ryounyan · 25 days
Nowadays mood: Crowley's tight pants are compensate by waste smiles of Aziraphale... and both things are not excluded to be connected...
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ryounyan · 1 month
Charles Rowland from "Dead Boy Detectives" is pansexual. Just, please, look at that pin. It's not bisexual, it's pansexual. That circle pin with three horizontal stripes: dark blue, dark yellow, dark fuchsia.
P.S.: Now I have my doubts. Because in comments was given clarification about this pin being the rasta flag. So, question, which colours are that pin??
Second Post Script:
I know about all versions of pansexual pride flag. Hi, hello, hey, I am pansexual. When first version was created I was in my twenties. I live in country where are strong community of rasta. So, I guess, somehow I know how rasta flag looks... My problem with that pin is, why that pin has altered colours?? Probably because everything is altered there, but Devil is in the details.
Also in original story is clearly that that pin must be rasta flag...
But my Brain is on little fire, because colours are not close enough.
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ryounyan · 1 month
I like singing. Once I was a singer, but one professor just basically traumatised me. I lost my self-esteem.
But when I am alone or going to the walk where definitely will be like one-five people in two hours, I like walking, dancing and singing.
I was with my small dog. She not usual to me singing. Dog was like half mile behind me. And I was singing and dancing. Feeling so great!! And suddenly bike is passing by. I was startled. So I began to call my dog. Person on the bike stopped: "Dawn, so nice Voice!! And you moves are good!!". What was my answer "Sorry!!"... I am embarrassed. I am also awful in dancing. I am chubby. Or probably I just feel awful because everything around me reminds me about how my Body is out of standards...
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ryounyan · 1 month
Watching "Spy X Family". No, I am not late. Usually watching popular anime/films/ect. after all that emotional boom going down.
So... This anime is queer and autistic. Why queer?? Because for having respectful life and not being checked on by secret police people need to have "hetero normative" families. Sounds familiar. No single parenting too. Why autistic?? Because Yor and Ania. Yor is genius, but have no clues how interacting with society around. Yor just created schemes of interactions and living by the script. Being good in assassination is not helping, actually makes her being more "I am not enough. I am bad and strange.". Actually Yor can be amazing mortician. About Ania. Ania is not stupid. Ania is a visual learner. Also learning from favourite things as many ADHD and autistic people do. Also Ania is telepathic child. Why I don't mentioned this as a first thing?? Because telepathy is not Ania's most important part, which is creating logical and fast conclusions and inventing non suspicious reasons. Example with person that stole the wallet. Ania red the mind and quickly invented the reason "I want to eat the cake!!", indicated the culprit. Example with boy in the pool, Ania literally told about telepathy, but after that quickly said "I am bad in chores, so I want became the swimmer!!". Actually Ania saved Ken, boy in the pool, Loid is only saved Ania. Also Ania can't seeing the bubbles on water, but told about it only because that was logical and less strange.
Ania is not stupid. Ania's social battery going uncharted fastly because of being autistic. Usually people with ADHD trying to "see/read the future" for not having unconventional and psychological difficult situations. Some of ADHD people really can do that. Some not. But usually this types of minds are working four-five times more harder, because nothing is going straight as for allistic minds, because too many things that can create embarrassment... And that's make battery going down very fast.
About Yor being always nervous. Because want to be the best. Because believe that her own personality is not enough. But when coming to dangerous situations Yor just ignore own safety for others safety. After that usually everyone is scolding her for being selfish and not thinking about others. Very ADHD characteristic.
Ania is good with animals. Also very autistic characteristic. Not all kinds of autistic people are good with animals, but many are, because autistic/ADHD people are very emotive and very sensitive people. They trying to read body language and the smallest changes in the voices. Because basically can't read the general situation/read the room. I am not talking about deep kinds of autistic people. I am talking about people that can masking. They find comfort in animal company.
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ryounyan · 1 month
I like "Mob Psycho 100". Actually I am fan of that graphics and storytelling in general... Well... "Mob Psycho 100" opening theme ("99.9") by One from first and second season, I was so in love with this song that I have it as alarm for long Time. And now I have a problem, because every time when I hear it I have anxiety attack - I want to jump out from my place and check what time is now, then running somewhere with huge excuses that I am late... WOW...
Exactly same thing with few songs of Kamui Gakupo (Gacktpoid)... I am ruining my favourite things.
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ryounyan · 2 months
During Eurovision Song Contest 2024 were at least two non-binary singers. One from Ireland - Bambie Thug. One from Switzerland - Nemo.
Mates, winner of ESC 2024 is NON-BINARY person 💛🤍💜🖤🖤💜🤍💛!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️!!!! Their name is Nemo. So sweet cinnamon cake that I feel the urge to hug them. Also non-binary pride flag was on the stage of ESC!! (And in "green room" were many modern progressive pride flags (that include intersex pride flag). So awesome!!
