Your Favorite Simpin Shark
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Hello all,I’m sharkie, your favorite Bisexual Simpin Shark!This is a page dedicated to my husbandos and waifus
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simpin-shark · 1 year ago
Husbando of the day goes to Ryomen Sukuna from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen!
I know Sukuna could just kill me and snap my spine like a twig if he felt bored or wanted to, and for someone with a death wish like myself that is A-Okay.
I’ve always had a major love for bad boys and villains, there’s just something about them. Maybe it’s just myself wanting to be corrupted by them, or the insanely hot ways they look and act. Either way, me likey…me likey a lot.
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simpin-shark · 1 year ago
Spooky month husbando of the day goes to Bob Velseb from the Spooky Month animations by Sr Pelo on YouTube and Newgrounds!
I don’t know what it is about Bob, but he just really gets my heart pumping. I especially love all of the fan art for him, some of them definitely don’t leave much for the imagination.
I know I shouldn’t, but I wouldn’t mind letting him do whatever he wanted to me. Even if he kills and eats me. <3
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simpin-shark · 1 year ago
This Waifu Wednsday goes to Yor Forger from the anime SPY X FAMILY!
I love how Yor is such a badass character, she has such a cool design to her. I love everything about it! Her personality is great too. I love how she still cares so much for her younger brother, Loid, and Anya despite being an assassin. She never lost that sense of caring even after all the years she’d been working. She won a spot in my heart almost instantly. <3
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simpin-shark · 1 year ago
Another Spooky Month Husbando of the day goes to Darth Maul from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and The Clone Wars!
I had the biggest crush on Darth Maul the first time I saw him. I was sad he didn’t have more appearances in the movies, but I did get to enjoy him in some of the cartoon versions and comics.
It’s so sad how his father died after his conception and his mom tried her best to keep him safe. She trusted Darth Sidious to take care of him and get him away from their home world so he wouldn’t be a slave to the Nightsisters. Darth Sidious never really cared about him, neither did Plagueis, they just thought of him as expendable.
I feel so sorry for him. He never had love growing up after he left his mom…I just want to hug him, I want to tell him it’s ok and he matters…the sad part is, I don’t even think it would matter to him…
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simpin-shark · 1 year ago
Since we’re now into spooky month, I’m gunna go ahead and take this opportunity to post some of my “Monster/villain” husbandos/waifus!
Starting off our Spooky Month is Husbando of the day, The Trapper (Evan Macmillan) from the game Dead By Daylight! He also has a role in the Hooked On You dating sim, I played his route first thing, and in my humble opinion think he’s much hotter from the original DBD Game.
Evan always stood out to me more so than the other killers. I absolutely love him through and through. His past is so haunting and not to mention the loyalty he has for his father.
Evan seems like he would be one of the smarter killers, with his upbringing and knowledge he definitely has more to him than meets the eye. He’s also gotta be pretty strong considering how quickly he can set his traps and carry survivors. He could carry me any day <3
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simpin-shark · 1 year ago
Husbando of the day goes to Vash the Stampede from Trigun!
I recently got back into Trigun, (the original, not the remakes) and I’ve really been enjoying it. I loved Vash a long time ago, like when I first saw it on tv, and rewatching it made me fall even more in love with him.
Vash is perfect in every way. He loves and cares about all of the people around him, even when they want to kill and catch him for the bounty. He does everything in his power to help and save everyone he can.
My heart breaks seeing how scarred and hurt his body is, and how much his heart aches and hurts for Rem and the innocent people lost so long ago. To live with all of that…to face it all alone…it must’ve hurt him for so long…
Vash’s kind and loving heart, his strength and abilities, and wonderful personality landed him in my top 10 Husbandos. He truly is 10/10 <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
This Waifu Wednesday goes out to Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck from the anime Bleach!
Nell is one of my favorite characters from the Hueco Mundo arc of bleach. I love her design and think she’s super badass. I love how she cares so much for her brothers, Pesche and Dondochakka, how sweet and kind she is to them.
I felt so bad for her when Nnoitra and Szayelaporro ganged up against her and tried to kill her, and how they ripped off Pesche and Dondochakka’s masks to lure her into fighting…even when she didn’t like to fight, she still did so to protect and defend her brothers.
In turn they decided to protect her after she reverted to her child form. She had many happy years with them. Getting to play Eternal Tag and spend her days not fighting. It made my heart break to know that they did so much for her just to protect her and keep her from remembering the awful things that Nnoitra did. <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Husbando of the day goes to Byakuya Kuchiki from the anime Bleach!
Byakuya always intrigued me, I thought his actions towards Rukia in the first arc of bleach were odd and harsh considering he was her brother. He has to hide his emotions, as a member of the noble Kuchiki clan, he cannot show emotion. Despite that, his stoic and hard exterior made me love him more and more.
