#charisk character
max-nico · 3 months
I am obsessed with soulmate characters. There is no (light) without (dark) there is no (sun) without (rain) there is no (day) without (night) there is no (joy) without (anger) there is no (red) without (green) there is no (love) without (hate) there is no (defense) without (offense) there is no (tide) without (moon) and these characters can be love interests, best friends, enemies, rivals, I DON'T CARE, but they understand each other like no one else does and where one goes the other follows
And this isn't about just grumpy x sunshine this is about one existing without the other. Characters where if you take one away a part of them gets taken with the other, characters whose lives are significantly altered by the absence of the other, characters who literally already do find each other in different universes.
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iv0riaaa · 4 months
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My Frisk & Chara designs
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idrawgaystffs · 1 month
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[*ACT] -> [♥️ FLIRT]
Flirting with everything that moves!
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Mayhaps your narrator! :]
Edit: Check the notes for the colored version
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cobra-in-singapore · 5 months
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Undertale + Minecraft (with Origins)
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grayblacklight · 1 year
Mettaton: Good evening my lovely audience and welcome to our new game show, Buzz Because!!! Whoever buzzes in first wants to smooch a ghost!!!!!
Frisk, while staring directly at Chara:
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fulcrum-97 · 5 months
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Whenever someone's got a very defined, very plastic art style, they don't ever want draw their characters in standstill - always in a specific position, holding specific props, with a very contextual facial expression, in a specific situation and so on. One of the purpose of this blog is to draw stuff that is needed, but doesn't usually get made, that's why you today get this Frisk with a default expression. As usual, tune in for more.
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gluckchara · 14 days
The acquaintance of Way Frisk and Gluck, and also my first animation
1 part
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dh-dd-hivemind · 4 months
Hello! We are an adaptive system of around 40 headmates! All of us share this blog together. You may know us from our old (obsolete) blogs, @dhundertale and @droughtale. This is our rebranded blog, with our rebooted series.
This page features two Undertale AUs, both of which take place in the same universe, just with slightly different circumstances. The descriptions of these AUs are lower down, if you wish to read a brief summary.
The first two pages of Defining Happiness are here.
Both AUs contain the same ships, so be warned and turn away if you do not like them. You will be blocked if you reblog or comment just to complain about the romances/QPRs.
Any of the ships listed that have more than two people are polyamory/ethical non-monogamy, not "love triangles".
The ships are the following:
Chariskriel (Chara x Asriel x Frisk)
Flowiskra (Chara x Asriel x Frisk)
Friskid (Frisk x MK)
Tuffet (Toriel x Muffet)
Sansgoriel (Sans x Asgore x Toriel)
Sansby (Sans x Grillby)
Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton)
Mad Alphyne (Mad Mew Mew x Alphys x Undyne)
Chara and Frisk both use they/them in this AU. Napstablook uses they/them. MK uses both they/them and he/him. Mad Mew Mew (Maddie) uses she/her. Please respect that.
Please not deadname Mettaton or Maddie.
Also, in these two AUs, Flowey and Asriel are headmates, not the same person. They have shared memories (and a shared body/soul), but they are separate boys with their own thoughts and feelings.
Defining Happiness/DH (Summary)
A fancomic series about our protagonists Frisk & Chara and their loved ones attempting to find freedom on the surface, and facing hardships of forming a lasting family. The story is told by Frisk of the future, passing the tale onto their niblings (nieces, nephews, niephews) and little siblings.
Follow Frisk as they study and fight to become the young ambassador for Monsterkind, join forces with the previously-hidden MHHR Association (Monster, Hybrid, Human Rights Association), battle the traumas formed by their past, face teenage development and romance, and struggle to maintain a relationship with their older sister, Celest.
Drought & Devastation/Droughtale/DD (Summary)
A fanfiction series about our protagonists Celest & Michael, attempting to journey through a decaying underground, with the soul of Celest's sister (Frisk). While Celest is the older sister in Defining Happiness, in Droughtale Celest is aged down, becoming Frisk's younger sister instead.
(TW for physical abuse & cannibalism)
When Frisk (age 13) fell into the mountain, they rushed to get through the underground, to return home to their little sister Celest (age 9) and care for her, as the two of them lived with abusive parents. Frisk managed to complete a false pacifist run (leaving Asgore dead and Toriel the queen), intending to gather Celest from their home and return underground, knowing that Toriel would care for the two of them. However, upon arriving home, they failed to sneak inside and take Celest without notice. Their father caught them and began to beat them.
They attempted to reset, but found that their magic was no longer of use. (This is because human magic can only work in the presence of monster magic.) Instead, they were left with brain damage from the beating, and spent the rest of their childhood locked in the house with Celest, tending to her the best they could in their impaired state.
Upon adulthood, the two escaped together. Celest married her husband, Markson, and the two had a child Junebug (aka Frisk Junior.) Frisk passed away not long after, telling Celest to take their soul underground to free monsterkind (while being unaware that the other six souls were fully used up and lost during the fight with Omega Flowey.)
Celest traversed underground, only to find that it was no longer the wonderland Frisk had described to her, but instead a place of ruins, riddled with a magical drought that caused all monsters to have erratic, hallucinatory, and/or violent symptoms, and be thirsty for any magic - or liquid - that they could get their hands on...including the lifeforce of each other.
Through her journey to get back home to her husband and child, she seeks to discover the history of how such a magical place has come to such devastation.
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lastiaa · 1 month
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Welp, wheres some drawings with my sona, 2 oc's and charisk au's.. I will try to publish drawings more often, because the inspiration is off the charts. (-з•)/ ~ ♡
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Chara: The stars are so beautiful…
Frisk: They’re just giant balls of gas.
