Random Yandere Content
20 posts
Probably gonna post stuff from my main account ( Reareaotaku ) on here until I can get it fixed…
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
reareaotakubackup · 7 days ago
My Lover Boy
Summary: Damian isn't good with his feelings Tw: N/a?
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Damian isn't good at expressing himself, even though he tries. When he realized he liked you, which took a long time, he was determined to make you his. He wasn't exactly sure how he was supposed going to do it, but he wasn't about to give up.
He starts to pay attention to everything about you. Every kink, fidget, emotion, everything. He knew it all. Now he just had to figure out how to use said knowledge to get you to love him.
He fights off all competition. Doesn't matter who they are, he'll threaten, scare, and hurt whoever he deams a threat to his 'conquest'. This is like a mission to his; Or at least that's how they treat it.
He feels he has to earn his place in your life, because love in his life has always been transactional and conditional. Truly flawed for his devotion to you.
He invites you to join on his 'training', so that you can see any competition with him is pointless. Can't you see that only he can protect you?
Likes giving you gifts- real subtle- like if you ran out of shampoo or conditioner, maybe even bodywash. Or maybe some hair products? Or a book you really wanted. Or maybe you looked at a weapon in his home a little long and had stars in your eyes, well it's yours.
When he asks you out, you're a little surprised. You never expected him, out of all people, to have a crush on you. You never would have even guessed, like never. In fact, you didn't think he liked you much as a friend.
Good for Damian, that despite that, you really like him. A guy like him liking you? Who were you to say no? Thank god, too, because he wouldn't have taken it well.
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reareaotakubackup · 9 days ago
Jentry Chau Headcanons
I'm on episode 6, so there's some stuff I might not know
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She's pretty much obsessed with you. Like practically crazy about you
She's never felt anything like this before
Her powers go out of control whenever you're around. It's like things just burn and she can't stop it [Not that she could much before]
She writes your names in journals with hearts and your last names switched
If you ever need help, you just go to her. She's always happy to help you
She wants you to be happy. All the time. Hates seeing you sad
Would do anything to keep you happy
She loves having sleepovers with you
Tell each other your deepest darkest secrets! Oh, so fun!
She's so giddy, completely forgets her great aunt isn't there and you didn't know where she was. She'll tell you some lie, just so you don't look into it
She's very emotional- And can sometimes use that against you. Granted, she doesn't mean too, but it just happens
She's tried to kiss you, but any time she tries she gets to nervous and her powers go off. Or something interrupts her
God, she hates when that happens. Maybe if she was normal, she could finally be with you. Like a normal relationship.
Maybe one day it could happen
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reareaotakubackup · 9 days ago
Judd & His Raccoons
Anonymous asked:
This might be a weird request.. but like yandere judd birch training his raccoons to follow and spy on you for him when he can't
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You thought Judd's little raccoons were adorable. He used that to his advantage. He's usually not into girls who aren't punk/emo, but hey, what's wrong with trying something new?
Your eyes nearly light up as you pick up the complacent raccoon. "You're adorable, yes you are!" You try not to squeal as you look into his dark brown eyes.
Judd watches you from his bed. He'd rather not have the raccoon in his room, but if it kept you in his room, he was willing to sacrifice such a thing.
He also wasn't to pleased with how much attention you were giving the dumb creature, but when you sat on his bed, and laid out, your hair all over the bed, he decided he didn't mind it to much.
You found it weird when seeing Raccoons outside of your work. You didn't even put two and two together who the raccoons could be. It also was strange when you notice they were wearing strange collars, almost looked like cameras, but the thought was ridiculous.
You got into your car, leaving work, when you noticed another Raccoon on the hood of your car. You stepped out, tilting your head, realizing that this was one of Judd's raccoon's. You only noticed, because he had a cut on his ear.
"Oh, poor thing. How did you get all the way out here?"
You pull up to Judd's house, before dropping the raccoon out in the back, where they usually liked to hang. As you were leaving, you ran into Judd. What a coincidence.
