sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
“I know on the New York subway you see some otherworldly shit such as someone holding a live, sentient peacock or someone lugging a wardrobe back to their apartment. But today I overheard two teenage girls talking about how it was cuffing season. For me, cuffing season never stops.” Tyler joked, slinging the handcuffs from his belt. He twirled them around his finger as his eyebrows raised at the other. “Am I taking this too literally?”
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“Kinky,” the brunette raised a brow with a small smirk. “Although, I’m not up to date on what cuffing means. I liked being cuffed in the bedroom, but I don’t think that’s what they mean,” she shrugged.
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
“I need a good story for this.” Dalton held up his hand with fresh stitches across his index finger. “Because slicing limes is not going to impress anyone and I might as well milk this.” He narrowed his gaze in thought, “Like I fought some knife wielding weirdo dressed as Cookie Monster on Halloween… Or something.”
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“I’m like the last person to ask for a good idea when it comes to that. I’m not that creative. Although I would pay to see a knife wielding weirdo dressed as the cookie monster. I’m sure my kids would hate it, but I wanna see it.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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“I don’t think they were that convinced in the first place, Sadie.” The older sibling released a fond laugh. Those memories and many more were so precious to him and it was a nice feeling thinking how his niece and nephew could hopefully share the same dynamic of closeness they did. His smile faded, although he understood, he still wished circumstances were a bit different for her. “You think they’ll approve of me?” It was best not to tell her how she deserved a break as he so often did. “You know the stories of her mother. If only they’d both just sit down and really talk. Get all those things out and in the air to discuss but she prefers to avoid which just makes it that much worse.” A heavy sigh broke his words. “I’ll try my best, though. As for the gifts, you can just have them shipped to our place. Save on transfer and all that.” Her words of Lakyn’s holiday spirit rang all too truly. “She’s already talked about me becoming S-A-N-T-A and this whole elaborate rouse. If possible, she would probably also be my E-L-F and I’m already anticipating Clark Griswald levels of decorations come December.”
“We would have never known if you didn’t tell on me, now would we, Scotty?” A brow raised on the younger sister as she pouted. It was normally the other way as children. She found ways to get him in trouble, even when she was the one that did it. She liked to think it was part of being the youngest. “If you completely change your personality and be charming, yeah,” a small joke slid out. “But seriously, you will be fine. I mean, it’s not like you’re a career criminal. You are okay looking, good job, somewhat decent personality, smart. I don’t think they could not not like you.” Sadie shrugged as she took a drink of coffee. “I did. Didn’t Lakyn tell you? I think they are in a room somewhere in your place. Caleb learned my hiding spots, so can’t use those anymore. Yeah, I’m too lazy to decorate before Thanksgiving. One holiday at a time for me.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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“Need I share the story of the tooth fairy to the youngsters?” His brow cocked up in place. Referring to when she was a child, trying to gain extra money by passing off tic-tacs as extra teeth under her pillow. “Well, you know they’d be happy to fly you and these two on over. I could help chip in.” He didn’t want his sister to feel stuck and alone for the holidays, after all. “You know I don’t mind at all, plus there’s those frequent flyer miles I’ve kept away. As for the presents, you’re welcome to buy them and just bring them over here. I’m sure Lakyn would love to wrap up the gifts. You know how enthusiastic she is about the season.”
“Hey, mom and dad didn’t know the difference until you told them. Snitch,” she gave him a stern look, shaking her head. “I’m fine. Really. I might have to work anyway Hospitals don’t close on holidays. And I have the sitter I usually get when you’re working, so don’t worry. She’s gonna make sure they have a Thanksgiving meal because I don’t know when I’ll be working yet. Seriously, go and relax. Or relax as much as you can by being with her parents as her boyfriend.” Sadie smirked as she ran a hand through her hair. “Yeah, she gets a little off the rocker. I love her to death, but Lakyn during Christmas is a little scary. I actually have a good amount of shopping done, thanks to Amazon Prime. I just need to get the things that just came out that they want. We’ll see.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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“Whoever made those a thing is just…. inhuman.” The man shook his head, pretty much in agreement with her as he’d still struggle from time to time with it. “That’s still a sad thing, but at least he died a hero.” Hoping that what was probably something she heard countless times helped in some small inkling. ““Yeah~. Some birds live long, anyways. I think her’s live to about twenty so they got a while to still enjoy themselves. Don’t try to ride one, though, or they will probably get squished and there’s a lot of awkward with that, heh.”
“Plus cheese wiz just has a weird taste. Or maybe that’s just me. It tastes like it’s been in a can for a while. Probably safer off that we didn’t eat it,” she nodded as she scrunched her face in thought. “Yeah, I think that makes the pain worth it a little. I was actually pregnant with Denise. So she was my blessing during all that. Although now, sometimes she’s a nightmare,” Sadie joked as she nodded. “Oh wow. That’s crazy.” Sadie couldn’t help but laugh, nodding her head. That would not end well at all.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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shane being Iconic™
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
Lakyn listened as Sadie explained not being on any apps “i mean i agree, it’s weirdly impersonal. and it’s possible to meet someone in person and things just click, granted you’re right and it doesn’t necessarily happen all the time that way anymore, that’s how me and Scott worked out” she smiled, hoping the other wasn’t too discouraged “is there anyone you have your eye on so far that i should know about? like, did you meet a guy that made you think dating might not be so bad?” Lakyn asked, laughing softly as she realized she was bombarding the other with questions “sorry to be so nosey i’m just, completely interested. we both used to be on the ‘no dating’ bus and now it’s just like, it’s fun to think about how far we’ve come i guess.”
