The USS Sid & Inspector Sullivan Ship
12 posts
God I have way too many side shipping blogs. Anyway, enjoy this outlet for a cop and a criminal hiding their love in 1950s Britain.
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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A Sid x Sullivan mood board
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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Boys, stop flirting. 
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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Sid Carter and Inspector Sullivan in The Sign of The Broken Sword (3x04) 
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
little thoughts on the sign of the broken sword
aka how much homoeroticism can we squeeze into one 45 minute programme (this list is 90% Sid x Sullivan interactions and I am entirely not sorry but I promise there are some general bits too)
Father Brown, Lady Felicia and Mrs McCarthy squeezed into the back of the Rolls his sweet, and Mrs M not getting in the front with Sid is also adorable because she just wants to be with the gang!!
Father Brown laying down the facts about how many men it’s possible to kill with a sword.
Inspector Sullivan? In the police car? Overtaking Sid? And pulling up along side him just to what?? Star at him? And then Sid is grinning knoweldgeably? And just says it’s not a race??? Excuse me?? I have a p much NSFW headcanon about this that I will not confess.... or will I? You’ll never get it out of me..... or tbh u will if u ask.
Sid definitely checked out the marching soldiers as he open the door. I don’t write the rules here.
Lady Felicia helping raise the money and preening - I love her.
Mrs M enthusiastically using military time - I love her.
We’re barely 3 minutes in and Sid is already arguing with aka flirting with the Lieutenant.
Sid being a naughty boy and not doing his national service and then just LAUGHING. naughty.
“Impressive. One look at Carter and you’ve sized him up.” SIZED HIM UP FOR WHAT INSPECTOR SULLIVAN???? SIZED HIM UP FOR WHAT??? A SUITABLE DATE????? That’s why u look like a disgruntled kitten ok ok.
“Carter.” “Sullivan.” And then Sid entirely looked at Sullivan’s bum as he walked away well that’s fine isn’t it.
Poor major Rawlings.....
Sid looking pissed off at Lt. Graham and then looking at inspector Sullivan to complain.
Sid standing up to Graham and telling him he doesn’t take orders from him... that’s hot ur honour.
Sullivan telling Father Brown to calm down at let Sid stand up for himself while Sid is smirking at him aka “u got this baby u got this destroy him baby destroy him.”
Sid and Graham issuing idle threats to each other while staring deeply in to each other’s eyes.... hmmmmm
Father Brown sticking up for Sid and then pulling a face at Lady Felicia.... GOLDEN.
Sid giving Graham the side eye..... cheeky
Father Brown betting on it AAAAA
Felicia not taking his shit .... yes baby.
Sullivan stopping Sid taking a whisky with one look.... the power he holds.
The first thing Sid does when being questioned is to start unbuttoning his jacket.... true thot behaviour I respect it.
Sid thinks being annoying is how u flirt ur way out of a situation
Father Brown also being Annoying™️ in his interview ... like father like son
“Observe as the pupil surpasses his master” AND THEN THE DOOR IS ALREADY UNLOCKED FATHER BROWN SWEETIE
Sullivan looking straight at Sid when he catches the gang breaking and entering
then Sid staring at him in uniform (I agree Sidney) and asking what do you want in a really flirty way.
Sullivan wiping the door handle as they leave... Street smarts
Sullivan and Sid just standing together waiting for Father Brown
Father Brown just being cool as a cucumber when someone is ACTIVELY FIRING AT HIM
Sid demanding that Sullivan does something to stop Father Brown getting thrown into a cell. Classic
Lady Felicia finding the sword after the really adorable interaction with her and St Clare .... I’m sorry bby
The obstacle course......... Sidney sweetheart y r u such a sweetheart u just lost father brown his quid but ur an angel
“The better man won” can u try saying that without looking at his chest and arms please
Mrs McCarthy just wants someone to sweep the floor for her PLEASE
I feel sorry for Simone Murray darling baby I hope u find happiness
Yet again overall a really good episode I probably missed no end of things but my mind is a swamp at the minute (also apologies this is so long and no one asked but here we are)
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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You look sad... When you think he can’t see you.
