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spacespazz101 · 2 months ago
Thank you!
This might be an outrageous question but will we ever see Danny’s introduction to the Unstoppable Mailman? His introduction in the Mortified series was awesome but Danny first finding him seems like it might be a fun read as well.
If not I will continue to read Mortified and all enjoy all of the Unstoppable Mailman available.
Ahhhh probably not, to be honest. My thought about it is that it was either something minor, like someone sending him a letter, or he was traveling through Amity to deliver a message and there was a misunderstanding... that then got resolved fairly quickly. I might use him again, though!
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spacespazz101 · 2 months ago
Thank you
I have a random question about Danny’s lair from Mortified.
I’m also coming off of a bad case of Norovirus so if this is rude or doesn’t make any sense I would like to apologize in advance. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful stories. It is always a wonderful read while I’m healthy but it was really fun to read while I was stuck in bed.
In Mortified if Danny, Dan, Ellie, and all of the other siblings share a lair does the lair grow to accommodate everyone’s mind? Like in the chapters where Danny discovered that his doodles were a part of the architecture and stuff.
Do all of the ancients/parents have rooms in the lair now? I remember that Frostbite and Clockwork already had rooms and it’s a bit fizzy if Nephthys had a room or if I’m mixing up Sam’s room with her. But did the lair create rooms for the siblings and Dan’s parents as they formed bonds with them or would they pop into being when/if the siblings ever get to the lair?
Sorry in again if this does not make any sense. This question originally came from me wondering if Danny’s lair would ever become an open environment like Libra. But then I realized that Danny’s character would never be ok with putting people out in the open and risk them getting hurt by opening his lair.
Thank you again for writing Mortified. It is really wonderful read!
As the siblings become stronger and more independent/distinct as people, the lair will grow and change to accommodate them and their preferences. Since Danny is the oldest and strongest, the lair as a whole will draw on him more than the others, but honestly, for some it's a bit of a relief that he's not the only one connected to that lair. It's so big! It makes more sense to know that there's six other people who are maintaining it (even if they weren't contributing very much while they were destabilized).
Anyway, yes! People they're close to will have rooms in the lair.
(And this question made perfect sense! Don't be so down on yourself. <3)
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spacespazz101 · 2 months ago
Are there any idea in any of your writing you wish you had explored?
Like AUs of your stories you create in your head but don’t write because it seems too similar to other idea you have?
Nothing in particular immediately comes to mind, but I do generally have multiple ideas for where to end a story and what path it should take to get there. I'm sure that's true for anyone who writes!
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spacespazz101 · 3 months ago
Another strange Ancestral question but do the Avylnys believe in other mythical creatures like Brownies and Fae? (Or maybe will-o-whisps?)
Or is the belief that it just the ancestors that do the little chores/mischief/etc that other European countries have?
This has everything to do with some of your Fae AUs and how any aspects of it might come into play later on.
I’m aware that if those aspects of old stories come into play Jack and Maddie might become a bit more insane. But the way you have mixed all of these mythologies together makes the world so interesting!
No more than other Europeans do, I'd say, and most of good luck/bad luck/household spirits stuff does get attributed to the ancestors/spirits. As far as including other mythological creatures, I wouldn't except maybe as specific ghosts. Ancestral is already pretty far away from the domain of canon, even if I'm trying to link everything back to canon characters and objects. I don't want to get too far out there, if that makes sense.
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spacespazz101 · 3 months ago
Another random Ancestral question that is more like a prompt.
Did Gwensyvyr watch Danny and Jazz grow up? Like did they have yearly vacations to Avylnys where Gwensyvyr was able to “haunt” them for lack of better phrasing? Like could she have nudged open a secret passage for them while they are exploring? Maybe shifting something while playing a game of hide and seek to help them stay hidden? Maybe hum a lullaby trying to help someone sleep? (Which started out cute/soothing when Danny/Jazz was a baby but progressively scary sounding the older they got)
I’m not sure where this thought came from but I will blame the line about Gwensyvyr watching Danny sleep.
Yep! She doesn't know them nearly as well as the other cousins, because they mostly lived in Amity Park, not Avlynys, so when they were there, she spent more time watching them. But she still didn't have enough power to really move things around, so it was mostly watching and being wistful because she expected there to be a point where they'd stop visiting.
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spacespazz101 · 3 months ago
Thank you! I appreciate you looking at them!
Random question with Ancestral that probably have no bearing on the story:
Does Gwensyvyr’s count as liminal if she died passing through the portal or is she considered a dead since she fully died?
Do her children count as neverdead? (I think that was the classification in Mortified) Or were they technically also liminal before death?
Is Danny the first fully liminal descendant since Gwensyvyr herself?
Does Gwensyvyr know about ghost cores and other “basic” ghost things? Or does she not because she has mostly been on the living side of the portal?
Thank you for sharing Ancestral and taking questions! It’s always a pleasure reading your work!
