pain, broken bones, and kidney stones.
The signs of hyperparathyroidism involve less energy, feeling tired, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, constipation, anxiety or depression, kidney stones, bone loss, and hypertension.
The signs of hypoparathyroidism include numbness, tingling, muscle cramps, or spasms.
In what ways are parathyroid diseases diagnosed?
The diagnosis of parathyroid diseases includes increased serum calcium, reduced serum phosphate, high serum PTH levels, X-rays -bone demineralization, and ultrasound or MRI of glands. 
What are the treatment methods for parathyroid disorders?
Treatment methods for parathyroid disorders involve regular monitoring, medication, dietary supplements, and surgery. Surgery is the most effective option to treat this disorder. Consult an endocrinologist immediately to get cured.
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Lump in neck
Altered calcium levels
Bone pain and fracture
Kidney stones
Bone loss
Noncancerous growth (adenoma)
Enlargement (hyperplasia)
Detection of
Increase in serum calcium
Decrease in serum phosphate
High serum PTH levels
Ultrasound or MRI
X-rays-bone demineralization
Regular monitoring
Dietary supplements
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Are vitamin gummies effective for hair and skin care?
First, let's look at what a vitamin gummy is and why it exists
Vitamin gummies are the most popular form of vitamin for both adults and children who may not like swallowing pills. These come in various flavours and sizes. Their taste would be similar to that of gummy candies. Read further to know their effectiveness and side effects. 
How are vitamin gummies made? What are the common ingredients?
Vitamin gummies have common ingredients such as gelatin, corn starch, water, sugar, and added food colourings. All these ingredients are mixed by making use of the starch moulding process. The most popular favourites are lemon, raspberry, cherry, and orange. The vitamin and minerals are mixed along with these common ingredients according to the consumer's needs. 
Are vitamin gummies effective for hair and skin care?
Vitamin gummies are great for improving hair growth and skin texture. They help you in getting the required amount of nutrients that greatly help you in the metabolism of micronutrients. Some gummies like the biotin ones would even set the baldness right when taken in the right doses. They help you in keeping your hair shiny. They help in the regrowth of hair and help in mending out the patches. For skin, they are equally beneficial! They help in retaining the texture and consistency of the skin. 
Is this gummy a vegetarian product?
A short NO! Gummies use gelatin for their texture and consistency. Since gummies are derived from animals, they are not vegetarian-friendly. 
Are these gummies gluten-free?
Most of the gummies use glucose syrup made from wheat. So, these vitamin gummies are not gluten-free and hence not good for gluten in sensitive individuals. But some are using glucose syrup from other sources and making gluten-free gummies. Consult the best derma doctor before you’re taking this. For example, some biotinies are making good profits now due to their gluten-free nature. 
What are the side effects of taking these gummies? 
Everything has its side effects! Taking these gummies above prescribed levels or taking them carelessly can micronutrient toxicity. This can negatively affect your health and body. Constipation, diarrhoea, and digestive irregularities are some of the common side effects of vitamin gummies. 
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How many gummies are safe and efficient to consume?
No one size fits all! There is no universal prescription for vitamin gummies. Some may need to take 4 or 5 per day to cure their vitamin deficiency while others would have 1 or 2. Usually, 1-5 gummies per day are recommended for safe and effective results. But consulting with your doctor before taking them is always the best option. Taking these gummies without your doctor's intervention may lead you to have to overdose or have several side effects. 
How do these gummies taste so sweet?
There are sweeteners (either natural or artificial) added to these gummies which make them taste so sweet. 
Are these safe for pregnant women to take?
Yes! They are safe to take during pregnancy. Based on the gynecologists directions, you can take these gummies.
How can we expect the results to turn out?
If taken as per the advice of your doctor, gummies can reduce the risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. But if you are overdosing on them, it may cause unfortunate and tragic results. 
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Moong Dal: Health Benefits & Diet Tips
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Mung beans, often known as moong dal, are native to Southeast Asia and India. They can be used in a variety of ways, including fresh for salads, cooked for stews and curries, raw for stir-fries, and as a paste in sweets and other savoury foods.
