rajlukam · 4 years
How to Promote a YouTube Channel (2021)
 Youtube, a Google subordinate is the best platform for individual/brands who want simply more. A video distributing & publishing, social network and a search engine itself Youtube has become a video content phenomenon & wonder. Authority, supremacy and influence makes Youtube a power tool for every ordinary voice. With total number of 4950,000,000 videos viewed on Youtube every day, Youtube welcomes you with an open & elaborated market, which is not going to saturate in coming decades too. Many Youtubers buy Youtube subscribers legit and pay to promote youtube videos to promote their channel rankings and reputation. You too can promote your YouTube channel organically to gain more subscribers for it.
The first question any Youtuber wonders, is-
How can I promote my YouTube channel for free?
In this article, you can know, how to promote youtube channel in India or in other countries and win viewership of your target audience by practising essential Youtube marketing strategies. Youtube strategy is the conceptualization of how a target goal can be reached through Youtube. Stick around!
 Strategy#1 Leverage Youtube SEO techniques- Great SEO roots are tangled in understanding what users are searching for.
To get your video rank higher in the SERPs organized by Youtube algorithm, you need to follow some optimizing strategies.
·       Use the power of Keywords- You must identify relevant keywords with a tool like Google Ads keyword planner or Google trends. Using Tools like Tubebuddy or vidIQ you can get dominating keywords and acknowledge how to drive traffic to your youtube channel  . Include these keywords in your title, description and tags to increase your videos discoverability and visibility in search pages.
·       Write a title that is concise, descriptive, attention-grabbing, and catchy. It must be punchy, short and of not more than 60 characters. Include your keywords in the first half of the title.
Say no to Clickbait titles as they are typically over-sensationalized, confusing declarations used to enflame curiosity. Using clickbait can damage your reputation in long run and wear down the faith between you and your viewers.
·       Include an irresistible description- The channel description is your chance to tell people what your channel is about and potential viewers why they should subscribe to your channel! This is a great place to add long-tail keywords. Don’t exceed 5000 characters limit. Include content list, links to relevant playlists, few hashtags and URL to directly subscribe to your Youtube channel.
·       Include closed captions- By including subtitles, you can connect and reach a worldwide audience.
·       Upload a channel trailer to attract and connect the potential subscribers. These auto play & crispy snapshots of 30-60 seconds are premeditated to grab user-attention. Make it the way a movie is promoted before release, highlighting your best parts!
·       Design Custom Thumbnails: Your thumbnail is the first visual communication of your video with a forthcoming viewer. To know, how to get your youtube channel noticed and boost viewership via increased click through rates, create an eye-catchy and compelling thumbnail to your videos. You can use any high-quality image relevant to your content with a
Ø Resolution of 1280 x 720 px (but any 16:9 aspect ratio would be good)
Ø Format .JPG, .GIF, .BMP, or .PNG
Ø Size of not more than 2MB
Ø Use contrasting background colours
Ø Add readable text, stylish fonts and highlighted areas
Ø An amusing facial expression will work too
Ø Use BOGY thumbnails with contrasting colours of that of Youtube
Strategy#2 Leverage email marketing to promote your Youtube channel-Emails enables Youtubers/brands/organizations to connect directly to the inboxes of their subscribers and customers, without needing another service. These connections help continuous relationship building. You can start using your YouTube channel, website, and social media profiles to get viewers to become an email subscriber. Try offering gifts or incentives to attract customers.
Strategy#3 Engage with your community- Building community on is the answer to the question, how to drive traffic to your youtube channel.
You must engage with your audience and foster a sagacity of community. Respond to each and every comment and heart your favourite ones. You can make response videos on user queries to and problems. Ask viewers to like, comment, share and subscribe to your channel.  The more engagement the merrier your success journey gets via promotion in SERPs by Youtube algorithm.
Strategy#4 Run giveaways and contests to promote your Youtube channel
Giveaways and contests are an effect Youtube marketing strategy for engaging your audience, and answers the question well, how to promote youtube videos without paying. You can organize gifts/incentives/prizes to get viewers to subscribe to your channel. In this way, you can reward your existing subscribers, appeal new viewers, drive sales, generate leads, build a more loyal, enthusiastic community and generate more viewership. To run a successful YouTube contest. Ensure it follows to YouTube’s policies and guidelines.
