ribemedia · 4 years
‘Rocky Horror’ Quotes That Will Have You Counting Down the Days Until Halloween
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You can’t get more theatrical than the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Here are some freakily fantastic quotes from the film which will have you counting down the days until Halloween.
There’s a light, over at the Frankenstein place. – Janet Weiss
So, come up to the lab and see what’s on the slab! – Frank N. Furter
I see you shiver with antici…pation! – Frank N. Furter
It’s astounding; time is fleeting; madness takes its toll. – Riff Raff
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Don’t dream it, be it. – Frank N. Furter
I’ve tasted blood and I want more! – Janet Weiss
I’m just a sweet transvestite from transexual Transylvania. – Frank N. Furter
And crawling, on the planet’s face, some insects, called the human race. Lost in time, and lost in space…and meaning. – The Criminologist
I ask for nothing, master. – Magenta
And you shall receive it. In abundance! – Frank N. Furter
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Chill me, thrill me, fulfill me. – Janet Weiss
I’ll get you a Satanic mechanic. – Frank N. Furter
I am a wild and untamed thing. – Frank N. Furter
Let’s do the Time Warp again. – Cast
For more horror, check out www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 4 years
The Best Horror Movies on Netflix Right Now
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Looking for some things to fill your days? Why not check out these horror flicks playing on Netflix now.
1922 (2017)
This Stephen King adaptation is about a man named Wilfred James who manipulates his teenage son into helping kill his mother so she can’t take her share of the family’s money. Wilfred and his boy struggle to cope with what they’ve done, and must try to survive their lives as killers.
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Apostle (2018)
This slow-burn period piece is about a man who goes to rescue his sister from a remote cult. It starts out scary but ends up becoming much grosser and darker as it reaches its climax.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
A coroner and son duo get a delivery of a body that doesn’t quite make sense. The exterior looks fine but her insides are a mess. This movie gets creepier and creepier as the mystery goes on.
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Cam (2018)
This fantastic horror film is about a cam girl who wakes up one day to find out that she’s still online, or is it someone who looks exactly like her? Watch the film to find out how this is possible.
For more great horror, check out www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 4 years
Horror Quotes to Celebrate Friday the 13th
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Here are thirteen quotes from some of our favourite horror novels by some of our favorite horror writers.
“We’d stared into the face of Death, and Death blinked first. You’d think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn’t.” ― Rick Yancey, The 5th Wave
“I have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the black planets roll without aim,
Where they roll in their horror unheeded,
Without knowledge, or lustre, or name.”
― H. P. Lovecraft, Nemesis
“[Horror fiction] shows us that the control we believe we have is purely illusory, and that every moment we teeter on chaos and oblivion.” ― Clive Barker
“Eddie discovered one of his childhood’s great truths. Grownups are the real monsters, he thought.” ― Stephen King, It
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“It is only when a man feels himself face to face with such horrors that he can understand their true import.” ― Bram Stoker, Dracula
“Blood is really warm,
it’s like drinking hot chocolate
but with more screaming.”
― Ryan Mecum, Zombie Haiku: Good Poetry for Your…Brains
“Vampires, real vampires, didn’t nibble on the necks of nubile young virgins. They tore people to pieces and sucked the blood out of the chunks.” ― David Wellington, 99 Coffins
“Horror is the natural reaction to the last 5,000 years of history.” ― Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger 2: Down to Earth
“He lives down in a ribcage in the dry leaves of a heart.” ― Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Lambs
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“It was so close to October that Halloween was knocking at his heart.” ― Barry Eysman, Candles for November
“-there was something in her, something that was…pure horror. Everything you were supposed to watch out for. Heights, fire, shards of glass, snakes, Everything that his mom tried so hard to keep him safe from.” ― John Ajvide Lindqvist, Let the Right One In
“Walking out in the middle of a funeral would be, of course, bad form. So attempting to walk out on one’s own was beyond the pale.” ― Steve Hockensmith, Dawn of the Dreadfuls
“What looked like morning was the beginning of endless night.” ― William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist
For plenty more horror, check out www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 4 years
The Most Popular Quotes From Iconic Horror Novels
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Here are some horror quotes from some of the best bone-chilling novels ever.
It by Stephen King
"Home is the place where when you go there, you have to finally face the thing in the dark."