Depending on the kind, they are either used with or without the skin, which reveals a pale-yellow meat when the skin is removed. They are brilliant green or dark green in colour. The starch is used to create glass noodles, which have a chewy and slick texture, throughout Southeast Asia. Moong dal is known by the scientific name Vigna radiata. It was first domesticated on the Indian subcontinent, and archaeological investigations show that it has been found at numerous historic sites, including the Indus Valley Civilization's Harappan site. Archaeobotanical studies also show that it migrated from India to various regions of Southeast Asia around 2500 years ago.
What are the health benefits of moong dal?
Some of the Benefits of consuming Moong Dal are as follows:
Hypertension acts as a comorbidity for many illnesses; Covid 19, heart disease, and obesity-related complications are few. Moong Dal is known to contain certain minerals that may directly prevent or lower the possibility of a person getting high blood pressure.
They include high concentrations of the antioxidants isovitexin and vitexin, which act as catalysts to produce anti-inflammatory effects. These substances have been shown to have measurable effects in avoiding heat strokes in animals through protection against the existence of free radicals that could harm cells.
Some of the antioxidants present in moong dal include caffeine, flavonoids, cinnamic acid, and phenolic acid. Their existence aids our body's defence mechanisms against cancer, cancerous growths, and other potential chronic diseases.
Targeted test-tube experiments have shown that the presence of antioxidants can reduce or prevent malignant growths that may develop in the lining of the stomach or lungs. Moong dal sprouts also have a different nutritional profile and almost 12 times more antioxidants than conventional, non-sprouted beans.
LDL, or "bad cholesterol," can harm the health of your heart. The low-density lipids in our blood are known to be decreased by the qualities of moong dal, which supports heart health. They aid in this by avoiding the interaction of two elements, namely the blood's unstable free radicals and LDL.
Furthermore, a number of studies show that incorporating legumes like moong dal in at least one meal a day can reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
Although moong dal is a low-fat alternative, it contains a high amount of protein and fibre, which aid in the production of the Ghrelin hormone, which acts to reduce appetite. After a meal, it helps us feel satisfied and full. 
Pregnant women are advised by doctors to eat a variety of foods high in folate. Around 80% of the folate needed for human metabolism is found in one cup of moong dal, which also contains calcium, phosphorus, and iron. 
Consuming moong dal will assist in ensuring that the unborn kid receives sufficient nutrition for healthy growth and development.
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How much nutrition does moong dal contain?
Legumes are a beneficial strategy to include more protein in your diet.
The nutritional value of the skinned and de-skinned types varies. It is comparable to the varieties that have been sprouted and those that have not, which can also be distinguished and moved away to display the change in nutritional makeup.
The usual dry form of the legume provides a good source of calcium, iron, salt, dietary fibre, and carbs. Additionally, it includes vitamins and specific important amino acids (lysine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, and phenylalanine) (B1, B2, B3, B5. B6, B9).
One serving of 100 grammes of moong dal contains around 347 calories.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is moong dal a gas-causing food?
Green moong dal, also known as green gramme, is said to be the greatest of all moong dal variants. Mung daal is light, dry, and easily digestible. According to Ayurveda, all pulses produce gas, bloating, constipation, and other stomach-related problems. Moong dal causes little stomach vitiation in the body, such as gas.
Does the keto diet allow us to eat moong dal?
Legumes, which also include beans, soy, and chickpeas, contain lentils as one of its subgroups. On a strict keto diet, legumes are typically avoided due to their high carb content.
Is moong dal effective for weight loss?
Aside from being beneficial to the heart, blood circulation, and diabetics, these are also excellent for helping weight loss. According to Devgan, moong dal has a lot of protein, which helps our metabolism.
What is the calorie content of moong dal?
Moong Dal is known to have a total of 347 calories.
Does moong dal take a long time to digest?
These are wonderful for aiding weight loss in addition to being good for the heart, blood circulation, and diabetics. Devgan claims that the high protein content of moong dal aids our metabolism.
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A Guide To Understanding and Treating Peptic Ulcers
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Peptic Ulcer Disease: What Is It?
