I ship the ships that probably won't ever sail
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shipperofdoomedships · 6 days ago
Enid: *storms into Yoko’s room* WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!
Yoko: *cramming stuff into a suitcase* It was just another nickname!
Enid: Bullshit! What kind of dumb nickname would leave my Wednesday damn near catatonic?
Yoko: Shorticia.
Yoko: *still frantically packing*
Enid: Flight to Tokyo?
Yoko: Leaves in 90 minutes.
Enid: *explodes into motion* I’ll text Thing to hide her stakes. We have maybe 15 minutes til she comes to, so let’s GO👏GO👏GO👏!
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shipperofdoomedships · 6 days ago
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shipperofdoomedships · 9 days ago
Yoko: *peers at one of those creepy sculptures with the eyes that follow you around*
Yoko: Ugh. That whole unblinking dead-eyed stare thing is squicking me the fuck out. Don’t you just hate how it feels?
Yoko: *glances over* Enid?
Enid: *has been staring longingly at the unsettling statue*
Enid: *bites lip* I should call her.
Yoko: 🤦‍♀️
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shipperofdoomedships · 9 days ago
Supporting characters who appear in a single episode of a tv show and have an enormous fandom presence I love you
Shout out Jess from Supergirl who was in one (1) episode and subsequently appears in a huge majority of supercorp fics
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shipperofdoomedships · 10 days ago
Lena rhe first time she sees Kara
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shipperofdoomedships · 10 days ago
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Writing these ficlets are so fun!
Check out chapter 5 on AO3
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shipperofdoomedships · 13 days ago
At a raging party held by Nevermore University’s largest (and coincidentally most toxic) werewolf fraternity.
Bianca: I know these guys are all total dicks, but I gotta admit, this party is fire.
Wednesday: I strongly disagree.
Bianca: *eye roll* Of course you would.
Wednesday: You misunderstand. I am simply stating that your observation is… premature.
Bianca: Excuse me?
Random fur: The fuck? Is that a disembodied ha—
Random fur: FIRE! FIRE!!
Bianca: 😐
Bianca: *watches one of many fully-engulfed furs run past*
Bianca: Ah. Of course. Silly me.
Thing: *scampers up to Wednesday*
Wednesday: *glances down at Thing* There you are.
Wednesday: The one who dared to call Enid a hot piece of ass, did you find him?
Thing: 👍
Wednesday: And has that ass been reduced to hot pieces?
Thing: 👍
Wednesday: Good work, Thing. Mission accomplished.
Bianca: 🙄
Bianca: Why did I let you convince me to come along?
Wednesday: *points off to the side*
Bianca: 😒
Bianca: Oh, look at that—an untouched keg of beer, free of arson. Excuse me while I go rescue it.
Bianca: *liberates herself a beer*
Wednesday: *admires Thing’s handiwork*
Thing: 🤛
Wednesday: *sighs*
Wednesday/Thing: 🤜🤛
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shipperofdoomedships · 14 days ago
Wednesday wearing a wolf skin coat when meeting Ester for the first time to establish dominance
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shipperofdoomedships · 14 days ago
Wednesday: Do you know why I requested your presence here tonight?
Enid: *shamefully looks down* Because when I tried to get back at you, I… I accidentally put you in a coma and nearly killed you.
Enid: *choked sob* And I am so so so sorry!
Wednesday: *freezes on one knee with a hand in her pocket* Accidentally?
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shipperofdoomedships · 14 days ago
Wednesday showing up to prom on their last year of school.
E: Willa, why does your coat have my mother’s scent?
W: Maybe because it is your mother’s pelt?
E: 🫢 Wednesday Friday Addams, you didn’t!
W: What? It is a lovely handmade coat with impecable craftsmanship.
E: 😒
W: Besides this way, you will always have your mother close when we are married, Mon loup. 😏
E: You know what? *sighs* Fair! *Pulls Wednesday by the coat and kisses her*
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shipperofdoomedships · 16 days ago
Enid: There's no way Wednesday likes me back.
Yoko: You’re joking, right? If the Hunger Games were real, Darkness Evermean would volunteer as tribute for you.
Enid: *sighs* Wednesday already does that for fun, Yoko.
Yoko: Pardon?
Enid: Yeah, I saw her do it at her totes exclusive family reunion.
Yoko: How exclusive?
Enid: Like just direct family, significant others, fiancés, life partners, soulmates—
Enid: —and academic roommates.
Enid: *plaintive whine* How do I get her to like me?
Yoko: 🤬
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shipperofdoomedships · 19 days ago
During a tour of the Addams estate.
Wednesday: And this is the Pit of Unravelled Nightmares. Over a hundred fools have fallen prey to it throughout the centuries.
Enid: Yikes. Why the heck do people keeping dying to it?
Wednesday: Legend has it that the one who braves the pit’s harrowing depths and succeeds in reaching its bottom may claim the treasures hidden within.
Enid: So like gold and jewels?
Wednesday: For the most part.
Enid: *eye roll* Of course. People can be so freaking dumb.
Wednesday: Agreed. Risking certain death for merely the chance of gold, jewels, and a magical unicorn? Sheer stupidity.
Enid: 😯
Enid: 😒
Wednesday: *walks head* Now then, Lurch should have lunch ready by the time we return. What would you like to drink?
Wednesday: *glances back* Enid?
Enid: 🫥
Wednesday: Enid, NO.
Enid: *already deep within the pit* BUT UNICORN!
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shipperofdoomedships · 19 days ago
(In the living room of the complex)
Yelena: Teach me the coin trick, Kate Bishop.
Kate: Again? I've taught you a million times... *Yelena with shining eyes* …But I don’t resist my little widow.
(Kate gets up to get a coin)
Peter whispering quickly: You’re going to tell me why you want to see her explaining the trick, if you left two people unconscious on the first attempt?
Yelena: A- one of the people doesn't count, if it's you.
Yelena: And B... *Kate comes back playing with the coin* …I love to see how skillful she is with fingers.
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shipperofdoomedships · 20 days ago
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shipperofdoomedships · 25 days ago
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shipperofdoomedships · 25 days ago
Wednesday: I don’t see what the issue is.
Enid: Seriously? Are you for real right now?
Wednesday: As real as the cruel inevitability of death. You require paper to be cleanly cut with precision. After my modifications, this device is more than adequate for the task.
Enid: Wednesday, I am NOT using your guillotine for my paper craft!
Wednesday: *disdainful snort* Why? Because it’s not recommended by any of those so-called influencers you—
Enid: The BLOOD, Wednesday. Because of the freaking blood!
Wednesday: 😒
Bloody guillotine: *drips*
Wednesday: Ah.
Enid: *glares expectantly*
Wednesday: I’ll get the bleach.
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shipperofdoomedships · 25 days ago
Enid: Do you think she’ll like it?
Yoko: It looks cute but I don’t think Wednesday likes to wear anything baggy. I think it’s just you.
Enid: But it has a cute wolf and raven print on the front!
Yoko: I think she’ll appreciate a size S than an L.
They hear the door opening and Enid quickly bundles the gift under her shirt
Wednesday: Hello- OH MY GOD!
Enid: What?!
Wednesday: My love….. are you… pregnant?
Enid looks down and realizes her mistake
Enid thinking: Come on Enid just tell the truth. No need to hide this gift from her. She’ll probably like it a lot.
Enid: It’s Yoko’s.
Wednesday: What?!
Yoko: WHAT?!
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