pukupyoo · 6 years
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By: Vincent Bal Instagram: @artwoonz
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pukupyoo · 6 years
On Furuta
I thought I was out of the game, but they dragged me back in.
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Let’s address some common complaints I see within the fandom (talking extremely generally here), and try to correct the misreading of Furuta with the text itself. 
There is nothing plot breaking, or even shallow about Furuta’s character. He’s a character in the narrative the same as everybody else, however the narrative tries to trick you into believing that he is a shallow meme in order to hide his vulnerability. It’s like a narrative thing, alright the rest is under the cut. 
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pukupyoo · 9 years
Just arrived in the mail!
The character-relevant Q&A in this volume reveals the following;
The Twelve Holy Knight’s favourite foods
What Judge and Sun (& Yu Wo) wear when sleeping
‘Unbiased’ handsomeness rankings
Storm forgot his original hair colour.
brb dying of laughter forever
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pukupyoo · 9 years
Q&A with Yu Wo
Today, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Yu Wo-jiejie’s book signing and sharing session at the Singapore Book Fair. In the sharing session, several questions were posed and answered and I will be paraphrasing some of the ones I remember below.
Mostly Okay, all but one are Legend of Sun Knight related.
(Any inaccuracies are definitely my fault.)
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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Legend of the Sun Knight-
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pukupyoo · 9 years
“I slept until my body ached. It was really exhausting.”
-Grisia Sun
(Transilated by PrinceRevolution, story can be read at http://www.princerevolution.org/sunknight-main/ )
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pukupyoo · 9 years
a recommendation: the legend of sun knight
I am a knight. To be precise, I am the Church of the God of Light’s Sun Knight. The Church of the God of Light worships and serves the God of Light, and theirs is one of the three largest religions on this continent. To be the Sun Knight is to have shining golden hair, sky blue eyes, a compassionate nature, and a brilliant smile. “The benevolent God of Light will forgive your sins.” I must have said that line at least a million times in my time as the Sun Knight. However, the greatest wish in my life is to be able to stand before the entire continent and roar, “Damn your ‘the whole continent knows’! This Sun Knight just doesn’t feel like smiling! I just don’t want to forgive these human trashes! I just want to pepper my sentences with ‘f***’!” Unfortunately, even to this day, I continue to wear a smile as I say, “The benevolent God of Light will forgive your sins.”
The Legend of Sun Knight is an excellent series of novels by Yu Wo, currently being fan-translated into English here. It offers a unique look on the fantasy knight archetypes; in short, it’s refreshingly hilarious and one-of-a-kind. It will have you falling out of your chair and in stitches. It will have you gasping for air. It will make you cry and it will make you roll your eyes, but most of all it will remain with you as one of the best fantasy novels you have ever read.
Give it a go.
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pukupyoo · 9 years
Interesting, if an accurate translation.
Eto: As you all know, we are trying to create a world that is suitable for ghouls, where ghouls living peacefully is treated as normal. The enemy before us are the doves, and eliminating the twisted origins they are hiding is our mission. Kanou describes this world as a twisted birdcage. I agree with this description, so I uses this description as well. Destroying this birdcage, to restore the balance to the scales that represent the world, I hope you will become the cornerstone in fulfilling this noble cause. The reason for ccg’s creation is due to the one eyed ghoul that possessed great power a hundred years ago. The humans had no chance but establish an organization to counter it. Thus, whenever an one-eyed ghoul appears, it signifies a great revolution. I believe that some here believes the one-eyed owl to be our king, however, I am not your king.
Source: Baidu
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pukupyoo · 9 years
Arima 「ー旧多」 Furuta. 「”V” が呼んでいる… “カネキケン” についてだー」 ”V” is calling… It’s about ‘Kaneki Ken’.
Furuta 「おやおやキッショーさん どもども」 Oh my, Kishou-san. Good day. 「ごくろーさまです」 Thank you for your efforts.
Okay so from this. Arima still refers to Kaneki Ken in katakana instead of the usual kanji. I’m not exactly sure what that truly entails but it’s the same ‘Kaneki Ken’ he said back in V14. The way Arima calls Furuta is very casual and his words are casual as well.
As for Furuta’s Kishou-san, it wasn’t even written in kanji but in katakana instead and that alone kind of makes it suspicious. Despite the first-name basis, Furuta’s still polite with his words.