Knowing about his past made me feel so sorry for him. He’s never loved another aside from Hisana. Taking in Rukia after her passing and loving her as family should. Going against the elders in his clan to have her become a Kuchiki. All of it showed just how much Byakuya cares for her and his late wife.
I love his interactions with all the other soul reapers, Captains, and Lieutenant’s. How he shows up to the lady soul reaper meetings in Rukia s stead. Giving snacks to Yachiru. His face when he found out they had made a secret room in his house.
Byakuya is a very strong, but caring man. Which is why he made the list of husbandos. 10/10 husbando material!
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Husbando of the day is The King of Beasts Leonhart from the anime Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts!
I started watching this anime because I’d heard good things about it, I had no idea that I would fall for the king though. He’s so handsome, in both forms. Once again my brain sees a giant man and I can’t help falling for them.
I love how he rules and leads his kingdom, I love how he wants to end the fighting between both species. Demons and humans alike. Being a half demon himself I can understand where he’s coming from. He cares so much for his subjects. He wants to protect everyone.
Despite his stoic and aggressive behavior, he's a gentle and benevolent king. He has an amazing heart, one filled with so much love and sorrow. He feels that no one can accept him as he is…he feels he’s flawed and not worthy, but that’s not the case at all. He is a just and righteous leader. The cuts and scars on him are proof of that alone. Hurting himself just to protect the humans that have been sacrificed to him. To trick the others into thinking he actually ate them when he really let them go. He’s a 10/10 husbando! <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Husbando of the day goes to Edward Kenway from Assassins Creed: Black Flag!
I was never sure about playing Black flag, after what happened to Desmond, I didn’t think the game could rightfully go on. My love for assassins creed won out though and I decided to try it. I got the midnight release copy and poster, went home to relax, and started up the game. I fell in love with Edward so quickly. His character was so intriguing and badass. I loved him and his ship, I loved how he treated his crew, I loved how he feared nothing, and most importantly…I loved how his story was told.
The ending did shock me, but it was nice to see multiple generations for once. What I mean by that is the fact that we know the past assassins had to have had children for the story and lineage to continue on, but we never really saw them having said families. It was definitely a shocker with how they arranged the storyline, but also heartwarming in a weird way. <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Husbando of the day goes to Garry from the game Ib!
I loved Garry from the moment I saw him, even as a game sprite he won my heart. I love how protective he gets over Ib and how caring he always was. Garry is definitely 10/10 in my book. All around amazing character. <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
This Waifu Wednesday goes to Chi from Chobits!
Chobits is by far one of my favorite animes. I don’t normally like cutesy things or romance anime, but this one won my heart. I’ve seen it more than once, and every time I love it more.
Chi is my favorite character, I love how sweet and caring for Hideki she is. She’s so innocent and cute, I just wanna give her a big hug and protect her from all the scary things in the world. She’s perfect in every way! <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Todays husbando of the day goes to Sajin Komamura from the anime Bleach!
When I look at him my brain does that thing again, where it just thinks “Big man! Big man = hot man! Me likey big man!” I do have to agree with my brain this time though.
I love how strong his beliefs are, and his personality is so sweet to the people he cares about. He’s always had this air of mystery around him, it’s made me curious and wanting to learn so much more about him. Also his fur looks super soft! I just wanna pet and brush it!
I felt so sorry for him in the beginning of the anime. When his best friend betrayed him and everyone else in the soul society…it breaks my heart every time he visits Kaname’s friend’s grave, because it shows just how much he truly cared about Kaname. I wish I could just give him a big hug. <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Husbando of the day goes to Mephisto Pheles from the anime Blue Exorcist. I’ve been wanting to rewatch this anime for awhile now, especially since I get to see this gorgeous man.
I love how well made his character design and personality are, and how he can be silly one second and then super serious the next. I also love his dog form, it’s soooo cute! <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Husbando of the day goes out to Ezio Auditore da Firenze from the Assassins Creed series. His games include Assassins Creed 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, and Assassins Creed Revelations.
Ezio was one of my top favorite characters from the assassins creed series. He’s in 2nd, just below Altaïr.
I loved how much he cared for his family and sought out justice for the wrongs that were done to him and his loved ones. I felt so bad for him during the first game. I really love how they had him growing up and maturing throughout the games. I love how Revelations ended, I’m so happy that he finally found peace and was able to settle down. <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
This Waifu Wednesday goes to CC from Code Geass!
CC was always my favorite character, of the entire show. Her personality and the way she carries herself drew my heart closer and closer to her.
I feel bad for her with what happened in the past, and she definitely didn’t deserve what Mao did to her, but she never let any of that stop her. It just made her stronger. <3
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simpin-shark · 2 years ago
Switching it up again, Husbando of the day goes to Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad from the first Assassins Creed game.
Altaïr is like a god to me. He’s hot, awesome, strong, smart, and so much more. I fell in love with him immediately when I started playing the game.
He believes so strongly in justice. He does everything so masterfully and to the best of his abilities. He was, and will always be, my favorite assassins creed character.
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