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reareaotakubackup · 11 days ago
A Brand New Car
Summary: You're father buys you a shitty 1977 Camaro that looks one step from it's grave. But it seems, you might see the grave faster.
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You were finally getting a car, much to your pride. Your father told you he got the perfect car for you. Imagine your surprise when your father pulls up in 1977 Chevrolet Camaro.
You look to the beaten car, before looking back at your father. He probably got it for less than a cartoon of eggs. "It's.... Well, something..."
And that's all you say.
The next day, you try and start the car, but it wasn't turning on. You groaned, hitting the steering will, which caused the radio to turn on. You were surprised, since the car wasn't on, but it quickly turned off. Like it had never happened.
You practically out of your car and get your father, telling him you need a jump. He's a little to enthusiastic to help you start your car. Maybe he just wanted you to get your freedom as quickly as possibly, because then he'd get his own.
You drove half way to school, before the wheel starts turning on it's own and lands in a ditch, out of commission again.
"You gotta be kidding me." You groan and fall back into your seat. This was going to be so much harder than you originally thought.
Your phone goes off and you quickly answer it.
"Hey girl, where are you?"
"Sorry, my car got stuck in a ditch. I think I need power steering fluid or something because the wheel just steered on it's own-"
"Car?" Your friends voice heightens. "Your dad finally got you a brand new car??"
"It'd be brand knew if it was 1978."
"Oh." She clicks her tongue. "At least you have a car. Some aren't so lucky."
"I guess. I just wish this stupid thing would work." At your words, your car suddenly turns on, surprising you. "Holy shit- I have to call you back." You hand up on her, as you slowly pressed the gas to get out of the ditch. "You know what, maybe this won't be so bad."
It was late. Really late. Like the time of night only criminals were out. You awoke because you heard a loud bang. You sat up in your bed and looked around, before slowly heading downstairs.
Your parents were still dead asleep.
You slowly make your way outside, looking all around but all you see is your car. Nothing else was there. You sigh, lowering the lamp you had brought with you in case someone was trying to break in.
You turn around to head back inside, when suddenly you hear a radio. You look back, to see a light on in your car. Maybe the radio was connected to something solar powered? Who knew.
You open the car window and sit inside, before turning off the radio. As you were going to get out, your car door locked. You kept fiddling with the handle, but it wouldn't budge. You tried banging on the window, but it wasn't working. Your car starts up and suddenly you're being driven off.
You were slowly panicing, before the radio plays.
"Don't! panic!"
You look at the radio confused. "What?"
"You're- safe- with me!" The radio station keeps changing to combine words into broken sentences.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand? Are you... Alive?"
"Yes! Sentient Creatures- We are-."
You take a deep breath, before pinching yourself and yelp when you felt the sharp pain. "I guess I'm not dreaming. Where are we going... um?"
"Bumble." An ad for the dating app. You recognized the annoying voice. "Bee!"
"Yes! Hallelujah!"
"Okay... Bumblebee... Uh, where are you taking me?"
"The- Others."
"Oh, you mean the We?"
"Uhuh. Yes."
"Okay. I mean, what's the worse that can happen?"
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reareaotakubackup · 11 days ago
Robbie Sinclair Headcanons
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Ahh, leans on his hand as he stares at you from across the room. He wasn't super into school, but seeing you made it worth it.
You're similar to him in the sense of questioning authority [What teenager doesn't?]
You're in different social groups. As he's a jock and you're a... well, not a jock- Or any kind of athletic.
He admires you and what you stand for sometimes. Sometimes, he gets nervous to voice his opinions, in fear he will be outcasted, but when you say what he's thinking, it's like everything fits perfectly
When he gets home one day, his mom senses somethings off. Her son is moving differently and she knows it. So, she confronts him. Alone, obviously
Robbie looks up from his desk at his mother who was standing in his doorway. He cocks an eyebrow, confused. "Uh... Sooo?"
She gives him a knowing look, but Robbie doesn't get the hint. Finally she decides to just hit the mammal on the head. "So, someone special?"