Strategy#5 Cross promote your videos on social media platforms- A key to become popular online is to link all social media accounts together. You can post snippets, teasers, pictures of production procedure, and snapshots of your videos on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to gain views from an already-interested audience. You can create a short video that announces the theme-stuff and inform audience about the longer video on Youtube. You can embed your YouTube videos on your blog or website to increase not only video views, but site traffic as well. Now let us understand,
How to promote your youtube channel on Facebook-
You can easily promote your Youtube channel on Facebook by announcing new YouTube videos and providing a link that heads to your YouTube channel. You can even embed your newest YouTube videos in your Facebook page so they can be watched on Facebook.
How to promote youtube channel on Instagram-You can add the link of your Youtube video in the captions of any post on Instagram. You can even post your Youtube video links to Instagram stories too. They only last 24 hours, but many people use Instagram just to scrutinize through their stories feed.
Using these 5 strategies, you can know, how to promote your Youtube channel organically. Feel free to share!
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rajlukam · 4 years
 With 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute! YouTube still has not reach the saturation point. To leverage this vast and highly competitive marketplace, you must find your target audience on YouTube before you enter into video content production. Youtube audience development helps to concentrate more on creating the right content. Finding who your real audience are, makes it comprehensive to create specific themed videos that establishes you as a specialist or expert in your industry.  Many youtubers get youtube subscribers that are real people to begin their journey by short cuts, this helps them gain more views making them look popular. This further helps them to reach their target audience.
 Youtube audience development- You can leverage Google Adwords Keyword Planner to research monthly search volume of diverse keywords that will contribute in YouTube audience development. And use powerful keywords with high search volume and low competition to drive more target audience towards your content. Lesser competition, drives more engagements and conversions from your target audience.
 To know, how to reach target audience on Youtube, use Youtube analytics to study user-persona and consumer behaviour with respect to location, gender, age, occupation, condition, device they used for watching, knowledge level, specific problems they’re trying to solve and likes & dislikes from them. The more precise details you research, the more “targeted” content you can create by understanding what is the need of the hour. The more specific you get, the more “targeted” content you can create.
 Knowing their explicit interest & needs, you can create videos that helps them achieve what they want and develop into faithful subscribers.
You must create your video at the point of intersection of consumer demand with what your channel’s subject.
 You can find your target audience from-
·       YouTube (YouTube Traffic)
·       Google (Search engine Traffic)
·       Social media platforms
·       Other websites,
·       groups
·       boards
·       forums
·       fan communities
·       Collaborate within YouTube
 Let us understand deeply, how to set audience on Youtube from these various sources
 Source#1 Get your target audience from Youtube itself- The key to Youtube audience development is to participate and build collaborations within YouTube. Collaborations help you to use other Youtuber’s resources, funds and audience. You can comment on other established YouTube channels and participate via interacting in the discussions going on other competitors’ channels. By solving a user query or problem, you can attract your target audience more. Track the positive as well as negative comments on your competitor’s video. As, positive comments can help you to learn to improve, while negative comments on their channel can become your challenge. They are your opportunity to offer yourself to help and share links to your youtube videos as solutions to their problems. To get more target audience,
·       You can make video comments and reply on powerful videos in your niche.
·       You can feature guest Youtubers in your channel and get invited in other Youtube videos in your niche.
·       Star influencers in your videos, to drive their audience to your channel
·       You must practise YouTube SEO techniques for videos optimization to help your Youtube audience development via increasing videos discoverability in SERPs. To boost your rankings to drive more target audience, you must
ü  Use relevant keywords in video title
ü  Add appropriate video tags to the video
ü  Include irresistible description with long-tail keywords. Add list of content, playlists, the problems that you’ll solve and the unique content you are going to provide.
 Source#2 Search Engines traffic
Search engines work by exploring hundreds of billions of pages in terms of results using their own web flatterers. They are dominating fulfilment platforms to help exploration of any topic. You can know how to target business owners on Youtube and how to build an audience on Youtube by attracting and driving search engine traffic. Audience can find your video after searching their explicit problem in the search engine- Google.
You can maximize the probabilities of showing up in the search pages by targeting phrases with relevant keywords included, like; how to, secrets of, review, demo, wonders, incredible, awesome etc.
You can drive more target audience to your channel, if you post on latest trends using Google trends.