Peptic ulcers are the sores that develop in the lining of the stomach, oesophagus, or small intestine. These ulcers disturb the mucous linings and expose the sensitive inner skin to the strong hydrochloric acids secreted by the stomach. This, in turn, causes sores and information in the layers of the digestive system. The erosion of the mucous linings is usually initiated by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Peptic ulcers are common health problems and need medications or hospitalization (in serious cases) for treatment. 
There are three types of peptic ulcers,
Gastric ulcers: sores/inflammations inside the stomach
Oesophageal ulcers: sores/inflammations in the oesophagus
Duodenal ulcers: sores/inflammations that develop in the upper section of the oesophagus
In what ways can a peptic ulcer be caused?
There are many causes which can make the mucus lining of the stomach, intestine and oesophagus break down. Some of them are,
Excessive smoking and heavy drinking of alcohol
Stomach cancers
Radiation therapies
Medications like aspirin, and ibuprofen. 
Microorganisms like Helicobacter pylori
When you have a peptic ulcer, how does the pain feel?
Peptic ulcers give burning sensations in the oesophagus, stomach or intestine depending on their location. These burning sensations calm down when you take necessary medications or antacids.
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While treating peptic ulcers, what should one eat?
Foods rich in probiotics, and vitamin A do wonders in treating the peptic ulcers. Some of them are,
Sweet potato
What is the best way to treat them?
Consult a gastroenterologist for medications is always the best way to treat ulcers. These medications would depend on the causal factor of the ulcer. If you are having a bacterial infection, you would be prescribed antibiotic medications which can reduce the stomach acid and also kill the infection causing bacteria. 
If you are not having bacterial infections, you would be given medications (not antibiotics) that can reduce stomach acid and heal ulcers. 
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Neurologists: What You Should Know Before Your Appointment
What precisely is a neurological disorder?
Medically, neurological illnesses are problems that affect the brain as well as the nerves found throughout the human body including the spinal cord. 
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A variety of symptoms can be caused by structural, metabolic, or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord, or other nerves. Paralysis, muscle weakness, poor coordination, loss of feeling, convulsions, confusion, pain, and altered states of awareness are some of the symptoms.
Neurological problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic illnesses, congenital anomalies or disorders, infections, lifestyle or environmental health issues such as malnutrition, and brain injury, spinal cord injury, or nerve injury. 
There are numerous documented neurological illnesses, some of which are reasonably common but many of which are extremely unusual. 
Mental disorders, on the other hand, are "psychiatric illnesses" or diseases that manifest largely as irregularities in thought, feeling, or behaviour, causing distress or impairing function.
What are the symptoms of some neurological disorders?
The most prevalent general indications and symptoms of a nervous system illness are as follows. However, each person may experience symptoms in a unique way. Symptoms could include:
Headache that lasts or comes on suddenly
A headache that changes or is unique
Tingling or loss of sensation
Muscle weakness or lack of strength
Blindness or double vision
Memory lapses
Impairment in mental ability
Coordination failure
Muscle stiffness
Seizures and tremors
Back pain that extends to the foot, toes, or other body areas
Muscle atrophy and slurred speech
Impaired new language acquisition (expression or comprehension)
A nervous system disorders symptom may resemble those of other medical diseases or disorders. Always consult a neurologist doctor for a diagnosis.
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What's the difference between neurological brain disorders and mental illnesses?
While neurological illnesses include damage to and degeneration of the nervous system, that injury can sometimes affect neuron communication. When this occurs, the changes can emerge as issues with behaviour, body control, memory, and mood. In other words, the same issues that psychiatrists deal with. That's hardly unexpected given that most scientists believe psychiatric diseases are caused by faulty communication between neurons in our brains.
Depression, behavioural issues, posttraumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and schizophrenia have all been linked to neuronal communication. These conditions can have an impact on social interactions, emotions, focus, memory, and physical control. Psychiatrists, with their medical background, are excellent in addressing both the mental and physical components to mental disease.
How do doctors investigate a neurological disorder?
Evaluating and diagnosing nervous system impairment is difficult and time-consuming. Many of the same symptoms occur in various combinations among the various illnesses. Many disorders do not have clear causes, indicators, or diagnostics. This can make a diagnosis much more difficult. A detailed medical history and physical exam are used by a healthcare provider to diagnose a nervous system disorder. He or she may also employ one or more of the following tests:
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CT scan
This imaging test uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to make horizontal images of the body. A CT scan shows detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. CT scans are more detailed than general X-rays.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
This test records the brain's continuous electrical activity through electrodes attached to the scalp.
