The inconvenient truth about spirituality #8: How did our society get so deranged?
How did our society get so deranged? Stress and technology Coming full circle to the beginning of this article, the problem is that we are educated in a way to be productive but not to find ourselves. This results in 3 problems:1. We are so stressed that it now becomes a fashion to recreate superficially and compensate with outer style for inner values; and 2. Our technology enables our…

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The inconvenient truth about spirituality #7: The revenge of the suppressed
The revenge of the suppressed How does it happen that society swings back and forth from and to old habits so that history repeats itself? To understand that, you have to go back to when you were a sensitive little child and felt often unseen or suppressed. Kids still have the sixth sense we meanwhile lost; and if a kid’s soul is disregarded long enough it either flees into the fantasy world of…
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I would like to thank my 7 most valuable readers
Many subscribers are simply bots, another bunch are people who “trade” their attention for their project, but there are a few whom I really learned to love deeply over the years. Now that I am in the midst of my final article about “the inconvenient truth about spirituality”, I would love to express to those who have my respect my deepest grattitude and apprecciation. Those are in reverse order…
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The inconvenient truth about spirituality #6
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The inconvenient truth about spirituality #5
The Dark Side of Female Spirituality When I stood at the back of a village church as a teenager, I noticed men sitting on the right side, engaged in prayer, while women on the left side recited their own verses. It struck me that both genders represent the two sides of the brain, which need to be balanced. However, by imposing “equal rights” and having people of both genders sit on both sides, we…

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The inconvenient truth about spirituality #4: The Enablers
The enablers One of the most insidious causes behind the current state of our society is the complicity of those who enable the perpetration of a distorted system that exploits the third world and the environment. A challenge faced by individuals who are admired for their positive impact in spreading happiness, promoting inspiration, and facilitating healing is the potential for their efforts…

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The inconvenient truth about spirituality #3: The dark side of female spirituality
The Dark Side of Female Spirituality When I stood at the back of a village church as a teenager, I noticed men sitting on the right side, engaged in prayer, while women on the left side recited their own verses. It struck me that both genders represent the two sides of the brain, which need to be balanced. However, by imposing “equal rights” and having people of both genders sit on both sides,…
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The inconvenient truth about spirituality #2: My understanding of Ego and Karma
This article-series was difficult for me to write – not because I had to collect information, but everything is connected with each other, so that the distinction into chapters was difficult.However, take it as a chance to see – like in a hologram – in each chapter (except for this one;-) all aspects of the other chapters. My understanding of Ego and Karma My understanding of the ego and Karma…
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My last supper with you, dear readers
All things must come to an end and so must this site. For a decade I did collect all information about the yoga-meditation I do publicly to share it with everyone, then to inspire others by telling you how I did build it up over many years life then to compile it into a course (mostly in vain) then to be there for practitioners to give inside-advice for their abstract issues, and at one…
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I cancel my Twitter account due to Elon Musk's uncompassionate behavior
I cancel my Twitter account due to Elon Musk’s uncompassionate behavior
https://nonzero.substack.com/p/elons-cognitive-empathy-issue The article above describes how Musk has a cognitive empathy issue, and whilst I (as many) admired his intellectual ability it became clear to me that someone* who fires half of the staff of his firm without notice, * turning of people’s computer; * then despite their work-contract summons them instantly to come to the office again…
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Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem (Joe Frank)
Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem (Joe Frank)
After watching a video about Robin William’s final months, I wrote following comment: As tragic as his death was (and as much as I miss his compassionate heart) there is something good I can take out of Robin William’s suicide (to give his tragedy a purpose):I am certain most of us are wishing that we would have known him and could have told him that, despite how shitty he felt then, his life…

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A German tribute to the death of the queen
A German tribute to the death of the queen
Queen Elisabeth the second did remind me of my dependable grandmother.7 Years after the world war two, Queen Elisabeth had started to mend European and global wounds by lovingly embracing all nations again. Us normal people usually only see the glamour, luxury and endless fulfillment of their needs, but now that she died and I reflect upon her life and see the sacrifice royals have to make…

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#dependable#diplomacy#England#Great Britain#Her Majesty#peacekeeper#postponing opinion#Queen#Queen Elisabeth#Queen Elisabeth IInd#reliable#respect#royal#taking a step back#Throne
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Lass' Deine Seele Dein Pilot sein
Lass’ Deine Seele Dein Pilot sein
Wenn du am Boden liegst und sie zählen dich ausWenn du kein Geheimnis mehr hastWenn dich Sorgen quälen … Lass Dich Deine Seele führen, sie wird Dich gut leiten …Wenn deine Landkarte keine Orientierung bietetWenn du nichts erfährst und der Kompass keine vernüftige Richtung anzeigt… …Nimm die Seele als Lotsenvertrau dich ihr ansie wird dich gut führen Wenn die Ärzte dich nicht heilen…

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#evolution#let your soul be your pilot#Liebe#orientation#Ruhe#Schmerz#Seele#Selbstfindung#selbstmord#sinn im leben#spirituality#Sting#Trost#Verwirrung#Verzweiflung
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Let your soul be your pilot
Let your soul be your pilot
Let your soul guide you He’ll guide you well Mail mir, damit ich Dir diese Seite ins Deutsche übersetze When you’re down and they’re countingWhen your secrets all found outWhen your troubles take to mountingWhen the map you have leads you to doubtWhen there’s no informationAnd the compass turns to nowhere that you know well Just let your soul be your pilot Let your soul guide you He’ll guide…

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#comfort#confused#desperate#evolution#let your soul be your pilot#love#orientation#pain#purpose in life#solace#soul-search#spirituality#Sting#suicidal#tranquility
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Beispiel fĂĽr eine sachliche Corona- Impfdiskussion
Beispiel fĂĽr eine sachliche Corona-Â Impfdiskussion
Wenn man den Trubel sieht, der um das Impfen derzeit gemacht wird, würde ich auch behaupten, dass die 2 Jahre an Panik, die inzwischen verbreitet wurden, schädlicher als das Impfen selbst waren.Und das sage ich als Jemand der noch gar nicht geimpft ist, weil ich noch auf die Totstoffimpfung von Valneva warte. Generelle Aversionen deuten meist auf Engstirnigkeit hin, die nicht mehr das ganze Bild…

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Semitismus, Christentum, Flacherde, Zeitrechnung, Geld
Semitismus, Christentum, Flacherde, Zeitrechnung, Geld
Weil es einige hitzige Diskussionen über diese Bereiche gibt, wollte ich kurz laienhaft zusammenfassen, wodurch ich in diesem (englischsprachigen) Podcast inspiriert wurde: Sumerer waren die ersten, die eine Schrift (Cuneiform) entwickelt haben.Deren Sprache ist heutzutage anscheinend nirgendwo mehr selbst nur als Sprachwurzel bekannt. Das kommt daher, weil sich die babylonische Sprache langsam…
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Der Denkfehler bei der Flacherde
Der Denkfehler bei der Flacherde
Ich ganz persönlich sehe den Denkfehler in der Flacherden-Sicht darin, dass das ganze Modell letztendlich eine Schwerkraft unter Allem suggeriert, was die ganze Thematik also nur nach unten verlagert: Woher kommt die dann ? Steht die also auf einer Schildkröte, und wenn ja, worauf soll die dann stehen? Außerdem ist eine Rückkehr zum Mittelalter nur eine phantasielose Annahme. Wer sagt denn,…

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