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Prayers - The coding langauge of humans . Hello everyone I hope you all are doing good. And if you feel low, DM me now we'll work out something.I'll be there for you... So this article is about the realisation that I have got by the prayers that we do everyday. So I came from a bramhin family and since childhood days I have been grown up listening (shlokas, aartis, prayers) now the 1.Sholkas- ( snaskrit poems written in description for god, Demy gods or events) 2. Aartis/stotra - ( Praises for lords inorder to remember their victories) 3. Prayers/prarthana - ( The poem in which we urge something to god .) The biggest example of a prayer that I would like to give is (pasaaydan/ पसायदान) here the great sant dnyaneshwar asks the god the betterment of whole world. So here he was not asking anything for himself but for the world. So this prayer subconsciously generates the feeling of selflessness if we say this on regular basis while visualizing its menaing. So I realised why any religion focus on the pryayers as it can direct your thoughts easily and effortlessly. This might also clear why the young children in our culture are advised to have prayers in the school at the start itself. But I think we first should tell them "why do we do prayers ?". Student (even some teachers ) don't know the meaning of prayer and they just utter the words in rhythm. The rhythm is the one which make the pryer easy to remember as our brain is more programmed to remember the vibrations (vibes). But ultimately understanding the meaning and then saying the prayer is what we need to do. May be we can control ourselves by designing our own prayer. But rather than trying the trial and error approach we can also find the best one from the ones which are already written. So it's like copying a code and upgrading yourself so stay upgrading and keep praying. If you LIKED this article kindly SHARE it with your friends as knowledge increases upon sharing.The COMMENT box is open for discussion.Thank you. #blog#bookstagram#bookworm#bookreviewer#books#readerofbooks#readingcommunity#valuebook#bioraphy#instabooks#instareview#instablog#readwithlifeschool#wisewords#bookish#booklove#instathought (at Solapur)
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shreeschool podcast : Library class: Season 1 : episode 1. Streaming on all audio platforms Spotify, google podcast , anchor. #podcastinida#podcaster#podcast#instapodcast#newseries#podcastseries#podcastshow#edupodcast#weeklypodcast#indianpodcast#podcastinglife#schoolpodcast#shreeschoolpodcast#podcastnetwork#podcatcommunity#audiopodcast#spotify#anchorpodcast#anchorindia#hindipodcast#podcastforlife#podcastjunkie#spotifypodcast#podcasting#podcastofinstagram#podcastshow#podcaters#podcasthost (at Solapur)
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Book review - Stephen Hawking a biography - Kristine Larsen . Hey everyone... So here we come up with the new series of biographies. Including some of the legends from various categories of art, science, politics, economics , social work etc. So here's our first hero Dr. Stephen Hawking. One of the rarest legends from the field of science who are eqaully the other celebrities. Basically you can consider this article as more of short insight from the goggles of this book in Hawking's life. As feel I am not the person who can review or comment on Hawking Sir's work. So the he was born and brought up in Oxford exactly after 300 years after the death of Galileo. So he was the eldest son in his family. And went to special school during childhood as was not abled to learn at the regular pace. He always wanted to know how everything works and then try to control it accordingly. This hobby brought him into field of science and soon he started his college in Cambridge. During the college days the symptoms for his disease (ALS- a motor neuron disease. Causing muscles to be immovable.) started to show up. But as they go unrecognised by the doctors he had to face a serious impact as it was diagnosed later. Rising from the depression from his diagnosis he started to work on science and later developed intrest particularly in cosmology. He reasearched on singularities (later known as black holes) and stated it's basic properties. Also worked on black hole thermodynamics and the ration coming from black holes due to rotational energy was named Hawking radiation. He wanted to unify the final theories of albert einstein (general theory of relativity ) for macroscopic universe and (Quantum thoery) for microscopic universe and purpose a single theory as a whole. He was open to all the new theories which can unify this some of the theories he worked on were supersymetry, quantum gravity, the string theory , the M- theory. During his life he faced so many struggles due to his disease, accidents, criticism, family issues and what not. He wrote a book as ' a brief history of time' it was a national best seller but hardly , anyone had understood it. This made him star and (at Solapur)
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Taking control over something starts with the knowledge of how it works. . . Hello... I hope you all are doing good. And here's something that you can go through and find out to be useful. So I have started a new series of reading biographies and in the very first book I found this line while reading the biography of Stephen Hawking. The people around him said that he was very fond of building something that he can actually control. He had made several planes in his childhood and enjoyed their flight as they fly. People also believe that he was exploring the universe this deep becuase he believed that ' the control over something starts by knowing how it works'. This idea actually stuck to my mind and made me realise the importance of ' introspection '.I thought, may be if we can apply this principle to ourselves we can truly get control over our actions. So if we can figure out how our brain, body, mind functions we can take control on ourselves by utilizing them according to our will. And I would consider this a true victory. The another area where this thing is used is the social network, people study psychology, neurology, human behaviour and design the social media such that it comes naturally into our routine and on our attention. So if we study these things, may be we can counteract the control over us and start using the social media effectively. Basically the ability of introspection gives you a feedback signal of learning more or unlearning what you have learnt. I hope you LIKED what you read , the COMMENT box is open for discussion. Kindly SHARE it with your friends as knowledge increase on sharing. Thank you. #5amclub#life#knowledge#fun#learning#books#information#journey#writing#blog#bloggers#writing#instaschool#insta#instaschool#students#teachers#class#novels#classroom#themind#discovery#experience#innovation#habits#monkmindset#learnatshreeschool (at Solapur)
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Book review - The one thing - Gary Keller
Hey folks... I hope you are doing great and I am back with another great boom. Well this book is a masterpiece for the ones who would really like to explore the domain of finding your passion ? and how to establish your life around it ? and have peace at working.
The book starts with clearing the importance of the one thing, the domino effect (2nd picture)
💡The central idea -
When we can focus on just one thing at a time there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. So the book refers the idea of finding only a one thing that can resolve all the problems in your life. Then it could be from any domain finance, health, relationships, Career. So building your life just around that one thing can solve all your problems.This one book is divided in 3 parts for the ease of consumption. (3rd picture )
📚 Th starts with clearing your misconceptions about the things that you believe you are doing. The 4th slide shows those 7 principles. After clearing these basics we will be able to absorb the part of the book where author explains his idea. It's explained with the help of examples and case studies so it adheres to your mind.
📚 In this part you learn about the one thing mentality and why it is so important in this era of technology where we have so many things to do but we need to chose the one and only thing and do it for the rest of the life. You'll ask yourself very big and specific questions while going through this part and the next part is about finding the answers of these. 📚The last part of the books gives a deep insight on how to live the one thing and how to tackle the difficulties occurred during the time of living it.
Thie book is highly recommended by me to the one who want to define their own success and achieve it. As it is fundamentally a case study of a golden habbit and a self assessment book , where you need to exercise with pen and paper and find the questions and the answers as well.
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