
im always suuuuper chill when i see that service unavailable page
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Dimensional traveling Prince!Danny Fenton & Obsessed but still somewhat sane and logical! Damian Wayne
Just a random DeadSerious prompt I thought of at like 2am :>
Clockwork stumbled upon a peculiar universe where a group of humans had been engaging in bizarre activities. Recognizing the need for investigation, Clockwork assigned the newly announced Prince Phantom, a 14-year-old named Danny Fenton, to venture into this realm. It was a training opportunity for Danny, preparing him for his future role as King. Through a portal, Danny found himself suspended above the Lazarus pit, with Ra's al Ghul standing below him. Fortunately, Danny was dressed in his regal attire, which inexplicably aged him to 18 years old, sparing him from too much embarrassment. Ra's began questioning him, leading to a discussion about the potential dangers of the pit.
During his stay, Danny crossed paths with Damian, who was in the midst of his training. The 8-year-old assassin-in-training wasted no time in challenging Danny to a duel. As expected, Danny emerged victorious, leaving a lasting impact on Damian. Danny revealed that he too was an heir to a throne, possessing strength, power, and a tolerable personality, as Damian had previously remarked. These qualities managed to thaw Damian's cold and unyielding heart, finding a special place within it. From that moment on, Damian began courting Danny using the rituals he had learned from secret books in the league's library. He showered Danny with small gifts, heartfelt letters, acts of service, and even presented him with his second favorite knife.
In the meantime, Danny had been well aware of the situation right from the beginning, and he wasted no time in creating distance between himself and the child. Forget about it! Sure, he might be clueless at times, but he's not foolish! When a child hands you a thornless Rose and affectionately calls you 'Habibi', 'Rohi', 'Hayati', 'Albi', and/or 'Ya Amar'—even though he may not fully understand the meanings behind those words, he definitely knows what 'Habibi' means—you can't help but have doubts, you know?! So Danny tried his best to keep the kid at arm's length, not wanting to give him false hope. After all, the kid was only 8 years old for crying out loud! But you have to give it to the kid, he was incredibly stubborn and persistent.
As time went on, two whole months flew by, and Clockwork finally informed Danny that there was no longer any need for him to investigate or keep an eye on the pit. When Danny asked for an explanation, the old man, true to his cryptic nature, simply delivered a mysterious message and left, much to Danny's annoyance. All he could do was leave a letter of explanation for Damian. Damian's heart shattered into a million pieces when he read the letter, realizing that he would never be able to see or even meet Danny again, as they belonged to different dimensions.
Time flew by and it was finally the moment to reveal his secret identity to his parents as Phantom. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned and he ended up being captured by the GIW, strapped to a surgical table for three days. After escaping, he made a quick exit from home, promising his friends and sisters that he would keep in touch. Clockwork then whisked Danny away to another dimension, sensing that he needed a change of scenery. Dropping him off in a crime-ridden city with just a backpack of essentials, including a dagger from Damian. As he transformed back to his human form in Gotham, he pondered his next move. Suddenly, a young vigilante? Hero? appeared and whisked him away through the city with a grappling hook. Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse!
Damian, now taking on the role of the vigilante Robin, was out patrolling alone. His father wanted him to gain more experience on his own. As he made his way through the city, he noticed a faint but distinct bright light coming from one of the nearby alleys. Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate.
To his surprise, he saw his beloved from years ago emerging from a strange green portal. Gone was the royal attire Damian was accustomed to seeing him in. Instead, he was clad in a black and white HAZMAT suit, with a symbol in the center. And astonishingly, he even held the second favorite knife that Damian had given him all those years ago.
In a matter of seconds, his beloved transformed into what Damian believed to be a Wayne adoption bait. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards them, landing in front of them and carefully assessing the situation. In one swift motion, he slung his beloved over his shoulder and shot his grappling hook, swiftly taking off with them.
Damian wasn't sure what he would do next, but one thing was certain - he would never let his beloved out of his sight again. He had lost him once, and he refused to lose him again. His possessiveness over the things and people he considered his had grown stronger.
Perhaps he would find a way for them to sign marriage papers, or at least become engaged, despite their young age. Of course, it would only happen if his beloved, Danny, agreed to it. Consent and trust were crucial in any relationship, after all. If Danny disagreed, Damian would resort to the courting rituals his mother had taught him. The conventional methods from books hadn't worked, so he would try his mother's unique approach. Granted, he was technically kidnapping him, but it was only a few steps ahead. Damian was determined to win his beloved's heart, no matter what it took.
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Okay but I just? Made myself snort?
Imagine~☆ Grandma Fenton. Young, hot, built like a tank.
