Shard Weavers
37 posts
This story is co-written by a group of friends.In this story, there are multiple Warriors of Light/Darkness. We're going to try to update chapters every other Sunday evening. Note: Story is post-Shadowbringers.Spoiler Warning for Shadowbringers MSQ.
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shardweavers · 3 years ago
Hello, Starlings! <3
Writer Angel here.
I know it's been a while since we've posted anything. I'd like to check in and apologize for the radio silence. Xehnis has been in school for medical lab tech and her classes have really ramped up now that they're no longer online. She's also now working at the hospital, so she hasn't had much time for anything else the last few months; it's been super stressful for her. Send her your thoughts and support! Writer Elidibus and I think she's been doing great!
I've personally been trying to sort out some things IRL and was sick for a while; Elidbus has been taking care of me and helping out.
We have been writing, but it's been slow. Especially with Endwalker having come out and all of us gone through it and discussed lore and story implications/plans.
Nothing's changed too much, but we can be a lot more in depth with things now that we're sure of a lot more things we were just speculating about before.
I'd also like to take this moment to say that we chose the name Starlings for you all before Endwalker, and now I really don't want to change it considering everything. lol
Xehnis is looking forward to her break, and would like to sit down and write more on her story (Tales of the Falling Snows) if nothing else. I've been stuck on the last chapter of mine. (In the Tower's Reflection - I didn't realize I hadn't posted a chapter that is actually finished, I should do that soon!)
Everyone's generally okay, just a lot of IRL things and all of us questioning where time goes when it's January one minute and after a blink, it's now April. @_@; We hope everyone else is doing well out there.
Stay safe and healthy, all, take care of yourselves and one another. Thank you so much! <3
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter Seventeen - The Familiar and the Unknown
The sun had slipped past the horizon as Ice and Angel arrived at the Inn. They handed off the reins to the Amarokeep, who called over two Carers to help unload the supplies. Ice stretched, then winced as his side twinged. Angel reached around Ice's chest from behind, his face against his husband's back.
"I haven't forgotten," the White Mage mumbled. He whispered something quietly, then slipped a hand to Ice's side; the injury he'd gotten from the sin eater.
A cool, soothing feeling helped Ice relax as he felt his husband's magic mending his injuries. He looked down to the gentle, blue glow around Angel's hands, and smiled.
"That's enough, love." Angel stopped, then looked up as Ice turned around. "Thank you," Ice said as he kissed Angel's forehead. "I feel much better now."
"Are you sure?" Angel flicked an ear thoughtfully. Ice poked the slash on Angel's arm, which made him wince.
"Yes. Tend to yourself now. I'll find out where our friends are and be right back." He turned to head off towards the Carers, as Angel pouted slightly... but did as Ice suggested, and mended his own minor injuries for the moment.
"Ah! Ice!" A familiar voice called, "Are you alone?"
"Angel's also here, Lamon. We delivered the supplies from Mord Souq," Ice perked his ears proudly, as he grinned.
"Oh! That's great news!" The Hume cook seemed to perk up instantly. "I might be able to whip up something extra when Miss Alisaie returns with the others," he turned back to a large stew pot he'd been tending when he spotted Ice.
The Warrior curled his tail at the mention of their friends. "Do you know where Alisaie went?"
"Sure do," the cook nodded. He picked up a large spoon, stirred the stew in the pot as it began to boil, then continued, "She and Urianger went to Il Mheg early this morning. Thancred and Ryne made a trip to Twine," he trailed off as he looked around. "Mmm, the Nu Mou visitor we had seems to have wandered off, though."
"Nu Mou," Ice responded thoughtfully. That meant Beq Lugg was still around somewhere. "Any idea when everyone will get back?"
"Mmm, should be soon. They all agreed to meet back here for dinner," he turned to sit the spoon in a bowl on a table nearby. "It's evening now, so they should all be coming back soon." Lamon gave Ice a big grin as Angel stopped behind him. "Why don't you two sit and wait for them? I need to take the stew off the fire and let it cool a bit so it doesn't burn anyone's mouth."
Ice blinked, then turned to find his husband just behind him. He put a hand to Angel's forehead, then touched his cheek, "How are you doing?"
Angel nodded with a smile, "I'm okay, love. I took care of myself like you told me to, and... I think I've calmed down a bit. I was starting to feel a bit overheated, but it was probably just from... everything all at once." He leaned into Ice's hand a bit, and curled his tail happily.
"Good, I was worried," Ice looked relieved. He moved his hand away, then sat at the nearby bench. He gestured for Angel to join him, as Thancred and Ryne arrived first; they landed on Amaro, then hopped off, each carrying one small sack.
"Angel? Ice! You're both here already!" Ryne called happily. The two Miqo'te turned to look at the girl, then raised a hand in greeting. Thancred stretched before he started to head over; he looked quite tired.
"Welcome back," Ice grinned. "What've you two got?"
"Clay!" Ryne sat the sack on a table nearby that seemed set up for something. Thancred did the same, then crossed his arms; he looked around twice  before he focused on Angel, who happened to be facing his way.
"Clay...?" Angel tilted his head, confused.
"For Beq Lugg and Alisaie... the latter of which went to Il Mheg with Urianger," Thancred looked around once more. "Is Beq Lugg still about?"
"Lamon said they were." Ice glanced about, then back to Thancred, "They probably went for a walk."
"Beq Lugg did say they would take the time to think while we went to gather materials." Ryne looked thoughtful as she sat across from Angel and Ice. Thancred turned, then made his way to the rock wall behind the other table. He sat on the ground, then closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall.
"He looks exhausted," Angel noted, a concerned look on his face.
Ryne frowned, then looked over as well. "I noticed that too... I'm sort of glad it isn't just me."
Ice looked thoughtful for a moment, "Well, what did you two do today?"
"Beq Lugg told us we'd need to find some good quality clay, preferably from Amh Araeng. We asked the miners of Twine if they knew where to look. The place we went was full of wildlife that didn't really like us taking stuff from them," she blushed a little, then put a finger to her chin. "But I didn't think the fights were anything too strenuous. Maybe," she trailed off a bit, "Maybe he's just not resting as well as he should be."
"We could let him sleep until the others get back." Ice suggested. Angel and Ryne both looked thoughtful, then to one another, then nodded in agreement of his suggestion.
Lamon passed out bowls of stew to Angel, Ice, and Ryne. Thancred continued to nap against the wall while they ate and caught up on some things. Angel made a comment about the Whispearl, and Ryne wanted to see it. He had just handed it to her to examine when Alisaie and Urianger finally arrived. The young, female Elezen sat a small lamp on the table next to the bags of clay, then let out an exasperated sigh.
Urianger placed a container of water next to the lamp, then placed a pack on the ground, against the table leg. "Pray tell, Lady Alisaie; from whence comes thy vexation?" he asked with a gentle smirk.
"Because you agreed to help me with the Pixies, and you left me alone with those three," she pouted, her cheeks puffed out and arms crossed.
Urianger smiled and chuckled, "Ah, 'twas not mine intent. Pray forgive me, but... 'twas thine turn in their game."
"That's just an excuse!" She grumbled, then took a breath to calm herself.
"Humu humu." A quiet chuckle came from behind Alisaie. Everyone jumped at the sudden sound, then turned to find their Nu Mou companion looking at the materials on the table.
"Beq Lugg! Where... Where did you come from...?" Ryne asked; her hand still on her chest from the surprise.
"I noticed you had all returned, and came back inside." Their response was quite matter-of-fact. "I was convinced the pixies would turn one of you into a garden ornament, but no."
"A garden-" Ice cut himself off, then shook his head.
They nodded as they inspected the bags of clay and water. "Yes, this should be plenty for your porxie, Alisaie."
"Alisaie's porxie?" Angel's ears perked in curiosity.
Beq Lugg nodded as they fidgeted about with a bucket that had been stored under the table. They gestured for Alisaie to kneel by the bucket, which she did. "Yes. The method I have in mind for helping to revitalize the incorporeal aether of these people requires a familiar." They poured some of the clay into the bucket, "Familiars are able to amplify energies poured into them, which makes them perfect conduits for the aether-revitalizing magicks we will employ."
"Familiars can..." Angel trailed off thoughtfully. He looked to the ground, as Beq Lugg picked up the container of water. Urianger tilted his head curiously at Angel's thoughtfulness.
"Ah, I must confess, I've never had cause to make such a distinction in aether before. Yet now, it seems perhaps I had been missing something in all my research before." They shook their head and opened the bottle of water. "Humu humu. Something to ponder later. For now, let's get to your porxie!"
Alisaie had already rolled up her sleeves while Beq Lugg talked. She seemed focused on the bucket of dry clay. The Nu Mou slowly poured the water in, a bit at a time, as Alisaie began to mix them together under their supervision. Ice stood and took their empty bowls over to Lamon, as he noticed Angel seemed quite focused on watching what was going on. Ryne had moved over to sit on the bench beside Angel to do the same. Urianger, while interested in what Alisaie was doing, seemed to split his focus between her and the still-napping Thancred.
"Once the clay is solid enough, we will heat the mixture with the fae lantern."
"I think a little more water should do it." Alisaie squeezed some of the clay into a rough ball, then put it back with the large lump on the bucket. Beq Lugg nodded in agreement and added more water. One more check and Beq Lugg moved to heat the mixture with the fae lantern.
Alisaie stood up to pick up a wooden board, then turned back to the bucket. Beq Lugg picked up the heated lump then swiftly threw it onto the board. It flattened a bit, but seemed more solid than a few moments ago. Alisaie put the board on the table, then poked at the clay lump to test the temperature. I was still warm, but not as hot as she expected; she found herself likening it to holding an animal.
"If you are prepared, then let us begin," the Nu Nou said, as they moved to stand beside the table. Angel, Ice, and Ryne had gotten up and stood across from Alisaie. "I would have you sculpt for me," they thought for a moment, "a porxie. Plump, with floppy ears and a tail."
Alisaie concentrated on the clay, with her hands on the lump. Ryne looked between Alisaie and Beq Lugg for a moment. The Elezen looked to be thinking hard, and only barely moved her hands.
"Porxie... Oh! I remember those from Il Mheg!" Ryne chimed in excitedly. Ice blinked, then looked to Ryne. He couldn't react before Alisaie blushed and squeezed the clay. Angel's ears flicked, but he seemed too focused on the clay.
"O-Of course! Those plump, floppy eared, curly-tailed piglets! I-I remembered!" She puffed her cheeks a bit as she began to work the clay. "I-I was just... focusing."
Ryne giggled at Alisaie's fluster. Ice stood once more, and stretched as Alisaie began shaping the clay. Urianger left her to her clay, then headed over to check on the sleeping Gunbreaker. Angel stayed just as focused on Alisaie and the clay as when they started.
It took a little while for Alisaie to complete her sculpture. She remained quite focused, and seemed to ignore almost everything else around her. In the meantime, Urianger had woken Thancred with his share of food. Ice and Ryne had helped clean up.
"There we are," Alisaie put her hands on her hips, ignoring the clay. "H-How's that?"
Ice looked at the pile of clay. It was flat, the features of a porxie were there ; eyes, nose, mouth, curly tail, big floppy ears; but they were a bit off-center, mismatched, and disproportionate. The body itself was flat, and the legs were stubs on the bottom.
The Warrior chuckled quietly, "It's certainly... creative ."
"There's no denying that," Thancred stifled a snicker.
Angel and Ryne both looked to Alisaie, then to Ice and Thancred. They saw the death glare she gave, even as her cheeks puffed a bit in annoyance. The two inches away from Ice and Thancred. Urianger pinched the bridge of his nose with a quiet sigh, then waved his hand a little; he refocused on Alisaie at her pouted response.
"Yes, yes, I'm no artist! Very funny!"
"Pay them no mind, child," Beq Lugg encouraged. They looked to the porxie once more and held their hand out towards it, "Though it may look like a grotesque parody of reality, it is what the invoker believes that matters."
Angel's ears perked up at that, as if he'd heard something interesting. Alisaie turned her head to pout at the Nu Mou as she crossed her arms.
"You're not helping."
Ice and Thancred snickered again, then were immediately silenced by another glare from her. Ryne, in turn, giggled at Thancred... who just sighed at her amusement.
Beq Lugg reached up to take Alisaie's hands and refocus her on the task at hand. "But I speak the truth." They placed Alisaie's hand over the clay, then let go. "If successful, this incantation will turn imagination into reality. Which is why the only thing of import is what you believe this figure embodies . You must focus. Hold the porxie's image steady in your mind's eye."
Angel's expression looked as if he'd heard something important... or familiar. His eyes were a bit wider as he stared at Beq Lugg, his ears were perked and facing forward, his tail sat almost completely still on the bench beside him, and his hands seemed unsure if they wanted to return to the bench or move up to his face in thought.
Ice blinked when he noticed. He didn't speak, for fear of interrupting Alisaie's focus, but he did reach over to take one of Angel's hands. The mage jumped at the touch, then interlaced his fingers with his husband's as he relaxed a bit. Angel gave Ice a gentle smile to reassure him.
The Red Mage had her eyes closed to focus on the porxie image in her mind. Beq Lugg nodded, then continued their guidance.
"Now then, as I taught you. Relax and let your energies flow."
Alisaie took a slow breath, then put both hands by the clay porxie, then focused as Beq Lugg had taught her. Once she felt her aether moving towards her creation, she began the incantation. "With flesh of clay, I bid thee rise, on wings of dreams to touch the skies. What once was idle fantasy, I call forth to reality!" Her aether had built around her, then channeled into the clay porxie. The clay flashed, then hovered up above the table. With a quiet popping sound, the light disappeared with a bit of a 'poof!', which left behind a pink porxie; one that looked exactly the same as the ones they had seen in Il Mheg. Urianger looked rather fascinated by what he'd witnessed, while Ryne hurried over with an excited look on her face to check out the familiar.
Angel had gone back to staring, but now turned his head to the side and put the fingers of his other hand against his chin. He thought about Ambrosia; he wondered how she had originally been created. Ice continued to hold his hand, which now rested on his lap.
"Humu humu," Beq Lugg nodded thoughtfully as they examined the newborn familiar. "Not bad for a first attempt. Now let us see what can be done for young Halric." They gestured toward the young Drahn on the other side of the table.
Alisaie nodded in response, then looked to Ryne. The girl blinked, then nodded. She knelt beside Halric, and spoke quietly. The boy followed her guidance and stood up, then moved to stand where she had been but a moment before.
"Through the operation of the magicks you invoked to animate this familiar, it is now replete with the energies required to stir the boy's soul." Their hands moved to indicate the fluttering porxie. The flying familiar was intently watching Alisaie, who was currently focused on Beq Lugg's further guidance. "You need but give it a name, and it will do as your heart desires." Beg Lugg smiled.
Alisaie turned to face her porxie, then tilted her head and put a finger to her chin, thoughtfully. "A name..." After a moment of thought, she looked back to her porxie, then nodded with a smile. "Alright, I've decided. Now," she pointed dramatically to Halric,"Go! Angelo!"
Angel blinked. The porxie flapped up and did a backflip in response to the name. A flash of gold preceded the turn towards the young Drahn. The familiar then released the aether it held into Halric; it was quite bright. Alisaie seemed intensely focused on the boy, and moved a step forward as he moved a little in response to the channeled aether; he put his hand against his chest.
Halric looked around slightly, and he opened his mouth. His choked, raspy voice struggled, and at first, all he could do was make noises. He paused, the glow around him shimmered a bit. His eyes glistened with tears, then he finally managed two words.
"Mo...ther... I-I..."
Alisaie's eyes went wide as a single tear fell down the boy's cheek. Angel looked just as shocked, then covered his mouth quickly. Ice blinked, visibly amazed. Thancred, Ryne, and Urianger were all varying degrees of impressed as the glow faded, and Halric lowered his arm back to his side.
Beq Lugg seemed to be the most enthused, however and did a little wiggled dance at the success. Sure, it was just two words, but they could see the stirring of the young boy's soul.
"H-Halric," Alisaie stuttered, with a smile.
Urianger looked thoughtful, then looked over to Halric; he had been guided back to his seat at the table. "...Only two words he spoke, yet each redolent with meaning, and cause for hope, nay, friend Beq Lugg?"
"Indeed," they nodded. "Her resolve is quite impressive. One might think she drew her strength from another," Beq Lugg trailed off as they looked to the two Miqo'te.
...or... one Miqo'te...? Wait...
Alisaie turned to the Nu Mou, her voice hopeful. "How is he, Beq Lugg? Did it work?" It was enough to pull them back from their thoughts.
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"I believe it did. You and your fledgling familiar have done well. If my eyes do not deceive, a hint of color has returned to his soul."
"Gods," Alisaie sounded relieved and tired, "I would jump for joy if I weren't so exhausted." She smiled, then looked at Halric with a smile. "We're so close now, Halric..."
Urianger laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, but his gaze tracked to where Beq Lugg had been looking, and the tall Elezen Archon frowned. "...passing strange...Prithee, Ice, whence did thine husband go? For it seems ere Halric found his voice, Sir Lockhart departed."
"...Eh?" Ice blinked, then looked to where Angel had been. It took him a moment to realize Angel had left, and hadn't returned yet. ' When did he even...? ' Ice shook his head as he interrupted his thought, then stood; he hesitated as he looked over to Alisaie. She was speaking to Ryne and Thancred as well as Beq Lugg.
"I'll...I'll go look for him," Ice managed, to which Urianger nodded, a pensive look on his face. "Sorry to--"
"Nay, nay, 'twould be unkind and unwise to let our fair Angel alone with mind in turmoil. Go thou to him; our exchange, I expect, shall last long into the night, and thou might rejoin it; though such depends on if matters are well with each of thee. Go, go!"
Ice smiled ruefully and nodded; he'd wanted to talk more with Alisaie about using this technique on Ga Bu, the orphaned kobold from the Source, but...Urianger was right. He had to find Angel before he focused on anything else, and off to find his husband he went.
* * * Angel sat at the bench at the guard station. His thoughts felt jumbled, and the walk down here hadn't helped sort them out at all. He'd realized halfway down the incline that he had taken his pack with him... then lamented not leaving it behind. He'd hurriedly sat it on the table when he arrived, then plopped onto the bench to rest. After a few moments of his thoughts tumbling around in silence, he looked to the palms of his hands for a moment, then frowned.
The quiet sound of gentle bells drew his attention to the bench next to him. He looked a bit surprised; it took a moment to register how simple that seemed to be.
"...Ah... Come to think of it... this is the... third time...?" Angel reached over and gently petted her head, and the familiar seemed quite happy at the attention. He gave her a sad smile as he continued to gently pet her.
You're a familiar, aren't you...? So... I wonder... is that something... you could do? Channel my aether...?
Ambrosia simply cooed, then leaned into his pets. He smiled a bit more, then heard a quiet voice answer his thought.
《 I don't see why she couldn't... 》
What do you mean...?
《 Well. Remember all that training in Arcanima...? Aren't carbuncles and faeries just solid forms of your aether? 》
Angel blinked, which stopped his pets. Ambrosia tilted her head at the stop.
《 I know what you're thinking, Angel. Ambrosia feels different than Emma or Hyacinth. 》
Angel looked to his familiar, he moved his hand in a single, thoughtful pet. Ambrosia cooed once more.
She still feels like an aetherial being... I can still understand her.
《 I'm not arguing that... based on how Angelo was created, that makes sense. You could always ask Beq Lugg about familiars... I think they would recognize her for what she is. 》
"That's not the issue, Anubis," Angel mumbled out loud, as he picked up his familiar to hold like a cat. She squeaked in surprise, then curled up against him once he stopped moving his arm. Anubis quietly sighed at Angel's pouting.
《 At least think about it. It can only add to everything you've studied so far. 》
"...I will," he petted Ambrosia behind an ear, then stopped. He heard Emet-Selch's question once more.
'These appearances, are they linked to intense periods of... concentration? '
"Concentration..." His face scrunched a bit... There was also what Beq Lugg had told Alisaie just a short while ago.
' ...the only thing of import is what you believe this figure embodies . You must focus. Hold the porxie's image steady in your mind's eye .'
Angel sat Ambrosia on the table, then pulled his bag towards him. He dug around
《 ...What are you looking for...? 》
"I never used it," Angel responded, then stopped as his hand seemed to find what he was after.
《 Used... what? 》
Angel removed a small, light blue box from his bag, then pulled the lid off. Inside was a carefully wrapped... lightning cluster. Ambrosia tilted her head, then sniffed at it. A moment later, she pawed at it curiously. Angel gave her a small smile, then held the box with both hands.
"The matrix," he answered.
"What matrix?" Ice's voice asked from directly behind him. Angel squeaked and jumped. His tail and ears fluffed instantly, and he nearly sent the box flying.
"I-Ice!?" Angel quickly turned his head to look at his husband.
"...Hm? A lightning cluster?" The Warrior sat on the bench beside him and focused on the cluster. "Why've you got one in a box?" He looked up to his husband, "And what's a matrix?"
Angel's face turned red, then he turned to look at the cluster once more. Ambrosia seemed eager to play with it; acting very much like a cat trying to make a toy of something they weren't supposed to. "A Concept Matrix," he sat the box down, then pulled the cluster out with his fingers.
Ice frowned, worriedly, "That again...?" He looked at the cluster, "We all agreed that those were just normal elemental clusters. In fact, I think I gave mine to Shoto. I'm not that talented with any sort of fancy synthesis," he blushed, even as he pouted in frustration.
Angel blushed a bit more, a sheepish look now sat on his face. "W-We did. I-It was... completely unremarkable at the time. That is... it still seems so, but... We caught those cubus especially for the purpose of being used to create something. The clerk had called it a concept matrix, and... said it would function to let us use our creation magic to make a robe."
《 This is silly, Angel. You were all right then, and Ice is right now. It's just a normal elemental cluster; exactly the same type you used in making his Starlight scarf. Exactly the same type you use in repairing your robes. 》
Angel frowned at Anubis' discouragement.
Ice didn't catch the look, as he was honestly trying to see anything that might indicate his husband might be right; but there was nothing. The blonde sighed, "I can't believe you kept it after that whole mess, though..."
"I can't either," Angel admitted. Ice blinked, but couldn't say anything else before Angel continued. "Maybe I just wanted something to remember such a strange experience. The debate over what's the right thing to do... even when the world is literally ending, an unimaginably large library of ideas that everyone and anyone can look over, the bustle of a city far too large to make sense of, the strange excitement of trying to get somewhere important..." Angel lowered the hand that held the cluster, then reached up to his head as he felt strange; for some reason the focus on Amaurot made him feel... sad.
"Angel?" Ice frowned at his husband, "If you're not feeling well, love, we should head back for the night."
Angel shook his head, "I'm fine... I was just thinking," he lowered his hand back to the cluster, "Ambrosia is a familiar, like Angelo. I was... I thought..."
Ambrosia put her front paws on Angel's arm, soft bells were followed by her laying over his wrist. Ice blinked at her, then sighed.
"I suppose you won't settle down unless you try, huh?" He reached up and ruffled Angel's hair a bit. "Okay, okay. Something small, just to try. I'll be right beside you."
Angel blushed as he looked over to his husband in surprise. "You... You mean it?"
"You were going to try anyway, weren't you...?" Angel's blush brightened, and Ice chuckled, "I'd rather be here in case something goes wrong than to leave you alone... Even if what you're trying to do doesn't work, your aether may attract something from around here."
Angel jumped a little, then looked thoughtful, "Do you... really think that... I'd draw something's attention... instead of create something...?" He looked worried at the idea.
"...I dunno. Maybe not? I just thought... We're close to the wall, so it can't be ruled out." Ice fidgeted, then took a breath. "Look, it doesn't matter what happens, right? I'm here, so you're safe no matter what." The Warrior gave the mage a reassuring smile, then gently hugged him around the shoulder.
Angel nodded, a smile replaced his concerned look. "I believe you. Could... Could you scoot down just a little bit, then? If I'm going to try this, I don't want to risk your aether." He seemed confident now. Ice's encouragement had helped reassure him it was safe enough to try.
The words made Ice feel a bit uncertain, but he noticed the more confident and relaxed demeanor. "Of course, love." He leaned over, gave Angel a kiss on the cheek, then scooted further down the bench; about an arm's length away.
Angel looked to Ambrosia, who lifted and gently wagged her tails. Anubis still seemed... doubtful.
《 Even if this idea works, what are you even going to try for...? 》
Angel stared at the cluster for a moment, then closed his eyes.
Asopus made creatures, right...? I kept seeing small things like fish and birds... So... If that's really my power... perhaps... something small...? Something... unusual? ...I know this isn't a matrix, we saw one when that other Amaurotine asked us to test his idea...
《 You were the only one able to get it to work in the end. I remember. 》 Anubis paused, then frowned. 《 So...? There's no set creature or concept in a regular, old, elemental cluster... What will you try to turn it into? 》
...Perhaps... a sand crab...?
《 Aren't those still wavekin? 》
A yarzon; like those in Southern Thanalan?
《 I'd think those might still be a bit too large... 》
Angel scrunched his face a little, but an image finally came to mind. A purse web spider, like he'd used many times as fishing bait. If he just imagined it, say, the size of his fat cat, Popo, that should be sufficient.
Once he had that, he could picture it clearly in his mind. Not that he particularly liked spiders, but... the creature made sense--it wasn't normally seen in Amh Araeng, it was different than the spiders in Rak'tika, and should be unique enough to prove the theory; this was creation magic, not a simple summon or a toy synthesis.
《 You have something, don't you. 》
I do. It should prove the idea. But now... where do I... start...?
《 You said it felt like when you first learned to summon your carbuncle or faerie; that the sensation of a... what was it...? A 'tug' on your aether? Perhaps a similar focus would work? Keep the creature clear in your mind, and let your aether flow into the cluster in your hand. If you're right about Ambrosia, then she'll help without your direct guidance. 》
He wasn't sure, but neither was Angel. They only had the training in Arcanima and the creation of Angelo to go off of for this experiment. Anubis was right, though; the times it happened accidentally, there had been a similar tug on his aether when they appeared... but they were separate once created. Whereas, Emma and Hyacinth were just extensions of his aether, and as such, would always return what he used to call them forth, if he couldn't maintain his focus to use them. However, the first time he had to give them form...
《 It'll be just like the first time you summoned Emma. 》
Angel's powder blue aether became visible in little particles around him, then began moving down his arms and toward the cluster in his hands. Ambrosia stood, then sat on the table, in front of his hands; she, too, seemed to be focusing on the cluster now.
Ice blinked; it had been a few moments since he'd started, and had begun to wonder when his husband might give up on the idea.
Angel opened his eyes just enough to see the lightning cluster that he held in his palms. He kept his eyes mostly closed to focus on the feeling more than what was happening; he worked to recreate the same feeling as before. Anubis quieted his voice to try and assist in guiding this experiment.
《 Breathe .》
The mage's breath slowed, as he took deep breaths in and out, and the particles of aether became more of a flow. The effect was mostly visible in the movement of his hair and clothes.
Ice felt no breeze at the moment, so he realized quickly enough that it was a flow of aether around his husband. Somehow, though, this felt different... it almost felt... dangerous. He wasn't sure why, but the air around Angel felt tense, and it made him frown.
《 Focus. 》
White Magic made it very easy to draw on that element, and it was quite comfortable for him. It was still most abundant here near the wall; near The Empty. He felt the element still in the air around them; still in the land beneath them. The balance was still tipped toward Light, but this just made it far easier to weave some of it into the cluster with his aether.
If he supplemented the Lightning element with another element, then the spider he could still picture in his mind might be more solid when created. More of his powder blue light was drawn into the cluster at his thought. His aether noticeably swirled around the cluster now, as Angel kept silent and continued. He felt the condensation of his aether just above his hands, focused on the cluster that he'd normally use for synthesis. It felt like it was building rather swiftly; more swiftly than he'd expected.
It was a bit more frightening now... but it was still strangely familiar.
《 Once your aether is set to burst... 》
The light built to a rapid crescendo, making the cluster in the center of the ball of aether glow brightly with a white light and hover up, off his palms.
《... release .》
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Angel quickly pushed the charged cluster up over his head, and stopped channeling his aether immediately. His hands dropped back to the table. He shook as he held himself up. Ambrosia continued to stare up at the violently swirling ball of aether.
That was a mistake...
《 What happened...?! 》
The light and aether-charged lightning cluster suddenly shattered as it hit the roof of the guard station. It then immediately reformed, as the faint sound of a summon was heard. Powder blue aether swirled rapidly around the ethereal shard, then solidified. It was far too large; perhaps the size of the table itself.
That was... too much... aether...
There was a form to the solid light; a very large spider clung to the ceiling. Eight spindly legs spread out from a bulbous three-sectioned body. The light faded into its form, revealing a blue and white carapace. Its legs each had white sections covered in violet hairs that sparked with lightning. Its eyes were fixed on the mage that had just created it, then hissed loudly. Angel took a sharp breath in, and slowly looked up. His eyes were wide with fear at what he saw and heard... but he felt too heavy to move; he felt dizzy.
"I thought we agreed on something small ?!" Ice quickly stood, as he expected Angel to do the same. The spider dropped from the ceiling, and crashed into the table, destroying it and the remaining light sources in the guard station. It was dark, and sounds of crashing had drawn attention. The soft, orange glow of Ambrosia was seen bouncing through dust and debris; she was headed towards the divide.
"Ice? Angel? What's going on!?" Alisaie's voice drew Ice's attention away for a brief moment, but he didn't respond. He realized his husband hadn't moved, and moved forward as he drew his axe.
"Angel!? Answer me!"
"Good enough for me," Thancred growled, and drew his gunblade. Ryne jumped, then drew her daggers as she followed the Gunbreaker down the incline. Alisaie frowned, then went to draw her rapier, but Urianger stopped her.
"Milady, stay thy hand; thine treatment of Halric full sapped thy strength, and the foe 'tis both mysterious and dangerous. Pray, leave its disposal to our party, and seek the Carers in haste!"
"I'll be fine!" She pouted, but Urianger looked back at her solemnly, and firmly his head. Alisaie growled, then sighed. " Fine ... Angelo, c'mon!" The Red Mage turned and hurried back inside in a huff. She hadn't questioned how he knew there would be any injury, but Alisaie also refused to admit he was right about how exhausted she was.
"Angel!?" Ice called once more as the dust settled enough to see the large spider slowly walking away, towards the divide. The Warrior spied the glow of Angel's familiar near the edge of the divide. He felt panic rise in his chest, and took off. Thancred and Ryne both did the same. Urianger hurried after them with a concerned frown, as he drew his planisphere.
The spider, however, would have none of it, and upon their approach, screeched and stomped its two front legs towards Ice. The Warrior stopped, then dove to the side to dodge two lightning orbs. The light color of the carapace showed blood on its face and forelegs; the sight of which made Ice's blood boil. He gripped his axe and charged the spider, bringing a swift Heavy Swing down with intent to break it in two if he could. The axe only hit sand; red flashed in his eyes as he growled loudly and turned to follow the creature.
A shot rang out, followed by a sharp voice, "Oi! This way, you shiny piece of kobold dung!"
"Wherefore must thou involve the Kobolds in this?" Urianger quipped, but it slowed his arcanima not a whit as he wove a shield of energy around Thancred, then hurried past them to Ice's side. "Sir Farran, let us hasten to retrieve Angel, ere the miscreation rights its course, or other fiends attend...!"
"That... That thing--" Ice growled, but Urianger shook his head.
"Prithee, allow Thancred and Ryne to struggle alone, for now!" Urianger nodded sharply to the unmoving White Mage on the ground "Thine husband must be our priority!"
His pointed comment was enough to shake Ice from his anger; though the Miqo'te was still displeased at not being able to go after the creature.
"I should've been faster..." Ice growled to himself. He put his axe away as he hurried down the incline towards the divide. He followed Ambrosia's glow. As he and Urianger approached, Angel's form came into view. He'd been saved from falling into the divide by a rock and a plant, both of which bore stains of blood by now. The two hurried over, his husband shakily rolled him over onto his back and off the rock, as Urianger knelt by the Miqo'te's head.
The Elezen said nothing, but immediately reached a glowing hand out to the mage. He focused on mending the unconscious Miqo'te's more severe injuries, so as to allow him to be moved and taken back to the Inn.
"...A-An...gel," Ice cradled his husband against his chest while Urianger worked to heal him. A large gash on his forehead bled profusely, his right arm had a piece of wood impaled in it, and his left leg looked broken. To top that off, his trip down here had covered him in dirt and sand, and bruised a few other places. "Gods, I shouldn't have let you try this... I should've been more insistent... I'm... I'm so sorry, love." He couldn't help it, seeing his husband this hurt brought tears to his eyes. He felt terrible guilt for letting him try. He realized how close he'd been to losing him in a blink; if he hadn't been caught on the rock... The fear, guilt, and anger swirled violently inside him, but had no outlet at the moment
All he could think about was how dangerous this creation magic now seemed to be, and... maybe... none of them... should try this.
"Ice...mayhap, if thou could, pray tell: what befell the two of thee?" Urianger asked, biting his lip, as he carefully removed the wood from the mage's arm. He tried to help refocus Ice in the present, as Angel's more grievous wounds slowly mended.
The Astrologian's magic faded a bit as the sounds of fighting intensified up the incline. Ryne called Thancred's name, only to gain a response of 'I'm fine!' for her trouble. Urianger sighed slightly, then stood up. The Warrior shifted his husband in his arms, standing up after Urianger did.
"Everything went to the seventh hell in an instant," Ice mumbled, then looked down to Angel's face.
"Ah. A familiar notion, and why, nor has't all ceased descent," the Elezen man sighed softly, as he glanced over to see a dent in the side of the Skyslipper. With a closer look, three of the spider's limbs were missing now, so the fight, at least, wasn't one-sided...Urianger shook his head and looked regretfully to Ice.
"For the nonce, Angel's condition is stable enough to make the Inn. The Carers expect him, and shalt tend him well till our return; for my part, I must make haste to shield our errant Gunbreaker and his ward. 'Twould be ill if they were wounded whilst I tarried."
"...I know," the Miqo'te responded without thinking, then turned to hurry straight for the Inn; Urianger watched him leave with an expression of worry, but as he'd said, he could delay no longer, and rushed to rejoin the Scions in their fight.
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@angel-lockhart drew the picture of Angel using magic with the lightning cluster. It was an older art she did for the old RP before we restarted things, and was able to change the crystal to post here for you lovely Starlings despite having hurt her hand. We hope you're doing well during this crazy summer. Thank you for your patience and support. We hope you enjoyed Chapter 17!
Next Chapter, we check back in at Eulmore to see how their night is going. Hopefully, their evening is less... eventful... than Amh Araeng...?
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Summer is Chaos
Hello, Starlings! We wanted to update you since it's been longer than we all thought. @_@;
Summer and Life have been chaotic recently for everyone. Depression, Anxiety, Finals, Work, and getting sick, all in the last two months. D: We all apologize for the long delay since the last chapter, and hope everyone is staying safe, cool, hydrated, and at least mostly sane-ish in these insane times.
Chapter Seventeen is currently in the editing stage, and Chapter Eighteen is being worked on. Please look forward to them!
Thank you all so very much for your patience and your support.
0 notes
shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter 3 of Angel and G'raha's past is up for everyone on both Tumblr and AO3! Chapter Lists both here and on Angel's page have been updated with this chapter. :3
Chapter Three - The World in Starlight
Morning has arrived, and the Adventurers begin their ascent of Syrcus Tower. Surely this will be a simple outing... right?
[Part Three of the “In the Tower’s Reflection” Side Series] (Main Series: Shard Weavers) [Series Notes: This takes place back when Shoto and Angel first met G’raha Tia during the events of the Crystal Tower. This shows some things that happened in Angel’s past, so there’s some abuse in this story.] Written by Angel and @xehniscreations
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"Have you had enough?"
