seohos-demon · 4 years
im back??
omg i just realized i havent written anything IN SUCH A LONG TIME?? but maybe i will start to post again! ^^ are there any groups you’re interested in?? more oneus and a.c.e stuff?? 
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seohos-demon · 4 years
More mont please!!! Reactions or imagines, fluff or nsfw.. anythiiing plss
omg this made me so happy that someone asked for MONT!! sorry guys I have been reaaaally busy but I will try to be soon active again ^^
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seohos-demon · 5 years
Tease - Donghun (M)
To the anon that requested a car smut, this request was great. I’m whipped for Donghun
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I faked a smile at the boys sitting across the table from of me, trying to focus on their conversation. Don’t get the wrong idea here; they weren’t rude or boring or anything like that. They were actually some of my good friends and I enjoyed being in their company. The boy on my right, my boyfriend, was the one to blame for my distraction. His hand trailed up and down my thigh, getting a little too daring for my comfort.
“Donghun,” I whispered to him, my words laced with annoyance, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” He sent me a smile and pressed a kiss on my shoulder.
“Don’t start flirting in front if us,” Chan’s voice pulled my attention away from Donghun.
“Sorry,” I laughed, “But you know how greasy Donghun is,” I shot him a look but only got a smug smile in return. The other boys didn’t seem to notice our interaction, thankfully.
“So Donghun tells me you guys have the day off tomorrow. Do you have any plans?” I tried to distract myself from the feeling of Donghun’s hand caressing my thigh. However, as his fingers tantalizingly moved under my shorts, I found that difficult to do. Heat pooled between my legs as he pushed my panties aside, and I immediately crossed my legs to try and hinder his movements.
Unfortunately, he had already pressed his thumb against my clit and my shifting only pushed his fingers further against my skin. A sigh escaped my lips at the feeling and I quickly took hold of his hand, pulling it away from my legs.
“_____, are you okay?” Seyoon’s question made me tune back to the conversation. “You’re kind of red,”
“O-oh, just feeling a bit dizzy,” I impulsively lied.
“Maybe you should head home?” Jun suggested, his tone questioning whether or not I should be out when I didn’t feel well.
“Donghun’s spending the night at your place right? Let him drive,” Byeongkwan added.
“That’s a good idea,” Donghun pulled his hand away from mine and rested it on the table, “Do you wanna go ______?” He turned to face me and by the look on his face, I could tell he had something on his mind.
“Yeah…” My words came out a bit warily, “I’ll see you guys later” I bid my farewell to the boys before following Donghun out to my car.
“What the hell Donghun,” I hit his arm as we walked through the parking garage towards my car. I was parked on one of the higher floors and there were only a few cars parked there. There weren’t many lights on, making the whole place kind of dark.
“What?” Donghun innocently shrugged.
“Don’t act like you didn’t do anything wrong,” I frowned, “What if we got caught?” As we neared my car I pulled my keys out and pressed the button to unlock it.
“We didn’t get caught though,” A low chuckle left his lips and he swiftly wrapped an arm around my waist. “And by the looks of it, you were pretty into it. I didn’t know that teasing you in public would get you that turned on,”
“I wasn’t turned on,” I lightly pushed him away once we arrived at my car and reached out to open the door. Before I could however, Donghun grabbed my hand and turned me around, pinning me against the vehicle in the process.
“That’s not what I saw,” He whispered in my ear, his voice huskier than usual. “From where I was sitting, I could see you blushing,  feel your legs tense up as I touched you, and hear those little sighs leave your pretty lips,”
“I-I didn’t do any of that,” I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. “I was not turned on and if we got caught it would’ve be embarrassing,”
“So you’re telling me that if I wanted to fuck you right now in this car you’d be against it?” I felt his teeth nibble and pull at my earlobe before his lips moved to plant kisses down my neck. I held back a moan threatening to escape due to his actions.
“W-we…” I sighed as he lightly bit down on my skin before licking at sucking at it, “We might get caught,”
“Doesn’t that entice you?” He pulled back and stared at me, licking his lips as he did so. “That anyone could walk by as I thrusted into your tight hole, making you a moaning mess, begging for more” My body tingled at his words and despite knowing that what he was suggesting was risky, I couldn’t help but get drawn into the whole scenario.
“Shit Donghun,” I muttered, “Get in the car” As soon as the words left my mouth, we both scrambled into the back seats and in an instant, our lips had found each other. Our hands moved over each other’s clothes, eager to remove the articles. I was first to pull his shirt off of his body and my hands immediately ran over his toned chest and abs. I placed kisses over his body, enjoying the quiet groans that Donghun made as I did so.
“And you said you weren’t turned on,” He bit his lip as he watched me pull away and take off my own shirt.
“Shut up and kiss me,” I smiled and leaned over him, placing an open mouthed kiss on his lips. The kiss was slow and his lips moved against mine so perfectly.  I felt his hand run up my torso and over my shoulder, pushing my hair back and he pulled away from my lips so that he could kiss down my body. I sighed as his lips ghosted over my collarbones and over my breasts.
