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"𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓪 𝓰𝓻𝓾𝓭𝓰�� 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓽:"INDEPENDENT CLAUDE VON RIEGAN.SPOILERS AHEAD.ESTABLISHED. 8/12/19. 𝕻𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞 𝕿𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
schemingdeer · 6 years ago
@schemingdeer started following you
Ashe seems extremely invested in a book that he had spent hours in the library digging up, and is hidden away in a corner that was offered to him by Tomas to read.
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“-secretly manipulated Nemesis into breaching the Holy Tomb and killing the progenitor god in order to forge weapons” A flash of yellow catches in his peripheral, and it startles the archer out of his mumbling. “Y-Yikes!”
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“Don’t tell me you were researching something this interesting with your resident Claude on the side!  Honestly, I’m hurt, Ashe: how could you leave me out of this?”
His teasing aside, Claude hadn’t meant to startle his fellow archer. He had thought that he would be the only one in the library by himself this night once more, but Ashe was a pleasant surprise. He, too, was fascinated by the power-hungry Nemesis and the legends detailing him, but what he just overheard?
That, for better or for worse, seemed more tantalizing than any other piece of lore here.
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“You know, I’m surprised you have access to something that forbidden. Seteth the Unfettered usually combs through this place to make sure that nothing too exciting got put on the shelves, but this? Well, let’s just say that this will be a you and me kind of secret: I’m sure you won’t object to that, right?”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
continued with @daphnelight from x.
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“Definitely not like, well, that.”
To further emphasize his point, Claude peered his eyes down to her clenched fists before giving a light sigh. He always heard from the others that Ingrid was a tough character to understand, but something else was different about her. She wasn’t just a Blue Lion or citizen from Faerghus with pride on her shoulders, but instead a whirl of intensity that seemed to be lost in what she felt.
Fittingly, Claude could only navigate this as best he could, lest he be on the end of a lecture.
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“Before you think I’m here to cause trouble, let’s try a little exercise.” Cracking a coy smile at her, the one and only future of the Riegan family spoke with a soft charm. “Let’s take a step to reorient ourselves and have you tell me whaaaaat exactly just happened. Try and shake it off if you want, but you should know that I won’t accept a fellow classmate at old Garreg Mach to look at me with a frown THAT wide.”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
@scngstcss said: “Nah, I’m just doing research that I can, Claude,” Dorothea laughed as she waved her hand to try and prove that it wasn’t that serious or cool. “I’m just daydreaming while reading what I can find about other countries. I mean, I heard so much about Brigid from Petra! It’s absolutely fascinating. I wish I could see it, oh, and also Almyra and Sreng!” Excitement appeared in her eyes. “Maybe when I’ll retire as a songstress completely, I’ll go there. Is there anywhere you’d like to go yourself?
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“You wanna know where I’d go, huh?” The usual Riegan smile blessed his face as he sat down next to her, his elbows standing up against the mahogany as fingers soon locked together. “ If Ihad to choose one place in this oh-so mystical world to waltz off to,  then I don’t think it’d be a place we know of. I mean, think about it: we have all kinds of records on Streng, Brigid, Duscur, Almyra-- but what about all those places we’ve yet to actually dip our toes in? All those places where, if you really think about it, Fodlan is just a small piece to the puzzle that makes up what we live in.”
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“--If you’re looking for liveliness, however,” a small hint of excitement graced his tone as he continued to speak. “Then I guess you can’t go wrong with Almyra. Not that I-- totally-- know anything about it, but the song and dance there? Lemme tell ya: you’ll never have a break even if you asked for one!”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
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Hey guys! I was going to do some stuff tonight, but I desperately need sleep! HOWEVER, I know who I owe starters to and also who I owe replies to, and I plan to do as many of them as I can on here tomorrow so that activity can remain consistent! Sorry for being spotty: life + going back to school soon sucks sometimes!
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
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Just actually opened my rules page OFFICIALLY because I didn’t realize I had them closed! Thanks so much to the person who was kind enough to point it out!
