shitty-mh-aus · 15 hours
au where Alex uses a water pistol
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shitty-mh-aus · 21 hours
Guys I have two things in the queue and nothing in the inbox if you don't send more stuff I'm gonna start filling the queue with my own bullshit
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shitty-mh-aus · 2 days
A au where Jay talks like a twitch.
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shitty-mh-aus · 3 days
mh au where umm. uhhh. uhh...... uhmmmm... theyre freaky...?
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shitty-mh-aus · 4 days
au where theyre warrior cats.a nd they live in a forest <3
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shitty-mh-aus · 5 days
au where everything is the same except whenever the Operator shows up Careless Whisper plays
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shitty-mh-aus · 6 days
au where trent reznor is there too
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shitty-mh-aus · 10 days
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Hello and welcome to shitty-mh-aus.
This blog is a fun little space for you to send in your silly Marble Hornets aus, of varying levels of quality! Have fun!
Submissions are accepted both through the submission thing and the inbox.
Queue will be scheduled at once a day until further notice.
Submissions will be personally looked over and approved, hate and bigotry will not be tolerated.
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