Better Late Then Never
57 posts
Finally a place to put all the stuff I find that’s isn’t my art. It most my rambling. Art blog is Puffins-studioFandoms mainly Doctor Who, Marvel, Moomin sometimes, random musicals, sewing things, and animal videos.My art blog is puffins-studio
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@spydoclovr69420 I would like to introduce you to (in case you haven’t heard of it) ‘scream of the shalka’ it’s was a failed animated reboot from 2003. Richard E. Grant as the doctor and Derek Jacobi as the master.
There is a single episode/ book, the special bit is the master’s body got destroyed and so the doctor built him a new body and put the master’s consciousness in the robot body, and now the master is stuck in the Tardis.
It’s very fun to think of thoschei while listening as there little bits of the master caring for the doctor slip through. There are also just really great lines and David Tennant as a little part as you can hear him yelling in one little scene and I find it funny as he was trying to get into doctor who even back then. You can look up the episode in parts, the book is about the same story it’s just in word form. But I love the dynamic they have going on with the companion as she there as normal and the master knows she can help the doctor in ways he can’t since him and the doctor have a different relationship and he can’t leave. the doctor still is a bit hung up on the last companion, it sounds like he accidentally got her killed so the master is pushing him to get a new companion and care again and obviously the doctor is like ‘No I don’t want to do that again’.
For the reasons you bought that’s probably way it didn’t make it, I love these three tho, I like when people write the master also looking out for the companion, as what’s better then one space grandpa, then two space grandpas, and I love Alison
Since there only one episode, it lives on in the little bit of fan works there is, there sometimes the tag ‘shalka husbands’ but the fan fic ‘show tunes’ by FatalCookies is one of my favorite! And I think it a good start
It is my saddest take today to say that Thoschei is so deeply doomed by the plot that the closest we can get is allusions to it.
If Thoschei were to happen, if they were to become friends again, they still wouldn't be able to see each other often, or it would ruin the format of the show. If they got together it would be even worse for the ratings (likely) because if the very pretty characters are together, then self-inserts are less likely, which makes people who like that a lot less likely to watch and enjoy the show as much.
These two aren't just doomed by the plot, they're doomed by the format. Without the Doctor out there saving people, they show doesn't happen. If it's just the Doctor and the Master together, then the show is lacking a character to relate to for the viewer.
Basically, the show can never do Thoschei really because it'll break the format. BUT that doesn't mean they can't do flashbacks to when they were young and happy.
Fanfiction is a holy medium.
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You are very lucky as you commented on the last day of a doctor who con I’ve been at and I’ve been busy making things for, for the past few months and now I can work on other fandoms! This is more my writing/ talking blog the other is art/main
I was trying to think of powers for her as I wanted all the underworld kids to have something different and ice sounds so cool!! I really want to try and write a whole re write with her, I’ve just been having trouble writing/ am not the best at writing
But I had ideas that she still does join the hunters but then goes with them and has the chance to just live for a bit, she try’s to visit Nico at camp like she promised but he not there so she start to rethink what she wants to do, and Michael Yew finds her (I headcannon that he have prophecy powers so he kinda in the know and knows they are hades kids too) but he talks to her and says she can step down from the hunters no one would blame her/ look down on her. And he say that the Apollo campers see the hunters like cousins they may fight when it comes to archery but they have family at camp (as most hunters have no family any more so the Apollo kid’s welcome them with open arms) and they look out for each other. And after the battle of Manhattan when the hunters come to help she ask Artemis if she can step down as a hunter, Artemis let’s her as she cares for her hunters and give them the freedom to do anything they want and thinks it’s fitting as now with the how she stop aging for a bit she and Nico are basically Twins. and Artemis likes that Bianca and Nico is kinda like her and Apollo, I also strongly believe that bianca went with the Apollo camp to the bridge as they have a big cabin but everyone else is in pairs so they technically have less for one bridge. So she goes and Michael doesn’t tell her he is going to die he just tells her to get his siblings off of the bridge but she can sense his death, and she saves him by shielding him with rocks, and he later reveals that he alive by stepping in and helping Bianca kill a monster. As just them being friends and he helps her understand the new world and so Will doesn’t have to be head medic and head of cabin 7.