"Oh, god, mom. Seriously?" He rolls his eyes and turns away, hoping to give himself away.
She hums, but decides not to press him, because when he was ready to talk about it, he would.
He tries talking to you, but he always get stomped up
He gets close, but his mouth gets dry and he forgets to speak
"Uh, hey?" You wave to the dinosaur who approached you and your friends, but instead of replying he just stands there, not saying anything. It's like he froze, his mouth open. "Okay then?" You look to your friends, who seem just as lost as you.
He decides to just turn around and leave, seeing as he's already embarrassed himself enough. He smacks his forehead repeating 'Stupid, stupid, STUPID.'
Maybe one day he can actually talk to you and maybe even date you. A guy can dream.
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reareaotakubackup · 12 days ago
Masterlist I
Masterlist II
Updated: 3/11/25 Links: 9/98 * = NSFW
Jentry Chau vs the Underworld
Yandere! Kit Headcanons
Jentry Chau
Jentry Chau Headcanons
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Hot Loser
Damian Wayne
Angels to the Heaven My Lover Boy
Own Characters
The Cowboy w/ his favorite Cow-Hybrid*
Dinosaurs [1991]
Robbie Sinclair
Robbie Sinclair Headcanons
Brand New Car
Big Mouth
Judd Birch
Judd & His Raccoons
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reareaotakubackup · 12 days ago
Yandere! Kit Headcanons
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There was something off about Kit. You could sense it the very first moment that you met him. You weren't sure what it was, but it was almost as if.... Well, he was out of this world.
But he was so insistent on being your friend, even though he frankly creeped you out. If he wasn't so attractive you were sure other people would find him creepy as well. Pretty privilege you suppose.
"Hey, Y/n!"
You try to ignore him, as he leans over your shoulder, trying to see what you were doing on your computer. He hums, reading your screen, but you're unsure what exactly he wants.
Kit wanted a soul- Or at least that's what he thought he wanted. He thought to be human he needed a soul; That's what he wanted; To be human. Maybe if he was human, you wouldn't be so standoffish. It's almost as if you could sense what he really was.
Kit was unsure if he wanted to be you or be with you, though he was leaning more to the ladder. You were everything in his eyes, perfect truly. he could never measure up to you, even if he did or didn't have a quote, unquote soul. How someone like you could exist upon these... mortals, was beyond him, you were a god amongst the filthy. And he was one of them. The filthy.
He ge4ts incredibly jealous if you talk to other people, especially- ugh- Michael. God how he hates Michael. He would be cool with the football player if he would just quite trying to talk to you. Why must that man always try to be your friend? You didn't need some football player friends.
He breaks into your room when he's having his bad days. He can't stand to always be around those 'parents'. You sleep so peacefully at night. He wonders if all humans slept like that or if it was just you. It was probably just you. He's not sure if you're a hard sleeper or if he's just really quiet. He likes to be the former, because then he can get away with more and doesn't have to worry about being to loud.
Sneaking into your room also helped him get to know you without asking you a million questions. It helps ease your suspicions about him and gets you both closer than before.
You slowly start to loosen up around him. You become more passive and open. Friendly almost, but still slightly on edge. It was progress, even if he wanted more, he'd take it. Even if he did want more.
