spireasalix · 3 hours
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Remember that time Draco Malfoy blushed? Hahahahah good times, good times
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spireasalix · 3 hours
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My Fanart for a Snarry fic called “For you, and No One Else” by Fuglife on a03! (18+)
I meant to make this ages ago, before i got so sick, so I’m glad I finally got around to finishing it.
I think It’s a bit poetic that this fic gave me something to look forward to during that time, and that it’s end also marked the end of my artblock!
Its a very cute and cozy fic, very self indulgent. Its Dark!Harry in the background, taking place 6 years after the second war, and Sneep VERY soft.
This is my very first Snape art! Still figuring out how I wanna draw him, aaaaa
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spireasalix · 3 hours
Love love love the trope where Harry is so tired of being a celebrity and praised and doted on, so when Draco comes around like the cunt he is and unashamedly roasts the hell out of him, Harry is like actually please do that again
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spireasalix · 24 hours
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cue gay panic
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spireasalix · 3 days
We are aware that there is an issue with logging in and staying logged in. We are currently working on a fix.
Posted: September 19, 2024 17:32 UTC
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spireasalix · 4 days
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Gawain Robards, Original Characters Additional Tags: Auror Harry Potter, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Partners, Friends to Lovers, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Post-Hogwarts, Secret Relationship, Violence, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Hospitalization, depictions of violence, Happy Ending, Competent Draco Malfoy, Magical Theory, Case Fic, Blow Jobs, Major Character Injury, Police Brutality, Powerful Draco Malfoy, BAMF Draco Malfoy Summary:
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are the best team in the Auror Department, even when they’re driving Gawain Robards up the wall. When Malfoy is injured on a mission, it causes Harry’s magic to go haywire. Meanwhile, a mysterious criminal is draining people’s magical cores and turning them into Squibs. Can Harry stop blowing Malfoy away in time to solve the case? And will Malfoy ever stop trying to get the last word?
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spireasalix · 6 days
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spireasalix · 6 days
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spireasalix · 6 days
A little sip.
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I'm not even there yet ( ˘・з・) but getting closer, uh-huh.
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spireasalix · 6 days
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Thank you so much @nsf-ko for this amazing and... spicy art! I’m absolutely in love with it!!! 😍🥰❤️
*** "Do you know, Harry, the difference between sex and love?"
Harry blissfully closed his eyes; the sound flowed through him, smooth and alluring.
"The only way, and yet it is irreversible... Purely and solely in a kiss. During a kiss, no one can lie, not even the greatest liar; not even the cleverest cheater. A kiss will always reveal who you are to the other. Remember that, Harry."
He listened, swaying on the waves, until that blissful peace shattered the feeling.
Lips, a mouth on Harry's mouth, a touch so timid and yet, so sharp, that Harry breathed out shakily. Velvet was the rough bark of trees; this smoothness came from another dimension, gliding over his lips, caressing them. Harry desperately tried to capture it. Don't disappear, don't get lost! He clasped one of his lips, sucking and tasting. An inarticulate sound escaped his throat. That taste—he’d never—good God, never...!
Harry jerked forward sharply, forcefully thrusting his tongue inside. I want it all. I must! He kissed him wildly, filling every taste bud. I’ll never want anything else; I don't want anything else, no... The moist heat of Severus' mouth, his agile tongue... Harry dissolved in bliss. He tasted him, so intensely; how intensely he tasted! He stood petrified, hands by his sides, fanatically focused on one thing. He swallowed his mouth as if he wanted to devour it... and maybe he did.
Check out the first chapter here:
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spireasalix · 6 days
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Harry : " You know, I think it's a mistletoe above us. "
Severus : " Indeed. "
Harry : " You know what it means, sir? When two people meet under a mistletoe, they should kiss."
Severus : " Earlier, it wasn't there. Have you put it yourself there, Potter? "
Harry : " Maybe... "
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spireasalix · 6 days
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💚 HoS Mods Recs ❤️
Cause, why not? photo source
Summer is coming to an end, and autumn will be here soon. Seasons change, years pass us by, but Snarry is here to stay. The following brought us some joy and hopefully it'll bring you guys some joy, too.