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
And this is the face of the very exhausted Emperor of the Adrestian Empire about to slap the head of the Leicester Alliance Roundtable. Again.
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With the business end of Aymr.
And this is the head of the Leicester Alliance Roundtable thinking about how he can set the biggest trap of the century the moment she reaches in to try and slap him.
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Failnaught, show him the way.
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
This is the face of a future emperor who’s about to slap Claude as soon as he gets outside of Waffle House with the bag of gluten free frozen waffles she’s eating as she stares wistfully inside at her professor and fellow classmates.
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Allergies are no laughing matter, deer boy.
This is the face of the head of the Leicester Alliance Roundtable about to get his revenge for being slapped after EXACTLY five years have passed because the future emperor with a gluten free allergy is not about to take his shit.
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It��s time, eagle girl.
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
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This is the face of a man who makes fun of @vonhrxsvelg because she can’t get gluten free at Waffle House so she has to sit outside while everyone else is eating.
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
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Sorry for no activity today! I’m experimenting with different icon styles and I’m very close to distinguishing the one I want for Claude’s blog! I will be active here tomorrow.
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
the fact that claude is so beautiful is only the 2344532124th reason why im gay thanks for listening
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
what if 🤔 you defeated me in battle 😔 and when you tilted my head up with your blade beneath my chin 🗡️ we accidentally kissed 💋😳
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
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“Oh Claude, did you forget? I’m not unconquerable - I’m just a delicate flower. Step on me on the ground and I’ll just wilt! These arms of mine are as breakable as twigs, you know. Actually, you should know as well as I do that lifting that axe of mine is too much work to begin with.” Comes Hilda’s immediate reply with a shake of her head, though lips just barely hiding a small smile of amusement at his wily words. He certainly knew how to charm a girl - but sadly for him, or maybe for the onlooker amused by the whole situation, she was immune.
Impenetrable and unconquerable - at least deep down.
And she can hardly stifle a chuckle. 
“If I have to fight, I have to fight. I mean, I’m not disputing that, you know.” She continues, allowing her smile to grow just enough. “It’s just the sweat that I hate, and the ache in my arms afterwards. It’s not like lifting a pile of books - I mean, we’re fighting for something, aren’t we? It’s not like we’re just lounging around the monastery like old times, buuut…”
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“I take it having the right to be as lazy as me is part of your whole dream, isn’t it? In a free country, you can just lie on the grass all day, or make as many accessories as you want, or… oh! Go on as many trips with your friends as you want, no strings attached! If you put it like that, that sounds sooo much more fun.”
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“You can sit there and call yourself a flower that’s about to wilt all you want, but nothing you say can hide the fact that I’ve got you all figured out, oh Hilda the Battle Queen. If anything, battle seems to be where you blossom the most. That’s not to say your petals aren’t always on full display, but let’s be real here: have you ever actually listened to yourself when you’re swinging that axe?”
Pausing for but a moment, Claude followed his words up with a coy wink that was as mysterious as the realm he hailed from.
“I’m not saying I’ve heard you chant your name before, but I am saying that you should definitely do it more often. Who knows? Maybe that’s just the muse you need to get Lord Holst off your back before all of House Goneril descends upon you like moths to a flame.”
However, despite how fun and whimsical their back and forth was proving to be, both of them perhaps knew such an air could only last so long. As they stood before each other with banter to spare, there were hundreds-- thousands of soldiers losing their lives in the wake of the almighty emperor’s insatiable conquest. It was hard to accept that this was the world they were living in-- that these once great halls of Garreg Mach were dilapidated and stained with the blood of knights and students alike that fought and died here to defend their home-- but that was simply the reality they shared. 
Forever aware of this, the Leicester Alliance’s future and Almyra’s last hope looked at Hilda once again, his brows furrowed and his lips slanted with a pain caused by the weight of all resting upon his shoulders.