This test uses a combination of large magnets, radio waves, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures within the body.
Electrodiagnostic tests, such as electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV)
These tests evaluate and diagnose disorders of the muscles and motor neurons. Electrodes are inserted into the muscle or placed on the skin overlying a muscle or muscle group. Electrical activity and muscle response are recorded.
Positron emission tomography (PET)
This test measures the metabolic activity of cells.
Arteriogram (angiogram)
This X-ray of the arteries and veins detects blockage or narrowing of the vessels.
Spinal tap (lumbar puncture)
During this test, a special needle is placed into the lower back, into the spinal canal. This is the area around the spinal cord. The pressure in the spinal canal and brain can then be measured. A small amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be removed and sent for testing to find out if there is an infection or other problems. CSF is the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord.
Evoked potentials
This test records the brain's electrical response to visual, auditory, and sensory stimuli.
This test uses dye injected into the spinal canal to make the structure clearly visible on X-rays.
This test uses ultra-high-frequency sound waves. It allows the healthcare provider to analyse blood flow in cases of possible stroke.
Ultrasound (sonography)
This imaging test uses high-frequency sound waves and a computer to make images of blood vessels, tissues, and organs. Ultrasounds are used to view internal organs as they function. They also assess blood flow through various vessels.
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How to know Safe Days with Irregular Periods?
Knowing your safe days is very important to have a happy sex life. Safe days are those days when women have a lower probability of getting pregnant. If you are not planning for a child and don't want to use contraceptives, you can calculate safe days for getting intimate with your partner. Using safe days for sex will help you easy birth control rather than using birth control pills, IUDs, or hormone infections.
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Knowing safe and unsafe periods for sex will help you have birth control with no side effects. So, what happens in your body during the safe days of women? It's nothing but the lack of pair (egg) for the sperm. Biologically safe days are those days when the ovulated egg is not available for getting fertilised by the sperm, therefore the pregnancy wouldn't happen. Ovulation is the process where the fertiliser eggs are made in the uterus which helps in the formation of the baby. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle.
Ovulation with Irregular Periods
While women with regular periods can easily assume that they are ovulating at the same time every month, the same doesn't apply to women with irregular periods. Irregular periods have safe days too but they are quite tricky to assume. In these tricky cases, the only best option is to track ovulation for getting better access to menstrual cycle safe days. Tracking ovulation serves as a warning for you to know your unsafe period as ovulation means there is a high probability of getting pregnant.
An important point to note is your ovulation occurs before 14 days of your period irrespective of your menstrual cycle length. If you are having a shorter cycle of 28 days, your ovulation occurs on day 14. If you are having a longer cycle of 32 days, your ovulation occurs on day 18. After the start of ovulation, the chances of you getting pregnant are very high. Here are some signs of ovulation so that you can know your safe days better.
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Signs of Ovulation
Here are some signs of ovulation which help you know the start of your unsafe days (where the probability of getting pregnant is high) so that you can have sex before getting these signs. 
Tracking Cervical Mucus
Cervical mucus is the sticky substance in the cervix (and vagina) which provides a medium for the incoming sperm to flow into the uterus. The consistency of the mucus says a lot about your safe and unsafe days. If you are having clear and sticky mucus in the middle of your menstrual cycle, your body has started ovulation. If you are having mucus which is dry and sticky or creamy, you are safe to have intercourse without getting pregnant. 
Checking Basal Body Temperature
This method is tricky for women with irregular periods but still, you can try this with a physician's advice. Your body temperature rises by half a degree Celsius (or full degree Fahrenheit) during ovulation due to the flow of oestrogen and progesterone into the bloodstream. You can check your basal body temperature (body temperature at rest) every morning to know your ovulation. The drawback here in this method is that your body had released eggs (or undergone ovulation) already. So, if you are having sex the night before the morning of checking your basal body temperature, the chances of you getting pregnant become high. 