🎨 @ofnightsndsongs - Spicy Polaroids Rated E
🎨 @flymetosnarryland - Muggle London Rated E
🎨 @ac1d6urn - The Bravest Man Rated T
🎨 @danipantsu - Tailormade Rated G
🎙️Things We Wish For by @avioleta (AO3) Podfic by JocundaSykes Rated E, 2 hours
Harry blinks. Blinks again. It doesn’t make sense. It’s simply not possible. But yet… “Snape?” It’s not the Snape Harry knows or remembers. Not the Snape Harry grieved. But he would know that face, that profile, those eyes anywhere. “What happened?” he manages. “How are you here?”
🎙️ World Enough, and Time by @likelightinglass (AO3) - a Podfic Podfic by Cailynwrites Rated T, 40 minutes
Soulmate clocks start ticking when you first lock eyes, and count down until your time with them is over. Harry’s starts ticking on September 1st, 1991. He has only six years, eight months, and one day.
Fic + Art
🌸 The Curse of Anteros - @danpuff-ao3 (AO3) / @mrviran (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 53k
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
🌸 A Step into the Light - @givereadersahug (AO3) / @gullibert (AO3) / @dandelionstars (AO3) Rated NR, Word Count 10k
Severus Snape is now a free man. He fills his time travelling the world, collecting potion ingredients, and helping Luna with her business. The thing is, Severus has a gift. No, not potions or the Dark arts. He can see mushi, creatures that show up from time to time. Severus knows how to help them and the humans that come into contact with them. This time, their travels take them to an island off the coast of Japan, to a man sitting on a log, staring out into the ocean and waiting for his wife to return home. Inspired by the anime Mushishi. A retelling of Season 1, Episode 8. For the Snape Bang 2022.
🌸 The Ugliest Veela - Octroman Rated E, Word Count 60k
Snape is part-veela. It is interfering with his dating life. Post-war, Severus Snape finds himself in a life without purpose. In a desperate bid for the family he always wanted, he subjugates himself to a matchmaking service in hopes to find an acceptable partner. However, it is mandatory to disclose veela status in order to use the premiere matchmaker of the old family houses. Wrinkled, sallow, oily, big-nosed, and bony, Severus shows up for a string of horrific dates where potential partners expect him to be both gorgeous and enchanting. “I thought veelas were supposed to be beautiful!” Cue the jokes. How much humiliation can Severus stand? --------------------------------------- Illustrated chapter titles and crafted with love.
📚 A Series of Events - @babygray (AO3) Rated M, Word Count 67k
In January, the impossible occurred. It took Severus until April to realize just what that was, and to believe. Snarry Mpreg, takes place during Half-Blood Prince.
📚 A Trick of the Mind - @vulnerasanenturmyprince (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 40k
Ever since the horcrux in his head is gone, Legilimency comes easy to Harry. It’s nearly laughable how easy it is, considering how much he used to struggle with it back in his fifth year. But he reckons half of that had been Snape’s fault anyway. Who on earth would enjoy the nasty git invading their mind? But as life as Harry has known it changes, Harry’s opinion on the matter changes with it ― rather drastically so if he’s being perfectly honest.
📚 Blowing Smoke - DawnOfTomorrow Rated E, Word Count 231k
Harry doesn't care about Snape beyond having to sit detentions with the man despite being of age. He doesn't. He asks him out for a drink just to get out of detention. So what if it's... nice? So what if they become friends? So what if Snape *is* lonely? It's not Harry's problem - at least not until he realises he's accidentally befriended the man, and just how much he cares for Snape. Well, shit.
📚 Close Encounters - @bleedcolor (AO3) & @likelightinglass (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 35k
Years after the war, Harry Potter and Severus Snape meet and fall in lust, then love. Too bad they don’t know who they’ve fallen for.
📚 Curatio - @serenaew (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 12k
curatio, onis, f noun 1. healing/curing 2. object of care 3. treatment, surgical operation, medical care
At the foot of the Whomping Willow, there lay an injured kingfisher. Now with moodboard (chapter 2)!
