sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Series: Got7 as the 7 Deadly Sins
Youngjae Gluttony
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Dark Purple Taekook
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Jaebum fake texts. You wanna take the leader on a date.
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Yugbam gang members
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Werewolf Yoongi Moodboards
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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YoonMin fake texts. Our resident mochi was feeling a little lonely. Feel free to leave a request! ~S&J
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Taekook rainbow moodboard
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Sandra posted a seventeen moodboard on her blog, so go check it out! @armyandigot7andvipequalsme
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Mark blue moodboard
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Jimin butterfly
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Taehyung midnight blue moodboard
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Namjoon Poison Moodboard
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Markson black and white moodboard
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Hoseok Mad Hatter Moodboard
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Jackson red moodboard 
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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Namjin Pastel Moodboard
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
You Make Me Smile Again - Markson Fluff
Jackson groaned as he tossed again in his venture to sleep. His flights back and forth to China had messed up his internal clock severely, and as a result, Jackson just couldn’t sleep.
He let out a put upon sigh as threw the covers of his end off, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. As he sipped his drink, his mind drifted to how his boyfriend had greeted him at the door when he came home; he smiled at the memory.
Mark looked so happy to see him, and has made the lovely decision to tackle the Hong Kong native to the ground, pressing his lips aggressively against his.
“Hey.” Mark had said simply, and yeah, it was simple, but it was really all they needed. The way the elder had greeted him showed how much he missed him, and as such, extravagant words just weren’t needed.
After a bit of chit-chatting on the floor, Mark said he was gonna head to his room, and should Jackson need anything, to come to him.
And that’s how Jackson got here, standing in the kitchen at 3:27 in the morning.
“I told you to come to me if you couldn’t sleep.” A voice came from the hallway, and the brunette looked up and saw his boyfriend walking towards him, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“Ah, sorry, but you always go on about how much you like your sleep--”
‘I like you more.” The elder was leaning on Jackson now, clearly exhausted. 
“Alright, Mark, let’s get you to bed.” Mark whined.
“Stay with me when you do.”
“Please?” Jackson chuckled, finding it nearly impossible to resist.
“Okay, okay, I’ll cuddle with you.” Mark hummed contently, nuzzling the muscular arm in his grasp.
Once the two were settled down, Jackson draping an arm over Mark’s waist as he spooned him from behind, everything seemed so much better.
Before Jackson fully fell asleep, he thought about how lucky he was to have met Mark and to have won him over with his charm, and especially the fact that Mark was showing no sign of leaving anytime soon.
The thought made a small smile appear on his lips.
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sandraandjes-blog · 7 years
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2Jae Red and Black Moodboard
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