secretaura101 · 4 years
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- The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, by V.E. Schwab
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secretaura101 · 4 years
Grow Up - Glo Up Tags Masterpost
The tags have been available on the blog site for a while, but I decided to put them in a post that you lovelies can save for future references as well. Enjoy💋 
Bathroom ~ Cleaning and bath time fun
Beauty ~ Skincare, makeup, you get the gist
Bedroom ~ Organization, decorating, and possible relationship advice
Carpe Diem ~ How to get yoself together and become a better person
Cleaning ~ Overall organizations and cleaning tips
Education ~ Your brain is your biggest asset, so feed it
Earth ~ Zero waste, and other things regarding the planet we depend on but treat poorly
Finance ~ Money, and how to get more, and keep what you have for longer
Fitness ~ Get off the bed and keep your body and mind fit
Food ~ Any recipes or food related content
Garden ~ Plants, gardening, and how to develop a green thumb
Glo Up ~ Inspirational glo up pictures and stories
Grounding Box ~ Hobbies and knickknacks to ground yourself with when responsibilities overwhelm you
Health ~ I just want y'all alive and well
Home ~ How to turn your house into a home
Kitchen ~ Y'know that place in the house where you’re supposed to cook and store food?
Languages ~ Learning languages is always fun and good for you
Luxury ~ The finer, more selfish, things in life, because I’m selfish
Mod Musings ~ Just me rambling into the abyss and sharing snippets of my life with strangers on the internet
Mod Stuff ~ Any updates or information I want to tell you guys regarding this blog
Moving ~ We can’t all live in our parents’ basements forever
Parenting ~ Can you believe some of us are responsible for little humans?
Pets ~ They’re basically millennial kids, anyways
Relationships ~ Platonic and romantic
Resources ~ External resources that may be beneficial to you
Reproductive Health ~ Your body, sex, and how to do it right
Safety ~ Stay safe, slay safe
Socialize ~ We all have to talk to other humans at some point
Style ~ Clothes, fashion, just put something on, please
Tech~ Tumblr-related stuff and other technology and internet stuff
Travel ~ The world is your oyster so explore it
Vegan ~ Any recipes or food advice that applies to the vegans as well
Work ~ Unfortunately, capitalism makes the world go round
Writing ~ For the little souls with lots of stories to tell
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secretaura101 · 4 years
hey uH I’m just saying, 18+ shifting discord server 👀
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secretaura101 · 5 years
GoFundMe for cat!
Feel free to donate, or don’t! It’s all up to you
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secretaura101 · 5 years
eddie: *doesnt jump out of a building*
venom: pussy
also venom:
eddie: …parasite
venom: *on the brink of tears, about to set off an alarm that is within 400-6000 Hz, has a matchbox and is ready to start a wildfire, is about to book a ticket back to his planet: y-you t-take t-t-that back. yOu tAkE tHaT bAcK RIGHT NOW
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secretaura101 · 5 years
IOS games that help me calm down
So previously I posted about coping skills for paranoia and I want to continue posting along those lines. A lot of us use viddya as a distraction, but often times that can ramp us up rather than calm us down. So here are some IOS games you can play in bed to wind down!
Tsuki Adventures
Tsuki is a great game I’ve found. You’re a lovely bunny who’s moved from their office job onto a carrot farm. You can interact with villagers (who show up depending on time of day), shop at the local mart with carrots from your farm, and read Tsuki’s diaries enteries to see what he’s been up to while you’re away.
It’s a really casual idle game, so there isn’t a TON to actively do, but it’s really very nice, calm, has lovely artwork, and you get the feeling of helping someone without the pressure of Tsuki’s needs draining because– well, he doesn’t have them. He isn’t a pet, after all.
A really soothing game with a decent bit to do. It’s catered for the specific purpose of focusing on feeling worthy, and that it’s totally okay if you can’t always get out of bed. Some of the ‘games’ include tarot card readings, breathing exercises, a candle, and petting a cat. I like to play this one late at night.
Neko Atsume
Another idle game! It’s a sort of cat collector! Put out food and toys and wait for the cats to show up to munch and play! They’ll give you gifts of fish when they leave, which you can use to buy even more and better toys for them. Certain cats are attracted to certain toys. It’s really fun seeing the individual personalities of them!
