sembuscuous · 13 hours
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sembuscuous · 14 hours
Hey, Tumblr. You like non-stereotypical depictions of autism? What about ✨ neurodivergent protagonists ✨ ? Yes? What about asexual neurodivergent protagonists that go on chapters-long rants about their special interests? You want gay characters that are important to the plot too? Then I've got the book for you! The author is gay!!! American Psycho, by Bret Easton Ellis, is
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sembuscuous · 15 hours
having tortured ocs is so funny bc some of em im projecting personal issues onto & some of em im just like Fuck You. Random Chimp Event
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sembuscuous · 15 hours
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sembuscuous · 15 hours
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“The hysteria can’t last; be patient, and wait and see, he counseled his readers. It was not that he was afraid of the authorities. He simply did not believe that this comic tyranny could endure. It can’t happen here, said even Doremus—even now.” ― Sinclair Lewis, It Can't Happen Here
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sembuscuous · 16 hours
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sembuscuous · 16 hours
u gotta be careful reblogging posts cuz what if you see it drowned in water later
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sembuscuous · 16 hours
gays see something with "vampire" in it and hit reblog
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sembuscuous · 19 hours
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sembuscuous · 19 hours
reminder that indigenous queer folks do not need to fit your colonial definitions or conceptions of queerness in order to be valid, worthy, and spectacular.
if your concept of what a lesbian looks like requires that all lesbians have shaved or short hair, then you’re excluding ntv lesbians who honour our ancestors by growing our hair long.
i’m no less of a butch for having hair that goes down to my tailbone. i’m no less of a butch for wearing my hair in a braid. i’m also still butch when i wear beaded earrings, a ribbon skirt, and moccasins.
if your idea of queerness is tied to whiteness, that’s just a shame. indigeneity and queerness go together like inhaling and exhaling. one cannot exist without the other.
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sembuscuous · 19 hours
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Travel Middle Earth print set by LastStudio
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sembuscuous · 20 hours
One thing I didn’t expect to absolutely fall in love with when it comes to Fallout: New Vegas is the sound design.
Firstly, the song selection makes me feel like a goddamn cowboy, but also the atmospheric noises are so much livelier than Fallout 3. The constant sounds of the bustling city with people chatting, glass breaking, dogs barking and such that you can hear even from around Vegas’ outskirts. Even just the word “pain” being discernible amongst the feral ghouls’ moans added so much.
What really got me though was exploring Vault 22 for the first time with the sound of faint whispers and keyboards typing amongst the usual dramatic music I love the Fallout series for. It was like I could feel the horrible mistakes of science that had occurred there, haunting the place like echoes of the long dead scientists, still working.
I knew New Vegas was known for its attention to detail, but I haven’t heard much praise for its sound before and the care that was put into it.
Or maybe I’m just weirdly into video game ambience.
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sembuscuous · 20 hours
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sembuscuous · 20 hours
i am glad queer representation has drastically improved in my lifetime. because now i can say that i dislike a gay book and not feel like i’m invalidating stonewall
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sembuscuous · 20 hours
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sembuscuous · 20 hours
jack of no trades. master of fuck all
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sembuscuous · 20 hours
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Strawberry Hill House—a Gothic Revival villa that was built in Twickenham, London 1749
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