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reareaotakubackup · 14 days ago
Hot Loser
Anonymous asked: Maybe Mike adoring the reader like "I can't believe I have you" and stuff like that! Mike wheeler is a hot loser :3
Tw: Insecurity, Fem reader
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❤️ God, he bragged to anyone that would listen to him! ❤️ Is always thinking about you. What are you doing? Who are you with? How are you feeling? ❤️ Sometimes thinks you're to good for him. Why is someone like you with someone like him? You deserve so much better. Such thoughts hurt his heart ❤️ He tries to keep you happy all the time. He doesn't ever want you to be upset ❤️ Would ditch all his friends, all you have to do is call. They hate how obsessed he is with you, but there's nothing they can say that can make him stop loving you ❤️ Practically heart-eyed when you are around ❤️"God, you're so perfect you know that?" ❤️ "I must be blessed to be with you." ❤️ "I can't believe we're together. Like really together." ❤️ Boy is dog whipped for you. You say jump and he's doing it, no questions ❤️ Loves to cuddle with you. Holding you close to his body really helps his mind and brings him peace ❤️ He truly couldn't imagine his life without you ❤️ He can't lose you- he just can't ❤️ He would rather die- ❤️ Why would you want to leave him? ❤️ Isn't he good enough for you ❤️ Yes he is. You love him and he loves you. Yes, everything is perfect. Always perfect
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reareaotakubackup · 14 days ago
Angel to the Heavens
Pt I: Menace to Society
Summary: Jon tries to get you and Damian to get along, but all does not go according to plan Content: Fem! Reader, Enemies to Lovers?, Jealous Jon [Yes Part I is on my other account. Something is wrong with it, so I'm going to post part II here]
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Jon wanted you and Damian to get along because you were his best friends. He wanted you both to get along as much as he wanted to tell you he was Superman's son- Which is the excuse Damian kept using on why you couldn't be friends.
"Come on Jon, be realistic. Do you really want to be friends with someone who can never know what you are?"
"My father committed with my mom, even though she didn't know he was superman-"
"That was different. Your mother isn't.... Well," Damian rolls his eyes, groaning, when thinking about you. "Y/n."
"You know, I think if you two got to know each other, you would realize how much you both have in common."
"I have nothing in common with that- thing."
You and Damian sit on opposite sides of Jon, having been tricked by said male to meet and now forced to communicate. Not a word had been spoken when you both realized what had happened.
"Don't even Jon." You start. "You didn't tell me he," You gesture towards Damian, "was going to be here."
"Don't worry, the feeling is mutual," Damian spits, causing Jon to sweat drop.
This was going to be hard.
Jon sighs, leaning on his hand as you both begin to bicker. How could he make you both see that you were not each other's enemy. That's when Jon heard something.
A heartbeat.
Damian's heartbeat.
It was beating fast.
Faster than usual.
Jon looks over at Damian, but the male doesn't even seem to realize what Jon just did. Damian has some feelings for Y/n, whether he realizes it or not. His beating heart gave him away.
As Jon observed his friends face, he realized that he in fact did not know of his feelings. It was just like Damian to show any positive and happiness deep down to never be felt. Maybe if Jon helped Damian realize his feelings, he could bring you both together!
And then you would probably date.... The thought made Jon a little queezy, but he's not sure why. Jon, in opposing fashion to Damian, had a nasty habit of pushing bad and negative things down not wanting to confront them and possibly cause destruction, so that's what he did with his unknown jealousy.
It was dark. So dark... And cold. You could see your breath as you sat on the bench waiting for the bus. You hated leaving school late, because then you would be stuck traveling at night. It didn't help that it was Gotham, so anything bad could happen at any moment. You had to be on edge.
Unknownst to you, dark-green eyes watched you. Damian didn't watch you intentionally, he would never do that. He hated you. He just happened to be patrolling when he spotted you sitting at a bench. It was pretty late at night and he was slightly curious what could have you out so late?
He was almost surprised you didn't feel like you were being watched. Everyone in Gotham was paranoid and being a young woman out at night in such a city and would be foolish to not be on edge.
His eyes quickly lead elsewhere when he heard a trash can fall. He wasn't the only one, you also looked towards the sound. Damian almost wondered if you would check it out. He was relieved when you didn't. He didn't need the trouble of having to save you. He decided to check it out, before who ever it was decided to cause you trouble, in turn causing him trouble.
The bus ride was quiet, but it was disturbed when hearing your phone ding. You looked down at it, surprised when seeing who the message was from.
Hello, this is Damian.
It was quickly followed by another text.
Jon wanted me to text you for us to 'get along', so don't think you're special or something.
