Artists in artist alleys
Apparently there are some artists out there who get down right jealous or angry... when artists that they deem inferior make more sales than they do.. up to the point where they will do nefarious things.. such as steal minor objects and business cards to try and stifle their success.. And here is what I have to say about that.. LOOK first off.. art is a very SUBJECTIVE thing.. meaning just because you find it inferior.. doesn't mean other people find it that way as well.. another thing to think about is that maybe the reason they are more successful than you are isn't just down to the stuff that they sell but also the attitude that is projected out.. or even the prices that you price your artwork at.. I hate to say it but most people who attend artist alleys do not care that much about the quality of the paper in which you print your prints on.. so long as they are better than printer paper you are pretty much good to go.. leave the high quality photo paper and vinal prints for actually art galleries.. also everyone knows that prints are a continuous product.. meaning.. you can continuously make prints over and over and over.. they will NEVER be worth as much as an original peice.. people view prints at a FAR LESS value than the original work.. but at the same time.. these people are more likely to buy prints vs original peice..(amusing you are working with traditional that is) If you sell prints for higher than say 5$ or 6$ for a basic letter size (aprox) print you are not going to sell them very often.. My group sells our artwork on basic card-stock that can be bought from Walmart for about 5$ .. after that the print is taken to kinkos for prints and because we have our own paper it costs less.. The way we run our profit lines.. we ask for reasonable profits .. payment for materials, and what we think our time is worth.. we are totally ok with not making 200-300% profit.. we are not greedy.. I know for me so long as it pays for my materials, and my stay at the convention I am good..
I DESPISE sore bitter people who can’t handle that they can’t sell like others so they leash out on these other people.. because “they paid for their table to and should have more sales.. cause they are better..” If you are an artist who can go up to OTHER ARTISTS REGARDLESS of skill level and can say YOUR ART SUCKS COMPARED TO MINE!! you need to reevaluate your life.. cause you are a horrible despicable person... and let me tell ya if it was my information on them cards my group put out that got contacted.. I would not have been so nice..
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Artist ally woes ..
Ok so things that I get irritated about when it comes to people that tend to attend anime cons and go to the dealer roms/artist ally.. the kind of browsers i dislike.. are the ones who think that paying more than 5 or 10 dollars for something that was handcrafted is a waste of money.. dispite if they like the item or not.. To these people I want to tell you that everything an artist does cost money to actually make.. they don't just come up with materials out of the blue .. they dont typically dumpster dive or use recycled objects around the house to make quality items.. materials cost money.. and people should get payed for the work that they put in to the item.. I know a lot of people over charge.. but some people out there.. such as my business only pull a small percentage of profit from our items.. most of what we charge is simply covering the cost of materials and covering the cost to even be there at the convention.. including hotel costs,possibly a couple meals, and dealer room fees as well as possible fees that go along with card readers for people who want to use credit or debit cards.. for my group the convention is a chance to make some money to help pay for our regular costs.. and it gives us a working holliday.. basically a chance to have a change of cenery without really losing money from not working our regular job.. and of course we get to sell our art work which to us is kinda fun.. it just bothers me that some people out there realy undervalue artists and their work.. and no I am not just talking about my self... i only mention it cause i see it repeated over and over by observing other artists.. and talking with them.. sadder than that is the fact that most people just have less money to work with these days it seems.. I am talking about the buyers.. people who brows and look for something they would like to spend their money on.. it seems more and more people are having less and less money to spend.. a normally quite busy convention this weekend is not much proffit if any for much of anyone it seems.. most people just browse find things interesting but i see dissapoint when they find out its more than what they can spend.. i suspect some people are greatly affeted by the having to tighten their wallets.. :/ .. I know how it is.. I usually go in with no more than 200$ for the entire weekend... unless i end up making a little more than expected on sales.. times these days are kind of sucky.. :/ (writen on a browser with no spell check will come back and edit later)
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Why do ppl feel the need to confront other ppl about how much they hate who you are simply for liking something that they do not? Why do ppl feel the need to confront other people who look personally unpleasant and tell them that they are? Why do ppl feel the need to confront other people who decide to live in a way that is personally unpleasant? Why can we not accept that everyone enjoys different things? Or likes to live life their own way instead of what's considered "normal"? If they hurt no one.. why do ppl feel the need to confront others and tell them how to be?
