Anything Redstone
178 posts
Here to help with any redstone problems. I also plan to post some of my own creations including minigames and small builds.
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redstone-torch · 9 months ago
sharks every time theres a cataclysmic extinction event: damn thats crazy. anyway
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
What are your opinions on 0-Tick farms, and them being patched?
Okay SO, the short answer is I’m glad they are being removed from the game.
Now with that said let me explain. Yes I did use them, and yes I did design around the use of them for certain projects, but I think overall them being removed will be good for the game, at least how I play.
To give a super long and overly complicated explanation I think they hurt the farm “meta” in Minecraft. Which that sentence sounds ridiculous to type but it’s the best analogy I could think of. Basically with the existence of 0 tick farms there is no reason to make any other versions of those farms, unless you are perhaps on a server where 0 tick farms break or don’t function which is another strike against them. Why collect and place tens of thousands of blocks for a cactus farm that produces less cactus than a 0 tick farm that will take no time at all to make,
It takes variety out of the game. Without 0 tick farm there isn’t really a strictly best of any farm. All of the other farms are good or bad for their own reasons but all are feasible. 
Most players do not require the absolutely absurd rates that you achieve with 0 tick farms. No average player needs 18,000 cactus per hour and if for some reason you do (me) then what is more fun, setting up a tiny farm, or building your entire base centered around this absolutely massive cactus pillar that you put a ton of effort into making?
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Here is another design for my One Chunk Shop Challenge. This time we have GM Music, a record and music store.
I took some pictures from a few different angles because this shop basically reached out to the full above ground build limit, 16x16x24. An old brick record store, fire escape and dumpsters on one side, giant guitar model on the other. All of the product on the inside of the shop, and I even managed to fit in a 10 note Hopper Rom music machine upstairs (admittedly I didn’t program it to play anything, but I might!)
Took some inspiration from Bdubs, Beef, and Etho on this one. Let me know what you guys think, and I would still love to see more people take on the challenge.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Here is another addition for the One Chunk Shop Challenge I proposed a few days ago. This is an anything underwater shop so: Prismarines, Sea Lanterns, Coals and Fans, Conduits, Seagrass and Seapickles, anything you find underwater or having to do with water could be sold here. 
I didn’t actually do he interior besides flooding it and hiding a conduit in the floor but this means you could have decorative corals pieces, fish swimming around, and the barrels could be placed anywhere as you can swim through the whole shop.
Obviously the shop takes inspiration from an old diver’s helmet and I believe the total dimensions are actually 14x14x19 not including the ground. I had a little bit of inspiration from Grian but for the most part the build was ground up by me.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
One Chunk Shop Challenge
Based on my last post, I want to see what other members of the community can come up with; a One Chunk Shop Challenge.
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The idea is to build an SMP style shop in Minecraft, such as those on Hermitcraft and other similar SMP servers, while limited to one chunk (16x16). Limitations breed creativity and I want to see it.
The Challenge is:
Build an SMP style shop.
The shop must fit within a 16x16 area. This include decorative blocks like signs and item frames. 
The shop also must be no taller than 24 blocks above ground level and 8 blocks lower than ground level including the ground itself.
The shop must be themed in some way. Be able to tell what the shop is selling just by looking at it.
The shop must be buildable in survival. This means no use of creative only blocks or commands to place blocks in a way not doable in survival.
No commands to alter or pose armor stands or change item frame properties. Only base armor stands and item frames should be used.
Building in snapshots/with snapshot blocks is allowed.
Any participation would be amazing but ultimately I’d love to be able to see a shop for selling every type of block or item in the game!
Post your builds, link/submit to me if you want, spread around the challenge, and have fun. I’m going to use the tag OneChunk, and you can as well.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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As I mentioned in my last Block Update post I’ve been holding back on uploading Redstone builds until the full 1.16 release. However here I have made some small builds that I want to show off, also in the snapshot though.
I used to play on the TitanCraft Tangotek Pareon Server, and on that server we had a hermitcraft style shopping district. Shops were limited to 16x16 and could go 10 deep and maybe 32 high, I don’t fully remember. So here I designed some new shops based on those limitations.
And I would love to see your guys designs for these One Chunk shops!
Keep reading
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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As I mentioned in my last Block Update post I’ve been holding back on uploading Redstone builds until the full 1.16 release. However here I have made some small builds that I want to show off, also in the snapshot though.
I used to play on the TitanCraft Tangotek Pareon Server, and on that server we had a hermitcraft style shopping district. Shops were limited to 16x16 and could go 10 deep and maybe 32 high, I don’t fully remember. So here I designed some new shops based on those limitations.
And I would love to see your guys designs for these One Chunk shops!