She meets a SUAVE and well muscled man of mystery. With a CAPE! Fabulous facial hair. There are ninjas. She was hunting the Supernatural. Very, very badly.
But still! That Fenton STRENGTH. That smile! That "just back handed an assassin through a wall"! Mystery man is... intrigued ™.
They do unspeakable things to each other hot young nuible bodies against every surface they can find. There are explosions and sword fights. She has a BLAST! It was a great trip.
Prooooobably should have gotten more then his name though!
Maybe used protection!
Ah well, she always DID want kids! A jack is a wonderful kiddo! Strong as an ox! Bit obsessive, but what Fenton ISNT?
She goes about her merry way. Things to do! Monsters to HUNT! Crocodiles to WRESTLE! Feeling like... she's... forgetting? Something? But what could it BE?
It's only after YEARS, as she's retired, down a leg (damn Sasquatch) and two fingers, that she squints at some hoity toity shin-dig on the TV... and... huh.....
You know? That lil Wayne kid reminds her of someone. It's... it's on the tip of her to- OH FUCK! *slams down the morning paper* she forgot to tell her sprogs DAD!
Shit! He didn't know he got her preggers!!!
Which? Is how Ra's AL Ghul? Get a VERY sheepish call from that lion of a woman he had... relations *unholy smirk that makes SO MANY people around him uncomfortable* with, informing him? He not ONLY has a son.
But a grandson and granddaughter.
Neither fit to inherent, obviously. But his blood has run true. His son married the most powerful woman he could locate. Because studying the borders between life and death. And can snap lesser men in half like a twig. Grandchildren? Much of the same.
So obviously, he shall become... Supportive. A loving grandfather.
Why? Because he has no standards for them! They are but a pleasant suprise. The bloodline MIGHT be useful. Eventually. But for now? Charm champaign.
EVERYBODY loves Grandpapa Ra's, after all. :)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @the-witchhunter
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You know what idea has always ENCHANTED ME?
Ever since I saw it on a sci-fi show?
The Deadly Magical House That Loves You™. See, it's a house that has become something MORE. Gained sentience. And? Instead of acting out some cheap horror movie jump scares? It digs deep to its foundations, thinks long n hard, and decides on what it WANTS.
And it WANTS?
To be a HOME™.
To TAKE CARE OF somebody. Have LIFE in its halls. Meals at its tables. Joy and laughter bouncing across its walls. So? It lays a trap. Lures people in.
Come live in me~
I am a good home.
I am Free! I am "Safe". I will give you whatever your heart desires.
I care not for morality or laws. Boundaries or taboos. Do you desire? Come, come, be HAPPY~! Live in me! Relax here! Forget about the world beyond these walls. Anything I can not give you, I can bring TOO you! This is a Happy Home.
But, of course, such sentience and pushiness terrifies. People run and flee in horror. The house getting more aggressive. Trying to hold tighter. After all! If they would just STAY for a while, they would SEE! It's so LOVELY here! The would LOVE to live inside them!
But... instead?
They are hurt.
Doors smashed open. Windows broken to escape. Furniture thrown. Their avatar, Jeeves, bashed with heavy things. Why... WHY?! They are only trying to HELP! To LOVE them! Be a good HOME! They grow more and more run down. Starved. Wrathful.
It is, of course, their Obsession. To be a home. They are so very hungry.
When? Who should come along?
But the depressed AF Ghost King! He's been... not TECHNICALLY kicked out. But "things are tense" kicked out. He's tired. His college courses are remote. He can't really AFFORD rent. And everything is just...
He wants to cry.
Why... why can't he have ONE good thing? ONE sign everything's gonna be alright?
"Free House!"
Well... I mean... that IS a literal sign. Huh. He flies down. The house notices him. Tries to look as enticing as it can. And? Gasp! I... It's WORKING? This one seems INTERESTED? Quick! Flowerbeds! Look at my flowerbeds! Ooooh, lovely floooowers! A.. and there's probably really nice wood flooring! C'mon. C'moooon!
Danny? Sees a free Lair. Not too far from both Gotham AND Metropolis. Good location. Needs a little fixing up. But I mean... you can't beat free, right?
Is he really gonna do this?
......fuck it. Yeah, let's do this. First house time. He's just glad he carries a sharpie on him most of the time. Scribbles "Sold!" Over the sign then calls Jazz. He's... kinda not sure WHAT he's supposed to pack?
Finds out, post move in, whoop. Sentient Lair. Clingy, clingy, highly desperate sentient Lair. Oof. Guess fixing up the place can be therapy for both of us. Jazz helps.
The house heals. He falls into a routine. Schoolwork, hang out in the garden or the observatory, meals FaceTiming friends or watching videos, naps whenever he wants them. It's... it's so peaceful. Quiet and soothing to his agitated and worn down soul. Like a balm.