"I've reached my limit."
Shoto sighed at the two boys, then shook her head. She had brought breakfast from Seventh Heaven for everyone. Last night, she had realized that G'raha had meant that Angel was in his room, asleep; only after she had settled in to sleep once more. She blamed being sleepy and cold, then promised herself she'd bring food in the morning. The two seemed grateful, and she felt happy to see her friend acting a lot more like his old self.
Angel smiled, made jokes, and laughed over breakfast. He still acted shy in response to G'raha, but Shoto had figured out—well, confirmed—that they were together pretty quickly.
They didn't really bother to hide anything--a playful kiss from G'raha to wake Angel after Shoto had arrived; a stealth kiss from Angel as he helped G'raha put his hair up; a pout when G'raha stole a strawberry from Angel's plate; Angel's triumphant grin when he nicked the last piece of G'raha's pancake in retaliation... Shoto had a happy grin on her face as she looked at her friend.
G'raha gathered the dishes as Angel finished his tea. "We can return the Seventh Heaven's dishes on the way. We should probably head out soon."
"My group leader said she'd be looking for replacement members this morning. I told her I might have someone." Shoto looked to Angel, then smiled.
"Replacement members?" G'raha asked. Angel fidgeted, he didn't want to assume she'd meant him, but... he did hope.
"After the briefing yesterday, we lost some members." She sighed, with a frown, "They said they weren't sure they could face a resurrected Allagan emperor," she tilted her head, "which is... fair." Shoto put her chin in her hand. "I heard the other groups lost some members too."
Angel jumped a little at the last part, "I'm sure... it's not always... about the task ahead."
G'raha finished packing the dishes in a return satchel, then grabbed his bow and quiver. "You're right. Sometimes, it's about the people you're to go with," he made sure his quiver was secured, then checked his bow. "I've been on both ends of it. There have been some expeditions I have refused because of who was supposed to accompany me," he put his bow on his back, "...and of course, I'm not for everyone. Like that outing to obtain some water and wind aethersand... when I first met you two." He trailed off, then shook his head with a smile. "Nevermind, you know how that turned out. Come, we should get moving."
"Raha?" Angel asked, but received no reply. He looked to Shoto, who also seemed confused at his sudden subject change. The two Miqo'te followed G'raha from his room, to the Seventh Heaven bar to drop off their dishes.
* * * The three arrived at St. Coinach's Find a bit later than most everyone else; Angel looked upset, Shoto looked concerned, and G'raha looked thoughtful. Shoto dismounted her bird, then sent it to the nearest caretaker before she hurried over to an Auri woman wearing a sword and shield, along with the armor of a Gladiator. Angel and G'raha dismounted courier birds, who then went right over to the chocobokeep.
"Well, you're a bit late, G'raha," Rammbroes frowned. The Bard just made a face in reply.
"There was a... minor problem," he looked over to the upset Rogue beside him. Angel looked up from the ground, gave G'raha a half smile, then hurried off to follow Shoto to her group leader.
"Is it aught to be concerned about?" The Sharlayan Roegadyn crossed his arms, a concerned look replaced the slightly annoyed one.
G'raha paused, then crossed his arm and looked over to the adventurer groups. He watched the chaotic attempts at organization, leaders gesticulating and speaking loudly; and while doing so, he caught sight of A'qune being introduced to Shoto and Angel by Shoto's group leader. The Bard's frown grew a bit more intense.
He calmly replied, "...Angel's bird was missing."
"Only one bird?" Rammbroes asked. He looked thoughtful. G'raha looked up to the Roegadyn.
"We couldn't tell for certain," G'raha sighed, then put his hands on his hips as he looked over the two groups, "...I admit I was... focused on Angel." He blushed, then shook his head, "H-However, it did look like a few stalls were open. I couldn't tell you if it meant anything for sure. The Keeps at the Toll said they'd look for clues to the missing birds... but..."
"You don't think they'll find anything."
"Nothing was broken, just opened, like someone either took the birds or just... let them out." He shook his head, "So... I'm just not sure... there's that much to find."
"What are you two scholars discussing so intently?" Cid called out as he took a few steps over to them. He had noticed G'raha and Rammbroes hanging back.
G'raha's ears perked, and he tried to push aside his concern for now. The Bard smiled at the engineer, "Just wondering what sorts of things might be in the tower. I wonder if there's anything we might be able to keep without endangering anyone."
"Well, that's what the Ironworks is all about; Freedom Through Technology," Cid smiled. "If there's anything we can learn about on the way up, I can promise you we'll do what we can."
"Have you figured out a way to seal up the tower once our adventurer friends have completed their task?" Rammbroes turned to Cid.
"Not yet, but I've got an interesting theory," Cid began. Rammbroes and G'raha listened carefully as the engineer began to explain his ideas.
* * * "I'm sorry I couldn't change her mind," Shoto whispered to a visibly nervous Angel. The two stuck together as the groups moved up the stairs inside Syrcus Tower. They had quickly taken care of some creatures and clones on a few landings so far, but nothing felt like a roadblock.
The male Miqo'te shook his head slightly. "I-It's not yourrr fault," he made a face. He hated his habit of a nervous purr, especially in front of strangers. He didn't like it much in front of friends, either, but he felt less embarrassed about it. "Sh-She's just... verrry..." he paused again, as he tried to think of a good word.
A'qune had gotten to Shoto's group leader first. While they hadn't been there for whatever argument was used, the female Raen Au Ra that led Shoto's group introduced A'qune as Shoto's co-healer for this trip up the tower. She seemed quite pleasant and sweet, even when she took Angel's hands.
'I know it's been a while since you've used your magic, Angel. I thought I'd take the burden off you! Just focus on your skills. I know you can do it!'
Her words had been sickeningly sweet, and over the top to both Angel and Shoto's ears. She'd squeezed his hands just a bit too tightly, then smiled directly at him...her eyes seeming to bore into him. Shoto had given her a disapproving look, but A'qune just let go of Angel's hands, then patted Shoto's head.
'I'm sure we'll get along great~,' was all she said as she turned to head off towards the tower with everyone. There hadn't been room for argument or negotiation, and there hadn't been any sense of discussion.
Angel frowned a bit more; a word finally came to him. "...perrrsuasive..."
"We're almost to the top of these," the leader of Shoto's group called from near the top of the stairs. The two hurried to catch up to the others, and joined them as they reached a room that was clearly different from the other landings so far. Three pillars of energy, projected from aether crystals formed a triangle. The large figure before them had 6 wolven heads covered by Allagan-styled helmets. Her upper body was tinged green, but was still clearly humanoid. In one hand, she held a staff with a flower bud design at the top. Her purple robes were lined with faintly glowing cyan designs; the skirt of which seemed quite large, and was decorated with silver paws that stuck out at odd angles. She had four legs, which all ended in armored paws.
Angel winced as they reached the top; only once on the floor did the heavy sense of dense aether really hit him. Shoto turned to ask him what was wrong, but a husky woman's voice cried out and drew everyone's attention.
"My hounds hunger for man-flesh!"
"Fool! She saw you!" Another adventurer yelled as the groups moved forward to meet the giantess in battle.
* * * At the entrance, the researchers of the Sons, and the engineers of the Ironworks began to follow the vanguard of adventurers, just as planned. They would do everything possible to record and research as fast as they could, while staying well below where the adventurers would be fighting. Two guards followed closely behind the vanguard, and would signal everyone else when it was safe to head up.
As some of the team spread out to place instruments, G'raha Tia walked slowly up the entryway, towards the base of the stairs. He stopped before a tablet, and Cid followed suit, though he didn't seem to notice the tablet the red-haired Miqo'te now stared at. Unei and Doga looked to one another with curiosity, then moved forward just enough to hear the two talk.
"G'raha, is there aught you could tell us about Syrcus Tower while we wait?" Cid smiled. He was excited to see what sorts of things they could learn from here, even in a limited capacity. G'raha didn't respond at first, but he spoke before Cid could prod him again.
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"This is... the First Lower Ring." The Bard gestured to the tablet, "This tablet... is a map of the Tower. Try to... get a copy if you can."
"A map? That would be a handy start," Cid gestured to Biggs. "Biggs, bring a scanner, would you?" He smiled, then looked over to the tablet. "Extremely helpful having someone as knowledgeable on Allag as you."
G'raha said nothing, then reached up to rub at his right eye. It twinged slightly when he read the words on the tablet... Certainly, as a scholar helping archeologists, he was able to read some Allagan script, but usually... he had to think about what he was reading. He had stumbled over his words because he didn't feel any hesitation in his thoughts when he looked at the script written on the tablet. Biggs stood beside him a moment later, so G'raha moved, then headed over to the stairs. Unei and Doga moved to stand near him, but a researcher called from further back towards where they'd come in.
"G'raha Tia? Could you come look at this, Sir?" The Miqo'te blinked, then nodded; he hurried over with a determined flick of his tail.
Cid crossed his arms as he watched the Sharlayan Miqo'te hurry about from researcher to engineer, to researcher. Every time he had a break, he'd look up to the stairs. Once in a while, he'd reach up to his red eye.
Unei and Doga watched the Miqo'te with increasing curiosity; though they could easily explain more about the tower, they had yet to be asked... Strangely, this odd-eyed Miqo'te seemed to have answers every now and then that he couldn't have found in a book.
Cid approached the two clones after a moment. "You two seem satisfied just watching," Cid smiled, "is there anything we should know about the tower that might help us with our research?"
The two looked to one another, then gave Cid small smiles. Doga spoke calmly after a glance towards G'raha, "You seem to have a knowledgeable member of your team answering most things we could."
Cid breathed out with his lips pursed, as he looked over to G'raha as well, "Our resident Allagan Historian is certainly surprising with his amount of knowledge," the Garlean looked back to the two clones, "But certainly there are things he can't find anywhere."
"We can tell you what we know of the guardians your adventurer friends should be meeting above." Unei replied softly. "After all, we can't be sure how far they can get."
"I've got faith. They'll make it to the top and defeat the resurrected Xande. I learned a long time ago how surprising a group of adventurers can be." The Garlean man grinned; confidence beamed from his whole body. "Which means we should focus on our jobs, while they do their parts."
"Cid," G'raha tapped his arm. The engineer turned to face the Miqo'te. "Wedge said he needed your help on the initial calibrations near the tablet."
"Ah yes, thank you, G'raha." Cid nodded and smiled, then hurried off to help Biggs and Wedge.
"How are you doing so far, G'raha Tia?" Unei smiled at him.
The Miqo'te flicked his ears thoughtfully, "I feel... a bit strange." He looked up to the zig-zagged stairwells they stood at the bottom of. "I find myself able to answer questions I didn't think I had the knowledge of... and cannot seem to recall where or when I learned such things."
"Perhaps some of it is just knowledge passed down in your family," she replied, still smiling. The Miqo'te looked over to the tablet, then crossed his arms.
"Mayhap," he trailed off, "I do hope our friends are doing well above." G'raha changed the subject, then looked up; he didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular. 'I suppose all that time spent rereading books with Angel helped refresh my memories,' he thought. 'I should focus on my task, so he can focus on his...'
"G'raha?" Biggs spoke from behind him, breaking through his distracted thoughts. "Could you help us with some data we were able to get?"
"Eh? Sure," G'raha blinked, then hurried off after the Roegadyn.
Unei looked up to Doga, "Do you believe there is a reason? Do you think he could be...?" She trailed off as she glanced back to G'raha.
"I do," he replied, as he looked up to where the Miqo'te had just looked, "I don't know how we can be certain, though."
Unei watched G'raha pointing to a small tablet in Cid's hand, then gesturing upward, "We will fulfill our duty. However it may play out."
"Agreed." He paused, then spoke what seemed like a random phrase. "Ah... it seems Scylla has fallen..."
Those around the tablet jumped as the slowly-spinning, hovering cube flashed to life with a white glow.
* * * Shoto frowned, as she knelt beside both Angel and an Arcanist that had been knocked across the room. She and Eos worked to heal the two of them enough to move on; most of the others were already heading towards the stairs. Angel rubbed the side of his face, then looked to the Arcanist beside him; he opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't find words. The Arcanist was a Hyuran male, who looked younger than Angel. He looked off to the side, pouting. His topaz carbuncle hid behind him, shaking.
"I-I'm sor-"
"Don't bother apologizing, Miqo'te," he grumbled, "you're not the only one who keeps screwing everything up."
Angel's ears pinned back at the interruption. He looked to Shoto, who just frowned as she mended the Hyur's leg. Eos bapped Angel's cheek as she finished mending his injuries. He nodded to the faerie, who then flew over to help Shoto.
"Hurry up, you three, you'll be left behind!" The male Elezen Lancer that led the other team called out as most of the groups were heading up the stairs. Angel jumped at the call, then looked up to find A'qune standing at the top of the stairs, looking directly back at him with a rather cold stare. The Hyur grumbled, and shifted quickly; his carbuncle flinched, then backed up. Shoto stood, then offered her hands to the two boys. They both paused, but accepted her help up. The Hyur hurried off, but his carbuncle lagged behind. Shoto and Angel both looked down. Angel was first to lean down and pick the carbuncle up. He turned to hurry off, Shoto stayed beside him.
"Don't let him get to you," Angel spoke softly, as he glanced down to the carbuncle. "It took me a while to figure out how to work with Emma when I first learned arcanima." He smiled at the topaz carbuncle, who seemed to understand him, and stopped shaking so much. Shoto blinked, then smiled at her friend as the two followed the Hyuran Arcanist up the stairs.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Alden?" The Elezen asked; his Hyur companion shook his head, then grumbled.
"I'm just fine, Oseux. It's not my fault it doesn't want to listen." Alden grumbled back. "I should have kept my focus on being a Monk."
"If you'd like to, we can sort things out later. For now, just focus as best you can on these fights." Oseux put a hand on his shoulder, then headed up, at a faster pace. Alden sighed, then looked to the side; where they had just been. He stopped, then looked around below; he looked worried.
"Pazu...?" He turned to see Angel carrying his topaz carbuncle. For a brief moment, there was a look of relief, then the Hyur immediately transitioned to annoyance. "Don't carry it. It's bad enough it always stays behind and doesn't listen to a word I say."
"He wants to be your partner, you know," Angel frowned, as he stopped. Shoto took a few steps further, to the landing, then stopped to look back.
"You sound like the Guildmaster." Alden grumbled.
"I haven't said a word about dancing to a box or finding any of this fun," Angel replied as deadpan as he could.
" haven't met... K'rhid Tia... have you," Angel asked, though it sounded much more like a statement.
"Who...?" Alden made a face, then recalled that name from the acting Guildmaster, Thubyrgeim. She'd said he was off traveling, and that no one had seen him for a while. The Hyur clicked his teeth in frustration, then shook his head, and crossed his arms. "Never mind your stupid games, just put that thing down. What's a Rogue know about magic anyway?" He scoffed and narrowed his eyes in a glare of contempt; Angel winced, pinning his ears back, and looked down to the carbuncle.
Shoto felt a small pang of anger. " ...Alden, was it?" she asked. The Hyur turned to give her the same annoyed look, but she continued before he could speak. "You should listen to Angel about your carbuncle."
"Spare me your riding to your friend’s figurative rescue,” Alden spat. "I don't need Pazu anyway! I have Rauld, who listens just fine!" The Arcanist drew his book, then carefully began to trace the geometric sigils on the pages; he was still learning, and didn't have the speed to summon fast enough.
Angel’s expression became a more pained frown as he felt the carbuncle wriggle to get free; he moved to release Pazu, but the topaz carbuncle bounded off Angel's chest, knocking the Miqo'te backwards a few steps, and flew forward to tackle the book out of his summoner's hands.
Alden gaped, then looked furiously at Angel. "I said put it down, not throw it at me!"
“The carbuncle did that of his own accord, Alden," Shoto said, before Angel could. Alden made a wordless noise of anger as he looked to her, then to the topaz carbuncle in frustration.
"If you did, then why are you so chicken to fight?!" he hissed at the creature.
"He isn't chicken, he's trying to protect you." Angel explained.
Alden growled in frustration, then bent down to pick his book up. "Stop treating it like a pet!" he barked. "Arcane entities aren't intelligent beings."
"And that is why your partner isn't helping you." Shoto snarled back, before Angel could respond. She gestured to her friend, "C'mon, Angel, there's nothing more for it."
The Rogue looked quite upset, then knelt down to pet the carbuncle as Alden stormed off ahead.
"Do as you see fit, Pazu," Angel smiled sadly. "Maybe... he'll understand you later."
The topaz carbuncle leaned into the pets, then hurried after Alden.
"You keep getting yourself in trouble because of strays." Shoto poked his side as he caught up to her.
"I can't help it," Angel rubbed his side, then gave her a blushed pout. "I think it's more of a weakness for cute things... isn't that fair?"
Shoto giggled, then nodded, shaking her head a little. "It's fair enough."
* * * The Adventurers continued forward, as the Ironworks engineers and Sons of Saint Coinach followed behind. Unei, and Doga easily answered questions about the tower when asked. G'raha did too, though, the more he focused on Syrcus Tower, the stranger he felt. He almost felt like he was chasing Angel; especially since he'd caught sight of him twice before they moved on. Shoto was with him, healing injuries he couldn't make out from afar.
They were quite far up the tower now. "The Ring of the Protector", according to the Allagan Script on the map. Windows allowed daylight to stream through and light up the area. The blue and gold of the spiral staircase glittered in the light.
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When G'raha arrived at the base of the staircase, his right eye twinged sharply. He managed to not cry out, but he clutched his head very noticeably. Cid was distracted by the broken clockwork wrights and squires scattered about in the wake of the adventurers. Unei and Doga looked around before they spied G'raha, but one of the Sons' scholars put a hand on his shoulder first.
"Are you okay, G'raha?"
The red-haired Miqo'te jumped at the touch, then took a deep breath. "Y-Yes, it's just... brighter up here... than I thought." G'raha trailed off, then looked up. The sounds of battle echoed down from above, and the Sharlayan Miqo'te took a few steps up the spiral staircase. They were closer to the adventurers than he'd thought. Everyone's attention was drawn by the sharp cry of a large dragon, and before anyone could react, G'raha took off up the spiral staircase.
"G'raha, wait! Come back here!" Cid called. He saw the Miqo'te bolt past his line of vision on the stairs, too fast to catch up, and gave a grumbled sigh. "These pieces look familiar," he pointed to the broken mechanical objects by his feet.
"Of course they do, Garlond," Nero sighed from directly behind Cid. "I reverse-engineered similar items, then reinvented them for Garlemald."
Cid made a face, "Nero. I thought we left you back at the entrance."
Nero grinned, then shook his head, "I go where I please, Garlond~!"
* * * "Watch where you're aiming things!"
"You can't aim a dragon!"
"You were running around like a wild chocobo!"
"I was dodging fire!"
The argument echoed a bit as G'raha approached the top of the stairs. The fight was over, but it sounded as if the group was a bit... frustrated. G'raha flicked his ears with a frown, then made his way up to the landing. Across from him was a closed gate that blocked the next staircase up; a very clear red carpet covered those stairs.
"Maybe everyone should have gotten out of the way of the dragon, then," an annoyed voice sniped from near the door. A female Miqo'te stood with her arms crossed, looking down on half the group.
"A'qune, the further up we go, the worse you seem to get."
Shoto blinked. She stopped tending the Black Mage's burns, then turned to look over at her group's leader; Kochou. The small-statured Raen Au Ra glared at the taller, black-haired Miqo'te. She stood in front of A'qune, with her hands on her hips.
"Maybe it's not me," A'qune responded, her arms still crossed. "This entire group is lacking proper guidance and leadership, so you're all bumbling your way through whatever we find." Her tone was exasperated, "We'd be at the top by now if we didn't have to stop to heal after every encounter."
Shoto couldn't stop herself, and a sharp laugh echoed in the silence. Kochou glanced back at her, but kept her focus on the Astrologian before her.
The Scholar from the other party spoke first, however. "Maybe if'n ye'd look after yer group durin' the battles, we wouldn' have t' spend s' much time afterwards, yer highness."
"Stay out of it, Huhurune," Oseux said quietly. The Lalafell grumbled, then turned to tend to his own group members... who were visually better off than Kochou's party.
"I wouldn't have to babysit so many people if you were a better leader," A'qune replied, icily.
Kochou growled, then stepped forward. The Raen was ilms away from the Miqo'te now, "Why did you beg me to join this expedition then?"
"I didn't beg you to come," A'qune sniped back, her cool exterior shaking slightly. "I asked if you were short on group members. You asked me," the Astrologian grinned down at the Gladiator.
The Raen growled even louder, "Why are you here if you're not going to help anyone, A’qune?"
"The same reason everyone else is," she shrugged and stepped back. "The rewards we get at the end. Isn't that right, G'raha Tia?" She grinned widely, as she drew everyone's attention to the Allagan scholar across the landing.
He looked a bit angry at the implication, and took a few steps forward. Everyone shifted as he approached. Injured adventurers sat around the edges, the parties that had started out together and had been one big alliance were clearly divided in half now. He caught sight of Angel, alone, near the edge of the landing. He cradled his hand against his chest, as Shoto then took her turn to check on him. G'raha turned his attention back to the door; it was locked, that's why they were held up here. He could easily unlock it, he saw the simple mechanism on it... but the high tension and fighting wasn't going to help them defeat Xande at the top. He heard the others climbing the staircase after him, but they'd take a bit to get up here.
G'raha finally responded. He crossed his arms over his chest as she glared back in response. "If I had to guess, I'd say your actions have caused a rift in the group's cohesion." He looked to the groups, then back to the Miqo'te Astrologian, "I was not privy to your battles thus far, but I seem to recall everyone was working together when you went ahead of us this morning." He shook his head with a frown, "What I see before me now is not a group I would send to face Emperor Xande," he glanced up to the next level as he stopped.
"Everything okay up here, G'raha?"
The redhead turned to look back at the Sons scholar who'd asked, and spied Cid just behind him. The Garlean man had his arms crossed, and seemed to get the same feeling from the group as G'raha had.
"Everything's just fine." A'qune immediately responded in the sweetest, and falsest, voice possible. Both Kochou and Oseux turned to face her at that, but she spoke quickly, and sidestepped out of the way; around G'raha. "We hit a small snag in our ascension, is all. There's a gate blocking this staircase," she gestured to the door, "which G'raha Tia has so helpfully revealed to be the final one. We're almost there, but none of us have had much luck in opening it."
"You…!" Shoto started, but Angel grabbed her arm with his uninjured one to interrupt her immediately. He quickly shook his head at his friend, at which she just sighed in frustration. G'raha looked over as he stopped Shoto, then turned around fully to face Cid and the others. His expression was clearly unamused... Cid read that rather clearly, then frowned.
"You said he knew what to do!" A male Elezen sniped from Oseux's group. Angel jerked, his breath caught in his throat; he had been pointed at.
Alden, from Kochou's group, stood up. "I tried to tell you he didn't! He rambled at me about Carbuncles too. That's why I dismissed Pazu after he coddled it." Angel curled up further, and all Shoto could do was put an arm around her friend's shoulders.
"Then why'd you let him try?" A Viera from Oseux's group asked, as she wrinkled her nose. Alden gave her a glare back, but a female Elezen spoke up first.
"Us!? You were the ones who sent him over!"
"You asked for him!"
There was a pause, as the actual problem became... a bit clearer...
A'qune had her arms crossed over her chest as she continued to look at Cid. "As I stated before. Poor leadership got us stuck here. We could have easily been standing before the fallen Emperor by now," she frowned, quite dramatically, "but instead, we've fallen so far behind, and now you've had to come help."
"Angel," G'raha said, calmly. The Rogue jumped at his name, his curled tail fluffed up. He looked suddenly scared, but turned his attention to the redhead. "What happened...?"
Angel flicked an ear out to the side, then looked to the hand Shoto had healed. "I-I..." He tried to speak, but couldn't manage to do better than a syllable. He kept glancing to A'qune. She simply stood there, glaring icily at him. When he stuttered a bit more, then went silent, she spoke up.
"I told you. We've trudged through everything half-assed and the only one of us who could read anything at all screwed up and left us stuck here."
"I wasn't asking you, I asked Angel." G'raha didn't look over at A'qune when he replied, his tone obviously chilled, as Shoto shifted to stand between her friend and the was enough to make her hiss softly and glare at the red-haired Miqo'te as he moved over to kneel beside Angel. G'raha lowered his voice and put a hand on the Keeper's shivering shoulder.
"Try again, Angel. It's okay. What happened?"
Angel stiffened at the touch, but looked into the Sharlayan Miqo'te's eyes for a moment. He whimpered, then spoke quietly. "I-I don't know that much about Allag... th-that's you... I-I just know storrries. I-I know what you taught me." Angel leaned against G'raha. He purred quietly, "I rrread a few worrrds... o-only because they werrre names from the storrrybooks."
G'raha, for his part, put his arms around Angel to comfort him. He looked back to the gate, thoughtfully. "You... remembered some script... from the storybooks...?" Angel nodded against him in response. G'raha felt both impressed and unsurprised; after all, Angel usually fell asleep reading those books. "How did you get hurt, then?" He looked back down to the blue tips of Angel's ears. "Or... was it just from the dragon we heard...?"
Angel flinched slightly, then looked down further. "N-No... Th-The gate hurrrt my hand... wh-when I trrried to... open it... I-I messed up, didn't I?"
G'raha chuckled, then petted Angel's head comfortingly. "If you were only reading names, you were missing the rest of the riddle. It's okay," he hugged the Rogue tightly. "Can you tell me what you've faced so far?"
Angel sounded confused, "Rrrreally...?"
"Yes. Tell me everything." G'raha smiled and let Angel pull back to look at him.
The Keeper blushed a bit, then focused only on the Seeker before him. He started after they ran up the Ladder of Ascension. Angel started off hesitant, and tried to be quick and precise with what they ran into, and what they did.
G'raha listened intently, as one would a story; or in his case, a lecture on Allagan studies. While everyone else took the time to rest, talk to one another, or set up a few instruments, Angel's story grew into more of a tale than a report. It was all accurate to their experiences, but details grew, as did his enthusiasm for telling G'raha everything they found in the Tower on the way up.
The general mood of the group began to calm; Alden still looked disgruntled, but without A’qune actively inflaming tensions, everyone seemed to be recuperating.
Shoto still all but stood guard over Angel, though the Warrior of Light faced her friend, and found herself smiling as she watched the two. G'raha's intense interest in Angel's words reminded her of the way Haurchefant would just listen to her ramble on about what they had done that day, or about something he'd asked her about. She realized she also got just as into regaling him about the most mundane things as Angel was to G'raha.
'I look forward to Starlight dinner with these two when this is all over,' Shoto chuckled to herself. Unei and Doga seemed to be keeping to themselves for the moment. They had moved close enough to hear the conversation, but stayed back as Angel began to tell the tale of their ascent.
"You." A'qune pointed to the clones as she spoke up again, unhappiness evident in her voice. "You can open the gate, right?"
The two looked at each other, then back to her. Unei nodded once, but went back to watching G'raha and Angel.
"Then do it!" She growled, then took a step toward them.
Doga shook his head 'no'; neither of them budged from their position.
Shoto turned around, as some of the others also turned to look at the Astrologian by the clones. Cid crossed his arms with a frown; she hadn’t warranted his stepping in yet, but she was certainly getting closer and closer.
A'qune growled in frustration, then loudly stomped her foot and snapped, "None of you are taking this seriously!"
Angel froze at her outburst. His story was cut off mid-word, his ears instantly pinned back, and he flinched away from G'raha to curl himself into more of a ball. The Sharlayan Miqo'te made a face at his reaction, then turned to look at the bespectacled Miqo'te Astrologian.
"That zombie emperor up there could've been taken out twice over by now!" Her voice echoed in the silence her outburst had caused...unlike the moments just after the struggle, however, she seemed to have lost her sway over the group, and before she could offer Angel up as a scapegoat once again, their ire turned on her, even those who didn’t speak up staring at her, scoffing, or shaking their heads.
"If we 'had better leadership', I believe you've said a few times now?" Oseux replied, quietly.
Kochou crossed her arms, then added, "Like your missing husband?"
"Some leader, if he ditched last night," Alden snarked.
"SHUT UP! Idiots!! All you needed to do was listen to me!" A'qune screamed. Everyone fell silent, then looked to one another. She ground her teeth as her glasses slipped down her nose a bit.
"My, my, such unruly guests! Twould seem a little diversion is in order," came a sudden, loud voice from above--one that hadn’t belonged to any adventurer. The gate glowed brightly, then slowly swung open.
"I'm gettin' real tired o' everythin' here gettin' the drop on us," Huhurune complained; exasperated.
"Then get up there before anything gets down here," A'qune yelled, as she pulled her globe from her back.
Kochou turned and took a step towards her. "Now listen, you--"
"Sh-She's... r-right," Angel stuttered, just loud enough to interrupt the Raen. She turned to look at him, confused. Angel stood up carefully, his ears still pinned back, "Th-That is... there's too many here... that w-we need to... prrrotect," he flinched at his purr. The Rogue clenched his fists against his sides as he took a breath in and out.
"He's got a point," Shoto spoke up, as she pulled her grimoire from her hip. "We're supposed to be ahead of the researchers and expedition team to keep them safe, and clear the way."
"...I suppose you're right... but still," Oseux clicked his tongue against his teeth in frustration.
Thanks to their hesitation, the slimes that were oozing and slinking down the carpeted stairway had nearly made it to their front line; behind the approaching creatures strolled a massively tall form, half covered in the folds of a vast, flowing cape. A large hat with a grossly oversized feather hid part of their face, but terribly, there seemed to be metal covering what was visible.
The adventurers had no time to react to the presence of the Allagan archmage; they had their hands full with the descending slimes.
"...A...Amon...?" G'raha mumbled, then winced as his eye twinged sharply.
Angel sidestepped to be between him and the incoming enemies. "Rrraha..."
"It's nothing. I can fight, Angel." He stood up straight, then shook his head to clear it.
"...I-I know," Angel glanced back over his shoulder, "Take the rrresearchers a-and the... engineers b-back down... to at least the previous landing."
G'raha blinked, then fluffed his tail, "What?!" He shook his head, stubbornly, "I left you alone in the Labyrinth! I stayed behind this morning! I can help y-"
"I know," Angel smiled, a bit sadly, "and that's why I know they'll be safe if you lead them back, Raha."
The Sharlayan Miqo'te stopped, then blinked. The look on the Keeper's face was a plea. Despite his own fears and hesitance, he still stood between the incoming Amon and the non-combatants back with Cid. G'raha relented, with a sharp 'tsk' of frustration; he nodded as he turned to escort the researchers and engineers back down, alongside Cid.
Angel looked a bit relieved, then turned his attention back to Amon. He pulled his daggers, but as soon as he tightened his grip on the one in his right hand, he dropped it with a wince. The wound had been healed, but his hand still hurt terribly.
Shoto turned to pick up his weapon, then stood beside him supportively. "It'll be okay. I'll do my best to help." She smiled at him reassuringly, then turned her attention to Amon, who had begun to weave some kind of unfamiliar Allagan magicks even as he reached the landing, unnatural energies swirling around his hands.
G'raha was the last one off the landing. He hesitated long enough to look at Angel and Shoto.
He'll be okay with her here... He really does believe in me to protect these people for him.
The historian grit his teeth, then turned away to hurry down the staircase.
I have to believe he'll come back to me. That... That's what a Warrior of Light does; even if they're terrified to do it, they walk right into the coeurl's den for our sakes, and return triumphant. I'll believe in that... I choose to believe in him.
G'raha felt a warmth in his chest at the thought, it gave him a bit of energy to speed up. He smiled to himself and caught up with the group on the lower landing.
Angel looked back up the staircase for just a moment, then took a deep breath and prepared to join the battle against Amon.
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​I apologize to anyone who had a bit of PTSD from Alliance Raids that went the same way; you know, that one person who keeps yelling at everyone else in chat. It'll be okay. D:
Also, I only had two images that wanted to show up when I uploaded them, so they can stay. I tried for like five, but three refused to work. Please enjoy the chapter without many images, and thank you for your patience and support! ♥
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter Sixteen - Memories on the Tides
The trip from Lakeland had started out quiet. The fishing boat was a medium-sized ship, with a few cabins for a small crew. The trip would likely take the evening to navigate from the Source to Venmont Yards. Emet-Selch's money had gotten them closer to Eulmore, but that still meant going to the docks at the shipyard. The only way straight to the city was via an airship. While there had been talks of an airship route between the Crystarium and Eulmore, and visits from Chai-Nuzz to the Crystal Exarch, the implementation of the actual trip was still a ways off.
Emet-Selch had been first to board Dadfort's vessel. Shoto was next, then Yuki, and finally Sumire. The four split into two groups, each taking a crew cabin. Emet-Selch was assigned to share a cabin with Sumire, while Yuki would share a cabin with Shoto. The Viera stood firm on this arrangement, and took Shoto's bag from Sumire.
"We'll meet you in the kitchen where we can talk about what to do once we're in Kholusia. For now, go put your things away." Yuki directed, taking up a leadership role for the moment. Shoto let herself be led off to their cabin, not wanting to fight right now.
Sumire turned to look at the Ascian, only to wince and rub at his right eye. He looked away immediately, then headed toward the other cabin. "Come on, it's best to listen to Yuki when she's this insistent."
"I haven't anything I care to put away," the Ascian replied, not following after the Dragoon.
Sumire stopped, then looked back, making sure only his left eye could see him. "Then at least come choose your bed. I'll put my things on the other one and we can go meet them in the kitchen."
Hades looked to the Miqo'te, then gave a dramatic sigh as he moved to follow him. "Very well. I suppose you make a point."
* * * The kitchen, for what it was worth, was mostly just that; a table and chairs for crewmembers to eat while at sea. It served as a good meeting place, though, and Dadfort was currently making a bit of food and coffee for everyone. He had one crewmember with him for the trip, and had entrusted them with navigation above deck until everyone was settled. They had overheard Dadfort telling his First Mate that he'd take over once they'd left the Source and were into the Divide proper.
The four passengers sat silently around the table as the ship headed across the lake; Dadfort sat plates in front of Shoto and Yuki with a smile, then went back to get two more plates for Sumire and Emet-Selch. Shoto sniffed at the food before her, and her expression seemed to brighten instantly. It looked really fancy to her for a quick meal; crab cakes, with some quickly grilled mixed vegetables beside them. Yuki poked at her crab cakes with a fork as Dadfort gave the boys their food. Hades wrinkled his nose a bit at the simplistic meal, but Sumire looked impressed. His ears flicked and he moved to eat immediately. Shoto also dug in once the others had their food. Yuki sighed quietly and began to eat the vegetables; she watched the Ascian poke at the food as if uncertain.
"Venmont Yards isn't far from Eulmore," Dadfort broke the awkward silence. "It's the closest dock to the city, and the least distance you'd need to walk without an airship up." He brought a tray to the table with 4 cups of coffee, some cream and sugar. "We're heading straight there, but it will still take some time to cross the Divide to Kholusia. Whenever you get tired, feel free to sleep. Likely won't get there 'til morning."
"We're grateful for your hospitality, my good man," Emet-Selch smiled at the Galdjent fisherman.
"Least I could do is provide some food after making you wait longer for the ship than I meant to." He smiled and gestured to the coffee tray. "Please take your time eating. I'm gonna head above deck and trade off with my First Mate so's he can eat too." The captain headed off with another tray. It held two more plates and cups of coffee. He seemed a bit better now that they were on the water, though he had repeated that he wouldn't stay longer than simply dropping them off.