Your brows knitted together, as a frown over took your face. How strange. He didn't have to text you; As much as you'd hate to lie to Jon, you would if it meant you didn't have to speak to Damian, but now... Something was off and you were sure that Damian wasn't telling you the truth, but could you get it out of him?
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reareaotakubackup · 16 days ago
The Cowboy with His Favorite Cow-Hybrid
Tw: NSFW, Controlling, Possessive, Degrading, Kind of Public, Plot? What Plot?, Gangbang mentioned, Hybrids
Lol this is so dumb
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Harry. He was your favorite cowboy. He always wore buckled boots, tight jeans with a brown belt, a thin buttoned shirt [The first two buttons always undone], and his infamous cowboy hat. He had dark brown, almost black hair that was cut into a wolf cut. Though, most of the time, his hair would stick to his body because sweat always seemed to soak his body.
Though, Harry had a problem. He was... well, possessive and controlling. He was the only one who could feed you, clean you, milk you, and breed you.
Your ears perked at the sound of the barn doors opening. You looked over your stall, clicking happily when seeing Harry. Though that changed when you realized Harry was pissed off. You hated an irrated Harry, because an angry Harry was a rough man.
You back up when he opens the stall. He shuts it, before looking over at you, his eyes frowning.
"God, you are just the worse, aren't ya?"
You were confused at his words and backed up. He didn't like that.
"Turn around."
You were confused, but did it, not wanting to upset him.
Harry unbuckled his belt and you knew what to do. You bent over, sticking your ass in the air so the your pussy was glistening in his eye sight. He shakes his pants off before pulling his cock out of his boxers. He slowly stuffs his cock in before bottoming out.
He rocks back and forth his hands gripping your hips. You could feel his sweat stick to your ass, as your hands digged into the dirt. Your hoofed back legs dug into the ground as well, but not as tight.
“Oh, is my whore cow going to milk me like I milk her tits?”
You groan not answering causing him. His brows scrunch together, but he decides it wasn't worth the trouble.
“Such a naughty cow. Taking all your handlers milk.” His pace quickens with his words and his nails dig into your skin. “Oh, soon you’ll be ready for a bull, huh? Gonna let all the bulls breed you, won’t ya? Yeah, you will, because you’re a cock whore.”
You don’t answer but your pussy tightens at the cowboys words causing him to smirk. Of course it would turn you on like that.
“Maybe I should let them gangbang you. Oh you’d like that I can feel it. Have all their cocks inside of you at once. God, what a whore you're going to be."
You moan at his words and slightly cum on his cock, causing it to leak and run down his thighs.
“Oh look at that, you squirted.” He bends over, his toned chest on your back as he pulls your little ears on top of your head. “Instead of a milking cow, you should be a breeding cow. Always stuffed full of cum and cocks, huh. You like that?”
You did.
And he could tell cause your body squirts again. He chuckled before cumming inside of you. He softens inside of you but not for long.
His body was covered in even more sweat, his hair sticking to him and it looked wet, but that didn’t stop your body from needing more of him. He laughs when seeing your pussy grip around nothing.
He rubs his cock, getting it hard again, before sticking it back in. Your eyes roll back as your pussy tightens around him.
“Oh my cow slut needs more cum? Yeah you do whore. Take it baby, take it all.” He grips your hair and pulls it back as he sets a fast rough past. All you can hear is his balls smacking your ass.
He puts his fingers in front of your face, and you stuck them, as he continues to degrade you.
“My little whore, huh? Oh I know you love cock and soon you’ll be full of them.”
