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rd52483 · 4 years ago
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A night to remember! Red Dwarf left Barrington, RI at 6:00pm on Sunday and sailed passed Beavertail Point around 3:00am before heading back home. 45°F/7°C, Arctic windchill 🥶 - Hardcore sailors only 💪🏼. #rd52483 #followyourdreams #sailing #sailor #navigateur #navigation #travel #explore #discover #sailboat #nightsailing #monday #mondaymotivation (at Barrington, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGi1r1xArcV/?igshid=1t3t4ztzssnp1
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rd52483 · 5 years ago
Can’t sleep? 😴 💤 No problem. Enjoy the sound of the soothing waves crashing on the beach coupled with the sound of the pebbles being moved around. An absolute masterpiece from Mother Nature. #rd52483 #followyourdreams #waves #soothing #beach #pebbles #sound #nature #lighthouse #ocean #oceanview (at Sakonnet Point) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmG55hAesD/?igshid=11k0rn3rdvvao
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rd52483 · 7 years ago
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Let the 2018 sailing season begin! 🙌🏼 Et la saison 2018 de voile débute ! 🙌🏼 Y así empieza la temporada 2018 de vela! 🙌🏼 #rd52483 #followyourdreams #relentless #perseverance #nevertoolate #sailing #sailboat #nevergiveup #2018season #finally #september #passion #dedication #happy (at Stanley's Boat Yard) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn96RJkj9S5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11hyu3yafym7o
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rd52483 · 7 years ago
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Some said it was too cold. Some said rain was in the forecast. Some said there wasn’t enough wind. Some said they had other things to do. I just went sailing! Almost every day is a great day to go sailing. Be happy, go sailing! #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #behappy #gosailing #sailing #sailor #sailboat #SkipperSuisse #SwissSkipper #naviguer #voile #voilier #NarragansettBay #lastsunday #lastdayoftheseason #2017 #WeAreSwissAbroad (at Bristol, Rhode Island)
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rd52483 · 7 years ago
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That special look in your eyes, when you know it’s the last time you sail this season... #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #lastsunday #SwissSkipper #swisssailors #lausannois #sailing #sailboat #SkipperSuisse #skipper #naviguer #voile #navegar #velear #WeAreSwissAbroad #NarragansettBay #rhodeisland #newengland #usa (at Bristol, Rhode Island)
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rd52483 · 7 years ago
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Heading home after spending a great afternoon with friends in Potter’s Cove last Saturday. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #sailboat #sailor #SwissSkipper #naviguer #voilier #voile #velear #velero #navegar #PottersCove #PrudenceIsland #NarragansettBay #WeAreRI #RhodeIsland #WeAreSwissAbroad #sailingstagram #instasail #52483 (at Prudence Island)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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Amazing Labor Day weekend escape to Potter's Cove on Prudence Island. All smile for our skipper's family. Great conditions, great family time, great memories. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #sailboat #family #famille #familia #potterscove #instasail #instasailing #WeAreRI #WeAreSwissAbroad #RhodeIsland #escape #NarragansettBay (at Prudence Island)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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Our junior Red Dwarf' skipper took the helm yesterday while heading over to Barrington Beach for a swim with his sister and a late lunch with live music 🎶 coming from the beach 🌊. There is hardly a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the family! #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #anchored #swimming #latelunch #livemusic #family #familyfun #familysunday #sunday #beachconcert #Barrington #barringtonbeach #NarragansettBay #WeAreRI #WeAreSwissAbroad (at Barrington Beach)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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1st race of the 2nd Cox Memorial Series last night. As usual, we had a great time on the water. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #racing #regatta #regate #regata #sailboat #SwissSkipper #reddwarf #coxmemorialseries #NarragansettBay #rhodeisland #WeAreRI (at Narragansett Bay)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
When you're heading back to your mooring on Sunday night and the city throws fireworks 💥 to welcome you back. At least that's what I thought. 😉 #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #fireworks #feuxdartifices #fuegospirotecnicos #sundaynight #sailing #sailboat #SwissSkipper #naviguer #navegar #voilier #velero #barringtonri (at Barrington, Rhode Island)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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No filter needed. Amazing Saturday night sunset. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #naviguer #naveguar #velear #sunsets #coucherdusoleil #puestadesol #NarragansettBay #RhodeIsland #SwissSkipper (at Bristol County, Rhode Island)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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Red Dwarf is the fun boat and therefore you can see our crew having a good time during yesterday's Cox Memorial Series race. Jeremy made his 1st 2017 appearance and felt really relaxed 😎. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #sailingstagram #instasail #fun #tuesdaynight #SwissSkipper #sailors #sailboat #marin #marinero #bateau #voilier #velero #barco #navegar #naviguer (at Barrington, Rhode Island)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
I hope you all had a wonderful the 4th of July! Red Dwarf sailed around Prudence Island and before getting home, enjoyed the fireworks at sunset 🌅. The full video will be available shortly on our FB page. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #naviguer #velear #navegar #fireworks #feuxdartifices #fuegospirotecnicos #4thofjuly #sunset #coucherdesoleil #puestadesol #sailingstagram #SwissSkipper #NarragansettBay (at Colt State Park)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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Lunch with the Red Dwarf 52483 Youth Team at Barrington beach. Awesome way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the family. #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #sailboat #kids #enfants #niños #sunday #dimanche #domingo #lunch #dejeuner #comida #WeAreRI #WeAreSwissAbroad (at Barrington Beach)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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We had an amazing start yesterday, during the Tuesday night Cox Memorial Series race. The scenery was amazing with lightning, thunder and clouds over the west side of the Narragansett Bay. Great time with Mich and Matt! #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #naviguer #navegar #velear #sailboat #voilier #velero #boat #bateau #bote #barco #coxmemorialseries #racing #regatta #regate #course #regata #lightning #thunder #eclair #tonnerre #relampago #trueno #NarragansettBay #mich #matt #yann #SwissSkipper #SkipperSuisse #CapitanSuizo #WeAreRI #WeAreSwissAbroad #sailor #marin #marinero #instasail #instasailing #sailingstagram (at Colt State Park)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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It really helps to have our On Board Reporter back. Thanks Mich for the great pictures from yesterday's Cox Series race! #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #coxmemorialseries #mich #matt #yann #sailboat #voilier #sailing #naviguer #boat #bateau #sailor #marin #SwissSkipper #canadien #OBR #WeAreRI #WeAreSwissAbroad #instasail #instasailing #sailingstagram (at Bristol County, Rhode Island)
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rd52483 · 8 years ago
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Yesterday's race started with gusty winds, plenty of action and not a lot of time for pictures. The conditions were just perfect, sunny, warm and clear skies. The sunset was amazing and the ride home with the crew delightful. This is why we're sailing! ⛵️ #rd52483 #FollowYourDreams #sailing #instasail #instasailing #sailingstagram #sailboat #sailor #SwissSkipper #sail #boat #sea #bay #NarragansettBay #WeAreRI #WeAreSwissAbroad #racing #coxmemorialseries #mark #matt #yann (at Warren, Rhode Island)
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