House gets him whatever he needs. They're kinda awesome like that. Always seems to have room to fit this or that. He doesn't question it. His brain figuring it works on Zone logic.
He probably SHOULD have.
Because? Things have been going missing. At a slow, steady, pace. Food, technology, entertainment. A building that shouldn't BE there, has been spotted in a wealthy county just outside of Superman and Batman's two cities.
No one can get near it.
It's been getting BIGGER.
Growing, like a tumor, room by room. Floor by floor. The gardens creeping like kudzu, to swallow everything in their path. Yet delivery drivers drop things off. Things they don't remember. On trips they don't recall. People are scared.
Amateur detectives have managed to discover some sort of starlit fae that lives there, along with a human boy.
Justice League Dark has been called in. Are currently standing just outside the slowly creeping property line. A garden statue just hissed at them. The trees are trying to throw acorns. A hushed argument has already broken out. How do they contain the house?
@the-witchhunter @nerdpoe @hypewinter @hdgnj @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @spidori @lolottes
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Halloween Dancers
I had an idea, I'll probably write it properly later but for now I'm getting it out of my head. I was reading a post a out Dash being a talkshow host and leading to them outing Amity and this came to mind.
A cousin of a citizen of Amity heard all about all the crazy stuff going down, they keep them updated in their weekly phone calls, but thought they were making it up. Eventually divolves into an argument and they decide to look to prove them wrong. And find the internet oddly sanitised, which makes them look deeper. Eventually they get others involved wondering tf is going on over in Illinois. They manage to break through but mess up, instead boosting the signal so much that the halloween livestreams take over a large chunk of American media. T.v. s, computers, phones, etc all playing the phantom streams, where someone sees phantom just chilling and starts streaming. this time it's Samhain and the place is eerie. Blue tinged fog covers the place, it's dark out, no living person in sight and the camera pointed to the sky. In the sky you see glowing figures dancing to music coming from nowhere. An ageless youth in regal clothes spinning his partner, white hair drifing like he's underwater, his partner dressed like the pharohs of old spinning alongside him. A woman dressed in victorian ballgowns joining their dance. Other etheral beings coming out of the woodwork, spinning in the sky alongside their king. The dead dancing in the starlit sky as the veil becomes thin enough they can all come through with no major issues. And this haunting scene taking over every screen within the signals range. As the hours go by the sun begins to rise and the fog fades. they bow and begin to fade back into the realms, leaving the original three waltzing in the sunrise as the stars fade before leaving themselves and the stream cuts off.
Turns out their cousin wasn't lying, wierd stuff is going on in Amity, and no one, including the JL, knew about it. Someones head was going to rule for the lack of info. This stunk of a coverup.
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Inspired by @puppetmaster13u and various dragon aus they have.
BUT! This is also a bit of a fantasy/DnD au I guess...? IDK BUT HERE WE GO-
Okay now so, I'm imagining that that Danny, Tucker, and Sam create a pocket dimension for their game via the use of reality warping (via scepter) and something given to them by Pariah Dark before he went off on that whole honey moon thing with Clockwork.
For the record, Danny isn't the ghost king here, Pariah Dark is he's just the prince.
Sam created a garden from the barren earth, that eventually grew into a great forest and spread out to the rest of the world, which technically made her the creator of life but anyways. So, she's holed up in said garden turned forest.
Tucker bestowed upon his subjects (after they were made of course) knowledge and technology and is regarded as the greatest teacher in that world's history.
Danny? Oh yea he became that one that giant dragon that everyone knows is there, is afraid of, and just sleeps all day in this one specific place. You'd have to cut him some slack though, because no one told him creating a world and its laws would be so hard even with help.
That and him, as the one with basically the most knowledge and resident fanboy of space, created the stars surrounding the place as well!
Of course, they couldn't stay there all of the time. What with work (Tucker), high-society (Sam), and studying (Why the heck did Danny decide to go to collage again?). That entire place was just made to play around in before they had to go their separate ways and be, you know, actual adults, so it was easy enough to let go of it really.
Except for Danny. Not of any great reason, really, he just needed someplace where he could quietly study in peace, nap, think or just get away from the Ghost Zone before he had to go through all that princely nonsense again. Plus, none of their creations in that pocket dimension really wanted to mess with the giant fuck off dragon who was said to created the place anyways.
For the record, Danny is more of an eastern dragon in design with a long body rather than western. So that probably just added more into his intimidation with his sheer length.
So, you know, of course he would have been none too pleased when someone actually did disturb his solitude (as stated by the dimension's residents) as soon as the world was thrown off-balance by an outside force.