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“You’re right that days like that really are all I really want anymore, but I guess fate herself is a mistress not too keen on letting any of us sleep with a good head on our shoulders. I’m not usually the one to sit and brood or wonder when things will get better or how things will get better, but one thing’s for certain: a no strings-attached trip is what all of us need after this long, bloody war’s finally-- f i n a l l y come to an end.”
Sighing and content that his one moment of weakness for the day finally came out without much of a fuss, Claude retained his smirk once more.
“I’m not so sure why you sound so excited, though. Isn’t the kind of day where you laze around without much of a purpose the one you’re always having when you make everyone do everything for you, or has my keen eye for spotting you skipping your duties for the week finally begin to wane?”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
continued with @groznilev from x.
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“Strategic retreat...”
His words were hollow as the sound of the rain welcomed itself all around them, his palm still pressed firmly against his head all the while. Usually, his bluster and bravado would be enough to lighten up any day-- be it on the battlefield or in the halls of Garreg Mach-- but Dimitri’s worry was enough to cut into even the Riegan boy like a blade through flesh.
However, his frown did not remain for long. Instead, with his heart strong and his eyes hiding any regret, Claude was able to manage a coy smile; Dimitri surely knew this look well.
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“Listen,” began Claude, his mysterious, emerald eyes fixated on the prince’s very own of pristine blue. “At no point would my schemes ever put any of my allies in a position where their lives are my bargaining chips. See me as a cheat, or a snake, or even an outsider-- that doesn’t matter-- but you have my word that there was no way I was going to let the Kingdom’s Number One Stickler meet his end at the tip of some bandit’s spear.”
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Giving a rather content sigh, the key to the Leicester Alliance’s future placed his hands behind his head. Angry wasn’t the word he’d use to describe the ailed face of the prince that stood before him. Instead, worried and upset were the two words he found trickling into his mind, and with care he made sure that his next statement-- as riddled with that Riegan nature as it would be-- came from a place one could call a heart.
“My strategic retreat wasn’t some ploy to save myself, Dimitri. Instead, I knew you’d not only be able to hold your own against the enemies pursuing us, but also that they’d be so fixated on collecting the most precious head of Faerghus that they wouldn’t see that they’d already so easily fallen onto my trap. I’ll do what I can to keep you more informed on what goes on in this ever-spinning head I call my well of witticisms and schemes, but don’t go thinking I’d ever just let you die on some crusty battlefield. You’re a wayyyyy bit more to me as an ally than that.”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
continued with @mercedist from x.
“It’s like what I always say,” Claude started, his eyes empty but his smile as warm as the sun. “Garreg Mach is the place where there’s always a bird or three ready and willing to say whatever comes to mind. It’s not hard to figure anyone out around here: there’s always someone around the corner just waiting to spill the beans without a second thought, really.”
His eyes averting her own for but a slight moment, the Riegan soon looked back to Mercedes as he gave a content, lax sigh before trilling on.
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“However, I don’t like just hearing form word of mouth alone. I’m the type of guy that checks his sources more than just twice. That’s precisely why I wanted to confirm it with you myself. After all, what’s trust between two classmates if their communication is as dry and drab as Felix’s humor?”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
“How many times do you need to learn this lesson?” Leave it to Claude von Riegan, leader of the Golden Deer and future leader of the Leicester Alliance, to have once again schemed to take out the bandits his house had been tasked with dealing with before they could even meet on the battlefield. Edelgard found herself impressed; his knowledge of poisons had come into very practical use in this instance, and had he not breathed in the vapors, it could’ve succeeded.
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She allowed herself into his room on the second floor of the dorms, stacks of papers tucked within the crook of her arm, and stood at the foot of his bed. Professor Eisner had sent her to bring him the assignments he had missed out on; likely, Hilda had turned down another opportunity for doing work.
Never mind that. Edelgard could handle the busy work.
She gracefully placed the stack next to him on the bed and patted at it appreciatively. “That was foolish of you, Claude, honestly. While I’m impressed by your methods, I don’t envy the amount of work you’ve missed out on.”
