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Here's a pack of ghostly friends
Nega!napstablook by a artsy fella
Undertale!napstablook by @tobyradiationfox
Underfell!napstablook by au community
Underswap!mettaton(mettablook) by @popcornpr1nce/au community
Underwar!napstablook by @blue_wolf
Swapfell!mettaton (mettablook) by @kkhoppang
Cf!napstablook by @team-crimsonfade/@dark-matters-blog
Epic!napstablook by @yugogeer012
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Gr!flowey (finalize design)
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(Info to be added)
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Gr!tale papyrus and monster kid
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(I like thank pigster derpington for the little add-on from awhile back.)
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Here's the logo(?) for gr!tale
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A Belated Happy New Year, and What’s Ahead for Us
Yes, another year has come and gone, and many of us celebrate to leave 2019 behind us.  According to society, it is a good time to start anew, a good time to make amends…a good time, perhaps, for us to stop lying to ourselves.
Yes, many of you have probably figured this out if you’ve kept a close eye on how development’s actually gone, but only now are we finally willing to admit it to ourselves:  Scramble Saga cannot continue, at least not in its current form.
We both had more time to work on Scramble Saga when we first started—I was unemployed at the time, and Chaos was in the easy part of his college education. As time has gone on, though, our available time to dig in and work on ScrS has decreased significantly.  Chaos and I both have jobs now, and it’s been hard to take what little time we have left to turn around and keep working on something we’ve admittedly slowly been losing passion for.
We couldn’t leave you all empty-handed, though. We’ve been sitting here behind the scenes trying to come up with the best way to tell you about all our plans, and—considering if it weren’t for your continued patience and unending support, we probably would’ve quit sooner—we’d appreciate your input on the matter. We’ve opened a Google Forms survey to collect your feedback on what you’d like to see—be it specific boss fights, looks at as of yet unreached locations, or just the bits of re-written lore we had worked out—as well as how you’d like to see it.  Gutting parts of the journey will probably do this regardless, but we’d like to preserve as much of the emotional context as we can, we’re just not sure what the best way to do that is. -Clare
The Google form can be found here.
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"Dark darker yet darker
The future seems bleak
But a light is shining in the abyss"
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Reglas básicas para las proporciones de una cabeza
ESP-Bueno! Traigo mi primera especie de tutorial, tip, cosa(? llámalo como quieras, donde explico de forma muy breve como funcionan las proporciones de la cabeza. Dónde van los ojos, a qué altura pongo la nariz o la boca, donde tengo que poner las orejas… todo esto está marcado por unas reglas que existen en dibujo. A pesar de estar dibujando más estilo anime, siempre es bueno saber de realismo y conocer las proporciones humanas.
ENG- Well! I’m bringing my first kind of tutorial, tip, thing (? Call it whatever you prefer xd, where I explain very briefly how the proportions of the head work. Where the eyes go, at what height do I place the nose or mouth, where I have to put the ears … all this is established by some rules that already exist in art. Despite being drawing more anime style, it is always good to know realism and to know the human proportions.
ESP- Conoce las reglas para poder romperlas.
ENG- If you know the rules you’ll be able to break them.
ESP- ***Esto no es un tutorial de cómo dibujar, sino de dónde debes situar los elementos a la hora de hacer una cabeza***
ENG- *** This is not a tutorial on how to draw, but where to place the elements when drawing heads ***
ESP- 1.Bien, como todo tutorial en el que te enseñan a dibujar una cabeza, empezamos haciendo un circulo, no tiene que ser perfecto.
ENG- 1.Well, like any tutorial in which you are taught to draw a head, we start by making a circle, it does not have to be perfect.
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ESP- 2.En este círculo vamos a marcar la dirección en la que esté mirando nuestro personaje y le sacamos la mandíbula. 
¿Qué tan lejos debes llevar la barbilla con respecto al círculo? Pues va a depender del personaje que estés haciendo o del estilo, pero sobretodo va a depender de la edad que aparente el personaje.
Cuanto más cerca esté la barbilla del círculo, más infantil parecerá tu personaje.
2.this circle will mark the direction the character is looking at, then we draw the jaw. 
ENG- How far do you have to bring the chin considering the circle? It will depend on the character you’re doing or the style you are using, but mainly it will depend on the age of the character.