Using Ovulation Kits
Ovulation kits are the best choices to indicate your ovulation. Your urine samples are dropped into these kits and if it indicates a surge of luteinizing hormone, you are likely to ovulate by one or two days. You can now use this information to plan your safe intercourse. 
But remember that no birth control method is 100% effective, so there are rare cases of getting pregnant on safe days too. 
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FAQs about Consulting a General Physician
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What does a general physician do?
A general physician's job is to ensure patients' well-being through medication and exercise. A general physician works in a variety of contexts, including public health organizations, teaching centres, private clinics, group practises, and hospitals.
Which type of doctors can be deemed as general physician?
A General Physician is a doctor that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems. You should consult a general physician if you’ve diseases such as colds, coughs, and nausea, as well as chronic diseases such as jaundice and cholera.
What is the difference between a medicine doctor and a general physician?
In order to understand the difference, we need to have some basic information regarding both the doctors.
An internal medicine doctor: An internist, often known as an internal medicine doctor, is a medical professional who only treats adults. They are medical experts who are experienced and trained to administer a variety of therapies such as diabetes, hypertension, infections, and asthma. Their education is primarily focused on general medicine. The internist may specialize in a certain area of medicine and pursue studies in a variety of subspecialties, such as endocrinology and infectious diseases. Many internists prefer to specialize in oncology. Furthermore, an internal medicine specialist can treat both outpatient and inpatient patients.
General physician:  A general doctor is known as the family doctor because he provides healthcare and aid with general medicines to all members of the family, regardless of age. He specializes in general medicine and treats both adults and children. He is trained to address a variety of general medical issues. He may not be present during surgery, however. They are qualified to manage instances including health maintenance, disease prevention, and continuity of care in order to stabilize a patient's life duration.
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Do general doctors perform surgery?
General Surgeons are doctors that can conduct a variety of procedures to treat almost any medical ailment or disease. General Physicians, on the other hand, are medical experts who cannot conduct surgery but can manage patients' disease problems with lifestyle changes and drugs.
Can a general physician diagnose and treat mental disorders?
General Surgeons are surgeons that can perform a wide range of surgeries to address practically any medical condition or disease. General Practitioners, on the other hand, are medical specialists who, while unable to perform surgery, may manage patients' disease problems with lifestyle adjustments and medications.
Can general doctors treat infected stitches?
Yes, in case of minor injuries the general doctors are allowed to treat infected stiches. The general doctors are trained to treat small cuts and day to day common basic injuries. These doctors are going to doctors for such purposes. They will prescribe some antibiotics as well which will cure the infection fast. 
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When you should consult a sexologist?
A sexologist helps you to treat problems related to sexuality and sexual relationship issues and there is nothing wrong with seeking help for sexual desires and pleasure. 
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Even in metropolitan cities, sexual relationship and intimacy are two terms you are totally restricted to talk in public. Nobody likes to open up about contraceptive methods, sexual health, and sexual diseases which has led to much misinformation and many more myths. Lack of awareness and knowledge about the importance of sexual health makes it difficult for someone to approach a sexologist. 
Who is a sexologist?
A sexologist is a medical specialist who especially studies and is certified in sexual health and sexual relationship problems such as sexual behavior, sexual development, sexual functions, and other related disorders and diseases.
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What is the difference between a sexologist, urologist, and andrologist?
Do not confuse sexologists, andrologists, and urologists. Sexologists are different from urologists and andrologists where sexologist treats sexual problems, and STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases), urologist treats urinary tract-related issues in both male and female, and andrologist treats only male reproductive health problems.
You should always seek advice from the best sexologist near you through online consultation or book an appointment. If you are in need of one look no further, we at sprint medical have the best sexologists. 
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When you should consult a sexologist?
When should men and women seek the advice of a sexologist? What is the right time to consult a sexologist? If you are jumbled with the same questions then see if you have any of the following problems.
If it becomes difficult to satisfy your partner in bed even after so many efforts to satisfy your partner and nothing seems to work, then consult a sexologist online. 
Highly excited for sexual pleasure and it may involve unusual objects, activities, or unusual sexual urges and behavior.
You may face physiological issues like vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, dyspareunia, and vaginismus.
