Shadow of a Hope
432 posts
Hi! You can call me Nym (She/They). My 2 ult groups are BTS and StrayKids.  M.list || Taglists
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shadowofahope · 4 months ago
Give me something to think about?
Drabble List #1
75 prompts to write drabbles or longer stories.
"This didn't work out as I had intended."
"Urgh. Definitely not."
"I will prove you wrong. Just watch."
"Let's kiss and see where it takes us."
"Idiots. They are all idiots."
"If I have to tell you again, I won't be this nice."
"Well, this went horribly wrong..."
"How do you become accidently married?"
"I hate us sometimes."
"Why are you wearing my skirt?"
"It's impossible to get rid of me."
"Sometimes, I don't know why I put up with you."
"This is stupid. And kind of fun."
"Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up."
"I may have lost it."
"You and me - movie night."
Let's grab the food and get out of here."
"High heels do look good on you."
"I prefer not to be disturbed."
"We should have been in bed 3 hours ago."
"This is a stupid excuse."
"Why won't you let me braid your hair?"
"Are you awake or asleep?"
"I can't smile at you, I'm mad."
"Well, it's never too late."
"Oh, look! My will to live... it's gone."
"Just five more minutes."
"Where did you get the flowers from?"
"Alright, let's make a deal."
"You're so easily distracted."
"Cooking is an art form."
"Are you a witch?"
"Thanks for nothing, I guess."
"This is so stupid."
"You can't handle my beauty."
"Is that my shirt?"
"This doesn't smell like roses."
"Who do we have here?"
"I'm annoyed, to say it mildly."
"Not sure what you mean."
"Smells suspicious."
"Tomorrow will be better."
"I don't know how I feel about this."
"Lies. Just lies."
"Could you spare some change?"
"Well, we can't fix it now."
"I'm not touching that!"
"You're not getting sea sick, are you?"
"It's not what you think it is."
"Did you eavesdrop?
"I can't believe we're friends sometimes."
"How was I supposed to know?"
"This fits perfectly."
"Stay there. I'm on my way."
"Let's get some ice cream."
"The world is not ready for us."
"What kind of sick dream is this?"
"You're a legend, man!"
"The feeling is mutual."
"Does this make sense to you?"
"I'm just so tired."
"Do I really want to know?"
"The government doesn't want you to know about this."
"I volunteer myself to go last."
"Your handwriting is atrocious."
"This whole thing is a mess."
"We were never prepared for this."
"Things are worse than I thought."
"Not our brightest idea."
"Did you see that?"
"How did you get it destroyed like that?"
"Bye, bye, you won't be missed."
"This is a nightmare."
"I have secrets you don't know about."
Drabble List #2|List #3|List#4|List #5|List #6|List #7|List #8
Have fun creating and writing!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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shadowofahope · 7 months ago
I have a VERY serious question for everyone. What is your ult ship in ALL of Kpop and WHY?
It can be romantic ship or even just platonic soulmate ship. Generally curious because ..... well I'd like to start a discussion about it. SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!
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shadowofahope · 9 months ago
Hogwarts AU's - Updates
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Good Morning Students and faculty,
Today marks a new day and one step closer to your time at Hogwarts! We are very excited to have you and for all your adventures here with us. We wanted to let you know in advance; when you enter those doors you may notice a difference in your time here versus at home. Whether it be memories or in the present we seem to have.... caused time to skip around a little. Do not be alarmed as we are working on correcting this, but we shall still be open for you. If you notice a pattern or possibly clues to the correct order of time please let the designated faculty know your house and your findings. We will be awarding House Points to those who are able to piece together this mystery! The first two we shall introduce you to are: a very astute 6th year Slytherin, and our very own alumni who, now, is in his first year as an Educational Assistant. Both are equally lovely and I believe you will make great....friends here. I will check in on you every time it is time for a new introduction. Of course, I wouldn't let you face it all alone. Well, most of it anyway!
So please, enjoy your time here but don't forget to keep up with your studies. (You may need them in the end)
Reminder: The train shall leave platform 9 3/4 promptly on time, no delays. So I suggest you are there before that. Flying cars are NOT permitted on school grounds.
Yours sincerely,
Nym, Shadowofahope Headmistress
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Are you ready?
The Restricted Collection
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shadowofahope · 11 months ago
Don’t be sad! Their story isn’t over yet. Part 2 is in the works! She still has some fight in her 😉 So hold on tight and I hope you’re ready for it! 💜💜💜
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Warnings: Swearing, death, mentions of kidnapping, torture, stalking, obsessions, reincarnation, ANGST ANGST ANSGT.
Pairing: StrayKids!idolOT8 X Ghost!reader
Premise: Being alone and ignored was one thing, you were used to that by now. But having each member of an idol group barrelling into your safe little sanctuary was not something you could have imagined. Now being torn away from your tiny cozy room all you wanted to do was get back to it. Even it meant losing home.
Authors notes: 9.2K words. I'm going to start including a word count in each drabble, as I have realized some of these reach over 5k. It'll let people know if they're opening up a mini novel or a short piece.
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The comfort of the dark room, the silence you are so accustomed to now. No longer cold and dim, but a neutral sanctuary. 
Or so you thought….
The doors unwarningly open, and a scream echoes in your enclosed space. Your eyes fly open, and are hit with a harsh stream of light. Making your brain stumble at the impact. 
Squinting you fumble out of the space, cumbersomely forcing yourself to your feet. Your ears finally begin to work again as you can hear faint muffled speech smacking you in the head.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t know anyone would be hiding in there!” 
“I was napping, not hiding.” You correct, rubbing your eyes, hoping the spinning would stop soon. Your eyes slowly begin to focus. When was the last time the light was on?
“Why would you nap in a closet?” 
“It’s comfier than you’d thin-” Wait. Did you hear that right? The voice chuckles. Your eyes swim back to vision as you face your intruder. 
“You’re Hyunjin. From StrayKids!” Really? In this whole situation that’s all you got? You mentally slap yourself. You had bigger things to worry about.
“Yeah! Are you a fan?” He replies brightly.
“Uh…” You take in his form from his iconic shoes to his blonde hair. “Was…?” 
Looking at his face, more important his eyes. Yep, he’s definitely looking at you. 
“Was? Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” His smile falters, but he recovers quickly. 
“What are you doing here?” His outfit and makeup tells you he is filming something. But if he’s here then the others must be and a whole production team, which to you sounds like a right nightmare. Well it would be if you could have one.
“We’re filming for our new music video. What are you doing here?”
“You came all this way, to this run down old building… to nap?” He looks at you skeptically, but you’re too lost in examining the room. An old classroom, the posters still on the wall hold some faint colour to them. Your favourite drawing hanging up was blue not black. Huh, who would have thought. 
“Uh huh”
If anyone had asked you this morning if you would be standing here having a conversation with Hyunjin of Straykids, you would have laughed at them. Wait… you clearly missed something important. 
Before you could open your mouth to assure yourself, the door of the classroom bursts open and three more members of skz file in.
“Hyunjin, we've been looking everywhere for you!” Changbin yells at him.
“We thought we heard a faint scream, we assumed it was you.” Jisung laughs.
“Oh so funny” He rolls his eyes.
“Who’s this?” Seungmin asks, eyes staring directly at you. Oh great, another one.
“I’m not sure I just met her. She was napping in the closet.” Hyunjin explains, gesturing at you. 
“Well, Hi I’m Ji-” Jisung starts as the three members walk over to you.
“I know who you are.” You are struggling to keep your face blank from your rising panic.
“Apparently she used to be a fan” Hyunjin chuckles awkwardly. The atmosphere in the room becomes a shade dimmer. 
“Can we ask what your name is?” Seungmin tries to divert the tension. 
You shake your head. “You guys should go now. You have filming to do right?”
They all stare at you, something hanging in the air that they can tell something isn’t quite right. 
The silence is broken by Changbins cough, “She’s right, we need to head back.” He nudges the others to remove their cemented feet. All giving you a quick goodbye before leaving the room, all but Hyunjin.
“Will you be alright?” 
“I’m fine.” You give him a faint smile before he’s nodding and heading out the door. You wait until you’re sure you can no longer hear their footsteps, before completely freaking out.
“HOLY SHIT!” You yell as you run around the tables. “How did they see me? How can they hear me?! HOW CAN I UNDERSTAND THEM?” 
You collapse onto the dirty laminate floor. You close your eyes, now letting the black unknown take you. You called it napping, really you weren’t sure what it was.
“What the hell is going on?” 
No one answers you, no one ever answers you. No one knows you're here. It’s been over a year since the incident and you woke up in this building. Well this room to be exact, you’ve never been able to leave and lord knows you've tried. Eventually you gave up and accepted your confines as home, you don’t know how you ended up here. The markings on the walls indicated Korean, that much you could tell based on all the k-dramas you used to watch, but you had never been to Korea, so how did you end up in another country? 
Too many questions, all of which you’d had given up finding answers to. But now meeting these 4 members, a whole new wave of questions came flooding in. 
And once again you were left alone. With no answers. 
You take your time opening your eyes, unsure of how much time you had been ‘napping’ but you let yourself regain at its own pace. Eventually your eyes begin to open, ready for the grimy ceiling tiles and rusty, broken looking light fixture. However, you are jolted awake when you realize that's not the ceiling above you. This ceiling for 1 is clean, 2 white and 3 all the bulbs are working. You jolt yourself up right, hastily looking around the room. There’s no way you could be anywhere but that old room, so how are you seeing someone's living room, you must be imagining it. 
You hear shoes scuffling towards a hallway to what looks to be a front door you shoot to your feet, backing up to the opposite end of the room. There’s no way anyone could see you, but these turn of events were enough to put you on edge. 
Your thoughts ricoshay around you, deafening you to the figures entering through the door. One of them stops mid sentence as he comes face to face with you as he enters the living room.
“Who are you?” Chan barks.
Can he see you too? You struggle to answer. Confusion evident on your face. 
“How did you get in here?” He stands his ground, his voice rising in what would be a dominant, intimidating way, but you’re too concerned that once again you have been seen to feel threatened. 
The other 3 figures rush in behind him, upon noticing you their expressions change from fear to worry.
“You’re the girl from the mv shoot we met.” Jisung voices out. 
“This-” You point around the room. “Is your dorm?”
“I’ll ask again. How did you get in here?” Chan asks again. Voice less threatening.
You take a step back, going over everything that happened that day to now. This can’t be real. Scanning each member quickly, you notice something. You point at Changbins now blonde hair and Hyunjins now dark hair. 
“How long ago was that? The video shoot?” Your voice comes out shaky, you’re trying to swallow back the rising emotions bubbling in you. 
“A couple weeks ago?” Changbin offers. 
That’s it, a couple weeks? How have you been out that long? I mean it’s not like you could tell time with a broken clock, but weeks. You start pacing back and forth muttering to yourself. “How is this happening? This can’t happen. It’s impossible- but then again, I thought I was impossible. So maybe not impossible? But that doesn’t make any sense.”
You don’t hear the front door opening and the other four members enter until you hear Seungmin exclaim.
“Hey, why is the shoot girl here?”
You halt in your steps, turning to them.
“Shoot girl?” Felix asks.
“The girl we said we ran into at the mv shooting.” Seungmin shrugs. 
“OK, so you guys felt the need to invite her over?” Minho huffs next to him.
“No offense, but that doesn’t sound like the smartest thing to do Hyungs” I.N. gestures behind them. 
“We didn’t invite her, she was here when we came in.“ Hyunjin defends dramatically. 
You can feel your voice clawing it’s way out, but before you can think the panic has taken over.
“Hold on. WAIT. You can see me?”
“Is that a joke?” Chan asks. Your cold hands rub against the skin on your face. This is really a nightmare. 
“You can all see me. You can all hear me. You can all understand me.” You state, the shock finally breaking your blank shell. You see them all nod, distrusting eyes watch you as your feet restart their pacing. 
“This can’t be happening.” This time you're not mumbling. “ I can’t be here. How is this happening? Oh god- I need to get back to my room.”
“You mean that old classroom? That’s your room?” Jisung can’t help but ask, but he’s stopped short of completely asking you things when Minho nudges him in the ribs with his elbow. 
The pacing stops as you stare at them. “You don’t understand. I haven't been able to leave that room in over a year.”
“What? Has someone been keeping you there?” Jisungs exclaims, followed by another nudge to his ribs.
You can’t help but laugh dryly, if only it was that easy. “I stopped asking those questions a long time ago. Seriously though, none of you should be able to see me.”
“Why because you have your invisibility cloak on?” Minho sneers at you.
You stare blankly at him. Walk over to the table, pulling your hand back you aim to push all the items off the table. Your hand collides with nothing, phasing through the objects. You smirk at his shocked face, arms crossing over your chest in triumph. 
“No, because I’m a ghost.” Now the feelings of being annoyed started to build. “And like I said, I’ve been stuck in that room for a very long time with no idea how to leave. And no one has been able to see me until you showed up. And then I wake up here, in your space weeks later. AND to top it all off, I don’t speak Korean so how the hell are we having this conversation?”
“So you’re dead?”
“If he asks me that one more time I’m going poltergeist on this place” You threaten, turning to the eldest two. 
“What happened to you?” IN calls your attention. The room becomes dead still. The continuous shuffling and side comments coming to an abrupt stop. Unclear certainty fields the room, from them upon realizing they may have crossed a line in their maknae asking so bluntly. And from you… well for very different reasons. 