“Donghun,” His name came out as a small moan and I gently pushed him onto his back.
“What are you doing?” He smiled and watched as I unbuttoned his pants and pushed them off his legs.
“You’ll see,” I winked and slid my hand under his boxers, earning a groan from the male when I wrapped my fingers around his cock. I smirked at his reaction and used my free hand to quickly remove his boxers. I steadily pumped his hard-on before leaning down so that my face was inches from his waist. I locked my eyes with his as I stuck my tongue out to lick his tip. His legs tensed a bit as I teased his slit and his hands reached down to grab my hair.
“Don’t be a tease,” Donghun’s voice sounded needy and spurred me on. I slid my mouth over his length, taking in as much of him as I could. “Shit,” He threw his head back as I ran my tongue over the underside of his dick and bobbed my head. Donghun let small praises leave his lips as I continued my movements.
“You’re doing so well. Keep going,” His grip on my hair tightened and I continued sucking him off, hollowing my cheeks in the process. Another groan sounded from Donghun and he thrusted his hips upwards, his dick hitting the back of my throat. I was surprised at first but as his hips continued moving, I stopped my actions and allowed him to continue thrusting into my mouth.
“Fuck ______,” His mouth fell open as his thrusts became more erratic. I knew he was close but before he could come, I pulled away.
“What the heck,” I chuckled upon seeing just how hot and bothered he was.
“Payback for earlier” I teased as I pulled off my own shorts and panties.
“You’re so going to get it,” Donghun  growled and pushed me onto my back. His fingers quickly moved to my folds, and Donghun chuckled as he trailed over them.
“So fucking wet for me,” Without warning, he slipped two fingers into my entrance, causing a moan to leave my lips. He scissored and pumped his fingers into me at a quick speed, watching as my expression contorted into one of pleasure.
“Oh Yes,” My hands gripped his shoulders and I threw my head back. A high pitched moan escaped me when he suddenly rubbed his thumb against my clit. I felt my stomach coiling as he kept going but just as I had done earlier, Donghun pulled away. I was about to whine in frustration but then  I felt something much larger take the place of his fingers.
“You’re so tight baby,” Donghun grabbed onto my hips and pushed himself deep into me. His movement was slow, too slow. He pulled back just before his dick left my hole and then slammed back into me. He continued doing this, and I swear he slowed down each  time.
“Donghun, faster,” I cried, gripping onto his arms.
“Beg for me,” he smiled.
“Donghun shut up and just move,” I lightly hit his arm.
“I don’t want to move,” He shook his head and pressed a kiss against my cheek, “I wanna keep teasing you,”
“Donghunn,” I whined, throwing my head back in frustration. “Fine, please fuck me. Please, please thrust into me fast, hard and deep so that I’m moaning your name over and over,”
Our eyes met and for a moment we both were silent and aware of the sexual tension in the air.
“You’re fucking hot _____,” Donghun crashed his lips against mine suddenly and snapped his hips forward, his pace much faster than before. I pulled away, letting his name roll off my lips multiple times.
“Do you like that?,” He whispered into my ear, his hips still moving against mine.
“Y-yes,” I gasped, chasing my orgasm. “Keep Going,” I placed string of sloppy kiss along his jaw as he grunted with each movement. With just a few more thrusts, Donghun let out a long groan, releasing into me. Despite this, he continued snapping his hips forward until my own orgasm washed over me. I gripped his arms tightly as the wonderful feeling ensued. Not too long after, I felt Donghun’s weight fall on top of me and a giggle left my lips.
“How can you be so cute after being so sexy,” He propped himself up on his elbows, panting as he caught his breath. A smile adorned his face as he stared down at me lovingly.
“How can you look so sweet after being such a tease,” I countered, earning a laugh from him.
“I can tease you some more when we get to your place if you’d like that,” he winked, earning a grin from me.
“Then get dressed and drive ,”
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seohos-demon · 5 years
a.c.e reaction: you moaning his name while sleeping
he thinks it’s very interesting that you have a naughty dream about him, he would start whispering naughty things in your ear to hear you moaning more, he starts to kiss your neck, you wake up and he whispers in your ear 
“baby you’re driving me crazy moaning my name like that, I wanna fuck you so hard”
he would be confused if he heard it right or not but you moaned his name again, he feels his dick getting hard but he doesn’t wanna wake you up, he tries to get distracted but he can’t stop thinking about your moans, you wake up and find him lying next to you “hey”
“you were having a very interesting dream huh? do you mind helping me? your moans caused a problem here”
with wide eyes he would look at your sleeping figure, but an idea crossed his mind and he smirked, he put his hand on your inner thigh and started to make slow up and down movements, you moaned again when his finger brushed on your pussy, you woke up asking him to keep going, he kissed you and said
“tell me baby how did i fuck you in your dream? tell me and I promise to do better than that”
he wants to hear you moaning more so he gets between your legs and starts kissing your clothed pussy, he put your panties aside and starts licking your entrance, you moan louder and wake up with him fucking you with his tongue, ele para e olha para você
“you were so sexy moaning my name, I wanna make you moan louder so everyone hears who’s fucking you so good”
he would be horny but he wouldn’t wake you up, he would use this to tease you, when you woke up he was staring at you with a smirk, he hugged you and you felt his bulge on your leg, you looked at him and blushed
“I was making you feel real good in your dream huh? you moaned asking for more… now I’ll give you more, I’m gonna fuck you so good baby, this time I’ll make you scream my name”
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seohos-demon · 5 years
Okay y'all listen. Donghun. Anyways I have a new A.C.E bias and that man is named Lee Donghun. LOOK AT HIM
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seohos-demon · 5 years
A.C.E Reaction // Choking
He has probably already at least once accidentally started to choke you when you were acting bratty. He was about to stop himself but he saw from your reaction that you actually liked it. "You like it when I put you back in your place huh?"