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pukupyoo · 9 years
What exactly does V want to do? Back in chapter 125, they talked about Aogiri destroying the equilibrium that V has been maintaining. Maybe it's an obvious question, but what is the equilibrium? When you talked about Aogiri's motives, you said that you had a hunch that they're after V. Can you explain why? (And not related, your tag page is pretty funny.)
Oh lol thanks XD I need to update the tag page soon though. Got new characters and descriptions to add in :)
This is a long post btw, but it’s certainly worth discussing.
I’m not sure about V. Nothing’s really known about them, so it’s hard to guess what their organization is about. The only thing I know is that Yoshimura used to be a “cleaner”, or a hitman, for them, taking out any human, ghoul, or organization that stood in the way of V. V definitely isn’t a friendly ghoul organization.
However, it’s pretty clear that Aogiri and V are opposing groups with their ideologies. V, as you stated, wants this equilibrium, or the status quo, to remain.
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I’m not entirely sure what this equilibrium refers to, but in context with Aogiri, it might be the balance between humans and ghouls.
On the other hand, Aogiri seems to be the opposite. Instead of keeping this equilibrium, they’re rapidly shifting it to the ghouls’ side. But why? Kanou, who later joins Aogiri, words it in this way, when he explains why he does his half-ghoul experiments:
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So who made the birdcage? This panel back from chapter 125 seems to hint at something:
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The birdcage is mentioned again, when Yoshimura refuses to agree with V’s demands to kill Eto. This seems to imply that V is one of the organizations who made this metaphorical birdcage.
Also, I don’t know if I’m just imagining it, but there are two darker tendrils that connect the two locks together, in the shape of a V (you can look above to compare). But you never know, especially with Ishida and his habit for doing stuff like this.
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(As a side note, the tarot card for V (or Roman numeral 5) is the Hierophant, which is associated with status quo, higher body of office, tradition, power, deception, etc. Seems pretty relevant to what we know of V.)
An important thing to mention is that there are two locks. That means that both need to be unlocked for this birdcage to fall apart. But what do they represent? The top lock seems to represent V, thanks to the V-shaped tendril.
Meanwhile, note that the cage extends to the city and below as well, with the lock right at the buildings where humans dwell. Personally, I think this symbolizes that humans are part of this reason why the birdcage exists. But not just any humans. Specifically, the CCG.
The CCG as it is now is hindering the progress of unifying humans and ghouls. According to them, all ghouls are bad, and discovering the existence of one will allow them to either be locked up, or killed and turned into a quinque, depending on how the ghoul reacts. It doesn’t seem fair when the ghoul did nothing wrong, right? Especially those like Arata Kirishima who feeds his family by collecting corpses, people who have died long ago.
In addition, the CCG has been shown to be sketchy at times, despite their overall good intent to protect humans. An important instance of this is in chapter 115 when Eto (as Takatsuki Sen) goes to the CCG to talk to Amon about the truth of Kanou’s lab and how Kanou had such a facility available to him.
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Pretty suspicious, right? The CCG are being supplied with RC solution by Sphinx, whose president is the one and only father of Kurona and Nashiro (the twins). Where is Sphinx getting the RC solution from, if it’s not from the CCG? My guess is that Sphinx is getting it from V. V certainly has the means to do so, as a powerful ghoul organization with cleaners like Yoshimura/Kuzen who could easily provide enough ghouls to turn them into RC solution.
Additionally, although the mansion was owned by the president, the underground lab facility was owned by the CCG.
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The CCG has been doing experiments on turning humans into ghouls. So why would the CCG do this? Indeed, if the public found out about, then they would be in major trouble. Also, if the CCG was doing experiments on this, then why did Kanou leave the CCG? I think it has something more to do with destroying the “birdcage” and less to do with the ethical issues that arise from human experimentation. But again, this is speculation.
Another question to consider is why Eto and Aogiri are so interested in this research. One of Aogiri’s goals is “ghoul supremacy”, to bring ghouls up higher in status. But there is another, more vague reason that Tatara gives:
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Who is the liar? Is it V? Perhaps. It could certainly be the CCG, since they’re being hypocritical by doing their human experimentation. V and CCG might have created the birdcage, while Aogiri attempts to destroy it. Or maybe it’s none of the above. Either way, V, Aogiri and the CCG seem to be connected, and hopefully we’ll find out how and why.
