snzblrs-confessional · 24 hours
Bless me father for I have sinned.
I think about moments when I didn't know about snzblr and I cringe and shrivel up inside thinking about my early days of RP-ing.
I always inserted a snz or sick plot in any long winded roleplay my partner and I had. I did my best to make it feel natural and not forced bc I had some self-awareness and knew how I felt about sneezing wasn't exactly "normal"... but still, I feel so ashamed and embarassed for putting someone through this and I think they knew... or not, I don't know.
I am so sorry. Please forgive me. What is my penance?
Ah, the common experience. To snin is to learn, and to learn is a beautiful thing. Thou art blessed with not only forgiveness, but knowledge. Thine experience is surely widespread throughout our congregation, thou were only doing what was natural. Explore, my child, and thou shalt findeth what thou seek.
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Just putting this out there, I doth offer exorcisms. Simply state that thou request one, provide thine snituation, and I shalt deliver. Be it for thineself or thy neighbour, exorcism is available and free of charge.
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When I was a kid I used to fake sneeze everywhere and since I had no monitored internet access I would search for my little pony characters sneezing😭 Chat... I just might be cooked😭😭🙏 Uhh forgive me father Salty😭🙏
The act itself is forgiven but the nature of this ask alone is a foul foul snin beyond measure, may thine snoul be damned to hell, choo-rist have mercy.
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sometimes if I’m attracted to a character/celebrity I’ll edit a photo of them to give them a red nose, dark circles under their eyes, and anything else to make them look unwell. I kinda hate that I have a whole collection of these that I use to get off to sometimes
Thou art forgiven, blessed be. May your soul snz and prosper, may your itches be many and your false starts few 🙏 as we say in the snurch: If it looks strange but it works, then it's not strange. May the snz be with you.
(In regards to my take on fanmade content of real people (rpf, edits, etc), see notes. Anon is not in the wrong imo, just wanted to touch while we were on the subject.)
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This is fucking hilarious and you are comedic genius
Thank you!! May the snz be with you!
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Sometimes what gets me off is pretending to sneeze with the wav I'm listening to, or imagining saying "bless you" and handing tissues to whoever is sneezing in the wav I'm listening to. This is shameful I think lol
Blessed be, good soul. This is not a snin, but an act of a god. Not necessary if you aren't comfortable, but I doth encourage thee to reveal thine self so we might publicly proclaim thee a holy snaint. Blessing thine neighbour? Providing thine neighbour with the sacred papers? Even if only in spirit, your snoul is good and kind, may thee ascend to snz heaven and sit at the right hand of the snz god. Bless you.
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Sometimes I open incognito to look at stock art of people sneezing. It’s…surprisingly effective at getting me off. I even have a google drive of some of my favorites.
May your snoul be forgiven, just as the almighty snz god has forgiven so many others, bless you. May the snz be with you in Choo-rists name we pray 🙏
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Main account: @onesexysir
Welcome! Do you wish to confess your snins and pray that the snz god grants you forgiveness? Here is your opportunity! If you are not a legal adult, I fear I must turn you away. If you turn 18 tomorrow, then you may return tomorrow. Minors are not welcome here.
Simply submit an ask, be it anon or not, and I will answer with something like a prayer, reassurance, whatever the situation calls for. It doesn't need to be any harder than that.
Thank you for stopping by, may the snz be with you!
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