skaizun · 4 months
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Parodied lyrics going thru Psychopath Darnold Rump's mind right about now (sung to the tune of The Beatles' "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"):
"All the Re-pug-ni-cans screaming from the gallery Say Rump must go free (Darnold must go free). The judge does not agree and he tells them so, oh oh oh. But as the words are leaving his lips, a noise comes from behind: Bang, bang, Darnold's silver hammer Came down upon his head (do-do-do-do-do). Clang, clang, the Psycho's silver hammer Made sure that he was dead!"
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skaizun · 5 months
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skaizun · 5 months
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skaizun · 8 months
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For my NY friends.
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skaizun · 8 months
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For the curious, this is an actual example of the change of cyphers (insignia) from Queen Elizabeth (Regina) to King Charles (Rex). The bars in the initials are Roman numerals indicating, in these cases, Elizabeth the Second and Charles the Third, respectively. God save the Queen. God save the King.
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skaizun · 8 months
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#superbowl #football #nfl #downtonabbey
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skaizun · 8 months
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skaizun · 10 months
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Remembering Beatle, George Harrison, on the 22nd anniversary of his transcendence at the age of 58.
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skaizun · 1 year
It isn't only people who were affected by the Hawaii fires.
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skaizun · 1 year
Even Psychopath Darnold Rump can't be THIS clueless . . . can he? (love the salute; pseudo-neo-Nazi style is always in fascist)
[UPDATE] He gave the same fascistic salute after being hit with a would-be assassin's bullet. Anyone else would have given an "I'm okay!" thumbs-up.
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skaizun · 1 year
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May 4, 1970. Four dead in Ohio.
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skaizun · 1 year
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skaizun · 1 year
SCOTUS had better knock down these fascists. FOLLOW-UP: State Supreme Court temporarily blocks it: https://montanafreepress.org/2023/09/27/montana-judge-temporarily-blocks-gender-affirming-care-ban/ Map and chart showing States (currently, 24/50) with such laws and their current status: https://www.kff.org/other/dashboard/gender-affirming-care-policy-tracker/
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skaizun · 1 year
https://anglotopia.net/british-news/charles-iii-coronation-all-the-key-timings-for-coronation-day-translated-for-usa-continental-timezones/ Coronation times for Continental USA time zones.
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skaizun · 1 year
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For my out-of-state friend's birthday, last month, I was going to make a photo montage of her pets from the three photos (the left two pets have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, both at age 16 (the dog, years ago; the cat with the heart-shape on his chest, July '22); the cat on the right is the left's sister). But, then, I thought to make it more personal by drawing them with oil pencils (a cross between crayons and colored pencils). It took just over a month working 1-3 hours a day to get it "just right" (the first 2 pencil drafts were tossed): I exaggerated the colors and shapes to make the pets' faces and expressions stand out more. I packaged it so that she'd see the three separate photos, first, then, the drawing, which was wrapped to hide the contents. The framing was the hardest part: Virtually nobody sells oval frames - - which I wanted for its old-timey look - - much less mats, even online and even from local, professional, standalone, framers! I had to drive 10 miles to find someone who could do it without glue (which has to be set at 160 degrees, but, the pencils have a 120 degree limit!). My friend called to thank me, but, I couldn't understand a word she was saying, because she was crying so much; her husband had to "interpret" her joy to me! (PC users: click the pics to see the larger versions; then right-click an image, and click "Open in new window" to see it even larger)
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skaizun · 2 years
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skaizun · 2 years
305 charges. And a prior investigation for bomb threats. He won't be seeing daylight any time soon. And I applaud the people who beat the crap out of him, before he had a chance to kill others; at the very least, they should get a hero's medal.
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