I was thinking the ‘one lost in the land without rain’ can be, bianca didn’t join right away and it an odd number of campers and hunters and bianca leave the side of just a camper to become a hunter mid quest so that can probably mean camper lost a possible demigod for camp to the hunters. Ooo and maybe bianca somehow make it rains as mane thinking of rain during funerals and the cold weather and ice stop the big robot things!
And the hell fire! I have a headcannon that since will have his light power he can survive fire like Leo as the sun and light are heat on different levels and helios remains are just basically fire. So imagine if something happens where either will are Bianca find out about either of their power after a fight or something or they help each other train without having to worry,
But main things I see her as the type to try and let things go and not hold her back so she like missing memories? That’s fine I can make new ones, and she eventually wants to go off like Percy and be a normal kid. and Nico can’t stand not having old memories and try to get them back and he goes in the underworld to find their mom but finds Hazel and he can’t leave her there and that how they get Hazel.
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Bianca Di Angelo 🏹
This is just her in her Hunter outfit, but later I will try to do her in another outfit, as I have some headcannons/ideas for a Bianca lives AU and I just need that idea
As just Hazel getting to have a sister and they both having similar powers. Maybe since she was older she had more death powers before Nico and he wanted something of his own and after claiming the Ghost King title he can do more involving Ghost. And he can be ghost and death, and Bianca is more of the shadows.
[ID: The picture is a felt doll that is the shape of a gingerbread man with a big circle head Bianca Di Angelo. She has dark brown hair styled slightly curled, and a braid over her right shoulder. And a sliver huntress tiara She have black shoes with white laces. Dark grey pants, a quiver for her arrows on her left side. She has a black shirt under cream coat. The first picture is just Bianca, the second Eid her with Hazel and Nico.ID]
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Sorry for assuming
lol but same really, I was into it when they brought it to the US and I watched all of new who, up to season 9 and then I fall out of it when I couldn’t watch it over here so easily, and then during the lockdown I watched 13 and I fell in love with it again and got much deeper into it obviously 😂.
My brain also shut off when I learned about all the audios, I was excited there was more stories and then I just got overwhelmed as I just found a really long list of the audios that seemed to just keep going when I was trying to figure out where to start. But I also recommend the 8th doctor’s audios. By some friends I got pushed towards listening to Dark eyes and doom coalition with his companions Liv and Helen, and I love them! They are some of my favorites now. but I also listened to the Christmas one with Charlie and some of their clips and it’s really good so he’s a great place to start! Paul McGann is also great! Also if you get the chance and like the master, I highly recommend the war master. Derek Jacobi is just so great! Oh and also, I don’t know if you know this but if you sign up for a free big finish account, you can download some free single stories/clips and you can get a taste with those too, so if you want to try them
I also think it very nice too, they have the older doctors come back if they want too and ask some of the other actors as well. (fun fact Frazer Hines the one who played Jamie McCrimmon, one of the 2nd doctor’s companions, does the voice of Jamie and the 2nd doctor in the audios 🥺 I just think it’s sweet he gets to do his doctor as well)
I just think it helpful to know different places to find stuff, since it can be confusing to try and get into a fandom more, and I wanted to offer some just in case, as it can be fun
was scrolling on here and found out that ppl who ship the doctor and the master call them thoschei and i have spent the last like 10 minutes wracking my brain of all my doctor who knowledge trying to figure out why that's their ship name and i have come up with nothing
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(Same person as yesterday who answered, but this is my side rambling blog, the other is my main/art blog and am going to ramble for a moment as a reply)
@stobinfilms Don’t stress, there’s a lot of doctor who
If you want to get into the academy era just look up The Deca on ao3 there a really long fic that I think is just fun. I just find it interesting to think the doctor had a group of friends in school, it just a fun dynamic. And I think the deca are also one of the reasons people are going a bit mad with the idea that Neil Patrick Harris might be the Toy maker as if am remembering right the Toy maker took one of the other members of the Deca’s body, so they might make him one of the deca members. The deca members are just cool too like the Rani and the Monk.