Oof, some of these I can't answer fully because either I haven't decided myself and need to see how the rest of the story unfolds in order to use them best, or because they'd be big spoilers re: what I've already decided.
Let me try to answer the ones I can in order.
After she was killed in the sacred pond, Gwensyvyr was a half-ghost, same as Danny. As to whether or not she counts as liminal now, well...
I don't know that I'm going to use the same categorizations in Ancestral as in Mortified at the moment. If I did, then the children conceived after her husband died would be considered deathless (that is, ghosts that never died)... as long as they were still alive. After dying would be different.
Yeah, she and a big chunk of her family were in the Ghost Zone fighting Pariah Dark for years. She knows what's what, although her understanding is in Avlynyse, rather than English. She wouldn't use the same terminology.
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spacespazz101 · 3 months ago
Random question with Ancestral that probably have no bearing on the story:
Does Gwensyvyr’s count as liminal if she died passing through the portal or is she considered a dead since she fully died?
Do her children count as neverdead? (I think that was the classification in Mortified) Or were they technically also liminal before death?
Is Danny the first fully liminal descendant since Gwensyvyr herself?
Does Gwensyvyr know about ghost cores and other “basic” ghost things? Or does she not because she has mostly been on the living side of the portal?
Thank you for sharing Ancestral and taking questions! It’s always a pleasure reading your work!
Oof, some of these I can't answer fully because either I haven't decided myself and need to see how the rest of the story unfolds in order to use them best, or because they'd be big spoilers re: what I've already decided.
Let me try to answer the ones I can in order.
After she was killed in the sacred pond, Gwensyvyr was a half-ghost, same as Danny. As to whether or not she counts as liminal now, well...
I don't know that I'm going to use the same categorizations in Ancestral as in Mortified at the moment. If I did, then the children conceived after her husband died would be considered deathless (that is, ghosts that never died)... as long as they were still alive. After dying would be different.
Yeah, she and a big chunk of her family were in the Ghost Zone fighting Pariah Dark for years. She knows what's what, although her understanding is in Avlynyse, rather than English. She wouldn't use the same terminology.
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
Stage 1: using your native language's idioms in English out of habit/lack of knowledge
Stage 2: using English idioms as much as you can to prove that you're good at English
Stage 3: using your native language's idioms in English because they fuck actually
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
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I will totally do that, random popup that's Definitely not a virus (sarcasm)
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
Ok time for confession before I’m too chicken to say it.
When I first started reading Ennead in high school I remember being oddly disappointed that Bakura was a woman. In retrospect I think it might have been because I had never seen a lesbian couple in Yu-Gi-Oh before and really wanted to see some kind of romance between the two that had a good chemistry I liked. I had never seen that kind of relationship before in the other female Yugi stories and writing.
I remember my surprise when the chemistry I was hoping for started to reveal itself as the story progressed and finding myself almost surprised by the romantic history later on. But at the same time not as surprised as I should have been if I wasn’t expecting it.
Now, nearly a decade, many many stories, and self exploration later, Ennead has been a source that had helped me understand a lot about myself and my own personal sexual orientation.
Thank you for that.
Your writing has always influenced me in ways that I can’t always explain. And I just wanted to share that with you.
Thank you for such awesome stories. Please know you have helped me understand myself better with your writing and I am happier for it.
Thank you!
I am honored to have been able to help you and that you have been with me for this ride as long as you have. I know it's been a long journey, and we're only about halfway through, so the fact you're still here makes me so happy.
Hearing stories like yours and knowing that im making a difference is the only thing that's kept me going for the last 12 years.
There have been many times when I've been tempted to give up. Just leave it where the last written chapter lies and walk away. I promise I will do my very best to finish so I can keep helping people.
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
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@ashoutinthedarkness bisexual pride flag heart for your bisexual needs. :3
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
Yes, Ao3 is down because of a cybersecurity attack.
Yes, the group is claiming to be Sudanese Muslims (Sudan Anonymous). No, this is not true.
This group has been identified as a Russian hacker group intent on sowing dissent between the world under the guise of “strengthening Middle East relations”. They targeted Ao3 because of its pro-LGBTQIA+ stories. Again, they are Russians sowing anger.
Do NOT be Islamophobic. Do NOT use this as an opportunity to whine about how you didn’t have time to finish reading a fic.
Ao3 is run by volunteers who are currently under siege by Russian hackers. Take this time to step back from the site, appreciate their work, write your own fics, or read a physical book.
If I see ANY Islamophobic rhetoric by any of my followers, I will pop your dumbass into my shit list and block you into the high heavens.
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
Does anyone who sees this know if there is a ko-fi account for the ao3 volunteers? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a hot drink right now.
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
This is extra funny because this character has a completely colorblind younger sibling
is this orange or yellow.
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
What's happening to AO3 right now?
As you may have noticed already, Archive of Our Own is currently down. This is temporary, but unfortunately.. we now know that this is much deeper than we thought.
