#paranormal tw
Do you belive in apparitions?
No. I'm not spiritual at all. Not in an arrogant way, though - for me it just feels safer not to entertain that world at all when I know I'm schizophrenic and can sometimes struggle to stay in the shared reality
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This isn’t an April Fools thing -
Uh. To my people out there that know/believe in spirits and stuff… if I regularly go to a place that just feels kinda occupied should I like. Talk to it or something? Like for the vibes? Or no don’t talk ignore?
This building was built like 2006 on a lot that had been empty for many years so it’s not like a past resident.
I obviously have an active imagination but I don’t often feel like there’s something there with me. But I’ve felt it in this place since I was a kid.
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
You know what I wanna see? A horror movie about a woman living in a super, super haunted place... but she's got chronic pain / chronic fatigue, so she just literally does NOT have the energy to deal with paranormal bs
*shadow person stand menacingly in the doorway*
Woman, unfazed, snacking in bed with a heating pad: I just got this hot enough, I stg if you turn the power off again....
*ghost opens drawers in her bedroom*
Woman, deadpan, not even looking up from her phone: oh no. You're going to slightly rearrange my sock drawer. Terrifying.
*ghost stands at the end of the hallway and makes creepy noises*
Woman, shuffling right past it to get to get to the bathroom: move, I need ibuprofen.
*ghost, getting increasingly frustrated, starts throwing things and screaming*
Woman, watching from the doorway, exhausted: so many ways you could spend your afterlife, and you choose to be a menace... I hope you're planning on cleaning this up, 'cause I'm going to be in the hospital for a couple days. Enjoy wallowing in the mess, buddy
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papermccn · 6 months
closed starter for anyone !! @devilsmenu
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"-do you believe in ghosts and sparkly vampires?" mabel asked with a up to something grin, "-i think you want to say yes for what I got to offer." or maybe she was looking for a ghost adventuring buddy, since dipper wasn't here and all.
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aetherean-alchemist · 4 months
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Cellbit: The growling noises get lower... and lower... Wait a second. [Turns down the music] And you eventually- it's just: silence. Only the cold wind hitting outside.
[Everyone breathes a sigh of relief]
Cellbit: ...I know you tried your best. But I'm so sorry. It wasn't enough. It found you. All of you. You hear [mimics the sound of a door being ripped of its hinges] the door slamming. All of you are seen. One of you will die. You need to run, as fast as you can.
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feminetomboy · 3 months
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AHaha. I just.Think they're neat...
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nanbaka-82 · 2 years
How the HELL did these fucks from before the 1960s - 1980s live so long in these haunted houses with poltergeists and apparitions that are now paranormal sites. The Becker bitches were getting doors slammed so hard by dead shits the hinges shake and they still go “hm. We’ll stay”. If I see a single door creak more than it should I’m STORMING this thing and never looking back, old time hoes were BATSHIT I admire it  
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mourninglamby · 9 months
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most popular girls in quarentena
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tiedyedeyes · 6 months
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bad luck, i don't wanna be home at midnight
sun's up, i don't really want to fight the daylight
paranormal investigators Meryl and Milly and their mysterious new hires
trigun paranormal au: x x x
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Have you ever experience spirit things
I don't believe in anything particularly spiritual, but as a schizophrenic I've definitely had my fair share of experiences that could be read that way...
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Oh I hate more than I can describe that I had a dream about someone trying to drown me in my parent’s pool and then I wake up with finger marks on my shoulder.
Was it probably my own hand? Yes but oh I hate it. (Pic under cut)
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mmyashas · 9 months
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"if you came across a dying animal in the street, would you kill it to end it's suffering or leave it there?"
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zorangezest · 1 year
brainworms feasting on this crunchy lil goober
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pawubits · 9 months
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rip lucie </3
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
[the 1-4-1 are setting up base in a deserted old quarry, it just so happens R/n’s former squad used to occupy it before 1-4-1 were given residency, she, Ghost and Price are setting up in the security room making sure the cameras are still working and nothings broke down when Price sees Gaz and Soap on one of monitors talking.]
Price: What are they doing then?
[R/n and Ghost look at the monitor and see what Price is on about? at first it didn’t seem out of the ordinary, they assumed Soap and Gaz were taking a break from sweeping through the dorms, until they realized the men weren’t talking to each other but someone else...]
R/n, gets on her radio: Gaz? Price wants to know what’s the situation in the Dorm building?
Gaz: Sorry Corporal, we were just chatting with your friend.
R/n: My friend?
Soap, hops on the radio: Yeah, Sergeant Carrie.
[Ghost and Price look at R/n baffled.]
R/n, looks ill: I-...Coul- Sergeant, sir, repeat that name!
Soap: She said her names Sergeant Anne Carrie, is there a problem?
R/n, getting more distraught: That’s not f-fucking funny... Did you two go through my files or something?!
Gaz: what do you mean?
[R/n wasn’t able to answer cos she having a panic attack, causing Price to take her away from the monitors; Soap and Gaz voiced their confusion when Ghost hops on the radio.]
Ghost: Soap, Gaz get back to the monitor room now!
Soap: what? what’s going on?
Ghost:...Sergeant Carrie doesn’t exist anymore, she died six months ago!
Soap, chuckles nervously: Are ya taking the piss wit’ us, LT?
Ghost: Soap, I am very serious right now, we’re watching you through the cameras there’s no one standing in front of you!
{Gaz and Soap look up to where ‘Carrie’ was supposedly standing and slowly backed away before booking it back to the security room, where they were expecting Price, R/n and Ghost to be laughing their asses off for pulling a fast one on them, but instead they were met by Price trying to calm down a very distraught R/n and Ghost cautiously checking all the cameras.
Gaz and Soap later re-watched the footage of them in the hallway just make sure it wasn’t a prank, they were disturbed when they saw that they were indeed talking to nothing, even though they both swore up in down there was woman in the hallway… A lot of other weird shit happened in that base, that eventually Price put in a request for a relocation to a new base.]
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