But if you’re interested in the audios there are a lot, with a lot of different characters and new companions. on Big Finish’s site there a spot where you can see where a is good place to start is, but I think if you see a doctor or a companion you like then just start there, As there always the wiki to help understand what is happening and where is the first in a story. But warning the price for audios add up fast but there are a lot of sales. (A fun time is just looking up little snippets of the audios on tumblr or look up ‘big finish out of context’ on YouTube for a taste)
And kinda the same with the classics there is a lot but I been skipping around, like I can’t let myself finish 3 just because I kinda can’t stand the idea that I don’t have any more episodes with him, then I kinda skipped to 5 but starting with Adric, Then I skip to Ace only to just Skip back to 6 to catch up again. As long as your starting at a new doctor, new companion, or a start of a plot line you should be fine. Also fanfic are great too there obviously only a little bit for out of the way characters but they are a taste. And they can still be fun with other characters. And just doing a deep dive on tumblr about any topic can be fun if your careful too as you know how tumblr can be sometimes.
You probably didn’t ask for this, but it sounds like your a bit new and may be wanting to look more into the fandom. But there a lot of media so I didn’t want you to get overwhelmed. If you have any other questions, I can try to answer them
was scrolling on here and found out that ppl who ship the doctor and the master call them thoschei and i have spent the last like 10 minutes wracking my brain of all my doctor who knowledge trying to figure out why that's their ship name and i have come up with nothing
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I know it’s probably a bit OC and maybe weird but so I have a fic idea am trying to do with ainley master going to the doctor for chronic pain, and 5 was trying to hide him from Nyssa as he helps him but that doesn’t work but the fic ends with the master and Nyssa comforting each other as like AU of Tremas is more obsess with his work and trying to be the leader, makes it so she never have that good of a relationship with him, and it why Nyssa is obsess with science too as she trying to prove something.
I do like your idea where he regenerates and his face just looks like Tremas as then he isn’t killing random people, so I might use that if I can. But in the fic the master sees Nyssa and is reminded of his daughter he lost. the fic ends with just them hugging the other who reminds them of someone they lost, or someone they feel like they have lost and they let the other seek a bit of comfort. With the added thing of Nyssa also having some from of pain too so she is finally getting ‘her dad’ in someone who looks like him, to comfort her as he knows how it feels and he is in a moment of weakness. But just them hugging and taking a nap.
And also a really random Human AU I had was just 5 the adopted dad of Adric and Tegan and then he runs into his old friend and crush the master and he finds out he also have a adopted daughter: Nyssa who he end up being the guardian of and just them trying to be a family or helping each other.
(Me also just really wanting a found family fic of them without the master making it weird.)
Fifth Doctor Thoschei AU where 5 raises Nyssa, Adric, and Tegan together with The Master
But this time The Master didnt hijack Tremas's body. He regenerated and chose Trama's face to be some sort of father figure for Nyssa
This makes no sense but i swear my head's imagination is doing it justice-
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I love him so much, for this too as it just so over the top, and very much him,
I’ve been joking with the idea with how he could have probably gotten the same outcome and become the so doctor, by just raiding her closet and I find that idea very funny 😂
Okay so let’s recap:
The Master kidnapped and shrunk a bunch of seismologists, photoshopped himself into 15 paintings, disguised himself as Rasputin in 1916, reserved the winter palace for a weekend, brought a cyber planet into the orbit, and had daleks ready to blow up a bunch of volcanoes….. only two of those things were actually needed for his grand plan the rest was purely dramatics…. I love that for him.
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I made the mistake of brashing in my teeth while going through tumblr. As ‘Dalek bumps’ 🤣 I almost spit out my toothpaste from that.
But also we do have this, these looked a bit like Dalek bumps…
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(Picture just from google search as I didn’t know where to find it, but he is another master)
Okay but no one is asking the real questions: the dhawan! doctor regeneration proved to us that 13 doesn't wear a bra or was dhawan!doctor wearing one as well? I will have to watch the episode again to check
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This is really funny and also depends on how you count it could be 3 times, as in the audios the war master tried to steal 8’s body. So It feels like the master is just repeating his ideas until they work 😂
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lol at least this time it worked
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I just have to laugh at this, like don’t give me ideas 😂 As with all my felt dolls I have surprisingly not done this yet.