As soon as they were alone, Yuki used her fork to point at Emet-Selch. "What's wrong with your dinner? Not fancy enough for your exacting tastes?"
"You haven't touched the meat either, Viera."
"I'm still eating," she made a face. Sumire and Shoto silently looked to one another, then both reached for a cup of coffee; they'd eaten half of their crab cakes already. Yuki continued to watch the Ascian; he once again made an uncertain face, and used his fork to poke at what was on his plate... without eating any of it. Yuki ate the rest of her vegetables, leaving only the crab cake. She looked to Shoto, then to Sumire; both of them finished the crab cakes already, though Shoto was taking her time on the veggies. Sumire's plate was empty, and he held his coffee cup against him with both hands.
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Yuki realized she'd never seen him turn down any sort of food, even if she felt unsure about it. She was also used to being last to finish... perhaps that was why she futzed about? There wasn't anything particularly odd about the crab cakes; she'd had them before in Limsa Lominsa. These did smell different, but they didn't smell bad.
'You're overthinking it, Yuki, just eat your crab! ' She silently yelled at herself. She started to eat her cakes with a frustrated pout.
Sumire blinked at her, then silently chuckled into his cup. His reaction drew Emet-Selch's attention; the Ascian raised an eyebrow as he looked between the male Miqo'te and the female Viera.
Shoto looked up from her remaining veggies, to Emet-Selch, then to Sumire, then to Yuki. She tilted her head; she didn't quite understand the look the Ascian was giving them.
"Did I miss something...?" Shoto bit her fork. Sumire looked over to her, then to Emet-Selch. He blushed a little as he looked back to Shoto.
"I just found Yuki's pouty eating funny, it wasn't really anything... vital."
"It isn't pouty, Sumire, I was just unfocused!"
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"It also looked like a pout to me, Emet-Selch added, in a flat voice. Yuki glared at him, as she managed to keep herself from blushing too much.
The Ascian shrugged, then looked back to the food in front of him. It wasn't fancy, that was true, but neither was the sandwich he ate last night. He'd certainly eaten worse meals.
"You should eat too," Shoto pouted.
Emet-Selch looked up, then back to the food. No one else seemed to react to her words, and it had felt directed... maybe he'd just been distracted. He gave her a dramatic little sigh, then replied playfully, "Well, if you insist."
It had been an exchange out loud, but her feelings had pushed the point home. Yuki seemed focused on Sumire, who had finished his coffee and seemed to be staring at the cup. Emet-Selch made a show of forcing himself to eat, but it wasn't much of one; he found he liked the taste, and decided to simply finish the food.
The rest of dinner went on in mostly silence. When the Ascian finished, he stood up to leave. Sumire looked up, a bit of hesitance in his voice, “You heading back to the room then?”
Emet-Selch rolled his eyes at the question, “Fret not, the room is all yours.” The Ascian did not elaborate any further on his decision, he simply waved a hand as he wandered off.
Yuki frowned as she shook her head. The distrust of the Ascian was still clear on her face, but a tired look from Sumire caused her to frown. “Perhaps, it's best if we all retire to our rooms... we've got a long night ahead of us.”
Shoto nodded in agreement and scooted her chair back. "We should be sure to thank Dadfort for the meal and the ride in the morning." She smiled a bit, then turned to head off. Yuki and Sumire both made a sound in agreement.
The group moved back towards the crew cabins they were staying in. Sumire stopped at the one he was now staying in alone, as the two girls continued on to the further cabin. Yuki paused for a moment at their cabin door, then looked back to Sumire with concern. “If you need anything, you know where our room is…” A blush spread across her cheeks, “N-Not that you would... need anything from us. Whatever.” With a pout, Yuki stormed past Shoto, into their room. The female Miqo'te blinked, then giggled and waved good night to the male Miqo'te.
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Sumire gave a tired smile in response, and pushed into the dark cabin. He barely got his door shut, then fumbled with his shirt as he stumbled over to the bed he'd picked earlier. He didn't so much crawl into bed as collapse onto it. Sleep encroached upon him quickly. His eyelids felt heavy as he almost instantly drifted off to sleep.
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He could hear the ocean; at least, it certainly sounded like it; it was certainly a lot of water nearby. The smell was more enclosed, almost like a cave, but... drier. Sumire swore he had been in bed only a moment ago... he remembered crawling into it, barely managing to take most of his clothes off first. It felt like he was on something much more solid than that; a rock?
He could hear someone approaching wherever he was; hurried footsteps on solid rock, it sounded like. The person beside him moved closer to his ear, as their hand rested on his shoulder and arm.
"Theia, wake up."
I've heard that name before...
He felt hands on his arm gently shaking him, as the same voice repeated their call.
"Theia, you've been dreaming for a while now. It's time to wake up."
"Mmm, Khione, surely I couldn't have been away that long," Sumire heard a female voice answer. It had felt like he had spoken the words, but... he knew he hadn't. The male Miqo'te paused, as he felt someone help him sit up on the rock that he could feel beneath him.
This was so very strange... it was almost like the Echo, yet... it didn't feel right to him.
"Khione... did you happen to see my blindfold on the way here?" The female voice asked, as Sumire felt himself stand. "I lost it somewhere along the path here..."
"No, I hadn't. I'll help you find it on the way back, Theia." Khione replied, apologetically. "And if we can't find it, I'll just get you a new one."
"Thank you," Theia responded, as she took hold of Khione's arm.
This is... not... a dream... is it...?
Sumire realized he wasn't in control of the things he felt, heard, and said... yet... he felt conscious. It was very confusing. He quickly realized the sensations he felt were familiar to him; whoever 'Theia' was, she was blind.
He'd had to learn to sense the world the same way after he'd barely survived the dragon's attack. His right eye was completely blind for years, until he began training as a Dragoon. During that training, he had learned to sense aether and had regained a partial sight that vastly improved his reaction time. He then found he could also use the dragon's blood to see with his right eye more clearly, and that took moons to balance and adjust to.
...He hadn't thought about any of this in a long time.
His focus was pulled back as he felt hands running through his hair; makeshift combing. Yuki had done it to him before, when he'd made them late.
"Your hair is a mess , Theia." Khione's voice playfully scolded.
Sumire let out a breath, as Theia fidgeted, and he decided to relax, and see where this would go.
"That tends to happen," Theia reached up to fluff her own hair; short in the back, with two longer pieces in the front. She wore a slightly oversized robe, which she fixed, then pulled the hood of it up onto her head.
"We were to meet Persephone for tea, if you recall." Khione took Theia's hand to lead her forward. "She said she has someone for us to meet."
"Oh?" Theia perked up, and smiled, "Another star?"
"That's the impression she and Krystallos gave." Khione lifted her hands, and Theia cautiously tapped her foot to find a few rock steps down.
"I wonder what they're like."
"I'm sure they're as unique as we are," Khione said, her grin evident in her voice.
Theia chuckled as they headed along a stone path. She let go of Khione's arm, hurried ahead a few paces, then turned and slowly walked backwards. "I'm glad we were delayed in leaving again. I've almost memorized the whole city... it's such a big, wonderful place."
"You've seemed happier lately," Khione hurried her pace to match Theia's. "Perhaps tonight we could take a walk somewhere you've yet to memorize?"
"I'd like that," Theia smiled, then paused. She turned her head towards a sound and scent that were familiar.
"Persephone, we were just coming to tea. Whatever is the matter?" Khione sounded concerned.
"I'm so sorry. The person I wanted you to meet ran off."
"Are they okay? We don't bite," Theia joked.
Persephone chuckled quietly, then took a moment to catch her breath before she continued. "I don't know. There was a terrible sound, and he panicked. Krystallos went after him... I came to find you both. Have you heard or seen anything?"
"I didn't see anything on the way here," Khione trailed off a bit, thoughtfully.
Theia frowned, "I smell brimstone... and there was a deep growl in the wind." She turned her head into the wind, "The wind is coming from the... park, if I recall my directions."
"We should go," Persephone moved even as she decided. "Carefully."
Khione took Theia's hand, and moved to follow her, "If we find whatever made the noise and scent you caught, I'll find you a safe place for you to stay before I go to help Persephone. Okay?"
"Okay." Theia shifted her hold to Khione's arm, and they sped up a bit.
They hadn't run long before Theia slowed, and coughed. Khione turned to check on her immediately.
"What's wrong?"
"The brimstone smell," she coughed, then reached a hand up to her mouth and nose, "it's mixed with a smoky smell... and it's really strong." Another cough into her hand was followed by a deep growl.
"That sound came from that way," Persephone said, worriedly. "I can't tell if it's coming from the city or heading towards it, though."
"Theia, stay here." Khione hurriedly led her to a large, sturdy tree, then placed her hands on the trunk. "We'll go see what it is making that sound and smell."
Theia nodded, as she coughed again, then frowned. She felt a silk cloth placed into her hand, then lifted her head a bit.
"Take this, it should help with the smell that's bothering you."
"B-But... Persephone... isn't this... your scarf?"
"If it helps you, then I don't mind." Persephone absolutely beamed, as she gently pushed Theia's hand with the scarf. "Stay here, we'll be right back, okay?"
"Th-Thank you." Theia nodded gratefully, then hurriedly tied the scarf around her face to cover her nose and mouth. The smell instantly muted, and she no longer felt the strong urge to cough. She shifted to hold onto the tree, and listened carefully for any signs of trouble or anything she needed to run from.
Her thoughts turned to dreams, and she frowned; her fingers gripped the trunk a little. She scrunched her nose a little, then shook her head. "That dream still haunts me. A city of fire. Alone in the flames. Why do I keep seeing it...?" Theia frowned, then quietly rested her head against the tree. She spoke quietly to herself after a thoughtful moment, "Khione, I worry... is it... because of what happened... then...?" Her thoughts trailed off as she caught the sudden sound of splashing in the distance, followed by faint crying, and a whimper. "I wonder... if that's who we were supposed to meet...?" She turned her head a bit, then sniffed. "Hm...?" She sniffed again, through the scarf...
"Wait... This is near the gazebo we've met at before! I can smell that odd tree from here... even over the brimstone scent." Theia smiled a bit at her recognition, then left the tree. She hurried forward; one hand reaching out for a railing she knew should be around.
It turned out to be further away than she had expected, but she reached the familiar gazebo, and hurried up the few stairs to sit on a bench. The sounds of snarling and items breaking made her flinch, but she took a deep breath and closed her eyes to focus. Her left hand came up to hold her right shoulder as her head lowered.
Sumire felt a sudden shift, and flinched as he suddenly saw the strange vision. He adjusted quickly, and felt Theia relax here.
Before them lay a vast field of colors and shapes. He realized these places and images were distorted to him, but to her, they were perfectly normal... He felt they were things that brought her comfort. She knew precisely where she was in the space, and precisely where to go.
I recognize... some of these colors. They're the unchanging shades of aether for flora.
He touched the scar over his right eye.
...She can see... aether...?
He felt confused. It was how he balanced his sight, and therefore used all the time since he learned it. The dragon's blood helped balance the cost of that method, but came with occasional unbidden visions from the dragon. He knew Y'shtola was permanently blind from her time in the lifestream, and she used that method now all the time. So he wondered, if Theia could do it as well, why wasn't she always using her aether sight to navigate...?
He was solely interested in what lay before him. He no longer wondered what this was nor why he was seeing it, but instead, what would happen. Once more his wandering thoughts were interrupted, as he felt Theia stand, then walk over to a large, dark shape. She calmly reached out to place her hands on its head, as she quietly hummed what he recognized as a sort of lullaby. He didn't remember hearing it before... but it still felt familiar.
The big shape growled, then slowly curled up on the ground, as it fell asleep. Once it had stopped moving, Theia turned to hurry back to her seat, just in time for Khione's worried voice beside her.
"Hmm?" Theia shifted towards the voice. Her arm lowered onto her lap, and pulled the scarf off her face on the way. Khione put an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her in.
After some hurried scuffling, Theia heard Persephone greet Hades, followed by a soft sigh and a snap. She heard crackling of a crystal substance she associated with a cage, or a prison the guards would use on stray creations.
"Where have you been, Hythlodaeus?" Hades asked, exasperated.
"I went to get people to help transport the escapee back!" His grin was evident in his barely held-back chuckle. "C'mon, I knew you had it, Hades." He moved towards the sleeping, crystal-prisoned creature with a flourish of his robe. "And you did!"
Hades sighed, then also moved towards the sleeping creature. "It's quite strange that a wild creature like this managed to escape from Lahabrea's lab... I'll have to have another talk with him about letting experiments get away."
"Th-That... That one... w-was mine," a new voice spoke meekly. "But... I-I don't know why... it would be... here."
"Is that why you ran from the sound, Asopus?" Persephone asked, as she turned toward the two boys.
"I-I'm sorry. It... It was instinct. Th-The sound... scared me," he whimpered, "I thought I'd screwed up again... I-It should have been sealed in Anamnesis!"
Krystallos frowned, concerned, then hugged the younger man comfortingly. "It's okay, Asopus."
"Why was it sealed there ...?" Hades mumbled. The guards shrank the large crystal prison to a more manageable size, then marked it with a caution symbol before transporting it away. It had happened before, Theia knew exactly what they did. She wondered why something that large and potentially dangerous had been loose in the city in the first place, but the danger was over for now; she could always ponder things later.
Hythlodaeus moved to follow the guards, "I'll handle your paperwork, dear friend~! You spend the afternoon with your beloved!" He then chuckled as he hurried off. Persephone ran over to hug Hades in greeting, as Asopus reassured Krystallos he was better now.
Theia blinked her eyes open, then leaned against Khione tiredly. The older woman ran her hand over the younger one's short, blond hair.
Khione spoke quietly, a slightly scolding tone to her voice, "You know how much that takes out of you, Theia. Why didn't you wait for me?"
"I was worried!" Theia leaned her head towards Khione's hand. "It's okay, I knew where I was. I could smell the strange tree that's always in the park."
Khione paused, then looked around, "The strange tree...? There's no odd trees in the park, Theia."
"Yes there is, I can smell it. It's always here when we're here. It's very distinct." Theia took in a deep breath. She then pointed over towards Hades and Persephone, "It's that way. That strange tree is always here, so I know I'm in the park."
There was a moment of silence as Khione looked between Theia and where she was pointing. After a few moments, Theia hadn't changed her position nor said she was joking... and Khione laughed. She drew attention to the two in the gazebo.
Theia pouted, "What's so funny?"
"Theia, you're pointing at Hades," Khione barely managed between chuckles. She hugged the younger woman, who blinked, then took another sniff of the air.
"Hades smells like a tree?"
"Apparently to you. Oh, Theia," Khione continued to laugh, as Theia blushed, then began to laugh with her. She laced her fingers with Khione as she did so, then leaned into her shoulder.
Hades, Persephone, Krystallos, and Asopus weren't able to hear anything but the girls' laughter from where they were, but Hades had seen her point at him. He sighed again, then hugged Persephone as he mumbled about her odd friends. She just snickered in response.
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"Are you sure you're okay, Yuki?" Shoto asked, worriedly; her eyes drawn to the unconscious Dragoon on the Summoner's back. Yuki simply nodded and gave an affirmative sound. "Any ideas what's wrong?"
Yuki shook her head, "No... there's only been one other time I had to carry him like this, but he was very sick then." She just continued forward as she replied. Shoto frowned, then hurried on ahead to keep pace with Emet-Selch. Yuki looked to Sumire's violet hair, and mumbled to herself. "...I'm just... worried about you, Sumi."
He whimpered quietly, and shifted. Yuki looked surprised, then cleared her throat as Sumire reached up to his head.
"Oh good, you're finally awake," Yuki spoke, which alerted Shoto and Emet-Selch to the Dragoon's movements.
"Sumire! Are you alright?" Shoto asked as she hurried back. The Dragoon flicked his ears, then lifted his head to look at her.
"Wh... Where am I...?" He looked up a bit, then sounded confused, "Kho...lusia...? H-How long... have I been... out...?"
"Since whenever you fell asleep last night," Yuki replied for her.
Shoto nodded, "We couldn't wake you up when we arrived this morning. You had us worried!" Her tone was scared, yet he could tell she was relieved to be talking to him. Sumire blinked, then frowned as he lowered his head.
"I... I'm sorry," he flinched, then reached to cover his right eye; his chin dug into Yuki's shoulder a little. Shoto gently patted Sumire's head, then hurried forward to keep pace with Emet-Selch once more. She relayed the info to the Ascian as Yuki shook her head.
The Viera slowed a little, to put more distance between them and the Ascian. "Are you really alright, Sumire...?" Her voice shook a little as she asked, despite her best efforts not to.
Sumire frowned, "I'm... not sure. I don't... remember much about last night. I know... we were on the boat. I remember feeling tired after I ate. I had," he trailed off, then lowered his arm to half hug Yuki's shoulders. "...I had a strange dream."
Yuki frowned, then looked forward again, "Was it one of those dreams?"
"N-No," Sumire stuttered, as he shook his head. He had always told her his 'bad feelings' came from 'the dragon's dreams'. They were what made him wary of situations... and helped them avoid trouble sometimes. This hadn't been anything like that, though... He looked up, then flinched as he looked to Shoto and Emet-Selch, "No, it... I-I'm sorry... for making you... take care of me."
"It's fine," she shifted him a little on her back, "We couldn't very well leave you behind."
"Y-You can... let me off... a-at the aetheryte shard near the entrance. I don't... I don't think I can... make the trek up to it yet." He let go of Yuki's shoulders with one arm, and once again held his head, favoring covering his right eye.
She frowned in response, then lowered her head a little. "Don't be ridiculous. I'll take the stairs up. We'll find you a place in the parlor to sit and rest."
"No buts. I won't have you passing out again because you used the aethernet while low on aether."
Sumire blinked, low on aether...? He hadn't thought that might be the problem... was that... what someone had noticed?
Yuki noticed his silence. "Are you mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad...?" He lowered his arm, then looked down to the path. "I... I hadn't thought of that... being my issue. I should have listened to you when you noticed something was wrong... I'm sorry."
Yuki shook her head as they passed some familiar faces in Gatetown. Most people left them alone, though, even though they could see one of the group being carried. Things were still slow to change, but it didn't seem to bother the Viera. Shoto turned to look back at the two worriedly. Yuki simply nodded and gave her a small, reassuring smile to let her keep going. "Do you remember Ala Mhigo, Sumire?"
"Which... part?"
Yuki gave a nostalgic smile, then glanced at his face for a moment. She took a breath and looked up to the gates ahead of them, "I carried you for a long distance to keep us ahead of the Imperials. You were sick with that terrible fever, but we couldn't stay still. We were the last two left from our group, and they chased us all the way to Kugane."
"I... remember some of that... I was... very out of it then," Sumire mumbled, with a blush.
Yuki chuckled, then nodded, "I took care of you for a week, and didn't stop until we'd found a way to get to Doma..." She frowned, "I didn't want either of us caught... I was so grateful for the Doman Resistance. They didn't have to help us, but... they helped take care of your fever."
"I remember waking up to that Doman girl poking my arm," he mumbled into Yuki's shoulder.
"She was worried! You had been asleep for two days straight," Yuki chuckled, then trailed off. She looked down as they approached the steps up to the entrance of Eulmore. "I was... scared that would happen again. The way you've been acting lately... when we couldn't wake you after we arrived at Venmont Yards... all I could think of was that I had to get you to Eulmore. That Alphinaud might be able to help. Shoto couldn't find anything wrong with you." She briefly glanced up to the guards. They greeted the group as they passed through the door. Shoto and Emet-Selch headed off to head up the stairs, and they seemed to be caught up in a conversation. Yuki wasn't paying much attention to them nor where she was walking. She was distracted enough that she just kept going forward without stopping. Sumire didn't seem to notice either.
"Thank you... Khione," The Dragoon jerked as the name left his mouth. He reached up to cover his mouth, then sounded confused. "Wh... Why did I say that...?"
Yuki wanted to ask who Khione was, but she felt like she should already know that somehow, and never spoke the question. She stopped as she looked up to see they were by the elevator, and blinked. "Ah, I went too far. I wasn't paying attention." Sumire looked ready to be sick, with his hand over his mouth. Yuki looked a bit worn from their conversation.
"Good morning, ma'am! You seem to need the elevator," a Mystel guard spoke up, even as a Hume turned his head away. The Mystel turned to open the doors for Yuki, and gave her an apologetic smile. "This will take you the whole way up. Please relax."
Yuki heard the Hume grumble something, but it was incoherent.
The Mystel seemed to understand him though, then hissed, "Quiet. "
"Thank you," Yuki replied, quietly, and accepted the elevator trip. Sumire stayed silent until they were alone, on the way up.
"You can let me down."
"I'll take my time walking, and I will sit in the parlor while you go find Alphinaud. If Y'shtola has arrived, I'm sure they're talking." Sumire shifted, and Yuki carefully let go of his legs. He caught himself on the elevator handrail, then leaned against the wall. "Thank you... Yuki. I didn't mean to cause trouble."
"Nonsense," she crossed her arms, as she stared at the doors before them. "I don't mind making sure you're okay... Sumi."
The Miqo'te Dragoon fidgeted, his tail flick back and forth thoughtfully. Sumire then looked up to Yuki, but couldn't find any words to say. He felt guilty for the trouble he'd caused, and that he hadn't told Yuki how he truly felt. His eye was making him dizzy, he was having trouble focusing, and he had felt more exhausted than ever after they left. His ears pinned back, "I didn't want anyone to worry about me... and... instead, I made you all worry about me more. I hadn't thought that my problems could be aether-related, I just... I thought I was doing something wrong. I tried to push through it and take care of it myself, but... that hasn't worked. I don't know what to do now."
"We'll figure out what's going on. Perhaps Y'shtola might have an insight to your aether problem. I'll ask her after we've caught up on everything."
"Yuki... I passed out on you when I was asleep." Sumire stood up, his tail flicked in annoyance with himself. "That's... That's not just a simple problem. I can't just try to sleep more and eat better."
"Maybe it has something to do with your eye," Yuki frowned, but she stayed staring at the door ahead of her. Questions formed in her mind; what she could ask of Y'shtola.
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"I feel like I want to sleep for days..." Yuki stiffened her shoulders at his admission. Her ear twitched as he continued, "There's a part of me that's not surprised you couldn't wake me... but... that dream I had while unconscious confuses me. I saw..." He trailed off. Yuki finally turned to look down to him.
"...You saw what, Sumire...?"
"I saw... nothing. Except... near the end. I saw what looked like a hallucination. It was just... colors and shapes then. Everything else was... sounds. Smells. Sensations."
"That's... an odd dream."
Sumire flicked his ears, then looked up to her, concerned. His right eye was closed, as if it bothered him. "It felt like when I was younger. Right after I was hurt."
"When you... lost... your sight...?" She looked to his right eye, and he nodded once.
"They weren't sure if I'd be able to see again, so they covered both of my eyes until the wound healed. I lived like that for a few years. They figured that I'd been completely blinded and never bothered to check... I just... accepted that."
Yuki nearly forgot where they were, and turned to look at Sumire fully. She only knew pieces of his past. He'd never hidden the fact that his eye was technically blind, but she didn't know that much detail. "They eventually learned you could still see then?"
"S-Sort of. The Matron wanted to see if I could get rid of the blindfold. My left eye was very sensitive to light for nearly a moon until it adjusted to being used again. I felt very lucky I had retained any sight, but... it took a long time to adjust..."
"This dream of yours felt like that, then...?"
"It was the dream of someone who had no sight. Everything else was amplified to make up for that. The pieces I could see anything in, were so fanciful and colorful, as if the person had never seen what anything was really like, but... I," he trailed off, his tail curled the other way, and he touched his chest. "I felt like I knew what everything was supposed to be... even if I don't quite remember every little detail now."
"Maybe it was just your mind remembering something from then. You were unconscious." Yuki explained. Sumire shook his head before he had a chance to think about her reply, but he took a moment to think.
"I... I heard..."
Yuki tilted her head as he hesitated. Even she could hear the bustle from the Canopy as the elevator slowed, and glanced to the doors. "You heard what, Sumire?"
The doors opened with a ding, as the elevator stopped. Yuki couldn't respond, as Shoto called for them, worriedly. Yuki took Sumire's arm to help him walk out of the elevator. He accepted her help and let her choose what seat he would sit in.
"I was so worried when I looked back and realized you two weren't behind us. I was going to take the elevator back down. Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine, Shoto. One of the guards down below let us use the elevator to come up. We took the offer. I'm sorry we worried you." Yuki smiled. Shoto shook her head and sat across from Sumire at the table.
"Sumire, are you feeling better?"
"I-I'll be okay. However, I promised Yuki I'd wait here for you to find Alphinaud. I won't go anywhere, I promise," he smiled at her, reassuringly.
Shoto pouted a little, then nodded and pointed a finger at him. "Okay, but I'll hold you to that!"
He blinked, then smiled a little and nodded, "If I don't behave, I expect both you and Yuki to let me have it." He gave Shoto a small chuckle, then looked out to the ocean. He seemed immediately distracted, and the female Miqo'te stood up to look at Yuki.
"Any idea where," Yuki paused, then glanced around, "...where our other... associate... is?"
"He... said he didn't want to cause trouble up here... in case someone recognized him." Shoto frowned, then crossed her arms, "So he went back down for a walk. That's how I realized you two weren't behind us on the stairs."
Yuki frowned, disapprovingly. "I feel like we shouldn't let him out of our sight."
"He won't leave." Shoto immediately argued, then blushed slightly. "That is. He promised me he'd stay around the area before he headed off..."
Yuki frowned more, then looked to Shoto for a moment before she gave up for now. She looked past Shoto, "Alright, alright... but do we have any ideas where Alphinaud might be?"
"He may be in a morning meeting with Chai-Nuzz upstairs. We could ask?"
"Hey. Come to think of it... that guard said the elevator would take us all the way to the top, but it stopped here..."
"That's probably just a habit. It's been a long time since anyone could freely go upstairs, remember?" Shoto turned to head off. She spied Alphinaud heading over to the parlor with Chai-Nuzz and cheered up immediately. "There he is! I was right!" She wiggled her ears proudly, then turned to look at Yuki. The Viera had looked back to Sumire in the moment of silence. Shoto pouted, then tugged her arm. "Yuki, c'mon. Let's go check in with Alphinaud."
"Eh?" She blinked, then looked away from the Dragoon, and spied Alphinaud; who had caught sight of them across the way, and waved. Shoto happily waved back and headed off. Yuki hesitated, but followed her a moment later.
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None of us meant for this update to take over a month. @_@; It feels like the time literally just blew past. But! Here's Chapter 16 for all of you lovely starlings. Angel's computer is having issues, so the art of Theia that she'd been working on for the Amarout portion of this chapter got lost. :( As always, thank you all for your support and patience!
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Please enjoy this new chapter from our side story Tales of the Falling Snow. We are working on getting the next chapter up here. Thank you for your support!
Trouble brews in Camp Dragonhead as implications of Lord Francel being in league with the heretics. How will Shoto and Angel save Haurchefant’s dear friend?
Writers are Xehnis (Shoto) and @angel-lockhart​.
The dining hall was quiet, except for the occasional tap of a cup being set down. Shoto stared into the dark liquid of her cup as it sloshed around within its container. She took a long drink; the bitterness served to help wake her more quickly than even the cold of Coerthas. Her ears flicked back and flattened some at the taste.
Across the table, her companion noticed her reaction. “I’m not really a fan of bitter things either.” Angel smiled as Shoto looked up from her mug. He seemed a bit more awake than she was at the moment.
The past few days had been exhausting for them both. They hadn’t had much luck in proving Lord Francel’s innocence, let alone their own. It felt like a wild goose chase around Coerthas so far; everything they thought they had figured out seemed to end at a wall. Everything was tied up in politics and paperwork… Everyone was so distant and untrusting! Everyone except their host; Lord Haurchefant.
Shoto smiled a little at that last thought. She shifted forward and leaned onto her hand, with her elbow propped on the table. Haurchefant’s words echoed in her mind.
Please, warm yourselves by our hearth, take a rest from your journeys. Life is not a race, my friends–rushing blindly forward without concern for your health, and you will one day pay the price.
He had told them to take care of themselves first and foremost. Alas, Shoto knew she and Angel had a job to do. It always felt like there was something else to take care of, something else they had to do. She thought about how nice it would be to take a break every once in a while… Like the other night, when she sat beside Haurchefant in his chambers, sipping the hot chocolate he’d made for them…
Keep reading
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter Fifteen - A Man Rides Through
The two male Miqo'te quietly rode across the sands of Amh Araeng for a while. Angel seemed focused on his Amaro and the trip over the sands. He had worried that flying with the cargo might risk losing it, 'whereas,' he had argued, 'if they were riding on the sand, and anything fell, they could recover and continue'. Even the two Amaro had seemed to agree, and Ice had felt outvoted. At least, since it was past midday when they left, he knew the weather should start to get cooler as they headed south.
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The Miqo'te Warrior couldn't help but continue to think about everything that had happened since yesterday. The whole thing was strange to him; the Warriors of Darkness having been shards of themselves, their supposed regaining of creation magicks, not to mention just accepting an Ascian as a traveling companion... It all just seemed completely unreal. The Warrior pulled one hand off the reins, then looked at it as they rode over the ridge; he stared as if something would magically appear before him like it had with Angel. Ice sighed a bit as he realized nothing was going to happen, then placed his hand back on the reins.
Speaking of the Ascian... Emet-Selch did seem rather interested in other means of reuniting the soul shards, but he knew better than to trust the word of an Ascian; he was sure his husband did too. He trusted Shoto, even if he didn't quite understand her thinking in this matter. She had Sumire and Yuki with her as well, and he was certain they would keep her safe. His mind continued to wander as they rode on.
Ice thought back to the final battle, as he closed his eyes to focus for a moment. He remembered seeing the Galdjent Paladin of the Warriors of Darkness. Branden was his name; he had been there with him in that moment of the final battle. The male Galdjent had consoled him when he thought all was lost. His strength joined with him to use the Light within to help restrain Hades. Could it really be that simple? 
"Ice..." Angel's voice broke the silence. Ice blinked a few times, then looked over to his husband on the other Amaro. “Are you okay?” Angel's concern was obvious in his tone. 
“Yes! I’m fine!” The Warrior smiled to reassure him, "Just... was thinking about a few things."
Angel nodded once, still unsure. He mostly stared at the feathers of the Amaro, apparently lost in his own thoughts as they rode on.
Ice let out a breath as he nudged his Amaro to keep up. "Angel...?"
The mage stopped, his ears perked up at Ice's voice. He then turned himself and his Amaro to look back.
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Ice did the same, stopping his mount as he made a face. "I know... we said... we all saw one of the Warriors of Darkness. In that last fight with Hades."
"Right...?" Angel tilted his head confused. Ice fidgeted with the reins before he continued.
"I know it's a silly detail, but... well... I wondered who it was you saw?" He waved a hand a little, "I mean, it's fine if you don't remember or don't wanna say, I was just thinking about it again since..." Ice trailed off, his grin faded a bit, but he maintained a sort of smile.
Angel watched his husband fidget, then sort of lose his smile as he thought about things.
《That whole thing yesterday must be bothering him more than he's telling you... Now I'm curious where this goes.》
Angel nodded slightly in response to Anubis' mumbling. Ice seemed worried by his husband's silence... and his thoughtful staring. 
"Ahh ha ha nevermind! It was a weird thing to ask in the middle of the desert! You're... You're probably... hot."
"Lamitt," Angel replied. Ice blinked, then nudged his mount forward a bit as Angel reaffirmed his response. "I saw Lamitt."
"She was... the little White Mage, wasn't she?"
Angel nodded, "Though, she might take offense at the little part," he smirked a little. His eyes then focused on the Amaro beneath him, and he continued. "I don't know why you're curious, but... after my nightmare... and the memories it dredged up, maybe it would help to say it out loud."
"Angel...?" Ice looked both worried and apologetic. He was genuinely curious who they had each seen, he hadn't meant to upset his husband with unpleasant thoughts again. Angel seemed to realize his concern, or at least guess his worry, as he smiled and reached out to take Ice's hand.
"It's okay. It isn't bad. In fact, even in the face of destruction, she had a sense of humor."
"Oh?" Ice shifted his hand to hold Angel's properly, then perked his ears forward, curiously.
Angel nodded, "She pointed out that we weren't dead yet. That we can't do much for the dead... but the living... is another story." He chuckled slightly, as her voice had been almost playful when she said it. He'd seen the memory of her first meeting with Ardbert, when he'd been soundly beaten by the hobgoblins he'd run into. He recognized the humor of what she said now, even if the situation had been far more dire than a pack of hobgoblins. The White Mage seemed lost in thought as he recalled what she'd said.
It hurts.
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I realize... he's been alone all this time. Wandering, lost, continuing on without us. Pushing forward, for our sakes. None of us ever thought he'd be left alone like that. I think the only reason we still had anything left behind was because of our crystals.
Your... crystals...?
Yeah. You know, the one you're still holding on to? Not yours?
...the Crystal of Light...?
Aye. That one. You saw my thoughts... my memories. They're fragments of who I was, what was left after everything was turned to dust and aether.
I saw yours too, once. All the bad, and the good. You believe the same thing as I do, deep down. I'm certain of it. We don't live for ourselves, but for others.
. . .
Listen. Your sister, your mother... him. What happens to them if you don't get back up now...? You can still stand, right? Just one more time?
I... can... with some help.
Well, it took you long enough to say so! Ha! C'mon, we've got enough for one last push! For their sake!
After a quiet, thoughtful moment of looking at Angel's thoughtful face, Ice gently squeezed his hand. It was enough to draw the mage's attention, and the Warrior looked up to the late afternoon sky. It was still light, but it had gotten cooler as the sun started to go down; as expected. While that meant they were expected to arrive at the Inn soon, he wanted to finish their conversation. It felt important...
“I saw... Branden. The... Paladin. At first, I thought it was just because I chose to help Granson in the Crystarium. I know each of us offered to help with one of the Cardinal Virtues that had appeared...” A frown formed on Ice's face as he looked out over the dunes of sand.
The Cardinal Virtues; the twisted horrors that Vauthry had created from the fallen warriors' bodies. The fallen Paladin had been called Dikaiosyne.
Angel had wanted to help Giott, as they had been looking for 'someone skilled in the Healing arts' to chase one down. Shoto had gone with him as they chased the fallen White Mage, Sophrosyne.
Now that they knew what had happened, it seemed rather obvious that they had been drawn to help free each of the Virtues. Sumire had helped Renda-Rae by defeating Andreia, and Yuki had helped Nyelbert by defeating Phronesis. They had all gained their spent Crystals of Light, and had seen memories, but none of them had really talked in depth about what they'd seen, or what had happened... just that it had.
"She told me," Angel fidgeted with the eternity band on his husband's finger; the smile on his face was a bit sad. "We continue forward, even if we lose everything, because we don't live for ourselves, but for others." 
Ice wanted to argue, but something about the sentiment rang true... His own experience had been similar, with Branden. The memory he saw of Princess Sauldia's death, and the memories his Crystal of Light had triggered. Branden's promise to never hesitate again. The Galdjent's question about being his husband's sword and shield... wasn't that a similar sentiment? That he wasn't living for himself, but for Angel? ...For everyone...? It was Ice's turn to fall silent, as he once more heard what Branden had said to him.
Are you hesitating?
I can barely move.
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I know you saw what happened to the princess. I replayed that time over and over. I wondered if I had just acted instead of thinking, could I have saved her? A simple pull or push might have dodged the spell. Maybe my shield could have stopped it.
I hesitated to follow her order, even though I knew what would happen if I didn't. I knew there was no way to reverse that magic. I still made her suffer that transformation. I made her fight even after she had asked me to spare her that. Ardbert even volunteered to do it for me,  but I couldn't let him do that.
