Raven's reviews
9 posts
Reviews of films, series, books, manga, music, video games and others made by a nerd girl. Raven - 28 - French Girl 🇨🇵
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Hi. 👋
After a long time here I am again to tell you about a very cute series that I really liked: Roommates of Poongduck 304 that you can find on Viki.
⚠️ It is a BL so be careful for those who are not comfortable with it. ⚠️
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This story is really very cute and even if the plot is quite banal I recommend it to you for a moment without the fuss.
This story is really very cute and even if the plot is quite banal I recommend it to you for a moment without the fuss. Apparently for those in the know they did another BL set called Kissable Lips which is also on Viki. I haven't seen it yet but let me know what you think.
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I'm not a fan of stories that happen in companies but this one is quite nice in the sense that it is original. Indeed, the relationship between the two protagonists is rather funny since one is the owner of the other, except that once in the office one is the boss of the other. So it makes for some really cool situations. 🤭
Indeed, the relationship between the two protagonists is rather funny since one is the owner of the other, except that once in the office one is the boss of the other. So it makes for some really cool situations.
I think it's really the kind of series that you can watch without taking the lead.
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The number of episodes is also very good given that it is not a very complicated and very dramatic story I find that it was not necessary to have more episodes. Moreover the fact that there are not many episodes makes it possible to watch it in one evening or one afternoon.
I also find it good because for once the work he does in their company is something simple and understandable. in general there are always complicated things that we don't necessarily understand and even if I know that it's not the most important thing it's always cool to understand all the aspects of a series. 😇
So for a simple evening with its plaid and a hot chocolate it's really the kind of series you need. 🥰
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Hey welcome for this new article which will talk about music!!
Today we are going to talk about the new Purple Kiss album: Cabin Fever.
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For those who don't know Purple Kiss is a girl group of six members (initially seven): Goeun, Dosie, Ireh, Yuki, Chaein and Swan (the member who left the group being Jieun for health reasons). They started in March 2021 and even if they are not very experienced yet I think they will have a long career ahead of them.
As for the "theme" of the group, it is a magic theme, a bit dark sorcery. However each album is very different from each other.
"Ponzona" was a pretty simple, slightly sultry song.
"Zombie" was fun and colorful.
"Memem" was a bit more electronic.
"Nerdy" had a rock side to it.
"Sweet Juice" has a bit of a cabaret feel.
That's one of the main reasons I love this band is that you never quite know what to expect.
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As for the previous albums the young women took part in the writing of the songs (except the intro). Yuki wrote all his raps. Goeun participated in the writing of the title track as well as another title of the album. Chaein and Dosie also each worked on a song. even the CEO of RBW participated by participating in the writing of one of the songs. Chaein also composed the song she wrote. I'm not sure about the choreographies but in general I know that they participate in the development of these.
I'm really a fan of this album. It has to be my favorite from Purple Kiss so far. Each song is different I find (except the intro and the title track which complement each other). The group uses sounds that we hear very little and stands out thanks to that. each song is a bit like a spell they cast on fans to bewitch them (which goes perfectly with their concepts 🤣).
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1.Intro : Save me
The intro is very intriguing on the level of the lyrics one wonders what will happen in the rest of the album. She is very sweet and sensual. For me it's the kind of song you play at the end of the evening before putting everything away and going to sleep, just to relax.
2.Sweet Juice
A very sensual and very sweet song musically as well. It completes the intro since it talks about the same thing but from a different point of view. I find it a bit unfortunate that Ireh and Dosie have fewer lines than the others, but maybe they were busy developing the choreography and that's why they have fewer lines. I don't know. the rap is also very soft I think which goes well with the rest of the song.
3. T4ke
I love this song ! Once again we are on a slow and sensual rhythm. I think it's a perfect mood song for a romantic evening. the only small problem is the slightly dark side of the lyrics of the song but maybe it's just my personal interpretation.
4. Autopilot
So i love this song. The rhythm changes from the rest of the album and there is a little 70s air that I quite like. But I have to admit that something is stressing me out: I know the sample and I can't figure out where. So if this ever means something to you, please let me know.
5. Agit
Agit is my favorite song on the album (even though I love the others). Sounds like the kind of song that plays in teen movies during the prom dress fitting scene. I think it's the perfect song to put in the car when you're with friends.
6. So far so good
I like when albums end with a ballad. I think that's a good way to end. So far so good is an excellent ballad. And the text is just beautiful. It's one of my favorite Purple Kiss albums.