I just have them sit next to each other, maybe stand next to a plush daffodil, or have them close together so it look like they are holding hands.
So I got surprised with that figure of Thirteen when I bought the series 11 dvd, so now I gotta make sure I don’t get my hands on a Master figure bc you know what’ll happen if I do.
My dumbass will say: “Now kiss.” 😂
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Me: “I was like no I wouldn’t cry over this, I wouldn’t-”
Me: reads this
Me: 😭 “why so much pain!”
If you going to break my heart I just need her to grab his face in return then just tell him something like “Sweet dreams… I love you” and then they can kiss and disinterested. Or one of them saying to the other “you can rest now-”
I would love and hate this ending. Like I been a bit upset over the idea of her leaving but then after reading this it just makes it feels just that much more real. Also I don’t know if she would call him master or say I love you at this point like maybe she whispers it to him. But I always love a good koschei and theta moment to do maybe them during these names as to each other they will always remember them as theta and koschei and for them that is how it started
I know this won’t happen, and obviously it’d be reversed somehow if something similar did happen, but I’m just imagining it finally coming to the moment where the Doctor is disappearing as she’s erased from time, and the Master just walks over to her, gently grabs her face and says: “Doctor…. Goodnight.” And then he kisses her softly as they both disintegrate into nothing.
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@sacha-da-1 I just really love the found family trop. And just love when it feels like the doctor and sometimes the master kinda adopts the companions
I also think it be sweet if just like the master was in a good mood, maybe miss his kids a little. so when a they go out and someone is talking to them. The master brings up ace and talks about her as if she is their daughter. Maybe 7 cuts in and add some stuff she been up to as he try to keep up to date and the person is like ‘oh it sounds like you care a lot for your daughter’ and the master just doesn’t correct them
Also like imagine Ace just teasing the master, like she see him with grey in his hair and is like “ha your old” and he is like “am old- your old” and just her some how ending up going over to see them more and more
this is living in my head now as imagine if ace started getting invited to things and they are like ‘oh you can bring your dads too’. So she awkwardly ask if they want to come. 7 is just like “oh yes!” (In my head am laughing as am picturing them getting invited to a helloween party and think of them in a group costume like 7 is a ring leader and the master and ace are cheetahs and they both look so grumpy with 7 just smiling wide) or image them going and later in the night someone whispers to ace something like “you seem really close with your dads, you have a good relationships with them ” and ace is a bit like what? And that when they walk in and to mass with him ace calls one of them dad. Like pictures them not listening and it take them a minute to be like ‘oh your talking about us’
Or they get jobs as professors or something at a school and they have like a father daughter dance or something you have to bring your kid too and they roll up with ace who is totally down to be like a 40 something having a fun night with her accidentally adopted dads while they are among others with like their 10 year olds. Also just like it a event that the master get invited too, so 7 make the master ask ace and at first she is like “no” so the master turns to 7 like “you said she would say yes!” And then ace starts laughing like “your face! Of course I will go I can embarrass you in front of your workmates!“and the master just frown like ‘oh I didn’t think of that’
@sacha-da-1 I know we were talked about 5 and Ainsley master but I saw a gif of him when he was older, from that video game and I just remembered how 7 looks a bit old in the movie and I though of Ace. This could totally be 5 and another companion too but just
I raise you these two just growing old together, maybe just them in the tardis doing daily things or even them just trying to act normal on earth.
Like image a older Ace is talking to one of her neighbors and they are like “oh I do think it’s lovely that you live so close to your fathers, they seem a bit odd but they are so nice. am glad you can check on them-“ and Ace is just zoning out a bit and is just in her head like ‘WAIT A MINUTE! WHAT! WHAT FATHERS!’ And once they leave , Ace goes on a mission and is just storming down the sidewalk and she walked pass them at first but then just rush and back track as she just ran by a house with very odd planets and a random single Roman column next to a little sitting table in a little front garden .
