Robin Joshua
17 posts
I'm an aspiring writer | 15 | Male | I love the stars
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
I’m Sorry
For @end-me-tm
This is the thing I sent you an ask wondering if you wanted to see it or not... And remember, I wrote this a while before all this shit happened.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for (most likely) making you jealous about me and Emerson (before she blocked me). I’m sorry I haven’t been talking to you a lot. I’m sorry I haven’t been giving you a lot of attention.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m not good enough. I’m sorry I’m so problematic. I’m sorry I’m not a girl like you deserve. I’m sorry I have so many problems and needs.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have no confidence to start a realtionship. I’m sorry I’m not confident enough to ask you what your feelings about me are. I’m sorry I overthink everything. I’m sorry I think I’m unloveable.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry for coming into your life. I’m sorry I ruined your life. I’m sorry for existing. I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done.
I’m sorry.
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
Every time my extended family gets together in upstate ny, we (the Adults) all get wasted & at least 1 giant Family Scandal comes out…..tonight is that night..
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
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HyunA & E'Dawn for MAPS
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
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good morning I’m in tears
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
Writing Prompt {No Name for this}
Last night, I asked @ggukksrose to choose this writing prompt, and she chose this. Thank you Noona :)
By the way, if you want to send me a writing prompt, send it into my asks and I’ll write about 20 paragraphs using your prompt!!
This is a soft Daryl Dixon x Male!Reader (kind of, it isn’t heavily implied, but there is hints.)
There’s only one (1) swear word in this, but mentioning of an ankle sprained and a bruise.
Prompt - “Stay still! Stay still- Oh, why do you never listen to me!?”
Daryl had an eyebrow raised, his georgia blue eyes staring into my own. His face was dirty and his dark brown locks had started getting longer.
“Why did you jump out the tree?” He gruffed,  his arms crossing over his broad chest in disappointment.
Rick stood beside him, his hands placed on his hips as he stared at me with a frown. “You just risked your life. What if you had broke your leg?” He asked, his brows knitting together.
“Look, I’m sorry. I saw a deer...” I trailed off, a pout on my lips as I looked down. “I thought that I could jump it and kill it so we’d have food...” I continued, my words mumbled but loud to be heard.
The cop blinked at me incredulously, his bright blue eyes filled with disbelief. “You were trying to... jump a deer...” Anyone could hear how shocked he sounded and I almost snickered at how he looked like he saw a ghost.
But, Mr. Georgie Eyes bet me to it, a small chuckled rumbling through his chest, his eyes lighting up slightly. “Yer one strange kid,” he smirked at me, “it makes this new world fun.”
A small blush lit up my cheeks making me tilt my head down, staring at the small specks of purple and blue decorating my - very much in pain and most likely sprained - ankle.
I looked up and turned my head, watching Maggie and Glen talking on the patio of the farmhouse. A small smile graced my lips, it was amazing how the two could fall in love, even in a world as ccorrupt as this one.
Looking back up at Daryl and Rick, I smiled widely, a small mischevious glint in my eyes. “Can I go now?” I asked, watching them glance at eachother in a way that read ‘Who should go with him and watch him?’
While they were busy looking at eachother, I squirmed where I was sat. Daryl sighed and sat down beside me, “Rick’ll go get Hershel. So stay put.” He grumbled.
When Rick was far enough away, I glanced at Daryl - who looked like he was about to fall asleep - before standing up and running towards the treeline as best and as fast as I could.
“Hey!” Daryl called after me, chasing me. He was already faster than me before I sprained my ankle, so he caught up in no time.
The taller was grumbling under his breath as he slung me over his shoulder, walking back to the place we were before. I whined high in my throat, kicking my legs and punching his back.
“Put me down!” I whined, squirming and trying to escape his strong hold.
“Stay still! Stay still- Oh, why don’t you ever listen to me!?” He groaned, throwing me down onto my seat.
I huffed and crossed my arms. “Because you’re not the boss of me, you redneck bastard.” I growled, my eyes narrowing as I glared at him.
His eyes narrowed into a glare too and he opened his mouth to say something before he was cut off by an older, wiser voice.
“But I am as long as you’re hurt.” We looked to the voice and saw old man Hershel carrying a roll of bandages. Rick must’ve stayed behind at the house.