. . .
Hey now. What's that look for? You're trying to do the same thing, aren't you? You're trying to think what you could have done differently to save him from all this. You're wondering if there was anything you could have changed.
Nothing. There's nothing you could have done. But the fight...? It's not over yet. You're supposed to be his sword and shield, aren't you? This can't be all you've got left.
If you keep thinking, you'll definitely lose him.
...I won't! I won't. . . . Branden help me. I can still be his sword and shield. I can be their sword and shield! I just... I can't do it alone.
Just promise that next time, you won't hesitate to ask for help. C'mon, stand up, there is still hope yet.
"Odd... I think I finally understand." Ice closed his eyes, then let out a breath. He felt Angel squeeze his hand in reply. Neither Miqo'te were paying much attention to their surroundings anymore, focused as they were on one another.
A white blur flew past the two on one side. It spooked the Amaro; they bucked their riders onto the sand as they bolted for some nearby vegetation. Angel rolled to a stop a few yalms down the slope as Ice managed to barely land on his feet.
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"Angel!" Ice stood quickly as the white blur flew in front of him. He winced, then looked to his arm; that thing must have hit them as it flew past the first time. He clicked his teeth and drew his axe. Angel pushed himself to his knees and shook off the sand. Ice could see a similar slash on his husband's arm. The Warrior moved to go towards the mage, but a second white blur flew in front of him. "Two...? Angel, are you alright?"
"Just a bit... dizzy," Angel replied, as he stood and drew his cane. He didn't get a chance to look over to Ice, as he immediately held his weapon up to block one of the two white blurs that had gone right for him the second he stood up.
The blur was a sin eater; it was long, thin, and had very sharp claws on the ends of bony arms. The speed suddenly made sense, as did the slashes. The other blur made an attempt at Ice, who easily blocked it with his axe, and a frustrated growl. The Warrior was sure they could take them, but their speed, while fighting on sand might make it more challenging. Still, without a Lightwarden, the remaining stray sin eaters weren't likely to be more than an annoyance... right?
"Ice, behind you!" Angel called to his husband, as he yanked away his cane from the sin eater's claws. It pushed it aside long enough for the White Mage to cast a shield on his husband. A flicker of light blue and white hexagons appeared around Ice in time to deflect the slash of a gargoyle-like sin eater. Ice growled a bit, and heaved his weapon; with the serpentine sin eater still holding onto it; around to the gargoyle. It dodged his swing, but the serpentine sin eater went crashing into a nearby sand dune. A bright glare of white and blue light hit the hovering gargoyle in the face, and a flicker of green appeared around Ice's injury a moment afterwards. The Warrior glanced back and gave Angel a grateful nod, as the wound began to mend itself.
The serpentine eater that Angel had knocked aside was gone again, and the one Ice had thrown still writhed in the sand; it kicked up a small cloud. Angel tried to hurry across the sand, to get over to his husband, but a blur flew past him and stopped him from doing so. The White Mage gripped his cane a bit tighter as he jumped back a bit.
Ice made sure his footing was solid enough to go after the gargoyle, then leapt at the still dazed eater. He brought his axe up high, then let his momentum carry him down into a powerful Fell Cleave that managed to take off the eater's arm and wing in one hit. The sin eater cried out sharply as it suddenly flailed in a wild attempt to fly off, but could no longer manage it. It flailed its remaining arm at Ice, who had brought his weapon back to strike again. He felt a sudden, sharp, burning pain across his back that interrupted his Heavy Swing and let the gargoyle hit his leg. It was immediately followed by the soothing feeling of his husband's white magic.
"Ice, are you--" Angel's question was cut off by a sudden impact. The tail of one serpentine eater hit him square in the chest. Ice turned in time to see the White Mage collapse to his knees, gasping for the breath that had been knocked out of him. His cane had been nabbed by the eater when it hit him.
The Warrior growled loudly, and focused on the flailing gargoyle eater. If he finished that one, he could focus on the two swift serpents. A dark red aura began to swirl around him as he gripped his axe. A flicker of red appeared in his eyes, and his axe moved faster than before. It swung once and took the legs off of the gargoyle sin eater; it swung again, and through the middle. His last hit took the eater's head right off. Its aether dissipated quickly, as Ice turned to look for the two serpentine ones. In his currently heightened state, he caught sight of them both flying about, but still wasn't sure he could hit one fast enough. He moved towards Angel, and that seemed to get their attention. He took a defensive stance, and managed to hit the tail of one, but the other slashed at his side. The Warrior cried out sharply, then pivoted on his heel and swiftly brought his axe down onto the sand; the impact sent a wave of force out in a cone before him. It worked to stun the one he'd taken the tail from, but the other escaped.
Ice turned towards Angel, and spoke quickly as he gestured. A green barrier instantly surrounded the coughing White Mage, then the Warrior turned towards the flailing serpent again. It hissed loudly, then righted itself in an attempt to lunge at him; Ice lunged first. The Warrior closed the gap as he brought his axe around to behead the sin eater. It was still trying to recover, so his axe struck true, as did the three follow-up swings. The sin eater's aether dissipated slowly, and Ice turned toward his husband.
Another Warrior stood over him, the corpse of the remaining sin eater only ilms away from the White Mage's knees. Angel was still defending his face with his arms; braced for an impact that never came.
The mysterious Warrior pulled a blood-stained axe from the serpentine sin eater, then put it on his back. He had on a long, hooded traveler's cloak that hid his face from Ice's view.
Ice felt himself calm a little as he realized the sin eaters were defeated, but he was wary of this stranger near his husband. 
The stranger took a few steps away as the last sin eater dissipated into aether. He picked up Angel's stolen cane, dusted it off a bit, then walked over to kneel before the mage. Angel realized it was quiet, and lowered his arms a bit. He blinked open his eyes to see his cane being held out to him. He reached out to take it, then opened his mouth to thank Ice. He realized the one before him wasn't his husband, as soon as his hand touched his weapon. 
No words were spoken. The mysterious Warrior nodded, then stood, then turned to head off towards Mord Souq. The setting sun had made it hard to see his face, but Angel stared at the axe on the stranger's back.
《That axe looks familiar...》
Angel nodded to Anubis' trailed off comment. His chest still felt tight from the impact that had winded him. He couldn't remember where he'd seen an axe like that before, but the stranger had saved him... so... did it matter right now?
"Are you okay, love?" Ice's voice drew his attention. His husband knelt before him, worriedly. Ice reached out to touch Angel's cheek, "Are you hurt...?" The mage shook his head, then smiled gratefully and nuzzled against Ice's hand. "I'm glad... I couldn't get away from those two. I'm sorry," Ice frowned.
Angel shook his head again, his voice okay, but he sounded to still be winded. "Not your fault... They kept us apart. You took care of them." He smiled, then accepted Ice's help to stand.
"I wasn't the one who saved you." Ice sounded upset. His grumble and pout made Angel blush, then chuckle quietly. Ice pouted more, "What's so funny?!"
"You're jealous."
"I'm not jealous! I'm upset that someone else had to protect you!"
Angel's smile faded a little, but he maintained it as he nodded. "It's okay, love. I'm sorry I didn't pay better attention to things around me. You still saved me. I wouldn't have had the chance to cast anything if you hadn't kept their attention."
"That one seemed focused on you, though..."
Angel blinked, then looked thoughtful. It had felt like that, hadn't it... like each of the serpents had focused on each of them? It was probably nothing, though... after all, they were just prey to sin eaters, right? The mage looked over to the vegetation, then gently pulled away from Ice. "We should get to the Inn, we can rest inside."
"Good idea," Ice nodded, then followed his husband over to the still-spooked Amaro.
"It's okay now," Angel spoke quietly, with his hand out in front of him, "The danger's passed." The Amaro he'd been riding poked its head up, towards his hand. Angel continued forward, cautiously, then gently placed his hand on the Amaro's head. He let out a breath as the Amaro nuzzled gratefully against his hand. It seemed to settle as it smelled Angel, then shifted as if ready to let his rider back on. Angel smiled in relief, then stepped over beside the Amaro, lost in thought for a moment.
Ice similarly petted his Amaro, then got back in the saddle and petted its neck. "Thanks for the ride." He looked over to check on Angel, only to notice he still hadn't mounted up again. Ice frowned,  "Everything okay, love...?"
“Ice...? Everything... will be alright... right...?” He looked over to Ice.
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The Warrior paused, then gave him a worried smile. "Yeah. Everything will be alright. Let's go meet our friends at Journey's Head. They're waiting for us and these supplies."
Angel looked relieved to hear the words. He let out a breath, then mounted his Amaro. Hr gently patted its head and neck as he spoke quietly. "I'm sorry you were spooked like that. You're safe now. Thank you for the ride."
The two Amaro seemed extremely grateful for the pets, then took off across the sand as the sun dipped past the horizon. Angel and Ice both spared a glance back to where the cloaked stranger had headed off, but there was no sign of any traveler in the distance. Angel turned back around, sure that meant he'd had a mount nearby, while Ice squinted at the empty desert. Something felt wrong, but he had no idea what it might be.
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Sorry for the extra week’s delay on this one, it was mostly chaos IRL that caused it. Thank you all for your support and patience! The next chapter will check in with Shoto, Yuki, Sumire, and Emet-Selch on their way to Eulmore!
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
And, as promised, Chapter 2 of Angel and G’raha’s past encounter is also up for you! Please enjoy! :D
Chapter Lists on both Angel’s page and here have been updated with this story.
Chapter Two - A Crystalline Twilight
It’s evening in Mor Dhona; the night before the Adventurers are to enter and clear Syrcus Tower. G'raha and Angel end up spending their first night together amid some chaos. [Part Two of the “In the Tower’s Reflection” Side Series] (Main Series: Shard Weavers) [Series Notes: This takes place back when Shoto and Angel first met G’raha Tia during the events of the Crystal Tower. This shows some things that happened in Angel’s past, so there’s some abuse in this story.] Written by Angel and @xehniscreations​ 
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G'raha Tia took a deep breath after he arrived at Revenant’s Toll. He quickly put on a smile and pushed aside his own worries for now. One step into Seventh Heaven, and the Bard instantly scanned the rather busy room for the black hair and blue-tipped ears of his friend.
He paused at his own thought.
If that was all it was, he would be treating the others the same, wouldn’t he?
True, he felt excited when he saw some of the others… and he did consider them all important to him. Yet, since he saw Angel again…
…the feeling in his chest whenever he looked at Angel’s face, the intense longing in his absence…
He reached up to lightly touch the cheek that Angel had kissed not too long ago…
Not to mention that he hadn’t felt any need to correct him when he had said…
“Raha…?” Angel’s quiet voice asked from behind him.
“Angel,” G'raha responded, relieved. He smiled as he turned to greet him, and wiggled his ears happily. The Rogue returned the smile with a light blush. G'raha relaxed a little at Angel’s smile, then gestured to a few open tables, “Why don’t we find a quiet corner and order some dinner?”
Keep reading
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter Fourteen - The Way Forwards
Shoto’s hands paused as she came to the end stages of folding her clothes for travel, her eyes drawn down towards the end of the bed where her big brown pack sat, already half-full…
It seemed impossible that it had only been this morning that the place was half-destroyed, scarred by combat like the war zones of Ala Mhigo. And yet it was spotless, now; everything restored to its proper place, not a sign of damage. She’d expected to have to go to the Crystalline Mean and recruit a whole team of people for repairs, but it seemed their local Ascian had had other ideas; he’d actually come to find her as she was heading there, and indicated that she should instead return to her quarters.
And so she had, and found them in this spotless condition! Shoto had wanted to thank Emet-Selch, but he’d sauntered off before she could speak a word, leaving her flummoxed--she’d taken up packing to occupy her scattered thoughts. He’d soon be back from wherever he’d been headed to, she reasoned; it was  he  who’d been insistent on joining the party, in the name of “keeping them out of trouble.” Ha! As though he wasn’t the cause of it!
She felt a brief flare of amusement, but it was rapidly chased away by recriminations that made her sigh, ceasing to fold the clothes and putting her chin against her fist. Everything that emotionally surrounded the Ascian was so Twelve-damned complicated.
It didn’t help that the idea of traveling with him brought up memories of the first time he’d accompanied them around Norvrandt--the odd intimacy she’d felt with him, even then, the closeness. The fury at his betrayal, a betrayal that hurt her so much more than it seemed to affect any of her friends and compatriots. And then, that moment, in the ashes of Amaurot at the bottom of the sea--
“Remember us. Remember that we once lived.”
Just thinking about it made tears come to her eyes, and she only half-understood why, even now. 
Because I’m like her, like Azem…
...Every time she thought that, it felt like she was so close to a memory and yet so far, like she had a puzzle in her mind very nearly solved, but the last piece was missing and no amount of scrounging could find it. It was maddening. 
Bah. Now’s not the time, the others will be waiting for me.   She finished cramming everything into the pack and fastened it up, buckling the straps that held it shut tight, then hoisted it onto her back and headed out of the room. Just outside, Sumire was leaning against a railing; when the Dragoon saw her, his ears flicked to alertness, and heterochromatic eyes met hers.
Shoto had to admit, she was a little surprised. “Hey! Is it just you, or is Yuki about…?”
“She’s not,” Sumire sighed, and the intense regret in his voice, the lilt of sadness, only served to increase Shoto’s level of flummoxed-ness. If she had previously been at “the moogles of Ishgard want a diplomatic liaison to the Twelveswood,” she was now at “the moogles of Ishgard want a diplomatic liaison with Feo Uhl, and it has to be a kobold for some reason.”
The confusion showed on her face readily enough that Sumire practically leapt to attention, waving off her concern with both hands. “Er, that is to say, she’s not ready yet! She’s still getting ready! She went for a walk to clear her head, and refocus, after that business this morning, with the Ascian, and the fight, and such!”
Shoto was absolutely certain that there was more to this; she was so certain she would’ve bet an exorbitant amount of gil, but her Scholar’s intuition said to leave well enough alone, at least for now. “Well, that’s alright, then. Um, do you want to wait for her? I can meet you both at the Exarch’s Gate when she is ready, there’s no rush.” Sumire flushed. “I-I promise, we’ll be right behind you, just…” Shoto smiled and shook her head. “Like I said,  no rush.”
* * *
Where Hades had gotten to was a tall tree near the gate of the Crystarium, where he sat beneath a curtain of lavender-colored leaves, his back nestled against the trunk quite comfortably, to the point the Ascian might be tempted to doze off.
He was certain the Warriors would find him soon enough; their suspicious natures wouldn’t let him go unsupervised for long, of course. Let them hurry to bundle up their things; it gave him time for contemplation, time alone with his thoughts, that he sorely needed.
First, and paramount, he had to process how far and how fast this...eighth Rejoining was coming along, for them. Every single one of them was taking to their shards with a speed and natural attachment that shouldn’t have been possible. It should’ve required a monumental effort, the fuel that a Calamity brought; everything the Ascians had learned said as much.
...How were they this far along, simply by linking themselves to the ghosts of this land’s heroes? 
By Zodiark, they were using creation magic! He’d managed to keep himself calm and collected while dealing with them because he didn’t want to show his shock. His fellow Paragons of the Red, all members of the Convocation, had taken years to regain that power…!
Second, of course, there was--once again--the issue of her.
...Of Shoto, he mentally corrected himself. 
...It felt strange, didn’t it? To call her by her name? 
For so long, he’d thought of her as just Warrior of Light , as that Warrior of Light, their leader, the prime amongst them with the soul that shone the brightest and with a troublingly familiar golden color. The Hero. 
She’d told him her name, then, of course, but…It hadn’t seemed important, at the time. 
Indeed, the familiar color of her soul made her company, frankly, difficult, because when he looked, and he couldn’t stop from looking, he remembered what he’d lost. He ceased to be here, on the First, and he was in Amaurot again. It was the Final Days, again, and he was desperately promising Persephone-- I’ll protect you. Always.
His last oath. His greatest failure.
Being around her cut his soul to the metaphysical bone, back then. Just short conversations had made him feel a combination of longing and hatred so intense he thought he’d go mad. The moment he had an opportunity to betray her, to taunt her, to assume the role of the villain, had almost been a relief.
Why was it so different now? Her presence now was...almost friendly. Comforting. The glow of her soul was like a familiar lamp, a lantern that imitated the sun, but not to mock; rather to pay homage. He’d been telling himself it was gratitude for her selfless acts on his behalf, but…
He’d lived a thousand years and more, witnessed eras rise and fall. This wasn’t something so simple. He was Emet-Selch, the Angel of Truth, with all that that implied; he could not be deceived, even by himself. There was something deeper, some root to their connection. It would be so simple if I believed she was…
But that’s ridiculous. I’d know, he reasoned with himself. His beloved, his Azem, would have known better than to trust in the world-shattering Mother, ever--not that he judged Shoto for it, necessarily. And wasn’t that proof she was a different person? Moreover, if he’d antagonized Persephone the way he’d antagonized Shoto, he could never forgive himself. Obviously.
...It was still so strange, though. 
How soul-wrenching it had been to walk beside her before, and how nice it seemed now. It was almost freeing to even think her name-- Shoto. Shoto. Shoto.
A response came back to him, confused and rather harried. “Emet-Selch…?”
The Ascian leapt up and almost hit his head on a low-hanging tree branch. 
Zodiark’s actual wings of shadow damn it, how had he forgotten--if he could hear her thoughts, she could hear his! 
“Is something wrong?”  he felt her think, and he hastily shook his head, pushing his bangs out of his face and straightening his garments.
“No! Nothing’s amiss, good hero! I am completely fine! I was...extremely...bored.” He tried to radiate the appropriate level of detachedness. “Had you and yours taken any longer, I might’ve fallen asleep against this tree.”
Exasperation radiated from her, but there was an odd warmth to it, like he could feel her roll her eyes. It was…kind of cute.
...He managed to shield this thought from her and also to drop it down a metaphorical abyss forever. 
“Well, we’re here now. Look to your right.”
And there, indeed, she was, radiating that warm yellow-orange color off her, her soul dancing like tamed fire; he couldn’t help but smile as she approached, though he let it slip to his usual smirk as her companions followed close behind--the Dragoon and the Summoner. The Viera folded her arms and her lips curled into a small frown as she saw him. “I’m surprised,” Yuki grumbled. “I would’ve thought you’d dismiss yourself and teleport away to Eulmore to do whatever it is you want there, by now.”
“My dear,” Hades replied breezily, “I have no need to deceive any of you, as I thought you understood. I said my intention was to travel with you, and keep your leader here from any...reckless acts, and so I’m going to do that.”
The Viera gave an angry “hmph!” and looked away; the Ascian merely hefted his bag with a shrug. Shoto blinked as she realized he wasn’t wearing his normal, regal attire of a Garlean Emperor, but rather a long, black robe appropriate for a mage of rank, with metallic trim that put one in the mind of dark steel rather than silver; it had two pauldrons that were practically an afterthought, white-gold utility belts that held a variety of small items, and a massive cowl that looked like a gigantic religious collar when it was down, trimmed with fur. 
...It was simplistic, but it fit him; in fact, he looked quite good in it, a thought the Ascian caught and allowed himself a slightly saucy smirk to. “I do hope my new attire is appropriate? I felt that traipsing about looking the part of Imperator might be a little gauche, given our destination and the Leveilleur boy’s delicate sensibilities.” Shoto couldn’t help but blush. “It’s, it’s nice. It’s quite appropriate, yes, and probably better than explaining the glory of Garlemald to everyone you meet.” “Dear hero, that would get boring for me, too! I’d mix it up,” he teased. “I’d talk about the glory of Allag, too, and there’s a lot more material there.”
...This conversation had deepened Yuki’s frown to a “seething” level, which Sumire took notice of and loudly cleared his throat, interrupting. “While we’re on the road,” he put in, “I...I know it’s early days, but I’m still curious about the basic concepts of this...Creation Magic.”
Emet-Selch gave the Dragoon a mildly nonplussed look, shrugging. 
“It is, as I tried to emphasize before, chiefly a matter of focus and will. You have to hold the image and the structure in your mind’s eye, consistently, and channel the aether towards the end of willing it into being--not requesting it to be, willing it to be.” He lifted one hand, clasping it into a fist, and paused for a moment, a shadowy aura swirling around him as he concentrated visibly; when he unfurled his fingers, a small white blossom was in his palm, which blew away into petals in a breeze.
Sumire cocked his head to the side, nodding and biting his lip, unsure quite how to respond; Yuki, for her part, half-audibly scoffed.
So it’s just that simple, huh?
Fine. She could do that much, the Summoner reasoned; closing her eyes, she called her own aether around her, the world seeming to flex and seethe with its glowing aura. She cupped her hands and stood there. 
...And stood there.
...Her brow furrowed tighter and her grimace deepened. 
What am I thinking…?
This is just...just childish nonsense! It’s the Ascian’s version of a prank! It’s foolishness!
Her concentration finally broke and she dismissed her aether when she heard the Paragon chuckle, her expression furious. “Th-this is ridiculous! I didn’t feel even the slightest ripple of actual magic, you--!”
Hades couldn’t help his smirk, though he did try to cover it, to his credit. “Well, I did say it was chiefly about those virtues, my good Viera--it also has to do with the center of one’s focus, with what feels most natural to you. A sort of creative paradigm or talent, unique to you and connected to your soul; in Amaurot it was something everyone came to by intuition. Alas, less so in these shattered worlds.”
Sumire’s ears flicked; he remained silent, but he looked even more thoughtful than before; this much was actually a familiar concept to him, a legitimate one. He’d had to learn how to use the aether to “see” with his right eye, after the Dravanian attack on his home--it wasn’t something you could force, you had to naturally let the aether flow into the eye and follow what it sensed. At first, the sensation had been totally alien, but once he learned to relax and incorporate it, it was second nature.
...So everyone had a separate focus, then? I wonder what mine would even be …
Concentrating on the idea for more than a moment, though, nearly made him nod off where he was standing, a huge wave of sudden tiredness washing over his body. He shook his head violently, even as another breeze blew over the group.
Better consider that later.
Shoto, finally, who’d been absorbing the conversation herself, had also closed her eyes, but the Scholar was recalling the moment of an errant flower’s arrival in the vase. How it had looked, how it had smelled, the shape of its blossom and its stem. She imagined its rootwork...the bright red of the petals, so vibrant, like flame. The softness of its round leaves…
She felt the sudden urge to flick her wrist outward, and didn’t stop herself, caught up in the moment and remembering in the back of her mind what Hades had just said about the focus coming naturally…
Her aether swirled, spiked, crackled. She heard her fairies shout tinny alarums as her eyes opened…
A flower’s thin stem had burst from the earth in front of her, with familiar flame-red petals, still emitting a golden wisp of aether. As her concentration broke, it dissipated, but it left all four of them staring in awe, before Emet-Selch’s face became a genuine smile, applauding.
“You see? Not a completed creation, not solidly anchored, but a fine attempt! Well done, my dear.” Shoto’s cheeks burned in a blush, but she couldn’t help her own small smile of pride, and Sumire looked impressed, applauding a little himself; Yuki crossed her arms and bit her lip, turning away slightly, though she too looked almost amazed.
“Th-thanks,” Shoto said. “I feel a little...light-headed, though…”
“Keep in mind that it  does  draw on your aether, though,” Emet-Selch reminded her, not unkindly. “And as yours is already depleted, further practice should, potentially, wait...but for a first conscious attempt, it was quite impressive. Why, we’ll be progressing to advanced lessons in no time.”
Shoto’s cheeks got even redder, and yet...her smile didn’t leave, and something in her felt warm at the praise. “B-be that as it may, we’ll have to explain those lessons to Alphinaud before long. Let’s get going, it’s nearly midday!”
* * *
Nearly a bell passed in silence as the group made their way towards Sullen. 
Emet-Selch had ended up in the lead of the party, entirely by accident; perhaps it was some quirk of Ascian bodies, as the Angel of Truth seemed not to tire at all with each yalm, and his strides were quite long. Behind him followed Sumire, whose training under the watchful eye of the Holy See had served him well athletically...and then was Shoto, who was valiantly trying to keep up, despite being visibly drained. Yuki brought up the rear, mostly to keep watch over her struggling friend...and also due to her own foul mood, expressed in haphazard kicks to the ground as she went, errant stones tumbling into the Lakeland weeds.
The Viera kept her eyes on the two men in front of them...well, the man and the Ascian. She was glad that Sumire hadn’t inquired further into her...admitted overreaction from earlier, and that he seemed to be his usual self. That was good. They could put all that silliness behind them, where it belonged, and where it would definitely never bother her again, no sir.
...Never. Bother. Her. Again.
Her eyes on Emet-Selch, of course, were for totally separate reasons involving her completely justified suspicion. He was nothing but trouble, and that little...light show with the flowers had only solidified that notion. She knew he was up to something. She couldn’t figure it out with the evidence she had now, but she knew it in her bones.
So she’d watch, and wait, and when he slipped up she’d call down the wrath of every elemental force she knew a name for on his head.
Her general seething was interrupted as Shoto nearly tripped over a larger-than-usual rock and swayed under the weight of her pack, grimacing and trying to re-hoist it with obvious difficulty, but it looked like without help she’d fall over. She was valiantly attempting to stay balanced when Sumire almost leapt back to her, gently taking the pack in his hands.
“Shoto? If you'd like, I could help carry your pack for now?”
A sad, half-smile appeared on her face, she was not about to argue, as she knew her strength was waning. She really had taken too much of a risk with her aether; she felt so drained, so weary. 
Emet-Selch had stopped as Shoto almost tripped, too--he looked like he’d been going to render aid, but Sumire had got to her side first, and so the Ascian simply observed with crossed arms and a carefully neutral expression, trying to focus on her aetheric levels and making sure they were still safe. For the moment, they seemed so.
As Sumire hoisted the pack, a small piece of dark fabric fell from it; caught by the wind, it nearly fluttered off to become lost in Lakeland, but Yuki saw it and snatched it out of the air before this could occur. Neither of the Miqo’te seemed to notice.
Yuki looked curiously over the fabric. It had originally been quite richly woven, made of some rarefied fabric, but it had become a little threadbare; Shoto must’ve kept it with her throughout her travels. A keepsake of some kind? 
She tilted her head as she examined the image on it; the sigil of a crimson unicorn’s head, lined with gold, surmounting some sort of laurel wreath, it looked like, in the same colors. It looked like the heraldry of some noble family...a High House of Ishgard, perhaps? She vaguely remembered a familiar description from one of Sumire’s tales. She shoved it into her pocket; this had to be returned to Shoto at the earliest possible opportunity.
* * *
They had nearly made it to the Source’s edge, and the docks of the Weed were within sight, when Yuki got her opportunity; Shoto, even without her burden, had paused in the middle of the road, bent over, her hands on her knees and her breathing labored. 
Sumire looked back at their friend with concern, and Hades practically went over to hover at her side. 
“Perhaps... we should... take a short break...?” the Dragoon ventured. 
“I’m sorry.” Shoto huffed before she found a spot to sit; atop a nearby rock. Yuki sat down beside her, biting her lip.
“Are you sure you're alright? We could've waited in the Crystarium for at least another day.” The Scholar simply shook her head, “No, I'll not hold us back.”
“Shoto…” Yuki sighed and shook her head, but she supposed there was no point now. “Alright. Oh, though, before I forget any longer, this is yours--it fell from your pack when Sumire was picking it up.” Her eyes met Shoto’s as she pulled the fabric out and laid it in the Scholar’s hand. “It looked as though it might be important…?”
Shoto gasped audibly when she saw what it was, and quickly took the fabric, holding it to her chest as she closed her eyes tightly; Emet-Selch blinked as he felt the swirl of emotions the keepsake raised in her, the sudden wave of feeling enough to even bowl over the Ascian, emotionally speaking. Longing...nostalgia...grief...It was almost an echo of when he thought too hard about Persephone.
“...Thank you,” Shoto managed after a moment. “If I lost this, I’d never have forgiven myself...I’ll be more careful from now on.”
Though he wanted to comfort her, the keepsake piqued the Ascian’s curiosity to a point that he almost craned his neck to see the item, like the shoebill he’d disguised himself as. “What is it, exactly? If you don’t mind my asking, of course.”
Shoto’s smile in reply was sad enough he almost regretted the question. “Ah. It was a memento from a dear friend of mine...One I’ve not forgotten.” She unfurled the fabric almost shyly, letting them see. Though Yuki looked no wiser, Emet-Selch’s eyes went a little wide in recognition, and Sumire actually gasped himself.
“That’s a High House’s symbol,” the Dragoon said. “If I remember...House Fortemps’, isn’t it?”
Shoto nodded, silently.
Yuki blinked and looked to the Dragoon with a light smile. “Well, that’s wonderful, isn’t it? Maybe we can go visit them, soon, and you and Sumire can make introductions.” 
“W-well, hold on, I’d need introducing too! I never knew you were a friend of--,” Sumire began, but then his voice died, along with Yuki’s smile, as they saw the tears in the corners of Shoto’s eyes.
“Heh. ...I...I think he would’ve liked that, but…”
Yuki bit her lip as the realization overtook her. It wasn’t that Shoto hadn’t seen this friend in some time; rather, if they visited, all they’d be visiting was a gravestone.
“...I’m sorry,” she said, laying a gentle hand on Shoto’s shoulder.
“You couldn’t have known,” the Scholar said, shaking her head, but Emet-Selch interrupted with a soft question.
“...What was his name?”
Shoto blinked, surprised at the identity of the questioner. “...Haurchefant. Haurchefant Greystone, of House Fortemps.”
Sumire gave a slightly sad smile of his own. “Ah. Lord Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller...I met him, once, I think. He was...larger than life, I recall.”
Shoto couldn’t help but giggle. “Y-yes, yes. He was...very extravagant, I’d call it, but in a wonderful way.” A memory of the Elezen’s excited cry upon meeting her at Camp Dragonhead crossed her mind, and she couldn’t help but smile broadly. How she missed him; his excitable nature, his infectious smile, the way he called things “splendid!” that was quintessential to him... 
...How he’d gazed at her and her alone, the lilt in his voice when he’d told her how tempting her well-trained body was, resurfaced as well, to the point she had to shake her head violently to clear it.
...Was it her imagination, or had that last thought made Emet-Selch look jealous??
“I think,” the Ascian said with gravity and import, his face smoothly melting back to his more neutral, world-weary affect, but his voice surprisingly kind, “that it’s only natural you treasure his memory. Never regret that, hero.” He cleared his throat. “However, if you truly mean to reach Kholusia before nightfall, perhaps we should make it to the ferry sooner, rather than later.”
Shoto, beet red, nodded and all but sprang up. “Y-yes! Let’s keep going. I’m rested, now, and besides, the boat isn’t far.”
...Something about how fast she sprang up almost made the Ascian feel a bit guilty.
...Surely he hadn’t projected any odd feelings about her...feelings…
Whatever. He could make up for it later!
* * *
It was, indeed, not even half a bell more before they found themselves on the creaking planks of the Weed’s plentiful docks, seeking after the ferry to Kholusia; as they made their way over the first bridge, Shoto noticed a grizzled old Hume who looked to be taking inventory rather than hauling in fish, and waved for his attention. “Ah, excuse me!”
The grizzled old fellow blinked and looked up from his writing, brow wrinkling in confusion at the party of travelers before him; his confused expression only served to pronounce a scar across his nose and left cheek, his dark brown eyes searching them.
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“Eh? What business do I have with ye, lass?”
Emet-Selch unconsciously bristled beneath his large cowl, though the hood shrouded his face and hid his scowling expression from the Hume; Shoto, for her part, gave an apologetic smile. “Sorry to bother you, but...we’re seeking a ferry to Kholusia, and we’re hoping you could point us in the right direction.”
The old Hume’s look became more affable, and he nodded. “It’ll be Dadfort ye’re wanting, aye; he sails th’ route ‘twixt here and Stilltide, from time to time.” “Wonderful!” said Shoto brightly. “Can you tell us where to find him?”
“He frequents a li’l tavern on Brick, th’ Drunken Eel. This time o’ day he’ll be out front, probably nursin’ his first pint and still lookin’ for custom. Look fer the big Galdjent with th’ white hair.”
The Scholar bowed in thanks, and the group hurried over the next bridge, departing Weed for Brick and finding, after peering at the signs of several taverns, the Drunken Eel; indeed, under the signpost of the establishment, leaning against a wall, was a massive Galdjent fellow with slate-grey skin and white hair.
Silently, Hades wondered what Shoto planned to do about the gap between Stilltide and Eulmore, a gap that would take them nearly as long as the walk here, and that was if things went well. The Crystarium’s soldiers had done a fine job of keeping most beasts and errant, remaining sin eaters from encroaching on the road, but he knew Kholusia to be much wilder, given its prior ruler’s...proclivities.
“Hello,” Shoto greeted the Galdjent. “We’re looking for Dadfort, are you--”
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“Aye, I’m he,” the oversized fellow said, grunting a little as he pushed himself up from the wall. “I suppose your party here is lookin’ for passage?”
“Yes,” said Shoto. “We’re bound for Kholusia. I know you usually only go as far as Stilltide, but we’re hoping to hire you for a trip to Eulmore.”
Ah, so that was what she planned to do about it. Unfortunately, the very name of the city made the Galdjent’s expression darken and his arms crossed. “Nothing doing, then. You want a different vessel, and like as not a different port. I only sail to Stilltide.”
Shoto’s face fell. “But…”
“We might be at peace,” Dadfort said, “and aye, there’s rumors enough that Vauthry’s dead and gone, and the aristos have repented of their ways. And here’s what I say--it’s all sin eater’s dung.” He spat on the docks to his side. “If ye want passage to Stilltide, then I go there and not a yalm further.”
“Is there really no way we might change your mind?” It was Hades who said this, his voice almost a purr. Dadfort’s eyes narrowed, but the Ascian went on smoothly.
“You see, the dear young scholar here is quite frail of body and we know that the Eulmorans haven’t quite cleared up the roads. If you could stop at Eulmore’s docks, for just a moment, it would do us a service we’ll well remember. And you’ll be quite fairly compensated,” he added. A coin pouch was suddenly in Dadfort’s hand, and judging by the big man’s expression, it was quite weighty. 
“...I’m not stayin’ a second more than I have to, nor lettin’ ‘em write my ship’s name on no cursed rich man’s roster, y’hear? And I won’t be takin’ ye back. Find other passage to return.”
“Not a problem at all, my good man,” Emet-Selch replied, bowing amiably. Dadfort chewed his lip, but then pocketed the coin pouch and cracked his knuckles, and extended a hand to the Angel of Truth, who shook it firmly.
“Deal’s made, then. Meet me at th’ docks in fifteen. My ship’s th’ Ondo Princess, ye can’t miss her.”
And off he went, leaving the group almost shocked. Shoto looked at him both gratefully and at a loss for words.
“So you’re a businessman, as well as an emperor?” she offered. 
Emet-Selch merely laughed, pushing his hair back, and allowed himself a triumphant grin.
“Oh, there’s much you don’t know about me yet, my dear hero.”
_________________________________________________________ Writers’ Note: Hope you enjoy the new chapter and Thank you for your support! We will have a new chapter of  “In the Tower’s Reflection” as well!
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
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Hey guys! Sorry its been so quiet. Angel and I have been really busy IRL and ingame raiding the new savage content. However, we have good news! We are working on getting two new chapters out this week! First being another main story chapter of “Shard Weavers” and one being a chapter of the side story of “In the Tower’s Reflection”. Please look forward to it! (side note: Shoto’s expression in this screenshot is a mood.)