And I don’t know what it funnier if she storms up and knock on their door and one of them answers like if it the master he is just “oh you finally noticed” and she is like “how long have you been here?” And He probably give her a fake number to mass with her. Or if it 7 who answers he just “Oh Ace it’s so good to see you!” Or something
Or imagine she walking up and they are having mornings tea in the garden and she to puzzled for words and 7 is just like “have a sit” and that when she noticed there are three chairs instead of just two. And then it just the master trying to eat all the little pastries or whatever they have out to eat before the doctor notices ( maybe the master leaves one as like look I was being nice and also he could be like I didn’t eat all of them when 7 notice, or 7 was pretending he didn’t notice but he is happy that the master it eating and is happy thinking he can be snarky in front of him.
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@sacha-da-1 I know we were talked about 5 and Ainsley master but I saw a gif of him when he was older, from that video game and I just remembered how 7 looks a bit old in the movie and I though of Ace. This could totally be 5 and another companion too but just
I raise you these two just growing old together, maybe just them in the tardis doing daily things or even them just trying to act normal on earth.
Like image a older Ace is talking to one of her neighbors and they are like “oh I do think it’s lovely that you live so close to your fathers, they seem a bit odd but they are so nice. am glad you can check on them-“ and Ace is just zoning out a bit and is just in her head like ‘WAIT A MINUTE! WHAT! WHAT FATHERS!’ And once they leave , Ace goes on a mission and is just storming down the sidewalk and she walked pass them at first but then just rush and back track as she just ran by a house with very odd planets and a random single Roman column next to a little sitting table in a little front garden .
And I don’t know what it funnier if she storms up and knock on their door and one of them answers like if it the master he is just “oh you finally noticed” and she is like “how long have you been here?” And He probably give her a fake number to mass with her. Or if it 7 who answers he just “Oh Ace it’s so good to see you!” Or something
Or imagine she walking up and they are having mornings tea in the garden and she to puzzled for words and 7 is just like “have a sit” and that when she noticed there are three chairs instead of just two. And then it just the master trying to eat all the little pastries or whatever they have out to eat before the doctor notices ( maybe the master leaves one as like look I was being nice and also he could be like I didn’t eat all of them when 7 notice, or 7 was pretending he didn’t notice but he is happy that the master it eating and is happy thinking he can be snarky in front of him.
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Is there anyone willing to talk about the war master/ Jacobi master
Like I know he is evil but sometimes it like why does he act like he is caring. Like am listening to killing time and on on ‘the orphan’ and he just told Nyssa he had pictures of his family and like can I believe they are real pictures of his actual family
Like imagine if she pointing them out as she remembers the doctor showing her pictures with the same people in them or she accidentally found them in the tardis one day when she was traveling. so now she is trying to figure out if he is the doctor or a time lord who knows the doctor.
Am only like 15 minutes in and He is probably going to be mean to her but like AU where he came to do his evil plan but he found it was Nyssa all by herself and he is a little bit like ‘my child’
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This is great!
😂 why am I just imagining this happening in front of the brigadier. Like there rumors of the doctor and the master being together, but it is like an open secret they don’t want to talk about. And then 3 is talking to the brig when like Benton is walking Missy to be locked up, as they think she behind some alien thing, and she just teasing and jokes but she stops when she hears 3, and just like magically gets out of Benton’s hold and start running down the halls to 3, Benton calling after her. And Missy runs over to 3 like “oh Doctor!” 🎶 3 turns and looks and see Missy running at him and he try to hold her back not knowing who she is as it is happening so fast but at a touch he could feel the twin heart beats and her mind calling to him. So he stumbles and Missy throws her arms around his neck for a long kiss. At this point Benton arounded the corner but he just slows down a bit at the sight and looks up to the brig who is also lost and is like ‘wait what?’ And then 3 and Missy finally break apart
3 is maybe like “oh- Koschei-“ as to not give it away who she is
And if you want Missy to be a menace she just time lord power zap 3 to sleep/make him forget he seen her. And he just drops to the floor. At that Benton and the Brig pull their guns on her as the brig crouch down to check on 3 as they don’t know what she did to him. and then she some how gets away.