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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It has always fascinated me how Ishida uses his parallels throughout the whole story for differents events and characters. And I wonder, how long before the pilot chapter he has planned all these detailed elements. Is he human? :O We could write a whole book about it and we will never know for sure, haha.
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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If anyone doesn’t know about this yet.
On the left we have…
Kiyoko Aura - (First name Kiyoko surname Aura) The foremost female investigator of the CCG, the first female Special class investigator, graduated alongside Kasuka Mado.
On our right we have…
New Quinx Aura - Seeing as Urie has a penchant for calling his Quinx comrades by their last names, there is a fairly high likelyhood this person is a relative, perhaps her son. I wonder why if he is her son did he join the quinx? is he trying to live up to his mother’s level of standard?
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 59 - 伏せ
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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pukupyoo · 9 years
Kaneki still cares
I really don’t think there’s any reason to think Kaneki has stopped caring about his old comrades like Hinami and Tsukiyama. For one, why would he?
Remember that Kaneki has always been a good actor, and other people have noted this about him. 
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We’ve been locked out his thoughts since his “return” so he is frustratingly harder to read than usual right now, but he’s shown most of these same patterns of behavior before. 
He honestly seems pretty similar to how he was post-Aogiri. Remember, he did a lot of pretty fucked up shit then - see this post for more details. What he said to Urie might cross a line he hadn’t crossed before, but otherwise I don’t think he’s in any way more “evil”.
His creepy fake smile this chapter reminds me a lot of this scene:
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as this post already pointed out. 
Also remember that we’ve only had 5 chapters since his “return” - when Kaneki’s brutal side first emerged in TG 63/64, it took quite a few chapters for his softer side to really show with scenes like him cutting Hinami’s hair. We should probably be patient before we make assumptions about that side of him being lost. And he’s (probably) undercover at the CCG right now - he can’t really afford to put down his mask.
“He tried to kill Tsukiyama!”
Well, I don’t think this one is up for debate, really, seeing how Hori, basically explicitly spells it out for us, that Kaneki didn’t want to kill Tsukiyama, because if he had Shuu would be dead right now.
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With the way the scene plays out, I think it’s quite clear that Kaneki waits when he dangles Tsukiyama over the roof until he knows Kanae will jump to save him.
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 It was a very cold, calculating move, but what else could he have done? He was given direct orders to exterminate the Tsukiyama family so he couldn’t take ownership of him especially with Ui right there. If Kaneki hadn’t dealt with him, Ui would have. And he needed at least pretend to be allied with the CCG or he’d be basically signing Hinami’s death warrant.
I think what Kaneki did was the the only - or one of the very few - ways he could give both Hinami and Tsukiyama the best chance of survival. And that brings me on to:
“He abandoned Hinami”
I think he’s in a very self-destructive state right now, and pushing everyone away, to protect them. The poem in Volume 5 suggests that he considers himself poisonous to those around him and is now distancing himself. After all, he’s recently put Tsukiyama and the Quinx in danger due to their proximity to them.
He behaved similarly post Aogiri when he left Anteiku and pushed Touka away, but seems worse right now as at least then he had at least Hinami and Banjou as emotional support - now, he might have no one to help him when he inevitably crashes.
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But he may have a better reason for avoiding seeing Hinami too - if he suddenly showed interest in Hinami, or was seen conversing with her, it would cast a lot of suspicion on him. He’s obviously changed a lot since the Exterminate Tsukiyama Operation, but that could be explained by the shock Shirazu’s death. Akira mentioned before that Haise had never lost a subordinate before - it’s probably expected that he would take it very hard and change. But visiting Hinami might set off alarm bells that his memories have returned.  
Also, his reason for visiting Eto right now could even be looking for help in rescuing Hinami. I think in staying with the CCG, he’s in a much better position to help her from the inside - and not to mention take down people like Arima.
I really don’t think Kaneki is currently all that different to how he used to be. His current motives probably involve saving Hinami someway, and some people are really jumping the gun in calling him heartless or uncaring.
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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and all the kids cried out ‘please stop you’re scaring me!’
i can’t help this awful energy
goddamn right you should be scared of me
who is in control?
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pukupyoo · 9 years
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