Meanwhile, Klarion the Witch boy is having the time of his life coming across a whole world that somehow hasn't been affected by Order or Chaos. So he's capitalizing on that.
Then he came across a place that was said to be sacred, not that he cared, and then came across a boy who didn't look a day over his teens (which frankly doesn't say much in regards to immortals) with a frankly long tail that looked longer than he was tall and very majestic looking horns.
Danny was annoyed yet curious, Klarion was surprised yet delighted.
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Omg, I'd love to be tagged in a continuation!.
But imagine Harley and Danny finally meet up and lock eyes sharing a brief moment of immediate understanding and just decide to stir the pot by recording themselves running into each other hugging and “catching up” as if they truly were mother and son all the while jokingly complaining about Bruce not paying for child support/ denying Danny being his.
The internet goes wild!, and now the entire batfam is terrorizing Bruce relentlessly with this pushing it further along in their civilian identities with even the serious uptight Damian Wayne claiming Danny to be his half brother.
Dying at this idea I just had: People become convinced Danny is the love child of Bruce Wayne (known manwhore) and Harley Quinn, because
-he looks just like a young Bruce, if (somehow) marginally paler, but with Harley’s button nose and big eyes.
-Then there’s his big, Harleyesque personality with Bruce’s faith in humanity and both’s proclivity for taking action against what they see as wrong.
-He’s a gymnastics champion like Harley with real intelligence buried deep under layers of plain silliness, though much more capable sobering up when situationally appropriate.
-Dangerous big animals love them and they have no answers why
-Both Danny and Bruce have BDE (Big Dad Energy)
-(also both Danny and Harley are high key metas but everyone just doesn’t mention that)
Both Harley and Danny do everything in their power to feed the rumors (without saying anything directly, that would be cheating), including Harley egging Bruce on camera while shouting “pay up bitch!” And Danny taking up wearing one of Harley’s jackets.
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Omg I love this, but imagine if Talia visits Bruce and Damian all devious like, expecting them to be exhausted and worn out by the constant stream of murderous clones, only for them to not know what she’s talking about and be completely unaware that she even sent clones in the first place.
So now we have a suspicious league of assassins suspicious that someone in their ranks is stealing the clones and building their own clone army, and a just as suspicious batfamily concerned about what this mysterious person or organization/group is doing with multiples of their little brother that even the league of assassins have no idea about.
Then flash to all of this coming to ahead and both the league of assassins and the Batfam cracking down on the whereabouts of all the clones, only to find them peacefully living in the ghost obsessed small town with a pair of ghost obsessed scientists as somewhat normal teenagers, add on the entire town being extremely nonchalant about these random clones and you have a recipe for madness and misunderstandings.
Danny had always wanted a brother...but not like this! And not so many either!
It had started when he was fighting Desiree. Everything was normal-well, as normal as fighting an undead genie could get-and then a kid fell out of a portal opens to the rooftop next to them.
They both looked over at the kid as he picked himself up. Danny glared at the genie and she held her hands up in a placating gesture, "I swear it wasn't me this time." Judging by how she seemed just as baffled by the situation as him, he believed her.
The kid stared at them through the white outs of his mask. Danny stared down at him and yep. That was a puerhero outfit. Complete with mask and cape. He quickly souped Desiree before she could pull anything and floated down to the kid, "Hey buddy-" he yelped and jumped out of the way of the kids sword.
Why does he have a sword?!
The kid didn't seem responsive to anything Danny was saying and Danny spent the next few minutes just dodging sword swipes until he managed to restrain him with one of his parents inventions and brought him home to FentonWorks and changed back into a human (away from the kids line of sight of course)
His friends were a bit shocked that he came home with a living person and he had to explain what happened while Stabby tried to wiggle out of his bonds.
That was when his parents walked in.
Danny had to retell them an altered version of the story from before and they began examining him. The kid was practically feral before his dad exclaimed, "I know!" And ran to the fridge and pulled out some of the Fenton Fudge.
He ran back over and popped it into the kids mouth before anyone could stop him. Everyone just stared as the kid calmed down, looking at them with confusion and wonder as the fudge melted in his mouth.
Aka Danny keeps getting Damian clones via portal delivery and his family keeps taming them with Fenton Fudge and adopting them. The League of Assassins have no idea where all thier clones are disappearing to...
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I desperately want to be tagged
John Constantine was usually on the other side of a Summons. He was the one usually drawing the circle, chanting the chant, dribbling the blood over the runes.
John Constantine was usually the Summoner. He had never, in his very long life, ever been the Summonee. Hell, he hadn’t even thought he could be Summoned. Yet, here he was, in the middle of what was obviously a throne room with bright green walls, eerie blue-flamed torches, and a huge black knight with purple hair-like flames around his head standing at the foot of a dais, hand on the pommel of his giant black sword.
