Fight Me
19 posts
River, 21, open to debate/conversation. I am not required to respect anything about you, just as you are not required to respect anything about me. I post on here what I'm too lazy to post on my real socials
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river-is-me · 2 years ago
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Am I weird for never customizing Hawke or giving them a different name?
I feel like over half the DA2 Hawkes I see are customized and self inserts or OCs. Not just Hawke.
I change Wardens and Inqusitors all day, each with custom backstories and whatever, but Hawke to me feels untouchable, like Hawke is their own character, not one for me to make up.
Just my opinion and how I play, nothing at all against people who change Hawkes appearance, I just feel like the odd one out for not doing it.
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river-is-me · 2 years ago
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I always make a Mage Hawke side with the Templars, and a warrior/Rouge Hawke side with the mages. And I get alot of hate for it.
At first this was accidentally, but putting more thought into it actually made it make sense.
W/R Hawke still has Bethany, and usually in my playthrough she ends up in the tower. (A protective older brother doesn't bring her to the deep roads) and when the time comes, he has alot more outward sympathy towards mages because of his sister despite all the bad things he's seen, he doesn't want to see her hurt.
Now a Mage Hawke sees all this and no good mages besides maybe himself. Danarius, Amders starts good hearted but ends up going crazy, Quentin and his apprentice, Grace. Surrounded by negative, and in my own mind it turns into a self hatred.
Magic kills whats left of his family, and destroys his home and boom mage Hawke sides with the Templars.
Just how I play tho, no hate towards other play styles.
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river-is-me · 3 years ago
Who else has a favorite filter?
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river-is-me · 3 years ago
DressLily... surprisingly not bad
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river-is-me · 3 years ago
We all have cute days
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river-is-me · 3 years ago
#luisagang #oldestof9 #andoneislivingwithme #iamdrowningfinciallysupportingachildneitherofmyparentswanted
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tag yourself i’m mirabel
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river-is-me · 3 years ago
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Something that has always bothered me about this fandom is how angry people get about the morally grey choices in the game. And yes. Grey. I've seen so many posts and gotten into dead end arguments about how the choices are meant to be difficult to see a right and wrong. Some answers are only "the correct" one because of foresight, and knowing the end results. Harrowmont and Bhelen for example, Harrowmont seems like the morally correct answer, until the end of the game when it shows Bhelen opens up the dwarves to the surface and fixes some of the class issues.
The mages vs templars thing is so much more complicated, I've had people call my templar playthroughs my "evil" playthroughs, if this fandom needs to learn anything, its to look at things from all sides. Fenris and Anders show both sides perfectly, imo. Fenris is overly cautious of mages because hes seen the damage they can do. And Anders is a mage who only wants his freedom, and you should be able to sympathize with both sides, that's the point. Anders digs a hole for mages by showing WHY they're dangerous.
But Fenris also shows how far caution can turn to prejudice, and unjust hate. (My heart always hurts when I have a mage hawk/Fenris romance and he yells at you about magic ruining everything) There is no right answer. Different choices to what you chose doesn't mean 'evil.'
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river-is-me · 3 years ago
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I've played all 3 games multiple times since COVID started getting prepped for 4. Setting up my worlds getting invested in each set up. So one thing I'm doing is trying to leave a different person in the fade each playthrough. (Cheated a little left Stroud the first 2 games cause i couldn't bare to leave Hawke) But for my final two i forced myself to leave Alistair with the Wardens so I had to make the choice. Left a Male/Mage Hawke (romanced Fenris, all his family is dead) and honestly I burst into tears 3 times. When I had to choose him, when Varric came running up asking for him. And again during the scene where Varric is writing letters to their friends and Hawkes LI. The grief was real. I love Alistair just as much, and actually probably more. Hes my most romanced LI through all playthroughs through all games. But leaving him behind didn't quite hit the same way. Noone other than Varric really mentions it even happened. My Inquisitior chewed out the wardens and that made me tear up a little but, Lelianna, Morrigan, hell even Cullen, all knew Alistair from the 5th Blight, none of them even acknowledge his sacrifice. And this was a playthrough with a dead Warden. I just wished there was a scene like with Varric getting angry with the Inquistor with Lelianna. Or Morrigan even mentioning him. I feel a little betrayed by Bioware. Give Alistair some love, the man deserved to be mourned by his friends.
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river-is-me · 4 years ago
So I'm replaying dragon Age again...
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river-is-me · 4 years ago
So I finally got a drawing tablet, still trying to figure it out but this is the first thing I've officially drawn that I've liked with it
Any advice how to get better or a good channel or site to learn how to properly use these?
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
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The time and effort we put into our art 🙄🙄🙄 for mediocre results.
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
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My range amazes me
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
Everyone deserves to be happy :)
Unlessssssssss you're
White (at least 25% you carry the privilege with you sweetie :))
Pro-life (yes up to nine months. It is the mothers choice. Her body her rules :))
Right leaning
Prettier than me
Middle class or higher
Think capitalism works
Don't donate all your money to BLM
A transmedicalist
Aren't black and wear the color purple
Say theres less than 50+ genders
Eat meat
Are fatphobic
Add to this if I forgot anything :) uwu
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
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Ever hurt your own feelings?
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
You don't need to be religious to have morals. But no ones ready for that conversation 🙄
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
Answer me a question
Why volunteer to do things and then bitch about it the entire time?
Why get a job, and then half ass it and complain about ever getting asked to do anything?
Why be in a relationship and then rag on/belittle your partner and bitch about how much a relationship sucks?
Why pay for college and then skip classes, or bother classmates, or don't pay attention, and then ask why you're failing?
Why do anything, on your own choice and free will, and then make everyone suffer around you?
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river-is-me · 5 years ago
Can I just say
I hate politics being forced into every aspect of our media. Every show has to have an agenda, every movie has to have a punch line, every celebrity has to voice their opinions on everything. I can't enjoy my favorite show without #orangemanbad being thrown into the mix. And most media is leaning one way over the other. Its annoying having ones politics bashed constantly in shows, movies, and other forms of media, when these things are meant to be an escape from the day to day life.
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