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter Thirteen - Rivers in the Desert
Ice had taken Angel back to their room, and made them both something to eat. He felt like it might help them both calm down, and admitted he was worried that his husband might collapse if he didn't eat before they left. Angel had mostly finished his eggs and toast, but currently stared at his tea in front of him. Ice finished his breakfast and his tea, then went over to wash the dishes off.
"You full, love?" Ice asked as he turned the faucet off. Angel looked up from his tea, then looked to the plate. He nodded, then went back to staring at his tea. "Probably that cake you had... Should have been faster to stop you." Ice grumbled as he took Angel's plate and silverware to clean up.
Angel frowned, "I don't... think the cake... did much," he drank more of his tea.
"I still don't trust him," Ice stopped washing the plate for a moment, then shook his head, "...and I'm not sure how I feel about this whole 'creation magic' thing..."
"I really did summon that creature..." Angel defended, as he sat his cup down. His ears flicked as Ice made a face at the clean plate.
"It just looked like a carbuncle," Ice replied, his voice uncertain.
"She wasn't..." Angel frowned, then stood up to take his cup over to Ice.
Ice took the empty cup to wash, and sighed, "I believe you, I just..." The Warrior put the last of the dishes in the drying rack, turned off the water, then reached for the towel nearby to dry his hands. 
He breathed out, "I'm sure it was a thing a long, long time ago. We've got no reason to disbelieve that Amaurot existed. The strange ruins, the murals..." Ice shook his head, "But that whole thing in the Ocular. That little show he gave... I don’t know what that was. It looked to me like nothing more than...sleight of hand, more Ascian mischief, nothing any good." He half-growled the last words, clenching a fist unconsciously.
"...I don't think he was too focused on what he was making." Angel frowned, then turned to gather his bag for the trip; packing things he'd forgotten.
"Why do you say that...?" Ice asked, as he also moved to check that he'd remembered to pack everything.
Angel started to look in drawers and on shelves as he responded, "Do you remember what we learned in Amaurot? How a stray thought could affect a creation?" He made a face, then shook his head, "Hythlodaeus also said that 'Emet-Selch was probably distracted when it came to him,' and that made him 'the only one with the self-awareness of being just a shade'." Angel slipped his travel bag over his shoulder.
"So... You're saying something was wrong with the cake you ate?" Ice sounded confused.
Angel frowned, then tilted his head. "I wouldn't say 'wrong,' so much as... 'off'?"
"Off...?" Ice crossed his arm over his chest.
"The cake was... hollow," Angel replied, trailing off a bit.
"Hollow?" Ice tilted his head.
"I mean... it was there, and had some substance, but... it was... like eating air. I can only imagine he was desperate to make a point, and wasn't as focused." Angel explained; it was the best reasoning he could come up with.
"So it was as empty as his recreated city." Ice made a face as he headed towards the door. Angel just blinked at the comment, then hurried over to the door as well. Ice looked back to his husband, then gestured a little as he tried to explain. "It was there, and you could eat it, but it did nothing to fix the problem of being hungry."
《 ...It was just there to fill a void. That tray was there because it was expected to be there to make a point. I don't think he expected any of you to actually eat it, even if he did say you were welcome to it. 》
Angel blinked at Anubis' assistance, as he got what Ice was trying to say. "It's kind of like when the Amaurotines were questioned, and they'd just start repeating what they'd said. They had no information beyond what they were given... 'as actors in a play'; I believe Alisaie put it." Angel shook his head a little, "S-Still, that wouldn't really be a slight-of-hand trick, or they would've had a taste.
Ice gave in, then nodded, "Okay, okay... I just... I still don't trust him," the Warrior growled. He took a deep breath, then changed the subject for now. "Do you have everything? I believe we're supposed to join Cassard at the Amaro Launch soon."
Angel nodded, then glanced one more time around the room. Certain they had everything, they left to head out.
* * * Once they arrived at the Launch, Angel hurried forward to greet Cassard; the Galdjent merchant who'd first taken them to Amh Araeng to meet Alisaie. He raised a hand in greeting toward the two Miqo'te, then gestured to a Hume and a Ronso nearby. 
"Petyr, Vigot, could you two go check on the last delivery? It's running late and we need to head out within the bell."
"Yessir," Petyr nodded, then ran off with Vigot towards the Crystalline Mean. Cassard then sighed and handed his notebook to a female Mystel assistant, who nodded and hurried off to a stack of crates. Angel flicked his tail curiously as Ice stopped beside him.
"Hey, Cassard," Ice raised a hand in greeting.
The Galdjent merchant smiled at the two Miqo'te and greeted them back. "Ice! Angel! It's good to see you again. I was told to expect you both on this trip."
"Are you okay?" Angel curled his tail worriedly.
Cassard sighed a little, then rubbed the back of his head, "Aye, but we've been waiting on the last delivery of a few crates of supplies." He gestured to Ice and Angel, "We're also short on escorts to Mord Souq, but the guards told us you were both joining us. I hate to impose," he was being polite. His expression begged the two Warriors of Darkness to escort him to Mord Souq.
Angel smiled, then perked his ears, "We'd be happy to help. You're making space for us in your caravan, it's only fair we do something in return."
Ice hadn't gotten a chance to volunteer them or make a comment about how they had clearly been volunteered. Angel was right, though, it was a fair trade for transportation. He put a hand on his hip, and looked thoughtful, "Is there anything we can do to help with the delayed supplies?"
Cassard looked thoughtful, "Hm. Well, it's mostly some food to restock both Mord Souq and the Inn, as requested. We've just been loading up the rest of what we've got while we wait." He gestured over his shoulder to the stacks of crates and bags. The female Mystel they'd seen moments ago was directing the loading of the cargo.
Angel looked to Ice at that. Ice motioned to himself with a wag of his tail, "I can help with loading up the caravan!" The Warrior didn't wait for a response, and immediately moved to help. He easily hefted up one of the nearby crates of supplies, then headed off after another porter.
Angel nodded, "I can help too." The mage smiled, then shifted his own bag as he took a step forward. He wasn't quite as strong as his husband, but he could still easily move some of the lighter bags and crates. He paused for a moment as he caught sight of Sumire and Yuki hurrying off towards the Crystalline Mean.  Angel blinked, then shook his head to refocus on Cassard, "That is, i-if you'd like?"
Cassard nodded, "Aye. Much appreciated." He hadn't noticed Angel's momentary distraction. The Galdjent merchant just smiled at the two husbands, then moved to help give directions to Angel, Ice, and the rest of his crew for loading the caravan while they waited on the food supplies.
* * * Once the cargo had been moved, sorted, and verified, Angel and Ice then helped load the rest onto the carriages. Ice handed off a particularly heavy crate he'd helped another porter carry to the second carriage, then paused to wipe the sweat from his brow. He looked past his husband, who delivered a weighty satchel to the driver. Ice put his hands on his hips as an Elven Crystarium guard approached him. Angel turned, then tilted his head curiously as the guard saluted to Ice; who also tilted his head in confusion. 
"Sorry to interrupt you, but I bear messages from the Exarch for Ice Farran and Angel Lockhart. You are they, correct?" 
Ice simply nodded; at which, the guard continued, "Our lord wishes you both a safe journey. Should any sort of problem arise, simply let him know, and aid shall be sent as soon as possible." The guard reached into a delivery satchel and presented two letters. Ice took them both, then immediately handed the one with Angel's name on it to his husband; it felt slightly thicker than his own. The mage blinked as he took it, then held it against his chest for the moment.
Ice smiled at the guard, "Thank you very much." He glanced back to Angel for a moment to see him hugging the letter a bit, and chuckled. "Tell him we appreciate that, and will make sure to contact him if anything comes up." He nodded at his own words. The Elven guard smiled as she saluted, then turned to hurry off along the same path that Angel had noticed Sumire and Yuki running earlier.
The blonde Miqo'te looked to his husband as the guard headed away. Angel seemed happy about the letter he held, and Ice found himself chuckling again. A moment afterward, a Ronso and a Hume approached, pushing a cart with a few crates and a bag on it. Cassard waved as he stopped behind the two Miqo'te. His voice drew their attention to the approaching cart.
"Petyr, Vigot, glad to see you return! It looks like you got our missing good supplies."
The Ronso nodded as they stopped for a moment beside Cassard, "Aye, Petyr was excellent at diplomacy."
Petyr blushed slightly, then waved his hand, "It wasn't diplomacy, Vigot! They were running behind and were short-staffed. I just offered to help and signed the delivery order." Petyr turned to Cassard, then bowed with his hands clasped in front of his head. "S-Sorry, Sir! I figured it would speed up the delivery if we signed that we took possession of the goods and just brought it up ourselves!"
Cassard waved a hand, "It did. It did. I didn't realize everywhere was so short on staff," He looked thoughtful, then shook his head s moment later. "Either way, that's the last thing we need to load, head over to the carriages and get it on board."
"Aye, Sir!" The two seemed relieved they weren't in trouble; at least for now; then hurried over to the female Mystel. She seemed to give them both an earful as she directed the supplies, but Cassard spoke up again to draw attention back to him.
"Well then. Finally, the food shipment has arrived!" He smiled, "We'll just need to leave the delivery cart with Katniss, but if you're ready to go to Amh Araeng you can find a spot on the nearest carriage if you'd rather, or you can ride one of the spare Amaro alongside us." He pointed to the less-loaded one, which had room for passengers, the other cart had heavier items and no room for any of the crew to sit; save one seat for someone to guard the rear. There were four spare Amaro saddled to fly along with the carriages; they were there to share the burden of the heavier carriages on long journeys, but still needed riders to follow the caravan.
Angel looked up to Ice, then back to Cassard. He nodded, but he didn't speak. The merchant nodded back, gestured to the Amaro, then headed over to the Mystel for his clipboard and some paperwork. 
Angel slipped his letter into his travel bag, then moved to one of the Amaro. He reached up carefully to gently pet its head, carefully got into the saddle, then spoke quietly, "Thank you for the ride." He flicked his ears, then petted the Amaro again. The Amaro seemed grateful for the petting, then nuzzled back in response. Angel's mount seemed calm, and patiently waited for a signal, just enjoying the pets for now.
Ice did the same thing as Angel, then hopped onto his Amaro's back. He pat its head again gently, with a smile. They reminded him so much of chocobos, but he wouldn't openly admit that he liked these guys better. They certainly smelled better that's for sure. Chocobos could get quite stinky. His mount seemed eager to head off, perhaps sensing Ice's energy to get moving.
Once the two Miqo'te were settled, Petyr hopped on one of the two spare mounts, then looked over to his boss. Cassard made sure his crew was settled, then hopped onto the remaining Amaro. Once he was ready to fly, he gave a sharp whistle. The birdhorses all stood, then headed off to the platform in an orderly fashion. Cassard and Petyr led the caravan, Ice and Angel brought up the rear.
* * * The caravan landed in Amh Araeng without incident, and they unloaded far quicker than they had loaded. There was a large, covered cart this time that had been waiting for them at the landing point. He hooked up two of the spare Amaro, then gestured to the sides of the cart that had space for passengers. Angel nodded, and hopped up to sit on the ledge on the side. Ice waited for a moment to see if he might be needed to help, but hopped up beside Angel when the last crate was loaded and they began securing the back of the cart.
Two Crystarium Guards arrived from the direction of Mord Souq as the supplies were secured on the covered cart. One was a young Viis, the other, an older Drahn. They both saluted at Ice and Angel, then fell into a formation behind the cart as Cassard gestured to them. Angel frowned a little at all the silence, but turned his attention to his husband as the cart began moving.
"The cart has made deliveries far easier and faster. The Mord managed to get hold of it after the night returned." The Galdjent began, as they headed off across the sand. "Most of the trouble comes from bandits and wild animals now. The cart's made larger shipments possible, even though the travel time is just a bit slower. Guards are usually quite happy to tag along, since we usually travel at night, but with the important supplies we had to restock this time..." Cassard sighed and rubbed the back of his head as the Amaro made a noise then adjusted their pace, "Guess that's probably some of the short staff now that I think on it." 
"Well, we're grateful for the ride here, Cassard," Angel replied with a grateful smile.
"Certainly glad you two agreed to help guard the caravan too." The Viis guard pouted slightly as she lost a pace beside the Drahn.
Ice grinned, "No problem! You were kind enough to give us a ride here on your caravan, helping watch over it is the least we can do."
"We're always happy to help," Angel added with a curl of his tail.
Cassard laughed gratefully, then nodded and went back to driving the cart. They weren't that far from the landing site; the conversation hadn't lasted very long. As they crossed the sands of Amh Araeng, Angel looked about to watch for trouble. The trip continued in silence. It was rather boring, but the two Miqo'te weren't about to argue against a ride versus walking.
Once they were over the bridge, Ice remembered the letter he'd put in his bag, then hurriedly dug it out. It was a hand-written note from the Exarch; it mostly said the same thing that the guard had told them, but the personal touch felt rather nice.
"I nearly forgot about the letters. Mine is similar to what the guard had said." Ice smiled, "Still a nice gesture nonetheless." He looked to his husband, "What about yours?"
Angel fidgeted, "I-I don't know yet. It's... still in my bag."
"It felt heavier than mine," Ice folded his letter, then put it away again. "Just curious."
"I'll... read it later," the mage smiled, then flicked his ears.
Ice looked at him thoughtfully, but said nothing else about it. They could see Mord Souq ahead of them, perhaps he was waiting until they stopped? Angel looked apologetic; Ice just nodded, then stretched as he leaned back a bit. The Warrior had just put his hands behind his head to relax when it hit him; the Echo. Ice almost fell forward holding his head, it had hit him so fast. 
"Ice?!" Angel cried sharply as soon as his husband had grabbed his head. He put his arms around the Warrior's shoulders in support.
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It was night time, or at least it seemed to be... Ice looked around; this place wasn't Mord Souq. He heard a river nearby, and the city in the distance, past what seemed to be a park... It looked like... Amaurot?
...Ah... that's right; he'd felt the Echo hit him on the cart. So... whose memory was this...?
He felt himself walking along the bank of a river. This place felt out of the way, a good distance from the city. There was a small bank of bushes and trees ahead of him, the perfect place to quietly think, out of sight.
It appeared someone was doing just that; a young, pale-skinned boy sat curled up at the edge of the river. His shaggy, light blue hair currently covered his face, but he was extremely familiar. The hood of his dark gray robe was pushed back, and the white half mask of an Amaurotine rested on the ground beside him.
Ice glanced down at himself; he seemed to be in the same kind of robes himself. A flicker of orange ran past his feet, over to the boy on the ground. Gentle bells drew Ice's attention back to the scene before him. The boy looked to his other side, the tails of the orange creature; that Ice knew was named Ambrosia; were barely visible just past this boy. The blue-haired boy turned his head to smile at Ice; there was a sadness behind his green eyes that made Ice pause. This boy made him feel like he was looking at his husband; his face, his eyes, the emotions he seemed to be trying to hide with his smile. Ice felt like something was wrong, yet this whole scene was different...
"Krystallos...? You came... I-I didn't think you would..."
...even his voice sounded like Angel when he was upset.
"Of course I did, Asopus! You invited me, didn't you?" The words fell from Ice's mouth of their own accord. He felt Krystallos smile as he hurried over to the boy's side and carefully sat down... though Ice himself felt confused.
'Asopus'? Who is this person...?
"I-I did." Asopus blushed a bit, then looked back down to the river. "But... m-most people... avoid me... S-So I didn't think... you'd... show." Asopus moved a hand to pet Ambrosia beside him, as he pulled his knees further against him.
Ice felt Krystallos take a breath. He then looked across the river to the clear, glass building; a greenhouse, it looked like from here. Ice could see the reflection of Krystallos, Asopus, and Ambrosia in the glass across the river. Short, shaggy, blonde hair swayed on his head whenever he moved, but his ears were missing. He was not a Miqo'te, yet this reflection seemed extremely familiar... even with the white half mask over his eyes. Ice noticed Krystallos wasn't much older in appearance to Asopus, though he was clearly taller.
This Krystallos... looks kind of like a Hyur version of me...?
Is this... really... the Echo...?
A few moments had passed without Krystallos responding.
"I-I'm sorry, Krystallos... I-I didn't mean to... b-bother you," Asopus had shifted in the silence. He hugged Ambrosia against him, and had started to cry.
Krystallos spoke again as he reached over to the younger boy's face. His voice was comforting, "Hey, don't cry. I've just been thinking a lot since I met you, Asopus..." Krystallos smiled as Asopus looked over to him. Krystallos' hand cupped his cheek.
Ice felt the sense of the Echo fade swiftly. The last thing he heard from Krystallos was...
"You don't bother me at all. Tell me, why would I avoid my--"
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The blonde-haired Miqo'te gripped the edge of the seat as the vision passed rather suddenly; giving him a rather unusual bout of dizziness.
What was that...?
Angel had recognized the signs of the Echo, but was still worried about the sudden incidence of it; and the fact that Ice could have fallen and hurt himself if he hadn't caught him.
Ice shook his head, but it didn't seem to clear the dizziness he felt. He looked over to his husband; Angel's expression was concerned, and a bit scared.
"Ice...? Are you alright? That... Th-That looked... a bit," he paused to think of the right word, his ears twitched in thought, "...intense."
Ice nodded slightly; he stared at Angel. His face, his eyes, the scared look on his face... for a brief moment, he saw the face of Asopus he'd seen in his vision. Ice reached up with a wince to rub at his head.
Angel frowned, "Ice..."
"Feeling a bit sick?" Cassard's voice interrupted, "The desert can do that sometimes."
The cart slowed as they entered Mord Souq. The Drahn guard spoke up as he and the Viis headed up to speak with Cassard once the cart stopped. "We can help unload for your deliveries, today."
The Viis guard chimed in agreement, "After all, we're heading back to the Crystarium after this!" She took the first satchel handed off by one of the crew. "The trip was pretty uneventful."
"You would have been fine without the extra guards!" The Drahn smiled at Cassard, then took a crate, as directed.
Cassard chuckled, but his tone was a bit serious, "Yes, well, I prefer to not need them and be ready, than to risk needing what I don't have." He shook his head, then turned to smile at the two Miqo'te that were just disembarking from their seats. "Why don't you two go find a nice shady place to rest while we make our deliveries? We may be a while, so just relax for a bit."
Angel blinked, then nodded to Cassard's suggestion. "A-Ah. Thank you, Cassard. I-I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it." The Galdjent smiled, "Just glad I can report back to the Exarch that I got you all here safe, as promised." He picked up his clipboard and gestured towards some tables in the shade. "Rest up. You've still got to travel to the Inn in the south."
"You're right," Angel replied, "Thank you, Cassard," he nodded as he helped his husband towards the tables to sit down.
"Come!" Cassard called to the guards, "My first client is towards the back today."
The Viis Guard sighed, "Oh alright, I'm hurrying." She hefted the satchel over her shoulder to follow the merchant.
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Angel helped Ice sit on a chair, then pulled another chair over to sit beside him at the table. One of the Mord brought two cups of water over once he'd seen Ice and Angel.
"Everything okay?"
"Ah! Y-Yes," Angel responded, surprised. He nodded, then looked back to Ice, "We'll be okay. Thank you for the water."
"No problem! If you like more, call or come to shop!" The Mord waved, then scurried off. Angel chuckled slightly.
Ice leaned forward, essentially laying on the table. His head still pounded and he still felt dizzy. The after-effects of the Echo didn't usually last this long, did they...?
Angel drank a bit of the water from his cup as he looked to his husband. The background noise was fairly quiet; boxes and crates being moved around, merchants discussing trades or bartering prices, travelers asking questions as they made their way through.
The table was sort of cool, as it was in the shade of a tower. It seemed to help Ice's dizziness subside faster. The Warrior looked up to find the cup in front of his face; without a word he drank some of the warm water. He made a face at the temperature, then sighed slightly as he sat up straighter.
"Are you feeling better, Ice?" Angel's voice was worried, but he gave the Warrior a small smile.
Ice returned the smile, then nodded. "Yeah... I think the rest helped." Ice leaned back as he looked up to the bright blue, midday sky. "It felt weird..."
"The Echo...?" Angel tilted his head. Ice nodded in response. The mage frowned, then looked at his cup. "How so...?
"It was like a vision, but... also... kinda like a memory...?" Ice blinked as he trailed off. Angel had said the same thing this morning when he woke from that night terror... 'it almost felt like the Echo'... was this the same sort of thing...?
Angel, for his part, kept his face mostly in the cup. He heard his husband give a frustrated growl, which drew his attention. "I-Ice...?"
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"What did he do...?"
"Wh-Who...?" The mage sat his cup down, confused.
Ice growled again, "The Ascian." The Warrior looked up from his water, "We were all fine, until he returned. I hadn't had anything weird happen til today."
"I-Ice," Angel stuttered.
"He had a response for everything!"
"I-I know, but we did get another piece of our souls," Angel responded, quietly.
Ice paused, then sighed. "I just don't trust him. It can't be that simple." Ice reached up; his head still pounded, but it eased as they rested.
"I'm... not sure... I want it... to be true," Angel mumbled over his cup.
"Oh...?" Ice sounded confused.
Angel frowned, "If what I saw was a memory... Then... was it mine...? I don't... I don't recall a lot of it, but... s-some of it... came back... during the... fight."
"What I just saw was," Angel took his hand as Ice spoke. The Warrior took a moment to breathe before he continued. "It looked like Amaurot. Except, the place I was at wasn't anywhere I remember seeing in the Tempest. There was someone else with me. He called me... Krystallos?" Ice shook his head a bit, "It was weird. He had this light blue, shaggy-ish hair... and... your eyes."
Angel froze at the description, wide-eyed. He looked up from his cup, to his husband, and the expression caused Ice to make a face.
"More like... your face," Ice trailed off. Angel's ears pinned back, and he looked down to the table as he bit his lip. They both recalled the conversation in the Ocular this morning.
Sumire's comment that if it's true that they all gained another fragment of our souls... maybe they just needed time to adjust to it. The Exarch's admission that he wasn't questioning the suggestions. Angel and Shoto mentioning their magic felt stronger.
"...but creation magic...?" Ice muttered, still unsure. Angel flicked an ear towards him as he spoke, then bit his lip. The White Mage shifted the chair over to touch his husband's.
"I'm scared, Ice." Angel nearly whispered. His voice broke through Ice's thoughts. He then slipped his arms around Ice's chest as the Warrior put his arm around the mage's shoulders.
"What scares you, love?" Ice looked down to Angel's blue-tipped ears, as he flicked one thoughtfully.
"Your description of the boy you saw... sounded familiar. I remember a similar image from this morning..." He nuzzled against Ice, then purred worriedly, "Ever since the fight, I've remembered fragments of my dream... the name I was called..."
"...Asopus?" Ice questioned.
Angel took a sharp breath in, with a squeak. The feelings he had when he woke up washed over him again. The fear, the sorrow, the...
"Angel, it's okay. I'm here." Ice's reassurance helped him recenter.
"I don't want it to be memories, Ice. When I think about him, I feel so sad. I remember feeling... pity. I can't clearly recall everything I dreamt, but the mixed feelings are still here," he moved a hand to touch Ice's chest. He had recalled Anubis' voice; that he had recognized it; but couldn't recall the context clearly. The words had come back because of Anubis' voice.
Whether you believe it or not, you still have reasons to live, Asopus. For now, let me fight your battles for you. Just rest. Please.
He remembered feeling a resonance of emotion with Asopus, and that he didn't ever want to feel that way again. "Your... Your vision... i-if you saw the same boy... then... th-these really are memories, aren't they...?"
Ice frowned, then hugged Angel protectively, "We don't know that. Did we actually live in Amaurot? How can we be sure it isn't some kind of Ascian trick?"
"I..." Angel frowned, then fidgeted as he looked at Ice's shirt. The Warrior had a point, there wasn't much proof at the moment, there was just belief and speculation for unanswered questions. Angel shook his head a bit.
"I'm a bit scared too, Angel." Ice whispered. The mage blinked, then looked up to find a worried smile on his husband's face. "I just... I'm not sure," he bit his lip as he paused, "I don't know how I'd handle... remembering... another life."
"For now... I'm not sure there's a lot we can do... I promise to keep telling you if anything strange happens, if you'll tell me anything that happens with you" Angel's ears flicked, "Deal?"
Ice nodded with a quiet chuckle, "I can agree to that." He reached up to pet Angel's head. The mage felt a bit of relief; the Warrior did too. Ice finished his water, then looked over to the cart. It was still half full, and Cassard was going over papers. "...Looks like we've still got time to kill though. What can we do for now?"
Angel looked thoughtful, then perked his ears, "Ah! My... My letter."
"Oh yeah! You were waiting til we stopped to read it, weren't you?" Ice smiled.
Angel blushed as he reached into his bag. "S-Something like that." He pulled out the letter, then after a moment, he held it out to Ice. The Warrior blinked, then tilted his head curiously.
"C-Could you... rrrread it... to me?" Angel asked, very quietly, with an embarrassed blush on his face. Ice paused, then took the letter from Angel. He looked at it, then to his husband, then opened his mouth to ask why; Angel explained before he could ask. "I-I forrrrgot my glasses," The mage fidgeted, then looked away.
"Oh!" Ice looked to the envelope, then carefully pried it open. "We could have gone back to the room before we left."
Angel's cheeks burned brighter, and he shook his head, "I-I meant... a-at the Library..."
Ice paused as he pulled the letter out. He thought for just a moment, then his mouth formed into a small 'o' as he realized... Angel meant the Source; he'd left them at home. He was also clearly embarrassed about it. Ice realized that Angel's expressions before they left made sense now; he'd been looking for his glasses, but couldn't find them in their room.
Angel seemed to realize Ice understood, and whether he meant to be or not, was staring. The mage's face brightened in a blush, "I-I couldn't find m-my sparrre ones," he gestured to the letter, "I w-wasn't expecting... a letterrr."
"I wasn't either," Ice chuckled, then unfolded the letter. It was clearly not the same as his own, right from the outset.
I hope you've been well since we last parted. I'm always happy to see you return with your friends. As I've said to everyone, progress continues apace, even if my research hasn't produced much in the way of new information.
The other day, I stumbled across the Allagan storybook you read when we first met. I was reminded of how much really has happened since we first opened the tower."
Ice paused to look over to his husband. Angel was listening to him read; eyes closed and head down. Angel's ears turned forward a bit when Ice stopped, and the Warrior smiled at him before he continued.
"I remembered how scared you were of everything that was happening to you, yet you still pushed forward for the sake of others. I tried to follow your example whenever I got scared of what lay before me."
Angel fidgeted, which drew Ice's attention. "Are you okay, love?"
"E-Eh?" Angel jumped, then blushed brightly. He opened his eyes to look at Ice briefly, then down to his hands. "Er, y-yes, just... I neverrr... thought... I was that... i-inspiring."
"That's just silly," Ice replied without thinking. Angel looked up, his cheeks a brighter red as he pouted at his husband. "You've inspired lots of people. In various ways. Even a little inspiration can mean a lot to someone... you told me that in Doma."
Ice grinned, then reached up to lightly kiss Angel's forehead. "Accept it. It's okay." Angel flustered a bit, then gestured to the letter.
"Wh-What else... d-does he say...?"
Ice chuckled at the fluster, then nodded. Angel shifted to snuggle against Ice's chest as he read the letter; the Warrior resting his arm around the mage.
"One of the brave souls who saw me delivered to the First once said, 'the world shall ever have a place for tales of heroism, so long as we have need of inspiration in our lives'. Though he and the others had no way of knowing whether their mad scheme would amount to anything, they knew that the attempt alone would inspire hope. Or, at least, that was their own hope."
Angel snuggled a bit more. Despite it being Ice that was quietly reading G'raha's penned words, he could hear the Exarch's voice in his mind. Ice continued after taking a breath.
"A more optimistic lot, one would be hard-pressed to find. They said they would definitely find a means to save our godsforsaken world! Just as soon as they had sent me on my way. Said it with such confidence that, for a fleeting moment, I half-believed them. Such faith, such courage, all in the face of unrelenting despair. For a long time, it was more than I could bear to remember them; or to remember you. But having come this far, having sent full many on their way myself, I see things more clearly."
Ice shifted just enough to put the first page behind the second, once he'd glanced to see nothing on the back of it. 
"To take action is to hope. To believe; or at least, to choose to believe is to take the first step towards a brighter future. 
So, I suppose now you might ask me why I tell you all of this? The answer is because I'd like you to indulge me in a little recklessness. Needless to say, I have a plan. Angel, when all is said and done, I will ask yet another favor of you. If I may ask one thing ahead of that favor, though, it's that I beg you not to think too harshly of me.
Love, Raha."
Angel blushed brilliantly as Ice handed over the letter and its envelope. The Warrior tried to parse what he read, as it was quite personal... yet Angel hadn't tried to stop him, nor had he made any efforts to quickly explain anything. In fact, Angel looked thoughtful. 
"...'Raha'...?" Ice asked, to break the silence. Angel put the letter back into his bag, then paused.
"I know... I-I explained that Sh-Shoto and I... both knew G'rrraha a long time ago," he looked up to Ice, then bit his lip and looked down to his bag. "H-He was," Angel trailed off, as his blush intensified, "H-He was... my first," Angel fidgeted with a strap on his bag, "My first time. I-I thought... afterrr all was said and done, We would... celebrrrate Starrrlight togetherrr," Angel's ears pinned back as he frowned, "But... he locked himself in the Towerrr."
"Angel," Ice frowned, his arm still over his husband's shoulders. Angel shook his head.
"I couldn't arrrgue with him overrr his decision. He's the only one left who could contrrrol Syrrrcus Tower, and keep it from those who would abuse its powerrr. That was farrr more important than a young Adventurrrer." The mage's tail flicked at the stumbled purr, "I don't... blame him, norrr am I angry. I was just... extrrremely sad when those big doorrrs closed behind him. It hit me all at once... that I may neverrrr see him again." Angel turned to nuzzle his face against Ice. "...I trrried... verrry harrrd... to be the perrrson he saw me as. If I could neverrr see him again, then I wanted to give him a storrry he could rrread when he woke up in the futurrre. I wanted to trrry to be the 'Warrrrrior of Light' that he called me; e-even if..." The black-haired Miqo'te lowered his head with a sad smile, "Even if I couldn't see myself that way."
"I think I can say that you succeeded, love. He definitely sees you as his hero," Ice reached up to pet Angel's head. "I do wonder what kind of favor he'll ask you, though... and why he believes you might think harshly of him for asking."
Angel pulled back from his husband just enough to look up at Ice's thoughtful face. "I can't think of anything eitherrr," Angel purred, thoughtfully, then shook his head and flicked his ears. "L-Let's not dwell on it too much. I'm sure whatever he wants to ask won't be as bad as he thinks." 
Angel smiled up at Ice, who thought for a moment before he nodded and smiled back. The Warrior looked over to Cassard's cart, and it seemed nearly empty. The two Amaro that had pulled the cart were now saddled up and seemed to each be carrying delivery bags. Ice smiled, gently squeezed Angel in a hug, then stood up carefully. Angel reached for him briefly.
"I feel better now," Ice responded with a grin. "Don't worry, love, I'll be fine."
Angel frowned, "If you're sure," the mage trailed off, then stood up as well. He readjusted his bag as he followed his husband.
The two Miqo'te hurried over to Cassard as he gestured to one of his crew. "Just get these crates to the carriage, and we're ready to head back to the Crystarium." The Galdjent merchant spotted Ice and Angel stop nearby, then greeted them with a smile, "Feeling better now?"
"I am. The Mord gave us some water," Ice nodded, then looked over to the cart. "Heading back to the Crystarium...?" The Warrior sounded confused.
Cassard nodded, "Aye, we've made our deliveries and exchanged for Mord goods to sell in the Markets."
"But what about the Inn?" Angel asked before Ice could.
Cassard just smiled, then gestured to the two saddled Amaro. "Provided you don't mind, you two can make that delivery when you arrive. The Amaro are ready to head south and carry you across the desert if you're set to head off." He put his hands on his hips, "I promised I'd get you the whole way, and you promised to guard the caravan. This feels like a fair exchange. You two can guard the delivery to the Inn while you travel."
"Sneaky," Ice grinned, then pointed at Cassard. The Galdjent just grinned back.
"I like to call it shrewd," he nodded, "I trust you know your way from here?"
"We do," Ice flexed an arm, "Leave the delivery to us."
"Great! And..." Cassard gestured to the two Miqo'te, "Say hello to Miss Alisaie for me when you get there. She barely said a word to me last time I brought her here. Seemed rather distracted."
"We will," Angel replied as he perked his ears, "Thank you, Cassard!"
Cassard grinned, then nodded and gestured to the Amaro as he began to walk towards the cart. "They're trained to head back to the Crystarium once they've made their deliveries. You won't have to worry about them after you've arrived. Safe journey, my friends, and thank you both for the escort here." The two guards that had come along both saluted at Ice and Angel as they were ready to escort the caravan back to the landing point once everything was settled.
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Happy Holidays! Have a new chapter! Stay safe this winter, and have an enjoyable holiday season. Thank you for your support this past year. See you all in the new year with a new chapter!
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
We’re currently working to bring you another chapter of Shard Weavers this Sunday! In the meantime, please enjoy this side story series: In the Tower’s Reflection. Or, “Angel’s past encounter with G’raha Tia.” Let us know what you think!
Chapter Lists on both Angel’s page and here have been updated with this story.
Chapter One - In Search of the Moon
[Part One of the “In the Tower’s Reflection” Side Series] (Main Series: Shardweavers) [Series Notes: This takes place back when Shoto and Angel first met G’raha Tia during the events of the Crystal Tower. This shows some things that happened in Angel’s past, so there’s some abuse in this story.] Written by Angel and @xehniscreations 
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In a certain tent at Saint Coinach’s Find, there were few who stayed very long among the piles of tomes that had been amassed over the last two weeks. It had been temporarily dubbed ‘The Library’ due to the book and scroll piles, and that fact that only about four people could generally be found in it; two of the new researchers who were trying to catch up on everything learned since the Labyrinth of the Ancients had been cleared, a budding Warrior of Light that had been in the party of Adventurers that had cleared the Labyrinth, and an otherwise elusive Allagan scholar. There was the occasional visit from a female Miqo'te Scholar that had helped in the Labyrinth as well.
The Miqo'te White Mage was nestled into a pile of blankets in the corner, a rather large book in his hands; his blue-rimmed glasses slid down his nose for the third time. He wasn’t looking at the book, though. Instead, he watched the crimson tail of the Miqo'te Bard that was trying to reach something off the makeshift shelf nearby. Rather than asking for help, the Bard had insisted on climbing on the table in silence to reach something on the top of the shelf… but the White Mage hadn’t the foggiest idea which item he was actively after.
“Come on, confound it, I know it’s there,” the Bard mumbled to himself. His tail swished back and forth in frustration. It was clear that he couldn’t climb up the makeshift shelf, it would topple over; if not completely fall apart; if he did. The White Mage quietly put down the book he had been trying to read, then sat his glasses on top of it. He stood up just as quietly, then walked over to the table the Bard stood on. “Maybe if I got a stick…”
“GAH!” The red-haired Miqo'te jumped back, and nearly fell off the table. His crimson tail and ears were fluffed and his red and cyan eyes were wide. The black-haired Miqo'te had jumped as well at the sudden cry in response, then blinked his emerald eyes in the silence.
Keep reading
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter Twelve - Old, Unhappy, Far Off Things
[Half a bell prior to the death of Shoto’s door...]
Closing the book that sat before him, the Crystal Exarch glanced to the small chronometer on his desk and sighed, rubbing his temples; page after page of Allagan tomes researched, all of Beq Lugg’s notes and annotations and fae wisdom, and yet he felt no closer to an answer on how to imbue the vessels--no closer to guaranteeing the Scions a safe return to the Source before the First consumed their souls. “Another sleepless night, and so little to show for it,” he grumbled. Standing and stretching, he glared at his chair, silently rebuking it for the aches in his back; picking up his staff, he took the book he’d just finished researching and replaced it on the bookshelf, looking around the Umbilicus afterwards.