“Yo, Frighty, the dude here yet?” A tall black kid strode into the hall, head down as he messed around on a tablet. The ankh pectoral over his shirt glinted eerily in the strange light.
“Yes, Lord Foley,” boomed the black knight, “the renegade John Constantine has arrived!”
The kid, Lord Foley, looked up and, seeing John, grinned. “Sweet! I’ll get Danny.” Then, without so much as hello, Foley turned on his heel and trotted right back out.
John eyed the knight. “Wanna tell me what I’m doing here?”
“His Majesty Phantom, High King of the Infinite Realms, Lord Commander of the Dead, Protector of the Grave, has Summoned you.”
“Yeah, got that. Why?” John desperately wished he had a cigarette. If he’d been summoned by the High bloody King of the Infinite bloody Realms, he was fucked. Sure, he knew a new king took over from Pariah Dark—thank you Etrigan and Boston Deadman for that update—but he had never actually wanted to meet the guy.
“Hey, Frights, thanks for watching him.” A new kid, silver haired and wearing a black bodysuit, floated through the door.
John stared at the kid. And stared. And stared. Because what he was seeing wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. There was absolutely no way some string bean high school-looking kid had the Crown of Fire floating above his head. Absolutely not.
The kid stopped midair, floating in front of John, peering at him with the wide-eyed curiosity of a child. “So, you’re the off-brand Voldemort.”
What the fuck?
John had absolutely no response to that.
The knight’s purple fire hair flared. “Answer His Majesty!”
“I’m John Constantine,” he said because, shit, what else was he going to do? If he really was in the Infinite Realms, he was so screwed. Magic didn’t work in the Infinite Realms. The whole dimension existed outside of time and space, connected to every-where, every-when, all at once. Hell, this was the place actual gods went to retire and this kid wearing the Crown of Fire—and, yep, that was the Ring of Rage right there on his hand—was the bloody High King. John Constantine may be careless but he wasn’t suicidal.
