saxton04 · 2 years
What’s your favorite Super to use? Ward of Dawn, Burning Maul, or Hammer of Sol?
Saxton: "If its only out of those three options I'd have to go with Ward of Dawn. Then a close second would be Hammer of Sol."
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saxton04 · 3 years
Don’t know if you’re still doing this but
9. How many times have you crashed your ship and/or sparrow?
"In the beginning? Quite a bit. I was still learning at the time hahaha..." The large Titan begun to scratch his head a bit as more memories started to slowly come back to him. He would then say, though rather quietly and sheepishly "I- do still accidently crash or drive off ledges from time to time..." Saxton would then quickly add "But it isn't often. I do know how to drive a sparrow! The SRL was my favorite event and I would place 2nd and 1st a lot. I just- miscalculate some turns sometimes..." He'd rub his neck, looking away while hints of pink started to show through in his normally red lights. "...I am good on a sparrow, really..."
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saxton04 · 3 years
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Still messing with the idea of giving Sax tattoos X) This time around these ones are closer to what Sax would get done too ^^ Saxtons Tattoos: | Right side | Void Shield - His main element and subclass Purple Ribbons - In his younger days as a Guardian he became a bit of a fanboy for Saint-14. Now a days he isn't as much of a fanboy but he still admires the Titan. Titan symbol - Just to show he is a proud Titan Roses - He always liked the flowers that decorated the tower during Crimson Days
| Left Side | The Numbers and Letters - What he thinks is a random sequence of numbers and letters that pop into his mind every now and again. He feels they are important so he keeps them close to his heart. Warmind Symbol - He sees this symbol sometimes as well the same way he sees the number and letters but it holds a different kind of importance to him. Simple meanings for each one I know. Sax is a simple guy so it fits hehe X)
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saxton04 · 4 years
(( Sure, send Sax some asks ^^ ))
Questions for Guardian OCs!
💤 Where you afraid when you were first resurrected? 💥 How easily did/does manipulating light come to you? ⌛ What does using your light feel like to you? 👑 What does being a Guardian mean to you? 💞 Do you remember who you were before your Ghost found you? 🎲 Do you feel like you were chosen by fate, or just coincidence? 🏠 Does the tower / city truly feel like home to you? 🔘 What is your opinion of the Traveler? The Speaker? 🏆 Are there any factions that you put complete trust in? ❌ Would you stand with the city until the end, even if meant you would die for good? 🔫 Can your fellow guardians trust you completely?
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saxton04 · 4 years
(( Something I can see happening when Sax casually uses his void energy is that these tend to manifest when he does. Like he will be just sitting there swirling some energy in his hand then these start to form and fly around the energy he's holding hah ))
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saxton04 · 5 years
(( I was just thinking on this for awhile. So, Saxtons mouth lights are normally red, yeah? What if they turned pink when he is around some one he likes romantically? XD 
Like, he could just walk up to the person he likes and not know his mouth/cheek lights turning from red to pink while talking to them XD ))
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saxton04 · 5 years
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(( Something I thought I’d add to Saxton XD ))
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(( He just sorta sleeps like this when he’s on missions sometimes XD ))
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saxton04 · 5 years
(( Saxton has never had chocolate before. Any sort of chocolate haha ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
((  Maybe I’ll make Saxtons favorite food Granola Bars. He usually doesn’t eat much and he’ll always have a couple in his pocket at a time ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
(( Saxton doesn't really show when he likes someone, be it romantic or platonic. He will treat everyone he meets with a reserved politeness. Sure he will smile, laugh and joke abit but he won't completely open up to the person/people. The reason being is everyone he seemed to have gotten close to in the past would disappear or leave in one way or another. He seems to think this will happen every time he gets close to someone now.
The 4 people who really effected him were Luka-26, Gibbs-34, Fade-1 and Locke. His first and second permanent fireteam mates who became his closest friends. Saxton had been forced to move on and hasn't grown very close to anyone since.
I guess this would actually make him not very good at expressing his feelings when it actually comes down to it too haha ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
(( I was just imagining the SRL is the only time Saxtons competitiveness shows XD Most of the time he’s reserved but put him on a Sparrow or have him watch a match and he will be shouting and pointing out what the racers are doing wrong from his point of view XD This coming from a man who spent alot of his free time racing whenever he could when the league was open. He’d always get the 1st and 2nd spots too haha! 
I was just imagining what other Guardians would think when seeing this big Exo speeding up behind them on the track XD ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
(( Tumblr hasn’t been giving me much trouble lately and I was thinking maybe I’ll open Saxton for Rps here again X) Maybe just acouple for now :D
If you want to continue or start one send me a PM or Ask :D ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
(( Did I share this bit of information yet? I don't think I did XD
So Saxton-04s favorite trophies and personal items are yellow right? The reason why is his favorite color is yellow haha ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
( I think Im going to move Saxtons rps to Discord for awhile. Tumblr gives me too much trouble when I log in at the moment. Takes forever for me to do anything and I can get to replies faster on Discord anyways haha. Mobile Tumblr sort of alright though. Atleast it lets me navigate around and reblog stuff XD
So I guess if you want to continue or start an RP with me just send me a PM asking for my Discord X) )
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saxton04 · 6 years
Reblog if you RP using Discord
Message me if you’d like my username.
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saxton04 · 6 years
(( So Saxton-04 is 8 feet tall and I never really come up with a weight for him. At the moment I'm thinking between 480-500 pounds for the big Exo. Sound about right? XD ))
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saxton04 · 6 years
Hello! I just found your blog(s) and I gotta say, I'm falling in love with them--Saxton especially. I'm sorry if this has already been asked before but I didn't see it anywhere; may others include him in their fanfics so long as you're credited for such a lovely Exo? I'd love for my OC to meet him sometime.
(( This is actually the first time I got asked this haha XD I’m glad you love my big Exo. I’ve had him since Destiny Open Beta and have been having alot of fun with him lately X3
Regarding including him in fanfics: Sure :D As long as credit is given X3 I’d also like a link to the story please. I’d love to give it a read :D ))
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