“Aaaaaand that’s fate’s cruel cue to further give poor old Claude another headache to deal with...”
How long had it been since he ended up poisoning himself? A few days? Perhaps a week? In truth, not even the Riegan family’s very own future could tell. Judging by his quick glance and aversion from the pile of busywork that practically began calling his name, it was safe to assume that Claude, even if he hadn’t known it, truly sealed his doom alongside his enemies.
However, what piqued his interest most of all had to be the person visiting him: Edelgard. He had figured that perhaps Leonie or even Ignatz would have delivered to him the bad omen themselves, but no-- it was Edelgard.
Was this a ploy to get him to drop his guard? Claude didn’t know. He was, however, about to find out.
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“Not my best moment, really.” His admittance seemed to pain him more than the poison that had been ravaging him. “You know, I can at least say I know without a doubt that this stuff isn’t lethal. I’d rather be sitting here in this horrible agony, wondering how poor, honest me is going to enjoy another feast at the dining hall than knowing this could have killed someone.”
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“However...” Emerald eyes now fixed on Edelgard, Claude tossed the book resting at his side to the corner of his room before speaking on. “Enough about me, really. I’m more curious as to how you, the Imperial Princess of Attacking Good Guy Claude, ever took it upon yourself to deliver my work to me. Did you really have nothing else to do, or were you looking for a lesson in brewing poisons from the master himself?”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
       “is that so?” it’s a sheepish chuckle leaving the tactician at the other’s declaration— honestly, it’d be hard to say he doubted claude’s words. with how much robin’s heard of the other’s scheming tendencies, it was hard to get a guess on just how tactical his mind was— though it does take a lot of mental strength to go through with aforementioned schemes successfully, so it was something of a start.
        regardless, robin wasn’t going to be one to underestimate his companion’s capabilities— especially not with wording like that. askr was already a bit of a mess at times with other heroes and their shenanigans (summoner included!), so gods could only imagine what could happen with him added into the mix.
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        “perhaps just a bit cliche, but it does not deter my intrigue regardless.”
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“Yeah, that’s about what I figured,” admitted the Riegan, his voice as suave and collected as ever. With a single palm on his hip and his spare hand idling at a side, Claude cracked but a single chuckle as he began to study the tactician’s face. “You know, if you wanna speak about interest, I can’t deny the fact that you’ve more than piqued my own. Now, I’m not going to sit here and just slam you with a million different questions, but I’ve gotta ask...”
Still leisurely poised, Claude kept himself trained on Robin as his usual coy, mysterious smile graced his face. He hadn’t been exactly sure when he’d have the chance to scratch at the itch that begged him to figure out who Robin truly was, but that didn’t matter now: his moment had arrived.
“You’re not like the others that come from your world, are you?” Pausing for but a brief moment, the ever curious man tried to search for a reaction on Robin’s face before continuing.
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 “From the way you speak to the very look of your face, I think it’s safe to assume that you’re a bit of an outsider yourself when it comes to your usual crowd. If I’m correct, then I can definitely say that the two of us share a sort of kinship there. There’s nothing wrong about being an outsider, either: I think that’s just all the more reason we should get to know each other.”
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schemingdeer · 6 years ago
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“You mean to tell me that you’re going to do more than just complain about all those wordy letters you have to write to Lord Holst?” Almost as if he couldn’t live had he passed up the chance to tease Hilda once again, the revolutionary smirked the moment their eyes met. “I mean, you know me: I don’t judge. However, here I would’ve thought wanting to have a vetted interest in the war meetings miiiiight have been a bit too much effort for you to handle.”
Arms behind his head and his eyes casting a coy look towards his closest friend, Claude cooed.
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“All jokes aside, you know better than anyone that we always welcome having you. After all, I’ve come to find that there’s so many roles on a battlefield that only Hilda the Unconquerable could ever hope to fill. To you that may seem like more work-- and it is-- but there really is just no way around it.”
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