I frowned but nodded, “Yes, Dr. Greene.” You could tell by my voice I wasn’t particulary happy.
The old man chuckled and crouched down in front of me. “Now then, let’s check your ankle.”
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
what “dont treat friends/partners as your therapist” should mean: dont exclusively come to them to vent about your problems, dont refuse to give them the space to vent about their own problems, don’t drop them as soon as youre in a happier space, dont constantly have an outburst at them when youre upset and expect them to always snap back without complaint, dont forget to see them as people
what “dont treat friends/partners as your therapist” shouldnt mean: “youre a bad person if you ever tell your friends about your problems and your feelings unless theyre 100% positive and good”
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
“Age is just a number” means senior citizens can still find love.
“Age is just a number” means middle-aged people can still find love.
“Age is just a number” means 30+ people can still find love.
“Age is just a number” is not an excuse to be a pedophile.
Nothing is an excuse to be a pedophile.
So don’t.
Just don’t.
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
흡혈귀 소년들 | Vampire Boys
This is a story I’m writing and haven’t published yet. I’ve only written 12 chapters and I don’t know how many I may write. Here is the blurb!!
일기장에게, (Dear Diary,)
흡혈귀 소년들, the 'Vampire Boys'. They're known all throughout Korea, but are seen as a fairy tale used to make children fall asleep, scared that the 'Vampire Boys' will go to them and drink all their blood if they don't do as told. I mean, which sane human adult would believe they're real? If they were, they would have been over 100 years old! So, they're not, right? I'm not sure anymore, I want to know if they are though... But I doubt I'd ever meet them.
안녕! (Bye!) 김태형. (Kim Taehyung)
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
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I am a very good writer. Very professional. Am published in journal.
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
This is my ao3 account!! Once again, I haven’t published anything yet ^^;
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
This is my wattpad account!! I haven’t published any of my stories yet, sorry ^^;
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
Introducing Myself!!
This should’ve been the first thing I did but I got so immersed in writing kcjgaslkgv
Oh well, anyway! Hello, my name is Robin Joshua! I’m 15 and I’ve been writing for about 4 - 5 years! I’m not perfect at writing yet so the things I write might not be the best. I also might not update or post a lot, please don’t mind that, I just procrastinate a lot, but it might change because I have my own laptop now (I used to share with my brother)
My friends call me Binnie :) but I don’t mind nicknames like “Bin”, “BinBin”, “Bunny”, “BunBun”, so on and on :)
You can send me asks if you want to!!
I’m an aspiring writer, so any tips and stuff would be appreciated!!
Thank you for following me!! :D (If you have, that is >->)
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
*3 years ago*
Me: "For me, you are a flower that blooms every 1000 years."
Her: "I love you..."
Me: "I love you too."
*2 years ago*
Her: "If you don't leave him alone and let me have him, I will kill you!!"
Me: "Go ahead..."
*1 and a half years ago*
Her: "Baby? I love you..."
Me: "I don't love you.
Her: "Please..."
Me: "Goodbye 'baby'."
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
The Sea
This is a poem about Kim Namjoon
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His life is the sea, He had moments were he was as destructive as a tsunami, And times he was as soft as the small waves.
He did not mean to harm, He just simply could not help it, The only thing he did mean to break into, Was of course our hearts.
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robin-joshua-writing-blog · 6 years ago
The Stars
I love the stars. I love being able to look up at the dark navy sky just to see the lights twinkling back at me.
Just like a friend has wrote before, “I envy the stars because they see everything but can’t tell a soul.” But what if they do?
What if they quietly murmur between themselves about how much you’ve grown since you were born, smiling at your first word, frowning at your first tantrum and worrying about your first fall.
I hope that when we die, we become a star because then maybe the older stars who watched over us would tell us what we were like when we were human.
Maybe they would tell us amazing stories of the people who became stars before us. Maybe they’re telling us all the answers we never knew we needed as they sparkle through the night.
I wish I understood what they whisper. Are they telling us the answers to all the questions we have? Or are they trying to comfort us and tell us that we are never alone as long as their light stays alive?
I think the stars try to guide us like they did for our ancestors, but instead of guiding us across sea and land, they’re trying to guide us through our lives.
What id when we die, we become stars? Stars that twinkle at those looking up at us, longing to be listened to and remembered.
When I die, I hope I become a star too.
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