“Wrong place, wrong time?” You will your voice to come out steady and nonchalantly. However, your body betrays you. Leg bouncing in your seat on the couch, hands showing a slow tremor.   “Look, I’m not really sure. I can’t remember. All I know is one minute I was walking along this backroad to my place from being with friends. I had my headphones in, I was listening to a random playlist when………..-wait-”
A subtle drifting melody passes by your ears. Like it was traveling on a motionless breeze. The sound ebbing in and out of your being. 
“I think one of your songs was playing” Wide eyes jump to each member as the beat lingers. “and then I woke up in that room. That’s it. Nothing in between” 
“Maybe someone was meant to find you in that room? Like we were? It’s easy enough to come and go in that building.” Hyunjin hums, trying to put the broken pieces of a puzzle together.
“That’s the weird thing, others have filmed there before and no ones ever seen me.” You shake your head at him. “Actually no ones ever been able to come into the room before. I can see the reflection through the hallway windows, there’s always been a padlock and chain on it. How did you get in?” 
“There wasn’t anything like that, the door was partially open when I Found it.” 
Too many coincidences… that's what this is….if you could feel your skin, you’d say it was beginning to itch. 
“Strange. Why did you go in that room? Were you randomly searching all the rooms?” Minho’s careful eyes watch the younger one carefully. 
Hyunjin shakes his head. “No, that was the only room I went into. I just felt like there was something… that I had to see…”
“Wait. So the last thing you heard was one of our songs before nothing and you just happened upon a room that was mysteriously calling you?” Jisung questions wide-eyed. His large eyes bore into you.
“That sounds like we were meant to find you, somehow this was meant to be.” Chan nods to himself. His voice is warm and soothing, but there’s something chilled about his sentence. 
Your vision ripples momentarily, whatever else they were saying you could no longer hear. Only a deep raspy faltering voice.
‘It was love at first sight. We are meant to be.’
And then they were back. All 8 pairs of eyes staring at you, clearly someone had asked you a question.
“Sorry, what was that?” 
“Are you ok?” Chan's thoughtful gaze makes you feel slightly uncomfortable. 
“Uh yea yea fine. Everything is just a lot.” You try to give them a reassuring smile. They must have seen the look of loss in your eyes, hoping to move on from the subject. 
“I know y/n, but we promise we’ll figure it out together.” Followed by several agreeances, and encouraging smiles.  
“I already regret agreeing to help you.” Seungmin’s voice mumbles tiredly from the couch.
You can’t stop the evil giggle from bubbling out of your mouth. Your day spent getting used to your new surroundings, figuring out which door went where, whose room was who’s, who was the easiest to poke fun at when you were bored.
“You? At least you can leave to your own dorm rooms. She’s here all the time.” Changbin huffs coming out of his room.
“Guys be nice to noona! You’re acting like she’s a disobedient pet or something.” Jisung scolds from the dining table. 
“She’s like an angry chihuahua that pees on everything just because she knows it’ll annoy us.” Seungmin retorts annoyedly, eyes still fixed on the tv. 
“Exactly!” Changbin agrees a little too enthusiastically for your liking. Plopping down next to Seungmin.
“Did you just call me a chihuahua?” You shoot them a look of disgust. “Ew.”
“If you stopped acting like one we’d stop calling you one behind your back.” Minho eventually joins the conversation from the other end of the dining table to Jisung. His face was blank as always.
“Linoring, not you too!” Jisung whines dramatically, falling back in his chair, face stricken with dismay and disappointment to the dancer.
“Sorry jagi” Minho mumbles looking away from the huffy chipmunk, slight pink dusting his cheeks as he accidentally makes eye contact with you. Purposefully, at least on your end, catching the smirk on your face as you wiggle your eyebrows at him knowingly. 
“Thank you sungie! Besides, It’s not my fault you guys are boring.” You groan in frustration. “When did Lixie and Innie say they would be over?”
“IN said he was finishing his game while waiting for lix to finish his baking and then they’d be over.” Seungmin's voice makes you feel even more disheartened. 
“If I could die again it’d be from boredom. I want Lixie.” You cry out.
You hear Changbin mumble something under his breath about you being dramatic, in retaliation you whip around to give him another dramatic show, but are hit with the room beginning to spin. As if the world is tilted on its axis you stumble slightly, eyes flying shut and a ringing in your eyes. Regaining your balance a pained groan escapes you.
“Noona? Noona!” Felix’s deep voice bounces in your still pounding mind. 
“Lixie?” Your staggering mind manages. 
“How did you get here?” You hear I.N’s surprise. Begrudgingly you pry your eyes open, blinking the world back to alignment.
“I dunno.. I was complaining about seeing you guys and then I felt like I was hit with mega vertigo and… here I am.” 
And here you were. Standing in an almost identical dorm room kitchen to the first one, individuals items being the only difference you can see.
“Are you ok?”
“That’s so cool!” 
Both chime at once. You can’t help but laugh at them.
“Yes I’m ok, it was just really abrupt. I was not ready for it.” You smile softly at Lix, before turning to give I.N a mischievous smirk. “ you think I’d be able to do it again?”
“Please tell me you’re going to try it right now.” I.N comes over to you excitedly, his game completely forgotten. “Wait! I have an idea!”
You watch as he races back to the computer to grab his phone. You and Felix share a confused look. 
“I’ll text everyone in the group to see if they’re all decent. I won't say why and then you pick a member and try to poof to them.” He begins typing away on his phone.
“Oh this I’m ready for. And don't say poof. It's weird.” The mischievous look on the maknaes face only amps up your own. The youngest was always ready to cause a ruckus with you.
He rolls his eyes at you, but doesnt respond.
“Ok everyones good. Chans in his studio, the others are either in the other dorm, the gym or wandering around the city.” IN eagerly informs you both.  
“Did you at least give them a warning? If this does work?” Felix, trying as always to be the voice of reason for you two. Always worrying about what you two would end up doing to the others. Felix and his soft heart. 
“Yeah’” IN waves off. “Give it a try y/n”
Focusing on one member you begin to try to will yourself to him. Your eyes close, the world tilts and the ringing hits. 
“See you later!” You chime, an evil smile plastered on your face, and then poof.
“Do you think it worked?” Felix paces back and forth in worry. They hadn’t heard anything from anyone for over 5 minutes, he was beginning to worry you got lost somewhere.
“Well she’s not here anymore, so I’d assume so.” IN comments, composure set in his shoulders as he watches the older continue in his steps.
The group from your previous location burst into the dorm. Eyes wild, almost panic stricken. 
“Have you guys seen y/n? She was in the dorm and then she just vanished! We can’t find her.” Jisung wails, coming in first. Clearly the most concerned out of the group.
“Yea, she was here just here.” Felix remarks, finally his feet coming to a rest. 
“We're waiting for touchdown.” IN shrugs, now scrolling through his phone absentmindedly. 
The maknaes phone notification appears on his screen and the ringtone he set goes off. A bright smile erupts on his face as he answers it, placing it down on the table as he hits speakerphone for everyone to hear. 
“You couldn't have given a better warning?!”  Chan's exasperated voice comes through the line.
“I said heads up.” IN chuckles.
“Heads up was not enough to have my heart leap out of my body. She appeared out of nowhere. How was I supposed to be ready for that?!” Chan howls. IN can’t contain his laughter at his leader's cries. 
“It worked?!” Felix beamed, eyes now sparkling with joy at you not being sent to god know where.
“Yes Lix it worked.” You sang from Chan's end of the phone. 
“Greeeeaaaaat.” Less than excited groans break out mixed with genuine cheers.
“Um y/n, did you visit me at some point today?” There’s a slight tremble to IN’s voice as he returns to the dorms, not even taking his shoes off to come find you in the kitchen.
“No? I was with Changbin all day.” You chime brightly from your perch on the counter, legs swinging back and forth as you watch Changbin struggling to make a meal. 
“As annoying as it was, yeah she was with me the whole time. Why innie?” Changbin turns to the younger, concern written all over his face. You were still learning about the kids, how each one's reactions played a part in their personalities. But they knew each other better than themselves.
“I swear it felt like something was there today.. I don’t know, maybe I’m imagining things” IN huffs, shoulders slumping and head cast down. You catch his demeanor shift this time. Hopping off the counter you walk over to him, angling to catch his eyes now trained to the floor. 
“Can you show me where?” You smile at him sweetly. “I’ll take a look for you.”
He doesn’t say anything, only giving you a small nod, finally making eye contact again.
You and Changbin trapse after IN through the company hallways, he had been silent the whole trip there. Something had seriously left the maknae shaken, something you were determined to get to the bottom of. Only you are allowed to scare these boys now. 
Changbin steps to walk alongside IN now, draping an arm over his shoulders. You are left a few steps behind. As they take a turn down the last hallway, you can feel it. 
You don’t have a body anymore, you know that logically, but somehow there’s a heaviness to your steps that leave you stunned silent. If you had to breathe the air would appear thick, sinking to the bottom of your lungs. But you don’t and you almost have to convince yourself of that fact. 
The boys step into the open doorway vanishing into the room. You feel as though there’s a tickle on the back of your neck. The only thing you can think of that it reminds you of is the breath of someone standing too close behind you. 
You swear you can hear a whisper of a voice behind you. Instinct tells you to look behind you, but you don’t. The hallway is empty, your voice in your head tells you, you don’t have to worry anymore. 
Wait. Why did you have to worry? 
You blink several times, pushing away your confusion. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on yourself. You step into the room to see the two of them standing in the center of a vocal room, eyes darting around as IN’s voice finally speaks up.
“It was in here.” He gestures to the room. “I was sitting at the piano, facing away from the door and I felt like something came in. But I had the door locked. When I turned around I was just expecting to see you, but there was nothing.”
You walk over to where the keyboard is positioned, glancing over at the door you all had just come through. And just like that your breath would have hitched if you had one. 
“What is it y/n?” Changbin asks from behind you.
“I think we should head back.” Your eyes follow something in the room, moving up to the ceiling. “We can all talk about it together.”
“Sure?” The suspicion in Changbins voice does not go unmissed by you.
“You guys go first, I’ll meet you there.”
You can't see the shared look of distress passed between the two as you hear them leave, mumbling something as they go. You always fazed home first, too impatient to wait for them and wanting to annoy the next person as soon as possible. So you deciding to stay behind was something that stirred anxiety into them.
You want to reassure them, but you can’t. You can’t look away from what you’re seeing. You can feel them getting farther away from you, a forced faze back to the dorms. 
You hated accidentally falling out of their proximity, some force slapping you to their side. Always leaving you extremely disorientated. So you avoided it at all costs. But no this time, you feel the pull but you fight against it as you swear you can almost make out what you’re seeing. It’s on the tip of your tongue and that’s where it dies as you hear the same chilling voice rasp to you as before.
“Don’t worry, once you let go of everything else we can finally be together.”
And then you’re wrenched back to the dorms.
Stumbling to the floor you are met with 6 sets of eyes. The group chat had been notified as soon as the two left you behind. They were all waiting for you to return. Shortly after IN and Changbin returned, IN explaining what happened with him. 
Then it was your turn. But somehow you couldn’t remember what you thought you might have seen, the emotions you felt now fuzzy and muddy in your head.
“I'm not sure what it was, but it left a heavy residue. Like I could see where it had been on the walls and floor. I think it would be safe if you all traveled in pairs when you’re outside the apartments. Something just doesn’t feel right about it.” You think out loud. “Just being cautious until we can figure this out, I mean.”
“Yea, I think that’s a good idea.” Chan agrees after replaying your words. “I’ll call and get our schedules moved around so no ones alone.”
As the weeks progressed, the boys were becoming more unsettled. Even in pairs they claimed to feel like they were being watched or followed. Any and everywhere outside the dorm building, mostly at work and then a trickling of outside. 
All the while you couldn’t shake forgetting something. There was something important you needed to remember. But everytime drawing a complete blank as to what it actually was. 
Your napping was also impossible now. Once being able to drift into nothing, is now replaced with the cold chill of hands on your skin, dark murmurs against your ears and the overwhelming feeling of grief. As scared as you were when you came back to the world, you couldn't remember exactly what had happened. Couldn’t place the familiarity of the hands, the voice and the words. 
You remained upfront with the members, explaining to Chan the ominous dissociative states you found yourself in. And how sometimes it wasn’t you that did it. One moment you could be with them and then the next gone. However, you would put everything you had into fighting it off, it had become frequent for almost a week, before you started to reel it in. it had been days since the last time, finally feeling like you had some control…
Until it hit you again. 
The boys were either napping in their dorms or watching tv or eating, some even opting to go to the company for some extra practice. It was an off day for them, all free to roam about as they pleased. You had walked into the living room of the Lee’s dorm when you are halted by a sudden wave of forgetfulness. 
“Are you ok, y/n?” You can hear Felix’s voice swim into your fog. 
“Yea, I just uh…forgot why I came in here..” You give your head a little shake trying to wave off the clouding fog that was slowly becoming thicker as the seconds ticked by. 
You could see through the glaze of your vision, like you were looking through a window of ice, three figures coming closer. You hear their muffled voices as you stumble slightly.
“I’m fine-” You slur out. Unknowing what they were actually saying to you. “I-”
“I know why you’re fighting me so hard. You want me to prove my love for you, don’t you worry I’m not going anywhere.” 