If you haven't listened to the album or seen the performances yet, don't hesitate! One of the best albums of the year.
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Hello !! 😁
Today I'm going to tell you about one of my favorite Korean drama: Semantic Error.
❗️It is a Boys Love moreover there are scenes of harassment as well as mentions of non-consent. Be careful if you are not comfortable with his subjects.❗️
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I had not planned to watch this drama at all even though I had heard good reviews. But one evening I installed the Viki Rakuten app on my phone and I needed a series to test the app. My choice stopped on Semantic Error.
I must say that I don't regret my curiosity because this series is clearly one of my favorites 😍 .
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The story is a bit mundane but it is compensated by really endearing characters.at the beginning I was a little afraid of the "harassment" side of Jae Young on Sang Woo because I don't like this kind of story but it lasts really little time and since Sang Woo is not only a victim but makes the same as Jae Young, we are ultimately more into teasing than harassment.
One of my favorite things about this drama are its characters.
Jae Young is the quintessential extrovert while Sang Woo is the introvert. So that's why their duo works so well.
Jihye is endearing even though she's supposed to be the one who adds trouble between the two main characters. She's so cute that it wouldn't have bothered me if her character had ended up in a relationship with Sang Woo.
Hyong Taek is just adorable and even if his role is not the most important we want to protect and help his character.
Soo Yeong is the one through whom the main couple meet so we can only thank her for that.
And finally my favorite character among all: Yuna!! 😍 Already she has a great first name (and yes I say that because it's my daughter's first name 🤭). But it is above all that I totally recognized myself in this character. The bisexual best friend, geek, who judges her friends and who prefers to tease them rather than help them is totally me. I liked Yuna so much that I almost wish she had a spin off of her own.
I really appreciated the references to France even if they are few because obviously as a Frenchman I like to know how people from another country perceive us.
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The thing that I probably liked the least is the fact that there are only 8 episodes. And that's clearly too little!! 😭 On the other hand it allows to watch the series in a day (or a night as it was my case 🤣)
However, maybe we will have the right to a season 2 later. Or a spin off.
I hope this article will have you more and that you will want to discover this series. Who was your favorite character from Semantic Error??
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Hello !! Today we are going to talk about music since today was the release of Onewe's English album and I was really looking forward to listening to it!! 🥰
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For those who don't know Onewe is a kpop boy band that is part of the RBW company.
The group is composed of 5 members: Yonghoon (singer, guitarist, keyboard), Harin (drummer), Kanghyun (guitarist), Dongmyeong (keyboard, singer) and CyA (bassist, rapper, keyboard). At the moment two of the members are doing their military service so I didn't expect to hear an album from them for a while but apparently they thought of their fans by releasing the album Gravity on January 28, 2023.
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Gravity is an album consisting of songs only in English. So there are no new songs but only songs that the group has already released in Korean. The only original being the song that gave the album its name.
I was a bit scared of what it would look like since I'm used to Korean versions of the songs. But in fact this is not disturbing at all. Afterwards, there are still some songs of which I prefer the original version, but the whole album remains really brilliant.
I find it rather clever as a concept because finding an idea to fill the gap when members leave to do their military service can sometimes be difficult. Even more when the members of the group in question are not necessarily singers or dancers.
Moreover, releasing an album entirely in English can make it possible to reach a wider audience such as people who do not know kpop and who suddenly can discover it gently with songs that may be more familiar to them at the level of sounds.
I can therefore only recommend this little gem. In addition, the rather chill songs and the bewitching voice of Yonghoon make this album perfect for a relaxation session or to fall asleep. 👌
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Small classification of my songs from the album according to my preferences:
1. Gravity : Perfect. ❤️
I have no other word to describe this song. Both the music and the lyrics are wonderful. I think the voices of the boys totally match the song. Definitely one of my favorites of the group.
2. AuRoRa : Amazing ! ❤️
One of my favorites in Korean. I love it in English too. I find that it gives it an even more bewitching dimension than it already has.
3. Parting : I love it ❤️
Just like the previous song I find that the English gives it an even deeper dimension. I think it's a song that could be found in a series.
4. Regulus : Nice 🥰
I have a particular attachment for this song since it is the first song of the group that I heard. So even if the English version is good, nothing will replace the original version.
5. Montage_ : Yes ! 🥰
It's not one of my favorites, but the English version gives it even more punch I think. So she went up in my list of the one I appreciate.