Surely, somewhere in this grand tower, the answer he sought was waiting to be found...he could feel it. He just had to persist, didn’t he…?
When his gaze fell on his desk once more, he realized the journal he'd been writing in for the last few weeks was still open; the Exarch placed his staff on his back, and gently plucked the journal up, intending to put it away. The last bit of his entry from last night caught his eye before he could:
Seeing the encouraging look on Angel's face was...nostalgic. It reminded me of when we were trying to find clues to open the Tower in the first place. He was so fascinated by my retellings of Allagan history back then, in a way only Lyna has since echoed. 
Maybe that's why I'm so certain the answer will come to me if I just keep searching…? I have so many people around me who bring about miracles.
"...Miracles," the Allagan Miqo'te trailed off, then frowned, sighing again. "Mayhap... that was the wrong word to write." 
He shook his head to clear it, then closed his journal and placed it under a larger wasn’t the time for melancholy. His friends, the brave Warriors of Light and Darkness, were heading out into Norvrandt today. Once he had seen them safely off, and run his own minor errands, he could return to struggling with the vessels.
Flicking his ears, the Exarch allowed himself a small smile and took in a deep breath as he headed out of the Umbilicus. Yet no sooner had he entered the Ocular…
Something was wrong. He could feel it.
Biting his lip and frowning hard, the Exarch yanked his staff from his back as he hurried to the mirror at the center of the Ocular. He paused for a moment, then tapped his staff on the floor. The soft clang echoed through the empty room as the mirror lit up with a glow.
A view of the Crystarium appeared as its citizens bustled about, starting their days. The Mean's artisans were setting up their workshops, the Musica's vendors were preparing their shops, the guards were preparing for a shift change... nothing seemed out of place yet. 
The red-haired Miqo'te put a finger to his chin, thoughtfully. "Am I just imagining things...?" 
A sudden burst of movement flickered from the mirror, and all at once, he sensed the aetheric signature of powerful magic used somewhere in the Crystarium. The Exarch’s heartbeat kicked into overdrive; he sent out a silent magical alert. Every guard in view leapt to attention; Lyna came hurrying in to give orders. 
The Allagan Miqo’te grit his teeth, then raised his staff toward the mirror.
"What was…?" he let his question trail off, nothing else had been disturbed... He checked in on the Catenaries, but the people there seemed safe, and looked to be just getting up and ready for their days. ...Another violent pulse of magic, more powerful than any he knew--the Pendants. There was no mistake; this time he was sure. "My friends," he whispered, worriedly; he shifted the mirror’s image in a hurry. 
The moment he looked in on the Pendants, he was greeted by citizens clamoring near the Master of Suites, and guards trying to calm them down. His ears pinned back, then he shook his head and took a deep, calming breath. He needed to sort out what was happening before he ran off. 
The Exarch lifted his staff again, then looked in on each of his friends' rooms. Sumire's room was a bit disheveled; his bed was a mess, and his door was still open, but it didn't look damaged. Yuki's room was quite tidy, though her coat was still on her bed, by an unpacked bag. Ice and Angel's room bothered him the most; food was half-prepared, a knife was on the floor, a chair knocked over, and the door still wide open. When he went to try to look in on Shoto, he found aetheric interference made it difficult. He knew he'd found the source of the disturbance... but why--?
For a brief moment, the image cleared. He saw his friends on defense, and a familiar figure, all too familiar. A figure that made his ruby eyes narrow, and his blood run cold. The Crystal Exarch had his answer.
He loudly clanged his staff on the Ocular's floor to disperse the mirror's image as he ran out to head to the Pendants...
* * * [Half a bell after the Ascian Tea Party.]
"My lord?" Lyna's voice broke through the Exarch’s thoughts as he stared at the blank mirror, pushing away the memories of earlier that day. His ears perked at the Viis’ quiet voice, and he closed his eyes as he let out a silent breath.
"Yes, Lyna?" His voice was quiet and contemplative; he still felt himself shaking inside, but tried to make sure it didn't bleed through. He had to maintain some level of authority and decorum.
"Are you certain this is wise?"
"No," he replied without thinking; his ears flicked and he sighed again, shaking his head. "But I'm not certain what other course of action I could have taken, to be truthful." Turning from the mirror, he headed down the steps in the center of the room, his captain following him.
"We could have kept him locked up," she offered.
He immediately shook his head, "No. He’s too powerful, magically, to be held that way--if he'd have wanted to, he'd have simply disappeared from his cell, or torn free from his bonds. I'm not really certain why he didn't at least try."
"Then... do you trust him to keep his word?" Lyna was confused, and it showed in her expression. The Exarch had entrusted her with many details, yet she knew he still hid much from her; this felt like another of those times where she wouldn't get a straight answer.
"I don't trust him as far as I could throw him," the Exarch grumbled, glaring at the floor--and, to a degree, at himself. After a silent moment, he looked back to Lyna. “... I do, however, trust our Warriors of Darkness. After all, if not for them, I--" he stopped, then shook his head a little as he corrected himself, smiling ruefully, "rather, none of us would be here."
"...If I may speak freely, my lord...?"
"Of course," the Exarch tilted his head a little. Lyna made a face, then took a breath.
"Was he not the one to place you and the Warriors in mortal peril before...?" She took a step forward, "I worry for you all should he decide to try once more. He is one of the 'Ascians' you told me of, correct...?" The Exarch's ears perked at her question... he'd forgotten that he'd explained that.
"Yes... I understand, Lyna. this matter, we must trust them." He smiled at her, doing his best to reassure her; as much as himself. "I am certain that, if they must act, they will make the right decisions."
Lyna looked to the Exarch for a moment, then smiled a little. She saluted and nodded, "I will head out to make sure transportation is available when they are ready to head out." She turned, then hurried off.
The Crystal Exarch stood in the middle of the Ocular, alone. For a brief moment, he felt the emptiness of the tower itself, and let his eyelids fall shut.
"Ah... I have work to do as well, don't I, my friends...?" He opened his ruby eyes, feeling as tired as he ever had, "For the Scions, and the Source..."
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* * * In the aftermath of that morning, Yuki found herself quite overwhelmed with everything that had transpired; thinking about it at all gave her a headache.
First they’d fought a desperate battle against Hades, seemingly returned from the dead. Then there was how the battle had ended, and afterwards, all of this talk about creation magic and the lost powers of Amaurot…! The Viera glared at her palm, almost daring something to conjure into existence suddenly; her expression fairly said “go ahead, aether, make my day.” ...Of course, nothing happened.
What a nonsensical notion, she thought to herself. 
And yet...and yet the most sensible woman she’d ever known was buying into it completely, to the point that the Ascian was coming along with them to Eulmore! To Eulmore, the very place he’d helped twist into…!
It was all a mess. The Viera groaned, flopping back onto her bed. Her emerald carbuncle hopped up lightly to join her, snuggling close to her; Yuki brought her thin fingers down on its head, gently petting the helped her clear her thoughts, and grudgingly accept that there was no changing things, not at this point. 
She’d better get moving; Shoto would be expecting her and her compatriot. So first, obviously, came gathering Sumire from his room.
Standing up, Yuki hoisted her dark blue travel bag, slinging it over one shoulder and moving towards the door. She glanced back at the room one more time to make sure she didn't leave anything; a sheen from the nightstand caught her attention, her carbuncle bouncing happily over to it, scrabbling at the nightstand with her little paws. Her eyes widened a bit in surprise, and her hands automatically went to find that, sure enough, she’d forgotten her necklace! 
This morning must really be getting to me, she thought ruefully to herself, fastening the black cord about her neck and adjusting the single crystal...touching it brought back memories of a younger Miqo’te, his purple hair bouncing as he bounded through the Limsan crowds to present it to her like a trophy, grinning from ear to ear; his little token of thanks to his best friend.
Yuki allowed herself a soft laugh. It all seems so long ago, now...Heh.
With her necklace secure, she patted the carbuncle’s head again and headed for the door, the magical beast following with a coo. 
"Thank you, Carby. Now, let’s see if we can go get Sumi moving." 
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Late, late, late; always late despite all their best efforts. And on today, of all days! An important day like this! They sprinted through the streets of Amaurot, hoping very faintly that the others weren’t gone, but knowing that--
"Theia! Over here!" A familiar voice called.
"You haven't left yet...?"
Why were they still here...?
"Because we're supposed to leave together, silly. Don't you want to go with us?" The familiar voice responded with a snicker.
"But I'm so very late..."
"You often are," another voice replied, reassuringly, "So why would we leave before you arrived?"
"You're part of our constellation," a warm, calming voice spoke from behind. "Worry not, we would never leave you behind, Theia."
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Sumire had fallen asleep again after coming back from the Ocular; despite his getting dressed after the fight, he hadn't made up his bed before he'd left. The blankets had been kicked off the bed at some point during the night, and he hadn't picked them up. He was using his pillow more like a stuffed animal than a proper pillow, and he was curled up tightly near the bottom of his bed... despite having laid down across the middle.
He blinked awake, just as the sun peeked out from behind some clouds to light up his room. Tears stung his eyes, and the Dragoon reached up to wipe them away in confusion.
"What was I...?" 
Sumire pushed himself up, then rubbed at his eyes again. He tried to recall even the end of his dream, but it wouldn't come back, and all he could feel was the lingering sadness deep within his heart that he had no context for. 
"Just a dream," he told himself, then frowned, "Like always, it's just a dream." 
Taking a deep breath, he looked around his room, fighting down another yawn. "How long have I been..." 
Shaking his head, he flicked his ears as he stood up, letting his thoughts trail away into nothingness. A yawn overtook him, and he almost involuntarily stretched his whole body; even his tail, shivering afterwards...he still felt out of it. Drowsy wasn’t quite the word, but it was close, perhaps? Sighing, he pulled his shirt off and headed to the bathroom to wash his face--maybe the water would help him wake up more.
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The young Dragoon cupped the warm water from the faucet, letting it heat up for a moment before splashing himself in the face a few times, grabbing a towel afterwards to dry off. Leaning on the sink, he stared into the mirror with a pensive frown.
That didn’t feel quite right. I’m used to strange dreams, ever since back then, with the dragon...But...That was stranger than any I remember...
...And it felt like... Reaching up to push his hair back, he examined his right eye in the mirror, the pupil and iris moonstone-white; dead to the normal sense of sight, it could now only sense the otherworldly radiance of aether. It had ached so badly in the Ocular, especially every time he looked over at the newly resurrected Ascian, but now it felt fine, and it looked no different than ever. He flicked his ears.
“Honestly, what...what was all that drivel about creation magic...?" Letting his hair drop back over his sight-blind eye, he let out a long, haggard sigh. “Couldn’t it...Couldn’t normal magic, acting up…? Or being weird, or just…” He made a face and glanced over to the towel once more…
“But then, I’d have to worry about Yuki, wouldn’t I…?”
No, no, that couldn’t be it. Yuki would be fine. She had to be. She was the stronger one.
Sighing with the weight of his fatigue, he went back to the process of washing his face. He cupped more water, then ran it and his fingers through his shaggy, violet hair to push it all out of his face. He kept splashing his face and running water over his head until he no longer felt like he'd go back to sleep if he stopped.
Yuki would be fine. She had to be. She was the stronger one.
* * * Sumire hadn’t expected the person he was thinking of to greet him as he stepped from the bathroom, but-- “You’re late.”
--there was her familiar voice, greeting the shirtless Miqo’te as he was drying off and nearly making him drop the towel he was using to do so. He managed to instead put said towel over his head as he blinked, his eyes wide with sudden surprise at the presence of the Viera before him.
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“Y-Yuki!?” His ears flickering nearly sent the towel to the floor a second time, so he put it around his shoulders. “Wh-What are you d--?"
“I came to make sure you were okay,” she said in a mildly reproachful tone, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes just so. “It’s already been half a bell. You were asleep again, weren’t you?” He didn’t answer, but the color in his cheeks and the way he quickly went back to drying his hair, as well as the unkempt status of his bed and the way he guiltily glanced over to it, gave her all the answer she needed. Yuki let out a long sigh, frowning more than a little at his lack of denial.
“Is it that late? I...I didn’t think I’d been out that long, honest. I didn’t mean to make you worry...I’m sorry.” His ears pinned back and she shook her head, smiling just a little, though she still looked worried.
“I'm just concerned about how...worn out you’ve seemed to be. Are you sure you're feeling okay? You don't have to push yourself."
Well, that was enough to make Sumire very, very interested in the ground, scuffing his foot against the ground. “I...I’m not pushing myself.”
“...Sumire.” Yuki was not having it.
“I’m not pushing myself that much!” Sumire protested. “Look, it...It’s probably a side effect of the whole...rejoining of souls, that we were just hearing about. It makes sense, you know? Given that back when we were in the Tempest…” The Seeker gripped the ends of his towel around his neck, "I saw Renda-Rae in the Light, and she lent me her strength to help Shoto. Just like you saw Nyelbert, right?” “...That’s true,” Yuki admitted, chewing her lip. Each of them had spoken, in that brief moment, to one of Norvrandt’s former Warriors of Light. “So no matter what, we know they’re part of us now, at least,” Sumire said, nodding, his tail flicking and curling lightly in thought. “And my body’s probably just...adjusting to that.” “Even with that logic, no one else is--” Yuki started in, huffing, but paused as she realized that wasn’t quite true. “...Alright, so Angel did sort of summon a in front of everyone...And Shoto mentioned strange things happening too.” Her long ears twitched slightly as she considered this. “...But still--”
Her voice died as she saw the disappointed look on Sumire’s face. "So you've really not noticed...anything since then?"
Part of him sounded like he didn’t quite believe her; the other part just sounded kind of saddened, and the combination was enough to make Yuki turn towards the window with a sigh, staring out of it for a long, silent beat… “I...No. I haven’t. Everything is fine,” she replied, insistent, accenting the fine. “It’s you we need to worry about. Mostly, anyway.”
“Alright,” Sumire replied; he wasn’t sure he wanted to push further on that topic right now, and besides, he kind of needed to put a shirt back on, he was getting a little cold. He reached for the one he had been wearing, but it turned out that a certain Emerald Carbuncle had curled up on it quite comfortably, and Carby made a plaintive warble when he so much as reached for it. Acquiescing, he hung the towel over the back of the chair and dug a new shirt from the dresser; he caught Yuki watching him out of the corner of his eye, though she made a frustrated noise and looked away when she caught his gaze.
It should’ve made him chuckle, or at least smile; even if it was overbearing, he didn’t mind that Yuki was concerned for him at all, it had always been her way. But when he picked up the shirt, his hands shook, and he stopped.
A wave of alien sadness, sadness from nowhere he could identify, welled up in his chest; tears pricked his eyes, several falling onto the fabric. He shook his head and hurriedly tried to wipe the tears away, but Yuki had noticed and practically bounded over to him, even more concerned. “You’re not okay,” she whispered, “I knew it.”
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He felt his face flush in embarrassment, but he couldn’t lie to her. Sighing, he shifted to sit on the dresser; he slipped the shirt over his shoulders, but didn’t button it up at all yet. “You were crying, Sumire, least tell me why,” Yuki pressed, and his tail flicked, his ears drooping.
“I don’t...I don’t remember.”
"Remember what?"
"I don't remember why I'm sad. I-I woke up like this." He took a long breath, shaking his head, and kept going before Yuki could ask another question or interject. "The only really different thing, other than just being tired, this, and the dreams.” “I thought you told me your dreams are usually just...echoes, from the dragon’s blood?” Yuki’s frown intensified.
Sumire nodded. “Usually, they are! But these are...different. They’re strange, they don’t feel like the ones I get from the dragon’s blood, and I can remember those. These, I can’t. I can’t even recall the faces I saw, or imagined I saw.” He reached up to touch his chest. “All that I’m left with is whatever emotions the dream stirred up, like...this stupid sadness, sadness I have no context for.”
Yuki’s eyes narrowed, but not in a glare; more like she was mentally comparing something. “You can’t recall anything, at all?”
Sumire blinked and cocked his head to the side. “...Now you sound like you know something about them. Are you okay, Yuki?” He couldn’t help but give a bit of a wry smirk at the opportunity to tease her, even lightly; and he was rewarded with the Viera’s cheeks coloring as she huffed, pouted, and pointed a finger at his forehead.
“No no no! We’re talking about you! I told you, I’m fine, nothing is different, everything is okay! But you are having weird dreams that you can’t remember, which make you cry; Angel is having nightmares and orange imagination beasts; a-and Shoto’s crying her eyes out, over eggs.”
Sumire blinked. "I don't think it was eg--"
“Eggs, Sumi!” Yuki had turned sharply to the side, put her hands on her hips, and stomped her foot. The violet-haired Miqo’te blinked again, his mouth a perfect “o”, but he let it go--he knew when Yuki didn’t want to talk about something, and Yuki did not want to address the Ascian-shaped elephant in the room, least of all Shoto’s feelings of guilt involving the Paragon.
Yuki crossed her arms, taking a few deep breaths and calming down, lowering her voice a little. "You should all go talk to Chessamile. Maybe she's got a tonic that'll cheer you up." Her expression now looked downcast, and Sumire couldn’t help but hop down from his seat on the dresser, shaking his head. “Yuki...I’ll be okay. I’m feeling better already, just talking like this, I don’t need a Cheering-Up Potion.” He offered her a smile.
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She did not believe him. “That dream had you crying over the sight of your, of your own shirt,” she said, biting her lip, her ears twitching slightly again. “You’re going to be okay in Kholusia, in Eulmore? We’re going to be there a while, and…” “Of course I’ll be okay,” he replied immediately, not even having to think about it. “I have you with me.”
There was a long, long moment of silence, in which Yuki blinked, and her cheeks went a brilliant cherry-blossom color, her mouth hanging open. Her expression turned rapidly to a protesting pout, her hands finding her hips as she stared right into his eyes and Sumire began to feel rapidly like he’d made a terrible mistake.
“Wh-wh-what’s that supposed to mean, Sumi?!??”
Sumire held up his hands, blinking. “Nothing strange…? It’s just...We’ve gone everywhere together since we met, haven’t we?” He tilted his head. “You’ve saved me numerous times when I got in over my head. You've been the reason I could make it through so much that I probably shouldn't have."
"Sumire," she mumbled, paling. Her pout was giving way to a crestfallen look, an ashen, fearful expression, the more he spoke, but Sumire hadn’t noticed as he kept speaking-- “You’re my partner, aren’t you?” ...There was another long moment of silence as Yuki’s expression changed again, her cheeks going brilliant red once more. “...Y-yes! That! Of course! Of course I am, and we’re...Right!” Now, despite her affirmative words, the Viera looked clearly angry; she looked like she might kick over the table, and her ears twitched much differently than her earlier agitation, extremely irritated. Once more, Sumire worried he’d made a huge mistake.
“Yuki?” "Yes. Yes, we're partners! Y-you're absolutely right, and there's no way that could be misconstrued or anything! It's, it's all fine! Everything is great!" She stamped her foot again, and the table shook from the force. The Miqo’te’s own face was now full of concern. “Yuki, are you...Sorry, I worded that wrong, I should have--”
"N-NO! You're fine! I'm just, I need, to go get some air! Aaaugh!" 
Yuki turned on her heel, then stormed off; Carby leapt up from Sumire's shirt, then bounded after her. She only took a few steps before she stopped; the carbuncle leapt up into a twirl, then disappeared into aetherial mist… and Sumire was left there, staring at where the carbuncle had disappeared and stunned by what had just taken place. 
Part of him wanted to immediately run after her, try to get her to understand what he'd meant. But that would be foolish, he knew; she needed some time to herself, especially if she had also dismissed Carby. Sumire shook his head, gazing at the floor with a soft, small sigh.
And then he noticed it; a bright glimmer, a shining thing. When he knelt down, he was a violet-colored...crystal, it looked like? It hadn’t been there before.
"That's odd, did she drop this?" He reached out to pick up the crystal so he could return it to her, but pulled his hand back instantly at the touch; it felt like it had burned him, but not with heat. 
"What the--... it.. it's cold...?" 
He looked down to his hand, then the crystal, "...Violet... ice?" 
Sumire didn't want to touch it again, as cold as it was, but he was curious.. upon closer inspection, he realized the violet-colored ice was shaped like a tiger cub...
* * * Stupid Sumire. Why did he have to go and say things like that?
Yuki’s teeth were grit tight enough to snap as she stalked across the length of the Exedra; she didn’t know if anyone greeted her, and she didn’t really care, right now. Her body was almost on autopilot, it felt like, and she was just trying to get...away.
But she couldn’t. As fast as her stride carried her, her village caught up to her in her mind’s eye; the violet-leaved trees surrounding the Crystarium melted away into the deep green forests of her youth, the bustle of the Exedra and the Dossal Gate became birdsong, and she could hear her mother’s voice, bright and melodious.
That isn’t my name, she thought.
But it had been, back then. Back when her whole world was the woman she could still see if she thought for even a moment; her light brown hair, long, tied into a single braid that fell down between her shoulders, framing her long ears. Her mother’s smile was always warm, always welcome, her arms always open to embrace her only daughter. “There you are, my precious Mjöll!”
“Stop it!” she hissed to no one, quiet and fierce, trying to calm the storm of her emotions, her eyes shut tight. 
When she opened them, she realized she’d made it up the stairs to the Amaro Launch, standing out on the round platform where the amaros took off and landed...when she gazed out at the barren mountains of Lakeland, in the distance, it struck her how truly similar they were to the Skatay Mountains of her homeland...or would be, if it ever snowed on Norvrandt. 
The homeland she would likely never see again, that she’d left behind along with the name “Mjöll” and the only family she’d ever known, at the age of seventeen.
But I had to. 
I couldn’t...I couldn’t live like that!
She counted herself lucky that her tribe had been part of Clan Veena; if she’d been Rava-born, she’d have been sworn to the Green Word, and her friends in childhood had sworn that Ravan mothers killed daughters who discovered the world outside. She’d have been trapped in the Golmore Jungle forever, if the Imperials hadn’t gotten her first. 
But still, what her Clan had in common with Clan Rava was this: when they came of age, and the Wood-warders came wandering in, they would take a mate. Then, the Wood-warders would be gone again, and the women would spend the rest of their lives anchored to their village. Chained to their village, raising the children of a father they would never even know as more than a name.
She’d been revolted by the idea ever since she first understood it, ever since it was something other than a nebulous concept of roles in Vieran society. Her mother and her teachers had all promised her it would make sense as she grew, she would understand it, she would welcome it.
She hadn’t. It was vile. rut with someone you barely knew, like an animal, once every three or five or even ten years, and then let them disappear back into the woods with barely a word. 
The soothsayers could mumble all they wanted about how “the distance 'twixt two bodies does not dictate the distance 'twixt two souls,” and how anyone who thought different was “looking for coexistence beneath a loincloth”, but it was all stupid nonsense. None of the Viera in her village who mated had ever thought of their mates outside of that cursed season, and why would they? The men were there to saddle the women with their children and go off into the wood to die, usually in agony, always alone.
The idea of that being her whole life, of being yet another village mother haggard from chasing after her children, whom she would raise to be nothing but more mothers, made her feel like she couldn’t breathe. It felt wrong, it wasn’t what she wanted. She knew she was meant for more than that, and she was drawn to the world beyond the Skatay, beyond Dalmasca. “Mjöll, this is foolishness! You have a responsibility,” she could hear her mother telling her. “When you hold your own precious kits in your arms, you’ll understand…”
“I don’t want that!” she’d said. “I don’t want to be forced to spend the rest of my life that way, I want to make a difference...”
“You will make a difference! You’ll be guaranteeing the future of our people!” “Not like that…!!”
“Then like how, Mjöll?” Her mother had her hands on her hips, frowning, her glare piercing.
“ an adventurer,” she’d managed.
It wasn’t unheard of for Bangaa, either in small adventuring groups or whole trade caravans, to pass through the village; many of the village girls, Yuki included, would always secretly make time to go hear their stories of the outside world. For most of them, it was enough just to hear the wild tales, but what she’d heard had stirred something inside of Yuki, a yearning that had never died. And most of all, she loved their tales of other adventurers, fighting fiends and righting wrongs in far-off lands. She knew, from the first tale she heard, what she wanted to do in the future. Her mother hadn’t been amused in the least by her suggestion, her expression turning deeply angry. “You mean to run off with those disgusting, greedy lizard-men? Off to be sold into slavery or get killed playing at revolutionary?! Absolutely not! I forbid it! I won’t hear any more of this nonsense, Mjöll!”
And here was the expected outcome, her mother’s words firm and absolute. Yuki desperately wanted to protest, to convince her mother was impossible. 
Her mother believed too much in the trap that was their culture. In mothers bound to create more mothers, forever. In tears, the young Viera had gone to her room and prayed to any of the Twelve that might listen for another path. For a way out. For escape.
And she had been answered by a very different Mother. By Her.
Hear. Feel. Think.
That had been the same night she’d left the Skatay Range, and the forest that ringed it, forever. The argument with her mother had been the last time she'd talked to her. The only thing she left behind had been a single note in her room, intended for her mother, that told her of her decision and that she would be okay on her own.
Yuki curled up a bit at the memory, pulling her legs up and against her chest as she sat alone at the edge of the platform.
She had wandered for a few days after she'd left; she’d had to evade more than one Garlean patrol, and vividly remembered the terror of crouching beneath a farm shed’s ruin, breathing shallowly, as a battalion of magitek armor trampled through the smoking, burning field behind her. She was endlessly grateful to find one of her Bangaa friends on the way, and they had traveled together to Kugane.
The city had been beautiful, yes, and she’d been free.
Free and completely alone. 
It had been overwhelming, all the sights, sounds, and even smells of Kugane. Everything was so new... and she’d felt so helplessly, completely lost and afraid. All of the darker whispers she’d heard from the other girls and from the travelers on the road, along with her mother’s angry reasons for denial, had loomed like phantoms in her mind. She’d been sitting by the dock, morosely chewing on a bowl of rice she’d managed to buy with some of her last coins, when a fisherman approached her. He was a huge, barrel-chested Roegadyn; she thought now he was probably a Sea Wolf, though she knew nothing of the Roegadyn at the time save how large and rather frightening they were. “Why, ‘ello, lass,” he’d said, cautious and friendly, but she’d still jumped at his voice. “Not oft I see forest folk ‘round ‘ere.”
The young Viera hadn't known what to say; being honest, her voice had left her in her fear. Seeing how she shook, the Sea Wolf looked apologetic, and knelt down to make himself less threatening, taking one knee...she remembered most of all now how kind his weathered features had been. “Wot’ll be thy name, then?”
Yuki smiled sadly and shook her head at the remembered question, laying her forehead on her knees; a pained chuckle escaped her. The question had only frightened her more, as silly as it seemed now; she only knew she couldn’t keep her forest name after she’d thrown everything else about the forest away, it wouldn’t be right. But then, what to say? That she didn’t know her own name…? It’d been then that she’d finally started to cry…
“That was the first time I cried since I left, wasn’t it?”
The fisherman bit his lip in worried sympathy, and his warm, large hand had patted her lightly on the head. “Ay up, ay up, nowt of all t’at. Ye’ve no need t’ tell me thy name if ye don’t want te. Are ye lost?” The Viera found her voice once more, though it came after a ragged sob. She shook her head to his question, unable to stop crying. “I-I came here... h-hoping to be... an a-adventurer…”
She expected him to laugh at her, or sneer, but he just looked surprised that she’d actually responded, and then his features had become thoughtful as he smiled, his finger against his chin. “Hm. Reckons I ye might have a bit of t’ auld luck in Eorzea, more’n ‘ere...Well ‘en, tells ye wot, lass. I surely need an ‘elper on me way back t’ Limsa Lominsa--that’s t’ great port town of t’ West. An’ ye might well find adventurin’ there. What ye say?”
It had been a small thing, really; a little act of kindness. But that offer, that opportunity, that had shaped everything, really. That offer had let her keep moving forwards, instead of bringing her journey to an abrupt end or taking it down a darker, more terrible path than she wanted to think about, even now. And back then, it had been a life ring tossed to a drowning girl. She’d leapt at the chance; she’d nodded so fast she felt almost dizzy, her face beaming with her first genuine smile since arriving in Kugane, a flame of hope kindled in her heart.
“Y-yes! Yes, please!” “Then there’s nowt else for ‘t,” he’d laughed. “Ahldstyrm is I, Cap’n of t’ Glorious Summer, an’ promises I that I’ll see ye safe t’ harbor.”
She wished she could’ve given the old Roegadyn a hug now, gone to him with all her troubles. She owed him so much, looking back.
If I’d gone anywhere else but Limsa...I’d never have met Sumire, either, would I?
Shortly after boarding the Glorious Summer, she and Ahldstyrm had realized the problem with her remaining nameless--he didn’t want to press her, but she’d wanted to help, earn her keep, and both captain and crew would need to get her attention somehow.
“Reckon we’ll need t’ call you sommat, e’en if just for t’ trip,” he’d pronounced, scratching his bearded chin as he looked her over. “...Yer hair an’ ears, lass, if’n ye don’t mind my sayin’, puts me t’ think of t’ snow, surely...There’s a Hingashi word for it, ‘yuki’. Seems it fits ye? D’ye reckon, leastways till we gets t’ Limsa?”
“Yuki...” She tried it out, welcomed the sound. “Yuki...Yes. I like that.”
And just like the first snowfall that marked winter, it had stuck.
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Her name again... That wasn't from her memories, though.
No, that was Sumire's voice; she was sure of it. She lifted her head, then turned to look beside her...and there he was, dressed for the trip, had his travel bag over his shoulder, and had his lance resting beside him; he was solely focused on her. 
How long had he been here...? 
She tried to pout at him, but couldn't manage the usual amount of energy behind it.
"I thought I told you I needed some air?" She tried to grouse, but didn't really mean it; judging by the little wry smile on the Miqo'te's face, he knew that. He shook his head in response, then looked to the mountains in the distance.
"Sorry, Yuki,’ve been out here for a while," his tail curled a bit behind him. "I told Shoto you went for a walk, after the chaos this morning."
"Is she still getting ready?" Yuki shifted, letting her legs dangle over the end again, while she stretched her arms and back.
"She finished. She asked where you were when she noticed you weren't at the gate. I told her I knew where you'd be," he shifted to stand up carefully, "so I said I'd come tell you she was finished getting ready."
Yuki just watched him stand up, silently. Sumire placed his weapon on his back, then held his hand out to her. She looked at his hand, then up to his face for a moment. 
In her mind’s eye, she saw his bare chest, his bright smile, all the parts of him she couldn’t stop looking at, lately. She felt a warmth spreading slowly up her spine, a warmth that spiked when he said those terrible words--
“Of course I’ll be okay, I have you with me.”
She couldn’t feel that way about him. She wouldn’t feel that way about him. It was wrong, it was disgusting, it was a betrayal of everything she stood for, she might as well have marched back into her village in the Skatay foothills and literally chained herself to the cold earth.
“We’re partners, aren’t we?”
Mentally, she heard another voice, a Xaela voice; the Dotharl chieftain’s eyes sharp even if Sadu’s characteristic smirk had never left her face, her own arms crossed as she cocked her head. The day she’d drawn Yuki aside, after the Liberation of Ala Mhigo--
“How long will you play with that one’s heart, forest girl? He’d chase you across fifteen reincarnations, and you won’t even tell him one thing or the other…?”
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She’d been wrong. 
Sadu had been wrong then, and she’d continue to be wrong. She shook her head and stood up on her own, and Sumire blinked, but withdrew his arm without saying anything more.
"So, Shoto's gone on ahead then, I assume?" 
Yuki turned to head back up the long platform to the Launch. Sumire hurried to keep up with her pace, then chuckled again. 
"She wouldn't leave us behind. We're supposed to head out together, so she won't head off until we're all with her."
Yuki stopped at that, then blinked. She felt an odd sense of deja vu she couldn't place. She looked at Sumire as he took a few steps ahead of her, then stopped. He turned to look back when he realized she wasn't still beside him.
"Sumi, didn't I tell you that once?" She asked before he could speak. He flicked his ears, then looked thoughtful for a moment. It did feel like a familiar response, but he couldn't recall who'd said it before.
"You may have... I don't quite remember." He shook his head, then smiled at her, "Either way, it's true. Shoto's waiting for us."
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Hopefully you enjoyed this brief interlude into Tsundere Viera Land. Next chapter, it will be ALL CAT HUSBANDS, ALL THE TIME.
Sidenote: Enjoy Patch 5.4, everyone!! :D
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Quotes from the Editors
Shoto: I’m trying to write out what happens when you de-summon a carbuncle. It like hops up and flips right? Angel: Yeah like a front flip. It then disappears with a WHOOOSHHHHINNNNEEEE (yes, made the sound) Shoto: *laughs* That is accurate.
Hey guys! We hope you are doing well this Saturday. We are working on brewing up another lovely chapter for you. In the meantime, we thought you guys might find actual comments from when we are writing/editing amusing.
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0 notes
shardweavers · 4 years ago
Chapter 11 - Tense Negotiations
Emet-Selch awoke with a start, sweat on his brow, his golden eyes flashing open--and quickly recognized the room in the Pendants, felt the cooling pulse of his blood.
'Just a dream, then,' he thought to himself...perhaps it was silly to be relieved, but he felt so nonetheless. A quick glance downward confirmed for the Paragon that Shoto was still asleep in his arms...he let himself breathe out a soft sigh, his formerly racing heart returning to a normal and steady rhythm. He was glad, too, that his nightmare hadn't woken her, he found.
'...For convenience's sake, of course. She'd fuss if I woke her with a nightmare, and I'd grumble, and I'd be right to. Such things are beneath me.'
...The moment he thought it, he recognized that line of thought as complete rationalization. Convenience's sake, his foot. If anyone else had said something like that to him, he'd have laughed in their face, told them straightforwardly that they were deep in denial. The only grain of truth there was that he did resent the nightmare, because it was beneath him.
But he was glad he hadn't woken her because of the peaceful smile on her face, and the soft warmth of her body against his (her temperature had leveled out! It was nearly back to normal), and the desire to protect those things, to protect her , which was worming its way into his long-empty heart like a particularly pernicious flowering vine.
...He wanted to ask why. Shoto wasn't...
Hythlodaeus saw the color. So do you, his traitor mind whispered to him.
That didn't mean anything! Colors could be very similar, especially when one dealt with souls!
You started talking to her about the Bond of Eternity what, five minutes after your reunion?
It had been closer to three bells! And she'd asked! What was the harm in answering mortal questions?
You tell me, brilliant Angel of Truth.
Hades closed his eyes and growled wordlessly at himself to be silent--
The Ascian blinked in surprise.
'I didn't say anything! Or--'
The door made another helpful repetition of the sound of impact, accentuated by the sound of splintering and the glint of a blade piercing through the door. Ah. So this wasn't an errant accident of sorcery, or some problem presented by his newly sundered, newly limited form. No, this was because the door was under attack.
Now Shoto was stirring, although this was fairly natural given the circumstances. He gave the door a positively venomous glare as he began to extricate himself from the sleeping embrace he'd ended up in with her...
'Very well then, my old friend. You promised I could still make nations tremble,' he thought in Elidibus' general direction, a cruel smirk creasing his lips. 'Let's see how true that is.'
* * * Ice had tried the doorknob exactly once. It was locked and not willing to budge, which only contributed to his state of fury. After that, he decided not to bother with the door. He'd apologize to Shoto later. He'd even craft her a new door, a better door. This one had to go.