The voice envelopes you like a cement blanket, your vision darkening….
You immediately snap out of it, standing straight, eyes now clear. “Hyunjin!” 
And you phase out. 
Staggering a couple of steps, you attempt to catch yourself but fail. You plummet forwards to the floor, hands coming out to catch yourself. The ringing is excruciatingly loud now, lights in the room blindingly bright. 
Where are you? Someone screamed your name, who was it…? You knew who it was.
Painfully slow you wince as you lift your head to look around the room. Light reflections from the far end. Mirrors, those must be mirrors…dance studio. Your vision is still swimming, unable to focus, if you weren’t already certain you’d think you were underwater with how submerged you feel. 
Peering over to the side, shifting your head as little as possible. Gut twisting nausea hits you as you vaguely make out a figure lying on the floor. Fighting through the unseen force dragging your body down, one limb at a time you begin to crawl over. 
Your voice coming out in a weak attempt, “Hyunjin”.
A feeble moan comes from the blurry figure, still unmoving.
Hand moving forward to continue moving, don’t stop moving.
“Hyunjin!” Ignoring the voice banging itself against your skull you have to get to him. 
“Hyunjin!” Finally movement from the figure. Only a few more shuffles and you’ll be able to reach him. 
Finally leaning over the figure you can now see some of him. Your mind is stuck in a fishbowl view. He’s lying on his back, chest rising and falling in deep rhythmic breathing. He didn't seem like he was in pain. You want to touch him, make sure he’s ok, somehow wake him up. Go for help. What you wouldn’t give to be able to go get help right now. Who did Hyunjin say he was coming here with? Why can’t you remember anything?
Who was at the dorm? Felix, Minho and IN. Who did he leave with?
‘SHUT UP!’ You scream back in your mind. You needed to think, but you couldn’t even hear yourself try. 
You grapple with your mind to think clearly, you just had to make your body work too. “SEUNGMIN!” 
As his name leaves you the practice room door swings open. Faces you couldn’t recognize and eyes that couldn’t see you crowd around Hyunjin. Seungmin’s face comes into focus, as the chaos carries the unconscious dancer out. 
“Y/N, what happened?” He finally asks when everyone else left the room, crouching down to you. 
“I don’t know, he… I heard him yell my name from the dorm and I ended up here.” 
“Everyone heard him yell. That’s why we all came running. Did anything else happen? I’m going to go find out if he’s ok, but is there anything I need to know? Are you ok?” As he spoke, the water from the room began to drain. Your eyes focusing once again on your surroundings, the ringing dying out. 
“No, just go with him, I’m fine.” You wave him away, he only hesitates for a moment before leaving you alone in the room 2 unopened, iced water bottles lay in his place. He must have gone to get them water. 
Pushing from your hands, you fumble to sit. 
“What do you want?” A broken whisper comes out of you, voice almost sounding not like your own. Eyes trained to the ceiling. 
This time the fade out is slow, like you can feel it fluttering down on you like a fresh sheet. 
The same infuriating voice sounds as you slip away. 
‘I love you and you love me. We’re destiny.’
Movie night was demanded of all of you when you finally returned from your ‘nap’. Hyunjin was not able to remember what happened, but he did remember calling your name. But he said it felt more like a warning call than him wanting you to come help him. You were all unnerved by this, but upon long late night discussions you all agreed to let it rest for now. They had a hectic schedule coming up after the next few days of being off. 
They were scheduled to go overseas for some promotional work, you were excited about traveling when they first told you. But as time ticked on and you let your mind wander you became increasingly uncomfortable with it. Maybe you could stay behind in the dorms? You could wait for them to get back.  
The credits begin to roll over the screen breaking all of you out of your 20 minute silence. The plot twist actually surprises you all near the end, leaving you quietly focused.
“Reincarnation would be pretty cool.” Jisung’s eyes wide in disbelief, finally someone speaking.
“You know what would be even better?” Felix wiggled his eyebrows at his birthday twin, only to have him shake his head in response. “If we all got to do the next life together!” 
“Yes!” Jisung cheered, hands thrown in the air in excitement. Snacks completely forgotten in bowls on the table and floor. 
“It does make sense. None of us could manage alone anymore, at least I wouldn’t be able to.” Chan laughs at the dramatic younger ones, as they both throw themselves into their leader's lap. Fits of giggles erupting.
“You really want us to all do this again?” Minho complains, the thought already exhausting him.
“Of course!” Felix continues to giggle as Chan gives him a hug, Changbin tickling him on his other side.
“You don’t want to?” Jisung already pushed away from the fight to turn his large puppy eyes to Minho. Pout forming on his lips, forcing Minho to look away abruptly. The question caught the other members' attention. 
“It’s not that…” Each member staring at him patiently waiting for his answer. He huffs and rolls his eyes. “Alright, the next life we do together.” 
“Promise?” Felix turns on his puppy eyes, following Jisung’s lead.
“Promise.” The others all say in unison. 
You snicker to yourself, perched behind them all clustered on the couch, how were they so adorable to each other but also extremely annoying?
Clearly your noises didn’t go unnoticed.
“Y/n, do not even think you can go to the next life without us. ALL of us” Hyunjin glares at you. 
“What am I supposed to do? Wait for you?” You feign irritation. Next life huh?
“Yes!! There is no way in hell you are being reincarnated without us, we can finally annoy you then, instead of you just annoying us. And we’ve all just promised to have the next life together, so you’re stuck with us.” Changbin demands, the tone in his voice pushing through the idea that this was final. 
“Too bad. You don’t have a choice now.” Minho smirks at you, causing you to mimik him from before, eyes rolling in mock disgust.
The next life with these weirdos? You guess that’s something you could do. Maybe this is what having a home could feel like… being not alone and being wanted made you feel something again. Something you hadn’t felt for a long time, something you had almost forgotten. 
Trying to hide a smile you turn away from them, “Whatever.” is all you can manage.
Two more days of having them all to yourself then it’s back to business. Discomfort settles in you again, yea maybe you’ll stay home. You’ve gotten pretty good at poltegiesting the tv on and netflix, slowly being able to move things slightly, playing around with equipment they brought into the dorms. Hey, maybe they can leave you some stuff to attempt to interact with.
You’d be ok here alone. Something in you was saying you should stay back. This time you’d listen to your gut feeling.
“Where exactly are we going?” You whine from behind the group. They all had insisted you went out tonight, something to do with having fun to distract from all the creepiness that now was a part of their daily lives. And also their impending work trip.
“We told you it’s a surprise.” Minho huffs annoyingly at you.
“And I told you I don’t like surprises.” You grumble, continuing to wander down a gravel path through a large park. The evening had darkened the sky, however along the path they had taken it was illuminated with string lights. The trees break up ahead and you can see even more lights. You squint trying to get a better idea of what the heck this was.
“No way-” Your mouth hangs open. 
A pop-up carnival, adorned with beautiful lights, multiple rides, little shops, tents and so many more options. The night air is buzzing as you look at the others who are waiting for you. 
“Surprise!” Hyungjin beams. 
“Time to have fun.” Felix chirps before gesturing forward, and that was all the invitation you needed to enjoy yourself tonight.
After a few hours and your second round of the carnival, each member is stuffing their faces with some form of snack. You notice a smaller trailer just out of the main circle trail. 
‘Tarot reading/Fortune reading/Psychic medium’
Your pace slows as you feel a slight pull towards it. 
“Oooo a psychic!” Jisung shouts excitedly from beside you, making you jump a little. “Should we check it out?”
“Aren’t they all just scammers?” Seungmin deadpanes towards the marked trailer.
“We have the perfect thing to test them out.” Minho counters. “If they pick up on y/n then they are real, if not they are fake”
You nod to the group. That does make complete sense.
“I’m in.” You smile before skipping your way over the boys following close behind, the Medium didn’t have a line or anything so it seemed like this would be a quick visit. If anything you could knock some things off their wall if they got things wrong. It’d be fun regardless.
Upon entering you instantly notice a thick foreboding smog that clung to the air. Something in the back of your mind is telling you to leave, barely one foot inside the trailer. The members crowd in around you giving you a chance to take in the small space. A burgundy wall of curtains behind a small counter with a korean sign you couldn't read. 
The members had been helping you learn to read Korean but some things and words were harder than others. 
The walls of the trailer you could see had trinkets and lace draping meticulously and delicately placed with symbols you had never seen before. However, each symbol makes you feel a certain way…You couldn't describe it but it was as if you glanced a little too long you’d either feel nauseous, giddy or incredibly nervous.  Unable to focus on one thing, your mind hyper tracked every thing in the tiny room. 
Everything except the curtain opening slightly. 
A young couple arm in arm walked out merrily, smiling at nothing but each other. Clearly given some form of good knews, fake or not. You watched them walk out before turning back to the group.
“Next please~” A tender voice sang out from behind the curtain. Still shifted to the side, the members share a look before walking through, you only hesitate for a moment, the panic of wanting to run weighing down on you. Pushing past it you follow them into the other portion of the trailer.
Entering the room the thick feeling no longer clings to you. It’s like it was trapped in another space. The room coloured in deep tapestries, symbols, mirrors and prints along the walls. A bookshelf full of old looking books, crystals splayed around them. Crystals hang from the ceiling in bottles and in cages, along with plants around the whole of the room. You almost feel comfortable here, that is until a voice brings you out of your wonder.
“Normally I’d request all excess energies to remain outside, however I do not believe I have to this time.” The female voice sings. “You’ve brought someone with you.”
She’s hidden by the members all crowding around her table, it’s not until they all take their seats that you finally get a look at her. The years have aged her….not well to put it nicely. Her body frail, hands shake slightly as she covers her mouth to stifle a laugh. 
Changbin looks over at you, giving you a ‘what the hell is this?’ kind of look. All the others were stunned, staring wide eyed at her instant recognition of you.
You shoot him a confused annoyed look, huffing at him to pay attention. In response he rolls his eyes and looks back to her. 
“A young girl, your age I feel.” This time not hiding her laugh. “She’s a spunky one I take it?”
“Spunky is an understatement.” Minho mumbles under his breath. 
If looks could kill, he would be dead with the glare you’re giving him, you stick your tongue out at them.
 “I will give you my quick introduction, and what I normally do for people. However, I will be doing something a little different today.” She begins. “My name is Sengul. I offer Tarot card readings, communications with deceased loved ones or palm readings. But today let us discuss the young lady that has joined you today.”
You eye her carefully, clearly she wasn’t someone to be taken lightly. No one knew about you other than the 8 members, so she shouldn’t have been able to know you were there.
“Can you see her?” Jisungs voice squeaks out, shifting closer to Minho. MInho’s hand coming over to rest on the youngers tapping knee.
“No, but I can feel her.” The medium smiles at the nervous rapper. “She has a very strong presence. An aura if you will, a projection of emotions. And I take it upon your response to my words you all know of her?”
“Yes we do. We can see and hear her clearly.” Chan states confidently, you can tell by his tone he’s thinking over his words carefully. 
“I see, and she has been here for quite some time?” 
Eight heads nod simultaneously. 
“And the other….presence?” Her voice drops.
“You can feel that one too?” Shock encapsules Felix’ normally tender voice.
“Both very different, both just as strong I fear.” Sengul murmurs to herself, thinking out loud. 
“Should we be worried?” Chan’s face morphs into a deadpan, quiet demands.
“All I feel from the young lady is pure… love.” Panicking you train your eyes to the floor. You weren’t good at talking about your feelings. It was easier to hide behind shrewd comments, bitter banter and condescending tones. And now she was laying it all out for them, all your feelings for them. “The need to protect is strong. Also the need to not be alone, not for the fear of being alone but of loving too strong. Wanting to be with the people you so deeply care about continuously. Doing everything you can to procure someone's happiness. There’s a sense of ‘if you are happy then I am too’. Not done for selfish reasons but out of love for them.” 
If you can’t see them then they can’t see you right? You wished the ground would actually swallow you whole right now, you didn’t want to have to talk about this later, knowing the boys would pester you about this when you got out of here.
But she doesn't stop. “A soul who chooses comfort and trust in the living can open up their doorway to be seen and heard like she has with you. But this takes complete trust in the individual, for a whole group to be given that is truly a gift in itself. Even if the soul itself is not aware of it, sometimes that’s where fate plays a part.”
“That would make sense as to why I saw her the first time.” Hyunjin’s voice comes out soothing, but you're too afraid to look up. Why did you have to be visible? “You mentioned the other?” 
Thank god, please move on.
At first she only hums at his question, standing slightly to the side behind the members you look up at her. Fear of your feelings being known, now forgotten. 
“I will be honest with you. I don’t believe this one to be like her. A putrid smell invaded my senses under her arua. It lingers on you the way soot would, gathering thicker and thicker on you each time. Draining you, like leech upon flesh. It is dark, something I myself am uncomfortable dealing with.” Her strong eyes trying to reach each member, the sincerity in her voice, the worry.
“Human..?” An unfinished question. 
“It was once.” 
“How can a human soul be something like this?” Minho’s hand tightens on Jisungs knee, who in return clasps his hand over his Hyungs, trying to now calm the rage set in the dancer's jaw.
“Sometimes, if a soul is truly corrupt in life it can form itself into something inhumanly evil. The reincarnation process is impossible. It can only cling to this world until it achieves what it wants.” Sengul looks apologetically at Minho.