6. Rain to be : I'm not sure. 🤔
I do not know. There's something bothering me but I can't figure out what.
7. Ring on my Ears : Cool 😊
The English side gives it another dimension too. I actually prefer this version to the original.
8. Trauma : Maybe ?? 🤷‍♀️
I'm not sure about the English version. Some parts of the song sound unnatural in the way of singing.
9. LOGO : Yeah !! 🥰
I think it's the song that sounds the most natural in English. It is also perhaps the one that does the least kpop. She could be in a movie or a series.
10. End of Spring : Of course !! 😍
One of my favorites of the group. They have already made several versions of the song but playing more on the musicality so I find it cool to have the version where we play on the lyrics.
11. Crazy Good : A little better 🙈
It's not one of my favorites because I don't particularly like the musicality. However I must say that the English version makes it a little more fun.
I hope that the article will have you more and that you will want to discover a little more this group and their songs.
For those who want you can find me on Instagram under the nickname ravn.reviews.
See you xoxo
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
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If you want to be informed of the next articles it is in this part.
It will be updated regularly according to my ideas so do not hesitate to come back often to be kept informed. 😊
-Cutie Pie 2 You
-Sister, sister
-Taxi Brooklyn
-The Last of us
-The legend of Vox Machina
-HIStory 4 : Close to you
-Our Winter
-GAP the series
-My school president
-Midnight Trilogie
-A tales of 1000 stars
-Avatar 2
-Mad Max : Fury Road
-BDE (French Movie)
-The Handmaiden
-The Last of Us Part I
-The Maze Runner
UPDATE : 21/03
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone. 🥂🎄🎉
Today I decided to dive back a little into the world of Halloween by talking about the very popular Wednesday series by Tim Burton that you can find on Netflix.
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I'm very divided by this series and I think I'm going to need a season 2 to be sure of how I feel about it.
Already you should know that I was super excited about this series because Tim Burton is my favorite director and I've been a fan of the Addams family since I was little. So I really liked the two together. 🤭
❗️Be careful, there may be spoilers, so read this article after watching the series.❗️
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First let's talk about what I didn't like about Wednesday.
First of all: why would you want to put Wednesday in a relationship with someone at all??🤷‍♀️ For me Wednesday is not the type of person to date someone or to take very long before doing so. She is the opposite of her parents in her relationship with love. I admit that this part of the story bored me quite quickly.
Then I find that the development of the characters is not explored enough. Maybe it's intentional on the part of the director to save material for a season 2, but I still find that we know very little about the different characters of the series. for example Eugene who is Wednesday's "best friend" and therefore quite important the only things we know about him is that he has two moms and they control the bees, as well as his love of caramel. It's quite a bit. And I think that goes for all the characters. we really only know the bare minimum and I find that a shame. So I hope we will talk about it a little more in the next season.
In the same idea as the development of characters I find that certain parts of the plot come a bit out of nowhere or on the contrary are abandoned all at once. for example the fact that the director pretends to be Morticia's friend when she doesn't like her I thought it would give rise to a plot but no. We are just given this information without telling us more afterwards. So why give it to us? after that it is always possible that something will come back in a next season, but in this case why tell us now?? I was a bit confused about some things I must admit.
Finally I know it's only a detail but can we talk for a moment about the final fight between Wednesday and Joseph Crackstone?? Am I the only one disappointed by this final fight?? i mean this is supposed to be the climax of the season where the two enemies go head to head to see which one will win and we get to have that?? I expected so much more that I confess that it frustrated me (much like the final fight between Harry and Voldemort.) 🤣
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Despite everything there are still things that I like more. 🤭
The sets and costumes are just gorgeous. We can clearly see the spirit of Tim Burton and I really like it. In addition, I like that we kept the essence of the members of the Addams family by adding a touch of modernity. Enid and Wednesday's room decor is definitely still my favorite. I like the fact that we show the character of the two girls thanks to their environment.
Obviously one of the things that I liked the most in the series is the fact that Christina Ricci, the interpreter of the original Wednesday, is present. Moreover the fact that it is one of the antagonists of the season is very interesting I find. a way for the old Wednesday to pass the torch to the new Wednesday. I loved..❤️
A detail that I also appreciated is the fact that the actors who play the Addams are of Hispanic origins since Gomez is supposed to be.
