regin3 · 17 days
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regin3 · 17 days
This!!! I made the same mistake and have been struggling with restricting and binging for months now, but now eating at 900/950 made me remember how easy it is when you start with higher numbers. When I first started actually losing weight, I ate around 1000 every day (but because of miscalculating I thought I was eating ~1250) and I never once had a problem with binging. I guess it's a mix of both restricting higher and placebo effect. Over time I started lowering it until I came to ~750 and at that point I was so used to my diet that I didn't even feel hungry/any cravings. Sorry this is turning in a bit of a rant. Then when I started restricting again, I immediately went for 600/700 because that was what I did last, and I think that's the part that fucked it all up. Now I just need to remind myself every day that there's no rush and it's okay to lose 0.6 kg weekly 😭
Due to having exams I have been eating a bit more normal or the last two weeks or so and from Thursday on(exams end that day) I’ll be restricting properly again. I’ve been sort of restricting a bit again the last day or two and it’s been so much harder than it was before.. I’m worried I won’t be able to restrict again with out binging..
Do you have any tips or advice or anything?
Thank you so much, I really enjoy your blog 💕💕💕
awwww thank youuuu, you're so sweet ❤️
My best advice against binging is to not restrict too low too quickly. If you've been eating normally for the past few days, don't start restricting to 500 cals immediately. Start slowly, and you'll get back into the groove pretty soon. It'll get a lot easier after a little bit of time :)
Thank you for sending an ask and good luck ml!!!
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regin3 · 17 days
Finals are killing me. It's just constant 24/7 studying, so I haven't really been active on here. Weighed myself this morning, 55.8. I lost 1kg which is pretty good since I'm going for sustainability.
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regin3 · 22 days
Not really hungry. Kinda starting to crave sweet food so I watched literal hours of those videos where they eat like 20 thousand calories worth of cake in one sitting. It really did make me feel more satisfied.
Total kcal eaten today: 708
Eating over 700 makes me feel like I failed even though my regular is like 680 😭
I also didn't exercise today (literally wanna kms bcs of it) but I'll do it tomorrow. Since it's the weekend, I gotta do 2 hours of walking, so I'll just add half an hour and do my ab and legs workouts during the day. If I can make myself get out of bed.
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regin3 · 23 days
Arguably one of the worst parts of this disorder is the exhaustion like I have so much work I need to do for college but I’m just in bed because I’m so goddamn tired and I’m gonna fall behind I know I am but I can’t help it I need to be smaller
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regin3 · 23 days
Kinda hard to resist the urge to weigh myself every time I remember scales exist. I ate some bread for breakfast instead of 2 eggs cause I'm insane (obsessed with bread).
I worked out, today was arm day and they're actually sore so that's great. What isn't great is my stomach 💀 istg literally every exercise I did I felt absolutely no burn. Nothing. I'm cleary doing something wrong but I don't understand what. If anyone has some advice/ab exercises that worked for them, pls let me know.
I also paced for an hour and a half around my balcony AGAIN. I really should just start going on normal walks.
I didn't really feel any cravings today. I really like this high restriction and nutritious type of diet, it makes me feel sickeningly full so I wanna throw up at the mere thought of eating more.
Total kcal eaten today: 657.92
Unrelated, but I spent the whole day playing sims instead of studying for my finals (which kinda determine my entire future). Fun times. Hopefully my 3d discipline spills over into other parts of my life.
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regin3 · 23 days
One ED side effect I don't see anyone talking about is getting extremely irritable at everyone over absolutely nothing
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regin3 · 23 days
i won't stop ⭐️ving until my chest is an a cup🙏
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regin3 · 23 days
I feel so disgusting after eating
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regin3 · 23 days
Black hair thinspo?🫶🏻
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love black hair(^з^)-☆
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regin3 · 24 days
Relapse, restrict, rot
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regin3 · 24 days
I suck at this disorder
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regin3 · 24 days
I waited too long to take that 30 minute walk so I spent the last hour and a half pacing back and forth like a lunatic on my balcony hoping to lose those 70 fucking calories. I'm pretty sure I did. Or at least I hope so. If it wasn't the middle of the night, I'd do some jumping jacks to make sure 💔
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regin3 · 24 days
I love the fact that every time I exercise I lose my appetite. Like thanks body for doing one thing right.
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regin3 · 24 days
I love having weekend plans 🎀
Motivation to starve so I can look good in a miniskirt sipping vodka sodas 🍸
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regin3 · 24 days
id sacrifice my souls to the devil for 0 kcal alcohol
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regin3 · 24 days
This except I am an alcoholic cause every time I drink I piss all my water weight out so I become skinnier
id be an alcoholic but im not dealing with all those liquid cals
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