“Achieving what?” 
“Whatever it was after in the living. Once it has it, it will bleed it until the soul is lost into nothing. It will no longer exist. These fractured souls are everywhere, I’m surprised you’ve been able to feel one.” Sengul explains cautiously, hands trembling on the table.
“Maybe it's because we’ve been around y/n for so long, we can pick up on some now?”
“Perhaps” Medium hums, her sad eyes betraying her. There’s more she isn’t saying. “Perhaps you’ve just come into contact with it through somewhere you’ve been.” 
‘Somewhere you’ve been’ echos in your head… ‘somewhere they’ve been…’
As the boys listen on, something draws you to the side of the trailer. An ornate gold framed oval mirror hangs among the vines and crystals on her wall. You don’t make a step closer, only turning enough to look at it. Stupefied in place, your eyes wide as the voices around you drown out. For the first time in years you make eye contact with yourself in the glass. Noticing a pair of steady eyes watching you through the glass, your body trembles as you let yours drift to them. 
The reflection of the Medium is staring at you, your chest rising and falling as if you're struggling to control your breath. She gives you a soft, sad smile, her eyes beaming with so much…was this sympathy… or was it pity? 
You break away to check on the others. Could they see what you were seeing? 
The Medium and the members are still carrying on their conversation, unaware of what was happening to you. Clearly this was just for you. You quickly look back, making sure you hadn’t imagined it. Once again eyes finding the Mediums reflection still looking at you. So heartbroken. 
As if slowly guided forward you began to step towards the mirror. The closer you get the more drawn you are to her. She stands from her stool, matching her steps to yours. With each step you feel an electric vibration through your body. Your hand reaches out to feel the glass in front of you, her doing the same. It almost feels as though you are making contact with someone, there's now despair engraved into the lines of her face. 
Her lips don’t move when you hear her voice, “I am so sorry my child.”
Before you can ask her, her reflection fades away in a static like motion, morphing into a tall dark figure behind you. You can’t see any facial features, you don’t know what this is. 
Something feels incredibly off, looking back at yourself you see a single tear escape down your cheek. The figure's hand reaches up behind you, fingers wrapping around your neck. Another tear breaks free when your eyes inevitably close, memories flood your mind. The dam finally broken, a dam you wish you could rebuild. But it's too late. 
You remember.
“Nonononono, you can’t leave me. I’ll follow you, I’ll find you my precious. We’ll be together always”
You kept yourself relatively calm, at least on the outside. The days, hours, minutes even leading up to the boys traveling to Japan, were some of the most emotionally draining for you. 
Watching them each pack a bag made you feel like they were the ones leaving you behind. Ultimately you knew that wasn’t true, they’d never leave you behind.
But still you smiled and waved as they left acting like you didn’t know what was coming next. Alone you wandered through the dorms, memories flashing in a vivid 4k movie you had saved.
Late nights talking with Minho about his hidden, not so hidden feelings for his soulmate. Leading to late nights talking to Jisung about the same thing. You give them what advice you could but ultimately leave the ball in their court if they were to bring it up with the other. Which to your joy they did.
Hours watching and rewatching Hyunjin dance over and over again, upon his request. Noting changes, weak steps, things he couldn’t see himself. Then you try to erase the doubts he had for himself in his abilities to master his own choreo. Him unloading his worries on you, for you to help amend. 
Following Felix to his voice lessons, only for him to be overcome with nervousness at you listening. Unsure of how to use his beautifully comforting instrument. You encourage him to try more, different styles, different techniques and decide how he wants it to sound. Not how anyone told him he had to sound, believe in what he was singing for, himself.
No longer sitting idly as you all watched Chan overwork and overthink himself. His unableness to see his own worth in the eyes of others. You had gotten so worked up over him self-deprecating that you had snapped. Throwing every piece of importance that his existence brings to so many people, unrelenting confident laced compliments, until he broke down crying. 
Bothering Changbin on his solo trips to the gym on days he felt weak. Too many worries about his members and his music filling his mind, making it hard for him to see his strength as a person. He stayed longer at the gym those days, trying to convince himself of his solidity. On these days you felt an even greater urge to voice and compliment him on his reps and stamina. It might have seemed like you were only feeding into this idea of muscularity, but he knew, he always knew why you were really there. And he always just laughed and said you were annoying, but he never asked you to leave him. And so you’d stay until the end.
Days observing the youngest members of the group. Each day growing more and more into bright men. Considerate, emotionally intelligent humans, finding themselves in a world of harsh criticisms and cruel expectations. But still, watching them thrive in the safety of the home they all created with each other was something beautiful in itself. The fearlessness of Seungmin and IN was something that people should be jealous of.
How can a world shrouded with darkness still hold so much light?
Each room now contains countless memories and moments you’ve locked away in your heart. Ones you will hold onto until the last moment, taking them with you. Not remembering your life wasn’t painful neither was remembering what happened at the end of it. What was truly the most excruciating was now saying good-bye to a home you remember, one you didn’t want to leave. 
Making your way through the archives of memories you sit down at the dining table. Recording equipment, ipads and other electronics placed especially for you to kill time until they returned. Eyes glazing over, chest heavy, lingerings of a broken promise hanging in the air.
Exerting every ounce of strength left in you, you reach out to one of the machines. 
A deafening click fills the room as the recording unit turns on.
Voice recording:
‘Hey guys! Yea it’s me, y/n. Bet you didn’t know I could do this huh? Honestly I’ve been practicing trying to use this recording thingy myself for a while, and let me tell you it wasn’t easy *laughs nervously*
I uh just wanted to say thank you, ya know for letting me hang around you guys. I can’t tell you how bored I’ve been and this has been the single most exciting moments in my undead life. So yea, thank you for that.
But um…. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to say all this to your faces before leaving, so I guess I’m taking the coward's way out. Leaving this for you to find after I’m gone. 
It doesn’t look like I’ll be waiting on the other side for you guys. I know I promised we’d all start the next life together, but uh…. I don’t… I won’t be having a next go at this. I guess this was meant to be my only life. 
I realized what it was that was following you guys, and when I did I got all of my memories back from when I died. I won’t be getting into detail about that because… I don’t- I don’t want to talk about it and I don’t want you guys to think about it. When I figured it out, I knew the only way it would stop coming after you was me.
 …It only ever wanted me… 
I know you’ll be upset and furious with me that I didn’t talk to you before deciding, but sometimes you have to make a hard decision for the good of the group right?.. and I uh… it wasn’t fair for me to let you guys deal with this when it’s my fault.
So I am sorry, but also not because I enjoyed annoyingly haunting you. 
You’ll be getting on a plane to come back in a few days.
So I guess it’s time, if i don’t do it now I’ll chicken out. I have to go back to my room.. we’ll it’s not my room anymore. 
*short pause*
I think that’s what scares me the most about this. Not the unexisting part, I mean, but having to go back to my old safe room. That isn’t so safe anymore, not with it being in there. 
This, with you, was what being safe felt like. Even if it only lasted for a moment.
A part of me really hopes that when I walk through those doors you’ll forget all about me, so you won’t have to deal with it after I’m gone. I don’t want you to be sad, or feel guilty for my choice…. Do you think if I beg the universe hard enough it could happen? Here’s me hoping that maybe I’ll have more luck in death, than in life?
But it’s ok. 
You will be ok.
I know these weren’t the answers we were hoping to find. These are just the answers we’ve been given.
I’d say see you later, like I always do but that feels like a lie now…
So I guess it’s Goodbye.
*long pause, sniffling can be heard over the recording*
I Love you guys.’
*CLICK end of recording *
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shadowofahope · 11 months ago
"The Restricted Collection"
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Let's take a tour around the grand halls of Hogwarts. We shall meet some naughty lovely students and my favourite part of school... the restricted section.
Kim Namjoon
"I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it, breaking the rules?"
Kim Seokjin
"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure."
“The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.”
Jung Hoseok
"But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Kim Taehyung
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good"
Lee Felix
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
Han Jisung
“You’re just as sane as I am”
Jeon Jungkook
"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."
Seo Changbin
"I will"
Park Jimin
“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”
Min Yoongi *COMING SOON*
"Until the very end."
Lee Minho
“I mark the hours, every one, Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, Are gauged by what you have to do.”
Hwang Hyunjin
 “The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.”
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
love revocation had me giggling and blushing fr 😳
Honestly me too. I couldn’t get Dance leader Jhope out of my head and I was swooooning 🫣
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Does anyone else re-read their WIPs or fics you haven’t worked on in forever and go: ‘ damn this is really good someone should finish this!’ But then remember ‘SHIT I NEED TO FINISH IT’
Cause that’s me right now 😅
20 notes · View notes
shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Love Revocation
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Pairing: ImperialGuard!JungHoseok x Princess!Reader
Premise: Only your brothers would be willing to step in and try to change your future. But history isn't easy to overcome, even if it is all but forgotten.
Word count: 3.5K
Author's note: I've been watching a lot of historical k-dramas and c-dramas lately, and I can say it's an addiction at this point! If you have any favourites feel free to share! I'd love to watch your recommendations as well as talk about any mutual ones we love!
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One foot infront of the other, the crisp air of the afternoon breeze through your robes and hair, the light chatter of people in the market; it all gave you a bittersweet taste of Deja vu. Times like these felt right, but you had the feeling that nothing looked as it should. It could be the small taste of freedom mixed with the claustrophobic fear being chained somewhere. However, where the other end of the chain was you didn’t know. Or you did once, but it was lost with the rest of your memories from all those years ago. 
You stopped trying to remember after the first two season changes, then you accepted your circumstances and adjusted yourself to where you were. 
Arms full, you smile gracefully at the passing merchants and village people, the ones bowing at you when recognization transpired. You all but skip down the back path heading towards the palace again. 
You promised mother you’d finish her painting of the place father asked for her hand today. You had beeen working on it for her birthday, but you were too excited to wait. So it may have been promised 2 weeks earlier then her day.
However, a shroud voice catches your attention before you make it to the next corner. You stop in your tracks to listen. If living in the palace taught you anything it was ‘to always know the concerns of your people’, were fathers exact words. In otherwords you took it as a sign that it was ok, in most situations to eavesdrop… at least a little. 
“She is being forced to marry the oldest son of the emperor and empress. Her bloodline will muddy just as theirs already is.” A sinik male voice mocked. 
“What do you mean by that?” You heard your brothers fiance ask. She was a headstrong woman. Not only that but she was radiant. The type of woman your brother deserved. 
“Everyone knows the young lady is unfavoured by the gods. So if you bear a child with him your children will be inflicted with the same inability.” This time a female voice chimed in. Just as distasteful as the males.
“The princess is kind, witty, social, politically intelligent, well read, impactful, understanding and unworldly beautiful. Our children will be blessed to have her as their aunt.” Tayla lists, you smile to yourself. She didn’t have to defend your honour so seriosuly, but you silently thanked her none the less. 
“You have your doubts. There is no way you do not feel some worry about tarnishing your family name. Its reputation will be dragged through the land if your children fail to develope as she has. They will be cursed as she is.” 
Anyone talking about your family members however, you just couldn’t let it slide so easily.
“My brothers children will develop into the strongest blood line of these past 1000 years, we are in no need of your concern.” You step in, rounding the corner of the building. Your voice and demeanour remain calm, a smile on your lips as your mother had taught you when it came to political arguments. Remaing calm when the opposing side could not, as strategy she had learned in her youth.
What others said about you didn’t really bother you anymore. As a young child you always felt the sting of their harsh words. Like they were hoping you’d choke on them. But it had the opposite affect. It only drove you to try harder, to learn the ways of the palace. To push yourself past the limits that this life had given you. 
“My lady!” Many courteous greetings are followed by formal bows. “Wha-what are you doing here?”
“I was out for a walk through the village to get a few supplies.” Holding up the items in your hands, you sidle up to your future sister in law. Taking a step between her and the small circle of ill intended pupils.
“We didn’t mean anything by it. We were just worried she hadn’t thought it through. Or raised concerns” One of the young males spoke quickly. You stifle a scoff, but continue to maintain your composure.
“I’m sure you are.” You eye him carefully, if you weren’t mistaken he was one of the many candidates who wanted Tayla’s hand in marriage. “However as I am not my mother and fathers birth daughter, you’ll be happy to know my genes will die with me.” 
“You are not the child of the Emporer and Empress?” The small crowd gasps in unison. You could laugh at how comical their faces became. 
Even so, amongst the mumbling in front of you there is a faint call from behind you, you turn to her.
“Mother and Father saved me when I was young. Knowing I could not cultivate nor could remember where I had come from or how I ended up where they found me, they showed compassion and mercy upon taking me in and raising me with their children.” You explain to her alone. “I am blessed beyond measure. And your children will hold the greatest of titles. ”
A few days had past since your unexpenctant, informal announcement of your lineage. A very important matter had taken your attention, so you had all but forgotten already. You hear frantic footsteps approach your room. You brace your mind for the inevitable impact that would be your brothers. Your hand doesn’t still as it continues to write on the parchment of your lessons from today. Your doors burst wide open, not bothering to look up at them.
“Are you really planning to take the tether serum?” Your youngest brother demands breathlessly. 
“You’re here earlier then I expected, I am almost surprised.” You smile to yourself. If you had placed money on them discovering your plans, it would not have been until at least a week had past.