Finally can we salute the performance of Victor Dorobantu who plays The Thing ?? 😱 This actor managed to make me appreciate a hand!! moreover when one looks behind the scene one realizes the enormous work which it had to provide and I find that for that it deserves to be applauded.
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Summary of the good and bad things about this series. I hope season 2 will allow me to appreciate it more.
And you what did you think of this series?? More positive or more negative? Do not hesitate to leave me your opinion in the comments.
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Here I am again with a new article this time on Domundi TV's 2023 line up!!
After some problems with the live we finally got the announcements for the coming year. 🤣
First of all I want to say that the event was not subtitled and that not speaking Thai it is possible that I missed some things. Do not hesitate to give me your opinion or point of view in the comments. Let's go !!
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Before tackling the series, you should know that DMD has decided to develop its musical branch. In particular by creating a boyband and continuing to promote its singer/musician artists.
1. Bed Friend ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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So as I told you: I'm not a fan of sex friends stories (which is the case with this one) but I must admit that the trailer makes you really want to know more about the evolution of history between his two there.
Moreover, the chemistry between the two actors looks totally incredible!! 😍
Really even if it's not the kind of series I like I can't wait to see it.
2. The middleman's Love ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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This story looks so cute.😇
TutorYim is one of my favorite couples and frankly I think this kind of story suits them so well. It's simple and there doesn't seem to be too much drama (aside from the usual ones you see in this kind of series).
Moreover, I love seeing Yim as a very sweet and cute character while Tutor plays the character who is more sure of himself and a little bad boy on the edges.
A good little series without the fuss.
3. Love Upon a Time ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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From what I understood from the trailer (which was in original version) it is a fantastic romance.
One of the characters lives in our time but manages to go back in time and during his travels he will fall in love. I didn't really understand if it was real time travel or rather dreams but in any case I like the idea.
I find this story really cute and then to see JamesNet in a main role I think it's great. I can't wait to see what they can do together.
4. Naughty Babe ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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I don't know what to think of this series.
So yes the fact that the main couple is MaxNat totally makes you want to watch because frankly his two together are just too cute.
But I have the impression from the trailer that the story of the series is going to be sad. Then I may be wrong because the trailer does not reveal much about the story in question.
I just hope no one dies.🤞🏻
5. Zomvivor ❗️horror❗️
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One of the shows I'm most looking forward to seeing.
Already because it's a zombie apocalypse type series and it's one of my favorite genres.
Then we will be able to see almost all the members of DMD there and even if I'm afraid to see some of them die (because there will inevitably be deaths in a series like that) I can't wait to see them in this genre that totally changes Boys Love. 🤣
And finally the guest actors for the series: Boun and Boss!! 😍
I don't see how this series can't be good.🤔
6. The Next Prince série ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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Surely the series I'm most looking forward to seeing!! 😍
The trailer is simply magnificent and gives the impression of being in a fairy tale. The sets and costumes look amazing!!
Moreover the roles seem to go so well to the actors: Nunew as prince charming and Zee as adviser/bodyguard, that's totally it. I had read a lot of ZeeNunew fanfiction where one was a prince and the other his bodyguard, so I think it's cool that they're doing a series on it.
I think this will be one of the best Boys Love I've seen.❤️
In addition to its 6 series DMDtv has also announced :
A TutorYim series in collaboration with a Korean studio.
A Boys Love adapted from the Two Worlds novels with MaxNat.
A ZeeNunew film which will be the studio's first film.
A Punk Spy action series that will be somewhat in the spirit of Money Heist (La Casa de Papel).
And finally two series: Your Sky and Fan Boy which will feature the new actors of the studio.
I will let you know when we are more obviously.
To finish, know that the special episode of Cutie Pie will be released on January 06, 2023!! Too hasty.❤️
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And that's it for this article.
I hope this will have you more. Feel free to give your opinion or ask questions.
And I'll tell you next time for new discoveries.😘
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Welcome to the rest of the article dedicated to the GMMTV series scheduled for 2023! I would like to point out that this opinion is personal and that you have the right to disagree with me.
11. Only Friends ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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Honestly, I'm very divided on this series. 🤔
On the one hand I really like the actors (especially FirstKhaotung and Neo) as well as the director of the series since it is P'Jojo (to whom we owe Friends Zone) so I know that the series promises to be well.
However on the other hand from the trailer I have the impression that it is mainly about sexfriends and is not a concept that really appeals to me.