📚 Date In A Dash - @silvereye5 (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 16k
Harry and Severus accidentally attend the same speed dating event.
📚 Fuck, Marry, Kill - @titconao3 (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 13.2k
After the war, Harry Potter and Severus Snape, er, fuck sometimes. You know, it just happens; it's one of these things. They're not in a relationship, right? They're not like that. ...Until they are, but only one of them can see it.
📚 Gold Like Ichor, Gold Like Magic - @dandelionstars (AO3) Rated M, Word Count 26k
Seven years after Harry James Potter was left unceremoniously on the doorstep to Number Four, Privet Drive, Vernon Dursley was offered a promotion and the whole family had to move to Cokeworth, England. While Dudley is off terrorizing the local children, Harry spends his days in the school library and finds a fast friend in Ms. Eileen Prince. From Cokeworth to Hogwarts and back again, this is a story about the friendship, the magic, and the love that can be found in the unlikeliest of places, if only one bothers to look.
📚 Hawthorn Branches in Spring - zalil Rated T, Word Count 37.5k
Harry returns to Hogwarts to finish school properly and sit for his NEWTs. He doesn't expect Snape to be back teaching, nor their old animosity to resurface. When it is pointed out to him that he is responsible for it, he sets out to change their relationship for the better. The results have more of an impact on him than he expected.
📚 Little Monkeys - Lilian Rated T, Word Count 15.7k
"There might be a chance that maybe, perhaps, Severus went too far this whole ‘exile far away from the Wizarding World’ thing. Because however he tries to frame it, it comes down to this: after nine years of being completely alone, the first time he stays with another person, he’s plotting to steal said person’s children."
📚 Loose Ends - @arrisha-ao3 (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 9.8k
I love you, Severus wants to say. But the timing is never right.
📚 Lovers Reunited - Now with a special buff! - @hereiamwithmyninjaclan (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 10k
MMORPGs are a fun way to pass the time and spend time with your friends- and hey, Harry might just find true love along the way. Beta'd by the lovely @silverdrip
📚 Not Giving In - @hippocrates460 (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 38.7k
Harry comes back from his holiday to a stack of memos on his desk that all say the same thing: "Severus Snape adopted Teddy Lupin." Snape. No one has seen him since the war trials ended, no one knows where he lives, no one knows why he took Teddy. And what happened to Andromeda? Harry is determined to be a good godfather and sort it all out. Even if it means dealing with Snape. Title from Better Son/Daughter, because Nanette.
📚 Professional Strippers - @coconutice22 (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 6k
At Uncle Vernon’s funeral, Aunt Petunia asks Harry for a favour.
📚 Snowed in with Severus - @maraudersaffair (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 32.5k
In eighth year, Harry decides to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. He sets out to spend the time with Professor Snape, but after a magical accident, they find themselves stranded alone in a snowy cabin with no way out and only one bed.
📚 Sudden Light - @liladiurne (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 48k
Seven years after the war, in the dead of winter, Severus Snape meets a beautiful stranger on a train. Inevitably, he falls in love. Inspired by D.G. Rossetti and Paul Celan and based on the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
📚 The Beating of This Fragile Heart - @writcraft (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 33k
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life. It’s only when Harry’s life is endangered that Severus is finally forced to confront his feelings head on.
📚 the Boy Who Lubed - @swoontodeath (AO3) Rated M, Word Count 7k
Desperate to pass his N.E.W.T. in Potions, Harry Potter joins a secretive Discord server run by a Potioneering expert known only as the Half-Blood Prince. What will happen when Severus Snape, full-time Potions Professor and part-time Discord mod, realises that the newest addition to his server is none other than his least favourite student?
📚 The Half-Blood and the Prince - @tax-onomic (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 6.5k
“It’s just a book, Harry.” “Okay. Thanks.” “But… you’ve got a crush on a book, mate. That’s a bit much. You need a girlfriend.” She tapped the name on the first page thoughtfully. “Or perhaps a boyfriend?”
