splooto · 5 years
Hey guys!
Hi folks! This is Splooto! As you can see, I don't post here anymore, as tumblr just isnt a very good website for posting art due to poor tagging systems and image size reduction. I'm keeping this blog up to prevent imitators, but if you enjoyed my art and haven't yet followed me on my other sites, go ahead and give a follow to Splooto at Deviantart and Toyhou.se! All the same username, thanks for reading!
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splooto · 6 years
Princess Annabelle Drawing/Writing Contest!
Hello, everyone! I’ve finally decided to host a contest. In this one, there are two categories: Drawing and Writing.
Colored Preferable
Digital or Traditional
Can be drawn grown up or as a child
Make sure to add your unique watermark or signature
First Place Prize: Full Digital Request
Second/Third Place: Art Feature on my blog
No cliffhangers
As much detailed writing as possible
Can be fluff, angst or just everyday life
Cannot have cussing
First Place Prize: Full Digital Request
Second/Third Place: Some soft critique and a drawing based on the story.
No copying other participants
Be kind to the other participants
No tracing! This is from your beautiful personal talent!
Tag it under #ChikiruContest
Have fun!
Ends January 1st!
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splooto · 6 years
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splooto · 6 years
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Packing In for The Night
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splooto · 6 years
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splooto · 6 years
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More chunky bois...
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splooto · 6 years
Those angry gnar stickers are copied from his concept art...
they sure are
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splooto · 6 years
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Well I did this a month in advance because I knew I wouldn’t have time QnQ
So here is inktober #1. Poisonous, with Toxic
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splooto · 6 years
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pumpkin time
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splooto · 6 years
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The Spix’s Macaw also known as the little blue macaw, is a macaw native to Brazil, first described by German naturalist Georg Marcgrave, when he was working in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 1638 and it is named for German naturalist Johann Baptist von Spix, who collected a specimen in 1819 on the bank of the Rio São Francisco in northeast Bahiain Brazil.
In 2018 the Spix’s Macaw was declared the first extinct avian of this century, officially being classified as extinct in the wild as the last sighting of a lone male was back in 2000, the bird never being seen again.
For nearly two decades, the Association for the Conservation of Threatened Parrots e.V. has worked closely with Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation located in Qatar to bring this beautiful and unique species back from the brink of total extinction! Tirelessly they have worked to bring a population of only 71 birds back in 2010 to a whopping 159 birds!
The Spix’s Macaw De-extinction Project is now moving forward faster than ever with a planned test release of Illiger’s Macaws, another small macaw species found in the Caatinga region, set to happen in 2019/20 followed by the first Spix’s in 2020/21. Where they will then release Spix’s every year for at least the next 20 years
But they can’t do it alone.
The ACTP is a non-profit organization that exists and operates solely on the donations of other concerned people like you and me, who want nothing more than to see these beautiful birds in abundance back in Brazil where they belong. 
This is the first group selected by the ACTP to return to their home in Brazil, to have these birds back in their natural habitat for the first time in 18 years. 
Please, visit the ACTP e.V website here! to learn more about the project, more about these birds, and others that these people have dedicated their life to keeping off the extinction list, and if you would like to contribute to the progress of these animals population growth, and reintroduction, you can visit their donation page here, and just much like the 2010 hit film Rio, we can bring that dream to a reality of painting the Brazilian skies with these beautiful birds once again. 
(Full disclosure, I was not paid to make any of this art or this post by the ACTP or the AWWP, this entire project was built out of my passion for the Spix’s macaw and my dream to have them back where they belong, I am actually a donater myself, so please if you can, give them some much deserved funds to keep this project afloat.)
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splooto · 6 years
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Hostile really appreciates Savage’s sparkly rocks but she thinks they would look even better if they glowed
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splooto · 6 years
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splooto · 6 years
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Shush... don't be loud her ears are HUGE
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splooto · 6 years
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A little pic for a friend! @a-rat-and-a-blob
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splooto · 6 years
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splooto · 6 years
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Anyways so yeah… ancient oc…
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splooto · 6 years
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Edgy goth dragon gf
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