I think I'd watch it hoping there's still some romance in what promises to be a happy mess. 🤞🏻
12. Faceless Love
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This series intrigues me a lot.
I find the concept original and a change from the usual office romances. Also the costumes of the main character look amazing!! 😍
I don't know the main actors but they seem cute.
A good surprise in the end because I thought not to hang on to the beginning of the trailer (like what sometimes watching a trailer in full is good).
13.Dangerous Romance ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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So I'm sorry but I don't like the concept of this series at all. The bully who falls under the spell of the guy who bullies him...I don't understand.🤷‍♀️
After all depends on how the story evolves and if in the end it is to show through the series that it is a toxic relationship then why not. I would surely watch the first episode to get an idea but no more if I feel that the story will not evolve in this direction.
Moreover, I am quite disgusted given that the role of the bad boy is played by Perth, who is one of the first actors I have known and for whom I have a particular attachment.
In short, I am very confused by this series. I don't know what to really think about it.
14. The Jungle ❗️mâture❗️
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Definitely one of my most awaited series!!😍😍
I really like everything!!
The concept of the band of "pals", the name of the bar, the nicknames of the characters. The decor of the bar is also beautiful I think, I love the place.
Moreover ultra happy to see Lee and Nanon in quite different roles from usual in bad boy mode. I hope the stories told will be as good as the trailer.
I feel like it looks a bit like Friends Zone.
In short, really looking forward to finding out what it is.
15. Midnight Museum
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Honestly my biggest crush in all series of 2023!!❤️
The trailer doesn't say much about the story, which makes me want to watch it even more.
The design of the trailer is just sublime (just like the poster for that matter). The fantastic side makes you want to know more too.
Plus the cast just looks amazing. I don't know all the actors but the ones I know are some of my favorites.
I hope not to have to wait until the end of 2023 to be able to see this nugget.
16. Our Skyy 2 ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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I'm a fan of the concept. 😍
I didn't know the 1 so I admit I didn't really understand at first. But after having more information I find the concept excellent.
Sometimes an extra season is too much to talk about a couple, but a special episode about them is always a pleasure. It's quite simple but nice as an idea.
Moreover, the fact that it is P'Aof who does it when he has already worked with the actors means that the story will not be inconsistent.
And suddenly most of my favorite actors in the same series is always cool.🤭
17. Beauty Newbie
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I think I'll watch a few episodes when I have time, but I don't think I'll hang with the show.
First of all, love triangles in the series are really not my thing. I hate it and it tends to get on my nerves quickly.
Second, I'm not sure I appreciate a series based on female beauty which is like something important to move forward in life.
But I still want to give a chance to this series which still looks very cute.
18. Cherry Magic 30 ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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So I know that the story of this series is not one of the most thrilling that exists.
But I can't wait to see it! 😁
Cherry Magic 30 is the first BL that I watched and suddenly I have a particular attachment for this story. ❤️
I hope the Thai version will be as good as the Japanese version.
Besides, I know that the actors are used to playing together so I don't worry too much about that.
19. The interest
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I don't know if I could see this film since it's always easier to find series than films when you don't live in the country of origin of the film in question.
But I wanted to point out that the soundtrack sounds amazing! And yes it's one of the only reasons that made me want to see this film. 🤣
Although I must admit that the story is quite original.
However, if you don't like violence, I don't recommend this movie
And There you go !
I would like to point out that a series is missing because I didn't have the English version of the title to look for it.
If you liked this article and want to know more, you can watch the trailers on GMMTV's YouTube channel.
You can also leave comments to give me your opinion or ask questions.
And I say see you soon for a new article !! 😘
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ravns-reviews · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to the first article of Raven's Reviews. 😊
For this first article I decided to talk about the announcement of the 2023 series of GMMTV which took place on November 22nd. I specify that what I say in this article is only my personal opinion and that you have the right not to have the same.
So let's go !!
1. Enigma ❗️Horror❗️
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Really looking forward to this series.
I'm a huge horror fan and I have to admit that the Enigma trailer intrigued me. The passage between the "normal" moment and the "dark" moment is extremely well done. The trailer indicates the genre of the series well without revealing too much about the story.
I don't know the two main actors but they seem really endearing (I love the look of the actor in trailer scenes).😏
Even if the story is not clear I can't wait to discover it and learn more. The poster of the series is also really beautiful. We understand the kind of story it could be.
In short, a really promising first series.
2. A boss and a babe ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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I'm a little confused by this series.
