#I personally would just advise all fet communities including ours to be careful when it comes to real people.
sometimes if I’m attracted to a character/celebrity I’ll edit a photo of them to give them a red nose, dark circles under their eyes, and anything else to make them look unwell. I kinda hate that I have a whole collection of these that I use to get off to sometimes
Thou art forgiven, blessed be. May your soul snz and prosper, may your itches be many and your false starts few 🙏 as we say in the snurch: If it looks strange but it works, then it's not strange. May the snz be with you.
(In regards to my take on fanmade content of real people (rpf, edits, etc), see notes. Anon is not in the wrong imo, just wanted to touch while we were on the subject.)
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