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Do more people regard male artists more highly than female ones?
Not really a rant.. more like an observation..
This is a curious thing I have thought about over the years.. and this could be just a coincidence in my case.. I am not at al a feminist or against the male side of the species.. I am quite neutral most the time when it comes to equality.. I am more of an equal for all type person.. not just for some or for a few.. anyway I have come to notice that if people think your male.. they think more highly of you and your work as an artist then if you were female.. I have many times been part of communities that have avatars that represent you.. some of them 3D like Second Life and some of them 2D such as Gaia or any other website that allows an avatar and a name to represent you so really tumblr could be one or devient art... I have noticed that if I prance around the art communities and the creator areas of the interwebs.. chances of me obtaining commissions are higher if I am thought of as male then if people thought I was female.. again.. it could possibly be just the flip of the coin.. I had told my sister of my thoughts.. and she actually agreed with me.. stating that if she opens up commissions as female.. she hardly gets anything in responses.. however.. if she opens up her commissions (real money or not) under a male persona people seems to flock to her and sometimes overwhelm her with work.. I was shocked to find out that she too had found her self in the same situation as i had.. I had also spoken to a friend and his girl friend (both also SL creators) about this on Second Life and his girl friend had mentioned that she almost always has to sell her creations under an alt male persona she had created.. she said that no one really shows any interest in her work unless they think they are talking to and buying from a male.. When under her male persona she sells very well and makes a decent income from it.. when under her female persona she was not close to be as successful even though the artist is the same and the work is the same.. She told me this quite a while ago on Second Life when I was just starting in creating there.. at first I thought she was somewhat delusional .. until i began to notice it myself..
I have made such observations.. but the stranger thing is.. I do not think people set out to do this deliberately.. and I even think a lot of people may argue that it is not the case.. and surely not all people do this.. but i think the majority does.. it does make me somewhat sad that on the internet.. in order to snag some commission work.. or make good sales in SL people have to think I am male... its quite curious..
#male vs female#female vs male#males#females#observation#observations#artist#artists#creators#second life#sl#gaia#gaiaonline#deviant art#avatar
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negativity is pretty high
There seems to be quiate a lot of negativity these days.. or perhaps i am just kinda realiseing it now that I spend a good deal of my life connected to the rest of the world..
Not only negativity .. but a whole lot of unessasary negativity.. (not that i think a whole lot of negativity is ever nessasary..) its just rediculous.. I am tired of reading and hearing about people shaming some other people because they wont conform to particular ideals... or CANT conform to particular ideals.. its stupid really.. Why is it that a person can't live how they wish in peice with out others causing a problems simply because of the way a person choses to live that life... If a person lives their life and does not actually hurt anyone in the process in a physical or mental way.. why is it a problem? Why is it a problem because someone was born with or in a skin tone/race/nationality different from your own? i do these people think that a child makes a decision to be born? Do they think these children as souls before birth (saying their is such a thing) decide "I think i want to be *enter skin color/race/nationality here* for this life time"? and if that were the case who is to say what kind of human is the "best" kind? and even if they did choose.. obviously they are not aware of it while in this life.. so that argument would be invalid anyway.. Why is it that people argue over the silliest things that no one has control over? why is it that an entire nation can pay the price for the actions of the few? why is it that kids get the crap beat out of them or killed over a pair of sneakers or other material possessions? why cant humans accept each other for who they are.. as other humans? why is it everyone thinks that their way is the only right way? why is it humans think they have the right to harp on other humans for looking a particular way that is not in popular tastes?
Why is it that humans are overly focused only on the material and the physical? Why is it that the majority fail to see even part of the bigger picture?.. Do they realize at all how blind they truly are? I wonder what would happen if they ever come to realize that blindness?..
#rant#rants#life rants#ranty#ranty rant#negativity#racism#global#problems#world problems#humans#humanity#shallow#acceptance#peace#love#sadness#blindness
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Damn low lvl npc killers
To all you jerks who kill off low lvl questing zone towns.. F to the U .. Because of you I now have to wait FOREVER! for my quest giver to rez.. thnx..