Boss/employee romances aren't my favorite kind of romance. Moreover, I didn't particularly hook up with the two main actors in their previous BL (Sorry for the fans who love this ship 🙈).
However, the trailer still makes you want to know more and some moments look quite comical. The fact that two actors that I really like play in the series still makes me want to see it.
I think I'll watch it when I have nothing else to watch
3. Find Yourself
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The story is simple but I find in tune with the times.
Moreover the tone of the series looks quite comical. I think it's the kind of series to do with your sister or your best friend to have a good time without taking the lead.
I don't know the two actors but I think they look cute. In addition, the secondary couple of the drama also looks very cute.
In short, even though the story is quite simple I will watch this series because I know I will have a fun time.
4.Double Savage ❗️Violence❗️
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So I admit that I didn't understand everything in the trailer so I can't judge the story too much.😄
However, we understand the general atmosphere and the tone given. If you are not comfortable with the violent side, this series is not for you.
Even if I think it's the trailer that says the least, I already know that I'm going to watch since the four main actors are four actors that I really like. Moreover seeing Ohm in a dark register like that is interesting because it is so far from what he is in real life.
I really can't wait to hear more about this story of brothers and I hope no one dies at the end.🤞
5.Hidden Agenda ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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The story is simple and i must say that i find it strange to ask someone's ex for advice on how to date this person but why not. 🤷‍♀️
The hero's friends look so funny. I like this group of friends in the dramas which are a bit silly but which we love so much because we have to recognize that they look like us.
I don't know the two main actors so I can't judge the chemistry between the two, but in any case the images promise some serious spikes between the two.
I probably wouldn't watch it when it came out, but why not later.
6. 23.5 ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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Milk and Love. Nothing else needs to be said. No I'm kidding (even if it's a little true). 🤭
Already very happy to see the first GL of GMMTV. The fact that the director is a woman is even better, I think.
In addition, I really like the chemistry between Milk and Love, so very happy that they are the ones who are carrying out this project.
The story just looks so cute! I feel that we are going to be entitled to great romantic moments. I can't wait to know more. Also, I really like the clean style that the drama seems to have. It's simple but effective.
The secondary couple seems to be super endearing too! I'm totally the guy who doesn't know how to flirt and throws paper balls to try to do it..🤣
In short, I would say that it is one of the series that I expect the most and that I will certainly watch as soon as it comes out.
7.Cooking Crush ❗️🏳️‍🌈❗️
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So I have to admit that I don't like the poster of the series because I don't like green.🙈
As for the series itself, the story seems rather simple but the comic side makes you want to watch. It's the kind of no-nonsense series that you watch when you don't want to think.
The fact that it's about food is definitely a plus (yes I like to eat don't judge me).😉
I know a lot of people didn't particularly want to see an OffGun again, but personally I love them so much I don't mind. yes sometimes changing is good, but the values ​​on it is cool too. I can't wait to see both in this kind of register in which I haven't seen them yet.
8.Wednesday Club ❗️Violence❗️
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I'm not too sure what this series will give. I like the side a bit like Skins or Skam where we follow a group of friends who do friend stuff (a bit unusual according to the trailer but why not 🤭), but suddenly I wonder if that doesn't will not be repetitive as a scenario.
I don't know almost any actor except Ohm so it will be the opportunity to discover a lot of them and that's cool.
I don't know if I would watch the whole series if I don't hang on I'll give it a chance.
9.Last Twilight ❗️🏳️‍🌈 + Injury❗️
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I feel that this series is going to make me cry like never before. 😭
Apparently it's not an adaptation of a novel but an original creation and I find that rather interesting.
Then the fact that P'Aof is the director of the project gives me confidence because I know that he makes quality series.
The story looks sad and cute at the same time so I can't wait to hear more.
Also very happy to see the JimmySea duo again, who are one of my favorite ships.😍 I know it's going to be romantic and frankly I love it even if sometimes it borders on too much.
One of the series I'm most looking forward to seeing when it comes out.
10. Loneliness Society ❗️Accident❗️
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I absolutely did not expect that when the trailer started. 🤣
So very intrigued by this series. Afterwards I hope that the comic side will not be too heavy anyway because it can become tiresome.
The actors look pretty cool anyway. In short I did not think to look at the start but why not.
More in the next article !!😇
Do not hesitate to leave comments on the various series to give me your opinion or do not hesitate to ask questions if you ever have any.❤️
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