Chara: You know what, if you’re just going to ruin this, then-
Frisk: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Chara: Oh…
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asukarymercyshine · 1 year
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.Charisk₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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ask-dcf · 1 year
The start of a new adventure begins…
*Within the Far reaches of the town that is quite familiar. Near the church a small glow appears. And 4 figures appear out of it. Frisk. Chara. Data. And Flara entered*
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*The Monsters nearby stare at the visitors, confused and mesmerized by the sudden appearance of humans. Without another word, they continue their day as if nothing happened. All but one. A small, goat-like Monster girl. She tilted her head at the humans, curious with wide eyes. She seemed to recognize two of the humans and the larger gem eyed one by the church and immediately rushes towards.*
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*She ran over, waving a hand to get their attention. The group turned and realized there were people who witnessed them appear*
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*Frisk recognizes her as she runs up to them*
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*The two run into eachother and hug tight*
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*Alice goes over and hugs Chara aswell, who politely hugs back.*
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*Alice let’s go and her eyes wander towards Data then…. The taller human who she did not recognize*
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*There is an awkward silence*
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*She extends a hand to Shift!Chara, giving her a soft smile*
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*She extends hand and shakes Alice’s hand with her glove hand*
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*There were still monsters staring*
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*Alice soon starts walking into town with the rest of the group following in suit. Leaving the monsters who witnessed them confused but… went about their day*
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hexedfungi · 2 years
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Rlly exited to see what this arc from @ask-dcf 's Datatale has in for us; quite a contrast with the usual stuff, but just as great. Maybe it was that contrast that made this image pop in my mind XD and i took the oportunity to finally draw something related to it!
Also I acknowledge theres no official design for Fisher this just my take on the bastard. Anyways enjoy!
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altairsarts · 4 months
Time to go feral.
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I used to think people cared a lot more about hating this than they actually do tbh. Sharing is still a pretty major source of anxiety for me even though it shouldn’t be lol
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grayblacklight · 10 months
Chara being polite and opening doors for Frisk with their limited ghost powers. Because they are like that.
To everyone else (except maybe other ghosts) it just looks like Frisk has the worlds most pointless superpower - short-range telekinesis that only works for opening doors they would have been able to open normally anyways
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snowcollector · 9 months
CARLYRAEJEPSANS is a proshipper who lies about it, ships char(asriel and is mutuals with popular UTDR in(cest shippers, necrophil(ia fic posters, UTDR ra(pe fic posters, sh(otacons and groomers
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readmore for triggering content since people requested it after my last callout
first of all carlyraejepsans posted this on their good omens blog which shows that they think anticest people on their utdr blog are basically stupid children and they talk about having a nec(rophilia/corpsef**cking mutual
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and as you can see in the first few screenshots they HATE people who are against in(cest fic. they're also friends with imptwins who they used to have blocked for making under(age UTDR art
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but now they're friends again.
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IMPTWINS makes r(ape fic of S(uselle (drugging and r(aping her) and carlyraejepsans used to have them blocked for their reputation but doesn't care anymore and unblocked them but they definitely know about it
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imptwins also admitted to committing actual se(xual assault against real people and downplayed it by saying it's just what all teens do.
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despite Imptwins admitting to se(xually assaulting multiple people carlyrae has defended this and changed the story so it was just one person in a bad relationship imptwins se(xually assaulted and then threatened to beat people to death for bringing it up
imptwins and kimberlyeab made friends with a minor who read their s(mut (like the Suselle drugging/ra(ping fic they advertised in the main UTDR tags with no content filters so it can't be blocked or filtered) and invited the minor into their private discord servers and sent the minor into my askbox to defend them and "prove" they aren't being groomed.
carlyraepesans is also mutuals with wordbending who is a sh(otacon
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who is a supporter of kimberlyeab and wordbending loves in(cest, as you can see here
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wordbending also makes in(cest fic of underage UTDR characters including char(isk s(mut which carlyraejepsans reads because it's aged up and they think aged up Frisk is hot
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they also think it's okay to se(xualize the kid characters and age them up to do it
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(this was about flowey/asriel but they use it to excuse them reading "aged up" sm(ut of charisk and finding frisk attractive)
carlyraejepsans is a big supporter of fictional in(cests and thinks toby fox is too
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they interact with people who have proship DNI because they don't care.
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they unfollowed Ish_Bruhh after they made a callout post for Zixzs (who makes in(cest porn of Kris/Toriel) but they used to follow them
and they support kimberlyeab who lies about their age and intercts with a 15 year old who reads their utdr ns(fw content and blocked me for telling them kimberlyeab was a groomer (proof post here) and liked this tweet AFTER I showed them proof kimberlyeab was a groomer
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they also ship char(asriel which is an in(cest ship
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they also lied about having the tag blocked because they often reblog art that open tagged ch(asriel which they wouldn't see if they had the tag blocked
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this was reblogged from their mutual wordbending who again writes s(mut of them char(isk and char(asriel and likes sh(otacon
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carlyrae pretends the reason they don't interact with wordbending anymore is because of the sh(otacon thing but it's actually just because wordbending got banned, imptwins also retweens lol(isho and carlyrae is still friends with imptwins.
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carlyraejepsans knows about what these people do and says that who they interact with is none of my business even though they're admitted pe(dophiles who have committed irl se(xual assault
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so if you're wondering why they blocked you for no reason it's probably because you're against in(cest and und(ragefic and sh(otacon and all their friends and mutuals are into it but they're hiding it from the public for their reputation so they can keep following people with proship DNI in their profiles
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