Animal crossing; Pocket Camp
A classic that many of you may have heard of. It really helps you feel a little less lonely. You can help the animals out by giving them fruit and fish you collect on your journeys, while upgrading your own campsite! There’s a ton to actively do, and it’s really fun to play.
That’s all I have for right now! I might update these later. There are the optional pay-for features (like most games) but it isn’t required for any of these. I hope you guys have a lovely evening! Enjoy your gaming ventures!
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secretaura101 · 6 years
Coping mechanisms for paranoia
Paranoid at night?
Here are coping skills I’ve found
Play a TV or a YouTube video on your phone. Background noise of people talking helps. I listen to Good Mythical Morning.
I know you may love horror shows, but it isn’t worth it.
Have a friend? Call them. Stay on the phone overnight. Mobile sleepover.
Or legit sleepover.
Dark bother you? Live near city lights? Put some closed blinds on your window and leave the curtains partially open. Enough light may filter in to look like dawn.
It’s okay to leave the lights on sometimes.
Pets help. Not a dog if you can’t leave your house at night.
It’s totally okay to check closets, under the bed, behind the shower curtain, etc. If it helps, do it.
!!!See-through shower curtains!!!
Mindspace is super helpful and I think they have a free trial!
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secretaura101 · 6 years
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I wanna see straights trying and failing to explain this.
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secretaura101 · 6 years
To address the backlash regarding Star cheating on Tom
Star is fifteen!!!! She is a child!!!! She is not an adult!!!
Yes, what she did was shitty, and she KNOWS what she did is shitty. She doesn’t realize (or doesn’t want to) that she still has feelings for Marco at this point. She admits that she should have told Tom, but doesn’t flat out lie to him and admit the kiss meant nothing. She clearly feels incredibly guilty about the situation in her own way.
But she is still fifteen. She’s a child, and she can’t be held to the same moral expectations as an adult. She’s still founding her moral beliefs and half of this show literally regards around her discovering what’s right and wrong. Chances are, unlike most of us, Star hasn’t been exposed to what exactly cheating is. She doesn’t have a framework for identifying her actions or feelings regarding them (though she seems to be aware her actions could have at least been better). She’s always been a bit socially oblivious, and I don’t think this is any different.
Star isn’t an asshole. She’s a fifteen year old teenager making a very common mistake of her age group, having an identify crisis of a teenager. She’s learning.
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secretaura101 · 8 years
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I found a mutated bulbasaur plushie
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secretaura101 · 8 years
A silent smoke alarm, so it doesn’t disturb the neighbors
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secretaura101 · 8 years
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Preview of my XMAS town Sora cosplay ~ <3
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secretaura101 · 8 years
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secretaura101 · 8 years
I have trust issues, that’s always been pretty obvious. With the wonderful cocktail of intrusive thoughts, PTSD, and Excruciating paranoia, it’s very rare for me to be comfortable around another person.
So when I’m curled up in someone’s arms and have no thoughts about them brutally murdering me, let me tell you, it’s the best thing ever.
A silent mind is a happy mind.
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secretaura101 · 8 years
Intrusive thoughts: 🔪
Me: no
Intrusive thoughts: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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secretaura101 · 8 years
So supposedly there were 3 clowns spotted at my school
So naturally roughly 6,000 students went to hunt them down and are now having a rally downtown
College is weird
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secretaura101 · 8 years
I have a few theories on this clown thing.
#1: Paranoid Theory They’re all going to revolt and kill us all on Halloween.
#2: Media Theory It’s a publicity stunt for the reboot of ‘It’.
#3:Cult Theory Because, cults can always be to blame for crazy-ass people
#4: #staywoke Theory It’s going to turn out to be a huge thing that all of them are going to take their masks off here soon and be like, “None of you did anything about this?! What’s wrong with you?! This is what’s wrong with our society. We tried to lure children into the woods, and had weapons! You did nothing?! What the actual fuck?” And then we’re going to look like the assholes.
I honestly don’t believe any of these are true, but if it turns out to be true you can thank me when the time comes… Or not. I don’t really give a shit. But this was my 'late night I can’t fall asleep’ thoughts.
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