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reareaotakubackup · 2 years ago
Kiss My Ass
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[Elastigirl Headcanons]
She's hella strict and controlling
If you're a civilian, she won't approach you, most likely watching you from a distance
^ She watches you from a distance, but never directly interacts with you as Elastigirl [Though she will approach you as Helen]
^ She does become afraid that you might get hurt because of her
Though, say you're a superhero, she's more likely to interact with you in both of her lives
It makes her feel more secure because she knows you can protect yourself
But she also wants to protect you [So if you were a Civilian, that's where her Hero Complex comes in]
She's not a traditional woman, especially when she's young, but she would be willing to marry you or be your 'roommate' [If you know what I mean]
Say you can not have children together, she would always be willing to adopt
Though if there is a way you can have children [Whether you're a woman or a man, with all the different ways], she knows that if you're a civilian there's a chance that they'll be Supers
^ And going with you being a Civilian, you would be so confused and she'd have to confess
Though, if you're both Supers, you're children WILL also be Supers and it's possible they could be overpowered
She is a boss girl, so she's fine working in the field. When she's able to go back into the field, she is willing, but the only thing holding her back is that being a Super is illegal and not being able to be home with you
Though, you encourage her and she's excited
She calls you every night and freaks out when you're stressed out
"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly and you quickly say yes, because you don't want to worry her. "I'll come back, you just tell me" ["No, no. We're fine. Everyone's good"]
She's still unsure, but she's willing to take your word
If anyone ever thinks of hurting you or if you're in danger, God have mercy on whoever the person is because Helen/Elastigirl is coming to get them
And it won't be pretty
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reareaotakubackup · 3 years ago
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Dee is mean
But something abt you makes him... well less mean?
Is that even possible?
OMG did you out a curse in him!
Why does he act so weird around you??
He cant even speak properly
It’s like every word he has a voice crack
Oh god, what if you hate him?
He wants to be around you
He wants to cuddle
He likes watching you
Even if you dont know he’s watching you
Your just so cute when you think youre all alone
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reareaotakubackup · 3 years ago
Hiii i was wondering for which fandoms do you write? Do you for PJO? Or Miraculous Ladybug ? Or Arcane ? Avatar? Or Hades (the game)?
So here are all my blogs (that were terminated, but are back up):
@batfamxreader @yandereladyinred @thelovinghost @imhellaboss @yandereducktales @3belowwriting @yanderedisenchantment @everafterhighxreader @yandereharrypotter @lovingmychildhood @yanderestevenuniversewriting @loudhousewriting @smurflover @yanderesvtfoe @yanderefairytales @yandereteentitans @insidethejob @yanderemiraculousladybug @yanderevampireknight @yanderetheumbrellaacademy @thundercatsxreader @sheraandtheprincessofpower @yanderearcane @yanderemyheroacademia @yandere-disney-x-reader @yanderelegoninjago @lastkidsonearth @sonic-x-reader @yandereadventuretime @yanderecuphead @yanderehttyd @yandere-monster-high @yandereturningred @yandere-loving-boyfriend @yandere-voltron
@danny-phantom-x-reader @yandere-metal-family @yandere-avatar @yandereonward @yandere-gravity-falls @21jumpstreet-x-reader
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reareaotakubackup · 3 years ago
Hello 👋. I was wondering if it’s okay to request of general yandere headcanons of Luz Noceda from The Owl House 🦉🏠. If not, then feel free to ignore this. Thank you and have a good day! 🧙‍♀️🧙
I was about to delete this account cause I got my old one back, but this has made me change my mind. If you like this check out my other tumblr @agoldenbaby
I hope you enjoy this!
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Luz is obsessed with you the first time she meets you
She mistook it for admiration instead of love
She loves following you and being in your presence
She feels you have wisdom, beyond her years
If you wear her clothes, she'll go bright red
She would love if you did her makeup like you do yours
She gets along really well with your palismen
Nobody could have known about Luz's true nature
She's obsessive over you, wanting to know what you're doing at all times
She gets insecure, feeling she's never good enough, and needs your constant reassurance
She loves affection and loves hugging you and holding your hand
You are the most precious thing to her and she would be so heartbroken if she lost you
One time you got sucked in by some monster sand and she kept digging and digging, before pounding into the sand
^That's when she realized how badly she needs you in her life
And she'll do anything to KEEP you in her life
No matter what the cost
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reareaotakubackup · 3 years ago
Yandere! Amity Blight Headcanons
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She hated your fucking guts
God you were so fucking stupid and she wanted to push you through a portal and never see you again
Why were you so nice to her, even when she had been so mean to you?