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“All people want on those apps is sex and I want more than that. Plain and simple,” she shrugged in thought. “I mean, I was married and I miss that kind of connection. I don’t want just sex. I also have two kids, and I want them to be accepted by whoever I date. And I doubt Tinder would have someone who likes kids.” Sadie gave a small sigh in thought. She couldn’t help but feel a slight jealousy over Scott and Lakyn’s relationship. Even when Sadie was married, it wasn’t like she  was able to spend all her time with Mike. The military was his wife and Sadie was just the mistress on the side. “Oh, um, no. I haven’t met anyone. I mean, I haven’t really tried looking. I just decided it’s time to try it out.” The brunette smiled over at the woman, shaking her head. “Oh I’m still kind of on the no dating bus. I just want to get a wardrobe that makes me look less like a forty year old mom and more like a twenty nine year old mom.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
Which of your children is more difficult to handle than the other?
Oh, lord. Um, I hate to say that Denise is. She’ just like me. A bit of a free spirit who doesn’t always think of the consequences. I was the same way as a kid, so I guess I’m getting punished for being like that myself.
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0 notes
sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
What's the most hilarious pick up line you've heard?
I don’t really know. It’s been a while since I’ve heard a pick up line, in all honesty.
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0 notes
sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
What's the best part of your job
Seeing the babies go home healthy.
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
Lakyn’s eyes widened slightly when she mentioned being ready to date again “well then, i think we definitely have a start for what we’re looking for” she chuckled slightly, watching her threaten Scott a little regarding Denise’s hair. “And if you guys ask nice enough i believe we have some gumless candy, Uncle Scott might reward you for being good” she said with a little wink, the kids had been watched by the pair enough they knew they always got at least one piece of candy from her. Was she trying to buy likes? Definitely. With a smile and a wave she followed Sadie out the door “so dating? have you like, joined any dating apps or anything like that or you’re just starting to think about it kind of thing?” she asked, extremely curious. In the time she’d known Sadie she has always been focused on the kids and her job and was content with it being that way so when she mentioned dating Lakyn’s curiosity was at a high.
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“I hope so, anyway,” the brunette shrugged,pushing her lips to the side. This was really the first time she felt okay enough to consider it, but it still terrified her. “Yes, please. No gum,” she pointed at her brother, making sure he got the hint. As they were walking out, Sadie gave a small shrug in thought. “I’m just thinking about it. Definitely don’t want to do an app though. I just feel that’s not really personal. And if I’m gonna date someone, i would like to meet them in person, even though that’s not really a thing anymore. But it would be nice. Maybe some hot guy will be walking in the hospital and I run into him and poof, sparks.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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“Which means I’m very on brand.” He gave her a little playful wink. In a rather good mood which was easy to tell amidst his sparkling baby blues. “Pff, ain’t that part of bein’ a mom? Most feel like they look like they’re havin’ off days.”
“Touche,” she pushed her lips to the side as she formed a smile. “I guess. I’m a single mom with two kids, so I’m just shocked my brain hasn’t exploded yet, in all honesty.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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“I’m cunning, but you know I wouldn’t spread such lies as the age thing.” He shook his head till a thought popped back into his mind. “Oh! I was speaking with Lakyn and I might be forcing her to go to her mother’s for Thanksgiving provided I go with her…” It would be the second one he’d missed with his family. The first having been spent over in Europe for his work. “But for Christmas, I figured we could ask mom and pops out here. They can stay with us with the extra guest room and maybe Christmas Eve you and the kids camp out in the living room.” They had that and a seating room as well, it seemed there would be enough room in his mind. “What do you think? Instead of having to pack the kids up and everybody go on over to Iowa. Plus, I think it’d be fun to entertain it this year.”
“Yeah, sure. I believe you,” she rolled her eyes with a smile, shaking her head. Once she heard him mention him missing the holiday, the smile faded as she took a deep breath. “Yeah. Right now I can’t afford to go back home for Thanksgiving, so we will be spending it here. But it would be nice for them to come visit for Christmas. The kids would like that,” a small nod as she rubbed her lips, the brunette thought for a moment. “Yeah, I like that. Won’t be too much fun carrying all the gifts over, but maybe I’ll just bring a small amount over at a time.”
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sadie-ingram-blog · 5 years
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“We won’t even get into reading. A week in, my dad bought some cheese wiz and I couldn’t read how to use it plus Korea doesn’t have those weird nozzle things. It was a struggle for twenty minutes till I gave up.” Jordan knew he looked a damn fool in that struggle, comically frustrating as it was. “I’m sorry about loss…” A common thing to follow up such a thing with, yet he did mean it. “They’re lifelong pets, too. Mom’s are still alive. It’s been about twelve years or so, now.”
“I’ll admit, when my mom bought them, I literally could not figure out the nozzle. I still can’t do it. I make my own whipped cream so I don’t have to figure out the nozzle,” the brunette shook her head at the thought, slightly embarrassed about it. “It’s fine. He died serving the country, so I’m proud of him and it helped a little to know that.” She hated the pity, knowing that it wasn’t going to change much, but it was easier to know that he did it for the country. “Oh wow. That’s crazy. I actually would have never thought that. Kind of like horses. I know a friend I went to school with had horses and they were like fourteen or fifteen years old.”
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