Top  - The Armory: A friend and I had built an armory on that server but it was just a huge plain anvil, so here I made a new shop based on a medieval blacksmith with heavy inspiration taken from Bdubs.
Middle Left - Powder Keg: That same friend and I had tossed around the idea of setting up a gunpowder shop in a future season on the server. This is what I would like us to build now. An oversized gunpowder barrel with a lit fuse.
Middle Right - SolarStone: Not sold on the shop name but I had always wanted a Redstone shop. The top is a giant Daylight Detector that actually functions with some light cells I made myself. The roof inside the shop has light to tell you if it’s sunrise, noon, sunset, moonrise, midnight, moonset. Shop interior was influenced by Scar and XB.
Bottom - GM Concrete: My friend and I, whose ign initials were G and M, built a concrete shop on the server as well using a similar shipping container. Now you can even have all the concrete and powder inside and maybe dyes on the forklift, or have concrete inside and powder on the forklift. Machinery inspiration taken from Keralis.
Let me know what you guys think. I don’t often do builds that don’t involve a ton of Redstone so this was fun for me. If people want them, I can show interiors and/or different angles. And I could possibly do a world download if people want to look around or even replicate these shops on their on server.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
Block Update 5/12
For anyone wondering. Most of my recent projects have been 1.16 focused. Either using the new Target Block functionality or just generally making sure they survive the Redstone Dust changes. 
Because I like to provide world downloads with all of my finished projects I’ve been waiting until a proper release of 1.16 before putting more content like that out to avoid any bugs or changes.
Current project list: -Super Flat 15-16 Track Minecart Station -Long Distance Single Line Minecart Intersections. -World Anchor Status Silo -Variable Enchantment Tables -Target Block Shooting Range -Improved Non-Stackable Storage -Improved Universal Brewing System -Updated Realistic Redstone Slot Machine V3
If any of these interest you hen please let me know, and if you have any other ideas/suggestions/requests please let me know!
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Not a ton of progress today. But I got the lines to read the Redcoders, then lines into the Comparator circuits from the Composter Feedtape (yet to be done), and I’ve included a system so it’s not constantly updating the Comparators while the tapes are running.
Probably should have started with the Feedtapes because I don’t feel like doing them right now haha, but they are kind of important.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
Block Update 5/7
Some may remember my Block Update from two weeks ago where I was worried about the Redstone Dust changes and hoped that the changes, and new Target Block feature would overall be an improvement.
Two weeks later I am here to say that overall I’m loving the changes! Most notable the Target Block! The Redstone Dust change is going to take some getting used to, and we did lose some nice work arounds, and many of my Redcoder builds of the past are broken, but new Redcoders have been popping up and so many problems have I been able to solve with the Target Block. 
Overall very pleased.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
An idea for a project, if you'd like: A 2/3 tall vertically stackable sorter
Thanks for the suggestion but I may need more context. It sounds as though you’re suggesting a sorter system that is a few blocks tall as you could stack on top of each other with no interference, I’d also assume that this would be like a traditional sorter that is also tileable horizontally as well? 
Just with how hoppers work and sacking them it could be hard to do in a confined space for your traditional sorter, but there are these wonderful types of sorters that are becoming more popular called “Category Sorters.” Depending on the designs they can be tiled both horizontally and vertically and sort more than one item type per chest which is amazing.
I’d recommend looking at Category Sorters from Maizuma Games or SamostheSage on Youtube. 
And with that word vomit out of the way I’ll hope in a world have a look at the original idea haha.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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For anyone who remembers my Redstone Slot Machine from about 2 years ago, here is the a lot of the brain of an updated system. Now smaller and able to detect 7 different signal strengths instead of just 4 before. It could have been 8 but composters are weird...
The circuit on the left compares 3 different signal strengths together, and gives off an output only if all of them match. The right circuit is a new Redcoder that will read what output was being put into the double AND Gate circuit. The AND Gate circuit is overflowing the Redcoder until it gives the output and then it lets the Redcoder do its job. If its not obvious this is 5 of those 2 circuit combinations stacked on top of each other.
Basically, if it finds a match, what is that match
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Has anyone ever wanted a full 15 Track Station, with Chest UI to select your track, auto-launcher,, and this is all you see?? If so than have I got good news for you because after hours of tinkering around we have a working station!
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Revisiting an old minecart station idea with the help of target blocks! I was using them to make the build flatter, but actually encountered a problem that only the target blocks new functionality could have fixed which was neat!
Technically it would work as is, just putting the destination into the lectern and manually moving the cart making the whole 15 track station only 3x9x17 which is absolutely tiny. I wan to add the actual interface, tracks, and launching to it as well.
What do you guys think, Lectern UI or Chest UI?