The closer your chin is to the circle, the more childish your character will appear.
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ESP- Y cuanto más lejos (sin pasarse xd) más adulto.
Yo seguiré con las proporciones de un adulto, pero si quieren que explique también las de un personaje más niño solo avísenme :D
Entonces, tenemos un óvalo como estructura general de la cabeza.
ENG- And the further away, the more adult.
I will continue with the proportions of an adult, but if you want me to also explain those of a more childish character just let me know :D
So, we have an oval as the general structure of the head.
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ESP- 3.Si cogemos la altura total del óvalo, justo en la mitad, haremos una línea horizontal para indicar la altura aproximada de los ojos.
Del total de la cabeza, los ojos se encuentran a la mitad
ENG- 3.If we take the total height of the oval, just in the middle, we will make a horizontal line to indicate the approximate position of the eyes.
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ESP- Aproximadamente por aquí .3.
ENG- Approximately here .3.
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ESP- 4.Una vez sabemos la altura a la que van los ojos, lo demás es muy sencillo.
A la mitad de entre la línea de los ojos y la barbilla, va la base de la nariz
No la punta de la nariz sino la base
ENG- 4.Once we know the height at which the eyes go, the rest is very simple.
Halfway between the line of the eyes and the chin, goes the base of the nose
Not the tip of the nose but the base
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ESP- 5.Y a la mitad de entre la base de la nariz y la barbilla va el labio inferior de la boca!
ENG- 5.And halfway between the base of the nose and the chin, goes the lower lip of the mouth!
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ESP- Ahora colocamos ya todos los elementos y vemos como queda.
6.Las orejas se sitúan entre las cejas (que van ligeramente por encima de los ojos) y la base de la nariz, nunca por arriba de las cejas y nunca por debajo de la nariz (a no ser que estén dibujando una cabeza mirando hacia arriba o hacia abajo, pero no estamos hablando de eso ahora xd)
ENG- Now we place all the elements and see how it looks.
6.The ears are located between the eyebrows (which go slightly above the eyes) and the base of the nose, never above the eyebrows and never below the nose (unless you are drawing a head looking towards up or down, but we are not talking about that right now xd)
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ESP- 7.Por último: El cuello. En un hombre adulto el cuello es bastante ancho, si lo viéramos de frente sería prácticamente igual de ancho que la propia cabeza. Esto es algo que pasa en el realismo, si se ponen delante de un espejo completamente de frente y observan el ancho de su cabeza y el ancho de su cuello verán que no hay mucha diferencia lol
ENG- 7.Finally: The neck. In an adult man, the neck is quite wide, if we saw it from the front it would be almost as wide as the head itself. This is something that happens in realism, if you stand in front of a mirror face to face and look at the width of your head and the width of your neck you will see that there is not much difference lol
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ESP- Bueno, yo aquí terminé el boceto y tal, pero como dije, esto no era un tutorial de dibujo, sino de reglas básicas de proporciones para una cabeza xd.
También recuerden que estas son unas reglas básicas, pero si hay algo maravilloso que tiene el arte es que puedes romper las reglas cuando quieras, pero para poder romperlas, hay que conocerlas lol
ENG- Well, here I finished the sketch and such, but as I said, this was not a drawing tutorial, but basic proportion rules for drawing heads.
Also, remember that these are some basic rules, but if there’s something wonderful about art is that you can break down rules, but to break them, you have to know them first lol
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ESP- Espero que les haya sido útil y que me haya explicado bien xd
Si tienen alguna duda, pueden preguntarme sin problema, o si tienen alguna sugerencia o petición sobre otras cosas que podría explicar también pueden decírmelo :3
ENG-I hope this has been useful somehow and hope I did explain well xd
If you have any questions, you can ask me without problem, or if you have any suggestion or request about other things that I could explain, you can also tell me :3
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Hello The Names ShiroMaster (but you probably already know what) Anyways Welcome to SwapFell Platinum A Take on Swapfell Owned By me And Nessie Hope you Enjoy Sprite by me
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Grtale mettaton(box)
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I forgot to post this on page.
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Grtale papyrus(sketch)
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Grtale:mettacrit and monster kid
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