I had no idea why exactly this quote from Sherlock was stuck in ma head for the whole afternoon, but I had to make this because it fits (I don’t make the rules, fan fictions’ writers do :D)
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
sometimes you just suddenly remember that sullivan was canonically *worried* about sid in 3x01 . the little look back he does before going into the station. thats Real
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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Father Brown February 
14th February: OTP Day (Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️!) 
         → Sid x Sullivan
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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A little bit older younger
A black leather jacket
A bad reputation 
Insatiable habits  
Where my gremlin brain goes when listening to ‘my oh my’ by Camila Cabello apparently.
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
What’s the best Sid x Sullivan episodes? I want to get into Father Brown but it’s the gay content that won me over
OK, a lot of the episodes just have the odd moment, so I’ll rec the ones that have a lot of content first. 
Best Sid x Sullivan episodes (in ascending order of how much subtext there is):
2x10 - The Laws of Motion. There is some banter and bickering at the start, plus Sullivan being absolutely horrified when a woman comes onto him. And later, he’s awkward when Lady Felicia makes a suggestive comment to him.
3x04 - The Sign of the Broken Sword. Lots of flirting and antagonising each other on both sides, giving each other the once-over, Sullivan being scared of women as usual.
3X15 - The Owl of Minerva. Just this entire episode. Sid helping Sullivan even though he’s supposed to hate him, Sullivan borrowing Sid’s clothes, that full once-over Sullivan gives Sid in the kitchen, bickering while they do illegal things together, and then of course the ending.
Honourable mentions go to: 
2x05 - The Mysteries of the Rosary. Sullivan puts his hand on Sid’s chest to stop him entering the crime scene and there is a bit of their usual antagonistic flirting there.
3x01 - The Man in the Shadows. Sullivan is concerned for Sid’s safety, and the scene at the end is a bit odd.
3x06 - The Upcott Fraternity. Just the ending, where Sullivan looks Sid up and down and gets right into his personal space.
3x10 - The Judgement of Man. Mostly for that scene where Sullivan drags Sid out from under the table by his legs.
3x12 - The Standing Stones. The scene in the pub where Sullivan gives Sid a look of, uh, disapproval for having his shirt unbuttoned.
There is also this meta and this essay that document the way Sid and Sullivan swap watches at some point between series 2 and 3. 
Episodes that convinced me Sullivan was gay:
3x02 - The Curse of Amenhotep. The office scene needs to be seen to be believed. This was honestly what sold me on Sullivan being 100% gay. As mentioned in this essay, if you watch this scene and then what Lady Felicia says about Rex Bishop in 4x01 (both by the same writer!), it’s pretty telling. 
3x03 - The Invisible Man. The interrogation scene with Welkin was apparently not intended as subtext, but Sullivan gulps at the mention of men declaring their love for other men, and is anxious that his body language is being read, especially when the subject of ex-girlfriends come up.
2x02 - The Maddest of All. Just one scene at the start where Lady Felicia introduces herself to Sullivan and offers her hand to him (for him to shake or possibly kiss) and he grimaces and tries to take his hand away. Again, compare that to Mallory’s introduction in 4x01. 
3x08 - The Lair of the Libertines. Sullivan has no idea where to look when he sees a woman’s cleavage.
Episodes that convinced me Sid was bi: 
2x06 - The Daughters of Jerusalem. Whatever Sid was feeling towards Father Roland all the way through this was Not Straight (Sid does behave like an asshole though).
3x04 - The Sign of the Broken Sword. Sid does a similar thing with Lt. Graham.
4x01 - The Mask of the Demon. At the end, Sid’s panicked look when he thinks Rex Bishop is about to be outed.
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sidandsullivan · 2 years ago
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