The kid beamed. “Great! I’m Danny Phantom and I wanna make a deal.”
John blinked. “What?”
“I wanna make a deal,” repeated Danny.
The neon green eyes and guileless smile set John on edge. “What kind of deal?”
“I own every piece of your soul and I’ll give it all back if you do one teeny tiny favor for me.”
That uneasy, spine tingling, something-bad-is-definitely-about-to-happen feeling crawling up John’s spine and writhing in his gut? Yeah, John wished he had spent more time listening to that feeling because now he was stuck. Still, he’d spent way too much time making deals. He wasn’t going to commit until he knew all the details. “What kind of favor?”
“Get rid of the Ecto-Acts and Guys in White.”
John blinked. “The what?”
“The Ecto-Acts and the Guys in White,” Danny repeated. “Seriously messed up laws and even more messed up government agency. My hometown is so contaminated with ectoplasm we don’t even register as human anymore. We’re all liminal. I had to pull us all into the GZ to keep people from getting vivisected. So, you and the Justice League need to get rid of the Acts and the GIW.”
John considered Danny. “What if I say no?”
The friendly smile dropped. Danny fixed John with a centuries-old stare of stars and cold and infinite darkness.
“Ị̴̮͐̏̔ ̛̪͎̤̺ͨͮͦ̇o͓̦̰̩̘͎̓͒ͫ͞w̱̲̻ͣ͌̕n̠͖̋̉̆̋͘ ̨͎̺̤̩ͨ͐y͆̉ͦ̎҉̦̬̞̮͈͈͖̮ợ̩͇ͣ̈́͛u̵͍̺̯̻̿r̛̺̹̳̠̫̼̩̺ͩͭ ̷̘̙̮̼̤͉̻̑s͕̝̓̈́͆͜o̵̪̜͔̙̔ṷ̦̩̻̳͂͂͢ͅl̶̯̦̺̼ͨ,̨͎͓͖̥͔̤͐̏ͯ ̺̯̬͎̑́ͯͤ̕J̱͎̜̭̰̍͡o͈̠̘̜ͭ̋ͧ͜h̗͍̖͑͒ͣ̚͘n͚̖̳̗̩͔ͥ̎͗͞ ̷̼̫͙̟ͨC͋͂͋̽҉̞̬̞̜͕̳o̪͎͈̤͚͍̦͖͂͋͟n̡̹̜͚̗͒ͅs̡̰̼̮̲͙̜͓̩ͮ͐t̶̪̻̝̙̯̞ͦ͂ͧa̗̞̹̒̌̕n̨̳͉̱̺̦ͨͨ͛t̻͙͎̖̲̦̗̺̆̀ȉ̥̲̦ͣ͌̀n̺̱̘̜̓̊͡e͐҉̟̘̜̘͉̱,” said the High King of the Infinite Realms, voice echoing in the massive hall and, somehow, inside John’s head. “B̡̳̱͎͎͕̭̖ͤͮͅy̠͖̝͓̣̯͚̓͊̒̀ ̧͍͕͎͈̈́ͅR̷̩̟̘̩̲̖̙̲̽ͥͫi͍̘ͫ̏̈́̔͝g̀͏̪̙͇̫̬h̖̜͚͎̩̖́̏́ṭ̥̳̤͈̚͟ ̸̰̣͓̪̰̙̋͗̈͑o̶̫͓ͬ͊͗f̞͍̰ͭ̒̔̐͡ ̭̟̯ͦ͜ͅYͩ͆̒ͮ͏͈̝o̡̖̖̱͌u̸̥͍͙̮̞͕ͯͣ̅r̵̪͚͉̯̺ͯ ̨̜͕̪͒͊̈́̉O̭͍͔̪̥̞ͬ͜w̠̘̾̈͡n̸͓̣̳̑͒̓ ̝͚̼̻̝̭͚̊ͦ͝ͅC̪̪̦̭͚͋͢o͍̞̅ͧ͝n̦̪͍̜̞ͦͭ͌͑́s̛͖̙̜̱͍̩͕̝̓e̯̲̝͇̭̝ͥͦ̽ͫ́nͧ͏̞̞͍̦̰͉̪̘t͆̆̂͏̙̫ ̅ͣ҉̦͉̗̦͚͙͕̺y̩̹̬̙ͣͯ̊͜ỏ̯̪̦̇ͯͤ͡u̞̝̗̱̿̃͢ ̭̜̊̃ͤ̀ͅa͇̰͚̻ͬͩ̋̏́ṟ̡͕̞͙͓̾̀̀e̢͖͚͈ͯͧ̀̈́ ̢̮̣̭͚̜̏ͥb̢̖͍ͪ͒̑͊o̶͖͓̓̈́̚ͅų̜̝̈́̋n̨̖̫͈͎̱̱̜̔̏̀d̛̬̩̱͉̻̣ͦ͂ ̴͍͈̝͈̥̙̩͎̔̒ͫt̺̞͑͞o͙̬̮̿͌͒ͦ͞ ͖̳̦̫ͣ̀m̪̹̫̟̫̘̪̿ͤ́̚ͅỵ̡͕̣̳̃ ̷̹̳ͦͤ̄̄w̴̱̱̤̙̔͌̒i̖̦̮͙̭̫͙̠͒̊͐ͦ͝l̂҉̯̱͇̘l̵͇͙̮̻̙̦̄̈̑ͣͅ.̴̟̟̮̂ͤ ̷̼̬͌͂̅A̰̦̝̬͌́n̋ͫ̓҉̳̗̦͖̺͖̖d͐҉̬̞͕̪̤̼,̳͔͌͌̒̃̕ ̛̗͕̩̺̯̹̠̘ͪ̓į͈̲̈́f̣͚̭̖͚́̊̊͢ͅ ̶̳̗͎͉̓̉y̠̪͙̯̮̙͗͊̋̀ö̴̦̝͈̣́ͫų͓̜̭̥̙ͮ̿̓͆ͅ ̿͏̝͇ͅͅḏ̢͎̩̬̯̤͛ͨo̹̙͙̱ͫ̃ͯͯ͢ ̮̯̂͟n͔̹̘̝͔̭ͫ͋̓͡o̪͙͚̭̳͛́ẗ̘̭́̀ͬ̈́͡ ̹̭͚͖͎ͨ̆͡s̺̜̟̖̬̝̤̬ͪ͟ü̴̜̫̟͙̘̣̟̚ĉ̡̹̺͚c̗̜̝̹̫ͮ̊͒̀e̖̺͚̩͐͡ȩ̦̪̫̦̠̬̥͐̌d̰͉̘̲̒̀̑͋͠,̺̩͓̻̗̰͎̑͝ ̢͖͓̼̦ͣ̈̔̽i̭̬͓̙̼̟̓̚͡f͖͓̲͋͠ ̴͓̭̦͎̓͂͊͆y̸͔̺̤̯͙̽o̫̻ͯ̉̾͂̕u̧̫͇̮̝͔̠͒ͅ ̳͉͉͔̀̍͑͟a̙̞ͫ̆͞n̮͇̯̆͟d̴̠̰̘́ͥ̑ͅ ̛̬͎̩̻̞͈̟̘̿t̴̲͈̤̱͍̊̚h̜̣̺̯̯̫͒͘e̸̮̻͎͂̅̏͊ ̡͈̱̹̲͔̳̉J̧̼̭̦̼̹ͦͪͤͩù̢̠̟͚̤̯̥̊̈ŝ̬͇͋́t̻̰̤̘̘ͧ͡į͓̦̪ͦ̀͗ͣc̵̭̣̹̜͉̪̔̓ẽ̥̮͡ ̵̜͙͖̘ͭͥL̛̫͈̜͓̰͓̮̒͋̑ͅe͔̲͗ͯ͢a̴̫̞͈͚̲͒̓̊̑ǧ̦͓̝͕ͭ͂̀ù̸̜̰͙͔̟̥ȩ̹̺̭ͭ̈́ͥ̇ ̯̺̖͇͔̐̾͜f͕̺̓͘ͅa̍̎̓̓҉̜͚͕̪̣͍̜̳ĩ̡͎̘̹͙͇̮ͦ͊l̸̞̬͒,̛̙̻͖̱̤̒́ ̢̥̱̄ͅt̴̮͖͎͖̫͓͎ͥ̈h̜̰̝̦͙̫̩̱ͥ̀͑ͮ͘ẻ̵͔̣̼͕̰̲̟ ̵̫͓̤͉̞̲̓̆ͪ͌H̨͕̼̘̮̋ü̝̹͇̤̫͓͋̀m̵̲͓̱̰̼ͫͫͯ̀a̧̙̮̬̭͛n̲̙̝̞̟̦͇̒̾͟ ̶̘̘̺̍̎̈́̇W̛̹̻̫̜̃̄̑o̝̼͛͟r̴̗͚͕͈̗̟̒̿ͥ̚ͅl̸̠̤͙͈͖̩̙̹̔̓̚d̲̩̼͙̩͓͊̉͡ ̞̱͂͑͗͡ẅ̻̟̦͖̹͓̖́ͨ͞i̶̠͕ͯ̿͌ͭl̝̹͕̱͈̟͔̙ͩͣͥ̕ḷ̢̱̖̠̙ͣͅ ̸̮̹̘̱̖̯̣̦̓ͣ͗h̶̠̦̆ͅa̻̘̙̦̥̝̻̒͛͞v̵͖̩ͯ̈ͫě̛̫͎̳͓̙͔ͥͥ̇ ͓̟̗̜̪́͢d̘̻̹̺̳̫̣̬ͤ̋̾ͭ̕e̸̖̬͛ͮc̷͈͇̜̪̬̔ļ̞̤̱͍͈̥̎ͮͩa͔͔͖̣͇͎̺̅̔̕r͔̻͎̭̟̟̙̙ͤ͡ẹ̶͓̗͑̌d̻̯̠̩̝̳́̈̑̀ ̦͓̝͔̼̊̓̕W̬̠̙ͩ̆ͤ̽͟ä̹̯́ͪ̑͡r̢͚̙̘͖͙̽ͪ ̧̳̘̣̿͌ͣo͒͒͏̗̺n̝̯̟ͦ͌͐̕ ̖̫̾̽͐͋͜t̰̮̤̮̣͉̅̔̄͡h̜͇̟̠ͮ͜êͤ҉̤̜̮̯̪͉̮ͅ ̵̻͓ͧ̌͐̏Ĭ̷̲͉̟̩̓̂n̢͎̯̿ͧf̛̦̠͙̖͎̊ͥ̄̌ͅį̘̦͉̫̓̿ͨn̢̼̖͉͕̣̦̗̽i̺̮͍̩̭͐ͫ͠t͋҉͙͇̬̤e̳͓̎͂̀ ̶͍̞̗͖̻̥͔̤͌̎ͫR͚͓͌̐́ḛ̛̤͈̻̩͓̼̲ͤa̟͔̠̝̺̦ͧͥ͟l͉̹̼̈́́m̹̖̿̓͞s̢̭̬͍̙͈̖͓̔̾̿.̬̰͚̖̯ͮ͘ͅ”
“Right,” John managed to drawl even as he desperately wanted to scream and run, maybe crawl out of his own skin, whatever got him away from the High King. “War bad. Got it.”
The High King of the Infinite Realms held out his hand, infinity stare still fixed firmly on John. “D̨͉͇̦͊̆̅o̮̬͓̯̦̒̓͋͐͢ ̤̥̓ͪ̕w̴͉̩̰̰̐̍̾e̸̩ͮ͆̅̏ͅ ̬͖̦̻̥͋͜h̾͒̔͏͎̮͈͓̰͕ȧ̴̭̳͓͙̖v̢̠̮͍̫̓ͨ͑ę͕̘̘̰̯͒ ̴̥̮̟̝͒̆̂ͥa̭̳̼͉̬̟̺̫̎͠ ͍̞̼̍͆ͧ̅͝d��̧͕͉͕̫̫͙̮̓ͅe̛͉̻̣̋̊̓̈́ͅȃ̌҉͉͕̟͍̘l͎͓͙̼̏̆ͮ̂͠?̩͔͇̮͇̮̄ͨ̎̕”
John swallowed. He took the High King’s hand with a confidence he definitely did not feel. “Deal.”