“Don’t make light of this.” Your eldest brother scolds from the rear, coming up behind your younger brother, closing the doors to conceal your conversation.
“Why would you make such a thing?” Taehyung's bewilderment is something you had became accustomed to. He somehow always seemed shocked by your actions. Considering how long you had been in the family now, you would have thought he had understood you at least a little.
You let out a deep sigh, the air from your lungs feels cold as it leaves your body into the warm air. 
“I want to be of use to mother and father in the end. Is that so outrageous as to incur your unmistakable wrath?” You choose your words carefully, not wanting to sadden them with todays ongoings but at the same time you know Seokjin’s fiance has already informed him of the other day. 
“We both understand greatly how indebted you feel towards them, but to tether your lifeline to them as someone still young is unheard of.” Seokjin reasons, still standing in the middle of the room, you can see his robes out of your peripheral. Taehyung sits down in the place next to you, trying to get your attention.
“Elder brother is right. If they both pass then so shall you, your soul cannot be separated. You shall serve them into death and upon new life.” His tone turning sorrowful. 
This time you look up at him, then towards your elder. 
“My dear brothers, It’s no secret that no one would marry me before and now with my birth being admitted, I have somehow lost whatever leverage I may have had.”
“That’s not true.” You see the hurt in the youngers eyes, but what you've said is true. You all know it. You give him a sad smile, letting your hand drop the brush, and placing it over his on the table.
“I cannot cultivate. I have no sense of magic or any prowess. My soul has been deemed weak and now people know that I am not the Emperor and Empress' true daughter.” You direct your smile towards Seokjin. “I have been preparing myself for this outcome since we were young. Please, if you cannot understand me then at least accept that this is your sisters wish.”
“The last time the two of you bowed this deeply to us was when you were young children and you and our son had broken a priceless family heirloom while you were training in the halls.” The Emperors longest friend muses from his seat. Him and his wife had known your parents since they were young, they were as close as family. Including their son, who happened to be the same age as you. So all four of you had grown up together.
“Uncle. Auntie. We are here to request an inordinate favour from you. One we know may be impossible for you to agree to, but we must ask this of you.” Seokjin’s whole body is tense. Everything he can do to save you from tethering yourself is hanging on this outcome. 
“What is it?” Your aunt is more curious then worried by their request. Seeing them kneel before them was a shock bigger then they had ever expected. 
Your brothers sit up straight.
“Our sister. As you know she is unable to cultivate. She has no skill in combat. Many have deemed her unworthy to bear our family name.” Seokjin’s voice comes out strong, but his hands are trembling slightly. “However, as you also know. Our sister is competent in the kitchen, and with chores of the home. She is patient and nurturing when she takes care of the palaces many children. She has beautiful skills in the way of art and embroidery. She is generous beyond measure and courteous to others. She deserves to have a future.”
“We both agree. She is a diamond amongst pebbles. But what brings this tone of concern?” Uncle is concerned.
“Our sister has decided to take the tether serum and serve our parents.” Taehyung explains. “We do not know if you have heard the word circling about our sister not being of our blood. But we are here to confirm it. Our parents took her in when I was newly born, she is all I’ve known to be an older sister.”
“We are aware of the talk. We were also there the day your parents found the young lady.” The Uncle assures. “You do not need to worry about our thoughts towards the princess.”
“I am curious to this favour. What do you wish to ask for?” Auntie pushes. 
“Our sister wishes to tether herself for she believes no one will marry her.” Seokjin explains. They bow again in unison, as if they had practiced their movements and speech before appearing. “We ask of you to please propose a marriage contract to the Emporer and Empress between our sister and your son.”
Taehyung cuts in quickly before they can be dismissed.“We know he is your only son, but we beg of you. She respects your son and you, uncle and auntie. There are many things she may be useful for.”
“Useful? She is enough as she is. We know that very well.” Uncle states, making eye contact with his wife. The look of understanding flashing between the two, unseen by the young princes.
“Just as we know our son. He has felt feelings of affection for the young lady for quite some time. You might not know this but she was the reason he decided he wanted to join the guard.” The older woman conceals her giggle behind her hand. “I had never seen such a rambunctious boy turn so serious.”
“He knew?” They both shoot up in surprise. Their friend had never mentioned having any knowledge of your sisters situation. But then again, they had never spoken of this either. 
“Yes. Our son was adamant that he would protect the princess. We could not sway his mind. Though we did not try to. We have never looked down on her because of her situation. She has become a well rounded beautiful woman, our son would be blessed to take her as his wife.” The Lord nods, 
“Does that mean you will agree?” They feel giddy. They could save you.
The older couple share a fond smile. 
“There is something our son has been drawn to since he was a young boy. We believe your sister is the key to his happiness.” 
“Hoseok, what are you doing here?” You beam, controlling your feet to not skip your way over to him. A lady never skips…at least not in front of others.
“Princess” He greets you with a bow and warm smile as he always does. “I was summoned by the Emperor and Empress. Why have you come?” 
“I was requested by Uncle and Auntie to meet them here.” You explain. “What is going on? Do you think its about Mothers birthday feast tomorrow?” 
“I’m not sure, but we should not keep them waiting. Let us go in.” He opens the doors and waits for you to enter first.
You hurry in, smiles directed at your parents then your uncle and aunt. 
A large round table adorned with vast plates of food, both your fathers sat near the far end laughing and chatting away, raising a drink to eachother. Your mothers seated next to their husbands also tremendously cheerful. 
You share a quick glance before bowing. 
“Emperor. Empress.” He greets first.
“Uncle. Auntie.” You greet directly after. 
“Children! Come in! Have a seat.” You father cheers happily. Your aunt waves a hand over to you for you to sit next to her. 
You bound over to sit next to your aunt. Which just so happens to be next to Hoseok as well.
“We are celebrating this evening.” Your mother informs, her attention on him.
“What are we celebrating Empress?” Formality laced in his words. It made you smile, even if he was like another son to your parents he highly respected them. 
“Lord and Lady Jung, have come to us with a proposal contract and we have agreed.” The Emporer boisterously exclaims.
“I’m sorry, Father and Mother I fear I do not comprehend.” You express, eye brows coming to meet in a frown. 
You see a flash of something cross Hoseoks face, but you stay focused on your looking between your parents. 
Your Aunt grabs both your hands, placing them in the space between you and forcing you to face her.
“The Emporer and emperess have accepted our proposal for our son and you to be wed.” She cheers brightly, hands giving yours a light squeeze.
“I’m to marry-?” You look back at him. Scared to see panic or disgust or even rage on his dazzling features. But there isn’t any sign of darkening. Only red tinted ears give away any emotions he’s feeling. That in itself leaves you astonished adn shaken. 
Words of wedding ceremonies are abrupt in your ears. The pattern of the bedding for your marriage suite. 
“But, Uncle, auntie. I’m not worthy of marrying your son.” You say it like it is a definite fact, interrupting their excited remarks. 
“Nonsense!” Your father bellows, a bright smile never leaving his face, he places his arm around his long term friend, who shares an equally blinding smile. “You two shall be wed! It is a beautiful idea, one I wish we had thought of sooner.” 
The laughter from the elders erupts once again, leaving you shell shocked. Remaining quiet you can’t bring yourself to look at anyone, opting to stare at the oak table in front of you. How did these events happen? You had just made the choice to…
A sinking feeling hits you all at once. Your brothers. They were the only ones that knew of your plans, other then the physician you had asked the tether serum about. They would be the ones to try to stop you. 
You’d deal with them after this dinner. You’d confront them and talk to Hoseok about his rejecting the marriage proposal. 
You just had to sit nicely until then.
“What did you do?!” You stormed into the study room the next day, you knew your brothers had hidden themselves away. They always resided in the same place to try to escape you when they had done something they knew you would be unhappy with. You had been followed by Hoseok on your way there when you mentioned you were confronting your brothers, upon meeting him that morning.
“Sister. This is a study room. Please refrain from raising your voice.” Your oldest mock scolding you, book in hand.
“Then answer me. I know it was the two of you that have provoked the marriage idea.” You were pulling back your seething temper, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. 
“Princess~” Hoseok calls calmly from behind you. You could feel him close behind you, not touching but close enough that you felt like you could breathe.
“What all of our parents decide to do we do not hold any influence over. You know as well as anyone.” Seokjin scoffs. The audacity he had to play ignorant at this moment was appalling. 
“We may have brought up the idea of a union.” Taehyung supplies from the far end of the room. 
“Why would you do this?” Exasperation seeps out of you. There was no point in hiding your displeasure or annoyance at these two. “You know I wish to be tethered.”
“Tethered?” Hoseok speaks again. “Who were you to be tethered to?”
“Mother and Father.” You state, angry eyes set on your brothers, but also not wishing to elaborate. This isn’t how you wanted him to find out. You were all childhood friends, you wanted to tell him yourself when he had time away from his duties in the guard.
“She believes no one shall love her because she is unable to cultivate. She believes she is not worth dotting on.” Your elder brother chimes in, closing his book and sauntering over to you. “But that’s not true. Is it Hoseok?“
“No. It’s not.” Your childhood friends voice is stern, you had never heard it like this before, at least not targeted at you. It sends a shiver down your spine. “Is this why you wanted me to talk my parents out of this marriage?”
“I wanted to be tethered to mother and father because I wish to serve them for eternity.” Your jaw tense. Your core feeling as it had turned into stone. 
“Look at me.” You have never heard his voice so cold and low, not even when he was at work. Something in you makes it impossible to deny him, so you do as he orders. You can see the fire behind his eyes, before your allow the flames to consume you you look towards the chilled marble ground. You hear muffled voices of your brother behind you but you can’t react. You feel warm fingers gently push your chin up ever so gently, forcing you to make eye contact. “Princess. Y/n. Is that really why?”
Your voice catches in your throat. A cough threatening to scratch its way out of you. “I am not like others. I cannot contribute to a high class home as I should. I’m…. broken.”
You had never felt so weak as you did in that moment, not since the days yo uhad been found. You could never lie to him. Not once. 
He studies your face, searching for something. “Is it the worst to be betrothed to me?”
“What?” His question catches you off guard. You blink at him in confusion. Of course, you knew he would be angry at your decision, or at the very least angry with you for not trusting in him to discuss it. 
“I can understand if you wish not to be wed to me because you do not think I’m adequate.” His voice soft like the look in his eyes. Soothing your anger towards your brothers in a instant, your only focus on him and the sad smile on his lips.
“That is ridiculous. I would not want it to be promised to any one else in this entire kingdom.” Why do you feel breathless? 
“Good.” His hand slips away from your skin. For a mere second, you miss the contact before realizing what you said. Your face burns with embarrassment, your eyes scrunching closed at how idiotic you sounded to yourself. Had you lost your mind? “Then I will discuss with our parents for the ceremony to be held as soon as possible.”
The shock brings you back out of your inner reprimanding. But before you can formulate words he’s bowing to your brothers and then you and he’s gone.
“W-what just happened?” Your mind struggles to catch up. 
Hearing your brothers snicker at you doesn’t’ help, you’re still frozen in place. Frozen staring at the now closed doors that Hoseok, your childhood friend, had left through. 
Seokjins full laugh fills the room. “Looks like you’ll be a little bride faster than I will be a groom.” 
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Eucalyptus || 2.5
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Warnings: Swearing, abandonment, hybrids are only considered as pets, mentions of pre-heat and scent triggers, use of medication, overdosing(unintentional), self-harm (unintentional)
Premise: A sugar glider hybrid with a broken past. Seven men convinced they can give her the life she’s always wanted. Sometimes destiny has a funny way of finding you, and sometimes it smells like Eucalyptus.
WC: 1.3K
Masterlist || 001 || 002 || 2.5
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Words tumble out of your mouth when you hear the click.
“I need….Can I have more..?” You try to stop your hands from shaking. They haven’t stopped in weeks. 
“Already?” The vet asks from the other end of the phone. He was finishing his paperwork for the day. He had Chinese takeout with his name on it that he was eager to get to when you called. Which was unusual in itself because you never called without one of your owners present or even all of them. “I gave you a 4-month trial, it's only been just over a month. Are they not working?”
You force down the thick lump of saliva in your throat, trying to clear your voice enough to sound..well like you were fine.  “They were…but then- I need something stronger.” 
You were not fine. You hadn’t been since the week you had been given the pills. But you held onto some hope that your body just had to adjust to them, waiting for them to take the discomfort away, the unending need you felt.
“Snow I can’t give you anything stronger, as you are a smaller hybrid they will be fatal if we’re not careful.” He sits up straighter in his chair. Forgoing his paperwork to focus on your words.  “Did you try taking an extra one? That should help without being too much for your body.” 
“I did.” The room starts to spin a little, you stumble to sit on the ground.”...So I took more.”
“How many more?” Now he’s slightly worried.
“Today or ?” You hold your head in your hand, but you're still finding it hard to stay upright. “I started taking 2 but then it stopped working so I took another and then…eventually another…”
“That’s 4. How long have you been taking 4?” 
“A month or so?” 
“How many today?” He was trying to keep calm, but inside he was frantic. 4 is double your max dose. He just hoped today you hadn’t followed the same pattern. 