"Smells of dirt and wet and long-gone vegetables would merge into one unmistakable ineluctable smell, the smell of the monster, the apotheosis of all monsters. It was the smell of something for which he had no name: the smell of It, crouched and lurking and ready to spring."
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
"Problem-solving is hunting; it is savage pleasure and we are born to it."
"It was as though committing murders had purged him of lesser rudeness."
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Dracula by Bram Stoker
"It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that to-night, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway?"
"When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tell me anything of his castle, both he and his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further."
he Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
"And I think — I think the point is to make us despair; to reject our own humanity, Damien: to see ourselves as ultimately bestial, vile and putrescent; without dignity; ugly; unworthy. And there lies the heart of it, perhaps: in unworthiness. For I think belief in God is not a matter of reason at all; I think it finally is a matter of love: of accepting the possibility that God could ever love us."
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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
"Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow."
"It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world."
For plenty more horror, check out www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 4 years
Death Quotes That Will Bring You Instant Calm
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There can’t be life without death, and these quotes prove just that.
He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t yet lived. Franz Kafka
Our culture’s zeal for longevity reveals our incredible collective fear of death. Ram Dass
I do not believe that any man fears to be dead, but only the stroke of death. Francis Bacon
Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live. Henry Van Dyke
Suppose that a god announced that you were going to die tomorrow “or the day after”. Unless you were a complete coward you wouldn’t kick up a fuss about which day it was – what difference could it make? Now recognize that the difference between years from now and tomorrow is just as small. Marcus Aurelius
Don’t look down on death, but welcome it. It to is one of the things required by nature. Like youth and old age. Like growth and maturity. Like a new set of teeth, a beard, the first gray hair. Like sex and pregnancy and childbirth. Like all the other physical changes at each stage of life, our dissolutions is no different. Marcus Aurelius
The more you transform your life from the material to the spiritual domain, the less you become afraid of death. A person who lives a truly spiritual life has no fear of death. Leo Tolstoy
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You know, what’s so dreadful about dying is that you are completely on your own. Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita)
Not only are selves conditional but they die. Each day, we wake slightly altered, and the person we were yesterday is dead. So why, one could say, be afraid of death, when death comes all the time? John Updike (Self-Consciousness)
Be sure the safest rule is that we should not dare to live in any scene in which we dare not die. But, once realise what the true object is in life — that it is not pleasure, not knowledge, not even fame itself, ‘that last infirmity of noble minds’ — but that it is the development of character, the rising to a higher, nobler, purer standard, the building-up of the perfect Man — and then, so long as we feel that this is going on, and will (we trust) go on for evermore, death has for us no terror; it is not a shadow, but a light; not an end, but a beginning! Lewis Carroll
Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion to death. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I believe that fear of life brings a greater fear of death. David Blaine
The typical human behaviour is to seek security and certainty. We fear death because it’s the unknown and nobody can give us answers. Maxime Lagacé
Death anxiety is greater in those who feel they have lived an unfulfilled life. Irvin Yalom
One regret dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough. Hafiz of Persia
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. Harriet Beecher Stowe
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Dying is like coming to the end of a long novel – you only regret it if the ride was enjoyable and left you wanting more. Jerome P. Crabb
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future. Fulton Oursler
Life will undertake to separate us, and we must each set off in search of our own path, our own destiny or our own way of facing death. Paulo Coelho
People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It’s too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies. Haruki Murakami
If I can see pain in your eyes, then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes, then share with me your smile. Santosh Kalwar
I think death is equally terrible for everyone. Young people, old people, the good, the bad; it’s always the same. It’s rather fair in its treatment. There’s no such thing as a terrible death, that’s why it’s frightening. Sunako
Do not seek death. But do not fear it either. There cannot be life without death, it is inescapable. Keisei Tagami
It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more. J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter)
If you are a fan of horror, then you need to check out www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 4 years
The Best Quotes From 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'
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Rocky Horror is a classic Halloween or autumn tradition with theaters. Filled with repeat viewers, the 1975 film stars Tim Curry as an alien from Transsexual, Transylvania named Dr. Frank N. Furter. Here are just some of the best quotes from the film.
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For more great horror, check out www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 5 years
3 Scary Events That Really Happened on Halloween
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October 31st is fun for most kids and adults, but for some it is just downright spooky. Here are three events that really happened on Halloween which would scare even the bravest.