#rant#rants#ranty#ranty rant#game rant#wow rant#world of warcraft#warcraft#world#gaming#video games#game#games#gamer#baww#waah
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a post i made to a friend
This is a post i made to friend that was down.. because of her disability and how people make it seem as though she should work even though she cant due to severe depression and anxiety among other things..... because everyone hates and dislikes their job.. but have to deal with it..
this is what I think and told her... and i am posting it here cause it did hit a bit ranty.. and it is stuff i don't understand about humanity..
Work should not take the majority of ones day.. in order to make a decent living .. imo of course.. I think life should be mostly focused on the self.. having fun and connecting together.. but this is taken away.. all people are.. are glorified slaves.. its just what it looks like to me.. They make the "commoner" life in such a way that we don't notice and not question.. we think its just the way things are suppose to be... and we accept it .. Think not? then why is it everyone hates work.. but yet everyone chooses to work? hmm? if everyone hated work.. and just thought.. no everyone just don't work.. we will just do our own thing.. the set up would rip apart... lol.. but people.. they continue to do what they hate.. cause they know no better.. they know no different.. they know not that these "rules" are mere curtains.. some say.. well we have to pay for our food to live.. lmao.. right.. we are the ones who grow the food.. pick the food .. sell the food.. and your telling me that if enough people just decided to quit working and stand together and help each other and share together.. and just live that anything could be done to stop that really? no.. there would be nothing that could be done.. but people they have been conditioned.. they will continue to do what their told.. do what their taught... live the only way they know.. lol.. people seem to not know they have a choice.. they are no levels.. there is no real "Elite".. status is nothing.. we all have the same rights,, its like that line in the Labyrinth movie.. do you remember.. "My will is as strong as yours and my kingdom just as great.. You have no power over me." except add power in there too.. heh.. but people continue on the way they are.. will they ever wise up? maybe... this is purely my thoughts on the matter..
So don't let this stuff get to you.. this is the fault of the workers.. it is their problem.. They are the ones that chose to be unhappy in their lives.. because they do not know there is a way out.. most goings on , on this planet is so unnecessary.. it surprises me sometimes.. and makes me wonder how it got this way in the first place..
live, love, share, harmony, general caring, be happy
sounds kinda hippyish huh? lmao
#rant#rants#ranty#ranty rant#life rants#life#lifestyle#choices#humanity#live#love#share#harmony#caring#happy#behappy#be happy
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Kill Bill The movies
I must be like the only person on the planet that disliked these movies.. <,<. I mean i watched them at my ex's (now friend) sisters house with him, his sis and their dad.. it was SSOOOooooo boring.. I mean.. the movie is just bland as hell.. Perhaps I can tip this off to my Adhd.. but I just disliked it.. and when I tell that to people sometimes they are quite shocked about it.. other times they just stop talking all together.. its like.. "oh well she dislikes this movie so.. now i am uninterested in her.." pfft plz.. its not that great of a movie..that and everyone has their own tastes in movies n junk.. Movies is like Music everyone has their own taste.. and not everyone agrees on all forms of media.. and nobody should be shamed for not agreeing with their point of view.. Srsly ppl.. Stop trying to make people fallow your example!! your not god.. nor deserve to be.. so stop makin like your opinion is the only one that matters in the universe and anyone else who disagrees is garbage.. boy.. I guess every movie must have its enthusiasts.. but when that movie came out that is all I heard about for the longest time.. I still see and hear people randomly mention the movie and how they liked it and will end up referencing the movie from time to time.. pfft.. plz.. I really don't understand the hype around that film..
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Ok so I decided to separate my rants from my main feed.. and decided to keep my main feed game/virtual world related.. I will explain.. that sometimes my rants may offend people.. but they are not ever meant to hurt anyway.. it is just a way for me to vent my frustrations and most possibly my misunderstandings of worldly things.. I am just an average person.. so it could possibly be me being ignorant of a situation or not knowing enough of it.. everything in my life is based on personal experience.. and personal opinions.. if people choose to reply to me.. I will hope that they are collected, rational and positive vs. negative.. I am always willing to learn new things... so .. no need to be irrational and negative.. I am also not the best in English lit.. so i type the way i think it out vs. actually using proper form like you see in published magazines and books.. There is no subject I will not rant on.. could be religion, atheism, every day garbage, anime, manga, music, random news stories.. random stuff i read on the web or watch via you tube.. and that is all I will say today..
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