"I am Raymond and this is Jethro." "I am Jethro." (Pic by ToraOkami - Mai Works is original blog)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Reblog for Good luck🙏🏼
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Raymond’s Flaws
absent-minded | abusive | addict | adrenaline junkie | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | angsty | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly loyal | blunt | bossy | brooding | callous | childish | chronic heroism | cheater | clingy | closed off | clumsy | cocky | codependent | cold | competitive | controlling | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | deceptive | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | fixated | flaky | frail | fraudulent | foul mouthed | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | grudge holding | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | infamy | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | neglectful | nervous | nosy | ornery | outsider | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | possessive | practical | pushover | rebellious | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigid | rude | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-absorbed | self-destructive | self-martyr | shallow | skeptic | smart-ass | snobby | softhearted | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | suspicious | taciturn | tactless | temperamental | timid | thief | traitorous | trouble-maker | trust issues | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | volatile | wasteful | withdrawn | workaholic
bold the ones that apply to your character.
italicize the ones that sort of apply.
Tagged By: tagged by @toraokami303
Tagging:anyone who wants to (I know no one else 8D)
#RP#character development#character flaws#character info#Raymond's a lil shit#Raymond is nothing but negative... And I love him
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Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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REBLOG IF YOU ARE OKAY WITH JUMPING AROUND IN THREADS/PLOTS. sometimes it can take ages to get from point a to point b and half the fun is the journey. but sometimes it fun to explore different aspects of a plot. flashfowards, flashbacks, parts of the plot you have discussed but haven’t reached yet. It’s so fun to explore every part of a plot and have multiple threads in different places in a plot. Or sometimes different memes you sent/receive may not fit the point in the plot you are at right now, but fit a flashback or flashfoward. So reblog if you are okay with having different threads in different points in the plot.
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Reblog if it’s okay to reply to an open starter and send you memes although we haven’t RPed before
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Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
Ask questions to/about your characters
Ask about your headcanons
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc)
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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put a "∞" in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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Munday Things
🎥 Who is your celebrity crush?
🔮 Are you superstitious?
⭐️ What’s your zodiac sign?
🏖 Dream vacation?
🗿 How old are you?
🏳️ What’s your ethnicity?
🎻 Any hobbies? (besides role playing)
🏢 What’s your job?
🏛 Do you have a college degree?
📱 Post your phones home screen.
🌦 Favorite kind of weather?
🍕 Favorite food?
💫 Sexual orientation?
😡 Real life pet peeve?
😒 Something you hate but also can’t get enough of?
😵 Biggest real life fear?
👻 Supernatural fear?
👽 Irrational fear?
🐶 Do you have any pets?
🐱 What is your favorite animal?
🖖 Any other fandoms besides the one your role play in?
❤️ Are you or have you ever been in love?
👿 Do you hate anyone?
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About the Mun
I’m an adult female being a giant dork. I love many different fandoms and blame my best friend @toraokami303 for this blog.
OOC tags will be put in the Xy rambles tag, possibly even under OOC as well, overall don’t be surprised.
I will reblog things that will pertain to the fandom of O.K. K.O Let’s Be Heros and RP posts. I’ve put many different tags, all of which might get used all the time or forgotten, please understand I’m a forgetful fluff butt.
Okay has fun, the two bros are ready to RP with~
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Hello ~Rules~
-No godmodding/power playing etc.
-OCs welcome and encouraged!
-No sexual RP’s, ever. We be robots no smex.
-Please don’t spam me. If I don’t want to RP an idea, spamming me with it won’t change my mind, it’ll make me wanna avoid it more.
Likely will add more rules so yeah
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