Being in the wrong place at the wrong time
It was in 1992 when a 16 year old Japanese foreign exchange student accidentally rang the doorbell of his soon to be killer. Wanting to attend a Halloween party, the student went to the neighbour’s house instead, who opened the door armed with a .44 Magnum revolver. When the student said he was there for the party, the neighbour ordered the student to freeze but he misunderstood the command and tried to enter the home. The neighbour then shot him, was arrested, but acquitted of manslaughter.
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The death of Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini, the famous magician, claimed he could take a punch to the stomach without being knocked down, so on October 22, 1926, a McGill University student took him up on the offer. Even though he braced himself, the student’s punches left Houdini in a lot of pain, and after two days he decided to seek medical attention. Instead of following doctor’s orders, Houdini performed instead of undergoing emergency surgery and when his performance was over, he collapsed. It was nine days later on Halloween that Houdini passed away.
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A deadly finale
In 1963, the Indiana State Fair held a “Holidays on Ice” skating event for hundreds of attendees. Unbeknown to anyone, including the event organizers, propane gas had been leading from a tank in the poorly ventilated Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum. During the final act, the propane gas caught on fire leading to a massive explosion. 74 people were killed and 400 people were injured.
For more spooky and scary stories like this, whether it is Halloween or not, check out the selection at www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 5 years
The best horror novels made into movies
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Whether you love all things horror novels or movies, then watch out. These classic novels have been made into some of the best horror movies to hit the screen.
‘The Birds’ by Daphne Du Maurier - Daphne wrote some of the most compelling and terrifying novels in the twentieth century. In her story ‘The Birds’, it follows a farmhand, his family, and community who are attacked by flocks of birds and seabirds in kamikaze missions.
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Carrie by Stephen King - Carrie White isn’t the most popular of fashionable girl but she has a gift; she can make things move by concentrating on them. For instance, a door would lock or a candle will fall - all with her mind. This was both a power and a sin as she was able to do kind acts for friends and also by taunting her classmates. Her powers caused her to be normal and go to prom. However, after one act of cruelty, her gift turns into a weapon of horror that her classmates wouldn’t forget.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Probably one of the most monstrous stories of all time, Frankenstein's follows Victor Frankenstein and the creature he created. On the surface, the novel is tense and steadily mounting horror, but on a lower level, it explores deeper the end of conscience and solitude.
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The Shining by Stephen King - Jack Torrance has the perfect chance of a fresh start when he gets a new job at the Overlook Hotel. As an off-season caretaker, he has plenty of time to reconnect with his family and write. However, once the harsh winter kicks in, the quaint location becomes even more remote and sinister. And the only person to notice the weird forces are a uniquely gifted 5-year old, Danny Torrance.
Discover more horror novels at www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 5 years
The best three twists in horror movies
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When it comes to horror movies, it isn’t just the fear and the gore that keeps us watching, it’s the plot twists that come along with it. Here is a rundown of the best plot twists in horror movies.
The Wicker Man (1973)
It may be old now, but this plot twist is still the best of any in the horror genre. If you haven’t seen the movie, Edward Woodward plays Neil Howie, a British policeman from the mainland that has gone to a remote Scottish island to investigate the disappearance of a young girl. When he gets there he finds that the islanders are all part of an ancient cult and he believes the girl has been taken to be offered as a sacrifice to the Pagan gods the islanders worship. The twist: the girl isn’t the sacrifice, Neil Howie is, only he discovers this too late to escape and is imprisoned in a giant Wicker Man that is slowly burned (and Howie burned alive with it) as the islander's dance around it with joy.
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The Sixth Sense (1999)
A movie that we all know the plot twist in now, but when it first came out, the twist came out of nowhere. If you don’t know what we’re talking about. Bruce Willis plays a psychiatrist that is called to help extremely disturbed people, one of whom is a boy, Hayley Joel Osmond, who sees dead people. As the movie progresses Willis helps the boy seemingly unaware of what it means for him. The twist: Bruce Willis is dead all along. He’s been dead since the opening sequence.
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Psycho (1960)
When it comes to truly beautiful movies that can horrify and chill you, Hitchcock is a man that really knows what he is doing. With Psycho he not only delivered a horror movie that has withstood the test of time but gave a truly wonderful twist, that begged audiences not to tell as “it’s the only one we have”. If you haven’t seen Psycho, it’s the tale of Norman Bates running Bates Motel that his guests are being murdered in, seemingly by his mother. The twist is that his mother is dead, her bones are in the attic, and it is Norman that is dressing up in his mother’s clothes and wearing a wig.