📚 The Measure of a Man - @ac1d6urn (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 50k
Several years after defeating Voldemort, Junior Auror Harry Potter discovers himself and, at the risk of losing his childhood love, follows the truth. Through it all, Snape is an unexpected solace. Will he become more?
📚 The Want of You - @fleetingdesires (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 7.3k
On his night off, Severus unexpectedly realises that Harry has grown into quite an attractive man. He's just not going to think too hard about it. No, he's not going to think about him at all. It's fine. He's fine. Everything is fine.
📚 Thirteen and a half inches - @loneamaryllis (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 8.3k
The Marauder's Map shows a number above some people's head. Harrie investigates what it means.
📚 You Were Myth-Taken - @hokee101 (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 23.8k
When vampire attacks hit Hogsmeade, Severus Snape is the prime suspect. With Harry and Albus not taking these accusations seriously and the students threatening to expose him at every turn, this term was going to be just fangtastic.
Discord || Recs Lists
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spireasalix · 6 days
About This Event
You know when you leave a really long comment on a fic? Something that makes you go 'oh man if only I could bring this energy to my regular deadlines', but you just gotta tell someone how awesome their work is? What if we had a whole day celebrating that?
What is this event? Comment Day is a celebration of leaving comments on beloved fic, both to tell the author what their work means to you, and to appreciate reflecting on the parts of a work you enjoy! We all pick a fic (or maybe several fics, if you wanna go hard) that is our favourite, and work on a really detailed, fun, personalized comment, and on Comment Day we all go out and leave someone a comment that will make their day.
This blog will have tips and tricks about crafting a good comment, polls and graphics collecting stats for the event and a general celebration about how fun leaving comments can be. You don't normally get to tell the creator how awesome their work is with things like books or movies, we get to do that with fic, and isn't that fantastic?
Date: 15 September, 2024, whatever time zone that takes place in for you.
Tips on Commenting:
How to Embed an Image in an Ao3 Comment
Commenting on Fanfic Themes
Some Resources to help with Commenting
Comment Day Stats
Form Responses
Ao3 Collection (so you can bookmark fics you commented on to a big collaborative collection).
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spireasalix · 6 days
Ron: Hey, guys, Zabini is doing that thing again
Harry: What thing?
Ron: He just handed me a new chessboard and told me to have a nice day! How weird is that? He’s been doing this for months and I don’t know what he’s trying to do!
Hermione: You don’t know why, Ron?
Ron: I just think he’s being all weird like Slytherins are. Like Draco constantly bickering with Harry and Pansy constantly teasing you, you know, before you got together! Right?
Hermione: Okay, so let me get this straight, you are sitting here with a new chessboard from Blaise, eating chocolates that Blaise bought for you, and a pie Blaise made for you, wearing pajamas that Blaise got for you, and you are…wondering what he is trying to do?
Ron, chewing on a mouthful of pie: I know! How weird is he!
Harry: …I’m less oblivious than this, right?
Hermione: Debatable
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spireasalix · 6 days
I love how Harry consistently refers to Draco as his archenemy. The way it should be logically is that Voldemort is Harry's nemesis and Draco's just a minor annoyance, a footnote to Harry's epic rivalry with the most powerful dark wizard alive. However, Harry is not interested in logic where Draco Malfoy is concerned so instead he's really out here living his best life and treating Voldemort like the minor B plot villain who sometimes distracts him from his epic rivalry with his beloved enemy by pulling wacky shenanigans like trying to murder Harry and overthrowing the wizarding government.
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spireasalix · 6 days
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Draco I'm-most-definitely-not-in-love-with-potter Malfoy
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spireasalix · 6 days
Harry Potter Discord server! (18+)
Redoing my discord post since it has evolved a bit! Does any of this sound great to you?
🌟 A pro snape server
🌟 All fav characters welcome
🌟 All ships welcome
🌟 an 18+ server for adults only
🌟 oc’s welcome
🌟 Talking to cool ppl with no drama
🌟 Movies and games (we even have a Minecraft server!)
Please join if that sounds fun to you!! For anyone from newbie or serious potterhead! It’s a bunch of fun in there and have made some great friends! If you are interested interact with this post! Like, comment, reblog or just send me a dm!
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