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Why? Because AO3 is home to thousands of LGBTQIA+ content and lots of NSFW content. They're doing this as an Anti-LGBTQ+ attack. If they're doing this for or from America specifically, we're not sure. But this is what AO3 is facing at this time.
What can we do?
Spread the word. Spread the fucking word. I'll be providing updates to my Tumblr page directly from the r/AO3 subreddit. I know that not everyone here is comfortable using Reddit, so I'm taking the blow for you. I cannot access Twitter though. And please, whatever you do...Stop using the Archive of Our Own website at this time.
The moderators, showrunners, and service providers all need to repair the damage done by this group. The amount of data flooding in from people trying to log in will cause more problems. Keep yourselves off of the website.
Credit for original post: @somnolent-scout
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spacespazz101 · 2 years ago
Now for the hard question: in your top 10 movie franchises list add in ALL of the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings movies in order of favorites.
Oh you have to ask the hard questions! Ok, let me order for Star Wars:
Empire Strikes Back -- it is just such a good movie with some iconic Luke looks and Daddy-Son moments. It's so good and him with grandpa-Yoda is so cute. I also love how we see this lead up into Luke's change of perspective with everything.
Return of the Jedi -- Also great Luke and Daddy-Son moments. I think it barely inches over New Hope simply because I got to see it again on the 40th re-release in theaters and I was feral over how Luke looked. Also, loved the fighting scenes and we get Lando. I also happen to love the Ewoks.
New Hope -- May actually be in second place once RoJ-theater release gives me peace (need another few months). But this Luke is just so pure and whiny and I want to put him in my pocket forever and ever and ever. (let me throw this Luke at Din omg)
Revenge of the Sith -- UGH just UGH so god. Anakin is so hot in this and so messed up and this lead up is just fantastic and wonderful and absolutely tragic.
Rogue One -- I mean, how could I not adore this? It is absolutely AMAZING. Just heartbreaking with amazing graphics, awesome characters, and is only getting better thanks to the Andor series.
The Force Awakens -- Honestly, I adored this movie so much. It wasn't perfect, it needed more Luke and the original trio, but it had so much potential. I just thought it was leading up to something amazing and the memes Mark gave us after left me excited and laughing for a long time.
The Phantom Menace -- Part of this is spite-love for young Anakin and Jar Jar Binks; both deserve better. But honestly, I have rewatched this a few times recently and was all "this is actually great? why the hate?"
Attack of the Clones -- Honestly, I need to rewatch this again. It's just here cause I haven't rewatched it in a while and i don't know why. We get Jango! We get the Clones! Baby Boba! The SAND-QUOTE! Obi-Wan's mullet! The lead up to the Clone War series! Badass Yoda! Yeah, gotta do a re-watch.
Solo -- Again, i actually really enjoyed the movie. It wasn't the best but it wasn't bad. Honestly, there were just some weird choices for some story movements and character interactions but other than that? It was good. I need to rewatch it honestly.
The Last Jedi -- I hate, hate, hate what they did to my Luke. If they were going to go this route with him I'd understand 100% because it would make sense for him to to have so much PTSD and just be burnt out and so hurt (still, i think we have enough of this and deserve older heroes that are still full of hope and silly and are kind). But the execution and how he is made to be a loser is just wrong. There were also some other scenes and interactions that were "" but the fight scenes were great, Po was great, I loved Rose, I loved Finn's story and realization. It was just really wonky, disjointed from what we were getting before, and I will keep my head-cannon Luke in my claws.
The Rise of Skywalker -- I...didn't like it. I saw it twice and actually checked the time till I could go home often (only have done that with like two other movies). It was so awkward, the dialogue was poor, the actors seemed done, there was so many random new stories thrown in at last second, characters were thrown away, "Palpatine somehow returned?" like...what??? It was just lame. Such a lame, lame ending. The OT-trio and the new trio deserved so much better. It needs a re-do.
Now for the Lord of the Rings!:
The Fellowship of the Ring -- Even though it wasn't the most action packed, what it sparked, how good it was...just AUGH perfection. I adore this movie so much.
The Two Towers -- Incredible, amazing, also perfect. Great action, all the characters are given their due-time (with Legolas making faces). I love it.
Return of the King -- AMAZING ENDING. The wraps up is just...the moments of suffering and the release. The HAPPINESS. How ever gets what they deserve (tho RIP Boromir) just adore it so much.
The Desolation of Smaug -- PERFECT. Except for maybe some off CGI, this movie was amazing. So much Bagginshield, the intense cliffhanger, the was so good. I adored this movie so much!
An Unexpected Journey -- I adore Bilbo. I love him so much. And how this opened up Bagginshield just how could I not adore it??
Battle of the Five Armies -- I didn't like it the first time I watched it. But a few more times I was "huh, actually, it's not bad!" It honestly should've been loads better. There were so many wonky decisions and everything that happened did not feel like it met up with the end of a trilogy. But the everyone survived! Can you believe that there was absolutely NO HEARTBREAK WHAT'SO'EVER??
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