rinkoreign · 5 years
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Y’all ever just.. himbo?
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rinkoreign · 5 years
Another Blog!!
I will be creating a new blog for art stuff! It’s called Athileo! Please follow my new blog to see my art
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rinkoreign · 5 years
Before sharing something sad , sharing something silly, like, just look at their fluffy-weird hair! Dont worry about the sad one,it will be kinda wholesome😁
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rinkoreign · 5 years
I love how I said I was going to be more active here, I promise I will at some point. Starting out on a new platform is difficult and I lose interest pretty quickly, but that’s on me!
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rinkoreign · 5 years
Imagine if Kakyoin lived, and theres just like this one photo of him holding baby Jolyne and he’s slightly crying because he has immediately grown attached to her. Also, it says “Uncle Nori” on the polaroid because that is what I imagine Jolyne would call him (in my personal headcannon)
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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I think giorno would really enjoy animal crossing
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rinkoreign · 5 years
Lord DIO is feeling rather generous. Reblog for a Christmas gift from the mansion crew!
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rinkoreign · 5 years
Please.. I'm begging you.. DO A JOTARO X KAKYOIN p l e a s e
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I know the the big part of the fandom ship them, but any romantic part of any show not my thing
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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So I finally cosplayed Jotaro
I am so happy and incredibly proud of the result!! I was so scared I wouldn’t look good as him, but I really pulled him off!!! I’m so happy I was able to do him justice, he is one of my favorite characters ever and it’s so nice to see all of my work pay off! I hop you all like it as much as I do!
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rinkoreign · 5 years
How does one get their Tumblr started, I’m tired of instagram’s utter bs
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rinkoreign · 5 years
Should I start a separate art blog or just keep posting my art here?
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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I finished another JJBA sticker design! These will be up on my Redbubble soon!
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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I made a JoJo’s meme I hope you like it lmao
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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So here’s some Rolling Girl art! She’s not colored yet but I can’t wait to finish!
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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ok but WHAT IF
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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“oh, you’re approaching me?”
“i can’t steal your belt to pantse you unless i get closer”
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rinkoreign · 5 years
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I cosplayed Elsa!! I honestly am so proud of this!
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