selfidentifyingnerd · 5 years
Clone Wars had the best character dynamics because every character fulfilled the role of either the voice of reason or the reckless idiot, except they all constantly flip flopped between those two roles depending on who they were interacting with in that episode. For example, Obi-wan is the voice of reason when you put him with Anakin, but he’s the reckless idiot if you put him with Cody. Padme is either the voice of reason who keeps Anakin in line, or she’s the reckless idiot who tries to solve a murder mystery while Bail tags along to keep her ass from getting shot. Anakin and Ahsoka were constantly switching places with each other on the reckless-to-reasonable scale. Sometime he was the idiot, sometimes she was the idiot, but most of the time they were both idiots and Rex was the voice of reason for both of them. However, Rex himself was also the reckless idiot to Cody’s voice of reason. In fact, the only consistency here is that Cody is always the voice of reason no matter what, and that’s why he is the single most competent person in the entire Republic.
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selfidentifyingnerd · 5 years
how could anyone think rey isn’t a skywalker? she walked in and fucked up han solo’s entire day that sure sounds like a skywalker to me
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selfidentifyingnerd · 5 years
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incorrect star wars quotes
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selfidentifyingnerd · 5 years
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incorrect star wars quotes
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selfidentifyingnerd · 5 years
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Rest in Peace Peter Mayhew
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selfidentifyingnerd · 5 years
Goodbye Peter Mayhew
Thank you for being the best furry “sidekick” any galaxy has ever seen. You will forever be missed much and remembered lovingly. May you find peace among the stars.
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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No one has her kind of determination.
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
hm. thinking about the knife-to-the-ribs contrast between Baby Anakin defiantly saying, “I’m a person and my name is Anakin!” in Episode One and Darth Vader defeatedly saying, “That name no longer has any meaning to me” in Episode Six.
thinking also about how many of Luke’s decisions in ROTJ were essentially him telling his father “You’re a person and your name is Anakin.”
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
Darth Maul: Reactor shafts! My arch enemy.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: I thought *I* was your arch enemy.
Darth Maul: I have a life outside of you, Kenobi!
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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Deleted Leia sass from The Empire Strikes Back
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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An Ode to A h s o k a. 
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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The Clone Wars 5x20 //  The Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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   A war left unfinished…. until now
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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selfidentifyingnerd · 6 years
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The Clone Wars squad back together for the first time since 2013!
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