Random Thoschei thing I just imagined that no one asked me to share:
Missy encounters the Third Doctor and runs up and grabs onto him like “Oh Doctor! I haven’t seen you like this in awhile!” And Three’s just all confused and says: “Madame! I am a homosexual! What are you doing??” And then he realizes she’s the Master and is just like “Oh…” and smiles and gives her a kiss.
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Some how my brain didn’t read the part where you were asking about my fic until now, and am trying to remember what I thought it said a few days ago.
It still in the rough stage of I only have basic scenes written in my docs. But right now the fic idea is basically the master has chronic pain and just feels bad and 5 is like here I will help you. 5 brings him to his tardis and just helps him rest. But then when 5 leave, the master notices the door is open just a bit and he can tell Nyssa is there. he is like come in. They talk about why he is there, maybe how he looks like her dad, and something, but I have a habit of making it fluffy and I was like if the doctor is letting him stay then he have to be nice to his companions. So what if Nyssa get pain too or headaches and when she was younger her father used to comfort her. So I was like what if the master is just ‘come here my dear and rest, I promise this is a truce’ as maybe the master is like you remind me of my daughter and I look like your father, and she slowly makes her way over and rests a bit. And then somewhere in the Tardis 5 is like “where’s Nyssa!” And looks all over until he looks in the last place he thinks of, and finds her asleep peacefully next to the master, them both finally resting, and 5 just goes over to join them, as weird found family group hug/nap
Am trying to decide when I want it to happen as right now am thinking of the time when 5 was just traveling with Nyssa as it be easier to write. But this whole post make me want to add a part where 5 is actually trying to hide the master as right now it’s just in the master POV and it starts when he notices Nyssa is kinda spying. 😂 but just a found family and fluff is what holding this fic idea together
Okay the vault era but instead of Twelve and Missy it’s Five and Ainley. 😂😂 But Ainley!Master is just faking trying to be good and the Doctor’s pretty sure it’s all a game. But the idea of Five going to visit him and the drama that could ensue with those two. Five would constantly leave that room blushing and furious, and hoping that one of his companions didn’t happen to be waiting outside. That poor man puts up with so much from the Master.
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You made me start to think of ideas too, and just the idea popped into my head of like you know how 11 got the call that the brigadier had died. What if it was another old companion, maybe Jo so when 13 sees the master and he does something similar to something he did back when she traveled with Jo, 13 just start tearing up and then master face just soften and he calmly walks over to her like “what’s the matter?” and she like “I don’t- I don’t mean too- it just-” and he just wraps his arms around her as he can’t remember the last time this has happened. And they sink to sit on the floor and she just bury her head into his coat, fists in the fabric and he just petting her head as he holds her. Maybe he looks up to her companions who are equally confused but they are stuck in weather or not they should try to help as the master is helping? And he just hear a sniff and just “Jo-“ the master copy and is like “Jo? What about-” and she just sobs, he looks up and the companion mimic answering a phone and she just becoming this. But with that he understands and his face saddened a bit. (As they time travelers they can still go back and see her but Jo only has so much time and the doctor doesn’t like going back and using it if they can help it) And 13 just cries a bit like “it always happens- and it hurts every time” and the master does his best to try and comfort her.
And then since I like fluff. Just him being like okay we aren’t going to get anything done and you need rest. So he just scoops her up in his arms. She tries to protest at first as like Yaz and Dan are right there watching. But just a quick little forehead touch to insure her that it’s find he will deal with it. And he takes her back into her Tardis and put her to bed. Maybe lay with her a bit until she falls asleep, or they talk about memories. Like The master remarks how Jo was kind to him, and she tells him about the last time she saw Jo and how amazing she was.
Maybe another idea of one of them just being so tried of the running and they just want their friend so when the other finally shows up they just start crying a bit like ‘your here-‘
Me just writing out a whole plot to a fic as I can’t help it and I also want this. I want the angst fluff
Crying at the idea of The Master being in the middle of some evil plan but then the Doctor starts crying because she found out something unrelated or had a bad dream and the Master is like "Muahaha Do- wait what's wrong?" And he wraps her up in a hug and she sobs into his shirt.
I'm writing this hang on-
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