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He is very dominant in bed and will for sure let you know that he owns you but he can be a sweetheart too and sometimes ask if something is fine. So he would ask if it fine to try choking you a bit. He then continued to make sure that you are not hurting. "Just let me know if you want me to stop."
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He may be a lil softie off stage and is so shy and cute but oh damn when he is in bed HE IS DOMINANT AND IN POWER. You just are HIS. He would just casually put his hand on your throat when fucking you hard and you LOVE IT when his hand is over your throat. "You look so pretty when being fucked like this."
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He is an actual softie and I am sooo soft for him atm. I feel like he would be really shocked at your request of asking him to choke you. He just doesn't wanna take a risk of hurting his lil baby :(( "a-are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you."
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He is kinda the same as Byeongkwan, he would be afraid to hurt you. He has lowkey wanted to try it out but he is just afraid to do it wrong so he will make sure to read about it more. When he is more confident in doing it right he will try it out with you ;) "I have to make sure to do it right first baby~"
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seohos-demon · 5 years
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Seoho's hands are so dangerous like mMMMM just imagine being choked by those?? Also his body in general is super hot, wHAT IS HE SO FIT FOR??? oh the good ol' days when I was soft for him..
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seohos-demon · 5 years
Inactive ><
uuugh I am so sorry again that I have been inactive... I was at a trip and after getting back home my motivation to everything has dropped again and I have been struggling with my mental health. I will immediately get back when I feel better again and have the motivation to write good stuff!! I won't take any new requests cuz I still have the old ones to do ^^ ALSO TAKE THESE SEOHO PICTURES 👁👅👁
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seohos-demon · 5 years
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© Starry Smile ✷  Do not edit.
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seohos-demon · 5 years
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Oneus_0109 | Do not edit.
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seohos-demon · 5 years
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he stretch uwu
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seohos-demon · 5 years
do you write for male readers???
yes I do!! ^^
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seohos-demon · 5 years
Thank you❤
Again I just wanted to thank everyone who support my page! It really means a lot to me ;; I never thought someone would actually read my stuff AND like them??? so thank you~
Remember this is all just fun and games don't take anything too seriously-
But every request and comment makes me always happy ^^ I will try my best to write stuff for every request but I need inspiration and I always don't have that so sorry that I can't update every day >< BUT THANK YOU ALL WHO SUPPORT THIS PAGE AND LIKE MY STUFF!!❤❤❤❤❤
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seohos-demon · 5 years
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the looks they give. oh god my mind is going wild
they can thrust good
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seohos-demon · 5 years
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You all are welcome~~
Youngjo was wilding in mixnine-
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seohos-demon · 5 years
Hard stans on social media:
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Hard stans in real life:
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seohos-demon · 5 years
ONEUS Reaction: Choking
I have seen many of these with different groups so I wanted to make one for ONEUS! So this is ONEUS reacting to their partner asking them to be choked~
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It was when you two had a playfight then you said "You wouldn't dare to choke me" and that's when Ravn got a dark look in his eyes and grabbed your throat. He would push you against the wall and gently grab your throat. "So sure about that baby?"
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While he would be fucking you you would moan out "choke me" for the first time which at first shocked Seoho because he wasn't sure if you'd like that but after hearing your words he would quickly grab your throat. "I see I have to do this more often then"
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With Leedo it would probably happen before even telling him to do it. He was too into the mood while fucking you he would accidentally grab your throat which ended up with you moaning. He would first apologize but then realized you loved it so he kept going.
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You two were just chilling on the couch when you dropped the question "could you some day try choking me?". He got so surprised from your question he almost choked on his own drink. "Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you.."
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He was really shy about it at first. He didn't think you'd ever want him to do such stuff to you. He also wanted to make sure that he'd do it right so he wouldn't hurt you.
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Same as with Hwanwoong he would be really shy about it. He would also explain he is not really that kind of a guy and didn't really understand why you would want him to do that. "Does it feel good to you or??"
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