You always gave her part of your lunch, when seeing her not eat to much
You always let her beat you, because you know how much being #1 means to her
You always invite her to events, wanting her to feel included, even though she does not return the favor
God why were you so nice
But one day, you weren't nice
You weren't nice to her
She had insulted your friend, you stood up to her, she didn't like that and challenged you and it got ugly
She heard some light crying and saw you hiding in a dark corner
"Leave me alone"
"Y/n-" she tried reaching out to you
"Don't FUCKING touch me, Blight"
She was hurt by your words and she stood there awkwardly
"I'm sorry Y/n"
You laughed, shaking her head, "You don't get it, do you Amity?"
She was confused, but you continued
"I've been nothing but kind and respectful towards you. You've never ONCE shown me any of the same treatment. I don't deserve this! I haven't done ANYTHING to deserve this"
Amity took a step back, as you stood up and pointed a finger at her
"Why do you treat me like this?" There were tears welling in your eyes
Amity didn't know what to say, but she kneeled down, "You're right Y/n. I have been rude to you and you don't deserve it. I'm sorry."
You kneeled in front of her, though not making eye contact
Amity looked at you with pleading eyes, "Can we start over?" She held out her hand, "I'm Amity."
You looked at her hand, not saying anything, scaring Amity
Finally you stood up, looking down at her, "Y/n. Nice to meet you Amity"
She smiled at you and decided to change her attitude towards her all together
Though she started acting weird after a few weeks around you and you didn't know if it was good or not
She couldn't speak to you and she never looked you in the eyes
You thought you both were finally getting along
Her face always became a bright red when even looking your direction, and you thought it was out of anger
When you confronted her abt it, she confessed, shocking you
When you realized what she said, your face turned a bright red
You guys ended up dating and it was going so well
Though she slowly became extra clingy towards you
She didn't like seeing you talk to other people; she gets extremely jealous
She slowly became possessive over you, wanting to control your whole life; your friends, what you did, where you went, what time you did things, etc,.
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reareaotakubackup · 3 years ago
Y/n: LOOK! *Points to sky* It’s a dumbass
Hunter: Huh? What? Where? *Looks to sky before slowly realizing he’s been played* I’m the dumbass, aren’t I?
Y/n: Yes. Yes you are
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reareaotakubackup · 3 years ago
The Beast
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You leaned over Gar's shoulder, as he typed away on his communicator. He looked up at you-
"Do you think she's okay?"
"Rachel? Rachel is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Infact I'm more concerned for whoever she's dealing with."
He chuckled, "You're right." He smiled up at you, "Luckily you have me."
You laughed, "I think it's the other way around Gar."
He playfully glared at you, before sticking his tongue out, causing you to roll your eyes. You heard some voices head in your direction, and you grabbed Gar and pulled him into a small room that was nearby.
Gar was about to ask what was going on, but you quickly covered his mouth and put a finger over your mouth. Garfield then heard the voices and kept quiet. He was so close to you and Gar hoped you couldn't hear his heart beating with him so close to you. God, he felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.
When you thought the guards were gone, you slowly opened the door and looked out. You headed out, making sure the coast was clear before suddenly being tased, shocking you. It didn't hurt to much, being super powered and all, but it didn't feel good.
Gar's eyes widened and he reacted, not even realizing what he was doing. You were laying on the ground when you looked up to Gar, shocked. He was covered in the man's blood down his torso and blood surrounded his mouth. The man's body was torn to shreds and it scared you how Gar could so easily maul a man to death.
"Are you okay Y/n?"
"Me? What about you? What have you done?"
It only just then seemed to click in his mind. Though, he didn't feel bad, which surprised him. The man shouldn't have hurt you. "We'll deal with it later."
You wanted to argue, but you were scared he might do the same to you. Gar picked you up bridal style, getting blood on you.
"We should leave now."
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