“Today…today….six…” The urge to vomit was slowly forcing its way higher and higher from your stomach. Every inch you could feel it burning a path through you. You decide it would be best to lay down on the hardwood. The coolness against your clothed back gave a welcome break from the rising heat. “It kept hurting. It wouldn’t stop hurting…”
“I need… I need… I need to morph back. I don’t feel as sick. I don’t want to be sick.” You could hear your own words slowing. Your mouth couldn’t keep up with your mind anymore. Or was it your mind not being able to keep up with your mouth? You couldn’t tell the difference anymore. 
The tantalizing taste of eucalyptus that hung in the air. It was always the only thing your mind could focus on. It felt so thickly enticing. 
“Snow! Do not change into your hybrid-” He’s cut off by a sharp chirp through the phone. “Shit.” 
“Deandra!” He yells out his office door. “I need your hybrid in here now!”
One of the shelters nurses and her raccoon hybrid come running into the room, they had stayed later tonight to help finish getting the new hybrid drop offs comfortable. He shoves the phone at the male hybrid.
“I need you to tell me exactly what she’s saying. Keep her talking.” He instructs sternly. Normally he wouldn’t talk to someones hybrid like this but he doesn’t have the ability to watch his tone or filter his words. 
He reaches over his desk knocking the papers that he was working on onto the floor. He quickly dials your owners number that he has kept on speed dial since his first day visiting you. 
He hears the click of a connect. 
“Seokjin! Thank god. Tell me, are you the one?” He feels out of breathe, like he’s panting. Even though he’s not. 
“Doctor? The one what?” Seokjin’s curious words respond to him. 
“The one who started Snow’s heat.” He clarifies. 
There’s a pause. It takes too long for the other to answer his question. 
“QUICKLY.” He shouts at the younger.
“No. No. its not me. What is happening?!” Seokjin’s concern erupts through his ears.
“You need to get home now, I’ll leave as soon as I can. The pills had a severe negative affect. She’s taken too many.” He explains desperately. He can’t hide the panic in his feet, he’s pacing in the space infront of his desk.
“What?” Seokjin tells himself out loud. “I have to tell the others.”
“No! Only you. Whoever it is will only make this worse. She needs you right now.” 
“I’m leaving.” The younger notifies him as well as anyone else in the room with him.
“I’ll meet you there.” They both hang up, not bothering with any form of goodbyes.
“-Doctor…..” The racoon hybrid calls to him.
“What is she saying??” He’s trying to keep himself from yelling. But the full blown panic that is beginning to set within him is about to break out.
“She’s not… she’s not talking. She’s only making noises, nothing is making sense. I don’t think-” 
He points to the nurse, “Call an emergency vehicle to head there. Tell them it’s critical.”
Rounding his desk, he snatched the phone away from the hybrid shuffling him to the other side and points at him, “Stay.”
“Snow! Hear me. Talk to me. Jin is on his way. You need to change back.” He hears a few other cheeps before loud rustling.
“Liiiiiiving with them…… has maaaade me…. the hppiest…. Ive ever been in my eeentiiiiire liiiiife.” Your voice comes through muffled and slurring. “I would gooo through….. aaaaaall….. the abuse…. I sufferrrrred…. over again….. to have the chance…. to beeee their pet. They loved meeeee doctor…”
“Love, snow. They love you.” 
“I used to….. maaaake themmmmm sooooo haaaaappy….. Theeeey would alwayssss… ssssmiiiile when they ssssaaaaw mmmme…they donnnnnnnn sssmile assssss…… much anymore….. I wisssh they did….. How doo I…. make them sssssmile… again…?”
“They want you to be healthy and happy. That’s all they want.” He tries to quiet his own breath to be able to hear your slow deep attempts.
He hears a bang and rustling from the other end. He hits speaker on his office phone. The other hybrid still in his office, just in case she returns back to hybrid form. God he hopes she doesn’t.
“Snow what happened?”  He can hear Sekjin’s voice now.
“Thesssse…. are…. Pretty’ssss…. Eyesssss.” Her slurring worsens. It’s almost incomprehensible. 
“Snow please. Doctor what do I do?” Jins voice abruptly yells.
“I have an emergency vehicle headed to you now. Keep her awake and don’t let her change into her hybrid form. The medication will only circulate through her system faster.”
“Pretty…. issssn’t sssssmiling.-How do IIIII -maaaaake Pretty …ssssssmiiiiiile again.” He can hear Seokjin sniffling through her attempts at speech. “i kn..ooow. Everyyyyoooone ssssssmiiilessss ….when immmmm -”
“little…” they word escapes out in an exhale. 
Airy faint chirps are heard, he drastitically turns to the other hybrid. 
“Doctor! She’s changed again!” Jin all but shrieks. 
“What is she saying?” He demands of the terrified male hybrid.
“...” He walks closer to listen, his face going pale. “She’s saying… ‘I’ll stay little forever. I’m no trouble when I’m little.’” Listens again “‘Everyone smiles when I’m little….I’ll stay little’…..She’s just repeating ‘I’ll stay little’ over and over again.”
“Snow!” Seokjin whimpers over the phone, his voice breaking. Just like his heart.. “No…. please.” 
“I’M ON MY WAY!” He grabs his things from his drawer and bolts for the door. 
Running to his car he thinks about all the risks, the side affects he had gone over with you, all the late night research he had done. But this isn’t one of the risks that even crossed his mind. He made a vow all those years ago when you first came to the shelter. He promised to find you a loving family, that you would finally be happy. 
He didn’t realize just how dangerous this could be. How there was one thing above all others that could make it all come crashing down…desperation. 
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Masterlist || 001 || 002 || 2.5
taglist:@luminaaz, @mingkilovur, @thefirewasfriendly, @malewife-supremacy, @cestlabellemort @purpleskyyyy @aianloveseven @zera10 @roguesthetic, @littlrmills14-blog, @hesmyphenominiall @ottergirl @scrumptioustrash
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Send me an anonymous ask completing the sentence "I wish you would write a fic where..."
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Why do I feel like this list is just getting bigger and not smaller? BRAIN GET IT TOGETHER
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Upcoming Works:
Answers pt.2 SKZ x Ghost Reader
Possibilities Nonidol!Changbin/Nonidol!Minho x Reader
To Breathe Again - chapter 001 Unistudent!Namjoon x Unistudent!Reader, implied!Unistudent!Jimin x Reader
Till Death pt.1 SeokJin! Mafia Boss x Reader
Tell Me Again Jungkook!FWB x Reader
The Restricted Collection BTS!Hogwarts x Reader
Eucalyptus pt.3 x Hybrid Reader
If We Never Meet Again Idol!BangChan x Fan!reader
Love Revocation historical au
Must Be 4thyearUnistudent!Jimin x Clubowner!reader
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Pick a prompt and a member of BTS or SKZ!
— slow burn for friends to lovers˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
aaaa slow burn man, enjoy LOL
delicate hugs, but they linger longer the more both of you do it
"why are you staring? is there something on my face?"
gently pushing their hair behind their ear to see their face better
handholding where your hands are intertwined tightly with theirs
late night calls where one of you accidentally falls asleep
them reading you like an open book, especially knowing when you're going through difficult times
"i can't imagine who i'd be without you in my life"
wanting more physical affection yet you don't want to overstep
yearning to constantly be in their presence
platonic sleepovers that somehow ends up with you waking up with their arms around you
buying matching jewelry, but it doesn't mean anything right?
getting extremely worried when they get physically hurt
memorizing their coffee/tea order so you can buy it for them every morning
"you're so oblivious aren't you"
accidentally staring a bit too long at their lips
watching your favorite movies together
singing your favorite love song to them as if you are truly dedicating the song to them
"you drew stars around my scars" (cardigan by taylor swift)
feeling like your complete self when you're with them
sharing each other's clothes (especially hoodies)
hearing rumors that they have a crush and desperately hoping that it is you who they are crushing on
the urge to confess to them whenever you see them, yet you fear losing them
"what are we to each other?"
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Pick a prompt and a member! BTS or skz
”no time will be better” - prompts for that first kiss <3
prompt list by @novelbear
the first initial kiss being a simple peck, then they immediately go back in for a stronger, more passionate one.
"are you sure about this?"
the hands. on the waist. oh my god.
^ then they feel themselves being pulled closer ??
taller gently grasping the shorter's chin
"that was...." "yeah."
a certain song playing while they have their moment and it becomes their song.
"sorry, that was my first kiss." "i could tell." "...." "i'm kidding!"
an accidental first kiss
"are we about to kiss right now?" "you are not serious."
awkward giggles right after
"well i guess that answers my question."
a hand (or both) placed gently on their cheeks!!!
"i'm sorry, i had to."
the uncontrollable smile they break into either after or during the kiss itself
"don't you dare tell anyone about this." "wasn't planning on it."
that panic beforehand while trying to figure out if they're really leaning in for a kiss or not.
someone's hair ending up getting caught in the other's glasses/jewelry
maybe one is awkward enough to the point where they're like "what the hell do i do with my hands?!"
feeling each other instantly relax as they both quickly get comfortable
"can we do that again? my eyes were closed." "oh my god."
their hearts stopping when they hear someone's camera click (a friend catching them in the act ?)
"so does this mean you feel the same or..?"
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Trying to get back into the swing of writing again. Feels like forever since I’ve put my scenes into actual words to be read instead of just floating around on my mind.
So I’ll be reblogging a few prompt lists that intrigue me! Pick which one(s) you’d like and which member you want it to be about!
seeking out physical affection
comparing hand-sizes to hold their hand against the other's and then just holding hands
leaning against the other one in close spaces
acting like they're cold to have an excuse to cuddle or share clothes or blankets
brushing a strand of hair away
grabbing each other's hands in crowds or when crossing the street to "be safe"
turning their cheek to get the other one to give them a peck
brushing their arm against the other's, hoping the other would finally catch their arm and hold it close
fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
draping the arm around their shoulder while sitting next to each other
lightly tickling the other one, almost hoping it gets retaliated
reaching out with their hand without saying anything, wanting the other one to grab it
linking arms when walking around together
trying to get the other to dance with them
bumping shoulders into each other
wrapping arms around the other's neck when standing behind them
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Thank you so much for adding Floored to your rec! I appreciate your support so much 💜💜
Han Jisung fic recs
stray kids | han jisung 
[ updated 231008 ]
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Keep reading
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
Not only am I screaming everytime I see my name but by just the sheer heart wrenching emotions I’m feeling for these characters.
After everything they went through just to be back to square one, forced into exactly what they were running from 😭
It cements all my love and devotion for the original plot (No matter how much I love being in it and married to my ult bias). Not to mention the distrust she’s feeling towards Yoongi, I trust that man with my life, irl, so it HURTS to think I couldn’t.
Once again you’ve written something so profoundly able to invoke so many emotions. Every word adds so much more to the story and it never feels unnecessary or unimportant 💜💜💜
What if... you decided to run away? part three | OT7 BTS au
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A very belated update starring my soulmate @shadowofahope and some angst. Warnings: mentions of murder, crime scenes, betrayal, injury, a mentally deranged villain, and bts hurting. 6.3K words
Two options presented themselves to Min Yoongi as he watched you happily having breakfast with the others. He could tell you and this whole dream would be shattered, or he could bury it, and they could all live happily ever after. He was deluding himself he knew it, it wasn’t a question of if you’d find out, it was a matter of when. He also knew, if he wasn’t the one to tell you, you’d never forgive him.
Still with knowing this, his tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he looks at you, his throat seized. All his instincts wanted to do was keep him from breaking the mirage of everything he wanted, and that’s what he would be doing. Call him a coward, like Namjoon was doing with his gaze eating into the side of Yoongi’s face, but to keep that smile on your face, he’d be anything to keep dreaming.
“Hyung, Princess is sleeping next to us tonight,” Jungkook stares down the Prince with the most serious glare he can muster before he sits down for his serving of pancakes. Jimin and Taehyung nodding furiously on either side of him, imploring with their eyes that you both agree.
The idea of you not being in his arms as he slept made an uncomfortable itch manifest under his skin, akin to anxiety but more volatile. He keeps himself from scratching, nodding quietly in agreement as he plays with his food. He can feel the surprise in the room, Jin and Hobi looking at each other in shock. Even you nearly choked on the orange juice, whipping your head round to inspect the silent prince.
He tried to keep his features neutral, knowing you could read him like a book. Your reassuring palm on his thigh lets him know you can see through him, that light squeeze trying to coax him to look at you, but he’s too afraid to. If he faces you he would have to face Namjoon too, and right now, he couldn’t deal with either of you.
“Yoongi?” Your voice is so understanding and soft, the disgust he had in himself he could feel rise like bile in his throat at the sound.
“I don’t like it Jagi,” he tries to smile, trying to meet your eyes. “But you’re right I have to share.”
He excuses himself, unable to stand lying to you about his current predicament, Namjoon’s eyes following him every step of the way. You’re about to follow after him but the taller individual beats you to it, telling you to stay.
The remaining men look between themselves, questioning each other silently before you verbalise their thoughts.
“Did someone say something to him?” You wince at the accusation in your own words.
“We’ve been saying something to him since we landed Princess,” Jimin deadpans, eyes narrowing at you as you defend the greedy prince.
“Look I know he’s been… unreasonable lately, but you know him,” you didn’t want to talk about Yoongi’s vulnerabilities, but the suggestion was clear in your tone. “He doesn’t mean to be-” you hesitate, trying to find the right word.