For more on the best plot twists, visit www.ribemedia.com where you will find the best that the horror genre has to offer.
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ribemedia · 5 years
How the Leprechaun became a horror staple
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St Patrick’s Day is a time for everyone to become a little bit Irish – if you are not already – but when it comes to horror fiction, the biggest contribution Irish folklore has made to the genre, rightly or wrongly, is the leprechaun.
A staple of many ancient Irish stories which were passed down orally, the leprechaun is depicted in a number of ways, but generally as a small happy-go-lucky creature who can turn nasty is treated badly. The image of a leprechaun has become something of a stereotype over the years, and is even often seen as a little derogatory to Irish people.
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But it seems that the leprechaun’s sinister edge has proved useful to horror writers when it comes to books and movies.
An early example of this is in the 1959 movie Darby O’Gill and the Little People, which was based on the books of Hermione Templeton Kavanagh, which, although a Disney movie, contained some menace and depicted some leprechauns as mischievous and devious.
But the character really came into the horror genre with the Leprechaun movie series of the 1990s. Featuring a then-unknown Jennifer Aniston in a leading role, the movies center around a leprechaun who has had his gold stolen and will go to any ends to get it back. This includes a bloody killing spree with some equally gruesome measures employed to stop him.
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There were eight Leprechaun movies as well, but the first two are considered the best of the series and were the only two receive a theatrical release, with the rest either going straight to video or being made for TV.
Discover more gruesome horror fiction with the books from www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 6 years
Must Read Contemporary Female Horror Writers
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One of the things that really sets modern horror apart, whether it’s on the page or the screen, is its diversity. With new perspectives leading to bold new ideas and writing, these are some of the female horror writers you absolutely must read.
Lauren Beukes
The South African writer has risen to prominence as one of the leading names in contemporary horror, and with good reason. Her writing is visceral, fast-paced, and intelligent,  leaving your mind racing and your stomach feeling a little uneasy. Her novel Broken Monsters is an almost Cronenbergian body horror take on racial identity and how society dehumanizes the physical bodies of those it marginalizes.
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Carmen Maria Machado
With her short story collection: “Her Body And Other Parties” set to be adapted into a tv show in the coming year, Machado’s star has never been bigger. And it’s richly deserved, her writing is very much in the vein of authors like Kelly Link and George Saunders, who defy easy categorization. But with a Shirley Jackson like streak of feminism and psychological horror laced through it.
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Livia Llewellyn
And now to a name that deserves far more recognition than she garners, Livia Llewellyn is one of the more unique and distinctive voices in modern horror. Combining Lovecraftian otherness and a tremendous prose style that is at once elegiac and precise, with a horror sensibility that could be best described as psychosexual, preoccupied as it is with human appetites and bodies. Of particular note is her short story collection Furnace, one of the finest collections to be released in the last decade.
If you’re a horror fan and you’re searching for more must-read books to add to your collection, head over to www.ribemedia.com where we have a comprehensive selection of horror eBooks and audiobooks.
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ribemedia · 6 years
Best horror books for Young Adults
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The horror genre is wide ranging and though some of the more gruesome adult horror books might not be suitable for children, we’ve put together a list of young adult horror books that are not only great reads, but entirely suitable spine chillers for younger readers to enjoy.
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
Coldtown is a place that you can never leave. Once you pass through the walled gate of the city, you are trapped there with the vampires that are being quarantined there and their human prey. Tana is a girl that wakes up one morning surrounded by corpses. The only things left alive in the room are her, her infected ex-boyfriend and a restrained vampire. Knowing her ex might turn into a vampire, Tana goes with him to Coldtown to get through the infection without drinking any human blood.
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Diary of a Haunting by M Verano
Paige’s parents have just been through a very high profile divorce, so she and her mom move to Idaho to start a new life. Paige isn’t exactly thrilled by the idea and when her mom rents an old mansion, she is convinced it is the worst thing that has ever happened to her. Yet, there is worse waiting for her. The mansion is a house of horrors and the story is told through the diary, photos and letters that Paige has left behind.
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Ten by Gretchen McNeil
This young adult horror book is one that draws on Agatha Christie for inspiration. Using the idea from her classic murder mystery, And Then There Were None, McNeil brings ten privileged teens to an island, which is very remote, for a party. But this is no ordinary party, it is a cover-up for revenge and the ten start to be murdered one by one.