He slammed his axe into the door's latch mechanism, bringing it down like the knob and the lock were a gremlin in desperate need of smiting. The lock shuddered at the first several strikes, and then gave way completely--but the latch was still stuck. Snarling, Ice grit his teeth and violently slammed his foot into the door; the door creaked in protest, and he heard wood snapping.
With one more mighty blow of his axe, the door was shattered in two pieces, and Ice leapt into the room, his voice a roar. "EMET-SELCH!!! FACE ME, YOU COWARD!!!"
The object of his challenge... looked up from the bed, where he was bent like a vampire over Shoto's slowly stirring form. Like he'd...!!
Ice's anger hit a new fever pitch, one he hadn't known existed. Nothing could hold him back now. "Holmgang! " he invoked, the command word seething with magical power--golden chains, lined with an aura of fire, wrapped around Emet-Selch's arms, binding the Ascian in place, keeping him away from Ice's friend, though he was still far too close...
Ice could split the difference. He invoked the rite of Nascent Flash, his aether surging through the earth to flash a bright green, vaguely dome-like envelope of energy over Shoto's form momentarily. That'd protect her; now he could focus on Emet-Selch...!! His axe sparking along the floor, he charged.
Hades' eyes narrowed and flared with energy as his own aether surged with power; his dark lips moved, impossible words spilling from his lips, the ancient incantation finding form as tendrils of shadow that blasted outwards in a cone, slamming into the axe and stopping its mighty swing cold, several fulms from the Ascian's body. He cracked his neck and the golden chains snapped.
"I might've known it'd be you, little Warrior," the Paragon drawled, his voice dripping with contempt. "Careless, hotheaded, eager to please your accursed Mother. Tch. Perhaps you might try cooling your heels? Using your words?"
"SHUT UP!" Ice snarled. "I'll kill you all over again for what you've done to her...for how you used him...!!" He brought back the axe and an aura of aetheric power flared around his blade as he struck from another angle; the Ascian snapped his fingers, and sparks flew from the impact point as it met a barrier of violet shadows.
"Or, I suppose, you could spout nonsense at me, and we could be reduced to barbarism," Emet-Selch sighed, rolling his eyes. "I've done nothing to anyone, fool."
The aether around the axe-blade flared to a brilliant blue zenith, seared like a white-hot flame as it released in a single, violent cleaving motion that tore through the barrier of shadow; the swing had lost its momentum, though, and only nicked Emet-Selch's cheek, bringing a bright red line of blood from the Ascian's skin, dripping down his face.
The teeth of the Paragon ground together.
"...But if you are going to insist on being a violent cur," he hissed, "I'll gladly discipline you."
Shadows swam around the Ascian, and for a moment his form seemed massive, inhuman, horrifying--then they solidified around his right arm, burning black and red, forming the mighty claw of his Elder Form. With an effortless swipe, he slashed across Ice's chest, shearing through the thick leather, and sending the Warrior flying into the wall with an enormous crash. Bowls and plates left on a nearby table tumbled to the ground.
Ice's vision swam, and he coughed. His ears were ringing--he heard someone calling his name. Had to get up.
Shoto's awakening, if it could be called that, was both rude and violent, but it was also slow. She recognized the sounds of a fight before she was fully awake--it made her ears back and her hair stand on end. As her eyes opened, blinked through the cobwebs of sleep, she was already trying to scramble out of bed, fighting the covers...her mind spun as she tried to orient herself, figure out where she was and what was happening more fully.
It was the exchange of words between Emet-Selch and Ice that jogged her groggy memory--she'd overdone it, collapsed, fallen asleep against the Ascian; her face flushed at the realization, but adrenaline overpowered embarrassment or her emotional turmoil. She had no idea how Ice had gotten in here, but that wasn't important right now; scrambling to leave the bed, she made it instead to the floor, on one knee; raising her hands, she looked between Ice and the Ascian to try and calm the situation down.
"H-Hold! Both of you--Ice! Please, just listen--"
"Run, Shoto. Get away from this monster... I'll keep him occupied!"
The Warrior was too dazed and far too angry to turn his attention away from Emet-Selch; being thrown into the wall and the table had only solidified and redoubled his fury. He shook his head to clear it, then used his axe to stand up once more; his expression hardened with resolve. Emet-Selch had proven himself just as dangerous as he ever was, and Ice meant to answer him in kind.
"That's not..." Shoto began, but Ice charged forwards once again; a red, aetheric aura swirling around him as his eyes flickered red; he brought down his greataxe in a wide curve, merciless, towards Hades.
The Ascian sneered and snapped his fingers. A shield of dark violet energies, seething and hissing, met the greataxe's blade like a wall. Emet-Selch wasn't done; whipping up his other hand, he gestured sharply with two fingers, his dark-tinted aether surging around him as ornate circles of Amaurotine glyphs formed in mid-air...
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Bolts of dark violet, almost crystallized energy were loosed from each circle like missiles, flying at Ice; they struck with explosive force when they hit, driving the Warrior back once more and turning the already damaged table and chairs into confetti. Shoto's ears were ringing, and her vision swam.
It was into this melee that Angel was thrust when he arrived, breathless and shaking; his husband's charge and the destruction of Shoto's door had drawn the attention of half the Pendants, and Angel had been forced to push past several valid, groggy inquiries from their neighbors. But like Ice, Angel's focus was razor-sharp; the White Mage had broken into a sprint when he saw the destroyed door, and he nearly tumbled over the threshold...his eyes snapped to his husband before he even registered Shoto or spoke a word. Before he could, however, Emet-Selch snapped his hand across in a savage chop, and a wall of shadowy projectiles seemed to form, thrumming in mid-air.
"Angel...No! GET DOWN!!" Ice shouted; leaping between Angel and the incoming bolts, he concentrated his aether into a sphere of crimson energy, golden thorns seeming to encircle him and crackle off his form as Hades' shadowy energy blasts slammed home. They hurt, especially now that he was taking the full force of the assault, but far less than they might have; he could simply shake this damage off. 
"Ice...! I-I've, I've got you!" Angel managed; with a gesture, his cane was in his hand, and magical words of healing left his lips, the soft blue light of his White Magic seeming to gently wash away Ice's wounds. The Warrior cracked his neck and gave a confident smirk to their opponent, whose eyes only narrowed in scorn.
Shoto coughed from the floor and struggled her way to a standing position, trying to wave away dust. She opened her mouth to demand they lis--
The glowing form of an Emerald Carbuncle soared through the room towards the Ascian's face, its tiny claws swiping across his cheek before the Paragon could counter, leaving him to stumble back and send a blind lash of shadowy power in its general direction. The nimble familiar dodged, weaved, and leapt back to the side of Yuki, the Summoner already unfurling her grimoire as she stepped through the ruined doorway; her violet-haired Dragoon compatriot rushed in after her, calling his spear out of the aether as his armor clicked into proper place.
"Not every day a nemesis comes back from the dead," the Viera quipped under her breath to Sumire, before her attentions were consumed with calling ruinous energies into her fingertips, her hand weaving arcanima patterns; a massive burst of the energies screamed towards Emet-Selch, who barely managed to stop it with a swipe of his left hand. His glare had shifted from scornful to murderous....
And as they watched, his lips curled into a cruel grin.
"Fine. All of you, then," the Ascian purred. 
He raised his right hand and languidly circled his wrist three times, cracking his neck. And then he snapped his fingers, sharply.
Panels of dark crystal, perfectly cut into squares, formed at his command, like doors in reality. A moonlight glow built in them all as they arranged themselves into a lethal array. Shoto's eyes went wide and she built her voice to scream, this was too much, they had to stop, everyone had to--
The array fired, beams of shadow screaming towards the assembled Warriors of Light and Darkness, save Shoto, and would've torn through armor and flesh had it not been for a brilliant sky-blue barrier of burning energy, a sanctuary amidst the storm, emanating from Angel's aether and the shining, beacon-like zenith of his cane, his White Magic redoubling to keep his companions safe from harm, though it only kept safe about a fulm's length all around them.
The bench to Angel's left hadn't been so lucky, the beams having carved it neatly into two pieces. Nor had Shoto's armoire--the same dresser that Shoto had fetched her sheets from and Emet-Selch's current attire was now full of smoldering holes. Nothing in the entryway was in decent shape by any stretch of the imagination, and the fight didn't seem to show many signs of letting up; indeed, Hades, his amber eyes glowing and a soft, almost soundless chuckle coming from his lips, had raised his fingers and snapped again.
Another array of arcane projectiles, forged from those same ornate gates of shadow in the air, beckoned to his call. Despite the sounds of armored boots in the hallway, and shouts of "Wicked White!" and "in the name of the Exarch!", Hades didn't stop--even as Crystarium guards piled into the room, he let the arcane arrows fly, leaving terrible wakes of violet destruction as they screamed down.
Angel squeaked and winced visibly in terror, but though his fear was evident, his willingness to stand fast and the magical asylum he was providing with his shield of light only redoubled, the field widening; he knew the only real course of action was to make sure the shield encompassed everyone and stayed solid, and though it meant he couldn't move, though he was staring death in the face, he didn't falter. Ice swung his axe to deflect an incoming bolt, and Sumire leapt into action, three of the projectiles ricocheting off his spinning spear as he moved acrobatically. Even the little carbuncle contributed, leaping up to deflect one of the arcane projectiles with a shield of its own, so that once more the primary casualty was Shoto's apartment, as the damaged armoire was now turned into a mess of wood splinters and cloth, and a ricochet nearly took off the headboard of the bed.
But what triumph they had was short-lived. Hades' fingers snapped again, and another volley cracked Angel's shield; the energies wavered. The White Mage's concentration held it in place, but he was clearly struggling; there was no way the barrier would survive another round of attacks. Ice bit his lip as he looked over his shoulder at his husband, then his gaze flicked back to Emet-Selch--there was no opening to attack the Ascian just yet, a fact he could tell Sumire was grimly aware of too. Yuki was tracing arcanima patterns to call a large burst of ruinous power from her hands, but the Ascian had noticed this well enough, and looked to be calling his shadowy aetheric shield back into form...
Shoto's voice, after the cavalcade of interruptions, finally rang out through the conflict. "STOP THIS!" she cried out, standing up shakily and on unsteady legs, her eyes pleading with Emet-Selch, begging him to listen. Surprisingly, the Paragon's attention turned to her, wavered--
In a misjudgment worthy of the Azure Dragoon himself, Sumire took the brief opening, leaping and diving for the Ascian's position; indeed, he'd been so quick to leap, that the Scholar hadn't had time to register that he'd even moved. 
But his weapon didn't strike true. Hades swung up his hand and focused the shield of darkness around the driving lance-point, his eyes filled with cold aggravation as they locked with Sumire; the hapless Dragoon tried to drive his weapon through the Ascian's dark shield, to no avail. The Paragon's other arm shot up as he directed dark tendrils from the ground, and the Dragoon tried to propel himself back, but only ended up taking the shadow-tendril square to the chest. Yuki growled loudly at the sight, then quickly fired her gathered blast of energy as her carbuncle jumped forwards and spun to slash the Ascian. The blast was swatted aside by the tendrils, into the privacy screen by the door, which was now more a series of privacy splinters, while the carbuncle herself was knocked into Angel's barrier with a surprised squeak.
Angel's barrier shattered on impact, and the carbuncle hit him in the chest. He fell back onto the broken bench, which couldn't catch him properly. The White Mage landed on his knees with the carbuncle in front of him.
"Angel!?" Ice turned, forgetting the Ascian for a moment, to check on his husband. Angel was out of breath as he knelt on the ground. Ice lowered his axe, put a hand on the White Mage's shoulder, and felt him shaking a bit from having maintained that barrier longer than he should have. "Are you alright...?!"
Angel's ears pinned back against his head with his eyes shut. He shook his head in response, "No... No more... stop." His voice was barely a whisper. 
The guards were trying not to panic; one of them fired a crossbow bolt at Emet-Selch, which was cast aside by another tendril of shadow as the Angel of Truth closed his eyes in grim concentration, calling his dark arrows to him again. Sumire was standing up, painfully, Yuki's carbuncle covering him as the Summoner ran forwards and tugged Shoto back, trying to get her away from the zone of destruction that was rapidly enveloping the entire room.
Anubis growled in Angel's head, begging the White Mage to let him try and settle this.
《 Angel! Please! I know I might not win... but you know I can give enough time to turn the tide in our favor! 》
"S-Stop... please," Angel begged quietly, as he clenched his eyes tighter. 
At the same time, Shoto spoke the same words; desperate and loud. Ice stood and turned towards the Ascian, snarling; and once more, the Ascian snapped his fingers, volleys of destruction shearing down. The Warrior deflected a few more arrows that had been aimed towards the guards beside him; which completely disintegrated the bench nearby them and the couch behind them. 
The White Mage's ears flicked at a soft ringing within them; a sound he'd long-since associated with Anubis... along with the itchy feeling around his neck. He didn't want to set the room ablaze, nor try to freeze someone into a block of ice. Those desires and impulses weren't his, they couldn't be...
Anubis growled louder in frustration, then snapped sharply and loudly in Angel's head. 
《 Let me fight this battle for you! 》
Angel took a sharp breath in at those words, and it caught in his throat; his eyes suddenly flew open. Another arcane spear clipped his cheek as it suddenly flew past him; he should have dodged in fear, but he knelt there frozen and wide-eyed.
Words instantly came to mind, the name 'Asopus' was whispered into his ears. Another word bubbled up... A name he felt he hadn't said in a long time, yet did not recall naming any of his strays such...
《 Angel! Answer me!! 》
The White Mage hesitated, but his husband flew past him once more, back towards the wall, slapped by one of the shadowy tendrils Emet-Selch was wielding, as the Paragon simply focused his shield of darkness against the full-strength cleave that Ice had brought down. The Warrior angrily got right back up, but he paused as he looked over to Angel. 
One word was cried out, echoing over the fighting in a scared and desperate voice. 
In the midst of calling his mirrors forth again, Emet-Selch paused, blinking, distracted for the second time this fight. His thoughts of vengeance, the high of reveling in his own power, were cut off...that name. He knew that name. How...?
A quick, chimed bell echoed; it was similar in sound to a carbuncle or a faerie when they were summoned, but... the tone was more unique. In front of Angel landed the glowing, orange cat that Ice had recognized last night as Tora. Sumire and Yuki had stopped short as well, since it looked like the phantom cat that had led them to Angel last night. Shoto's own voice was stopped as she noticed the glowing, orange cat in front of Angel... who had confessed to strange creatures appearing around him.
Sharp bells followed the creature's swift leaps; the first was from in front of the visibly stunned Angel, directly at Ice.
The Warrior had every intention to return to the fight, but the ghost cat tackled him in the chest and knocked him back onto his ass; he landed on the remnants of the couch. He reached up to rub at his chest; that had felt pretty solid to be a "ghost"...
The creature's next two leaps were from Ice to the floor, then tackled the Ascian right in the upper chest. It had tried to hit his throat, judging by its angle. Emet-Selch had been distracted enough to take the full, rolling tackle, and bounced onto the damaged bed; which broke it completely. Between Ice and Emet-Selch, the cat seemed to gain two new tails. Its final leap was to keep one of the younger guards from taking advantage of the Ascian's stun and attacking him with a sword strike; and it seemed to gain some fluff upon impact.
The creature then landed between the others and a silent, stunned Angel; a lean, fluffy, orange creature with three tails and tiny paws. On its head was a golden triangle that faded into the orange by the time it hit the back. The creature's eyes were glowing a bright gold. It twitched rhythmically, echoing a carbuncle... but it was not one itself. Soft, soothing bells rang gently as it looked to Angel and moved its mouth, who seemed to hear something.
Tears fell, unbidden, from the Miqo'te's emerald eyes; he still knelt there stunned, and wide-eyed. After a moment's pause, Angel nodded once; the creature bounded over to him, then leapt as if to tackle again.
"Ang--" Ice started, but his husband held out his arms to catch it. It moved swiftly, but Angel somehow did just that. The mage felt the creature happily nuzzle under his chin before it disappeared into a burst of soft bells. His breath hitched as he forced himself not to burst into tears. He didn't understand why he felt this way, nor what exactly had just happened. Ice hurried back to his side, and put an arm over his back.
Emet-Selch stood up and recovered from the tackle. He moved to seize the moment, but immediately felt Shoto's arms wrap around his waist from beside him. When had she moved over to him? He was unsure... but there were tears on her face, and her voice threatened to break as she looked up to him. 
...He was suddenly aware that, now that he wasn't indulging in the power of his arcana...he felt...very tired. That had been...That had been all he could do, right now, like this.
"Stop it..." She couldn't watch him harm her friends; this was entirely her fault. She dropped her forehead against his chest as she held on. She tried to hide her tears, her voice quieted to a whisper " ...please. "
Sumire looked to Yuki, who was focused on the Ascian, and growling; neither of them knew what to do. Angel was still trying to deal with the sudden, strange, new feelings and emotions he couldn't place, with Ice's support. The guards, of course, were terrified, confused, and understandably on the defensive.
There was a moment of silence and stillness after Shoto's plea... then the tendrils and aura of darkness died down and faded away, the shadows around him melting like they'd never been there. His touch was gentle and unexpected; fingers moved under her chin to get her to look up at him. His thumb then moved across her cheek to wipe away some of her tears; his voice quiet, and barely audible, even a little brittle. "There's no need to cry, hero."
Immediately after his defenses were gone, another word was sharply called from behind the Crystarium guards.
Emet-Selch hitched as his body's movement was severely slowed. Violet and black swirls of energy clung to his legs. Immediately after, a sharp clang of metal against tile bound the Ascian's wrists together with blue crystal. Shoto stumbled back away from the Paragon. Angel jumped at the sudden spell. The guards turned, then stepped aside for the Crystal Exarch.
His guard captain, Lyna, followed him, the Viis blinking at the devastation that had been wrought on Shoto's corner of the Pendants. She whispered a quiet, surprised "Wicked White" to the scene.
The Crystal Exarch focused solely on Emet-Selch despite the work to keep him controlled. His face was quite cold; his ruby eyes glared piercingly through the Ascian as he stood powerfully before him. He stood between this threat and his friends as well as the people of the Crystarium. Everything in his stance showed this without a word spoken.
Angel looked up, focused on G'raha. Ice gently hugged him, and he leaned into his husband's protective hold, but felt like he needed to watch his friend standing before them.
"Is all of this really necessary, dearest Exarch?" Hades tried for bravado, but found his own voice felt surprisingly...petulant, given the situation.
"Pray forgive the abundance of caution," the Exarch's face was still stern, but a slight growl underlaid the rest of his sentence. "But you shot me in the back once before, and I thought it best to make sure history did not repeat itself."
Ice felt his husband jerk against him with a hitched breath and a squeak at the mention. Angel clearly recalled seeing G'raha drop in front of him, and he remembered feeling suddenly very cold... and he knew he'd called out his name, but... he remembered nothing else. Ice; and the others; however would remember the momentary image of a Sin Eater that flickered over the White Mage's features. It hadn't been brought up again since it happened... The Warrior hugged the mage against him protectively, and whispered that it was okay. They weren't all on the edge of bursting with Primordial Light anymore, but Angel had just summoned a strange creature and could probably summon something else. Anubis would likely be very willing to set fire to the room; neither outcome was desirable at the moment. Ice tried to help calm him down while the Exarch dealt with the Ascian.
"...... Fair point," Emet-Selch replied flatly, after a moment's thought. He shrugged in an attempt to play it off a bit. He felt the exhaustion from pushing a bit too far with his powers at the moment--yet, he dare not show them any weakness in this moment.
Shoto spoke next, "This is my fault, Exarch," she turned to face him, "I never meant for things to spiral out of control like this." The female Miqo'te took a step forward, but faltered, and began to fall as she was still quite drained. 
Emet-Selch fought against his bindings in an attempt to catch her, but to no avail. Instead, the violet-haired Miqo'te, the Dragoon, managed to swiftly catch her before she could hit the ground.
"Careful, Shoto," Sumire said, his tone worried.
"Perhaps you should...erm...Yes, you should definitely sit down, Shoto," Yuki closed her grimoire, as her carbuncle moved to stand beside her. "You don't seem to be in any condition to argue," the Viera added sternly. 
Shoto frowned, but let Sumire help her stand for now. She stubbornly refused to sit on the only piece of furniture that seemed untouched; the desk chair.
"I would really, truly like to understand what in the actual Hells happened this morning," the Exarch looked over his friends as he sighed, bringing his crystalline arm up to rub his temples, and ignored the fact that his frustration had slipped through. He also forced himself to ignore that the door, and large portions of the room, were so completely destroyed they'd need to commission every Facet in the Crystalline Mean to repair the place.
It was enough that those he treasured were...alright. For a given value of alright.
Yuki and Sumire seemed okay, just a bit worn out from fighting. Ice looked injured, but no more so than from a normal battle. Shoto looked like she'd completely exhausted herself, but he had no idea why. The Exarch paused as he looked to Angel, who seemed almost completely frazzled just since yesterday.
"My lord," Lyna paused as she leaned a little towards the Exarch. Her voice was concerned, "I do believe we should continue this conversation elsewhere."
"I agree." He looked to Emet-Selch. "Lyna," she saluted at her name, "Take the prisoner into custody."
"Right away." The Viis gestured to two guards. Each guard moved to take hold of the bound Ascian's arms; she followed closely behind. Emet-Selch once more glanced over to Shoto in an attempt to observe the state of her condition. Their eyes met for but a moment; there was untold sorrow when she looked at him. Clearly, the Scholar truly blamed herself for this. He shook his head and simply smirked; for now, he would leave it up to her friends to care for her. 
The Crystal Exarch watched the Crystarium guards leave the room, then looked back to his friends. His voice softened a little, still clearly concerned. "Pray take your time to settle from all of this... but... there's much to discuss. I would have you all reconvene in the Ocular when you're ready. Our... guest shan't be going anywhere, if I have anything to say about it."
He waited just long enough for them to give a reply, then left to deal with the mess from this morning.
* * * It took a full bell before the whole group was settled into the Ocular. Most of them were now more alert and awake; Yuki and Sumire, specifically, had taken the time to get dressed, and now both sported their traveling attire. The Dragoon rubbed tiredly at his right eye as he stood beside the Summoner. Yuki's carbuncle bounced happily at Sumire's feet then moved over to Angel. 
The black-haired Keeper sat on the floor by the wall for the moment. The carbuncle hopped into his lap without pause, and Angel petted her gently. Ice stood beside Angel, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall. Shoto sat nearby on the floor of the Ocular trying to preserve her strength. After a few moments, the Crystal Exarch entered from the Umbilicus, then the door closed behind him. His staff was on his back, and he looked more thoughtful than usual as he moved over to his usual position before the mirror.
"I'm glad to see everyone is safe," he began. The Allagan Miqo'te flicked his ears as he once more looked over his friends; then sighed softly. "It is certainly unnecessary to speak of this morning's events. What I am puzzled about is the fact that a certain individual; slain only weeks ago by all of you; is now alive and well once more."
Nearly all eyes were suddenly on Shoto; she had loudly apologized and said this was her fault... but how was she going to explain this? The Scholar opened her mouth, but words wouldn't form. Instead, her mind was stuck on the Ascian; Emet-Selch. That same guilt gnawed at her, like a bile that wanted to come up into her throat. She'd chosen to heal his wounds, which had caused this whole situation. Emet-Selch had saved her, and he was now paying the price for her choice. Instead of continuing to fight the others, he stopped when she had pleaded and grabbed him. 
She looked around the Ocular, then words finally formed on her tongue, "...Wh-Where is... Emet-Selch...?"
The Crystal Exarch blinked at her question, taken aback. He actually looked to the others, as if he wasn't sure he'd heard her question correctly. Yuki frowned, as did Ice, neither of them were pleased about her first question. Sumire looked over to Angel, who was still half curled up with the carbuncle on his lap; he hadn't once looked up to the others since they settled in. The Exarch turned to look back to Shoto, but before he or any of the others could respond, the Scholar stood and used the wall to steady herself.
"I think it would be best if he were present for this, so we can all talk." She kept herself steady; her expression was serious.
The red-haired Miqo'te looked at her for a moment, as if he were still trying to gauge her or her request.
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He sighed softly, then gave in, "Very well," He turned to look over to the Viis that stood guard over their meeting to make sure no one entered uninvited. "Lyna, if you would, please have your guards escort the prisoner here." Shoto visibly cringed a bit at the word 'prisoner', but the captain simply saluted, then left to give the orders. 
* * * Half a bell later, Lyna returned with Emet-Selch in tow. The Ascian gave no resistance; in fact, he walked almost casually behind her. Ice stood up straight, visibly tense, beside his husband--it took something of an effort not to call forth his axe, but he managed, focusing his gaze back to Angel and looking worried once more. The mage had been silent the whole time, and just petted the curled up carbuncle on his lap. 
The Angel of Truth, with an air of lofty dignity, ignored Ice--he ignored everyone in the room, for that matter--save for Shoto. His eyes looked directly to the Scholar; once his eyes fell upon her, he seemed clearly relieved, understanding at a glance that her condition was now much more stable. His smirk became genuinely softened for a moment, and some of the harshness went out of his demeanor.
The Exarch noted the exchange with interest, but he refrained from making a comment for the moment.
"That will be all, Lyna. Thank you." He nodded to the guard captain, who gave him a slight bow in response.
"Yes, my lord." The Viis turned, then stepped outside the Ocular to keep guard. Shoto eyed the restraints, still on his wrists; they looked to be some kind of enchantment. She frowned, then looked to the Exach in a silent plea for him to allow an exception in here. It seemed like the Crystal Exarch didn't understand her look at first. She looked back to the Ascian, almost apologetically.
G'raha grit his teeth, then tapped his cane on the ground, and the restraints around his wrists disappeared. Without looking back to the Ascian, the Exarch focused on Shoto, and spoke calmly and succinctly.
"Now, Shoto, pray, tell us what happened."
Shoto looked to her friends before her, then briefly wondered where she should even begin. "I guess... I should start... w-with the aftermath of our... struggle in the Tempest, at the Dying Gasp," she frowned, as she glanced to the Ascian. She looked immediately back to her friends as she took a breath, "Ever since then... I've felt... an emptiness; a guilt."
The Ascian raised an eyebrow at her words, sparing a glance to the Scholar. 
Guilt...? For my sake...? He then shifted quietly in his spot where he stood, and continued to listen; acting as if her comment hadn't piqued his interest.
Shoto turned to more properly face her friends and the Exarch. She ended up taking a few steps towards the Ascian before she continued, "Last night, I brought a badly injured shoebill back to my room to heal him so he could fly again... and--"
"That bird was an Ascian in disguise?" Yuki frowned, as she looked to Emet-Selch. He gestured nonchalantly with his hand, as Shoto just nodded in reply. Sumire looked over to Shoto, then reached up to rub at his right eye again; the tip of his tail flicked against Yuki's coat beside him. He seemed to find it hard to look over in that general direction.
"If you recall, both Angel and I noted how badly injured the bird was," she glanced over to Angel. Though he still hadn't looked up, he nodded once when she paused. "His injuries were just as bad, even in this form." Shoto looked up to Emet-Selch, then paused before she continued, "He was in a lot of pain, and... a-and I," she looked away from him, to the floor, "I couldn't sit back... and just watch someone else die in front of me."
Angel's breath caught in his throat as he winced at those words. He closed his eyes tightly and hugged the carbuncle against him. She wriggled a little at the sudden hug, then nuzzled under his chin.
G'raha noticed Angel's flinch, and frowned sadly. He briefly recalled all the times he had found Angel curled up on blankets in the corner of the library tent of Saint Coinach's Find... reading books about Allag. How many times he'd sat and shared his own stories and knowledge with him. The Exarch's expression softened, and he thought about how vulnerable the mage looked right now; curled up and hugging a carbuncle. He hadn't noticed it before... because he hadn't taken the time to look; hadn't allowed himself that moment of vulnerability.
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For Ice's part, he was completely focused on Emet-Selch at the moment; he hadn't heard anything to draw his attention to his husband beside him on the floor. His sudden voice drew everyone's focus back to the present. 
"I'm a bit confused, though," he pointed at the Ascian as his eyes narrowed, suspicious, "How were you so injured that Shoto thought you'd die if she didn't heal you?"
Shoto just blinked at his question; she hadn't thought to ask that last night, she'd just acted instinctively. The Scholar looked to Emet-Selch with a curious expression. He looked back to her, then sighed and gestured languidly, dismissively, with his hand once more.
"All of you did work very hard to put a rather large hole directly through the core of my body, if you'll recall, dear little Warrior. The kind of hole that kills people."
"But... that injury was already a scar when I healed you," Shoto replied, quietly.
The Exarch frowned, then returned his attention to the Ascian. "If that was the damage they had sensed, then we all would have known it was you when you fell from the rafters yesterday." His ruby eyes narrowed a little, "And I most certainly wouldn't have let you leave."
The Ascian gave a cold look to the Exarch, his gold eyes flashing, though he didn't engage the taunt. After a thoughtful moment, he gave a dismissive sigh, "If you must know, Elidibus and I had a bit of a... shall we say... spirited discussion before I arrived in your fair city, dearest Exarch." The Crystal Exarch remained silent in response.
Ice still felt suspicious; he growled a little, then crossed his arms over his chest, "So you expect us to believe that you and Elidibus are no longer on good terms...?" 
The Ascian gave him another sort of shrug, "You asked how I was injured, hero, I merely answered your query."
Ice opened his mouth to respond, but Shoto held her hands up to try to refocus the conversation once more. "What matters... here... is that I healed him yesterday," Shoto took a breath, "I had healed him just the point where he'd have to naturally mend the rest of the way with time." She looked over to Angel once more, "That was before Angel arrived with the medicine and food."
"So," Yuki looked rather unamused, " what point did we get to Ice waking up our side of the Pendants in a rage this morning?" The Viera looked between the five Miqo'te and the Ascian in front of her. Her attention was drawn to the White Mage when he drew himself further into a ball.
"Th-That.... w-was... m-my fault," Angel mumbled into the carbuncle's back. Ice blushed a bit in embarrassment at having woken up so many people, but he cleared his throat, then turned his head to look back to the Viera.
"Despite what he says, that was not his fault," Ice immediately defended, "My husband simply told me that an Ascian had spent the night in Shoto's room and I rushed there to save our friend."
"So," Sumire rubbed at his right temple a bit, "Last night... Angel left Emet-Selch alone with Shoto, then passed out in the hall by their room." Shoto blinked, then looked to Angel, who still had his face buried in the carbuncle he was hugging. G'raha looked a little surprised, then also turned to look back over to Angel, but the Scholar beat him to speaking.
"Angel," Shoto's tone was very worried, "what do they mean you passed out in the hall?"
"I-I don't," he shifted the carbuncle so he could look up to Ice, then over to Shoto. The mage also noticed G'raha's worried look and felt even more apologetic. Ice turned to look down to his husband for a moment, then looked back to Shoto.
"He told me that he had a vision from the Echo in your room last night. It seemed to be a pretty intense one. On his way back, he just sat down to rest in the hall, and fell asleep." Ice sounded slightly defensive, then looked coldly at Emet-Selch, "What I didn't understand what had happened to trigger something bad enough to give him night--"
"I-Ice, please," Angel reached up to grasp Ice's hand; to interrupt his husband.
Shoto looked worriedly at her friend. G'raha's eyes widened a bit. Yuki closed her eyes with a frown, and Sumire frowned worriedly. Context had given them all a good idea what the word was that Angel had interrupted.
"Sh-Shoto, continue, i-if you don't mind...?" The White Mage gave them a weak smile when he looked over to the Scholar.
Shoto gave him a very concerned frown, but nodded and continued to explain. "After... After Angel got to the room, we had a conversation on the balcony. We started talking about the strange things we've both been noticing around us... and... about how we sort of felt stronger... ever since that fight," she paused, then glanced to Emet-Selch. "Well... we.... didn't have any other ideas... so," she looked back to her friends, "So we decided to ask him about the things we'd started to notice."
Ice looked back down to Angel. The mage nodded silently, then looked back down to Yuki's carbuncle. The Warrior finally understood what had brought up the topics Angel wanted to talk to him about last night... the topics that seemed to give him night terrors that he hadn't had in a long time.
Ice felt like now he knew why he'd had them... the Ascian that had caused him so much pain. The Warrior grit his teeth, but he felt his husband squeeze his hand more insistently in an attempt to calm him a bit.
Shoto noticed his expression. "Ice...?"
"So... what... did he say?" Ice asked; he barely kept himself from growling. He pointedly avoided asking Emet-Selch anything directly for the moment, and focused on Shoto. He felt the anger burning within once more. Shoto flicked her ears, worried about how Ice seemed ready to restart the fight that had happened earlier. 
"That... our souls... had gained... another shard... since that fight," she tilted her head a little, "probably during that fight." She gave Ice a small smile, "Do you remember during our talks afterward? When we all admitted we'd each seen one of the Warriors of Light from the First back then...?" She trailed slightly.
Angel then spoke up to try to help keep the conversation going. He still held Ice's hand, and could feel how tense the Warrior was. "Wh-When they... lent us... theirrr strrrength... to... surrrrvive," he looked down to the carbuncle in his arm, "i-it's possible... they werrre... o-ourrrr soul sharrrds... h-herrre... on the Firrrst." Shoto nodded immediately.
The Exarch blinked, then looked to each of his friends at that; they had told him about the phantom Ardbert that followed Shoto, but hadn't previously mentioned the other four Warriors of Light. Yet... these suggestions made a lot of sense. If their souls were fragmented the same as the worlds, then it stood to reason that fragments of them would exist on those worlds. He found that he didn't question any of it with everything he knew to be true. The Allagan Miqo'te looked down to the design on the floor of the Ocular, depicting the Source and its reflections.
Emet-Selch once more raised his eyebrow at their conversation. This was a bit more direct than they'd mentioned last night, and his suspicions felt validated. Those Warriors of the First must have been their soul fragments, that was the only explanation for what he saw before him at the moment: five glowing souls, eight times rejoined, without a Calamity on the Source. There was no longer any doubt; there was, however, concern.
Yuki wrinkled her nose a bit at the explanation, "Is that something he told you two?" She now also sounded more suspicious of the Ascian across from her.
The Paragon straightened his posture, then turned to face everyone else; he felt the attention in the room turn on him. Sumire once more looked over to Shoto and Emet-Selch, then made a face as he immediately rubbed at his eye again. Yuki finally turned to face him this time. 
"Are you quite alright, Sumire? You've been doing that since last night." Her question drew everyone's attention; everyone but Emet-Selch and Ice. The Warrior and the Ascian seemed to be staring at each other for the moment.
"I-It's fine, Yuki," Sumire moved his hand, then frowned at her, "My eye just needs time to adjust to the First's aether... It's just... acting up a little."
"Can you still see okay?" Yuki reached up to move his hair a bit so she could see his white eye. Shoto and Angel watched as Yuki aggressively doted on the Dragoon. 
"I can still see fine, I promise." Sumire reached up to gently push her hand away, "It'll settle by tonight, like always. It's just that everything seems oddly... brighter than usual."
"What are you doing to them?" Ice's deep, growled voice asked Emet-Selch. The Ascian cocked an eyebrow as he continued to look at the Warrior, rolling his eyes
"Not that you seem inclined to believe anything I say," he drawled, "but I meant what I said, and I said what I meant, my axe-wielding friend. I haven't done a thing to you or any of your friends outside of the lovely little skirmish--"
"You're the only thing different since yesterday." Ice replied as he stepped forward; his hand pulled free of his husband's grasp.
"You chopped down the door of the room I was sleeping in and attacked me. Like a primitive. I merely defended myself," the Ascian countered.
"You were-"
"Enough," the Exarch snapped sharply as his ears pinned back.