“An asshole?” Jin suggests, making Jungkook snicker at the language. “We know Princess, but I think he’s forgetting the fact we nearly lost you too.”
“Of course you’re going to defend your prince over your knights in shining armour,” Taehyung mumbles to himself, his fork hitting the plate harshly as he picks up a piece of pancake.
You press your lips together to hold back the laugh, Jin and Jimin mirroring your expression.
You knock on the door again, the fifth time, but still no response. It had been a week since you last saw her and now you were worried something was wrong. You frown, there were only so many places you could be on this island and when the weather was scorching like today, the only place was home. So why was your new friend not answering the door?
“Nym?” You call out again, but not a whisper greets you back.
You sigh, sweat starting to drip from your scalp to your face. You turn back to your place, telling yourself you’d try again later.
The heat of the sun cooked the top of your head, you curse yourself for not bringing out a hat or parasol or something. As beautiful as this piece of heaven was, you were not acclimated to it.
You try not to run back to the villa to escape the heat, ready for a cool drink as you reach the front step.
“Where have you been?” Yoongi almost yells in his panic when you walk through the door making you jump.
“Hey,” you frown, hand on your chest to slow your startled heart. “What’s wrong?”
He composes himself at that question, as if he wasn’t aware of his demeanour until you called it out, like he forgot himself for a moment.
“Nothing,” he mutters, walking away with his head hanging low in guilt.
What the heck was that?
“Yoongi?” You call after him, knowing he wanted to be alone but not wanting to leave him with the thoughts drowning him. You follow him into his room, staring in worry when he sits on the bed and hangs his head into his hands. 
“Baby?” you ask, heart thumping uncontrollably as your mind races. “Yoongi what’s wrong?”
You’re scared to approach him, depending on his disposition he didn’t always welcome physical comfort when he felt vulnerable. Whatever cloud was thundering above him had his shoulders slumped, you couldn't see his eyes, couldn’t read his expression. 
“Yoongi say something,” you beg, still standing by the door. “You’ve been acting weird all week, please say something.”
He sniffs, lifting his head, eyes full of water ready to spill. You stand in shock for a second, Yoongi wasn’t one to cry. You rush to him, holding him tight as he starts to sob, knowing he was unworthy of your comfort right now when he kept the worst secret from you. 
“Jagi, tell me what's wrong please,” your own bottom lip wobbles, you hate seeing him upset, it kills you. 
He shakes his head against you. You would never forgive him, he tries to get ahold of himself, pushing away from you as he wipes his face in his hands. The look of worry you give him breaks his heart. He takes your hand in his, trying to reassure you silently by stroking his thumb against your skin but he can’t meet your eyes. 
He wants to thank you when you don’t push it, when you let it go for now, but the words are bitter and vile in his mouth and he doesn’t release them.
“Why are you guys making popcorn?” Namjoon asks when he enters the kitchen, Yoongi close behind him after another argument. 
“We fixed the TV,” Jungkook says with a mouthful of snacks.
The prince becomes petrified with panic, he was the one to mess with the wiring so you wouldn’t have access to the outside world or the news. The fear that freezes him, suddenly jolts him out of shock, almost running to the living room where he finds you flicking through the channels. He doesn’t think before he snatches the remote out of your hand, turning the device off and gaining everyone’s questioning gaze.
“Hyung, what are you doing?” Taehyung asks in disbelief, he just got comfortable for movie night. 
He can’t say a word, his mind drawing blanks for an excuse. 
“You’ve been acting weird all week,” Jin says.
“What the hell is going on with you?” Jimin looks at him as if he’s grown 2 extra heads. 
“No tv,” he breathes, the panic not subsiding. Namjoon stands behind him, his cheeks sucked in as he watches the scene. He’s still angry from the fight with the prince, but he wasn't vindictive enough to throw him under the bus.
“Why?” Hoseok asks.
“He’s hiding something,” you finally speak after observing him, trying to take the remote back but he grips onto it like his life depends on it. 
Jungkook had followed behind the two when they entered, moving towards the screen while you and Yoongi stared at each other. He uses the controls on the TV to turn it on, Yoongi’s face turning blank when he changes channel. It’s his worst luck that it revealed what he tried so desperately to hide. 
You turn to the image of your father’s coffin being walked out of his castle, held up by 6 men as Baekhyun and Taeyeon walked behind it dressed in black. The words the newscaster was saying don’t even reach your ears, your face contorting from shock into pain. 
You start hyperventilating, the others caught in stupor, unable to move. The king was dead, and they all had strong suspicions that Yoongi knew. 
“Y/n let’s calm-“ Namjoon tries reaching for you but you snap away at his touch.
“Did you know?” He would take bullets right now than the look of fire on your face.
“Did. You. Know.”
But his face confesses for you where his words can’t. That’s all it takes for you to break down, falling to your knees with your arms around your head, whimpering not just at the loss of life, but the loss of trust.
“Jagi,” Yoongi tries again, his heart blaring fast in alarm.
“Don’t,” the strength in your voice is gone, but he knows not to say another word. 
The tension turns thick, Jungkook mutes the news channel, but the footage of your father’s funeral still plays on the screen for them all to see. Minutes pass, no one daring to speak first. Jin glares at the prince, knowing what emotional turmoil he just put you through, how could he keep this from you? His gaze flickers to Namjoon with even more contempt.
“I have to go back,” you say more to yourself than them, coming to stand on wobbly legs, but your words cut through the silence for them all to hear.
“No,” the prince almost growls at the suggestion, but you look ready to tear him right back, looking like a wounded animal on edge, ready to do whatever to survive.
“You,” that one syllable held more venom than he had ever heard from you, finger pointed like a knife in accusation, “don’t get to decide for me, you don’t get to control me, y-you-“
You can’t help it, your words falter as you break down again, the corners of your sneer weighted down by grief, the bottom lip trembling as the fire in your eyes is drowned out by tears.
“You of all people know what it’s like to be controlled your whole life, and you tried to do that to me.”
Your words hit him, they do, like a truck to the chest, ploughing him down, but he can’t regret his actions, only your sorrow.
“If you go back,” he takes a step towards you. “We,” he points to himself and the rest of inhabitants in the room, “go back.”
He waits for the realisation to pass your eyes, and he knows it’s there as they soften on him for a moment.
“If we go back Jagi,” his voice cracks, hating himself for causing you this pain, but wanting you to listen to him. “We are dead men.”
“I can ex-“
“They won’t wait for an explanation Y/n!” He yells frustrated. “They’ll sentence us to death before we’re questioned, you know how it works! How it really works.”
Your lips quiver as you try to look strong, but everything inside of you is crushed. The hurt clawed its way through your body, reducing you to nothing. 
“I should have married him,” you say quietly to yourself but the sincerity in your tone breaks their hearts. You regretted choosing them, choosing your freedom.
“And lived unhappily ever after?” Yoongi scoffs with disgust at the image of you and Wang at the altar.
“And this is better? Letting my country and my people fall into the hands of a psychopath? Be betrayed by men who I thought loved me enough not to lie to me?” you reply, staring despondently at nothing. “I was born with my duty and I have failed it.”
His red rimmed eyes can’t look at you.
“For what?” Your hoarse voice presses, hurting you all. “For something as trivial and fickle as love, the monarchy comes first and I have forgotten my place.”
“Please,” he begs, head hung low as every word you uttered, although right, killed him.
“My father was right.” It was like a final bullet, the harshest slap or ice bucket thrown over him.
You turn to Namjoon.
“If you didn’t love me, would you have let me escape?”
Both your minds go to the night he caught you, the night their feelings were revealed. He thinks it through, understanding his own duty. You stare in silence, his mind calculating, overthinking. There just wasn’t a world that existed in his mind where he didn’t love you, so how could he answer?
“I don’t know,” he confesses sincerely.
“I wish you didn’t,” you breathe. “My father might still be alive.”
“That’s not your fault,” Taehyung says but you shake your head.
What if he died because of you? Because you ran away? The guilt eats away at you, and you know if Yoongi and Namjoon were honest from the beginning you could have accepted it, could have leaned on them for emotional support but now you felt a rift between yourselves that ran too deep to fix. Yet despite that distance that now existed between you, you had no one else to turn to. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you sob, looking to them all for guidance. It was ironic that you were now technically queen, and you had no clue, no power, nothing.
They stay silent, solemn as they look to the ground and avoid your gaze.
“Princess there’s nothing we can do,” Jin says softly, not wanting to upset you but unable to feed any fantasy you had of fixing this.
“I can’t leave my people to Taeyeon,”
Yoongi stands in front of you, his eyes piercing into yours, with an anger you couldn’t place.
“They’re not your people anymore,” he says harshly, “you abdicated, this isn’t your problem.”
“Hyung,” Jimin warns him gently, he was pushing it.
You search his eyes, wondering why he was trying to hurt you further, until you realise there was fear he was trying to hide with his wrath.
“You knew when you left, eventually Baekhyun and that psycho bitch would be next in line,” Yoongi continues, ignoring Jimin. “You don’t want that life Y/n.”
A knock on the door snaps everyone’s attention to the sound, the tension not broken but they’re grateful for the pause.
Your new friend enters cautiously, eyes wandering around the room at everyone’s sullen expressions and the endless stream of tears pouring down your face. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on.
“Nym, is everything okay?” Namjoon asks politely, not appreciating the disruption but knowing there wouldn’t be one without good reason.
“I… I did some digging,” Nym breathes nervously, wanting to bolt out of the room with the heaviness in the air but this was important. “The authorities already know something was unusual with the late king’s passing so-“
“You knew too?” The sting of betrayal had you interrupting before you could stop yourself. You were stuck on this island and you thought you could run to your friend’s place for help when the conversation was over but now you truly had nowhere to turn to. This paradise had turned into a prison, they weren’t going to let you leave.
Nym looks at you sadly, apologising silently hoping what was uncovered with a week of no sleep would earn your forgiveness.
“I thought hard about what I could do to help, and I think I have something.”
“What is it?” Hoseok asks.
“The authorities know there’s something odd about the King’s passing, but Prince Baekhyun and his wife closed any investigation, so I did some digging,” Nym explains, feeling the intensity of everyone’s stares, no one breathed. “I…”
She pauses, looking at you wondering whether it was right to just lay everything out on the table, but how can something so destructive be cushioned. Namjoon’s eyes glance towards the laptop in the computer genius’s arms.
“What did you find?” you barely whisper. 
“She didn’t cover her tracks very well,” Nym replies, hesitating. “I don’t think you should see this.”
“Taehyung and Jimin, maybe your should take Y/n-”
“No,” you interrupt, the hell were they going to discuss this without you, that was what caused this fucking problem in the first place. “Show me.”
Your eyes don’t implore your friend, they demand authority and everyone in the room understands why you deserve your title, blood had nothing to do with it. The laptop is placed on the table, everyone’s eyes glued to the screen. 
“The Imperial castle has two sets of security cameras, someone hacked into them to erase everything the night of your fathers death,” Nym explains. “It took a week but I recovered them.”
“How did he die?” Jin asks what you couldn't stomach asking.
“The official story is he mixed medication with alcohol and…” there's a pause for concern over your wellbeing, but you were done with walking around eggshells, they were all broken anyway. 
“Say it,” you beg.
“He fell down the Castle stairs,” Nym says, watching your reaction cautiously, “there was a dent on his head that was unexplainable with the fall, but they think he might’ve bumped it on something given his state. They blamed the security camera malfunction on the storm.”
“And what actually happened?” Namjoon asks.
“Just play the footage Nym,” you say, it didn’t matter anyway, what was done was done, what you wanted was the truth.
After a deep breath, Nym presses play, the screen is grainy at first but clears. Your father comes into the frame, obviously heavily intoxicated with someone pushing him from behind. Whoever it was, wears a ski mask, looking around on edge. There’s a glint of metal in their hand that you can’t make out but it’s pressed against his back. After a stumble, he trips on the ground, and the masked figure tries to pull him up. They get into a tussle, your father grabbing the individual but only able to pull off the balaclava. Your breath catches as you recognise her, and now the object in her grasp. You jump when the pistol is slammed against his skull, and he’s pulled to his feet. He’s disorientated, clutching his head in his hands before he’s pushed to the stairs. You close your eyes, knowing what was about to happen, and you thought you could stomach it but you can’t. Arms wrap around you, someone strokes your hair. You bury your head into his chest, knowing it was Taehyung who had come to comfort you from the most abhorrent scene you ever had to witness. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n,” Nym says sincerely as you muffle your cries. 
They sit in silence once Nym leaves, the hours tick by with you sitting on the ottoman alone, too quiet, too stoic, too deep in thought. No one dares to break it first, no one dares to move, scared that the already fragile state of your being could shatter more than it already had. There was no coming back from this, that was the fear, no recovering. 
The footage would be released with your permission, it would solve the issue of letting the psychopath sit in your throne, and yet there was another fear in the room. The proof of your father’s murder didn’t solve everything. 
“I’m going back,” you say calmly.
“You’re not coming with me,” you don’t mean it in a cruel way but it still breaks their hearts. “I have a role I was born to serve, a people who need a queen they can trust, not some relative who thought they were safe from ever having to wear the crown.”
“But we’re happy here,” Jimin says with wobbling lips, eyes and nose streaming.
“Why can’t we come with you?” Jungkook cries.