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ryounyan · 2 months
When "Good Omens" fans asking about favourite quotes and mine is "You what??".
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6.000 years later he is still amazed at the things his angel does
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ryounyan · 2 months
Cat King... The Feline Royalty. What the Hell in going on?? How is it possible that creature are wearing so many fabulous outfits and no one is saying "Slay, b!tch!!"... Oh, wait, is that because Feline Royalty the Cat King is short. And short people can be only cute?? Shame on you!! Shame. On. You!!
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ryounyan · 2 months
Foxes are not dogs. But foxes are dogs. When wolves are not dogs... Because dogs derive from wolves and not viceversa. More similarities and original genes dog conserved, more that kind of dog is primordial and similar to wolves (so called "lupoid dogs" and it is not about skin illness). Just look for Spitz or German Shepherd. Summary, types of animals very similar to wolves: long and strict skull, not retractable claws, very "sportive" type of muscles...
But the strangest thing is that basically every animal is caniformia, similar to dogs, that means originally derived from wolves... Think of bears... And now think about sea lions or walruses...Oh, yeah, their ancestors was from wolves... Everything is so confused... Basically majority of mammals that living in water have wolves 🧬... WOW!!
So, yeah, foxes are wolves and still are not. Oh, sorry, I mean dogs. Of course, dogs.
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ryounyan · 2 months
First reaction for Night Nurse:
"Wait, what?!?! Replay!! Oh my Hell!! It's my favourite witch!!"
Is that obvious how much I was "SUPERNATURAL" fan once??
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ryounyan · 2 months
Let's list the types of characters from last minute of last episode of "Dead Boy Detectives":
- two ghosts that are now officially working for Lost-and-Found department;
- one Night Nurse that is now officially their secretary;
- one very rare kind of spiritual medium;
- one probably an ex-butcher that can be not bad hunter;
- one pretty much queer Cat Royalty;
- one ex-familiar crow;
- one [probably] zombie... still not sure if two tiny gods are with them.
Am I missing something?? Oh, yeah, buried inside the spiritual medium head demon in quantity of one. Probably we are missing also one very ancient primordial divinity and human walrus...
But... But where are vampires?? And gnomes?? And elves?!?! Next season will be great, I guess...
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ryounyan · 2 months
I was rewatching "Oppenheimer"... Fans of "Good Omens" giving not enough credits for the scene where Oppenheimer was asked about what "J" in his name stands for, he answered that it's just "J"... Yeah ... Jantony, is that you??
I am so into Crowley, because every episode of "Good Omens" (both seasons) has Easter Eggs about different, famous, mysterious and interesting historical people really exited in our reality.
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ryounyan · 2 months
I have confused feelings. Because it was obvious to do my own search first. But I literally paused the episode and opened tumbler for writing the question, because it was... important in that moment. Probably it looks like I am trying to show myself as an intellectual or someone that wants the minute of glory...
But the fact that Neil Gaiman actually answered is not so bad...
Good Time of the Day.
Watching "Dead Boy Detectives". Have questions about pansexual pin, animals talking back to not humans (because my cats definitely talking me back), about Dante's Hell scheme, ect.. For now I am bothered by one thing why in the all Universes cat must have the King?? Cats, as like elephants, are matriarchal community. No King, definitely Yes Queen. Cats, actually, kick out males that can be too productive from the community, the Queen forming around the group of most capable female cats that protect her. Banned cats forming their own small groups, but usually they just living near "family" and attacking only other male groups. Also cats have interesting gender spectrum (not sure if it's right to call it in that way), because some female are treated as males, some are well seen in community and in groups, as like they are gender fluid. So, it will be much more interesting to call them "The Cat Royalty"...
We still trying to cape animal world in human prejudices.
Thanks for so gorgeous shows that make me think about topics that I really like.
It refers to this:
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ryounyan · 5 months
Me, coming into the room with Aziraphale's smile and Crawle's energy (and sunglasses), literally wearing pride progressive flag as a cape, having pin with "You are safe with me" on it, sitting on the chair as a wild animal in the nature.
People, looking very confused: Are you gay??
Me: No, I am divinity.
People: You are not okay.
Me: Yeah, thanks for noticing this, because I need a few more hours of sleep.
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ryounyan · 9 months
Deep night Thoughts.
If writers write fanfics, especially about their original characters, it's not a bad thing, it's an alternative script.
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ryounyan · 9 months
Ginger and blond are just hair colours. Blond is not a superior one. Ginger is not inferior or bewitched.
Person that know me only few years: You are... ginger?!?! You was blond. What happened to you?!?!
Me, that returning to ginger every seven years: Gingers are awesome.
Person, confused: No, I mean... Yes, they are... but You... all that... [pointing my hair].
Me, playing dumb card: Oh, you mean this?!?! That is all "Good Omens" fault. Blaming Neil Gailman for ginger's wave.
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ryounyan · 9 months
Colourblind Crowley and Aziraphale in Love.
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