The Warrior and the Ascian both looked away from each other; Ice growled loudly in frustration, while Emet-Selch huffed almost primly. Angel stood up carefully and released Yuki's carbuncle. He then hugged his husband to try and calm him down.
The Allagan Miqo'te rubbed his forehead, then looked back to the Scholar. "Pray continue, Shoto..."
The female Seeker nodded, "Where was...? O-Oh right... Knowing... all of that, it's," Shoto paused for a moment, "it's likely that one added shard could have awakened some long-forgotten abilities in our souls," she gestured to herself, then Angel, "which explains the strange things we kept noticing around us." 
The Crystal Exarch brought a hand to his chin in thought, "In any other circumstance, I might be disinclined to believe you," he lowered his crystal hand, then looked at it for a moment. "But I find that I don't question anything you've said thus far. Perhaps it's a result of everything we've been trying to accomplish since..." He stopped, not wanting to say much more in front of the Ascian that he still wasn't sure what to do about. Aside from the fight he stopped this morning, he hadn't made any further efforts to cause trouble nor run off. Emet-Selch found himself being stared at by the Exarch, and just cocked an eyebrow in response.
Angel flicked his ears, then looked back to his friends after the silence. "I-I'm starting to worry... that i-it's just... m-me and... Shoto," he frowned, then looked to Sumire, then Yuki, then finally up to his husband that he still held onto, "Has... a-anyone else... noticed... a-anything?"
Ice looked over to Angel, then relaxed slightly as he hugged him back. "Sorry, love," he shook his head a little, "but aside from last night, nothing else has seemed odd. Just sort of feeling generally stronger, as I've answered you before." He looked back to Sumire and Yuki, wondering about their responses.
Yuki shook her head, "Nothing has been weird. Just noticing Shoto's moping about, mostly."
"H-Hey!" Shoto pouted, "I don't... mope." The Scholar argued the term, but it wasn't entirely inaccurate. She'd had days when the guilt and sadness just hit her like a load of bricks... she could see how that might have come across as moping to someone else. Yuki just made a face at her. It was sort of hard to read, but it felt worried to Shoto.
"Sumire...?" Ice asked, as he gently hugged Angel again, reassuringly. The Dragoon looked over to him in silence for a moment, then shook his head a little.
"I've felt... tired." He shrugged a bit, "Maybe a bit more than I used to, but it's probably nothing. I've tried to train harder, I'm probably just overdoing it."
"You overslept yesterday and were exhausted by the time we were finished speaking with the Exarch," Yuki frowned. Sumire took a breath, then sighed.
"Some days are just like that... If it's true that we all gained another fragment of our souls... maybe I just need time to adjust to it...?" He made a face, then looked over to Shoto and Emet-Selch again. With a wince, he reached up to completely cover his right eye with his hand. He mumbled to himself, but Yuki still heard him, "Maybe I'll just cover it until it adjusts... "
Angel wasn't sure what to say. Their friends would have surely mentioned odd manifestations if they'd have seen them. Much like the orange carbuncle-like creature; Ambrosia; that had appeared during the fight. It sounded like Ice, Yuki, and Sumire just felt a bit stronger, if anything, but nothing else notable had happened. He buried his face in Ice's chest with a quiet sound of frustration.
Shoto also seemed concerned about the updates, and bit her lip. "W-Well," she started, "I had... similar thoughts. I've felt stronger... s-so maybe... my magic is too, and," she trailed off as she blushed. Angel turned his head to look at her. Ice just frowned; Angel's words from this morning replayed in his mind--they had been strikingly similar to Shoto's.
("...I-I've felt stronger too... W-Well, specifically, I-I guess, my magic.")
Yuki's carbuncle hopped over to Shoto. The Scholar squatted down to pet her as Angel opened his mouth to speak, but Ice spoke first.
"...and you thought you'd test it out," he stated, then glanced back down to his husband. The White Mage blushed, then glanced away silently. Shoto looked surprised, but nodded as she focused on petting the carbuncle at her feet. An audible sigh drew attention to Yuki, who now had her arms crossed.
"Really, Shoto, that's irresponsible even by Ice's standards."
"Yeah," Ice agreed, as he looked back to Shoto, then paused, "Wait..." 
He turned to look back at Yuki to argue her wording, but the Ascian actually laughed, smirking widely, and spoke before the Warrior could. "Praise Zodiark, someone else understands~!" He moved to get a little closer to Shoto, but was stopped by a sharp, cold look from the Exarch. His expression said it would be unwise to move any closer than he already was; the Ascian remained where he was and just gave a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
Shoto stuttered to speak again, "I-I just thought... I'd see if... maybe... I could... mend the wound... to full?"
Angel jerked at the suggestion, he turned to look at her and spoke sharply, and in disbelief, "Sh-Shoto!?" Ice let go of Angel when he took a worried step towards his oldest friend. "That was far too much damage to heal alone and all at once!"
"But I did it!" She immediately argued. Eos popped up beside her in a swirl, and nodded fervently as if trying to back her up, then landed on the back of the carbuncle to sit. Angel made a concerned face, then looked to Emet-Selch; the Ascian paused, then nodded in response.
"She did," he crossed his arms with a quiet sigh, "Although, I tried to warn her not to push herself like that."
Shoto looked puzzled for a moment. Had he tried to warn her? As she thought for a moment, she recalled the voice she heard telling her to stop... A look of realization crossed her face and the Ascian near her frowned a little.
"You pushed yourself to the level of Aetheric Exhaustion. If you will recall how 'fine' you claimed to be before you collapsed on me."
"Ae...ther..." Angel's voice was faint, and didn't even finish the first word. The condition was one both Ice and Shoto knew he'd had personal experience with. The former through an explanation from the latter; she'd been around when he had pushed himself that far.
It wasn't just his experience right now, though; the term brought back the feelings of his nightmare from this morning. He heard a distant, quiet bell at the edge of his hearing. The mage's voice returned; quiet, a bit shaky, and full of concern, "Shoto, a-are you c-certain you're alright...? It... I-It normally takes... days t-to recover... from that..."
It was clear that the mage spoke from experience. The Exarch blinked, then looked worriedly to the White Mage. Emet-Selch also cocked an eyebrow. Yuki wanted to point out once more that these two were too much alike, and it was clear on her face as she gave a look to Shoto. The female Miqo'te nodded her head to Angel, then raised her hands to calm things down before they could escalate again.
"Yes, yes, I'm a bit tired, but I feel fine. I promise!" She blushed, then lowered her arms, "That's... That's why I said... h-he... saved me... last night," she trailed slightly, as she felt a bit embarrassed to admit that she'd so direly misjudged. 
"...Even if... he did help you," Angel's tail curled against his own leg as he took another step forward, "Are you... really okay enough to be up...? I'm amazed you're even conscious if..."
"I will be fine to travel," She interrupted him, giving another reassuring smile. "We're not planning on fighting, just traveling to Kholusia, right? There's a boat ride involved in that. I can rest on that." She smiled reassuringly, "I promise I'll take it easy, okay?"
"And what about him, Shoto?" Ice glared at Emet-Selch, "Are you suggesting we just let him... tag along?" Ice was clearly not pleased. He crossed his arms over his chest and continued to glare at the Ascian. Shoto didn't have a response, but her lack of immediate denial admitted she'd been thinking that.
Emet-Selch scoffed, a slow, smug grin creeping over his features, "I can do whatever I please, my dear friend," he replied, clearly pleased to continue needling Ice. "I daresay it's not your call to make." Ice growled in response, but the Ascian just continued to grin.
"You would be correct. It is not Ice's decision," the Exarch took a step forward, "But it is mine." 
The Ascian shrugged dramatically, shaking his head. "Yes, yes, render unto His Radiance what belongs to His Radiance and all that. Whatever, then, can I do to convince you of my sincerity, o wise Crystal Exarch?"
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G'raha gave a soft sigh then put a finger to his chin, thoughtfully; he didn't reply immediately... but Shoto heard Emet-Selch speak again, soft and sibilant.
《 If you know anything I might use as leverage with our Allagan friend here, my dear hero, I'd be much obliged...I'm quite serious about traveling with you, this time. If nothing else, someone needs to protect you... 》
Shoto blinked and her head whipped towards Hades, her expression confused and her cheeks slightly pinker. She'd heard him speak, but the others hadn't reacted?
《 Well, that's because they can't hear me. They aren't connected, the way we seem to be, now are they? 》
"Wh--What's connected?! Connection?!" Shoto blurted out.
...Ice, Yuki, Sumire, Angel and the Exarch all looked over to the Scholar as she felt heat build in her face like a bonfire, and the Ascian rolled his eyes. Then the five looked at one another.
"Shoto..." Yuki began, the Viera cocking her head to the side. "No one...mentioned a connection? Except, maybe...going to Kholusia would count? ...Are you really sure you're alright?"
"I'm fine," Shoto insisted, pursing her lips and crossing her arms. Ice glared suspiciously at Hades and fought down a snarl; this drew G'raha's attention, and the Exarch loudly cleared his throat, as if to officially interrupt.
"Here, then, is an opportunity to demonstrate your sincerity, in some small part, Emet-Selch," he intoned, flicking his ears as his crimson eyes fixed with Hades' golden ones. "Perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain the strange occurrences that have been troubling Shoto and Angel?"
Emet-Selch actually brightened, giving a wide shrug and a personable smirk. "Of course! Simplicity itself, in fact, since as they mentioned, they consulted me beforehand...but I'm digressing, admittedly. Now, then." He held up a finger. "This is somewhat theoretical, but I believe that they, as a result of their eighth rejoining, have accessed creation magic."
"Creation magic?" Sumire asked, looking over briefly towards the Ascian, then back to Yuki, confused, "Like they always talked about everywhere in Amaurot?"
"The very same!" Hades smirked. "Admirably attentive, young dragon-slayer." He folded down his finger and then steepled his hands, looking over them at the assembled group. "Before anyone asks something terribly, mind-shatteringly stupid, like 'what do the words creation magic mean', let me go on to say that they mean exactly what they sound like. They are the act of calling aether into a solidified, true form, of creating through the sheer and precise imposition of will." He cracked his knuckles. "If I might demonstrate? I promise, I'll create nothing harmful."
The Exarch shrugged lightly, and Emet-Selch closed his eyes, drawing on the well of his the great God, it was depleted after that battle, though at least it wasn't completely exhausted...still, drawing on the arm of his Elder Form in particular, and his Mirrors of Utterance, had been an effort. There was more than enough for what he intended, though; he would focus on one of the first things young Amaurotines learned, food.
He closed his eyes, and snapped his fingers with his usual theater.
Out of nothingness, out of thin air, a table seemed to write itself into being, and then a silvery tea tray. Set on it was a porcelain teapot, filled with hot, steaming tea, and a set of matching cups...arrayed around the tea set were small plates of cakes, cookies, and pastries. As a last flourish, he added a vessel of sugar and a vessel of cream...perhaps it wasn't strictly necessary, but there it was.
There were gasps of shock and interest, and he waited for them to die down before gesturing to the set. "And there you have it. This very same exercise, with...some tweaking, was a simple, elementary act of creation taught to aspiring will-workers as one of the first pieces of their training in the arcane arts. In the days of Amaurot, it was hard to find someone who had no aptitude for creation magic, though...typically everyone had one specialty in which they truly excelled. " He smiled, a little wistfully...and seemed to notice Angel staring at the cakes, though the dark-haired Miqo'te blushed and looked away, shaking his head. "Such as, for example, your creation just now, the one called...'Ambrosia'."
"Wait a minute," Ice demanded. "Angel created that? That was a living creature--"
"Which is quite within the purview of creation magic," Hades replied airily. "It's much more complex than the food and the tea, to which you're all welcome, as it's not static, but it's quite possible." He smirked as if expecting a rejoinder...
Shoto gasped. "...That's how you were able to recreate Amaurot, in the Tempest!" she said. "That's why...Twelve Above," she breathed, imagining the sheer amount of effort it must've taken to build the great city that lay far below the waters, even as a shallow replica.
Hades' look of happiness was genuine. "Ah, you can catch on quite quickly! Yes, just so. It wasn't the work of a single day, but right you are."
"...Wouldn't the work of creation magic fade with the death of its creator?" The Scholar chewed her lip and looked both pensive and worried, a reaction that made the Paragon's smile fade to a melancholy look.
"In time, yes; a large-scale creation like my Amaurot would take some moons to disappear, but in the end all that would be left would be...the foundation upon which I built," he said, breezing over the details.
《 Another time, perhaps. ...Please don't respond out loud. Yes, I can hear your thoughts, and vice versa, it's really as simple as that. Don't be too alarmed, dear hero. 》
Shoto frowned to herself--she wanted to press him on it, even mentally, but her thoughts were already a mess, and she decided to let it go for now, but remember it.
"Yet its aether shows no signs of dimming," G'raha mused, looking over to the Ascian.
"That," said Emet-Selch, more grimly than he quite meant, "is not my doing. My death should've ensured its slow decline, and I assure you, I did, most definitely, perish there. Its preservation is the doing of another...and yes, likely another Ascian. Elidibus could maintain its presence quite easily, if he deigned to do so himself; even one of the lesser rank wouldn't find it too hard. At any rate, that version of Amaurot is no longer mine to command." He shrugged widely, languidly. "I am, believe it or not, in a position rather similar to all of you."
"If you died once, then you can die again," Ice growled. "Right?"
"Yes. Indeed," said the Paragon, raising his hands as if to say 'I yield' even as he rolled his eyes. "Very well spotted. But, truth be told, I really would prefer not to engage in another long, drawn-out, destructive conflict, heroes. Instead, might I not help you...? These powers of creation, your newly recovered legacy, might become quite dangerous to all of you without guidance...and I must stress, you still are broken, sundered souls. Though to be rejoined eight times is unprecedented, it's nothing like being completed. So, I offer you the tutelage of one of Amaurot's greatest sorcerers, for no cost at all."
Shoto raised her brow, though she seemed quite interested. "...You'd train us in the arts of creation? All of us?"
"All of you," Emet-Selch affirmed, spreading his arms. 
Angel's ears pricked to attention, his gaze focused on the Ascian, and Shoto looked thoughtful; G'raha fought down a grimace. Sumire frowned, then looked over to Angel and Ice rather than at Emet-Selch and Shoto. Yuki wore a very flat look on her face, as did Ice.
"What a godsdamned farce." Ice clenched his fists. "You tried this before, Ascian. You offered us help, you pulled Y'shtola from the Lifestream in a grand gesture of 'good faith' . And then, when it pleased you, you turned the tables on us without a shred of remorse and tried to slaughter us all! How do you expect us to suddenly trust you?!"
Shoto looked like she wanted to reply, but the Warrior had a point...the last time the Ascian had offered his friendship, he'd just as quickly rescinded it and deemed himself their executioner. Yes, he'd had his reasons, but...
The silence hung heavy in the room, but it was broken by Angel's hesitant voice, as the White Mage crept forwards to take a look over the tea set.
"Y-You don't..."
"Eh?" Ice turned to his husband.
Angel moved over to the table; took one of the small cakes from the tray, and looked at it. His voice low, and his face still seemed hesitant on the topic. "H-He's kept his w-word... and... he t-trusted us... last night. So... it's only f-fair... to rrreturn the f-favor."
The Miqo'te bit the cake before anyone could ask what he was doing or what he meant. He'd stuttered through, desperately forcing back his purr. He was quite nervous about eating anything, but Emet-Selch had eaten the food he had brought, and drank the tea he had made last night. He felt it was only right to accept something from him in return...
Besides all that, he was quite weak around sweets...
The Ascian's expression was one of surprise when the dark-haired, male Miqo'te picked up one of the cakes and ate it. A small genuine smile formed on his face.
Ice, however, was shocked that Angel ate the cake. "Angel?! What are you-" He cut himself off, as he thought about what his husband had said. Emet-Selch had been truthful in their encounters before, just circumstances had put them at odds. He pinned his ears back and he gave a frustrated growl. Angel did not eat any more nor take any of the tea... the cake had only been eaten to make a point.
Shoto actually breathed a sigh of relief, and then drew herself up to try and seem more authoritative towards the Ascian; it wasn't quite successful, and mostly drew a flicker of amusement that she felt through their mental connection, but she pressed on. "...You told me that you still seek the restoration of the original world, the Rejoining, but you believe it can be accomplished without unnecessary deaths, without the mass murder your kind has used before. Did you mean that?"
Hades nodded and spread his hand in a conciliatory gesture. "Yes, of course I meant it."
"...Swear that you did," Shoto said firmly, crossing her arms. "Swear an oath, on the memory of Amaurot, that that's your goal. If you'll do that, I don't care about any other hidden agendas, or ulterior motives, or secret reasons. Because I know if you break that word, it'll mean something."
For a long, long moment, Hades just stared at her. 
She couldn't quite tell what all the emotions were, even through the link they shared, the strange tether of fate and heart and mind; there was fear, and shock, and some degree of anger, but also pride, and relief, and joy...
Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke.
"I swear by the memory of Amaurot," he said, gravely and solemnly, "and by the souls of the Convocation of Fourteen, that a Rejoining without death or calamity is my goal. If it is at all possible, I will seek it. Is that sufficient?"
His aggrieved air didn't touch his eyes...Shoto felt he was almost smiling, behind a dour mask.
"...Yes," she answered. "...And you're going to tutor us in creation magic, still, all of us, like you said before," she added hastily.
"Indeed, indeed, yes, yes, yes," said Emet-Selch, all dismissiveness and rolled eyes once more, though he didn't sound insincere. "I promise, too, I will teach you, each in turn, all I can. It will be quite limited, given your souls' continued broken state, but. It will be something no one else can do." 
Shoto couldn't help but beam at this--here was an opportunity to learn something no one else could, a lost magic from millennia ago! "Wonderful!"
* * * Another, drawn out awkward silence fell after that settled... and just as it stretched a moment too long, the Crystal Exarch sighed heavily.
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"Very well. I suppose such an oath satisfies me, much as I can be satisfied, Emet-Selch. I want you to know, I mislike all of this. I'm not quite of a mind with Ice, but I'm not that far from his position, either." G'raha crossed his arms and shook his head. "But I'm not foolish enough to mindlessly challenge Shoto when her mind's made up...and Angel had a persuasive argument. So, then, here is what we'll do."
He pointed decisively towards the Ascian. "You are to remain with Shoto, Yuki, and Sumire, and travel with them to Eulmore, where you'll rendezvous with Alphinaud and Y'shtola. I believe in a larger group, you're less likely to be tempted by even small transgressions of your oath...and, being very frank, I don't want you near Ice and Angel, at the moment." His brows furrowed. "If I learn you've done anything to interfere with their work..."
"Yes, yes, I'm full aware. I want no part of the full wrath of the Crystarium and her master," the Angel of Truth assured. 
G'raha ground his teeth a little; he hadn't been exaggerating. Everything about this idea seemed wrong. He didn't want to agree to any of this--he would prefer to throw the Ascian in an oubliette and call it a day; but it was what it was.
"Ice, Angel, you'll continue to Amh Araeng as per the assignment we previously discussed," he continued. He didn't share what theirs was, and once he'd made his decisions, he looked to his friends. "Please use the devices I gave you if an emergency should arise... they should have no trouble with range."
"Understood," Yuki replied, then turned to Shoto. "You're certain this is what you want?"
"Yes," Shoto nodded. She stood firm. "He gave his word, and I want to hold him to it.
Yuki nodded with a frown, "Alright. Well. We'd best go gather our bags and head out to our respective travel points. Y'shtola's new findings in the Tempest certainly interest me." 
"Ice, Angel," the Exarch turned to them, "head to the Amaro launch when you've collected your things. Cassard has a caravan to take to Mord Souq today and has the space to take you along." He turned to look at Shoto, "Your group can head out to Tessellation and find Dadfort in Knot. He's promised a boat to Kholusia," his red ears flicked out to the sides. "Unfortunately, we're still working on repairing relations between the Crystarium and Eulmore... so, I cannot promise you he'll take you the whole way to the city." He looked apologetic, but Shoto shook her head and smiled at him.
"I-I'm just glad to have a transport arranged! Thank you so much!" She then looked to her traveling companions, "I know... I will slow our process some, from being irresponsible, but... you're all right. I should take my time to recover, a-and Emet-Selch said I'd be fine in a few days!" Shoto smiled, as she tried to be encouraging to her friends. "Besides, while there's a boat crossing, using Amaro in between should make the process a little faster."
"Hn," Emet-Selch put in. "How much do you trust these oversized goat-birds? Do you not have even one airship?"
"The Amaro will be fine," Shoto sighed, giving him a long look. "This is a diplomatic mission, and diplomats don't demand airship flights."
"You and I have met very different diplomats," Hades quipped in reply.
"That's probably true," she said simply. "Now, come along. If we're getting ready, you're getting ready, too." Shoto brooked no argument...she merely linked her arm with his and pulled the Ascian along as the group began to leave the Ocular; Ice shot one last angry glare at the Paragon, but said nothing.
As they left, Emet-Selch considered things. Things that were likely to give him a headache, and sooner rather than later. First, what had that blind sorceress found out in the Tempest? He couldn't think of what she could have learned that was new, he'd practically given them a guided tour of the recreated city...Unless...
Secondly and more immediately, he hadn't set foot in Eulmore since the project with Vauthry had borne fruit. He grimaced a little at the thought. Vauthry. Now there was a work he wasn't particularly fond of or proud of. And one that people might remember, especially that Elezen boy who'd caused such a ruckus.
This was definitely going to be a pain, wasn't it?
And yet, looking to his side, seeing the genuine sparkle in Shoto's eye, made something in his long-cold heart spark back to life. Something he hadn't thought along the lines of for far, far too long.
It'll be a torturous road, no mistaking it. 
But...I think she's worth it. 
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
Hello, all. We’re so very sorry that the main story has been delayed so long.
Editor Angel posting this update notice. There is a new chapter out. I’ve posted it to AO3, but it took me so long to fix all the stupid spacing issues on Archive that I’m just really tired. I’m feeling feverish now, and I hate it, but I guess this means it’s my turn to get sick. I didn’t want a turn. ;_; We'll post up the Tumblr version tomorrow. It just needs formatted.
If you’d like to go ahead and read this week’s chapter before tomorrow with images, you can do so here:
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shardweavers · 4 years ago
We are currently working to bring you another chapter of Shard Weavers. In the meantime, please enjoy this side story series: Tales of the Falling Snow. Aka Shoto’s past adventures with Lord Haurchefant.  Let us know what you think! 
Tales of the Falling Snow: Chapter One - Against the Wind
This a side story series based off our main series “Shard Weavers”. It focuses on some of Shoto’s past as well as her adventures with Lord Haurchefant Greystone.
Writers are Xehnis (Shoto) and @angel-lockhart​.
The snow fell so silently on the frozen plain, coming down at a steady pace. Faster and faster it fell, the only sound was the crunching of boots on the snow. Several figures were making their way back to the camp ahead. Shoto drew up her arm at a sharp gust of wind to block some of its harsh bite. Her coat was white, like the snow around her, with a light brown fur trim. It was paired with matching leggings for warmth and ankle high boots. The Miqo’te urged herself forward; they needed to report their success in saving Lord Francel at the Steel Vigil. Shoto then stumbled forward as she lost her footing.
Angel hurried forward as he noticed; rushing to her side, “Are you alright?!” The White Mage helped steady her arm. He wore a heavy alpine coat, colored royal blue with some light blue accents. It had a white fur lining around the collar, cuffs, and around the bottom, which was around his knees; it also covered his tail. His pants were made of double-layered wool, and were tucked into his boots, made of a thick hippogryph leather, and lined with karakul fleece. His hands were covered in heavy mittens, and he had a warm, fleece cap on to protect his ears. Despite all this protection from the cold, he’d been quite happy to go with her into the snow. On the way up to check out the Vigil, he’d said it would be more enjoyable if they didn’t have to go fight in it.
“Thanks,” Shoto regained her footing with Angel’s help, then nodded, “I’m okay. I guess I was just a bit careless.” Angel chuckled a little, then blinked and looked up; the snowfall was starting to come down a bit harder now. Shoto frowned slightly, and he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “I can see the camp from here. As much as I like the snow, we should probably head inside before it gets too hard to see.” Shoto shivered a bit, then nodded in agreement. The two hurriedly made their way back to the encampment walls.
* * *
The doors into the main quarters of Camp Dragonhead swung open wide as the two adventurers stepped through first. The female Miqo’te pushed back her hood, brushing away the excess of snow off her coat. The male Miqo'te removed his fleece hat, then shook his head as his ears were freed; which also knocked some excess snow from his coat. The two guards that had gone with them stepped inside and similarly began to brush off the snow.
“Ah! Splendid! You’ve already arrived back!” She knew the voice before she even saw him. A joyful grin spread across his face, Lord Haurchefant looked over her with fervent approval. His light blue hair swayed as he made large strides to close the gap between him and the new arrivals. “I take it your mission was a success?” His eyes excitedly passed between each of them as he awaited an answer. 
Shoto chuckled at his enthusiasm, then responded with a soft smile on her face, “Yes. We were able to save Lord Francel and his men.”
One of the guards just shook his head still brushing the snow off himself, “Just barely in time though. There were Dravanian jaws upon him.” “But thanks to Angel and Shoto’s support, we had no trouble driving them away and saving him and his men!” The other guard suddenly mimicked swinging his axe rather excitedly as he explained, which elicited a surprised squeak from Angel, just beside him. The guard’s face fell, “Ah! S-Sorry! I was just excited, and-” 
“I-It’s alrrrright.” Angel purred quietly as looked down. Hauchefant brought a thoughtful hand to his chin. He could see that both Miqo’te were still visibly tense from the cold.
“I see… I will celebrate his safety for the time being. You’ve saved my friend, Francel’s life–and in return, I have rooms readied upstairs for you and your companions to spend the night. I’m certain you’ll find them comfortable. My messenger has yet to return from Ishgard with any news on your missing airship.” 
Angel’s tail twitched beneath his coat, “That is most kind. Rest sounds like a good idea… as does heat.” Angel shivered, then hurried over to the stairs, “I’m going to warm up for a bit, Shoto.“ His ears flicked, as he smiled at her, "If you need anything, you know where to find me.” The male Miqo’te then disappeared up to his room. 
Haurchefant looked back to the two guards in the room, “I’m sure you are both tired as well. Feel free to take the night to rest.” He smiled kindly to the guards. Their spirits were quite high as they left to head to the dining hall to relax. The female Miqo’te and male Elezen were the only two left in the room. His pale, blue eyes met hers with a soft smile as they glided over her form, “It seems we’re the only ones left for this evening. Mayhap you can regale your adventure to me.”
Shoto moved to sit on a nearby bench but he gently caught her arm.
“I have somewhere else in mind that is more comfortable than these quarters.” He led her back out into the incoming blizzard’s harsh winds, and she instinctively hugged herself for warmth; she visibly shivered. His arm was around her for comfort and warmth only a moment later.
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“Ah, I’m sorry, the weather here takes some getting used to, but our destination is just across here.” 
They hurried forward, then stepped into a much warmer room than the entrance to the main quarters had been. There was a small fire burning in the fireplace on the other side. A plush couch was positioned in front of it, with a low table. Off to the side, there was a rather decent sized bed with a small end table. Closer to the door, on the right side, was a small kitchenette. 
Shoto stepped in closer to the fire, and rubbed at her arms to brush away any remaining feeling of cold.
The Elezen stepped around the bar of the kitchenette and grabbed two mugs, “I do hope you like hot cocoa. It is a special recipe of mine.” 
The Miqo’te nodded with a smile, before she looked back to the couch near the fireplace.
* * *
After a few minutes, Haurchefant returned to her side with two mugs of the warm liquid. “Come, let us sit!”
Shoto felt a bit less frozen, and moved away from the fire, towards the couch to sit with the Elezen. He placed the two mugs on the table before he stepped behind her to help remove her heavy coat before she could sit. The Elezen hurriedly placed it on a nearby coat rack. The Miqo’te sat on the couch, then lifted one of the mugs into her hands to warm them with it. Haurchefant made his way back over, then took a seat close beside her. 
They sat quietly staring into the dancing flames in the fireplace for a bit. Its warmth was soothing and comforting, and she wore a contented expression. The silence was then broken by the sound of Haurchefant setting his mug down.
“So tell me, However did you make it in time to save Lord Francel?” He leaned back into the couch.
Shoto smiled, "Well, with swift chocobos and the winds at our backs! I’m sure a blessing from Nymeia helped us too,” Shoto continued to regale him with their mission up to Steel Vigil; how they had found the lord just in time to save him from the jaws of a Dravanian minion. How she, Angel, and the guards had split up to rescue his men without injury. She frowned a little when she got to the part where he had apologized, then told them he was trying to improve his house’s reputation. 
Haurchefant leaned in, listening intently to every detail she spoke. She was quite sure he had gotten the full report well before they had arrived back. However, like always, he was on the edge of his seat as she told him her story, hanging onto her every word. Shoto also remembered that she was supposed to tell him that Francel was going to have to accept whatever judgment the inquisitors decided upon, but she didn’t want to destroy the happy look on his face, and it was quite late already… she would tell him in the morning.
“How splendid indeed! Ever the hero!” His eyes moved over her form once more, drinking up every detail in the darkened lighting of the room. “You must be sore from travelling in this harsh environment. As I said on the way here, this weather takes some getting used to, especially seeing as you’re from the warm region of the Black Shroud.” 
Shoto was visibly impressed that he remembered she hailed from Gridiania. She nodded as she started to move her arm. “Why yes, I am,” she continued to rotate her arm a bit to release the stiffness in her shoulder.
The Elezen’s smile widened, “Allow me?” The Miqo’te tilted her head slightly in confusion. He carefully moved closer to her, and motioned for her to turn around. The Elezen placed his hands on her shoulders, then immediately began by massaging his thumbs into the flesh at the base of her neck; his hands moving outwards over her shoulders. Gods that felt good. She felt the tension swiftly leave her shoulders.
Haurchefant moved to work further down her back. Shoto shut her eyes; she felt like she was melting at his touch. Without much thought, she leaned back against him. Her head rested against his chest as she relaxed.
Shoto’s eyes reopened a moment later. She found the Elezen looking down at her. Her cheeks flushed a bright red as she realized what she’d done. Thankfully, her blush couldn’t be seen in this dim lighting. She moved to sit up, “I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t thi-” 
The Elezen’s hair swayed as he laughed. “Come now, you’re quite alright. I’m humbled that you feel that comfortable in my company.” Shoto’s eyes shifted to the side in embarrassment. Haurchefant just chuckled again, “Such a splendid expression.” 
The Miqo’te looked back at him blushing brighter than before, “Wh-What’s that supposed to mean?”
The Elezen laughed playfully and just smiled at her, “Ahaha, nothing bad, I assure you.” Shoto pouted a bit, then sighed. She still felt chilled and a bit tired from their travels.
“You are too kind,“ she shook her head. "I’m sorry. I’m just still a bit cold and a little tired. I’m probably not the best company right now.” Haurchefant motioned a hand towards the side door that led to a bathroom. 
“You are most welcome to use the facilities I have here." 
Shoto’s eyes looked over in the direction of the bathroom. She then looked down at her clothes she was still wearing since the battle. She felt a bit damp from sweating and the snow that had gotten under her coat. It was quite unpleasant since attention had been brought to it. "Ah~, apologies, Lord Haurchefant. I’m certain I smell of Dravanians and stone.”
He chuckled again, then shook his head. “You are fine, my dear. I just thought a warm bath may help those sore muscles of yours.” He gave her a playful grin, “I could even join you if you would like.”
Shoto smiled in response. “Thank you for the offer, but I think I can handle bathing myself.” The Elezen’s face fell some as he realized by her tone that she hadn’t quite picked up the intent behind his offer.
“Ah! I don’t have a change of clothes with me though… They’re all back in my room.” 
“I’m sure I can find something to accommodate your splendid body.” His face brightened some at the notion of her staying for longer. He hurried into the bathroom, and immediately found her a towel and a soft, grey bathrobe. It was sized for a male Elezen, but it would certainly work to cover her. He set them out for her, and turned on the hot water to let the tub fill for her.
Shoto entered the room a few moments later. It wasn’t a very large bathroom, but it was quite functional. When she thought about it, she realized that it made sense not to be extravagant at an encampment. “Thank you so much for this.” 
“It is my pleasure, my dear.” Haurchefant lingered at the door for a moment; he hoped, perhaps, she’d invite him to join her. When nothing was said after she turned the water off where she wanted it, he dismissed himself back to the couch to wait for her.
Shoto carefully lowered herself down into the warm water. A quiet groan escaped her lips as just the heat alone worked wonders on her aching muscles. She grabbed the bar of soap and the washcloth that was left for her. Shoto decided to take her time and let her body relax while she cleaned up.
* * *
It wasn’t too long before she reappeared from the bathroom in the grey robe he had set out for her. Tied neatly at the waist, it hung a little loose around the neck, but otherwise seemed to fit just fine.
Haurchefant had removed his armor, and was simply in a white shirt and brown pants that he wore underneath. The scent of fresh cocoa greeted her as she moved towards the couch once more. The Elezen’s smile seemed to take over his entire face upon seeing her. He examined her from head to toe.
“Marvelous.” Shoto blushed at his comment, then sat down beside him once again. He scooted closer to her, and placed an arm along the back of the couch. His other hand reached over to twirl a finger through a damp lock of hair. “I hope you found everything you needed.” 
“Yes, thank you. It was nice to relax in a warm bath after today.” Shoto shivered a bit as she spoke; she was just in the bathrobe now. 
Haurchefant noted her shiver, then brought the arm resting on the couch down around her, and pulled her closer. It was warm and comfortable beside him. His scent reminded her of the woods of the Shroud, mixed with winter frost, with a hint of a soft musk. It blended with the cocoa in the air in a way that was oddly soothing to her. 
He looked down to her, his pale blue eyes glistened and his soft smile beamed at her. The Elezen seemed to be searching for something in her sapphire eyes. She tilted her head a bit in confusion. Haurchefant brought his free hand up again to gently run his fingers through her hair once more.
“You are absolutely stunning.” He leaned down a little closer to her, his face mere ilms away from hers.
Shoto could feel her heart hammering in her chest. This was the first time she had ever been this close to someone. “I-I…” She couldn’t find any words as she felt herself drowning in those beautiful blue eyes of his; her lips slightly parted as she stared.
He took the invitation, and gently pressed his lips to hers. After a moment like that, Haurchefant exhaled a sigh upon her lips as he whispered, “You taste divine…”
He pulled her in closer for another kiss; his hand caressing the back of her head. She leaned into him, and returned the kiss; she swore even his kiss tasted of sweet cocoa. When he gently broke the kiss, she found herself awestruck.
His voice was quiet, and still playful, “My, that is a splendid blush…”
Shoto glanced to look away as he blush doubled in intensity. “Y-You are too kind, Lord Haurchefant.”
“Please,” he chuckled, as he ran a finger over her cheek, “you may drop the title, my dear. Just rest for now. ” His hand brushed some of her damp hair from her face, “You must be quite tired after such an intense mission.” 
Her eyelids did feel heavy, and she felt quite safe in his arms. The cocoa had gone untouched, but the scent alone seemed enough to soothe her. She smiled and settled further into his arms, “Thank you, Haurchefant.” 
The Elezen said nothing. He was quite happy to hold her and be the warmth that let her drift off to sleep. *** Dense Shoto is dense. Poor Haurchefant…will he get his feelings across to her? If you’re curious what the characters look like, you can see their bios on our main series “Shard Weavers” Tumblr:
You can also find some side stories involving the characters that we write at times on the Tumblr. Once again, thanks for reading our work!
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