“Because for right or wrong reasons, the government will still have you tried for concealing my whereabouts without consulting the royal guards,” you state, hating the matter of fact but you couldn’t risk their safety. “Rules are rules, and no matter what story we spin, we still broke the law.”
“You’re going to leave us?” Hoseok asks in disbelief. “After everything.”
You bite your lip hard to stop your eyes watering but it doesn’t work. This would be the hardest thing you would do but it needed to be done.
“Not forever,” you promise, voice hoarse and heavy. “But until I can clear your name and guarantee your safety, this will have to be goodbye.”
“No,” Yoongi shakes his head, his arms crossed, his eyes closed as if that would protect him and stop everything.
“You and I both know what happens if you come back with me Yoongi,” you sniff. “If you get imprisoned in my country, the repercussions will be war and you know it.”
“What if we go back to our country?” Hoseok suggests, “Yoongi’s uncle might be able to liaise with little Queen’s government and clear our name.”
“There’s no guarantee that would work,” Namjoon sighs, massaging his head with his fingers as he tries to solve this impossible conundrum. Politics was more complicated than chess, it was like playing on a board 50 times the size with a thousand more unique pieces.
“Not to mention what Y/n’s government will force her to do in return for clearing our name,” Yoongi seethes, finally looking at you with a sad anger welling his eyes. “What if they ask you to marry Wang like your father proposed, to honour his wishes and get whatever deal he was offered by selling your hand in marriage.”
“That’s not how it works,” Tae says in disbelief, looking between you and Yoongi waiting for someone to reassure him you wouldn’t become a pawn for your country. You only look at him sadly in reply.
“One problem at a time please,” Jin mutters, catching Namjoon’s headache.
“Please don’t go back,” Jimin begs, the palm of his hands covering his eyes as he sobbed. This was so cruel, that they finally got to taste a life with you in their arms for only seconds before you were taken away.
“What if Princess married Hyung?” Jungkook suggests desperately, but the question makes you burst more into tears, your head tilted to the ceilings as you try to stop.
“She can’t get married without the permission of the courts,” Namjoon says solemnly, head hanging low. “And Yoongi Hyung’s uncle would never agree, there’s too much bad blood.”
“He barely agreed to let Yoongi become little queen’s guard,” Jin remembers out loud.
Yoongi shakes his head. He hated this, the fact his blood had a say in his life, ruled it without thought to what he wanted.
“If my father was king he would have allowed it,” Yoongi admits, for years he prayed his uncle would sire offspring so the crown would never fall on him, now he was second guessing his wishes.
You both look at eachother, another life flashing before your eyes, one so out of reach it was more of a fantasy than a dream. You still held a resentment for his actions, but the concept of leaving him overcast everything. You understood it to some extent but you truly didn’t know whether you could forgive him. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you say, “right now it doesn’t change anything.”
He hangs his head in shame, knowing he really fucked up beyond repair. 
Your attention shifts to Namjoon as he kneels in front of you, the equation in his head starting to solve itself. His eyes implore into yours, the rest of the group fade to the background when he takes your hands into his, his warm touch soothing you. 
“You always said growing up royal was awful,” He starts cautiously, not wanting to cause any more problems or misunderstandings. “There were too many rules, too many restrictions, too many classes on how to behave.”
You nod as you take in his words, wondering where he was going with this. 
“Your father pushed you away, there's a history of that you know,” he informs you. “The first heir is always treated differently, the spare is raised with less restraint, they say the prospect of raising a child who is set to replace you throughout time has caused parental rifts.”
“Where are you going with this Joonie?” you ask, he smiles apologetically, the tangent was somewhat an accident to avoid a harsh truth he needed to reveal.
“If you go back, your whole life is decided for you, Queen of a country or not, the government will set your alliance to someone they see fit, you will be expected to have two children, at least, and then they will be subjected to everything you did growing up.”
You stare at him. The thought had crossed your mind before but you always swore you would do better. The reason your father was so harsh on you was he couldn’t have a spare, your mother died too soon after your birth. You were it, he drilled that into you from day one.
“I can protect them,” you say weakly, tears starting again when Joon shakes his head in disagreement. 
“I know you’ll fight Y/n, but it would be you against a hundred officials, you tried to fight your father and you couldn’t and every one of those officials were behind him in his decision.”
“Joon,” you cry, wanting him to stop. His hand squeezes yours, the other wiping away the teardrops gently trying to cushion his words. 
“To the world, you are so privileged, and part of that is true, but they haven’t seen you suffer like we have, and I hate to think about how much you suffered before meeting us.”
You sniff, looking around the room at the rest of them looking so downtrodden, your eyes falling last on Yoongi who wipes his tears before they can fall. Yoongi, who understood you through experience, who you connected with the moment you met. 
“You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me,” you tell them truthfully, “I don’t want to go back without you, but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do.”
“It’s your decision little Queen,” Hoseok steps forward, smiling sadly but knowing how hard this was for you. “We’ll support you no matter what.”
The younger three glare at him for that comment, the others hanging their heads low as if in prayer. 
“Whatever happens,” Jin agrees, “you always have our love and support Princess.”
“Please,” Yoongi begs quietly, his face scrunched in pain as he cries openly. The sight breaks your heart all over again, you really did hate seeing him in pain. 
“After the tribulations and trials of our beloved royal family, I think the country can say this is a monumental event in history. Like treachery out of a mediaeval plot, today also marks the one month anniversary of the death of our late king, murdered by the wife of his nephew in a scheme for the crown.
Of course this plot was unveiled by his daughter, who at the time fled the country for her safety, but returned to ensure the safety of her people and bring Kim Taeyeon to justice.”
Sadness sat like stones in their stomachs, sinking slowly as your face graced the screen. You smile but they know it doesn’t reach your eyes, you wave to the crowd and the cameras before climbing into the carriage off to the citadel for your coronation. 
“She looks so beautiful,” Taehyung mumbles, in awe of your figure in the red ruby gown. He blinks back tears, your absence didn’t get any easier for them, and seeing you on a screen just cemented the fact you were no longer here. 
“I can’t believe she went back,” Jin whispers to himself but the others hear. They also hear his unsaid words hiding between the lines, you chose duty over them, the irony was hard to ignore. You always thought they would do the same.
“Of course the matter still remains about the young Queen’s foreign bodyguards who’s current whereabouts are unknown. There is massive divide in the country and government over the actions of Kim Namjoon and his men, one of whom is the current Prince of another nation. There are calls for their presence in the court, others are demanding they receive the medal of valour, and during a recent official press conference this is what our new Queen had to say…”
The screen shifts to you at a podium, cameras and lights flashing on your form as you look at your paper. They hadn’t seen the footage yet but the date stamp on the footage showed it was from a few days ago. Jungkook holds his breath, waiting for you to speak, it felt like a lifetime ago that he heard your voice. 
“I understand there is a lot of speculation over my disappearance, and rumours that I was abducted by the men sworn to protect me.”
The youngest can’t help sniffling at the sound, he misses you and the feeling opened new excruciating wounds in him where he thought there was room for no more. 
“I am here to clear any misunderstanding over the events of the last month or so. This accusation has put to question the character of the men my own father, the late king, employed and I can say one thing for certain with absolute conviction…”
You take a pause, looking up at the cameras as if staring into each of their souls. They can see the longing in your eyes, the tears forming that you blink away, a moment of weakness that you had to hide. 
“Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin… Min Yoongi,” you take a breath as if his name pained you. “Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jung Jungkook are the best men I have ever met, and they saved my life, and any call for their imprisonment is a crime against the crown and against me. I will do everything in my power to clear their names, and have them return. Our relations with King Min must remain peaceful, and I will not have my country tarnish their character and cause unrest between two nations. 
My first act on the throne will be to resolve any remaining issues between our countries and draw up a new treaty with King Min, and I know my people will stand with me. Thank you.”
“She’s gonna do it,” Namjoon says quietly but proudly, smiling sadly when he sees the resolve on your face as you start answering press questions. “It’ll take some time but we’ll be by her side again.”
The room is quiet as they watch the footage change back to your coronation, all of them swallowing back tears with heavy hearts. They wished they could be standing there beside you, but one day they knew they would be again, no matter how long it took. 
There are cheers coming from the crowds as the crown is placed on your head, you take a deep breath that they can all see, a smile to the people but your eyes are glassy. 
“Our beautiful little Queen,” Jimin says in awe, tears slipping that he can’t help. 
“I know she’ll be the best Queen in the world but I’m so anxious for her,” Jin breathes, his heart nervous for you. 
“I wish we were there,” Hoseok whispers.
“She shouldn’t be there,” Yoongi says solemnly, standing. “She should be here with us.”
The others watch him walk out of the room, the prince had fallen into a deep stoic state, they just hope the hurt would fade with time. You carved out Yoongi’s soul the day you left, they could only pray he would find himself again. 
You don’t know how you managed to give your new staff the slip, you had paid the driver off with enough money that he couldn’t refuse, despite what your advisors and the government officials tried to stop you from doing.
You knew it would bring you nothing but more grief, but you had to. You could already hear Namjoon berating you, it almost makes you smile before you remember why you’re here. You’re glad to see the tower is cold and depressing as promised, the criminals in here were all in treachery of the crown. 
The guards all gave you worried looks as you demanded to see her, and there she stood in the last cell, trapped behind metal bars finally looking like the madness she held within. Her hair stood on end, a nest of knots that could never be undone, much like the chaos she caused in your life. 
She sees you, and now you really do smile vindictively when her eyes travel down the length of your coronation gown before fixing themselves on the crown that sat where it belonged. She growls, her teeth baring in disgust and hate you never witnessed before.
She presses herself against the metal, reaching for you as if she could snatch all her wants within her grasp. 
“You abdicated, that crown is mine!”
It was strange, confronting her like this. Almost surreal, the concept that this was the woman you befriended, the woman who failed in killing you, and the woman who murdered your father. There was no denying it, you saw it for yourself. 
“Why couldn’t you just stay away?” she has the gall to sob, to truly cry over her loss as if she was the victim, and you knew then there was no hope for her, not that you would ever offer it to her in the first place. 
You shake your head in disbelief, a humourless laugh before you take a step closer, wanting no one but her to hear your words.
“You know what?” You start, voice quiet but unwavering. “If you had just left everything well enough alone, I wouldn’t be here, if you didn’t let your greed become so heinous it cost a man his life, eventually you could’ve worn this crown and I would have let you.”
She screams, the sound making you want to slap some sense into her. 
“But your actions have cost so many people in so many ways,” you say sadly, not an ounce of sympathy for her, but for yourself as selfish as that might sound. “I can see now there’s no saving you.”
“That crown is mine! THAT CROWN IS MINE!” She repeats it as if it would become true, getting louder and louder as you stare. 
“You killed my father you psychotic bitch,” you spit, but there was no point to this, there would be no real justice for her actions, and she would never regret them. You wonder what closure you were trying to gain by being here, there was nothing you could do to make her feel your pain. 
“Your majesty,” your new personal advisor bids your farewell. You had moved to the cold imperial castle, the official site for the monarch. The day had cost you all your energy and you could barely bring yourself to climb the stairs to your new chamber. You try to ignore the urge to glance towards where you know they found your father’s body, the hurt of losing him still fresh despite the strain of your relationship with him. You push away the thoughts to deal with another time. 
Your jaw hurts from forcing your face to smile all day for the public eye, as you get ready for bed the deep empty void in your chest gets filled with pangs of sadness so intense you have to stop and breathe for a moment. You had kept it subdued all day for duty, but it came back with a vengeance. 
You were now Queen, and completely utterly unfathomably alone. The thought grips you so painfully in the silenve you can’t help the sob that turns into a wail. There was no one here to comfort you, no one to hear you yet you still covered your cries with your hand, sinking pitifully to the floor. 
The agony of leaving them didn’t fade for a day. You forgave Yoongi and Namjoon the second you returned to this awful cage, wanting to regret leaving them but there was nothing you could do about your decision now. You knew what Yoongi was trying to protect you from, there was no malice in his actions, just desperation that undid you both. You walked back into the life you tried to escape, and lost far more than you could ever explain. 
In truth you didn’t know whether you would see them again, whether you would win the fight to clear their name. You would never give up, you couldn’t, the only thing that kept you going was getting them back, otherwise this was going to be a long lonely purgatory for you without them. 
“Min Yoongi I forgive you,” you barely breathe out loud, needing him to hear you no matter how impossible. You knew him better than you knew yourself, knew he needed to hear those words for his own peace, or he would never forgive himself. You knew what state you left him in, and that one thing was your biggest regret.
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shadowofahope · 1 year ago
I will be adding the 6 members of SKZ that I write about. I haven't forgotten about the BTS ones I have started already. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long!
"The Restricted Collection"
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Let's take a tour around the grand halls of Hogwarts. We shall meet some naughty lovely students and my favourite part of school... the restricted section.
Kim Namjoon
"I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it, breaking the rules?"
Kim Seokjin
"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure."
Bang Chan
“The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.”
Jung Hoseok
"But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Kim Taehyung
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good"
Lee Felix
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
Han Jisung
“You’re just as sane as I am”
Jeon Jungkook
"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."
Seo Changbin
"I will"
Park Jimin
“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”
Min Yoongi
"Until the very end."
Lee Minho
“I mark the hours, every one, Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, Are gauged by what you have to do.”
Hwang Hyunjin
 “The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.”
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