 Source#3 Social media platforms and other websites-Quora & Reddit
You can drive your target audience from other websites, groups, boards, forums, fan communities, QA sites and social media platforms. Youtube audience development, get boosted if you make accounts on websites like 
Further fan communities can promote your videos in the group discussions.
Finding your target audience for Youtube channel rely on 2 principles:
·       WHAT viewers want/need, &
·       WHAT encourages/inspire/motivate viewers to engage/participate
 I hope you know now, how to set audience on Youtube which is the process of finding specific group of people and what drives them towards your content.
Feel free to share!
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rajlukam · 4 years
How to Use YouTube Analytics in 2021
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rajlukam · 4 years
How to Get First 1000 followers on Instagram in 2021
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More than 800 million people use Instagram every month and over 500 million logon every day on Instagram. It has the highest average engagement rate beating Facebook and Twitter. Instagram has 33% of the most viewed stories from businesses. According to Instagram, the most important engagements for feed ranking are comments, likes, re-shares, for your video posts, views, which is really helpful to know as you plan your content and captions. The time spent on Instagram is surprising. For brands and retailers, this is a network to engage and connect with their potential buyers. People are now so curious to get 1000 followers on Instagram that they also buy Instagram followers who are real and legit Instagram users.
Instagram algorithm organize a unique feed for every user by analyzing recent posts they have liked historically. After producing a specialized feed, the algorithm shoots up posts from accounts that a user already interacts with. You can rank high with Instagram algorithm and boost up your followers by following these easy tips.
1.POST ON REGULAR BASIS, AS CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY -consistently producing quality content to your Instagram page, is so important as it sends, positive signals to the Instagram algorithm and gives your target audience more opportunities to interact with
·      Importance of posting frequently- to keep your viewers engaged and entertain, you must follow a schedule/pattern in producing videos more consistently. Consistency helps to maintain existing followers also because, people unfollow boring and lazy publishers first.
·      You can upload more videos in a day/week and generate more watch time to your page and increase the followers organically.
2. USE INSTAGRAM STORIES STICKERS- Instagram stories stickers are interactive feature that you can add to your Instagram story, to encourage audience engagement and help you to promote your product/service creatively.  The more views your posts get, the higher they’ll be ranked by the Instagram algorithm. There are many Instagram stickers, but the best ones  are the poll, emoji slider, and question stickers.
3.POST ON LARGER INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT- Posting comments, first on accounts with plenty of followers and competitors accounts, can help get your comment and your profile more visibility. Think about Instagram accounts that your target audience are likely to follow, follow them, and Try to join the conversation in between and drive organic traffic for your profile. Answering to queries, leaving interesting and involved comments on content from potential customers, relevant influencers, and related businesses can help steal your competitor’s following wealth, get more followers on Instagram and helps to maintain a decent follow-to-follower ratio.
4.POST, WHEN YOUR VIEWERS ARE ONLINE- Be active during your peak hours to gain more engagement with the target audience in terms of likes / comments / saves / shares. Posting when your viewers are online helps you to gain more viewer’s attention to your content.
 5.USE INSTAGRAM ANALYTICS TO EXPLORE WHAT IS NEEDED – It is very important to understand what people are interested in and what is working for that and what is not. Using
Instagram Analytics
 you can find out which photo, video, or stories performed best. Monitor on how your content performs and then make the necessary replacements and innovations to your videos, by tracking 
key metrics
 over time.  By visiting IconoSquare’s optimization section, you can get a detailed analysis of your posting history vs. engagement.
  6. USE INSTAGRAM REELS- A new feature of Instagram.
·      Introduction to reels- Reels enables you to create a short vertical video with multiple AR filters, speed manipulation, which are entertaining to share with anyone on Instagram. You can edit this 15-second multi-clip snapshot with music, animations, effects, and new creative editing tools. 
·      Reels help you gain followers- Reels gain more target audience, if the right hashtags are used.) Reels are proving to be beneficial for users to get 1000 real followers on Instagram.
7.ASK YOUR VIEWERS TO FOLLOW YOU AND ORGANIZE GIVEAWAYS FOR YOUR EXISTING FOLLOWERS- Give your audience a call to action (like, comment, share and follow). You can organize gifts/giveaways for your existing and loyal followers.
By following these crucial and fruitful measures, you can reach 1k followers on Instagram.
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