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Alright, so I made a post on Wednesday about how the new redstone wire changes broke the Redcoder I had been using for years, but the new mechanics would hopefully make new ones possible, where here you go! Four Redcoder designs, none of which were possible before 1.16. This post was inspired by Mumbo’s video and includes some of his designs.
So I broke each Redcoder down into a full image and then one single slice. 
First: This is based off of an old and still working design. it uses buttons on top of the pistons to redirect the redstone wire. 4x4
Second: This was designed by Mumbo in his video, and then I slightly tweaked it to make it smaller. Most similar to the broken version. 5x3
Third: Also designed by Mumbo with no alterations done. All slices are the same except for the first one which trades the repeater for a comparator in subtract mode, with another comparator of signal strength one facing into it. 3x4
Fourth: This is a design by me, a fusion between designs One and Three. All slices are the same except the first again, here we have a glass block instead of a full block, and a button on the piston to redirect the wire. 3x4
Each one has their own uses, and differences in size and output location. Always good to have multiple options that do the same job. 
If you have any questions you can shoot me a message!
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
It took a minute but here is the download which includes the newest working version!
I’ve also included in the map a system with 2 lecterns that allows you to store up to 60 items, which is the same as having 4 of the individual systems like Etho built.
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Well I finished rebuilding the Non-stackable storage system that was inspired by Etho’s last two Hermitcraft videos. This one will still function in the 1.16+  versions, which his sadly will not. I also changed it to include his preferred features such as the auto dropper for storing and the water delivery. Big fan of the auto dropper and glad I could make that fit, a little less high on the water delivery, would probably still prefer a chest myself.
However this was built so that if he wanted a working model to update to after the 1.16 release, this would function exactly as his does now/a bit better.
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redstone-torch · 5 years ago
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Here is a simple little device that I think all bases should have, and building it could not be simpler! This is an AFK-able Block Converter. Ever have a ton of concrete powder you need converting to concrete? Or many a bunch of silk touched ores that you want to fortune? Than this is what you need. put your pick in your right hand, the block you want to mine in your left, extras of that block in the dropper, and hold down both mouse buttons. I’m going to do a quick picture tutorial under the cut.
How does it work? Well When you place a block underneath a noteblock, it changes the sounds the noteblock makes which an observer can detect. so when you place a block down the observer will power the dropper which will give you another block allowing you to mine through stacks and stacks of blocks without having to do anything. I originally saw this concept from Gnembon on Youtube, and have adjusted it myself to use the noteblock updaters.
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These are the minimum materials you are going to need. You will not need a full stack of building blocks, but the amount you need depends on how decorative you want to be. I might also recommend some extra hoppers and chests for extra dropper storage but that is totally optional. I also use a hopper minecart in mine to collect the drops, go ahead and ask me how to do that if you’re interested.
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You also want to start with a minimum 3x5 area. this will go 1 block deep into the ground as well as needing 3 blocks of clearance above he ground  for a total of a 3x5x4 area.
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The first layer, the ground layer, you want to dig out these two blocks and place down your double chest for storage. you also want to place a stair to the right of the chest, facing towards you.
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Our next layer going up we are going to place a hopper facing down into the back part of our double chest, and a dropper facing forward to the left of that hopper. I am then going to surround those all around the back with our building blocks.
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Above that layer all we are going to do is place a noteblock above the dropper, raise up our layer of building blocks by 1 all around, but making sure that the block that would be behind the stair we placed in the first layer is another forward facing stair. You also want to make sure that the block left of the stair, just above and behind the hopper is either wood or obsidian. This is the block you are going to place against and be facing when you mine so you want it to be something that takes a while to mine with a pick.
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The last layer is probably the most complicated but still very simple. We wanted to place a noteblock in the very center of this layer so that it is above the hopper with a 1 block air gap between them. We will place an observer facing the noteblock on the left side so that the arrow points away from it, and a single piece of redsone dust to the left of that. We also wanted to place a redstone block behind the noteblock to keep it powered, note this could also be replaced with a redstone torch or a lever directly on the noteblock. Then I’m just going to build up the building blocks all the way up to fill in the rest of that 2x5 area.
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Last all you have to do is waterlog your two stairs; this will allow you to convert concrete powder into concrete because the water will be flowing next to the blocks you place. I recommend waterlogging the stair in the floor first and then in the wall. This will prevent any spills and keep the water contained.
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After that it’s just decorate and you’re done! The top stairs here hide away the redstone perfectly, and I just used some fences for detail.
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As I mentioned in the beginning, to use the converter just place the blocks you wan to convert in your left hand, pick in your right, and any extra blocks beyond a stack goes into the dropper. Than you just hold down both mouse buttons.I would say have at least 2 or 3 of the block you want to mine in your left hand and the rest can go into the dropper, up to 9 stacks or more if you wan to add hoppers and extra storage.
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