You and your partner are on different terms when it comes to a sexual relationship.  One of you may have a loss of libido due to stress or hormonal issues.
You may experience pain and irritation during or after sex. Painful sex has to be treated immediately to prevent infections.
Some may feel guilty about sex, due to bad experiences in the past, child abuse or sexual harassment can disturb them mentally. 
Whatever you do and how much time you spend in sex you are unable to achieve orgasm.
If you experience the feeling of becoming the opposite gender.
What issues does a sexologist address?
Sexologist deals with issues like sexual trauma, sexual abuse, sexual health, and sexual diseases. A sexologist helps to counsel the partners to communicate about each other sexual needs and sexual inabilities. In case of requirement, a sexologist may prescribe medicine. A consultation with sexologist aids to understand your partner’s sexual wants and provides counseling in case of difficulty in getting intimate.
Signs that you should see a sexologist doctor:
You will notice certain changes in your body or signs that you should see a sexologist doctor. Some of the effective signs are:
Penis Size- Small penis size 
Erectile Dysfunction- Lose erection or inability to prolong an erection
Painful intercourse- Pain during or after sex
Premature ejaculation- Ejaculation before an orgasm
Loss of libido- Loss of sexual desire or to participate in sex
Dry orgasm- Orgasm without any sperm release
Impotent – Poor performance or infertility
Masturbation- Masturbation addiction 
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/STDs- Occurrence of any STDs such as HIV, AIDs
Anorgasmia- Delayed ejaculation or absence of orgasm despite the stimulation
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Scabies: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Can scabies be treated by oneself? 
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The small burrowing mite Sarcoptic scabies is what causes the scratchy skin rash known as scabies. In the vicinity of the mite's burrow, there is severe itching. The urge to itch could be more intense at night. In a household, child care facility, classroom, nursing home, or prison, close person-to-person contact can spread scabies quickly. Because scabies spreads so quickly, medical professionals frequently advise treating every member of the family or any close connections. It is simple to treat scabies. Medicated skin creams or pills kill the mites that cause scabies and their eggs. But itching may not stop for many weeks after treatment.
How is scabies caused?
A tiny, eight-legged mite is responsible for scabies. The female mite creates a tunnel just below the skin and burrows there to lay her eggs.
The mite eggs hatch, and the larvae go to the skin's surface where they mature. The skin of other people or other sections of the body may then become infected with these mites. The body's allergic response to the mites, their eggs, and their excrement results in itching.
The mites can spread through close skin-to-skin contact and, less frequently, through sharing clothing or bedding with a person who has scabies.
Scabies is not spread by pets to people. Animal-specific scabies mites cannot survive or procreate in humans.
However, interacting with a pet who has scabies could lead to the mite penetration of the skin, there may be a temporary irritation. The mite will, however, pass away in a few days. Thus, no treatment is required.
What are the common symptoms of scabies?
Symptoms of scabies include:
Itching that is typically acute and worse at night
Little blisters or lumps on the skin that are arranged into thin, wavy tunnels.
Skin creases are a frequent location for scabies. Scabies, however, can affect many different body parts. 
The most frequent cases of scabies are in older children and adults:
Between the toes and the fingers
Under the arms
Inside of the wrists and around the waist
Inside of the elbows
The bottoms of the feet
Around the nipples and on the chest
Around the belly button
Around the genitals
In the groin area
On the buttocks
In infants and young children, common sites of scabies usually include the:
Face, scalp and neck
Palms of the hands
Soles of the feet
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Can scabies be treated by oneself?
Yes at times when the infection is mild it can be treated by oneself by home remedies like neem aloe vera and other easily available natural treatments. 
Which doctor needs to be consulted in case of scabies?
If you experience any scabies symptoms, consult your healthcare professional which is the dermatologist. Numerous skin disorders, including dermatitis or eczema, can also result in skin irritation and tiny bumps. Your doctor can determine the precise source of your symptoms so you can get the correct care. Lotions without a prescription or antihistamines may reduce irritation. But they are unable to eliminate the mites or their eggs.