To find out more about the best horror books for young adults, visit www.ribemedia.com where you can find lots more about the best young adult books to read.
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ribemedia · 6 years
Ideas About Satan and Hell That Were Inspired By Paradise Lost (Even If You Didn’t Know It)
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The notion of heaven and hell are something that most people have imagined at some point in their lives. However, did you realize that some of the most common assumptions were actually spread as a result of a book? Here are three ideas about Satan and hell that were inspired by Paradise Lost (even if you didn’t know it).
Satan is Arrogant and Selfish
Satan believes that he’s just as good as God, or maybe even better. Despite being banished to the lower echelons of the afterlife, Satan never relinquishes the idea that he’s better than the Supreme Being. This selfishness drives his actions including the corruption of Adam and Eve.
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Satan is Seductive
The idea that Satan is able to seduce humans comes from John Milton, as that’s the role that Satan adopts in Paradise Lost. In the Bible, the serpent in the Garden of Eden is nothing more than a serpent while Milton explores the idea that the devil can shapeshift and adopt alternate identities. While God inspires unquestioning loyalty, Satan is charming and persuasive and manages to fill up hell by virtue of his charisma.
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Heaven is Below Hell
Until Paradise Lost there was no concept that heaven was above and hell was “down there”. However, Milton described the dimensions and where they lie in relation to the Earth, with Lucifer’s domain lingering below. The physical locations of heaven and hell were created to develop the theme of hierarchy within Paradise Lost but the concept expanded into popular culture and is now widely accepted as fact.
To read more of the classics, head over to www.ribemedia.com. With great books like Paradise Lost, you’ll find lots to enjoy online.
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ribemedia · 6 years
Must-read vampire books for the horror fan
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Bram Stoker’s Dracula may have been the inspiration for many horror writers and the vampire character has gone on to be a fixture in the genre. Many writers have provided their own twists on Dracula tale while others have gone off in different directions with their own vampire-based works. Here are some of the best vampire novels you’ll to get your hands on before the sun comes up!
Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice
This may have found more fame as a hit Hollywood movie starring Tom Cruise, but the original novel is an absorbing and heart-rendering story of internal struggle. It tells the story of vampire Louis and his long journey through the centuries, touching on his reluctance to adhere to vampire way of life and how he seeks to suppress the vampiric instincts within him and his relationship with a young child who he befriends.
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Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
The father of modern horror writing, King gives his own take on the vampire genre with this terrifying tale. The story involves a writer returning to the town he spent his childhood in only to discover that it is inhabited by vampires.
Let the Right One in by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Another story which has found its way onto the big screen, Lindqvist’s dark tale of mysterious happenings in a Swedish town is a must-read. It opens up with the killing of a teenage boy and things soon take a weird and supernatural turn after that with mysterious characters and chilling reveals.
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Sink your teeth into more vampire inspired literature with the books at www.ribemedia.com.
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ribemedia · 6 years
All About Marley Gibson
Marley Gibson is the author of one of the most sough book series “Ghost Huntress”. We, at Ribemedia possess the collection of horror thriller genre books that includes “The Ghost Hunters” by Marley Gibson. You can dive in the world of horror thriller with our explicit collection only at Ribemedia.
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Marley Gibson was always attracted and enthusiast about paranormal. She is the most known and renowned for her creations in adult contemporary romance fiction, young and adult and non-fiction. Best known for her artwork named – “Ghost Huntress”. Marley was a young cheerleader when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her journey through it was real.
Marley also works as a freelance editor and ghost writer for many other authors. Her area of interest lies in scuba diving and is a certified scuba diver. She loves to cook and is a gourmet chef. Marley also loves to travel a lot. Her life lies around two kittens and her husband. Apart from this, she is the most phenomenal writer in the field of paranormally. Her is one of the most hardworking woman who carried out an investigation in for her television series called “The Ghost Hunters”. Just like her novel, her television series was also a big hit.
Her work includes All’s Fair, You Had Met Me at Merlot, Saving Face, Head Over High Heels, The Tidings, The Journey, Can’t Fight This, Poser, Radiate and more. Marley’s creations are noteworthy and have gained a lot of fan followings. However, the best creation till date has always been Ghost Huntress.
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