Fuck. He needed a drink.
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This is how I imagine jokers body looks on the doorstep

dp x dc prompt: dead on main au where danny leaves the joker's body on jason's doorstep as a courting gift
in this au, danny lives in the ghost zone full time. (he's also a little unhinged.)
along with the power boost he gained as the king of the infinite realms, danny's status as a half-dead half-alive being makes him develop the peculiar ability of knowing the cause of death of all ghosts and undead he encounters.
he meets jason on a visit to the living realm and falls in love with the revenant at first sight. since his ability lets him catch a glimpse of his crush's death, he decides killing the joker would be the best way to win him over, so he hunts down the clown, unalives him and wraps his dead body with a nice green bow and sends it to jason via portal along with a bouquet of asphodels.
cue the bat clan freaking out over the unknown entity who just gifted a corpse to their undead family member with no explanation whatsover.
(danny probably should have remembered to leave a note.)
jason is both creeped out and charmed.
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Danny: "you're not my dad"
Bruce: "Now listen here you little shit-"
You're not the Boss of me! (DC x DP)
Okay so I see a lot of fics and stuff mentioning Batman having a "No Metas in Gotham Rule" and Danny either making excuses because he's not a meta or actually listening to the rule.
But uh, Danny has issues with authority and also, Batman has no authority over Danny.
Imagine Batman tries to scare Phantom off when he chases Johnny 13 into Gotham (Kitty kissed Superman so he's going to kiss Batwoman because that'll show her!) and Phantom literally goes,
"We're both vigilantes here. We're both technically doing something illegal. You can't tell me what to do, you're not my dad."
The problem is that Batman is used to getting this attitude. It's the lot in life for a dad with almost a full dozen adopted kids. The other problem is that he knows exactly how to address that tone in his kids - the Full Name Treatment. Batman's mouth moves faster than his brain can remind him this child isn't one of his and he goes,
"Jason Peter Todd-Wayne. When you're in my city, you follow my rules and --"
The two of them make eye contact, Robin laughs from the next rooftop over, and Danny has a whole new set of problems than just Johnny trying to kiss a vigilante lesbian. He's pretty sure he just figured out who Batman is; and Batman knows it.
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Not So Normal Masterpost
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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For anyone wanting to know what my prompt was before it was unfairly deleted from this very earth:
the basic idea was damian and danyal(danny) as twins and the little twist was that they were mischievous pranksters and then danny gets tired of the league around 8 so he leaves after faking his death with the only one knowing he was still alive being damian, basically they swore total secrecy unless they met up once again freed from the legues hold.
I went in with tons of story building only for my bad reception to say "no prompt for you!" so do with this what you will
#dp x dc#dp x dc prompt#danyal al ghul#damian al ghul#danny fenton#danny Phantom#Damian wayne#Robin#Batman#talia al ghul#ra's al ghul#i have depression#All that world building#gone#Little shit fenton#ghost king danny#The ship later on was gonna be danny/sucker/tam#Danny/Tucker/sam#Breathing is overrated#Dc#Dp#justice league#batfam
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Was gonna write a dpxdc prompt but right after i wrote everything down along with all the tags (its was 2000+ worded) my bad reception basically deleted all my hard work so now I'm just gonna go cry myself to sleep and hopefully forget about this in the morning ☺️
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Shadow of a Bat - Starting Snippet
Other Part, (set further after this when they get to the Watchtower) WC: 1263 Synonymous: Captured by the GWI, Phantom was a mere shadow of the thing (no, person, he had to remember he was a person) that he used to be. He thought he would never be freed from the bright white room. Not until what seemed like a mass of living shadow swept into the lab and Phantom suddenly, for the first time in a very long time, felt safe.
When Batman swept back out of the seemingly empty lab, he was none the wiser for the eldritch Phantom stowed away in his shadow.
At least not at first.
For Batman, it started when he caught Nightwing off guard.
As Batman, Bruce was used to startling people. It was a tool he used ruthlessly. Startling his children, however, was a rare occurrence. As the oldest, Dick was immune to the tricks of the trade even at his most relaxed; it’s what made him so good with Damian and Cassandra. When Dick was started on the job as Nightwing, something was truly off kilter.
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