Take home point:
Consult a medical expert if you develop any scabies symptoms. A variety of skin conditions, such as dermatitis or eczema, can also cause skin irritation and small bumps. In order to provide you with the appropriate care, your doctor can pinpoint the exact cause of your symptoms. Antihistamines or over-the-counter lotions can lessen inflammation. However, they cannot get rid of the mites or their eggs.
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Online doctor consultations: Why should you try them?
Online consultations are safe, easy, and comfortable for a minor illness mainly in urban countries due to a lack of specialists there.
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More people these days are turning towards the Internet of Health advice to treat health issues. Online consultation is a new trend after COVID-19 to consult a doctor online as people feel it’s safer than visiting a doctor in the clinic, mostly for minor health issues. The digitalization of technology has increased numerous options that are easy to access and use. Everyone can utilize the facilities with a mobile or computer that has an internet connection. 
Doctors attract patients to visit their clinics physically by providing online health services and removing barriers of communication such as embarrassment, forgetting to mention a problem, belief of no need to bring up certain things. Also, patients search for the right doctor through online consultation to meet their needs before direct visit. 
What is online doctor consultation and how does it work?
Online doctor consultation is the virtual or telephonic consultation between and patient and doctor by means of an app or website. You can book free online doctor consultations at any hour of time and day through doctor live chat with no amount of waiting. The doctor will be available in each of the specializations as required. E-prescriptions are advised if any medicine is needed for the proper recovery. The in-built chatbots in the app will guide you in case of inquiry or confusion. There are free online doctor consultations available on certain websites for the first time. 
Benefits of online doctor consultation:
The telehealth online consultation will help you to get a one-to-one conversation with the doctor. Also, you can select a doctor from the list of experts. Within a few minutes the doctor accepts your request, if not, you will be assisted by another doctor in the same specialty. There are many more benefits of online doctor consultation you need to know before choosing a direct visit. 
Benefits of online doctor consultation include:
Free online doctor consultation is an easy option. You can chat with a doctor or ask a question regarding your disease on free online doctor consultations. 
Doctor live chat option will help you interact with a specialist directly which gives you total trust.
No travel expenses to go for a doctor visit, you can with trained medical doctors through free online doctor consultation.
Doctor live chat will provide you with improved ways to check your symptoms.
A chat with a doctor online can save you a lot of money as it is inexpensive and affordable.
You can receive your prescription online even with a simple chat with a doctor.
Online doctor consultations will give you so much privacy and security as your information is always kept confidential.
No need to schedule or postpone your doctor’s consultation due to hectic work. No long waiting list to see a doctor.
With flexible timings, you can see a doctor even in the middle of the night if you are concerned about your symptoms.
Easy and comfortable for old age or physically challenged people through virtual call facility
You can track your health records on a simple device like a smartphone.
No risk of infections with high preference focusing on you alone.
Difference between a chat with a doctor and online doctor consultation:
Chat with a doctor:
No need for an appointment
With help of chatbots
Available at your fingertips
No schedule required
Reduce travel expenses 
Doctor live chat with no delay
Privacy and security regarding medical illness
Can consult with specialist doctors abroad
Not so expensive and free on basic queries
Online doctor consultation:
Easy to book appointment
Through virtual or tele caller support 
Can access it at your fingertips
No schedule required
Reduce travel cost
Doctor live appointment with no delay
Use of encrypted serves to protect your information
Can consult with specialist foreign doctors
Cost-effective with free consultation options
How and where you consult a doctor online?
You can book a free online doctor consultation with Sprint Medical from any part of the world. Our live chat health assistant will help you with any kind of query. If you have any chronic disease or had an injury back in time and you want to share it with the doctor online, you can upload your medical report. Online doctor consultation is very safe as your data is transferred through encrypted services so it will be secure. We save your data in encrypted form and we are HIPAA compliant. 
In case of any emergencies like heart pain, it is recommended to go for a direct visit to the nearest hospital or clinic. Because during an emergency a patient should be examined directly which is not possible through doctor live chat.  
The free online doctor consultation at Sprint Medical will be with a General Physician, a medical specialist who diagnoses your illness and provide you treatment and advice as required. If our General Physician feels a need, you will be recommended to one of our specialist doctors such as an ENT specialist, Orthopedic, Dermatologist, Gynecologist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist and Endocrinologist. 
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